Stella Dimoko Actress Mide Martins Clears The Air On Neglecting Her Step Brother And Begs That He Be Released To Her


Monday, February 22, 2021

Actress Mide Martins Clears The Air On Neglecting Her Step Brother And Begs That He Be Released To Her

Mide who is the daughter of the late actress Funmi Martins has shared her own side of the story following the recent controversy surrounding the welfare of her half brother who is believed to be the son of musician Shina Peters.



  1. There are lot of rum our going round, I headed the mother died of hear attack as a result of the report given to her that sina peters and mide were spotted in an hotel, all those shouting she was bearly a child can go n read comments on blogs

    1. There are rumours about all of us everywhere and many are not true. Imagine now being in the public eye! The press back then were as ruthless as bloggers are now and they controlled the narrative. I also read so many stories then about Mide’s husband but today with the internet I’m able to see that some stories are just rumours.

    2. Were u the one who spotted them? Think with your pea brain please.

    3. By the way that's his brother. Not step brother. Her mother gave birth to him. You are only step or half if you share a father

    4. Anon 9:02: Don't mind dem o. Those bloggers certainly heard wrong! Mide and which Peters in which hotel? I was still in secondary school when Funmi Martins died and the "rumour" then was that it was Mrs. Peters who eliminated her because she didn't want to share her husband with another star actress like Clarion Chukwurah- Clarence's mom. She died during or not too long after childbirth then I think. An allegation that Mrs. Sami Peters vehemently denied then. Who wouldn't?

      That is why Mide doesn't listen to those who ask how she ended up with "that" her husband with all her beauty. When her breadwinner mom died, it was the man who took responsibility for her upkeep and married her eventually (as a virgin). So, how can anyone accuse her of being responsible for her mom's death? Abeg nobody should scratch open this lady's old wound again mbok. Do you know what a helpless, beautiful young girl like her went through back then? So, if her grandma decided to be consoling herself with the controversial baby, she should go and kidnap the boy abi? It's Bishop Shina Peters that should coman explain how he abandoned his child not Mide. DNA test is 70-100k now, so let him confirm if it was his pr**q that produced Damilare and f*ckig man-up to his duties! Was it not after Clarence became a success that he started shouting "my son, my son" upandan too. Mtscheww. Nobody should annoy me today o. I am not feeling nice.

    5. Amebonawork, you’ve written my comment already, no need to add. 👌😘

    6. Anon 14:18. The designation of half or step applies to either parent. If you share one parent, whether mother or father, you are half-siblings. If your connection is through marriage, meaning your parent had you and his/her parent had him/her before father/mother married your father/mother, you are step-siblings. Nigerians typically call half-siblings step-siblings because of Cinderella's wicked step-mother and step-sisters. We see step-mothers and their children as wicked too and use the same tag. However, most polygamous families have step-mothers and half-siblings and only those children brought into the marriage are step.

    7. 19:40

      I was busy explaining this to my Nigerian friend 😂.. I had to let it go meh.

  2. From this explanation, it's like the issue here is about custody.
    Please if I might ask, can she not also contribute towards his well-being without him being in her custody?

    1. It will never get to him.

      I recall my sister paying schools fees and feeding allowance for my cousin every quater. Like 300,000 naira. Minimum 1.2mil a year. The money was never used on him. Instead my aunty used that money to be training her kids and put my cousin in a public school. Eventually the boy turned out bad both academically and morally.

      By the time my sister found out it was late. She got the boy over to her house and he began primary school again like at age 8. He his in secondary school now like age 21. His living with another aunty now.

      My sister tried to accommodate him but he was terribly behaved. Dont want to go into details.

      She should adopt him but she needs to be very watchful and prayerful.

    2. 10:41, your cousin was a little boy of less then 10. Mide's brother is an adult, 19yrs, the money will get to him,he will have a personal bank account to collect money directly

  3. If they still refuse to release d boy to her, then it's no longer her fault.

    1. Thank you! Will she go and kidnap the boy when they have refused to let her train him despite her asking seven times? They were claiming "capable" since. Now wey grandma don die and food and fuel don cost, dem wan offload am.

  4. Only in Nigeria will they make a 19 yr look like a little child. For crying out loud he is now an adult!! Which one is "release him to me" . He can decide if he wants to stay with you or not as an adult that he is. Abeg you guys should go and sort your family issue.

    1. I'm telling you. A 19 year old is an adult for Christ sake.

    2. Since you guys dragged her on SM, that's why she's asking he be released to her. It was a private matter before now it is public. You guys should just free her, she hustled her way up. She lost her mum too, because she's doing well now pple r now dragging her into the mess Shina Peter is meant to clean up and own up to.

    3. As in ehhhhhhhhh an adult like this
      A 19years can be a father nahhhh

    4. One person up there is even saying the help rendered from afar cannot get to him and comparing him with an 8yrs old boy. What happened to bank accounts and telecommunication? Nigeria has a long way to go

    5. Anon: 10:33: God bless you seriously.

  5. Is it Mark Zuckerberg she's asking to release her brother to her abi her followers???

    Everything must be brought to the internet

  6. Hmmmm....all i have to say is family issues are very complicated,there will be certain details only Mide and her family are privy to;so dont just judge her.
    2nd she was but a teenager herself when d mum died and left a new-born baby,i was told. Her whole world crashed,d mum was all she had. Shes had to hustle alone to get to where she is...3rd yes siblings are supposed to be there for one another,but d responsibility lies with dos who brought d child into the world,the boy still has a father dat MUST do his duty;even if Mide takes him in.

    1. Bed and roses may u increase in wisdom. Well said

    2. Thank you bed and roses. They turned it all on her head forgetting the boy also has a father. Let shina peter man up to his duties. Mide might look rich on the outside, but nobody is living with her to know her true finacial state.

    3. Beds and Roses you have said it all jare 👍

    4. 100% correct..Same thing I told someone..His father nko

    5. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    6. God bless all of you in more ways than you were expecting.

  7. How can the boy be 19yrs when the mother died 19years ago! did she died while giving birth to him? WHAT DO I EVEN KNOW SELF!

    1. His mother died not so long after birth I think

    2. Exactly you don't know. The Damilare was a few weeks old when the mum died. So do the calculations.

  8. Mide no get talk o.
    Even if your brother does notmlive with you, what step did you take to supposed him since he was a baby?

  9. Evil family members. They want to keep him so whatevs his father sends they can keep chopping from it. Run for your life to your sister before they destroy your life. Thank them and move on please.

  10. I remember the first movie Mide did. It came out after her mum died, in fact the selling point of the movie was that, she lost her mum and still had her younger ones to take care of especially the baby. She did an interview/intro to the movie where she wept bitterly capitalising on the baby. I thought the baby now young man was with her all through or she was at least taking care of him financially. This world, you can never know things for certain and the young man Damilare please don't allow people to push you, stop feeling entitled. 19 is old enough to take up your own responsibility and hustle your way.

    1. 19years is old enough to take care of himself in Nigeria. Really? Please be realistic. He is barely an adult and if he has relatives that can help make his journey into adulthood easier, I see nothing wrong with that. Will you stop looking out for your child once he is 19?

    2. Honestly, Nigerian parents need to do better and face up to their responsibilities. The burden on siblings can sometimes be too much. Parents have more kids than they can afford and then expect the older ones to be financially responsible for the younger ones, as well as the parents themselves. It really isn’t fair as life is hard enough already as it is. Imagine expecting a teenager to be responsible for her mother’s newborn.

      Children are not slaves or retirement plans. If you can’t afford to have kids or are unable to care for them or make appropriate arrangements for them, take the necessary precautions to ensure that you don’t reproduce. A hysterectomy or vasectomy is cheaper and way easier than raising children. There are already enough broken children who will become broken adults in the world.


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