Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative - UPDATE



Saturday, January 02, 2021

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative - UPDATE

Na wah oooh...

My hubby's action shook me to muteness Stella. 

Stella, I was the lady that send in chronicle early this year, how my hubby gives all his attention to a widow and hardly stays home.

 I was advised by your bvs to keep praying non-stop, which I did... but I noticed, the more I pray, the more their relationship waxes stronger. So, I had to refocus my energy to something else. 

So, last week don't know what happened exactly, hubby began relating with me well again. And every time we are in good terms, the lady(widow) will call hubby and ask to speak with me, and truth be told I won't flow well with her on phone cos of the emotional trauma she has caused me.

 And she doesn't call me and has even blocked my line(which hubby claims he instructed her to do, so she doesn't call me). This act angered hubby, and we're back to quarreling again because according to him, I didn't supposedly speak to the lady politely. So what hubby did recently that shook me was that he brought home all the widow's late husband clothes, shoes....etc. 

Meanwhile, earlier, the lady told my hubby that she doesn't want to be seeing her late husband clothes again that he should have them, which I kicked against and suggested she give clothes to those that needs them motor auction them. But no, hubby brought those clothes and other of his belongings home. 

I am just tired really. Have been mute and confused. He does everything in the guise that he is the man of the house and should be in charge of every decision at home. He even drives the late man cars, when ever his car breaks down. I am so tired, irritated and confused. Can't say I know my hubby any longer. As I type, he isn't home yet, at his usual place (the widow's house)

*I remember your story very well......Your hubby must be attracted to the Material things she dangles his way...If he spends all his time there,she must also have made the house very comfortable for him..Do you nag and stress him over this issue?
My dear,he is just a man and not worth the stress....focus on something else and use corner eyes and be looking at him
I know a similar story but the guy is not married..he has dumped his girlfriend for a rich widow,he told me that the rich widow does not demand for money and brings something to the table and that she gifts him things and that the babe he dumped was always demanding and nagging and brought nothing to the table,he said men also seek financial security.


  1. I just left my mouth open while reading this.
    All I can say is keep praying and don't stop. This year 2021,God will restore your husband back to you.

    1. This woman should spend her energy praying for herself and not any man. Every time pray, pray,pray. Did you not see where she stated that the more she prays, the closer the man gets with the widow???

    2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

      Amen, I say amen!

    3. Madame koinkoin A.K.A "PeaceMaker "2 January 2021 at 16:08

      Amen ! God ll restore her husband for her.

    4. Which husband?

      Madam, focus on and pray about your life and your children lives.

      Just don't nag him or talk about the matter again with him.

      By the way, I am a man and married.

    5. Poster, don't nag God in prayers too. You have talked to Him. It's ok. He heard you. Now refocus your energyand prayers on other things and thanksgiving for the good things that are going well in your life and marriage.

      Some men sha.... Even some women nko? The late husband has no brother or relative?

    6. You people always act as if women have blood mixed with grinded iron/stones that they ought to swallow how they truly feel and be treating another flesh and blood like them like some demi God.

      Pray my foot!

      If you like don't pray for yourself!

      The worst part is that these rubbish inhumane degrading advises always come from women!!!

      The oppression of women will NEVER end if women don't QUIT the unhealthy undertone competition they do amongst themselves to prove to the male gender they are better than the next woman!


      Na turn by turn!

      It's not you today. Tomorrow maybe you, sister, daughter, mother, aunty etc.!


    7. Kai, I'm out of this post. 2021 😲🙄😳🤥 chai

    8. Wtf, which kain disrespect is this? Madam unfortunately I can't advice you on what to do, your husband goes out to knack another woman and comes home to sleep and knack you too sometimes, what nonsense and madness is that? The woman has the audacity to call your number, is she mad ni?
      Dem don jazz your husband, na so toto dey sweet reach bah? Bringing dead man's clothes into your house WTF.
      You know what, I'm out of this post 🤥😏😏😏😒😒😱😱😱

  2. This is funny, your husband bringing in a dead man's cloth into his house, wearing them and using his things chai. It's also possible he's not doing it with clear eyes or his plain greedy and should i add doesn't think straight

    1. Madame koinkoin A.K.A "PeaceMaker "2 January 2021 at 16:08

      I am telling , that nigga is not doing it with clear eyes. Abeg who does that? Fear sef no dey catch you use dead man things plus his wife , who like to find that kind throble ? o boy its not ordinary something . Poster please continue your prayers non stop. God'll answer you only if you have faith that he lives and reigneth forever, Nothing pass God and you must believe it!

    2. Sounds fetish tbh

    3. A dead man's things into his house? Your hubby is really fearless oh. This matter really needs to be discussed well oh. I am even uncomfortable reading this update

    4. Madam your husband has eaten love portion and if you're not careful they will get married secretly without your knowledge... If you still want your husband you better stand up from your slumber and do something very fast or you just do "moya look away" and kiss your marriage goodbye, something similar happened in my environment and the end result wasn't good.

  3. You shouldn't have stop praying, is only God that has the solution to this problem.

    1. I hope you read this. Pray, Pray and Pray it may seem like is not working but it is. keep praying for your husband. Is only God that can deliver him from that strange woman. Save your home. A woman is a gatekeeper..vist when women pray on Facebook you learn how to enjoy your marriage.

  4. Omo this is spiritual o.
    I'm speechless.

  5. Some men sha....o, if his wife should do this will he be happy??

  6. Is this jass, Is your hubby with his normal senses.
    Madam this is not just focus straight but time to pray your hubby out

    Go to God concerning your hubby

  7. Your husband is just wow. Anyhow less said about his mindset the better. Find your own passions in life and go fulfill them. Get busy focused on your own adventures in this world. Go take classes, learn new skills, open businesses, purchase your own real estate. Go live you life and get happy on your own accomplishments.

  8. The story became more pathetic!

  9. What rubbish! Who the hell advised you to pray in the first place? Who?! Smh first of,I don't about you all but my man is not about to be messing around with a widow 'cause I won't give him that chance! If it ever happens, I'm putting both the lady and the man in serious check I kid you not. The lady will LEARN! Imagine driving a dead mans car,being a comfort to his stupid hoe, that's bringing another woman sorrow. You better put that widow in her place I don't care how you do it seems you've lost your man already.Y'all respect these men to much to be disrespecting you WTF.

    1. *don't know about you all...

      I need to proofread more these days🤦 smh

    2. Poster stop sleeping with him for now oh , that’s the only advice that I’m hearing .

  10. Seriously,what are you still doing in the marriage? Don't you have family members? Doesn't he have family members? INVOLVE THEM!!! Let them know what he's doing.

    Seriously, the shit some of you women take amazes me. If you are spending time with another man like this, will your marriage still be intact? The man would have thrown you out of the house and reported you to his and your family members.

    1. Seriously,What some women take in the name of marriage will just make you sad.

    2. My dear,i'm not just speechless at the chronicle but also at some bvs advice to "pray". Let me just keep my mouth shut. I hope this same advice will be given to man if his wife does even a quarter if what this man is doing. Nigerian women and marriage!! Even when its killing them,God forbid!!

    3. Exactly... Involve his family. Let them know what he's been up to...

    4. Gbam! Madam what are you waiting for?
      Involve his family and yours.
      This battle has gone beyond you.


  12. Please don't stop praying. The devil makes situations worse when we pray about them so that we will give up.and stop praying. He knows deliverance is on the way and wants to stop it. Get up in the middle of the night and in your nakedness pray to God to deliver your husband from the strange woman. Go to Google for prayer points and fast along with it. The Lord will arise and fight for you but make sure you have a right standing with God. It is well with you in Jesus name.

    1. Pray and fast? Ooh lawd! Fast and pray for a man who spends most of his time with a widow? You even typed google prayer points. Jeez! In 2021? The Lord will arise and fight for her? Christainity has blinded us in Africa o. Even the white man/woman that brought this Christainity won't call on God in such nonsense. The things I read, hear and see ehn. May God help us. Anon 16:15, would you advice your daughter or sister to do same?
      Poster, I'd have said leave the sham you call marriage but i know you won't. Keep praying inugo and when he's done milking the horse, he'll come back shedding tears that he was jazzed and you'll give testimony in Chruch saying God delivered your husband for a witch. Smh. Y'all never learn. Doctor poster if you are reading this, God bless and keep you. You are a woman! Poster, learn from her. Y'all never learn. Let's hope he does infect you with a stupid disease. It's well.

  13. So she should have kept quiet and not talk while the man misbehaves? See men are the cause of most marital problems but they'll blame it on women. My dear if you can survive on your own, you know what to do... There are levels to this BS.

  14. Replies
    1. No please!!! They said she should keep praying

    2. Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray. Men no dey pray sef...only women praying for men, who prays for the women??

    3. I tire o. Na only women dey pray.

      Men are allergic to prayer.

  15. It's not easy to do but please ignore him and focus on your God and self. You can't kill yourself na. God will come through for you.

  16. What were you talking to her about. Even without your husband saying anything you don't know that you should avoid her. Mtcheww

  17. Nne eh, na midnight fire prayers o- as in O Lord! Anyone out to make me unhappy in my marriage, anyone o (including hubby sef), fire consume them. Pray for 3 days then call that widow and give her serious warning.

    Sit that your husband down and tell him your mind, whatever happens, let it happen.

    This 2021, no time for crap.

  18. He’s a giggolo

  19. I support you Picture(G wagon).She would have treated their fuck up since.

  20. Stella when that guy in your story finishes using the widow to level his life, he will dump her too. A man seeking women out for the financial security they provide has not seen the woman of his dreams that he cherishes
    When he does he will damn the consequences and leave to be with her. Only lucky few women Re both the provider and the cherished woman in their relationship and even then the man will be feeling intimidated and cheating on the low. Men cannot handle being taken care of financially by bad economy cause some relationships. The only problem men have for providing for women is when the woman doesn't love them and only loves the money but men love providing for women
    financially. The widow may not be expecting much commitment from him and not have much to lose so she has no concern whether the guy leaves or not.

    Country is hard so men Re bustling to be hooked to financially beneficial women. That does not change the nature of a man. A man is only as loyal as his options. A broke guy will be the sweetest to the person he thinks will level up his life. Ladies be wise. That how one guy dumped his uncaring nagging ex that always begs him for money now he wants to cling to me cause I am financially comfortable. They dated for 5 good yrs and he still follows her on social media. Yet be forming love up with me after claiming she has moved on to another more financially buoyant guy. But omo sorry oh I don learn my lesson in the past. Almost similar scenario I suffered with guy fresh from breakup to his ex. We dated for 2 yrs n he secretly kept in touch with her all along yet rubbishing her to me. After we broke up he went back to her briefly. He is With someone who can get him papers now but they still keep in touch cus I see her comments. So abeg ladies be wise

    1. Eyah sorry for what you've been through.
      I thought you all always said people marry for different reasons.......if so what is wrong with a man marrying for money or financial security....LOL
      At least when Men are expressing fears about women being with them for money and financial benefits;you will be able to understand and relate.

  21. Are you sure your husband is not responsible for the death of the widows husband??

    1. Exactly what I wanted to ask. It’s a surprise nobody picked up on it.
      The man and the widow may even have had a hand on the dead man’s death.

  22. Why are you people still telling her to pray? God has already answered her but she is refusing to see nor listen. That man has chosen the widow and he has made it clear. Prayers answered! The more you prayed the more they got closer. What other answer are you looking for?

    How do you find a man that has chosen another woman over you attractive? How do you find a man that wears his lovers dead husband’s clothing and driving the dead man’s car attractive? How do you look at that man after knowing he spends all his time in the arms of another woman everyday? So you are waiting for him to eat all his cake and still have it? This is why men go around cheating because women like you show them it’s ok with this your praying and waiting behavior.

    You better borrow yourself brain, borrow self esteem, pray hard for God to give you strength and direct your path as you move on. If you don’t know, you are in a a very abusive relationship (Emotional and mental). RUN!

    1. 👍👍👍👍👍👍

    2. God bless you tremendously dear 16:46! How do you look at that man? I watch such nonsense of AM and I smh. Your husband is shameless. For the sake of your kids, leave that man. They watch you know. Tomorrow, they will grow up with such mentality and think it's the right thing.

  23. Na wa. Your husband is shameless. And I don't agree with Stella that say may be you nag him. Pls focus on yourself and don't kill yourself over a shameless man . The reason why I don't take the advice of pray for him.

  24. Dear poster
    If the man is providing for you people in terms of feeding,fees,rent etc, it will be very difficult to but ignore him. Put your energy into something else. When I say ignore,I mean completely.
    Try to think up something that could bring you additional source of income if you have the finance to start up. One of the reasons is so that if it so happens that with time,he completely forgets about his family, you would have gotten something to fall back on.

    If you both have kids,avoid confronting him for the sake of your kids.
    Pray for God to see you through.

    1. Like do you really think she can just totally ignore a man she still have feelings for while still staying under the same roof?

  25. Your hubby is not even scared bringing ba dead man property into his house. I pray the woman's late husband people don't find out and deal gravely with your husband.

  26. Pls poster if you can pray fervently and hold Gof tight, pls do with immediate effect!!! And if you can’t or you feel weak and tired in the marriage already, pls leave immediately abeg. If you have a job, good and if you don’t have one, pls go and look for a job and leave that marriage. God forbid ooo! This is like the highest disrespect so ever!! Kilode?? Omo I weak oo. He’s so comfortable driving a dead man’s car 🚗 🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️ your husband is an atenu or probably he has been jazzed! If it’s jazz, I won’t advise you to still continue this marriage ooo because if it’s jazz then it’s obvious that it’s the widow that killed her husband and she’s very deadly oooo! Abeg remove your head with immediate effect!!! GOD WILL SEE YOU THROUGH AMEN 🙏🏻

  27. He’s having sex with his mistress widow and shouts at you for being disrespectful to her anddddddd he’s wearing what clothes????! Or you assume because she’s a widow she can’t have sex?

    You are confused because???! WTF are you still doing in that house?!

  28. #EndSWAT #Endpolicebrutality Phoenix2 January 2021 at 17:06

    Poster your husband is enchanted oh mehn i was hoping there will be an inprovement. Let me tell you there is a time to pray and there is a time you stop and ask for the will of God to be done. Now is the time to focus on yourself and your kids if any. Do you have properties in your name or his. If you can, change the name if it is Mr and Mrs Phoenix to Mr Jeje Phoenix and Mrs Owonikoko Lagbaja - Lagbaja here is your maiden name. Start having a plan B cause this is now becoming a battle. Continue praying yourself and kids. Then involve a strong spiritual person where you guys do agreement prayers. Have you reported him to his family or someone he highly respects concerning this matter. Please don't keep quiet, you need people to help you. Ask for wisdom and direction. All the best

  29. Poster when next the woman calls to speak with you... refuse to speak with her... very important. That’s is the jazz she is doing to scatter your marriage

  30. Hmm....bringing home the dead man's properties and using them no be am. Are they related?

  31. That your husband is something else!
    Please pray and focus on your self and kids.

  32. You need to pray fire prayers, follow MFM services or buy thier prayer books, your family life and your life will never remain d same.
    God will just do something dangerous to the person behind all this, you sef go fear. Dont give up on Godp

  33. You need to pray fire prayers, follow MFM services or buy thier prayer books, your family life and your life will never remain d same. Dont give up on God
    God will just do something dangerous to the person behind all this, you sef go fear. Dont give up on Godp

  34. Madam, i'm sorry about your predicament.I don't even know how to advice you. May God direct your steps to the right decision.

    Ehn ehn Madam stella.....i no too follow this your red pen o........what the man /boyfriend do wrong na ?
    I thought you've always said nobody wants a leech.....He has found someone who gives him,the same he gives her....what is wrong with a little reciprocity.
    Nobody would marry anybody who brings nothing to the table.
    Women have been dumping their boyfriends for richer, more finacially secure men; and the world did not fall.she will be fine.
    Like he said "Everybody wants financial security"

    1. The mantra of a gold digging man

  35. Wearing the dead man's clothes? That's the height I can understand the car part even though nothing justifies it but clothes naaa.

    It's not normal again abeg, poster for you to still be in your house that means you don't want to tow the divorce route,

    if your a Christian join NSPPD Mondays to Fridays for their 7am prayers, if na manipulation God would see you both through and your husband would return back to you

    Please don't stop praying,it's not easy but God would see you through

  36. Can people stop asking women to pray for promiscuous men, if the men do not realize that they are disrespecting their body, which is a temple of God, then that’s their business. Lady start praying for God to deliver you from this prison and watch Him perform miracles, sending you warm hugs and well wishes.

    1. Don't mind her longer throat husband, I just hope he doesn't have any property attached to his name else the widow will milk him dry and leave you to pick up your husband in a body bag

  37. Aunty's that was ur dad.Full stop.There are 2 worlds this 3d material worlds and those we cannot see with our naked eyes.Even God is spirit and we are all spirit in a material body that allows us exist in this plain.Nothing is wrong in giving your dad hugs.You communicatedthrough your emotions that you were down ,your loved one in the non material world picked the signal,you drifting off to sleep between dreaming and the point you drift off ,you lucid dream're neither asleep nor awake.Thats the state the people of this world hold and use to perform their evil like astral projection etc.Ur dad came as he felt his baby girl is in distress.Thats why he has to go as he's a spirit and needs to perform other duties.Forget some of the things you read in KJV bible it was written by James the 1st of England for the masses,to keep them docile and obedient so their knowledge won't open ,most of the books are incomplete,summarised or outrightly not in the bible . If you need to read the real thing,look for a Jew.Youll be shocked at some things.The Jews don't even use the kjv bible

  38. Nigerian women are delusional, saying he was jazzed. Have you considered the husband jazzed the widow so he can take advantage of her inheritance ? Or he’s just a greedy gigolo. The wife better distance herself and her finances because this man may have a hand in the widow’s late husband’s death. Maybe they were dating before but the poster found out after the widow’s husband died. Forever blaming jazz for a man’s actions. Meanwhile the men do the same abroad, even going as far as raping and paying women to sleep with them. Abi white women are using jazz too

  39. Keep praying for God to open your spiritual eyes... Either your husband has been jazzed or he is a gigolo who is with her for material gains.what if they both killed her husband to inherit his wealth. .God answers prayers and he gives a way of escape for certain situations. What if God wants you to leave that marriage before they kill you too? How can you do what he is doing brazenly without regard for your wife? Focus on your life, stop having sex with him let him continue in his stupidity. He will surely get burnt last last. Let God show you what do do next

  40. Which kain thing be this o. My question, why is it not an option to divorce this man? They obviously are having sex plus the emotional torture he’s putting you through. I don’t see him change pls, it’s either the woman has jazzed him or something. This is d height of stupidity, using personal stuffs of a dead man???

  41. Is this one marriage?!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    Poster, keep deceiving yourself.
    Did the word marriage suck out your brain?

    Don't worry, when you wake up from your stupidity, you will know what to do.

    You husband is NOT JAZZED in anyway!

  42. Poster a man is disrespecting you and you are still married to him. Do you have low self esteem? Don't you love your self? Don't you love your kids? Are you not tired of your husband see finish towards you? Most men who cheat hide it from their wives because of the respect they have their wives and kids. Your husband doesn't love you. Your husband has taken advantage of silent. Wake up poster, disgrace him to his family, friends, the widow late husband family. Even your husband church and pastor should know about it. How can your be sleeping with a widow, wearing his clothes and driving his car and you are still looking. It is not by force to be a mrs. Being a mrs without respect is rubbish. Leave and divorce him. Start saving money for yourself and your kids. Your husband is a useless man.


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