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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Chronicle Of Blog visitor Narrative....



Madam Stella, this is an urgent matter that needs urgent response kindly help me post. I have been single for 3yrs plus now, recently got connected to an old school friend who has been asking me out for 6 yrs so I decided to give it a shot because we are both matured and know what we want.

 During my single days when I get horny I use to masturbate ( I think it has made me loose my sex drive part). Recently I and my guy saw and got intimate but guess what his dick is small, I have a high sex drive and he noticed too. He can't even satisfy me sexually I fake my cum just to make him feel good.

 I really like him he is a GOOD man he ticks all the boxes except the sex part - I love to have great sex. Please how can I help him and help our sex life I don't want to loose him because of sex. 

P.S I am officially meeting his family Jan 3rd 2021 as we want to take it to the next level. BV's Please I need your matured and sincere contributions. Thanks

You cannot eat our cake and have it...if you have high s#x drive and his blokos is small and cannot satisfy you,please DO NOT MARRY HIM....women with high s#x drivee become time bomb in marriages where the s#x is frustrating....please do not marry this man!!!



Good day Stella and my correct Bvs. Please, I will like you all to give me advice and tell me where I went wrong.

I happen to know this woman from a close family relative. I met her once and we have been good friends over the phone for years. This year she invited me to her place because her child was getting married, I live in North and she lives in the south.

She has been a benefactor to me and my family so I made sure I gathered resources to attend this marriage. She told me to come early so I can assist her in preparing for the day. Two days before I left she called me to help her buy onions as it was expensive there,I went to the market video called her when I was there to see for herself. I bought a half bag. 

The bad road I didn't get to her house until a few minutes to twelve. I got to her house that night and decide to spread the onions on the floor, she screamed and started shouting that the onions where Small that she can't make use of it. she kept shouting at me in her living room,the third party in the room and I kept pleading with her but she wouldn't listen. She now concluded I was going to carry the onions back to the North,I agreed as I was already tired and sleepy. 

She ended up using it when a mallam in the market told her that the big ones are likely to be many in the market come next year.On the day of the wedding I was in charge of holding the keys to where she kept her gifts and drinks. I made sure I followed her instructions as not to receive shouting from her.

Note :I left my baby who is just 1 year and 9months and a 3years old at the time and was l looking for a new apartment.

Each time my husband calls me to give feedback about the search on the house she will shout at me asking me if I came to help her or always be on my phone.

The marriage went well and we retired to our hotel rooms.When she called giving me directions on how to give some people gift. I did exactly what she told except for a lady she introduced to me as her younger sister.She said I should give her a bag an Ankara and a jotter, I gave the lady and she insisted on carry a bathroom slippers. I begged her not to as that was not the instruction given to me but she took it against my warning.

Two Ankara also got missing when I went to get my room key from the reception I ask the driver but he didn't answer me. I told him if she discovers I will tell her how it happened. The following day she asked of the bathroom slippers and the Ankara I told her what happened, she started shouting calling me a fool and Mumu that she kept things with me and telling her stories.If she knew I was so foolish she wouldn't have invited me. I told her she was embarrassing me in tears as she was screaming. She said so I did something bad and I don't want her to talk about it.

She invited my Elder sister who is a banker,after booking her flight ticket My sister called me to ask her for accommodation, I did and she said my sister should book for her accommodation herself. My sister said she can't afford to book her flight ticket and hotel bills and stayed back. She called my sister and she didn't pick for reasons know to her as I was still with her at the time. Coming back was God's Grace as we were almost kidnapped along this dreaded high way in the North.

She promised me a freezer to start a business with, last week she sent me a message that she doesn't know what I told my sister about her, that she is not picking her calls. And said nothing about sending it to me. My question now is: Did I do anything wrong to her to stop picking my calls?. Should I ask her about the promise or just leave her. Thank you all for the long read.

*Wicked woman!!!.....
I think its best you leave her alone and move on,dont call her anymore and dont take her calls anymore and also forget about the deep freezer before she ends up telling you your life history..
Your sister is probably not taking her calls cos of the hotel accommodation thing..
Na wah!!!


  1. Poster 1...I beg in d name of active ned breakers, don't marry him oooo, you cannot enlarge his peepee, leave him o because the way this world is now, I can bet 99% you will cheat on him as time goes on .

    1. Poster, face your family and please go and do family planning so you don't have more kids till things get financially better for you. Look for other means to get the freezer.

    2. Poster 1: you know what is called scale of preference and opportunity cost? Meanwhile, I am a strong believer of "Nike iru ka" meaning "the future holds better opportunities". So don't put yourself in a difficult position.

      Poster 2: Yes you did something very wrong and which is called ASS LICKING. It NEVER pays. Pick up whatever is left of your dignity and ease this nasty woman out of your life. I said EASE because I don't believe in burning bridges. Don't burn the bridge but don't wait around for her handouts and "help". True help comes from God and He won't demand you grovel before He gives you anything.

    3. Saphire, tell her o

    4. 👍@sapphire

  2. Madam cut off from that woman!! Do not give anyone the chance to play the role of God in your life else you're going to end up disappointed and bitter

  3. Poster one:
    What you are involved in is putting the cart before the horse and there is no making it work. That's fornication, premarital sex. Repent and seek God and you will find life in abundance.

    My sister God will never let you be put shame, that woman is mean and wicked pls stay away from her.
    Chai! I feel your pain, don't call her again, your destiny helpers will locate you very soon.

    1. 1. Poster A, you have seen a red flag that is important to you. Do you think you can hold body with that prick for 70 yrs married? If so ahead ahead.
      2. Poster B has just shown that entitlement mentality is not just from the poor. Some rich folk feel like doing you a little favour turns you to their slave. I've seen entitlement from both ends. I still pray to God to help me be humble and not feel entitled or treat someone else nastily. Because I observed this kind of behaviour can creep up on you except you are highly aware of yourself. If I were you poster, I would have NOTHING to do with such a human. She ain't God. But you are not me so do whatever you feel is right. You sound soft hearted and sensitive. Your type is a blessing to this world that wasn't really created for you. I should know......... Abeg try to toughen up small this 2021,and develop a thicker skin. This is important for your survival in this world. However don't entirely loose your core of kindness. See God as your provider. Ask Him and watch that freezer sail into your life. 😊 I wish you plenty good things this 2021.

      My dear Stella and beevees 2020 was quite a year, but God that got us through it will definitely be here for us 2021. Wishing us all the best! No vex if you are atheist or agnostic, I still wish you the best this 2021.

  5. Poster 2
    Why do Nigerians worship anyone that has money?
    If this woman was bankrupt, we wouldn't have read this chronicles. It is quite appalling and disgusting how people venerate the perceived rich, even when they are very wicked
    and intolerant. 😏🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

    1. Have you ever been in need?😏🤔🙄 @Anon 15:33

    2. @17:44
      Yes, I've been in need but it never made me to see wickedness and walk into it,
      and pretend that it is not wickedness.

    3. I think she did not even know the woman was like that if not she wouldn't have gone. You know they always interacted on phone all along but now that she has seen her true colour it is better she avoids her.

  6. Poster 1: In life you can't have it all. You either stay with a man with a good head on his shoulder or wait for one with a bigger phallus. Check your scale of preference.

    Poster 2: You're a jobless woman. If something had happened to you and your baby shey naso you go make your husband childless and a widower. Dey there d wait for freezer, don't go put head together with your hubby on how to build your home. No carry this stupidity enter tomorrow o. Meanwhile warm regards to your sister. She's the real MVP.

    1. That's hash. She said the woman has helped her in the time past.
      Having Money doesn't automatically give you a right to treat others like trash.
      Poster 2 face your front Pls. Leave the freezer matter. You have repayed her well if she did anything in the past that Made you feel indebted to her.

    2. Poster 1: pls it’s not by how small, can he use it very well?? Personally I prefer small dicks oo, because we can go all styles with it without it touching my womb and hurting me 😂😂
      Poster2: pls that woman is a very wicked woman sent from the pit if help! Stay far away from such people. I’m very sure she must have distributed your gist around. May God send your helpers your way. Helpers that won’t mock you, or embarrass you. That’s my prayer for you. Stay blessed

    3. There is someone for everyone in deed. 😊

  7. Poster 2, The woman was wrong to talk to you in a bashful manner and treat you inhumanely.
    I always make it a habit to be extra respectful to those I render help to in order not to make them feel they are in a subservient position to me. I naturally have that propensity because I know no one is superior simply because they have more but sadly, some helpers doesn't know that. I am truly Sorry about her harsh treatment towards you. However I feel if truly she has been benevolent to your family for a long while there was nothing wrong in your sister booking her ticket fare and sorting out her accomodation. It would have been an alternate case if there were ample space and she turned your sister down. Everyone knows there are hardly any rooms left in the house for guests to rest their sleepy heads during such an elaborate event, some even sleep on the balcony floor. The wedding was just one day and that was the right time for you all to show appreciation in your own little way(you tried your best) but your sister shouldn't have gone back considering this was a woman who still had it in mind to give you more things as time progresses. I do not think she would have stopped at the freezer. Your sister was wrong to feel her barest minimum was enough and hide under the umbrella of being financially inadequate. The woman also has the leeway to pretend to be financially deficient and decide not to help out anymore if that was the excuse your sister gave that made her turn back.

    1. Bashful ke??? Do you know the meaning of bashful? “Shy , not wanting attention” next time just go with harsh ,

    2. Poster's sister is the real MVP. Even if the madam had helped their entire family since Adam, sister clearly stated she cant afford to book a flight or pay accomodation. That's clear communication. If madam wanted her presence so bad, she should have footed the bill. The sister would have been wrong if she said she will pay for those items and finally didn't show up or if she borrowed just to save face. People of God,learn to say NO without shame if you cant afford to do something or be somewhere. God has not blessed you to become God i peopke's lives. Do your little good and keep it moving. God will reward you as he deem fit.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thanks, 18:23.

      18:26. If she had stated she couldn't afford it from the jump and notified the woman before booking her ticket she would have been justified but it was obvious she already expected the woman to provide accommodation for her without checking with her beforehand (knowing how cramped most rooms are during weddings) else she wouldn't have gone ahead to book her ticket knowing well she had no extra money to spare in securing a place in the first instance.

      I feel when someone has been generous to you for long and the opportunity presents itself for once to reciprocate in what little way you can please do it whole-heartedly. Most people think others who help do that from the abundance of their storehouses but it's not always true, even rich people do render help sometimes that costs them too. No matter how rich you are, you will always have what you need money for, so being benevolent towards someone for years doesn't mean you do not need it yourself or have other pressing needs that the money you gave away could not sort out. We cannot deny that though the woman is rude and mean, still she is generous. The rudeness of the woman is what is preventing most from seeing that angle.

      The lady didn't refuse to pick her call after the wedding because she was rude to her but because she couldn't get her accommodation. Now let's pretend she wasn't mean was the sister right not to pick her call afterwards simply because they couldn't get her a place to stay over for the wedding? This was someone who had done a lot for them and they were still expecting so much from. It's a wedding and trusts me 'madam' wanted the presence of everyone so bad, but you can't deny the fact that people spend a lot for a wedding than earlier planned and you cannot get accommodation for everyone. She would have spent so much and probably have a few debts and expecting her to pay for every guests' accommodation simply because they wanted to celebrate her day with her is tasking.

      If the poster's sister wanted to be there she would not get upset they couldn't pay for her accommodation despite all the money the celebrant might have spent and get angry when it didn't happen as she expected when such wasn't even promised to her in the first place. She isn't the MVP more like a diva. The woman would have been wrong if she encouraged her to book her ticket with the promise of accommodation only for her to turn around and change her mind after the lady had fixed her flight date. The woman did nothing wrong in that aspect. Who knows she probably also had no money left just like the poster's sister hence her inability to get her a place then why did she get angry when the woman did not pay for her by refusing to pick her call when we can see from the poster's story that she told her sister nothing about how she was treated.

      The only person the woman wronged and ought to ask for forgiveness is the poster. The only person who deserves to be angry is the poster.

    5. Anon Isabella is correct. Bashful also means to be 'full of bashes' which means to be 'full of insult' but that is the unpopular meaning so I would not advise it's regular usage in anyone's vocabulary because most are not accustomed to its new meaning. She knew what she wrote.

    6. Why are you being sarcastic aunty sabella? just explain to the anon correcting you instead of saying thanks like you mean it.🙄
      Anon 18;23 bashful has another meaning but in a slang form, not the real form and aunty sabella the person doing the wedding is 100 percent responsible for providing where the visitor will sleep so the sister has the right to be upset, okay? Will she sleep on the road or what.

    7. I noticed you like being fair to both sides when judging a matter but whether the sister was right or wrong doesn't concern me, I am just glad she no send...i wish poster will do the same

    8. Haha hahaha ha. Poster 2 your sister reminds me of mine. She no send and I don't blame her. It seems she saw through the woman or based on her resources decided not to kill herself to please someone else. Woh I don't blame her atall atall. Na her life she dey live.

  8. Why should someone who is not your mother( even if she is) be shouting on another adult like a kid? Anyway, na see finish cause this one, better learn from your sister on how not to take nonsense from people. Just leave her and her Greek gift and face your front.

    Poster 1...I don't know what to tell you oo

  9. Madam cut off that woman and never allow anyone talk to you in that manner weather rich or poor. God will send you a helper that will respect you. 🙏

  10. Madam cut off that woman and never allow anyone talk to you in that manner weather rich or poor. God will send you a helper that will respect you. 🙏

  11. SEX is important in marriage but let me advise you ,you can't have it all in marriage ,choose what you want .

    Poster 2: its quite common with people who are supposedly rich and who thinks they're your benefactors ,they tend to allow pride spoil everything.
    Forget the freezer,God will make a way,because she is not God and she can't satisfy your every need.

  12. Poster 2 please just believe you can make it in life without that woman.. Gosh she is so mean.. Do something for yourself

  13. You see matter how desparate you are, never fall for the 'devil's gift' ...that is, people who will 'help' you and expect you to 'worship' them till you die. Witchcraft no be to fly for night ooo, that second chronicles posted, that woman na witchcraft she dey practice, trying to manipulate and intimidate all because she dey help the poster. Wicked witch of the South!

  14. Poster 2 sex is not food. But if you love sex a lot then move on.

    Poster 2: just ask her for the freezer...nothing ventured, nothing gained. She has already insulted have nothing to lose by asking. If she says no then move on.

  15. Poster 1, use a dildo to complement his small dick. You'll be fine

    1. Why??? Is dildo a dick? Some woman actually like a big dick pounding them well. They feel satisfied. Some like their men licking their plate and they’re fine.

    2. Shooter said that because she said the man is good and she does not want to lose him. It is obvious she is confused between going for a good man or man with big something.

  16. High sex drive poster.. you need an equally high sex driven d..k. otherwise the equation will not be balanced.

    Hmmm..You wrote the GOOD man in capitals.
    Only you know what you mean by GOOD.

    1. Some chose high sex partners and became punching bags but won't leave because of their guys sex game.

      You have your key so advice yourself

  17. Poster,please marry the man with a good heart, with time you will get use to his small blokos

    1. I don't trust this poster oo
      What if she doesn't get used to It.

  18. Poster 2. Actually you should pick up the woman’s phone call and speak your mind! Speak it very well and let her know the way she treated you was very mean even though she was also under stress. No one has the right to disrespect you! Especially a woman and human being just like you!!! Speak your mind to avoid keeping malice. If she feels you’re wrong in some way then apologize if you need to. No one is perfect. After that phone call, Let that woman be. It is not a must to be friends with her because she has money or promised you freezer. Please be wise and know your self worth.

    1. That kind of woman may not see anything wrong in her behavior. Infact she would instead turn the tables on the poster and say poster is being rude for nothing. This type of people are good at insulting others and gaslighting. They are also narcissists. And this poster 2 appears soft, she may not be able to confront that woman in a way that the woman would be ashamed and back down. Make she just face front and do her best to be successful herself. That is what will earn the woman's respect.

    Yes I am screaming!!!
    The frustration no be here. In no too distant time, you will start resenting him. How long are you gonna fake orgasm nne?
    Biko rapu ndi amu ha pere mpe o buru na ikpu gi buru ibu
    You ain't gonna feel shit
    Sex will become annoying to you
    You gonna hate that brother
    The sight of that his ntonto will make you very angry
    The truth is many girls have dumped him cos of that, reason he is rushing you before you change your mind like others

    Ira otu bukwa nri oooo

  20. Poster 1. If bad sex is one of your deal breaker then don’t marry this man please. There are men out there who’s also a good man like this current man. Take your time and don’t rush into a marriage that will frustrate you.

  21. Poster 1,leave that man in peace. You have a high sex drive and he doesn't, on top of him having a lower sex drive he is not well endowed, you resorted to faking an orgasm. Please tell me how you think the sexual aspect of your marriage would work? You know all of this about him, so you won't have the excuse of entering the marriage blindly. Sex is a major for you in relationships so this is not the man for you. He will not be able to increase his genitals, do not enter this man's life to cause him any misery. There are women who are made for small men, those with shallow vaginas and smaller bone structures. God has created every one to have a perfect fit. This man is not your perfect fit, so let him be because you are a sex goddess and you need a sex god of your equal. Even you have your perfect fit so go find it and let this man find his.

    Do not tell us about how great he is as a person, his greatness did not stop you from faking an orgasm which is an act of dishonesty. No relationship can thrive in dishonesty. Once you start out on that footing you will never be able to go back.

  22. Poster 2- I admire your spirit. To still be expecting freezer from someone who treated you that way? You must be very persevering

    1. Really persevering...........

  23. poster1; my husband has a very small p too, u know what we do, i got a rabbit , yeah a sex toy, after he cums, he will use d rabbit on me and trust me, its mind d satisfaction is heavenly.i can recommend one if u want to try it.
    poster 2; how much is a deep freezer, i can try to gift it to u. pls let me know.

    1. You are anonymous so how will she let you know?

      I am single but that rabbit sounds like e go make sense wella!

  24. Poster one no need to take things to the next level with your guy since he cannot satisfy you in bed. Sex is very important in marriage, no need for you to come back here after few months to complain just walk away now.

  25. @poster1
    S*x is important in a marriage and I think the fact you've got a high sex drive should be a bonus.
    The penile size is subjective and depends on the beholder, what is too small for you in terms of the length and width might be the right size for another woman. I think we overate the functions of a p***s in the act of sex/lovemaking and a big size doesn't guarantee a successful or satisfying sexual relationship. Communication is the key, there are tens of ways to enjoy sex and be satisfied other than the traditional penetrative sex with the p***s. You can explore different ones, they can be very very yummilicious and satisfying.
    I've seen ladies cheating on their partners despite the partners' big sizes. The best lovemakers that I know are the ones with less than average p***s size, as they tend to make it up, and focus on other ways to sexually please their partners.
    If you think the guy's dick is too small for you and you guys can't work around it, please disengage yourself and the poor guy now to prevent unwanted stories in the future.
    S*X is sweet and I think everyman and woman should strive to learn how to give a satisfying s*X no matter the size of the genitals.

  26. Na wa!!! Wahala for who no get dignity and self respect.

    Poster 2, this woman never rubbish you enough?? Na until she use your head clean her toilet bowl???? Na wa ohhh....

  27. Poster 1, good sex is not necessarily about the size or length of the penis. Some men are well endowed, yet useless in bed. I think the issue here lies in the extent of his own sex drive, does it match yours? And the fact that you have to fake orgasm, isnt the best for you. If you really want the rship, then you two should try other ways for satisfaction.. There are several, even for those not so well endowed . But you are the one wearing the shoe, if big penis means gd sex to you, then pls break it off and save you both the pain of a frustrating union.

  28. Poster 1 if you can't cope please let him go so the right woman can meet him and the right can meet you.

    Poster 2, let that woman know she wronged you. Do not hate her just distance yourself to avoid a repeat of that.

  29. Poster number 2, just know that everything will be fine. Just rely on God.

  30. I am poster one.
    Thank you all for all the contributions I really appreciate them. Thank you Stella for posting.

    1. God bless you for appreciating. Many take what they feel is our free advice for granted.


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