But...a woman would have survived it. It's nothing new with women knowing their husbands they sacrificed the whole world for has children and a 50yr standing relationship. 95% will cry, pull themselves together and move on while men can't take it.
Their mum wasn't the one that gave birth to the boys.
Read that part very well... The girls have the same father (their biological father) with the boys but different mum(which is the girls biological mother)
Chike where's your explanation coming from?? The three girls DO NOT MATCH with their father..... They came from the 11year affair their mum had with the neighbor... I suggest you read well
@Holdsomething,Chile Teflon is very correct. The storyteller's mum had her and her sisters for their Dad's friend. Their Dad's friend also has 2 otger boys with another woman. The DNA results showed that the girls and (2 boys somewhere else,whom they ve never met) had the same father. I suggest that YOU read the entire story carefully again.
Chike Teflon, comprehension is a major problem for a lot of people. If after your explanation, Bbjac doesn't get it, then there's nothing more to say. You have tried.
While we are at it, even Stella should read again and do her math. The woman got pregnant after about 4years of dating the man, they started dating at 16. First born is 39f(that's 39years old female). If the mom is 59F, then she had the first girl at 20.
Now to the story. Such a bad situation for all of them. I hear that deceit hurts differently.
No Stella you are wrong. The first baby they had at 16 was his own....he only had one child that is biologically his, the remaining 3 na for his friend.
Yori none of them is the man's child. They are three girls, read where she said her other sisters took the test too and none of them where her father's biological child.
Wow! This is so sad,you will end up blaming yourself for the rest of your life. May God console you and give you fortitude to bear his lost, your mum didn't do well.
Had a neighbour once, pretty girl. Was staying with her Mother and a little boy, I assumed was her brother (we didn't talk much). She later quietly got married and moved out but still came around to see the others. Turns out, the little boy, was her son and she had apparently passed him off as her brother to the husband, reason he was left behind with his grandma. Very common scenarios
Anon this happened to a friend of mine , the girl had previously been married and had a 7 year old son. She never told my friend about it and to think they were planning a wedding, well he found out and was willing to forgive her but things never remained the same . They didn't get married.
Na that one mad me pass. I wonder what was going through her mind when the unfortunate man dropped out of school and took responsibility of a pregnancy that wasn't his. Even the man's friend, how did he sleep and wake every day knowing what he did to his friend? Haa!
I just wish good people will meet and marry themselves while the shameless ones end up together.
She has been evil since sixteen. I will advise all men to carry out DNA tests on their kids without wasting so much time raising another person's child. Nobody deserves this kind of evil betrayal. She ruined not just the man's life but her children as well.
I am wondering what happened to her father's friend who also betrayed his wife with their mother. I am sure his home has scattered as well.
As a Man, this is the first time ever, I feel so broken for another Man. But I learnt something vital. I'm not concluding that this shit wouldn't still happen if he had married her before the whole sex stuff but at least it would have prevented him from tossing his dream and aspiration in a bin all because of an initial pregnancy that wasn't his.
Better still, the woman's infidelity would have been obvious from the onset. Probably, there wouldn't had been any marriage at all.
In a game of chess against a grandmaster, just a little mistake and yoh fucking vulnerable.
We're in a game against the world. The world is a grandmaster. Sometimes, it might overlook that little flaw and other times, it doesn't.
This is what I learnt and the reason something that bad could happen to someone so 'GOOD'
I agree. DNA should be standard in ALL births. This is why i will never support a woman cheating NO MATTER WHAT!. If the man is cheating, leave or manage it. If the relationship is not working LEAVE.
"the woman's infidelity would have been obvious from the onset" Anonymous 11:59 have you met women? My gender would never give you a reason to doubt them even if the reasons are in your face.
Femilicious that has been my stand from the beginning. When a man cheats, of course there will be pain betrayal, broken home, dreams and so on. But when a woman does and a pregnancy is involved, u have started playing draft with the life of that child from the start. Most especially when the truth finally comes out
11:59. I was tempted to think along that line too. He would have made his father proud and become who he was meant to be but what has happened has happened, you know so I skipped it. It is obvious she got pregnant for his friend who refused such a huge responsibility at such a young age so she decided to pin it on the available guy she knew wouldn't reject her but her shameless self kept going back to cheat.
Femilicious In this age and time anyone who doesn't do that test is not serious. Well, a smart cheat can cheat and still make sure all her babies are for her man. This did not happen because a woman cheated(Remember, she cheated with a man after all) but because cheating occurred. Simple! Cheating is just bad and never leads to a positive outcome be it from the man or woman. I do not support 'anyone'(No gender excluded) to cheat.
A man cheats with a woman at the end of the day. So, not supporting a cheating woman shows you do not also support a cheating man. Except you are talking about the ones who cheat with their gender.
yes ooo i too do not think man or woman should cheat. But men are very likely to cheat which if course is horrible. Women cheating is much worse because of the issue of child bearing. Its a horrible thing to do to pass on a child to someone who is not the father. If your husband cheats, either stay and fast and pray for him to change or leave the marriage. Cheating back is out of the question.
'What has happened as happened' I interprete that as 'the mistake of the past should be kept in the past'. Although, several folks might not consider that as a mistake but what I'm tryna point out here is the fact that a certain action taken by someone can cause a reaction that will alter his live forever be it positive or negative.
The phrase 'what has happened as happened' can also be used to excuse the woman of her evil act. Like, all she did wrong was just cheating. She has been good in otherways all through and certainly deserves a good Man too. If we then bring in your equation, it would mean that the 'Good' man actually met a 'Good' woman and everything else just happened.
But I feel you're referring to the weight of their acts.
By the way, I love your neutral stand on the gender comparison ish.
Is it real? If yes, people get heart oh... I just wonder if am in same planet with some women, sometimes I feel am to calm and good to a fault. Such a nice man. Girl please focus on your husband and pregnancy. Pray and hope for the best in your own home.
Moral of the story let sleeping dogs lie. Your family is perfect you are going to do dna for what??? What if she had found out her grandmothers side and husband was related? Abeg pls. Anyway, to those saying they don’t condone women cheating because of raising another persons child what of the men cheating who raise another child secretly? What’s the difference please? Resources that’s supposed to go to your wife and children starts getting shared with another child and woman and your children have half siblings they don’t know about? No difference ohh. Nobody should cheat.
I wish the man didn't kill himself because the other man was only their father biologically. I don't think yhe girls would have abandoned him. Sperm donors abound but good fathers are scarce.
What da hell of a betrayal is this?! Like, that woman made that man change his career for her. He took good care of her and lived up to his responsibility, yet, she couldn't hold it together. She couldn't even pretend to love her husband and not give him such heartbreak.
Thank God I am in the medical field. I dy follow my wife menstrual cycle bumper to bumper. Any pikin wey no resemble and wey I no remember how a take happen during period calculation na suspect. We know see for few weeks and you come tell me say you carry belle lol you are on your own. This one no be trust matter, I don't care what you fucking doing outside but no carry the load give me. Hundreds of atrocities of a man can never be weighed side by side with one of such atrocities women are capable of doing. They will mess you up, give you the mess to drink with a smile on your face.
Good, you are keeping yourself abreast.👏🏻 Keep at it!
However, Evil has no gender. People need to stop saying " women do more evil than men... men are scum and all". I have come to realise most people irrespective of their gender are hypocritical and sentimental when an issue casts a slur on their group. Was it not here we read about a poor man married to his wife for donkey years who shared her wealth, home and resources with him for years yet sent an assassin to kill her for no reason? And another man who killed his wife just to marry his mistress because divorcing her was stressful? What about women who chop off their men privates for cheating? Both genders are capable of doing bad. But exaggerating the atrocity of one gender doesn't make light the evil the other gender is also capable of.
Any atrocity committed irrespective of the weight it carries is never gender-based. Both genders need to stop this pity-party. It's pathetic.
I only feel sorry for the genuine few good men and women who try to be fair in their reasoning.
Remember, the man, whom the woman in the story had all her daughters for, is also married to another woman (who might also be faithful like the innocent man who committed suicide) and he slept with his friend's wife for years hereby betraying his friend.
Anon 11:43 and sabella, no body is talking about the cheating man because he didn't give his wife another persons children to train. If you think the cheating alone is the issue here then I can't help you. Imagine me being told even right now that this my kids are not mine. You seem not to understand the gravity of making someone live a life that turn out to be a lie. Developing a bound and being asked to just break it or just understand. If you have kids you understand if not I pardon your position on this matter. Cheat, do what ever you like but to make me live a life of lies and falsehood no that's extreme. You are taking or wasting anyway the persons life, emotions time and then you top it all at the end by asking him to either forget it all happened or start processing how to live a new life knowing he is a foster father and to suddenly accept the new normal. Abeg shift jare. If he cheats cheat back it's your body but don't punish him with such wickedness all because you want to hide not your cheating ways because not one here but three..........it can't be explained and you certainly aren't the male gender so you wouldn't understand.
Honestly sabella. This gender war needs to stop. Today its the woman, tomorrow can be the man. Another day it could be both parties. What about the man whose friend was sleeping with the wife? Shouldn't he be held responsible too for the death of his friend? Evil has no gender. One should just pray to meet the right person.
@11;43 and sabella I have been reading comments to see if you ladies would still make it about a man,una no fall hand.
The story was not about the man's best friend the daughter explained the whole story so we can not make it about him.
When the best friend kids share there story we will make it about the best friend but for now,the story is about a woman who shattered a man's dream and there beautiful family.
I am not complaining no one talked about the cheating man.
Both comments I made to you and the other anon was only made in reference to your first comment which says,
"Hundreds of atrocities of a man can never be weighed side by side with one of such atrocities women are capable of doing. They will mess you up, give you the mess to drink with a smile on your face".
That your statement up there was my only compliant but you ignored it. Even my reply to that anon was due to that statement of yours I already highlighted above.
Read again and pretend not to see I was not really replying her but talking about the point you raised women and being more evil.
Everything you wrote has already been talked about and that is the reason I implored all men to go for paternity test. If I did not understand I won't reason that way.
No one said giving someone else's child to another is right but my own grouse with your comment was you saying more of an evil act comes from women and that was why I gave you instances of what men had done to let you know jumping into that conclusion is not needed.
A woman who lets a man raise someone else's children and a man who sent an assasin to kill his wife who loved him enough to give her all to him for no reason at all( we read it here) which is more deadly? Both right? That is my point. Why place one above the other just to prove a point that does not exist. I do not have to be a male to know evil has no face or gender and if being a male is all about believing women are more capable of the most evil then thank God I am not. You are avoiding my point and making about this about something else. Read my first comment beneath yours to understand me.
So what you are saying is that the man's best friend did well and should not be held culpable for his friends death. He fathered those children and you don't see that as a crying shame because he is a man? The man's best friend knew all along about the type of woman his friend was dating and said nothing and that is cool right? Oya let me help you clap for the best friend nau, the woman cheated with and impregnated herself. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽He did well nau because he is a man. Mtchew some of you can never be objective. Call evil evil where you see it, be it from a man or woman.
You see at this point...I am tired. If you do not understand why I said that to him then you just don't and it is fine. Did you see what the man I replied to said ? You say this is not about the other man who cheated but to the first commenter and likes every story is an opportunity to talk about how all the female folks are capable of more evil than men, right? Is that what we are talking about?
All these unfounded generalization is what we are trying to eradicate but no, we mustn't else we want to bring men down. How is that statement of his different from the typical "all men are scum statement?" You said,
"When the best friend kids share there story we will make it about the best friend but for now,the story is about a woman who shattered a man's dream and there beautiful family" and you feel such does not apply to women? How about you and this man practice what you preach?
"When you have come across all the women in the world and they disclose their evil acts then you can come back here to say women evil acts carries more weight than that of men".
Always generalising based on gender. Men attacking women, women attacking men. You all deserve each other. The few non- sentimental ones who try to reason fairly are the ones I respect and feel sorry for but you anon and the first commenter obviously aren't one of them.
I supported everything he said but only till I got to his last paragraph. He spoilt his comment with that singular statement but you won't see that and won't call his attention to it by telling him to focus on the issue on ground.
You said, "The story was not about the man's best friend the daughter explained the whole story so we can not make it about him".
Well, he should have made it about that alone and focus on the subject matter instead of talking about how greater evil are perpetuated by the other gender. Isn't that the double standards you all whine about?
I will appreciate if no one ever tag me to any post where any form of comments showing a double standard view is being displayed. I understand everyone better now more than you think. Thank you! 🚶♂️🚶♂️🚶♂️
@Sabella. Am a man and the reason I don't bother commenting on posts is because of the ridiculous gender bias that do not allow people analyse situations based on its merits/lack of thereof but 'll rather, immediately take sides irrespective, in defence of their side of the divide. I understand and largely agree with your summations above and it's comforting to see people who can still be as logical as you
Sabella, I will wish my enemy a quick death, not a slow horrible terrible one. All crimes or atrocities anybody commits or does is either instant or directed at one person but this type is a chain reaction. The man would react differently if he found out his wife just cheated even the kids wouldn't overreact but this here is chain reaction type of explosion. I have kids I love them more than life, so I wake up one day and I have to contend with the realisation that are not mine, even if you want to go the whole sperm donor stuff it's best if I knew right from the beginning. What that man has gone through NO WOMAN WILL EVER UNDERSTAND. It's a different thing if someone comes and says this child belongs to your husband. That's just betrayal, you invested not into that child, you can change towards your husband and all that but a man would have invested his time, emotion, lived his life to align with that of the child and all. It is massive fraud. Headache dy worry. Sabella, you can't equate any type of infidelity or betrayal to it. I stand by what I wrote.
very stupid chauvinistic comment, what the fuck is hundred atrocities of a man bla bla bla...men are worse...if you cheat then don't expect your wife to be faithful. keep monitoring her like a spirit.
Very sad indeed,a lot of families are on this table.Some even take these secrets to their graves.At the end of ot all,nobody holy pass,may God have mercy on us all.
This is just horrible, horrible! This wicked woman did not only step out on her marriage but with her husband's best friend and passed off another man's child to her husband.
If she were my mother, I will never speak to her again, ever!
The heart of a man! Apparently, the devil himself will be marveled at the woman.
So this is the tragic end of a man that loved with his all and even sacrificed his dreams one of which was being a medical doctor? Haa! This one is beyond wickedness and demonic act.
But what i totally do not understand yet is why one of the daughter took the bag of trash to the hospital because they felt it was having a panic attack. I also do not understand what the bag of trash went to the late man's funeral to do. still confused as to why the lady has continued to refer to the trash as her mother.
To everyone out there betraying their friends, do i even have a word for you all?? No i don't! Y'all should ride on.
Now that the story turned .... Feminist up to you...I didn't hear “women are scum, dogs, heartless, wicked, No Comment like: the man wake up oo, don't trust any woman.... I bet you can all see your level of hypocrite is like Zuma rock.
We men face alot but we manage it with wisdom.
Nobody is perfect ....what that woman did your sister can do that too to a wonderful and faithful man....Devil no get house
stop making stupid comments...go and school yourself about feminism before coming to vomit trash in the name of comments.. feminism is gender equality simple.. retards like you who dont even understand the topic will always bark here. did feminism tell women to be wicked? a woman demanding equality is so painful to some of your souls that you can twist a simple matter and be vomiting rubbish
This is beyond crazy. How can a woman destroy another man's life like this. What stopped her from marrying the hubby's BF. The woman and the so called BF are evil... 11years 😲😲😲😲 This is terrible. Evil Woman. Pls don't marry someone because of pregnancy....infact avoid premarital sex Biko.
This is the definition of TOO MUCH haba I can't even deal, the writer that suggested the test will not forgive herself in a hury. What if he never knew and everything remained normal ,maybe this woman would have still confessed as some point
Why would a DNA testing service volunteer such information as you having half or step siblings? What the damn hell? How is that professional?
You are lettered and should have talked down the test after seeing such results- you could have told your dad they usually make errors and that you'll call their customer service. Why did you have to keep going down the rabbit hole? To achieve what? Why confront your mom?
These are the lessons you have to learn going forward- without wisdom, good people end up paying for the crimes of the wicked. Learn how to navigate situations and when to walk back a suggestion. Your mother is receiving first class care for whoring around and destroying three generations but your father, the good guy is dead and was not even given his last respects. Please learn the lesson on wisdom now so that you don't end up making such mistakes in future.
Your dad loved you all but just broke under the weight of such heavy revelations. He does not blame you and so, please don't blame yourself. He remains your father and I would advise you keep in touch with his family and try to find healing especially since your grandfather is still alive.
As for your mother, please maintain your social distancing from her. Forgive her for her wickedness but like Paul and Silas, let each pursue his ministry from a distance. She is bad news.
Hmmmmmmm ANON 15:27, wisdom is profitable unto direction.
Poster,, 🥺🥺 you should have stopped the investigation somehow and maybe pursue it without your Dad's over involvement. #Chasing ball starlight into the rabbit hole is dangerous to all of us.# Learn from this lesson. Don't blame yourself too much.
Take heart lady, nothing is new under the sun. Ask your mother to tell you and your sisters the truth, confront your father's best friend too in all of this - He can't be playing house with his family, whilst yours is in turmoil.
At times so things are best left secrets till it is exposed. Parents - Lies and Betrayal. God grant us the wisdom to be strong in terms of impromptu news as such
Is this story complete, why did you do a DNA test? what prompted you? Female intuition or you've heard tongues wagging outside your home and you wanted to be sure. The die has been cast and your father is dead- But still sit your mum and your dad's best friend and question them.
What was your mum's thought process when she had 3 children for her husband's friend, was your dad impotent and it was a pact amongst them Or was it just plain cheating on your mum's part. You can only ask.
Till then, be emotionally strong for your own family.
Our sisters on this blog advice women to take the secrets to their graves. Please, ignore their reaction to this post. They are just pretending. Over and over again, in the last 9 years, they have always advised women who imposed the fruits of their cheating on their husbands to take the secrets to their graves.
Way back when i used to live in ilupeju, there was a nasty scandal, husband found out both kids were fathered by his father inlaw!!!!! Heard his friends and family members kept calling his attention to the fact that his kids look nothing like him . Saw him in 2016 with a new family and yes the boys look like him while the girls were a mix of him and his wife. Things dey happen
My own is how this woman did this in the name of love. That man hung himself not because he did not father those children but how someone whom he sacrificed his very own existence treated him as a piece of shit for over 40 years plus look him in The eye everyday and say I love you while striffing other men.Trust me that woman had other men friends. I don't even know what to say. What does it take to be decent sef? Man may your soul RIP but you gave her the easy way out. You should have been alive to see her suffer her evil deeds because this one is pure evil abeg.Not a good person generally.
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Speechless 😶
ReplyDeleteThat woman is d devil himself! What?! After 30 whole years?!!!!! If I'm the one I would never have anything to do with that woman called mother.
DeleteThis is pure wickedness
DeleteSpeechless, as in.... Just like in the movie, plight..
Apart from death, that woman deserves nothing else
DeleteBut...a woman would have survived it. It's nothing new with women knowing their husbands they sacrificed the whole world for has children and a 50yr standing relationship. 95% will cry, pull themselves together and move on while men can't take it.
DeletePoor man.
Thanks for sharing poster.
DeleteThis is too deep. Very deep.
Is This for real??????? Where was your mum when she was pregnant with the boys???😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
ReplyDeleteSuch heartbreak can kill any man.Jeezzzzz
DeleteTheir mum wasn't the one that gave birth to the boys.
Read that part very well... The girls have the same father (their biological father) with the boys but different mum(which is the girls biological mother)
Do you understand or I should elaborate the more.
Chike where's your explanation coming from??
DeleteThe three girls DO NOT MATCH with their father.....
They came from the 11year affair their mum had with the neighbor...
I suggest you read well
DeleteRead Bbjac's comment well... I answered her question:
Where was your mum when she was pregnant with the boys???
Comprehension can be a problem.
DeleteNo be small thing...oo.iti mpataka!
DeleteOh Lord,this is too much😥
Delete@Holdsomething,Chile Teflon is very correct. The storyteller's mum had her and her sisters for their Dad's friend. Their Dad's friend also has 2 otger boys with another woman. The DNA results showed that the girls and (2 boys somewhere else,whom they ve never met) had the same father. I suggest that YOU read the entire story carefully again.
DeleteChike Teflon, comprehension is a major problem for a lot of people. If after your explanation, Bbjac doesn't get it, then there's nothing more to say. You have tried.
DeleteWhile we are at it, even Stella should read again and do her math. The woman got pregnant after about 4years of dating the man, they started dating at 16. First born is 39f(that's 39years old female). If the mom is 59F, then she had the first girl at 20.
Now to the story. Such a bad situation for all of them. I hear that deceit hurts differently.
Chai. Pure evil and wickedness.
ReplyDeleteThe mom is a disgrace to womanhood.
This is pathetic.
ReplyDeleteLet me read comment to see if I can read things like
Women are scum
Women will embarrass you
Women are dog... Etc.
Or "we need to raise our women better" 😊
DeleteOr... You can never trust these men
DeleteWouldn't he have done worse, e.t.c.....
No Stella you are wrong. The first baby they had at 16 was his own....he only had one child that is biologically his, the remaining 3 na for his friend.
ReplyDeleteThis story is deep mehn....sigh.
None of the kids are his. Including the one they had at 16.
DeleteHe was not the biological father of any of the children!
DeleteGo and read it again!
Yori none of them is the man's child. They are three girls, read where she said her other sisters took the test too and none of them where her father's biological child.
DeleteSeems the poor man was impotent.
DeleteWow! This is so sad,you will end up blaming yourself for the rest of your life. May God console you and give you fortitude to bear his lost, your mum didn't do well.
ReplyDelete#Passing by and giving you girls here Stella's dog coner eyes...
ReplyDeleteI hail oh💪.. una too get level😊
Sha don't comman bobo us by calling the woman names and all,. We know some of you are doing worse
Had a neighbour once, pretty girl. Was staying with her Mother and a little boy, I assumed was her brother (we didn't talk much). She later quietly got married and moved out but still came around to see the others. Turns out, the little boy, was her son and she had apparently passed him off as her brother to the husband, reason he was left behind with his grandma.
DeleteVery common scenarios
Anon this happened to a friend of mine , the girl had previously been married and had a 7 year old son.
DeleteShe never told my friend about it and to think they were planning a wedding, well he found out and was willing to forgive her but things never remained the same .
They didn't get married.
Plz anybody dat finished reading should summarized for me bcos I am a lazy Nigerian youth
ReplyDeleteSome women are just something else. Oh my goodness!
Gbenu soun. 45%! It's a statistical fact!!
DeleteWomen ruining lives since 1800.. got pregnant for another man and used it to ruin another's chance of pursuing his dream. Tufiakwa
ReplyDeleteNa that one mad me pass. I wonder what was going through her mind when the unfortunate man dropped out of school and took responsibility of a pregnancy that wasn't his. Even the man's friend, how did he sleep and wake every day knowing what he did to his friend? Haa!
DeleteSo heart breaking 💔😢,
ReplyDeleteJust got an ID after 4yrs💃🤸♀️
DeleteThanks 😊 Baltika
DeleteAmarret, 👍👍👍🙋🙋♀️
I just wish good people will meet and marry themselves while the shameless ones end up together.
ReplyDeleteShe has been evil since sixteen. I will advise all men to carry out DNA tests on their kids without wasting so much time raising another person's child. Nobody deserves this kind of evil betrayal. She ruined not just the man's life but her children as well.
I am wondering what happened to her father's friend who also betrayed his wife with their mother. I am sure his home has scattered as well.
Not necessarily. Women are more tolerant.
DeleteAs a Man, this is the first time ever, I feel so broken for another Man. But I learnt something vital. I'm not concluding that this shit wouldn't still happen if he had married her before the whole sex stuff but at least it would have prevented him from tossing his dream and aspiration in a bin all because of an initial pregnancy that wasn't his.
DeleteBetter still, the woman's infidelity would have been obvious from the onset.
Probably, there wouldn't had been any marriage at all.
In a game of chess against a grandmaster, just a little mistake and yoh fucking vulnerable.
We're in a game against the world. The world is a grandmaster. Sometimes, it might overlook that little flaw and other times, it doesn't.
This is what I learnt and the reason something that bad could happen to someone so 'GOOD'
I agree. DNA should be standard in ALL births. This is why i will never support a woman cheating NO MATTER WHAT!. If the man is cheating, leave or manage it. If the relationship is not working LEAVE.
Delete"the woman's infidelity would have been obvious from the onset" Anonymous 11:59 have you met women? My gender would never give you a reason to doubt them even if the reasons are in your face.
DeleteFemilicious that has been my stand from the beginning. When a man cheats, of course there will be pain betrayal, broken home, dreams and so on. But when a woman does and a pregnancy is involved, u have started playing draft with the life of that child from the start. Most especially when the truth finally comes out
Delete11:59. I was tempted to think along that line too. He would have made his father proud and become who he was meant to be but what has happened has happened, you know so I skipped it. It is obvious she got pregnant for his friend who refused such a huge responsibility at such a young age so she decided to pin it on the available guy she knew wouldn't reject her but her shameless self kept going back to cheat.
DeleteFemilicious In this age and time anyone who doesn't do that test is not serious.
Well, a smart cheat can cheat and still make sure all her babies are for her man. This did not happen because a woman cheated(Remember, she cheated with a man after all) but because cheating occurred. Simple!
Cheating is just bad and never leads to a positive outcome be it from the man or woman. I do not support 'anyone'(No gender excluded) to cheat.
@G Wagon
DeleteSomeone who has to go through all experiences before he learn's from them is a ruined being.
You mean I wouldn't doubt my girlfriend if she shows up with a pregnancy when I haven't even had something as light as a kiss with her yet.
I once had a lecturer who said the last thing that can suprise him in this world is the action of humans. And that is a fact.
LTLY, but your stance is flawed.
DeleteA man cheats with a woman at the end of the day. So, not supporting a cheating woman shows you do not also support a cheating man. Except you are talking about the ones who cheat with their gender.
yes ooo i too do not think man or woman should cheat. But men are very likely to cheat which if course is horrible. Women cheating is much worse because of the issue of child bearing. Its a horrible thing to do to pass on a child to someone who is not the father. If your husband cheats, either stay and fast and pray for him to change or leave the marriage. Cheating back is out of the question.
Delete'What has happened as happened'
I interprete that as 'the mistake of the past should be kept in the past'.
Although, several folks might not consider that as a mistake but what I'm tryna point out here is the fact that a certain action taken by someone can cause a reaction that will alter his live forever be it positive or negative.
The phrase 'what has happened as happened' can also be used to excuse the woman of her evil act. Like, all she did wrong was just cheating. She has been good in otherways all through and certainly deserves a good Man too. If we then bring in your equation, it would mean that the 'Good' man actually met a 'Good' woman and everything else just happened.
But I feel you're referring to the weight of their acts.
By the way, I love your neutral stand on the gender comparison ish.
What did I just read,women ooo
ReplyDeleteIs it real? If yes, people get heart oh... I just wonder if am in same planet with some women, sometimes I feel am to calm and good to a fault. Such a nice man.
ReplyDeleteGirl please focus on your husband and pregnancy. Pray and hope for the best in your own home.
Moral of the story let sleeping dogs lie. Your family is perfect you are going to do dna for what??? What if she had found out her grandmothers side and husband was related? Abeg pls. Anyway, to those saying they don’t condone women cheating because of raising another persons child what of the men cheating who raise another child secretly? What’s the difference please? Resources that’s supposed to go to your wife and children starts getting shared with another child and woman and your children have half siblings they don’t know about? No difference ohh. Nobody should cheat.
DeleteSp this is what my Grandpa meant when he said that the depth of a human soul and heart, is deeper than the deepest ocean.
ReplyDeleteI wish the man didn't kill himself because the other man was only their father biologically. I don't think yhe girls would have abandoned him. Sperm donors abound but good fathers are scarce.
DeleteThe height of betrayal. Where do you start with this kind of human being.
ReplyDeleteJust cool down and address her as a bag of trash and you'd feel alot better. How can any normal human being commit such an act?
DeleteStart by dumping her out of one's life
DeleteWhat da hell of a betrayal is this?! Like, that woman made that man change his career for her. He took good care of her and lived up to his responsibility, yet, she couldn't hold it together. She couldn't even pretend to love her husband and not give him such heartbreak.
ReplyDeleteThe heart of a woman is deep indeed
She did not even say let me even have one child for the man ,spoilt his life and career.. U wicked ma
ReplyDeleteAnd made him kill himself.
DeleteVery wicked woman....
DeleteVery wicked and shameless woman. I'm just angry. What is she facing the wall for? See the way she destroyed the life of someone's son! Mtchewwww
DeleteNa wa o. I tbinkits better people don't do this DNA test o. What you don't know won't kill you.
ReplyDeleteGbam!!! Stop looking for what isn't missing.
DeleteAnd if you played away match before DNA became affordable, take your secret to the grave no matter how many times you are confronted.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmmmm. What a read.
ReplyDeleteI'm so flabbergasted
Thank God I am in the medical field. I dy follow my wife menstrual cycle bumper to bumper. Any pikin wey no resemble and wey I no remember how a take happen during period calculation na suspect. We know see for few weeks and you come tell me say you carry belle lol you are on your own. This one no be trust matter, I don't care what you fucking doing outside but no carry the load give me.
ReplyDeleteHundreds of atrocities of a man can never be weighed side by side with one of such atrocities women are capable of doing.
They will mess you up, give you the mess to drink with a smile on your face.
I see. Nobody is talking about the man that cheated on his best friend with his wife for 11 years and fathered her children.
DeleteGood, you are keeping yourself abreast.👏🏻 Keep at it!
DeleteHowever, Evil has no gender. People need to stop saying " women do more evil than men... men are scum and all". I have come to realise most people irrespective of their gender are hypocritical and sentimental when an issue casts a slur on their group. Was it not here we read about a poor man married to his wife for donkey years who shared her wealth, home and resources with him for years yet sent an assassin to kill her for no reason? And another man who killed his wife just to marry his mistress because divorcing her was stressful? What about women who chop off their men privates for cheating? Both genders are capable of doing bad. But exaggerating the atrocity of one gender doesn't make light the evil the other gender is also capable of.
Any atrocity committed irrespective of the weight it carries is never gender-based. Both genders need to stop this pity-party. It's pathetic.
I only feel sorry for the genuine few good men and women who try to be fair in their reasoning.
Remember, the man, whom the woman in the story had all her daughters for, is also married to another woman (who might also be faithful like the innocent man who committed suicide) and he slept with his friend's wife for years hereby betraying his friend.
11:43 I am just seeing your comment. I do not know why, People ignore the fact that,to carry out an evil act, both genders need each other.
DeleteI keep hearing Men/Women do more evil but the woman in the story carried out a more evil act with who? Another woman
Do not trust your woman if you want, but do not trust your male folks either even when the person in question is your friend. How about that?
Anon 11:43 and sabella, no body is talking about the cheating man because he didn't give his wife another persons children to train. If you think the cheating alone is the issue here then I can't help you.
DeleteImagine me being told even right now that this my kids are not mine.
You seem not to understand the gravity of making someone live a life that turn out to be a lie. Developing a bound and being asked to just break it or just understand. If you have kids you understand if not I pardon your position on this matter.
Cheat, do what ever you like but to make me live a life of lies and falsehood no that's extreme.
You are taking or wasting anyway the persons life, emotions time and then you top it all at the end by asking him to either forget it all happened or start processing how to live a new life knowing he is a foster father and to suddenly accept the new normal.
Abeg shift jare. If he cheats cheat back it's your body but don't punish him with such wickedness all because you want to hide not your cheating ways because not one here but three..........it can't be explained and you certainly aren't the male gender so you wouldn't understand.
Honestly sabella.
DeleteThis gender war needs to stop.
Today its the woman, tomorrow can be the man. Another day it could be both parties.
What about the man whose friend was sleeping with the wife? Shouldn't he be held responsible too for the death of his friend?
Evil has no gender.
One should just pray to meet the right person.
@11;43 and sabella I have been reading comments to see if you ladies would still make it about a man,una no fall hand.
DeleteThe story was not about the man's best friend the daughter explained the whole story so we can not make it about him.
When the best friend kids share there story we will make it about the best friend but for now,the story is about a woman who shattered a man's dream and there beautiful family.
I am not complaining no one talked about the cheating man.
DeleteBoth comments I made to you and the other anon was only made in reference to your first comment which says,
"Hundreds of atrocities of a man can never be weighed side by side with one of such atrocities women are capable of doing. They will mess you up, give you the mess to drink with a smile on your face".
That your statement up there was my only compliant but you ignored it. Even my reply to that anon was due to that statement of yours I already highlighted above.
Read again and pretend not to see I was not really replying her but talking about the point you raised women and being more evil.
Everything you wrote has already been talked about and that is the reason I implored all men to go for paternity test. If I did not understand I won't reason that way.
No one said giving someone else's child to another is right but my own grouse with your comment was you saying more of an evil act comes from women and that was why I gave you instances of what men had done to let you know jumping into that conclusion is not needed.
A woman who lets a man raise someone else's children and a man who sent an assasin to kill his wife who loved him enough to give her all to him for no reason at all( we read it here) which is more deadly? Both right? That is my point. Why place one above the other just to prove a point that does not exist. I do not have to be a male to know evil has no face or gender and if being a male is all about believing women are more capable of the most evil then thank God I am not. You are avoiding my point and making about this about something else. Read my first comment beneath yours to understand me.
So what you are saying is that the man's best friend did well and should not be held culpable for his friends death. He fathered those children and you don't see that as a crying shame because he is a man? The man's best friend knew all along about the type of woman his friend was dating and said nothing and that is cool right? Oya let me help you clap for the best friend nau, the woman cheated with and impregnated herself. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽He did well nau because he is a man. Mtchew some of you can never be objective. Call evil evil where you see it, be it from a man or woman.
DeleteThank you, Convince me.
DeleteAnon 13:14
You see at this point...I am tired. If you do not understand why I said that to him then you just don't and it is fine. Did you see what the man I replied to said ? You say this is not about the other man who cheated but to the first commenter and likes every story is an opportunity to talk about how all the female folks are capable of more evil than men, right? Is that what we are talking about?
All these unfounded generalization is what we are trying to eradicate but no, we mustn't else we want to bring men down. How is that statement of his different from the typical "all men are scum statement?"
You said,
"When the best friend kids share there story we will make it about the best friend but for now,the story is about a woman who shattered a man's dream and there beautiful family" and you feel such does not apply to women? How about you and this man practice what you preach?
"When you have come across all the women in the world and they disclose their evil acts then you can come back here to say women evil acts carries more weight than that of men".
Always generalising based on gender. Men attacking women, women attacking men. You all deserve each other. The few non- sentimental ones who try to reason fairly are the ones I respect and feel sorry for but you anon and the first commenter obviously aren't one of them.
I supported everything he said but only till I got to his last paragraph. He spoilt his comment with that singular statement but you won't see that and won't call his attention to it by telling him to focus on the issue on ground.
You said,
"The story was not about the man's best friend the daughter explained the whole story so we can not make it about him".
Well, he should have made it about that alone and focus on the subject matter instead of talking about how greater evil are perpetuated by the other gender. Isn't that the double standards you all whine about?
I will appreciate if no one ever tag me to any post where any form of comments showing a double standard view is being displayed. I understand everyone better now more than you think. Thank you!
@Sabella. Am a man and the reason I don't bother commenting on posts is because of the ridiculous gender bias that do not allow people analyse situations based on its merits/lack of thereof but 'll rather, immediately take sides irrespective, in defence of their side of the divide.
DeleteI understand and largely agree with your summations above and it's comforting to see people who can still be as logical as you
Sabella, I will wish my enemy a quick death, not a slow horrible terrible one. All crimes or atrocities anybody commits or does is either instant or directed at one person but this type is a chain reaction. The man would react differently if he found out his wife just cheated even the kids wouldn't overreact but this here is chain reaction type of explosion. I have kids I love them more than life, so I wake up one day and I have to contend with the realisation that are not mine, even if you want to go the whole sperm donor stuff it's best if I knew right from the beginning.
DeleteWhat that man has gone through NO WOMAN WILL EVER UNDERSTAND. It's a different thing if someone comes and says this child belongs to your husband. That's just betrayal, you invested not into that child, you can change towards your husband and all that but a man would have invested his time, emotion, lived his life to align with that of the child and all. It is massive fraud.
Headache dy worry. Sabella, you can't equate any type of infidelity or betrayal to it.
I stand by what I wrote.
Like Sabella said, if you don't get it you don't get it.
Deletevery stupid chauvinistic comment, what the fuck is hundred atrocities of a man bla bla bla...men are worse...if you cheat then don't expect your wife to be faithful. keep monitoring her like a spirit.
DeleteStory of the year, all in the name of fun. The man gave up his dream just to be a good man and this?
ReplyDeleteGood men like him always meet Jezebel, this life is not fair.
DeleteOh! No... Some women are wicked!😱
ReplyDeleteThis is really depressing... How can the woman be so Cruel ?
ReplyDeleteGosh the betrayal was certainly deep
Evil evil evil
ReplyDeleteVery sad indeed,a lot of families are on this table.Some even take these secrets to their graves.At the end of ot all,nobody holy pass,may God have mercy on us all.
ReplyDeleteThis is just horrible, horrible! This wicked woman did not only step out on her marriage but with her husband's best friend and passed off another man's child to her husband.
ReplyDeleteIf she were my mother, I will never speak to her again, ever!
dont speak na, you will go to hell. i dont care what anybody does, unforgiveness will land you in hell fire
DeletePlease do DNA test on all your kids. DNA test should be made as compulsory as genotype test. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteAgreed! It's the guilty that are always afraid.
ReplyDeleteIs this for real or a made-up store?
Some women are terrible!
That means the woman started cheating at a very tender age.
The heart of a man! Apparently, the devil himself will be marveled at the woman.
ReplyDeleteSo this is the tragic end of a man that loved with his all and even sacrificed his dreams one of which was being a medical doctor? Haa! This one is beyond wickedness and demonic act.
But what i totally do not understand yet is why one of the daughter took the bag of trash to the hospital because they felt it was having a panic attack. I also do not understand what the bag of trash went to the late man's funeral to do. still confused as to why the lady has continued to refer to the trash as her mother.
To everyone out there betraying their friends, do i even have a word for you all?? No i don't! Y'all should ride on.
Betrayal of the highest
ReplyDeleteBetrayal of the highest
ReplyDeleteThis is the height of it. I'm speechless 🙊
ReplyDeleteIf it’s in Nigeria now they will say the woman did jazz. My people these things just happen. Stop blaming everything on juju.
ReplyDeleteI was in court one day when a woman confessed that she's now born again that her children are not for her husband. I was shocked eh
DeleteIf I'm that girl I would not forgive that mother😭. See how she ruined everyone's life because of a stupid affair!
ReplyDeleteI literally cried reading this 😭😭😭 I wish the shameless woman will take her own life too. Useless women everywhere!
ReplyDeleteNow that the story turned .... Feminist up to you...I didn't hear “women are scum, dogs, heartless, wicked, No Comment like: the man wake up oo, don't trust any woman....
ReplyDeleteI bet you can all see your level of hypocrite is like Zuma rock.
We men face alot but we manage it with wisdom.
Nobody is perfect ....what that woman did your sister can do that too to a wonderful and faithful man....Devil no get house
Lets be prayerful and guided.
stop making stupid comments...go and school yourself about feminism before coming to vomit trash in the name of comments.. feminism is gender equality simple.. retards like you who dont even understand the topic will always bark here. did feminism tell women to be wicked? a woman demanding equality is so painful to some of your souls that you can twist a simple matter and be vomiting rubbish
DeleteThis is beyond crazy. How can a woman destroy another man's life like this. What stopped her from marrying the hubby's BF. The woman and the so called BF are evil... 11years 😲😲😲😲
ReplyDeleteThis is terrible. Evil Woman.
Pls don't marry someone because of pregnancy....infact avoid premarital sex Biko.
This is the definition of TOO MUCH haba
ReplyDeleteI can't even deal, the writer that suggested the test will not forgive herself in a hury.
What if he never knew and everything remained normal ,maybe this woman would have still confessed as some point
Why would a DNA testing service volunteer such information as you having half or step siblings? What the damn hell? How is that professional?
ReplyDeleteYou are lettered and should have talked down the test after seeing such results- you could have told your dad they usually make errors and that you'll call their customer service. Why did you have to keep going down the rabbit hole? To achieve what? Why confront your mom?
These are the lessons you have to learn going forward- without wisdom, good people end up paying for the crimes of the wicked. Learn how to navigate situations and when to walk back a suggestion. Your mother is receiving first class care for whoring around and destroying three generations but your father, the good guy is dead and was not even given his last respects. Please learn the lesson on wisdom now so that you don't end up making such mistakes in future.
Your dad loved you all but just broke under the weight of such heavy revelations. He does not blame you and so, please don't blame yourself. He remains your father and I would advise you keep in touch with his family and try to find healing especially since your grandfather is still alive.
As for your mother, please maintain your social distancing from her. Forgive her for her wickedness but like Paul and Silas, let each pursue his ministry from a distance. She is bad news.
DeleteANON 15:27, wisdom is profitable unto direction.
Poster,, 🥺🥺 you should have stopped the investigation somehow and maybe pursue it without your Dad's over involvement.
#Chasing ball starlight into the rabbit hole is dangerous to all of us.#
Learn from this lesson.
Don't blame yourself too much.
Take heart lady, nothing is new under the sun. Ask your mother to tell you and your sisters the truth, confront your father's best friend too in all of this - He can't be playing house with his family, whilst yours is in turmoil.
ReplyDeleteAt times so things are best left secrets till it is exposed. Parents - Lies and Betrayal. God grant us the wisdom to be strong in terms of impromptu news as such
Is this story complete, why did you do a DNA test? what prompted you? Female intuition or you've heard tongues wagging outside your home and you wanted to be sure. The die has been cast and your father is dead- But still sit your mum and your dad's best friend and question them.
ReplyDeleteWhat was your mum's thought process when she had 3 children for her husband's friend, was your dad impotent and it was a pact amongst them Or was it just plain cheating on your mum's part. You can only ask.
Till then, be emotionally strong for your own family.
Wicked and shameless woman, wicked best friend!
ReplyDeleteWhy end the life of someone's son like this? This is so painful to read.
Our sisters on this blog advice women to take the secrets to their graves. Please, ignore their reaction to this post. They are just pretending. Over and over again, in the last 9 years, they have always advised women who imposed the fruits of their cheating on their husbands to take the secrets to their graves.
ReplyDeleteby nw u should know those that are pretending
DeleteWay back when i used to live in ilupeju, there was a nasty scandal, husband found out both kids were fathered by his father inlaw!!!!! Heard his friends and family members kept calling his attention to the fact that his kids look nothing like him . Saw him in 2016 with a new family and yes the boys look like him while the girls were a mix of him and his wife. Things dey happen
ReplyDeleteWow! His wife was sleeping with her father ke? I think no resemblance should really be a factor to consider for DNA tests. Wow!
DeleteI am having palpitations o! Abeg save hard and do DNA tests if you suspect anything. Biko
ReplyDeleteShocking story. What a scum of a woman. What evil committed under the sun.
ReplyDeleteMy own is how this woman did this in the name of love. That man hung himself not because he did not father those children but how someone whom he sacrificed his very own existence treated him as a piece of shit for over 40 years plus look him in The eye everyday and say I love you while striffing other men.Trust me that woman had other men friends. I don't even know what to say. What does it take to be decent sef? Man may your soul RIP but you gave her the easy way out. You should have been alive to see her suffer her evil deeds because this one is pure evil abeg.Not a good person generally.
ReplyDeleteI blame the person that bought it devilish kit for the DNA test