Stella Dimoko UK Based Nigerian Man Recounts How His Younger Sister's Demise Made Stop Going To Church



Saturday, November 28, 2020

UK Based Nigerian Man Recounts How His Younger Sister's Demise Made Stop Going To Church

 Sad story............

''I woke up sad today thinking about my late sister. I remembered when she first told me she was sick. I sent money for tests. She did full body test 3 times before they diagnosed her with Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus) in 2016. She said " brother, I don't want to die".

I reassured her and told her I will spend everything I have to ensure she lived. I prayed to God to save and heal my little sister. It got worse. I sent her to the best hospital in Lagos. Her sickness was milking me dry, I was not worried. All i wanted was for her to live. My bank balance was going red. On that fateful day in Jan 2018, she fainted. Her boyfriend called, she didn't answer, he rushed to her house only to find her unconscious. I was called to send money, I asked the doctor to continue treatment I sent my last kobo. 

In Feb 2018, I was broke I was out of job. I called a friend to borrow me some money for my sister's treatment. He told me he didn't have, I begged he refused. I called another friend to put up one of my land for distress sale. Luckily the land was sold within 3 days of listing it. Bills were racking up in a fucked up hospital but i didn't care, cos all i wanted is for her to live. I said "Doc do what you can, I will pay. My sister was in coma and celebrated her birthday. I called her and her boyfriend answered. I told her to hang on, that i will be back the following week but following day, she spoke no more.

 I wailed. I cursed God. Stopped going to church, binned my bible. There was no need to live. There was money but my sister was not alive to be treated. She died in her boyfriend's arms. The dude who refused to lend me money felt guilty.
He felt he failed me when I needed him most. I told him that I hold nothing against him. O di Chukwu mma, o di mu mma. The guilt that I didn't do my best for her to live sometimes makes me sad.

I miss you dearly Nzelundo Benedictta Chinecherem Molokwu.

*I know someone who has Lupus and lives in the UK and they have been managing it for years,she looks good and is alive.....


  1. Hmmmm....the death of a loved one can make one doubt one's belief.

    When I lost my mum, I kept asking what is the purpose of life???Why do good people die???

    May she rest in peace,please dont leave God,he allowed some things to happen but he cares that I know.

    1. The truth is that only God knows everything. We can only see things from our own human perspective but that’s certainly not the complete view. This year I’ve come to realize so much, even from the people I thought really loved me. There was someone I kept praying for, because she was ill. I almost got upset with God(God Forbid), because I expected faster healing for her. Meanwhile, I didn’t know this person was using serious witchcraft against me. Even when God revealed things initially, I still didn’t believe it, because this was the person I trusted the most in the world. So, please don’t be angry at God- it’s not wise to be angry with Him. He might even be protecting you from being drained your whole life, without you even knowing. I know it isn’t easy to give thanks in such situations, but just try to do that. Thank God for everything, ask for forgiveness and also ask Him to reveal more things to you. This is in no way saying anything bad about your sister; but remember only God knows everything. May her soul rest in peace

    2. Thanks.. This was my post

  2. Hmmmm Lupus is a very painful and draining illness. Not sure there is a cure till now,it can just be managed.
    May God continue to rest her soul.

    1. Chai,a family friend is suffering from this after giving birth.She is always in pains,keeps gulping money cos of expensive drugs,swollen hands and dark patches around the eyes.The husband earns meagre salary,just people helping them.
      This story just broke my heart more.

    2. Exactly, no cure. The drug is not even available in Nigeria.

      My family fiend has it but thank God she is a British citizen if not she for Don wreck from buying drugs.

  3. Firstlady blessing28 November 2020 at 10:26

    No pain like death, my father's own still breaks my heart till tomorrow.But no reason is enough to stop serving God or fellowshiping in His house, all these things are part of life
    God never promised us smooth sailing or freedom from troubles of life, however He did promise to be with us all through it. People will always come and go,such is life. But God will always be God whether good or bad.After all the sun shines on both d good and bad, likewise d rain. We need to learn to stop blaming God for everything and sometimes just accept what has happened as part of an imperfect world.

    1. You just mirrored my exact thoughts!

    2. First lady blessing I need to hug you. I will screen shot this as a reminder.


    3. Firstlady you just saved me from typing an epistle. You're absolutely right

    4. @ First lady πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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  4. Brought tears to my eyes. May she continue to RIP. I know someone with lupus and it’s truly a horrible disease.

  5. God , I know you God !
    Come and give healing to all those that are asking for healing .AMEN with faith!
    I still believe there is a God that rules in the affairs of is well.

  6. I sympathize with you on the loss of your sister but is that really enough reason to stop believing in God? I don’t mean to sound like an asshole but people die everyday and we all encounter painful losses at some points in our lives and we’d be foolish if that makes us to swear off God, we’d be hurting ourselves in the process.

    I just take everything as the will of God, I’m not the first neither would I be the last to encounter a painful loss. I recently lost a close family member but I’m still ever thankful and grateful to God for his grace and mercies.

    1. I believe you've not lost a very close family member the reason you sounded the way you did. I stopped praying, going to church for 1year when i lost my elder brother. He was a true believer of God. The pains was to much that i asked if God truly exist? I don't blame anyone who felt so much pains and stopped believing in God but time they say heals all wounds but not the scare. It is a very painful experience i don't wish even my worse enemy. Only the grace of God can comfort him and grant Nzelundo eternal rest

    2. Don't ever doubt the existence of God.Everyone must die it depends on when and how. We should all strive to be of good behaviour before death so that our soul will rest in peace. Remember that you that is still alive will need God daily even before you retire to bed every night, most people slept and never woke up

  7. OMG so touching. But God why? see as she fine anyhow

  8. Reading this reminding me of my Bros death, that's was my final year, would v graduated with first class, but his death had psychological effects on me, at his deathbed, he told me that I should allow him to go, that he's tired, that my spirit is too strong and doesn't want him to go, I begged him to stay strong, not to let go, that he will come out of this, moment I stepped out to buy his breakfast, he gave up d ghost, on his 2go app then he wrote, be like a candle which burns itself but gives light to others, his death opened our eyes, we all have our lives to God, we are nothing on this Earth, his death brought us salvation, my Bros changed their lifestyle, now we are all doing well, I missed him so much cos he d last born of d family, his death changed us to prepare ourselves cos this Earth is just temporary, he brought that light to us, I v hope I will see him one-day in heaven, bcos he gave his life to God before he died. So sometimes tragic things happens to us, to make us stronger, better n wiser.wiser.God may use pain to change us for pls strong, God knows u did ur best, d money u lost will be rewarded back to u in a way u never expected.pls stay strong....

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    3. I admire your strength, courage and way of thinking.

  9. I felt this type of pain when I lost my in 2015.
    I asked God why.
    If with all the prayers,he still took him.

  10. Stay strong pls

  11. This is really a sad story. I quite empathize with you for I've lost somebody so dear
    before. May the Lord console you in this hurt.
    But the question is, did God kill your sister?
    Who did the Jesus tell us he comes to kill, steal and destroy?
    Who did he tell us gives life in abundance?
    In all these treatment, did anyone think of fasting and praying for her
    and calling upon that God like the Scripture says; James 5:13 "is anyone in trouble, let him pray...?"
    If someone "stops going to church, bins his bible, curses God..." (exactly what Satan wanted Job to do
    which he did not do -Job 1), who loses -the person or God? Does God get better when we worship him or
    do we?

  12. This is sad ...God knows best even abroad after so much treatment people die ...May God to heal your broken heart as only He can

  13. People survive illnesses in Nigeria by the grace of God, ordinary delivery they mess up. That was how I lost my younger sister during childbirth and doctor was busy sleeping at home. Nigerian Doctors are all rubbish. Simple sickness they can't manage but will be asking for money money.

  14. Till this moment, I'm yet to recover from the shock of my sister's death.
    Like how is it even possible that I can't see her again?
    She is only one I have here in Lagos.
    She wasn't sick ooo.
    Just slept and died.
    Uwa nke a sef.

    1. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    2. It would take a while but eventually you'd find strength.
      My brother's death still has this effect on me, even though it's been 7 years πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

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      My is 11 years but a day will not pass without me calling his name...

  15. This brought tears to my eyes. Do not stop serving God, He is still God. May God give you the strength to pull through.

  16. When younger sister was leaving for the US, she feared she will not come back to meet our elder sister. The fear almost paralysed her, l assured her God would preserve our elder's life. We prayed for the best and kept hope alive. About a year after my elder sister started getting better, she was even driving again. She was preparing to go for Thanksgiving, to appreciate our God for His faithfulness. She bought the shoes and clothes she was going to wear to Church , then our nightmare started. All the progress went down the drain and she died. She was my best friend, my confidant, mentor and mum. I couldn't cry, l had to be there for my mum and sisters. Months after l fell sick and spent 86 days in the days in the hospital. All those nonsensical you are a man, men don't cry and others , I don't ever want to hear them again. My younger sister kept reminding me l assured her, she would come back to meet our elder sister alive. I still go Church from time to time, but l stopped taking the communion, l haven't gone for confession for years. While l am in Church my thoughts are never there, they are always far away. Thankfully, AIT shows Catholic mass every Sunday, That's my present day Church, l am @ peace with myself when watching the mass. Leukemia is a bastard.

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  17. I want to categorically say that our African mentality is what is making us to do what the poster did in times of adversity.
    We always believe that painful/sad things happen to only evil people even some Preachers preach that too hence that hatred for God when unpleasant circumstances happen to people.

  18. The love of a true brother not that useless man that call himself my elder brother who can even connive with strangers on how to steal my money. Take heart dearπŸ™

  19. Please do not stop living for Christ no matter what. Just be happy she is now in a better place till you get to meet again.
    When my friend died it was hard. I cried and was inconsolable. She was more than a friend. What hurt me the most was she died immediately after childbirth. She left behind a pretty little girl but my friend was gone. A lady with a beautiful soul more beautiful than she looked. So pure, humane and patient but she left. However, I console myself with the fact that she is not dead but went to be with the lord. That did not shake my faith, it only reinforced what I already knew. The world is not our home and we are here just to serve God till he feels our calling here on earth is accomplished. People need to focus on what is important in life but when life happens and the only important thing which counts( which is christ) gets pushed aside what else are you living for? and do not say by tomorrow I will repent. Everything you want to do, do it Now. It is not easy but you will be fine.

  20. It is well, i understand the feeling of lossing a love one, i have been there. till date i still cry over the death of my Dad and two sibilings that died many years ago, but what can one do but to move on with life. the word of God says in everything we should give thanks to God cos he knows best.

  21. My dear it is heart breaking when one loss his or her one to death

  22. Firstlady blessing28 November 2020 at 12:09

    Death is painful o,don't even like talking about it, imagining not seeing someone again for life,imagine all the people who have come and gone,all who have left us,imagine that we too would still leave others and go one day forever,it scares me. When I think of death, i wonder if life is worth it? It is left for everyone to live a life that is worth it and leave our footprints in the hearts of many,that would be our legacy
    That's why when I see giveaways on this blog,Stella u might not understand, even when u are no more,people might not remember your blog, after a few years everyone will forget but you see those whose life you've touched one way or d other will never forget and some might be spurred to do more than u did.You're leaving a strong legacy behind.
    And that's why all those who come here ranting about giveaways should be careful,she is only human and can't help everyone,after all there are wealthy individuals who do nothing.
    but that doesn't mean thaissue.p won't locate u from other places.
    Been meaning to talk about this giveaway issue.
    But above all,let us hold the Lord Jesus tight,He is our reward at the end of it all

  23. 14yrs now each time I remember my late father I still cry uncontrollably,death of a love one is so deep and painful that it can't be easily wish away.may your sister soul RIP writer.

  24. 14yrs now each time I remember my late father I still cry uncontrollably,death of a love one is so deep and painful that it can't be easily wish away.may your sister soul RIP writer.

  25. Eyaaaaaaaa, It's really well.

  26. This post just reminded me of my sister. She didn't want to die but it was inevitable. We just made sure we did our best till she passed. If we had flown her out, she may have had a chance but Covid 19 ruined everything plus she was far gone.

    May they continue to rest in the Lord.

  27. May we not lose our dear ones too soon.
    May her soul continue to rest in peace.

  28. I came here to console myself and this writer but seeing most comments here,I just feel more sad.

    All I can say now is that may God give every one that have lost his or her loved ones the strenght to carry on cos you see this death,,,It's inevitable.

  29. In such times, ask Almighty God to give u the strength to bear and forge on. In good and bad, give thanks. Pls, don't do what may not be able to be undone. Cursing can be deadly. After, losing three family members, I know that the strength with which I move today and the closeness I feel to God, are all by His grace. I actually feel stronger and closer to Him and He lightens my burdens. Believe that u will meet ur loved one again on the last day - it's like a journey or deep sleep for a while. Focus on the happy memories.

  30. Poster I cried profusely reading this post because I lost my elder Sister to Breast cancer in July this Year and the funny thing none of us have married or have Children and we are all now in forties, time will fail me to write the way she died and she got buried immediately. And all the horrible words spoken against us, while praying for marital breakthroughs then comes death. The shame was out of this World and I am practical hiding now.

    I was the one who by the grace of God was helping her financially for the past 4 Years before she passed away. And she was a good Christian and she was taken to a very big man Of God for prayers all the way to Lagos

    Our extended family all abandoned her and she ran to her friend house when her body was serious and her friend panicky and sent her away. She died in the road back to my mum house. I was not around and not of my siblings were around, we are all scattered in diff cities.

    I cried every time and I started to have some doubts about God myself but The Holy Spirit help me to see a clearer pictures of the the whole thing and I began to really appreciate God now more than ever before.

    Listen to me my beloved! Tell the Holy Spirit to help you. You will know that God is good and satan is the killer. God will turn the situation around for good to you and your family.

    Poster you will be restore by God. Write today date down. I am not talking about financial restoration. A full scale restoration will come your way and you will look up and say GOD IS GOOD. Listen more to foreign pastors teaching and you get a more deep message of God

    1. may This God whom you have relied on give you rest beyond your imagination..I cried too after reading this

    2. 3Amigos Bread @ 6 Okesalu St, Ikotun. 0813851632828 November 2020 at 18:26

      What a sad post and the comments did not help matters. I couldn’t help but cry all through. May God give you all comfort and peace to fill your souls, Amen.

      Dear Anon 15:24, you have nothing to hide from. Shame on the people making fun of you and your siblings for not being married yet or have children yet. People who say such are usually very miserable and are looking for people to wallow in their misery with them. God will settle you and your siblings in His own way and at His own appointed time, Amen. It will happen soon. Remain blessed.

  31. I have lupus. It is a horrible illness; constant pain. I don’t look like there’s anything wrong with me but every day is a struggle.It can be managed if it is diagnosed early and not too much damage has been done to vital organs.The writer did his best for his sister and I am very grateful for the unconditional love and support of my siblings.May his sister’s souls find rest. Amen

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  32. I have long realized that life and this Earth makes no promises to us, it is we who create these ideals and believe they will come to pass. The life is not our own, the planet is not our own, nothing on this Earth belongs to us and because of this we are guaranteed nothing. Life can go in any direction despite our best laid plans. You just have to live in humility and hope for the best.

  33. On thursday was 10 years we buried my mom.My father and siblings have not gotten over it.Sometimes i hear her voice, i even see her my dream like it's real. I miss her especially when I see others celebrate their mothers. I cry almost everyday cos things have not being the same since she died. My father weeps everytime, he's always say the word"If Rosemary is still alive we will not be in this mess".My happiness is that, she made peace with her God before she died and i know she's in a better place


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