Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Saturday, January 02, 2021

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....




Kudos to you for all you do and for using your platform to touch lives. My story is a confusing one and I do not know how to interpret it.

Sometime ago, I was feeling somehow. A bit sad, a bit melancholy. I had just finished putting my toddler to sleep and was feeling down. I went to the parlour where hubby was on his phone and asked him for a hug that i was a bit down. At first, he didn't respond and then when I insisted, he started grumbling that he is kind of busy. I got up angrily and left, murmuring all the way to the room and then laid down. After about 5 minutes, he came and said oya now, let me hug you, I didn't respond cos I was vexing. He tried to cajole me and apologized but I didn't respond. 

After a while, he fell asleep.

Now, there is a loose tile just before you enter our bedroom and when you step on it, it makes a sound. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard the sound like someone stepped on the tile. I raised my head to check but saw nothing. I shrugged it off and fell asleep.

Now, I can remember that I was having a very normal dream then all of a sudden, I saw my dad!

 My dad has been late for over 2 years plus. He and I were close and I miss him badly every single time I think of him. Now on this day, I never thought of him but seeing him in my dream, I felt very happy. When I saw him, I asked him what he was doing here and he replied and said he just came to give me a hug! That he felt i needed one. 

Stella, I hugged him eh. He was on the leaner side and looked younger too. Then he said it was time for him to go that I should take care of myself. I begged him not to leave me again but he pleaded that he needed to go that's when I woke up.

I cried and cried and cried my eyes out that night. Hubby was shocked when he heard the story and was regretting why he didn't give me a hug. Throughout that week, I was just numb and sad and just could not understand the meaning of the dream.

Was it really my dad? Or was it just that because I was psychologically down? If it was a good dream then why do I feel so weighed down? So confused. 

Hmmmm i think you are having post natal depression...Please read about it on google and know what to do..Also get your hubby to read about it so that he can know how to help you get through it.


  1. Poster all I can say is Pele o
    It is well with you

    1. Don't over think it. You have a husband that has decided to step up to the plate and be there for you emotionally.

      What happened to you is just as natural as sexual starved men having a wet dream.

  2. Poster please don't let your dream affect your life. Cheers up and be happy.

  3. The person you saw in your dream is not your Dad but a familiar spirit...

    What you were feeling before you slept off was what played out in your dream...

    1. Go with your first paragraph
      Pray devil can use your dad face especially spirit husband

  4. Prayers ooooooo!!!! I think that hug part is extreme and might not be a good thing. The dead and the living no fit dey hug

  5. Poster is depressed, some times i feel same was too, try and pull out of it

  6. Hmmm Bad dream, Hugging a dead person in the dream is evil. Pls pray and fast against sudden death. It will never be your portion IJN

  7. It could be psychological as your father perhaps represented unconditional love to you, and a man who would never let you down or denied you anything.

    Your husband needs to give you a hug especially if you are asking for it. Should you go hug the walls instead if he is there. I am sure he is a great person, but how hard is it to hug someone who is actually asking for it right in that moment.

  8. Sometimes the littlest thing means a lot to me. Imagine asking your man for a hug and he says no! Quite insensitive. Since he wasn't man enough your dad(bless him) came to hug his baby girl 'cause she really needed it. Sometimes,I feel unease too just exactly the way you described it and to be honest a genuine hug from a loved one solves everything. In everything Haney,be prayerful 💗

  9. You ppl can turn everything spiritual. So all those who saw ppl in dreams in the Bible were familiar spirits. Any way my late grand pa always appeared in my dreams to warn me of dangers ahead. He told me to fix a brighter bulb in my backyard as it was too dark (my security guard killed a big snake 3 days time), he also warned me in the dream not to travel to a friend's dad's funeral (there was a ghastly accident and lost 2friends), even about my fiance, he warned me and asked me to recite Psalm 91 always, he left his phone carelessly and read a conversation where he was bn asked for my menstrual pad etc. I don't about y'all but my grand pops loves and protects me. I believe deep in my heart that it was your dad.

    1. How come the dead are aware of what goes on in d living?

    2. Be there typing rubbish.. It is all firmiliar spirit. Keep believing its your grandfather till they do the demonic one.. The living has no business with the dead... Only troubled souls hover around

  10. #EndSWAT #Endpolicebrutality Phoenix2 January 2021 at 16:56

    Aww poster May his soul rest in peace. I can imagine how you feel. I feel its more psychological, it was in your subconscious mind.pls forgive your hubby for his action however you need to be prayerful. I know how much you miss him so much. I wish i were with you so I can give you the biggest bear hug. But accept this Ehug from me 🤗🤗🤗

  11. Poster take e-hug🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
    Focus on the positive.whatever it is, you will get through it. Jesus loves you

  12. Pray against it and move on. Nothing will happen to you.

  13. You should go with Stella's advice. I think you are experiencing post natal depression. We downplay it alot but its something that affects many women especially when there is little or no help with the baby. I suffer it too when I have my babies and I fight it by speaking up. As in, I keep saying how I feel, don't be ashamed about it. Your hubby really needs to step up his game and really listen to you. It helps. Just like you needed,a little hug could have gone a long way to make you feel loved.

  14. Hugging a dead person in the dream is bad..please pray about it.

  15. Aunty's that was ur dad.Full stop.There are 2 worlds this 3d material worlds and those we cannot see with our naked eyes.Even God is spirit and we are all spirit in a material body that allows us exist in this plain.Nothing is wrong in giving your dad hugs.You communicatedthrough your emotions that you were down ,your loved one in the non material world picked the signal,you drifting off to sleep between dreaming and the point you drift off ,you lucid dream're neither asleep nor awake.Thats the state the people of this world hold and use to perform their evil like astral projection etc.Ur dad came as he felt his baby girl is in distress.Thats why he has to go as he's a spirit and needs to perform other duties.Forget some of the things you read in KJV bible it was written by James the 1st of England for the masses,to keep them docile and obedient so their knowledge won't open ,most of the books are incomplete,summarised or outrightly not in the bible . If you need to read the real thing,look for a Jew.Youll be shocked at some things.The Jews don't even use the kjv bible

    1. I agree with you unknown
      A second aunt had the same experience
      Her husband married a second wife and practically abandoned her and her kids. They are all living in the same house but was more like a widow collecting handout from second wife oh life
      After ao much suffering, she made up her mind to leave the children with them 7 kids and leave the marriage. Before you talk of her kids? Her husband was the one who wanted plenty kids cause he was only son and he was doing well financially them. Anyways she packed her things? Fell asleep in her room while crying. Pronto? Her dead father arrived. Hugged her, told her not to leave cos the children will suffer in her absence and gave her money to go start a business.she woke up and unpacked.she still her didn't have money, she went to the market and started collecting used clothes from importers on credit and sell at open places. From there big ones started giving her big big expensive bells, shoes, bags to sell for them. She rented her own shop and kept growing and was so big till her children, the first ones grew up, finished school and retired her
      It is not everything that is demonic

    2. Unknown and anonymous I agree with both of you💯💯.

  16. If u dream of a dead man hugging u in the dream,it's a serious case my dear.
    U need to perform this sacrifice before 21 days.
    Get an 🍎, watermelon ,date and tiger nut.blend it together ,drink and sleep.

  17. Men can be insensitive times...even if he came back to hug you for the mere fact that he refused the first time is just so important was whatever he was doing on his phone...rubbish.. You're blessed my dear! the dream means nothing serious in Jesus name, amen!

  18. There is no business between the living & the dead.It is appointed unto man to die & after then ,judgement! Pray and cancel that dream.It was demonic manipulation! If you do nothing about it ,you could join your dad on the other side but that will never be your portion in Jesus name.I cancel that demonic dream by the resurrection power in the name of Jesus.God bless & keep you ,your husband & children in Jesus name.

  19. Poster, be it unto you according to how you want it


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