#firstsundayof2021 #newday #newthings #newpromises #positiveoutlook #hmmm #namaste #ekaro #thewordofGoddoesnotlie #thewordofGodfillsup
Good Morning All............
It's the first Sunday of 2021!!!
“Start this Sunday with a clean heart. No doubt, no tears, no fear, no worry and thank God for his priceless gifts and miracles throughout the world.”
You wanna preach?By all means do but let it be love and let it be simple.....
Stop copying and paste preaching,it has no impact on me and I am sure there are some like me as well,preach from the heart!!!
Have a great day today and don't forget to do the things you like to do!
Good morning everyone!
ReplyDeleteHappy First Sunday of the year 2021.
Have a blessed New Week.
Good morning miss ess
DeleteThe Word And Your Experience!!
ReplyDelete1 Timothy 6:12.
"There’re people who say they pray and don’t receive answers.
There’re also those who say, “I’ve been speaking the Word over my body for a long time, yet I’m sick"
"The Word of God is truth, irrespective of what your experiences might be"
"You stand your ground, confident that God’s Word will prevail over circumstances and put you over all the time"
Today's Confession!!
Dear Father, thank you for the veracity of your Word. Irrespective of the adversities I face, I stay on your Word! Every unfavourable situation aligns with my nature as an associate of the God-kind. I keep my eyes on the Word, and I win always, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Happy 1st to us all
ReplyDeleteGood morning beautiful people
"I usually tell those in my ministry, don’t criticise God’s people, especially the ministers of God. Leave them alone for the Bible says ‘whatever they do, they do them unto the Lord'.
ReplyDelete"If you do, you find out sickness won’t leave your home; there would always be one terrible thing about your family. So, don’t join those who do that, they are ignorant." Says the Bleacher-in-Chief of all pastopreneurs in the zoo.
My dear people I will use myself as an example. Nobody blasts these pulpit merchants like I do. I am not sick. I don't fall sick. Nobody in my family is sick. Is there another angle? Okay, I have not been in church for as long as I can remember. I have no business with zoo churches. They're abattoirs. I didn't really go to any church in 2020- except you'll count weddings but it was my finest year. My happiest year! But I no near church. What does this tell you? Going to church or not even believing in God's existence has nothing to do with your finance, neither does calling these crooks their deserved names affect you in any way. Their major weapon is fear. Resist it.
Finally, no prayers can give you money or a husband. If you want money, work for it. Plan it. Think smart. If you want a husband, make yourself available for dates. Na only when man see you, e go wan marry you. Stop enriching these crooks that couldn't stand "ordinary" corona.
"Bleacher-in-Chief" 😫😫😫😂😂😂😂🤣
DeleteCeaser,I feel you
DeleteCeaser the Mr preacher man
DeleteAs much as I agree that some of these pastors are just weird for lack of a better word the spiritual does exist.
DeleteThat you didn't go to church at all and it was happiest for you doesn't apply to everyone. Some people did go to church and it was happiest for them too...some even more.
There are really good churches who do spread the word of God and help humanity but they are not known cos they are not popular but they exist.
However, encouraging people not to believe in God or insult pastors and "nothing will happen" is just plain wrong. It works for you great...even the devil has followers.
God does exists and He answers prayers...we have seen it on this blog and outside as well.
Do you and allow others do them. For clarity Job 22:21-30
God bless you, Amethyst.
Delete"However, encouraging people not to believe in God or insult pastors and "nothing will happen" is just plain wrong. It works for you great...even the devil has followers".
Religion will always be the greatest unseen disease plaguing most Nigerians. Fear and Religion go hand in hand...
DeleteWell said Amethyst.
DeleteCeaser, do you and let others do what suits them as well. That something works for you doesn't mean, it'll work for others. There are people that are alive and well due to constant prayers. Just pray you don't encounter a challenge that will make you do 21 days fasting by force!
Okay... So, I got some serious migraine on one part of my head to my face with catarrh that blocked my nostrils that I couldn't breathe nor smell anything, feeling feverish with body pains as well.
ReplyDeleteTreated malaria not long ago so was wondering how can malaria press me down so bad.
Took some body pains drugs but nothing happened.
Thought, could it be the almighty coro?
I said nah, no way!
Wanted to go to the hospital but again, they'll definitely reference it to covid and claim they got "one more case🙄🙄🙄
Decided to get inside air-conditioner and slept in it till done.
That was the end of the fever, migraine, catarrh.
Body was just hot inside and needed some cold to suit and balance it's temperature.
Happy Sunday y'all.
Nothing shall be missing in your life and nothing shall be broken
DeletePsalm 3:1-8
ReplyDeleteWalk with your head held high
David walked with God. But this does not mean that everything was perfect.
This psalm was written during a rebellion by David’s son Absalom that had been partly caused by David’s adultery (see 2 Samuel 12:11). Yet David repented of what he had done, and God forgave him and restored his relationship.
David did not have an easy life: ‘Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.”’ (Psalm 3:1–2). David cries out, ‘But you, God, shield me on all sides; you ground my feet, you lift my head high… ’ (v.3, MSG). Like David, bring your fears and requests to God: ‘To the Lord I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill’ (v.4).
In spite of his distressing situation God lifted up David’s head. God does not want you to be downcast. Don’t keep looking at the regrets behind you, the problems around you and the sin within you. Rather, lift up your head and see the help above you – walk with your head held high, and your eyes fixed on him.
David was able to say, ‘I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side’ (vv.5–6). In spite of all the troubles, he seems to have a deep peace – like a lake, where there may be rough waves on the surface, but deeper down there is a great stillness.
Lord, I pray for the year ahead that you would help me to walk with you daily in the way of peace, with my head held high, trusting you to supply all I need for the day ahead.
~ BiOY with Nicky Gumbel
Some people read and like the devotional not preaching shared Stella. Text no matter how long helps in walk with God
DeleteThe right one will effortlessly loves You. (2021~ zero worries.....)
ReplyDeleteGood Morning....
Good morning Blogfam and welcome to the first Sunday of the year.
ReplyDeleteMay God meet us at the point of our needs.
Happy Sunday to u all,dis year will be a year full of God's testimonies fr us.
ReplyDeleteGood morning beautiful people, happy first sunday of the year. Please stay safe ❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteGood morning Slimzy. I hope your Sunday be beautiful.
DeleteGood morning TMW,yes it will be happy new year to you
DeleteIt's a good day to thank God for all He has done while looking forward to a great year
ReplyDeleteBlessed Sunday ✌️🙏
ReplyDeleteGood morning beautiful people
ReplyDeleteHappy 1st Sunday of the year.
Please keep safe 🙏
Birthday blessings Adora, God bless you
ReplyDeleteStarting this sunday with no doubt and fear.
ReplyDeleteTo the anon than corrected me yesterday in spontaneous post, tank you and correction accepted tho you sounded so harsh but its all love😘
DeleteGood morning.
ReplyDeleteHappy Sunday💖.
If not that it's first Sunday,I won't go to church, didn't sleep well,was drifting in and out of bad dreams,woke up to body pains , headache and cold,I know this is malaria symptoms,had to have a warm bath to get my bearing a bit.I must go and dance for God o,will come back to take drugs.
ReplyDeleteHappy first Sunday to you all.
Positive vibes only.....
Happy Sunday
ReplyDeleteGod is awesome
I have a question please. When stella makes a post and she leaves it open for discussion the same day. Why is it that someone would refuse to comment on that particular day but wait until the next day to comment about a discussion people have moved over from? Is it an attention-seeking behaviour or what? Maybe if this happens once in a while we would understand that the person was not around when the post was made. But this happens every single time which means there is no excuse at that point. When you are being predictable over and over again then it shows you have set that pattern on a purpose to prove what point? Is it pride to be different or slow thinking that this person needs a day off to process a simple topic or compose a convincing retort to a past post?
ReplyDeleteAre you normal? Allow people to comment however and whenever the fuck they feel like. Next time @ the person you're referring this senseless epistle to directly or forever shut your sewer mouth. Dingbat!
DeleteBvs oooo😂😂😂😂
DeleteOn a serious note, I don't think he lives in Nigeria. Maybe time-zone difference that's why.🤷♀️
No vex.
Have you considered that some people may be so busy that they don't read the blog till late in the evening and into the night?
DeleteTo each her/his own.
Shooter whatever and I am supposed to take someone like you seriously. You with an almost equal need for attention. Phew! You needed attention so bad that you had to change your profile pictures thrice when you saw that the ones you formerly used revealed your deflated yansh. No wonder you are always seated in pictures. Please swerve. Why would I @ the person directly? When the someone finds it too big to comment under other people's comment but will create a different post to praise the same comment. Very predictable like you.
DeleteAlright, Twins Squared.
8:20 Na wa oo It is clear the guy has insulted you before.
DeleteThough I understand where you are coming from. The post is still there so you feel if he wants to comment on the same topic he can go there and comment instead of bringing it here everyday bt what if he wants others to see his opinion because if he goes back to the old post not everyone would see it?.
The good thing is, he is the only one doing it because if every blog visitors was doing the same thing I wonder how we will cope here sef because we would be on this blog discussing past topics all the time on a new post. I even think Ma'am stella has cautioned people about it before but he is the only like that so for now no wahala. Leave him.
anon some persons can be busy and unavailable at the time. The conversation remains open so they chirp in their own contributions when they can
DeleteHappy new year beautiful people on SDK blog.
ReplyDeleteI thank God for life and good health for me and my loved ones. So many travails in 2020 but we scaled through. I thank God for making me stumble on SDK blog, the kind hearted SDK. may God keep blessing her and all angels here.
May God bless all who had reached out to me in one way or the other, you shall never lack good things.
To the latest angel who blessed me with an Android phone, favour shall locate you anywhere you are.
May this year 2021 be all round better than last year, all that was stolen shall be restored in tripple folds in Jesus name.
I want to start some savings and investment.
ReplyDeletePlease I would love to get sone advice from Experience BVs...
I heard about Piggyvest yesterday, does anybody knows how it works?
@Jessi,I have been using piggyvest for 2years now,wish I started earlier.Download the app,its self explanatory.
DeleteThank you dear
DeleteHappy Sunday everyone.
ReplyDeleteNeed to talk to someone ,my mail is on profile. I am so emotionally down😥
ReplyDeleteGood morning and Happy First Sunday to you all💃💃💃💋💋💋💋💞💞💞💞💚💚💚💕💕💕💙💙💙💖💖💖
ReplyDeleteI decided this year to go for evening mass most Sundays, that way I focus more in church and not ashamed of repeating clothes or getting distracted by staring at others.. 😔😑😉
ReplyDeleteBVs join me and thank God o. Still shaken up but thank God. I stepped on a snake last night. How it did not bite me remains a mystery. Thank God for my brother who quickly killed it.
ReplyDeleteFirst Sunday of the year, Lord I am grateful!
Jeez! Snake ke. Thank God for you
DeleteThank God for you.
DeleteThank God for you
DeleteThank God for you,I can't even imagine the scene
DeleteThanks guys! Truly I thank God!
DeleteThank God for you sis.
DeletePsalm 91:13 is the word.
Thank God
DeleteWait fess
ReplyDeleteDid government share gold hair dye as Christmas gift to youths🙄🙄🙄 this year? I no understand oooo
DeleteLol u saw only gold.. I saw more colors
DeleteLol..that means I miss the day they came to my neighborhood
DeleteR.I.P daddy,u left without a word.2jan 2021 I’m shattered
ReplyDeleteSo sorry for your loss Vahleree
DeleteSo sorry for the loss, it's well with you and your family
DeleteMy condolence to your family..
DeleteSo sorry about the great loss to your family..May his soul rest in peace..
My condolences to you. Comforts to you and yours...
DeleteSo sorry, may his soul rest in peace amen
DeleteOMG! So so sorry! May God comfort you and the Family. Plz be strong💕
DeleteSo so sorry.Our Heavenly Father will comfort you. The Lord is your strength.
DeleteSo sorry darl
DeleteHow do people collect someone's phone and start reading the messages and chats? You're not the husband or boyfriend. This nonsense should stop this year o. Mtchew
ReplyDeleteVery disgusting behaviour! Some even go through pictures without permission. That is why my phone is always on lock. Most of the personal apps on it cannot be assessed by just anybody. Hopefully they grow sense this year
DeleteHappy blessed Sunday o us all 😘
ReplyDeleteThank you Lord!
ReplyDeleteGood morning everyone, it's a beautiful Sunday morning,up and thankful... First Sunday of 2021, Oluwa the wheels are in your hands already.
ReplyDeletei thank God for this new year 2021.o lord i thank you for Good health,divine provision, i also thank the most high God for the new additions to our family.we thank you for our new babies and delivery like a hebrew woman .may your name be praised o lord.we are grateful.thank you lord
DeleteThere are folks who visit irregularly from other countries. This is the response to the posting/comments timing question. The US has at least 4 time zones; ET, CST, MT, PT. Eastern, Central Standard, Mountain, and Pacific. When its 12midnight in LA, it's 3.00am in Maryland and 2.00am in Chicago/parts of Indiana etc The US is like a continent and driving from NY to TX is over 24 hours. Most folks here are very busy. I may not open a Nigerian page for days depending on my workload. I am sure there are others like that hence they comment when they read. Just FYI