It's a beautiful day on my side...Very Cold and the Sun is just there doing nothing....LOL
In house memo alert........
The story below was lifted from a closed group on a facebook page and given to me to post....The owner of the dream contacted me and i have given her the byline for dreaming....Please to you who brought the story here,I know you mean well but please next time lets do what is right ok?Intellectual property theft is a very disgraceful thing and i don't wanna be accused of such....Thanks.
I will send her the link to this page after i post it so i guess it would be good to officially welcome her here...She says someone sent her the link to the first post where her story was posted.....
To all new blog visitors,the in house news is where BVs do all things that have to do with the blog and ourselves....
People who visit here are referred to as Blog visitors.(BV)
Welcome BV Ademidun.
Somebody made a comment about spiritual Husband/Wife but mine is very different from it, I am sharing my experience with y'all.... My experience is way different from this......This one is still a mystery to me till date....
Back in the school days some years ago, I came back from school that very day and knew I was not going to go to school for lectures the next day cos I didnt have much on me anymore, I was expecting money from home so I told my room mate that I wouldn't be going to school the next day..
I slept that night and had a dream, I found myself on a road walking down but I know that road in reality, i was the only one on that path, i walked down to the T- junction and saw three grown women with white hair, they all tied white wrappers with white Oja round their waist with some white beads on their legs and hands, I saw them and stopped, the three bowed their heads greeting and I related to them as if we've known before, I cant specifically say what we talked about but as they were about leaving, they removed money from their wrappers respectively and gave it to me, they tied the money at the edge of their wrappers, i collected it from them, they bowed their head again and left...
I walked back home in the dream, took one handouts and kept the money inside...I woke up the next morning, I have even forgotten I had the dream so I went about the morning chores so when my roommate was leaving, she wanted to take her handout cos we normally arrange our handouts in the trolley, she picked it and was checking and saw the money, she came to call me and accused me of keeping money because I didn't want to go to school that i should have told her if I have a date or a guy was coming to visit me instead of lying that I don't have money, I was dumbfounded cos it was the money I was given in the dream I kept in the handout in the dream and i saw it.
I told my roommate everything, she didn't believe me, she even took out of the money to school, we later cooked soup from the money in the evening, while eating, some of my other friends that ate were just laughing at me...Till today, it remains a mystery to me, I told only my mum about it...sometimes when I am walking and I see any woman dressed like that, I try to avoid them but funny enough, it's either they walk up to me and start shaking that thing in their hand and eulogizing me, I give them money when I am in a good mood but I mostly avoid them...
This one in particular hits me..This is just one of few mysterious things that I have experienced...One other one I want to share but might bring it on as a comment on this post... Anyone here with an experience as mine?
Yes! I said I was going to share another one but it's going to be in the comment section under my post and this is it..
I went for a programme back in school, it was a night vigil, I went in company of three other ladies and a guy, as the vigil was going on, the invited minister summoned me out, I went out,he called other people out too and when it got to my turn, he asked where my Dad is, I answered, he asked me where my mum is, I answered and he asked me that have I noticed that whatever I say comes to pass, I said yes, that's a story for another day:::
he then told me that I need to go to my mum and ask her to tell me who exactly I am, that there are some things she needed to tell me, but he said he would be leaving me with just one word and never to forget it that whenever anyone offends me and I am pained to my bone marrow, I should never at any point in time say any negative words to the person or anyone...
As at that time, I didn't take it serious, but in the recent times, I have known well...Things about me is Deep, i am still on the path unraveling the hidden things about me that right now, I fear for ME......
These things are deep, I cant even open my mouth to say things I have experienced.....There was a time we vacated from school and instead of going home, I followed my friend home just to spend few days with her and then head home. As we got to their house, her dad was sitting in a wooden chair, it was these chair that one could relax and stretched on and as soon as we got to their house, she greeted her dad and as I was about to kneel and greet the man, the man screamed and shouted "Emakunle funmi, emi loye kin dobale funyin( Dont kneel for me, I am supposed to be the one prostrating for you), he said moyika otun o, moyika osi o and saying all sorts of things, someone I was supposed to kneel for was almost prostrating for fact, I was very embarrassed, even my friend was dumbfounded::
These things are deep, I cant even open my mouth to say things I have experienced.....There was a time we vacated from school and instead of going home, I followed my friend home just to spend few days with her and then head home. As we got to their house, her dad was sitting in a wooden chair, it was these chair that one could relax and stretched on and as soon as we got to their house, she greeted her dad and as I was about to kneel and greet the man, the man screamed and shouted "Emakunle funmi, emi loye kin dobale funyin( Dont kneel for me, I am supposed to be the one prostrating for you), he said moyika otun o, moyika osi o and saying all sorts of things, someone I was supposed to kneel for was almost prostrating for fact, I was very embarrassed, even my friend was dumbfounded::
I was suppose to sleep over, I had to leave cos I wasn't comfortable anymore..It waa after we resumed back to school I asked my friend why her dad was behaving like that and she told me that after I left, her dad said told her that I wasn't an ordinary person that the moment he saw us, he saw other women around me and they were wearing white, that it wasn't just the two of us...
Recently, I am beginning to understand the deeper things that I ought to have known before now. I am a Christian, a true one so I didnt even want to believe any of these things despite that they were so glaring....I only believe in God and His words but recently, God has helped me to understand and unravel things that are hidden to me.
A Logistics company in Aleshinloye area of Ibadan needs the services of an experienced Driver and a Dispatch Rider.
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Interested persons should call 09024091193
Recently, I am beginning to understand the deeper things that I ought to have known before now. I am a Christian, a true one so I didnt even want to believe any of these things despite that they were so glaring....I only believe in God and His words but recently, God has helped me to understand and unravel things that are hidden to me.
wow reading this gave me exciting goose bumps oh....Hmmmmm!!!..You and i will be good friends,i can feel it already.I hope posting this story will bring good luck to whoever reads it...AMEN!!
A Logistics company in Aleshinloye area of Ibadan needs the services of an experienced Driver and a Dispatch Rider.
The driver must have a valid Drivers Licence
The Driver and Rider must be able to read and write
They must be able to speak basic English and Yoruba
They must be neat and responsible
Interested persons should call 09024091193
Dear friends
ReplyDeleteNo matter how big a problem is, there is a solution. You might not see it now, but it's there
There's no heartbreak that won't pass, time makes pain easier to bear. Nothing is worth taking your life. Just give yourself time.
Suicide is not the answer.
DeleteTrue suicide is not the answer.
DeleteGood afternoon blog visitors. Stella hope you're getting better...
To anyone passing through unbelievable pain, DEATH IS NOT THE ANSWER
ReplyDeleteThere is always a solution to anything you're passing through._Mirrowss
Life! I remembered when Dimeji Bankole, the former speaker married his first wife, who we learned is a medical Dr, we were all awwwing and most babes were jealous of the lucky girl, few years down the lane, marriage packed up ,not happy with the divorce, but sometimes love is not always enough, heard they were both As, and They lost their child to sickle cell now guy man marrying another small girl.
ReplyDeleteAdemidun you're welcome
You're not a good person
DeleteAnon if me advising people to think twice when when their genotype does not go together makes me a bad person, I accept with my full chest
DeleteThere is no way a medical doctor will knowingly marry an AS when he/she is also AS. The way you typed this comment is not nice, try to be considerate. You are also a woman, it can happen to anybody please.
DeleteHello, PLEASE IS THERE ANYONE WHO CAN DIRECT ON ON WHERE TO BUY VELVET BATHROBES IN ABUJA. Its really urgent and i also want a store not online store due to my previous experience. please someone should help me or if you have a store here in abj were you sell, you can drop your contact. thanks
ReplyDeleteWhen your Boyfriend says you're crazy but he loves your crazy, biko what does it mean?
ReplyDeleteIs that even a compliment?
I think it is a compliment.
DeleteMine used to and still tells me that I'm very stubborn and that's one of the things that endears him to me.
With the way he says it, I take it as a compliment. 🙄🙄
Yes its a complement. And I get that all the time from Mr man.
DeleteOk o, thank you ladies for the clarification.
DeleteYou are not Ordinary true true, but from a spiritually strong kingdom of darkness and all those who have these dark powers recognize you as powerful, your mothers of darkness are protecting you. It all depends on you to decide whether you want to break away from these powers and follow God or enjoy their earthly protection while being severed from Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteSome people sha who told u,DAT how people go dey talk say marine spirit no good na evil spirit and DAT just pure lies the marine is another world on it own and it something beautiful ademidun u beta embrace your new powers and use dem well it is an ancestral package ooo
DeleteExactly what I thought
DeleteChristianity is not the only religion,stop seeing others religion as darkness, so far she's not using it to harm anyone, or haven't you see some evil pastors who uses psalm to do eto to destroy homes???
DeleteDo you know what a T-junction connotes? It connotes a devilish pact. I think your mum may have sold your soul to the devil. Those women you see are meant to guide you into what you are supposed to be when you are ready. You must denounce every demonic pacts that your mother may have signed on your behalf
Delete@Oyinlo and Treasure
So the marine world is where the God that created the heavens and the earth dwells?
Are you guys serious?
Wow! 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
You know my advice, if you belong there, or meet them, just shout "Jesus," If any of them
are still standing up, looking at you and smiling, then let's see.
1st of all i like your name Ademidun. Nice you said you have embraced Jesus as your lord and saviour, and you no who you are in christ,that's all that matters. Hold on to Jesus and all mysteries would be made known unt you.
DeleteWhat makes you think that I am from the kingdome of darkness?
DeleteHow much do you know Christ cos I have known him a long time ago and he is the sweetest thing I have ever known and having this dream constantly, does it change my faith in christ, No!Do you know it was even Christ that helped me in unraveling the things I needed to have known a long time ago. Do i still see them, Yes! We are created unique and differely and I know I am one rare and unique person.
@ Ademidun, if you really want to be a child of God, you must renounce all those powers, do a self deliverance or go to deliverance ministry like MFM and be fully dedicated to Christ Jesus. When the pay back time comes for all the benefits you've been enjoying, my dear, you will wish you hadn't been born. Trust me, it shall surely come. Pls pity your generations unborn
DeletePoster I wrote 14.05 and please don't get me wrong, I am not trying to tag you a wicked or evil person, but some things are beyond our understanding. Note that the minister who called you out told you to ask questions, did you and were you told the truth?
DeleteThis one is not by confession and profession of Jesus Christ alone. Believe me, when the appointed time comes for your spiritual assignment to start, that is when you will get it. EVEN THEN, IT IS NOT EASY TO BREAK AWAY from these powers. May God help all of us. Foundational covenants are one of the hardest battles to conquer. May God help us all. 🙏🙏🙏
And lest I forget, as long as you still see them in your dreams/sleep, you are still a part of them ohhh. One evidence of being free from them is they'll stop visiting you in the dream or you'll have a dream that the relationship scattered. Na person wey understand these things dey talk. The deliverance sef no be three days or weeks own. It'll take years of consistent and fervent prayers. May God give every child parents who will not deliberately implicate their lives with darkness.
DeleteI am sorry if my comment came off wrongly. I am not saying you are from the kingdom of darkness. What I mean is that those powers are from the kingdom of darkness. Your mum needs to answer for this pact. Please read "He came to set the captives free" so you can understand my point of view. Children, even though innocent, are sometimes brought into this mess by their parents. Those women that you see in your dream or that gifted people see around you are meant to groom you once you are ready. You know Christ, I am not doubting that, but please renounce these powers are beings and then do the MFM deliverance that was recommended for you by the BV above.
DeletePS your being in Christ makes you different and unique and not because of this ability. IT IS NOT FROM GOD. DENOUNCE IT! I screenshotted your story to my pastor and he said the same thing in a not so subtle way. This ability is not from God. If God wants to appear to you it won't be at a T junction (do you even know what that signifies?) and He definitely won't appear to you in the form of women, dressed like Egbe worshippers and what not. You need to ask your mum questions, dig deep into your roots for therein lies your answers. Let your mum come clean. Denounce the devil and his manifestation in your life and pray to God to close all demonic portals gaining access to and through you.
DeletePls if separating from them the native way good? Will they leave you permanently while you get closer to God? I'm asking bcos I've been told I have a strong spirit husband and I'll need to cut him off. Mine doesn't bring me goodluck but stagnation and av just last week I saw women wearing white in my dream
DeleteHey Ademidun,I am a known BV but I had to go anonymous cos this issue is SENSITIVE!
DeleteThis anonymous is right because our case is similar,VERY SIMILAR but I am lucky enough to have NEVER SEEN ANYTHING either in the dream or in real life,the things they tell u about not fighting or cursing is same with me,I hardly get upset cos of this!!
DH once went for prayers,got there and the pastor asked him where his wife was,he said I was home but she told him I followed him there and that I wore WHITE,iv stopped using anything RED or total BLACK outfits cos she told me anything I wear I am wearing on White spiritually!
I have never seen any indication, she told me too to ask my mom but I prefer not to,she told me some things I can do to activate some powers I have,how I am not supposed to be suffering at all cos I can get whatever I want,some things I can do to make MONEY ROLL IN and that I will even EAT WHERE I DID NOT WORK AT,I have always only BELIEVED IN GOD,was raised as an SU self so I dont ever want to do anything that is physical abeg,be more fervent in prayer and make sure to always REAFFIRM that you are a child of God who has given her life to Christ,may God help us!
Nb:they say I am like a powerful person like maybe a witch who does not have darkness...I don't know what that means!!
Please post anonymous!!!
DeleteYou are nothing but a human being with breath in your nostrils.
The nagging question is, if you die, where will you be in; heaven or hell?
Ever made Jesus your Lord?
Anon 23:04
DeleteThat's your own nagging question not mine,you didnt see where I said I ONLY BELIEVE IN GOD?
If you watch the news, the media will convince you your life is miserable.
ReplyDeleteBut, you have a roof over you,
You have clothes on your back,
You have food in your fridge,
You are not poor. You are one of the richest people on Earth."
Social media lifestyle is a lifestyle full of hype not based on reality.
Don't let social media lead you into a depressive state of mind or influence you to make enemy of yourself by yourself.... Anonymous
Nice one, Beejay.
DeleteNice one.
DeleteGod bless us
Pleasant afternoon to everyone.
ReplyDeleteKisses💋 to you all.
You are welcome to SDK blog, BV Ademidun
hmmmmnnn. Mystries indeed. Thank God you are a christian. God help us
ReplyDeleteNde obinna Malaysia, chukwuma Indonesia, brighto australa-ria (nke odumeje), Austino Jakarta, chi byke odogwu China, Paulo Agaba no na India, all the samson sia sia are leaving ooo, you can block them in Lagos this week before they finally vamoose.. Ko di, udo🚀🚀🤞
ReplyDeletePeople wey don go since 4the the ones remaining are the ones that their flight money never complete,dem dey wait for soole flight
DeleteAbeg leave our sisters alone, who no want abroad husband???
DeleteIhn welcome o.
ReplyDeleteHmmm...New bv u are welcome to our one big happy family,hope u enjoy ur stay here.
Ma'am Stella good to know u are feeling better now.wish I can transfer this sun to u,the sun here na something else.
Bvs I hail una can only get better..e go surely be ✌️
ReplyDeleteWhat a story🤔🤔🤔🤔
Bv Ademidun I can't wait to hear all your story & all you have unravelled about your personality.
I still want to know if you can use this tour gifted personality to make money can you prophecy and pray and all that ?
Lol, I'm just asking o.
Stella so you wan be friends with Ademidun. Make she dey download strange gist your Amebo na helele o
*runs away*🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️
I hope you are having a day as special as you are.
ReplyDeleteMy right has being twitching for sometime now, like it happens for 3days stops and then comes back again. Has anyone else experienced this and how did you deal with it?
It's so annoying.
New BV welcome to the blog, trust you would enjoy your stay and catch Cruise in the comment section
DeleteWhat Funmilola should tell us is what her mom told her about herself.
ReplyDeleteGlad to read that you are a "Christian."
But there are issues; who are the women in white that assail you in your dreams and where were you initiated at birth?
I am curious to know if you are married. You know why? That is usually where the powers unravel. Only Believers who walk in the Spirit and know the Scriptures will understand what I mean here.
Thanks for sharing. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
God bless you! I hope she sits up and face this hurdle square on. If you want to kill a snake, you don't massage its head, you strike. She said above that she is unique because of this ability... How can what the devil give you make you unique? That is definitely a not so good kind of unique. I am concerned about her because I am going through my own phase. Only that in my own case, I don't see these things, I feel them especially when I am asleep and they have a mark which serves as their portal. My victory would be complete when that portal is shut.
DeleteThis spirit husband issue is real.
ReplyDeleteI remember there was a time I was always seeing myself getting married in the dream as far back as boarding sch days. I even got a ring from someone last year in the dream
There also was a time in my life i used to feel myself having sex in the dream till I will release on waking up. When I'm awake,I'll see the cum on my nightie. Even during the day,I'll feel myself having sex in the dream and wake up to see the fluid in real life. It got to a point o got tired of fighting it and even started enjoying it.
I'm glad all of that is past now. My life is not enviable at all as nothing is working. I can't pray and I've become so spiritually lukewarm.
I hope one of these days I'll be able to type out my chronicle for Stella to post for me.
The internet is what keeps me going now.
Stella please don't post if I'm not anonymous.
Say a word of prayer for me if you get to read this
Everything will be alright with you
DeleteBegin a daily fast and studying the New Testament and see. That was what solved mine. It is all in the past now,
DeleteI have a New Life in Christ.
Are you a guy or a lady?
DeleteIt is well with you
DeleteIt is well with you dear..God is in control.
DeleteI'm female
DeleteMy dear, I want you to know that there is nothing God cannot do. Whether you are a Catholic or not try visiting the blessed Sacrament and Google the Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Say it for 27days judiciously and you will testify.
DeletePrayed for you. Please, this "cum" is it the male you are having sex with or do females have cum?
Thank you. If I fast I'm always too weak to pray so it most times ends as hunger strike.
DeleteThis year,I'll make a conscious effort to get spiritually sensitive to God. Thanks again
DeleteDuring the fast, study the bible especially the New Testament.
After the fast, then pray as you can.
BV Ademidun., WELCOME to SDK Planet
ReplyDeleteCan i be ur friend please...
Good afternoon house
The pleasure is mine always.
DeleteEven the one wey their babes the feed them the shout stingy men association 😂😂
ReplyDeleteYour life line will soon cut🤣🤣
DeleteThis world is mystery.
ReplyDeleteHad a visit to the eye clinic as I have been having severe painful red eye, had some tests done since then the pain and the red eye has doubled o, is this a normal thing
ReplyDeleteSo sorry bliss
DeleteIt is well with you in Jesus' name. Amen.
DeleteSo sorry about your eye. Why not go back for check up.
DeleteGood afternoon everyone l,I hope you all are having a great day. Bv Ademidun you are welcome to SDK blog
ReplyDeleteI hope you are feeling better today Stella, your meme up there is the absolute truth.
Good day blog fam...hope we're all doing well.
ReplyDelete@BV are welcome to our joint🤗🥰
@Stella...hope you're doing much better🤗🥰 are you and your dad sis? 🤗🥰
Have a great day fam🤗🥰
Good afternoon everyone. This Story is scaring.
ReplyDeleteBikonu, who knows about Imo state guys? Are they good lovers?Do they marry outsiders?
ReplyDeleteAll Imo guys are not the same. My Chuba was a saint, Ifeanyi was an asshole, both from Imo.
DeleteFollow your heart, and of course, your head.
Dear it shouldn't be about Imo state guys,it should be about the guy u are going to spend the rest of ur life he a good lover,can he marry an outsider?
DeleteI say a big Amen to your prayers Stella. May her story bring me good luck.
ReplyDeleteHello Everyone🙋🙋🙋
Thank God you're in Christ now. You're welcome to this big family Ademidun.
ReplyDeleteIHN is here, hope the day is going on well.
Stay safe.
Welcome new BV
ReplyDeletePray God reveals the hidden things about yourself to you, and deliver you from whatever is evil
Good afternoon neighbours
ReplyDeleteStella sorry, no mind flu, e no get respect.
Thank God you are better now
Welcome BV Ademidun.
May God direct your path, amen
Welcome to the blogfam BV Ademidun
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon blogfam 😘
Hmm, this your story strong o...
ReplyDeleteBv Ademidun, your welcome.
ReplyDeleteThese meme are true and funny.
Very true and funny
DeleteWelcome BV Ademidun.
ReplyDeleteMimi Love
Good afternoon people
ReplyDeleteBv Ademidun you're welcome.
Welcome BV Ademidun🤗
ReplyDeleteStella, hope you are fine now? Amen to your prayers
I greet you all.
ReplyDeleteBvademidun welcome to our ogbonge blog
ReplyDeleteAdemidun you love God yes, but you must go for deliverance if you want to totally break off.....yes the powers have not done anything evil yet but what is happening shows you are a leader in the marine world which is why your friends father who also operates in that realm knows you. ask your mother questions and you will be shocked she has dedicated you to them....go for deliverance and try breaking off na their you go see their bad side. never be comfortable with spending money they give you or anything else you get as gift...
ReplyDeleteSpot on! They are posing to. E harmless and enticing her, but once she goes in deep, then she would understand that the devil is a sore player. Ademidun, please try and read that book I recommended up there. You would read about how the (once) bride of Satan was initiated cunningly and what these abilities in her turned out to be. I care about you and your deliverance,reason why I have chosen to spam this post.
DeleteBv Oki Royalty long time,hope u are good and ur baby too..I noticed I haven't seen ur comment since this year.
ReplyDeletePlease I need advice.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone doing any foreign Masters online?
What school would be good for this so that once I log off after work, I can focus on that.
I really want to utilise this year wisely.
Please advise.
Thank you
My friend has!!
DeleteHe used Medford university
There was no how I could make enquiries back then cos I was still in school and that was the first time I had such mysterious dream though I've been having dreams that comes to pass immediately and I felt it was a gift. it was after I finished from school that i started paying more attention to it, moreover i am a christain and didnt even believe in such dreams but recently,I have understood that God did created us differently and uniquely.
ReplyDeleteAdemidun your dream is scary. You are either an ogbanje or a marine person and also a leader there. Ask your mum where she visited before she conceived you. That will give you a clue
ReplyDeleteAdemidun is yet to come to terms that the powers she possesses is evil. She sees it as yet another gift (seeance) but even seeance is not of God. Your deliverance would start when you admit that these powers are not from God.
DeleteAunty/huncu anonymous... Why are you everywhere na. Leave her alone eeeeeeh! Ewo no ti e. Na your evil spirit?
DeleteI wish huncu or aunty anonymous could come out openly so that we would look into the life of Ademidun and hers to and see who is more isnt by words,it is by actions...sometimes we hide behind keyboards to say things we are not even sure of...seems anonymous already knows so much but you dont know that the things you dont know are way beyond the things you know.
DeleteHer dream is not scary. Perfect love casts out fear. She is a child of the most high and all she has to do is seek his face in prayer and fasting. She should also stop telling people about her gifts and let God reveal them in due course. She needs to know what God will have her do.
Delete19:06 and 19:48 I should come out openly and become a subject of spiritual attacks? I should come out openly so you could see who is christ-like because it is a contest, right? What she is going through is similar to mine and I can see some people (some not even humans) telling her to embrace it. She can, it is her choice! I have done my bid and my conscience is clear.
Delete19:06 and 19:48 I should come out openly and become a subject of spiritual attacks? I should come out openly so you could see who is christ-like because it is a contest, right? What she is going through is similar to mine and I can see some people (some not even humans) telling her to embrace it. She can, it is her choice! I have done my bid and my conscience is clear.
DeleteDark places where powers older than life lies... Waiting
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon beevees...
ReplyDeleteBV Ademidun. You have nothing to fear if you are a child of God. I think you are a seer and soothsayer, these are characteristics of prophets of old. Just ask God for his HOLY SPIRIT and presence and you will be fine. All these deliverance people, isn''t men that will deliver her? Please don't use any human for deliverance. Ask God our father himself for spiritual gifts that are from him and not from any demon.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much and God bless you.
DeleteBV Ademidun. God also spoke to Joseph through dreams. My guess is you are still young, so grow your faith, walk in love with God and let him develop your gifts. Please stop telling people about it though. He is all the love, power and direction you need. I know what I'm talking about.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the blog Bv Ademidun and all new blog visitors💋💋💞💞💞💙💙💖💖💚💚💕💕💕😍😍😍
ReplyDeleteAdimedun, please I know you dont know me. But please pray for me that God will answer the closest prayers to my heart.
Thank you.
Same here...nothing seems to be working for me.
DeleteMay God answer all that your heart desires and may He perfect all that concerns you...Ypur testimonies abound.
DeleteWelcome bv Ademidun we have somethings in common with we could meet personally
ReplyDeleteWelcome bv Ademidun we have somethings in common with we could meet personally
ReplyDeleteThe pleasure is mine.