Stella Dimoko Saturday In House Gists - Women Who Shave Versus Women Who Do Not Shave



Saturday, January 02, 2021

Saturday In House Gists - Women Who Shave Versus Women Who Do Not Shave

 This is a conversation between the hairy and the hairless women.....Hairy and hairless 'down there'

Women who leave hair 'down there' always have some kinda odour down there no matter how neat they try to make the place appear.....

Women who shave 'down there' are odourless down there and don't need to put in much effort to be neat down there.............

If your man is telling you he wants it with hair,that is because he does not know any better.....Teach him that the meat is better without hair,or do you eat goat meat without taking off the hair?LOL

Woman are you hairy?that may explain why down there get as e be!

Are you team hairless?Well done!

Let's discuss this and let us know how you manage it if you insist on being hairy...


  1. Team hairless, like a baby's butt. E clear well, you wont miss Road.😉

    1. Hehehe. Team hairless too biko.
      Anyone that keeps hair there and under armpit is just a dirty human. Hubby say my ass.🙄

    2. Every Aboki to his Kettle.

      All man speak for himself.

      Nothing turns me on like the sight of a female pubis with a full halo of glorious hair. Its like the rising sun in all its splendour.

      Baba, why will my womans coochie be looking like an underage pubescent teenagers own?? Abegii that hair down there is key .....
      It makes the place mysterious! Lol. You know what I mean?? That hair gives the Toto some Sacredness. Its like a Crown on the head of the tin.
      As long as it is washed constantly,it won't give off any odour. God created it like that.

      My wife was team hairless before we got married, but I realigned her thinking to my own ....still on still after a couple of months, she will shave out errthing.
      I go vex small, but shiiii grows back so we all good.

      On 2 the Next.

    3. The hair there itches badly. Could remember when i tried keeping it,cos i read somewhere that it makes sense better. Omo i itched and injured myself. Never again,hubby likes it clean.

    4. Oga e be like say you sabi better thing o.

    5. Reminds me of blog visitor Kehinde Ake that once said he loves his food served with some veggies on top

    6. Marvel, are sure this Aymil is not bv Kehinde Ake?

  2. My husband likes it hair less,but my new sugar boy likes it hairy..
    I thought its only old men that likes hair in the vagina...
    How will I balance the equation?...

    1. Even your spiritual husband go like am bald

    2. Madame koinkoin A.K.A "PeaceMaker "2 January 2021 at 16:13

      lol queen don start this new year.

    3. 😄😄😄😄😄😄.this woman ee

    4. Just shave one side and grow hair on the other side. That way the equation go balance

    5. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♀️

    6. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    7. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Spanishlantern please don't kee me with laugh abeg.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    8. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 this queen ehn. Abeg try balance the equation biko.

    9. Queen oooo, you haf not changed. We don enter 2021 bah, you don jam your match for this blog in the likes of Spanishlantern 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  3. Team hairless. like you said, leaving hair down there get as e be no matter how neat you try to make it. The sight of a bushy down there is also not impressive.

  4. I shave off everything and prefer it shaved too. Why leave hair? It takes more soap and water to wash during bathing. I heard leaving hairs there give sticky laps during hot days. Team hairless!

    1. Na only woman wey shave we go calm down eat out. it goes both ways.. Capt of team hairless...

    2. Men should shave as well, not torturing people with smelly bushy blokkos.

  5. This warning is for male and female...Shave that fawking thang🤺 don't be silly busu shave it!!🤺🤺

  6. Team hairless all the way.
    I run a gorimapa ministry biko.

    Every last Saturday of the month except the monthly flow is on, I wipe my armpits then downstairs.
    Got special packs of Mach 3 Turbo blades well stocked for that.

    And yes, I'm odorless and fresh like that. DH no kukuma like iru kpete, so let's say I got lucky.

    As long as you're clean shaven, your undergarments will always be clean. Just scrub the vulva neat.

    1. Ha! Show them how it's done mohmah!.

    2. Hahaha.
      G- wagon. These babies don't know we old. They better start learning.

      Rajab...I know say you be Yoruba. Baad shild. Hahahaha.
      Happy new year jare.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I don like that iru kpete too joor.

    4. Thanks for sharing

  7. I am the type that shaves oh. I don't even feel comfortable with hair down there. Once my armpit is due for shaving, I shave there alongside.

    I haven't shaved down there in a while sha because I can't coman kill myself if u know what I mean 😉

    1. Congratulations if u are talking about being pregnant,ur hubby can help out

    2. Congratulations to you and your family

    3. Congratulations Joy... I told you that your joy will be permanent in Jesus name . Amen 🙏 Abeg ask Oga to help out ....😜

    4. O yeahhhhh!!!!,, 💃💃💃

      XP, I raise Beyonce hands for you o. Can't forget your comment on a certain SP last year!.

      OK bye.

    5. Place a mirror in front of you and you'll be able to shave it off 😜😜😜
      Unless you sha want them to shave you in the hospital.
      I could no longer shave by the last month. It was when I was being stitched for my episiotomy that I was shaved

    6. Jessi... I will type in Igbo.

      O di kwa kam aga eje, mepee únó úka, kúba nzukó ekpele.
      Mu na ndi chukwu di ga eliko nni na ofu afele.

    7. I mepee ya, I ga Egbu ozu one time!! 🤣🤣🤣

    8. No kill yourself o. Tell hubby to do it for you. Na my hubby work when I am pregnant.

  8. I dont find a well shaved pussy erotic, seems to me like an underage girls pussy, turn off, shouldnt be so bushy to the level of braiding it but the hair should be there.
    Few yrs ago I had this GF who liked my beard gang, she encouraged me to keep them, so i said okay, keep those pussy hair for me.
    Bear Bear jam bear bear during oral sex. Kikikiki

    1. Periodt this is what I like so I’m team hair down there but I shave it clean when I wanna hot session!

    2. You people will always contradict! "I'm team hair BUT I shave it blah blah" pick a side! Yes it's personal to me 'cause I hate hair in pubic region.

    3. Picture what exactly is your problem? That is what they like allow them be! Everything is always figt with you

  9. I want to have that very hairless and smooth vagina like a bald head but don't know how to.
    I use veet hair remover.

    1. Veet ke?! I use Veet only for my under armpit.
      Original Gillette shaving stick that won't give you bumps does the magic better down there.

    2. Yeah. Gillette Mach 3 Turbo set.
      8 replaceables and a stick.

      No scratch, no bump, no ingrowth.
      Just some cool feel.


    4. Use a soft towel to wipe off the cream when you shave. Leaves it smooth. No bumps afterwards.

    5. Veet will make that place gray early. Talking from experience

    6. Thanks Babyrella,XP,will try to get the Gillette next week.
      The mystery woman,I have thought about that too but...
      Thanks anonys

  10. Stella that your claim about hairy down there is a fallacy.
    I have had it shaved and hairy and ain't no different in the smell.
    The only reason why your public hair will smell after proper cleaning is if you have an infection with abnormal discharges.
    Besides whats hard to clean there? Is it the hair that even plucks off while you are using the sponge to clean, when it is not a thick forest. My public hair grows at the top part, close to the vaginal entrance it is slightly grown there, even if it is a bit long.
    Na wa oh
    I have always shaved my public hair but i stopped because I always have bumps there even if I used shaving creams.
    I have been hairy down there for almost two years & I like it like that, I don't have body odour on any part of my body, I simply bathe twice a day. I don't use any fragrance on my private part. Simply wash thoroughly with soap , sponge & water while inside the vagina cleanses itself.

    1. @14:34. This is why so many women don’t realize they stink like ogiri (locust beans) down there. Who told you that vagina is self-cleansing? Us the shower nozzle and wash out the inside each time you have a shower/bath. Smelly vaginas are a great turn off!

    2. Behold a Sambisa forest. Nne scroll up to comments, stop at Uzu Anwuli's.
      Remedy and price is available.

      Be clean and fresh in 2021.

    3. I concur with anon the vagina is self cleaning if you don’t have infection your natural discharge should smell like baked bread. I have never douched with water my doc taught me that.

    4. 14:59 you are the very ignorant one. Rubbish which doctor told you you must put hand there to clean what out.. Which nozzle where? Local fowl go and school yourself before correcting others. If you have good hygiene hair or no hair you won't have any vagina ordour.. No douching or dipping hands inside neccesary. Wash your vulva well and move

    5. Very ignorant comments in this post.
      The vagina is self cleansing and does not require all those ‘how does she wash her vagina with those nails’ ‘use shower nozzle and dip your hands’ comments.
      If you’re clean, have good hygiene and have no infection down below why should you smell just because you’re hairy there?
      Self education- way to go in 2021.

  11. I have shaved so much that the private hair now take time to grow esp, the one in my armpit. I react to shaving stick, so I use shaving creme for sensitive skin. I recently discovered a bitter creme haor removal and its fantastic.

    1. Please you are not clear on the cream, can you state it again? Help a sis.

  12. Please recommend less sensitive hair removal cream for Vee cos I react to Veet and shaving stick if used on my kpekus. I use veet on my armpit and I'm fine with it. Thanks

    1. So what do you use for the vee?

  13. I am a very hairy woman.... I mean real hair, thick curly hair all over my body.

    They made shaving cream for people like us.

    1. I shave both armpit and down below every two weeks as I'm very hairy too. Now now, e don grow again

    2. You’re not hairy then me I shave every two to three days my hair grows overnight I’m not kidding

  14. My kind of down below hair is long n thick,if dh get in there without me shaving, na so so wound for nhm head cap, he will be like, honey,pls shave o,b4 u render me useless,I do two weeks shaving or else d hair will smeal,hair have odour n generate heat.I'm a ceiling fan of no hair abeg.

  15. Team hairless please!! I can never be caught with a hairy armpit & pussy. Ewwwww..shaved, clean & bald like a baby's. 💃

  16. Abeg, I leave mine hairy because shaving itches me and no I'm not dirty and I don't have any odor. I wash down there thoroughly so very clean.

    To each her own

  17. Keeping an odorless kitty is sooo hard for me. I shave and bath 2ce a day but the crease btw my thighs and pubic area gives an odour like BO.i am not dirty... the way I scrub whenever i bathe is another level.I have tried so much.what haven't I tried: vinegar, vaginal wash, just got the vaginal spray and it's still thesame. It works Initially, but subsequently it begins to give the slight bo. I am out of ideas.. just praying that who I end up with accepts all of me and loves me the way I am.

    1. You are doing too much. All those things will cause more problems for you. Just use black soap to wash, and stoop when you wash. The proper way to wash your privates properly is actually to stoop so all the folds open up and you can cleanse the creases. Also go get a Brazilian wax and remove the hair from between your bum cheeks. This way you can tell if that fixed your odour problem. Air dry yourself or use a fan to ensure there is no moisture before putting on your underwear. Any wetness will cause odors.

    2. Loose some weight it’ll help

    3. The weight and sweating between your creases may be the cause and not the vagina.
      Weight loss would likely make a difference.
      All the above you’re using will not help and can lead to repeated vaginal infections (bacterial vaginosis)

  18. Very cool with both na to just see the road to the pussy matter pass

  19. Hair and the heat is too much. The hair is there for a reason it creates a barrier and adds protection, but even knowing this I prefer no hair. You are fresher especially during hot season.

  20. But why is my hair down there straight.
    It's not 4c like the one on my head.
    It's very dark, straight and silky to touch.

    1. Lmao
      If you have 4c hair down there shey wahala no go dey??? The one on our head is enough abeg.

      On the other hand, I wonder if the hair on my head grows at the same rate as the ones in my pubis and armpits. Cos those ones be like say they want me to be shaving every three days. But who has that kind of time please.

  21. There is hairless
    Then there is hairless with zero pigmentation
    Veejay same colour with skin

    Which one?


    1. Hahaha.
      King XOXO MYSTERY ... Where gave you been?
      Happy new year.

      By that you mean very dark skinned with dark curly hair? Haaaa.

  22. Team baby bottom, I shave legs join

  23. Please what can I use to shave and have that baby smoothness you all are talking about. Please help me

    1. 1. Wax the hair in your pubis. If you can take the pain. Me, I cannot, so here’s what I do...

      2. If the hair is too much, before shaving I trim it down with small scissors.
      b. Take a shower with hot steamy water, or soak in very warm water in the bathtub. This helps soften the hair and open the hair follicles
      c. While in the tub I apply shaving cream and then shave.
      Use a good shaving stick. I use Bic Soleil Smooth. Someone up there suggested Gilette Mach 3.
      d. After the whole routine, I apply a good moisturizer to the area or I use Shea butter.

      I haven’t been having bumps since I’ve been doing this and it gives a smooth finish

    2. AdaBekee dear, thanks alot

    3. The people here ehn. Funny lots. No be only bic, biro nko? Xp comment don influence research to belong. Cray bunch!

    4. Thanks for sharing

    5. It’s my pleasure Anon 20:07 and 22:19

      Faceless 22:06 don’t be a retarded dolt!!!
      Bic is the most common shaving stick brand in nigeria, along with Gillette. if you don’t know it then you probably shave with a knife or cutlass and it’s not anybody’s fault.

  24. Team hair o. Well shaved, trimmed and designed. All the guys that have seen it go mad and get instant erection over and over. Lol. I realize real men like hair. Plus my hair is silky and I have fine pum pum. E no slack at all.

  25. I shave with cream and shaving stick, no bumps, no itchy but they are they are turning gray. Pls what can I use to make it black again? I'm in a serious relationship no sex yet and I'm even scared of letting my man see it. Help me with ideas. Thank you

  26. That's y I always go back to my ghanian side chick cos my wife dont shave I tell her sote but she no gree.

  27. I used battery water cos the hair is too tough and thick.

    1. How do you use the battery water and what does it do?

  28. You see, the pubic area has it's own natural gates, our thighs, then we will wear pata on top.
    All that makes it sweaty, for no reason, must a woman leave hair there.
    Even if you don't want moromoro hair cut, you can leave very small hair there.
    I know a woman whose husband divorced because she naturally has no hair down there.

  29. Next topic, how to get flat belly.


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