Stella Dimoko Boredom Eliminating Post



Friday, November 27, 2020

Boredom Eliminating Post



  1. Replies
    1. I stopped when that Jerry curls pastor said theres no Corona, and its 5G plan. My moral just fail me.

    2. I stopped when I had seen it all. I mean all. That's why I laugh at the bible quotes of this blog and let them be. I have been there and have realised I am more powerful, more spiritual, more human, more loving without church or excessive religion. I also learned how to get everything I want from my Father in heaven without grovelling, shouting or blackmailing God by starving myself in the name of fasting. I feel truly loved. Life has been sweet and easy. No fears. I understand Him more. I have deeper connection and confidence in my spirit. And I am Never going back to no church ever again.

    3. I no even get reason
      I have just become lazy, Lord Jesus help me

    4. Sapphire welldone I like it.Can you teach me how you're doing it.

      The most Complex B

  2. Corona period where everyone was asked to stay indoors played a part to it, but the honest truth is that during the corona period i truly understood that wherever you are, you can seek God and he will answer youπŸ™πŸΎ

    God is omnipresent and most churches with how they “extort” money from members seems odd tbh, if you have 5k come out now, from that it finally reduces to the lord says those with 500 naira can still join themπŸ˜±πŸ€”...

    but where 2 or more people are gathered trust me, God is there and even when you are alone, you can feel his presence and your prayers been answered gradually, i do my offerings by assisting those who need help no matter how little around me, then my tithe every now and then before foodstuffs became expensive everywhere, i do buy them and share to our gateman and his family and some other people along the street, and i say my prayers daily and believe that God see’s my heart and that is all i truly want and desire as a christianπŸ™πŸΎ

    1. Iron sharpens iron(proverb 27:17)...see also Hebrew 10:25..Isaac try attending a bible believing church. God bless.

    2. Lol
      This man is funny.
      Well I haven't stopped entirely but not as regular as I used to. Two incidents prompted this. I attend RCCG.
      * There was a family that had shelter issue, and the church branch couldn't help out in anyway. They sold the building where they resided and the new owner gave every tenant a month to park out. Since majority of the tenancy rent was going to due around that one month. Something unplanned for. Just before Covid 19 lockdown. Instead of asking members to donate their token to a the cause, they were instead asking us to donate for a new altar.

      *During lockdown they embarrassingly share 3 milk cups of rice to families as their own palliatives for the lockdown. If it was the branch on their that did that, I wouldn't have argued much but from the zonal. What happens to families that were very vulnerable? Without any atom of shame, they still went house to house to collect offerings for the first few months.
      It wasn't a good decision from my own point of view. Considering that majority of Nigerian christians pay their many "taxes" to the church instead of the government.

    3. Church is good. But the love for God should be the premium not building or denomination called church.
      Everyone is free to follow what they believe in but being religiously conditioned is the gullibility of most goers.
      The Bible never lies on how to worship God sincerely. So while at it, make use of your head and let no one sow seeds of deception. Today we seem to fear the "men of God" more than God himself.
      But nothing beats being in the midst of pure worshippers to praise God. And not minding the rackets of deception.

  3. Too many seed sowing

  4. The essence of Church is to teach people agape love, true love for God and mankind. But pastors/gods of men have monetized Christian church . these yahoo gods of men will go as far as instilling fears in the body of their gullible sheeples to scam them.

    1. @Chike
      Then find the one that is headed by a "Man of God" and not "god of men"
      The Spirit of God leads all the children of God in all things.

  5. They disgraced me publicly in front of the whole congregation for getting pregnant outn of wedlock.Well I have forgiven them but am on my Lane now,I worship anywhere my spirit leads me

    1. I'm so sorry for what you experienced. Glad you are not bound to a particular congregation anymore. God is love and he is everywhere

    2. Deeper life or JW?

    3. What would JESUS do?
      Was/is this the love he preached?

      Sorry about what you went through..hope you're in a better place.

    4. My dear don't let that kill the joy you have for the gathering. Go to another branch, and once in a while find the grace to attend, leave the judges to their sins. From experience and what we read online regularly, you could be spiritual better than those who thought they shamed you.
      Forgive then and find the time to be in the congregation once again. It might not be regular but please go every other time you have the prompting. And ignore the pharisees...

    5. So sorry about that. Just look for another church were no one knows anything about you and worship. It's same thing I did

    6. Them for celebrate you na... I believe you’re also a worker in the church. Y’all are not genuine born again holding leadership positions in church instead of sitting in the congregation. They should cover you so that others will see and follow your footsteps. You call it disgrace before you were brought out, it’s open reprimand.

  6. Church dropouts? πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Stella you are so funny.

  7. I'm still attending church, so 🚢🚢🚢🚢

  8. I wasn't learning the Word again. I had to gather my family and began a home Bible study. Learnt more in 1 year than the decades of going to church. It is good to belong to Jesus ad seek him without a nagging, indoctrinating intermediary.

    1. Good practice.
      The Bible is the only manual, read, meditate and pray for discernment to truly understand passeges. No one has the monopoly of knowledge or understanding.

    2. @ANG that's a good one

  9. I didn't find the salvation I was looking for.
    Still searching though.
    I guess I'll find it when God wants me to.

    1. @Daddy
      Salvation is God's free gift. Study your Bible. A good place to start is
      to read a chapter of the New Testament daily. E.g. begin from the gospel of John. Cheers.

    2. You are right. This is prevalent inost churches. Just have a personal enciunter with God that's all that matters.

    3. Wow! Haven't read from you after 21st? Good to know you're fine.

    4. Awwwww....That Bible in your phone will help you find it. You can start from the Book of John. Get to know the giver if salvation...then you will find it. ❤

    5. All these girls under code's comment, motive?

  10. I have become quite a regular but for the old me, na just because I lazy.

    Every Sunday Satan will just take over my willpower to go to church. Little by little, I am overcoming that

  11. I will never forsake the gathering of brethren .

  12. Replies
    1. @Beautiful
      Then learn the Word and do God service instead of eye service.

  13. Church drop out come and answer πŸ™‰πŸ’‍♂️

  14. My children are hands full especially my son. They don’t let me concentrate.

    1. Look for a church that has children's church and join. They can attend children's church while you attend adults. If you are in Lagos ans on the mainland, you can locate David's Christian centre in amuwo if it's close to you, their children's church is top notch with full security.

    2. Do you now want God to regret giving you children? that's why there are children classes seperate from adults

  15. I don't have church outfit or shoe for church.

    1. There is no outfit called church outfit or shoe. Tell us another reason.

    2. Awwa God will provide for you, if you are in Lagos and on the mainland, you can ask Stella for my email address and send me a mail, I might have some to give out.

  16. I stopped believing God was in any building and since most humans in the church never practice what they preach, I really do not want to fellowship with that sort.

    I also low key blame pastors for the decline in morals and values in our society. My hurt is like a festering sore.

    1. @Kamikaze, what you said is true.
      The way pastors are handling churches, I won't be surprise if we have more atheist and "church dropouts" than church goers by 10-20 years to come

    2. Muaaaaaaah!!

  17. Since I no marry member I don become outcast be that.And their hypocrisy is top notch.Will return someday.

    1. Just negodu, will they stay in the marriage with you, I know a particular church in Nigeria that behaves so, members must marry their fellow members, they even match make sef

  18. I don't feel fulfilled nor my burdens seem lighten when I go to church,I come back angry and empty.i hardly pray these days,I feel disconnected.

    1. I guess it happens to us once in a awhile.
      Have you tried listening to Audio messages.

  19. All they talk of is enemies dying. After so many years the enemies are still not dead. I beg I got tired of them blaming everything on non existent enemies and never taking responsibility for negative things that happened.

    1. Lol.... Very funny. They weren't helping you grow so you had to leave, nice one.

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. I feel you jare

  20. Constantly asking for money and forgetting to enrich us with the word

  21. Over 10yrs and counting.... No church, No form of prayer, No God.
    Just bliss and peace all the way.

    1. Na lie.. Continue to be in denial.

  22. There's this prayer group I belong to..only women prayer.
    Everyday women give testimony of how God bless them/their hubby with cars,houses,one big contract or the other.Im always sitting down and clapping to their testimonies but never had any mind blowing testimony to became embarrassing so I stopped attending.I want to be among the testifiers and not a spectator.

    1. Hope you know some people do exaggerate their testimonies

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  23. I stop attending because if u are not among the well dressed and driving big cars nobody recognises u.The show off was to much and I started feeling like I don't belong there so I left and nobody noticed.

  24. I ain't a church drop out, I love God, I love my church and I don't allow any nasty behaviour get to me. If I can't resign because I was spoken to anyhow, I can't leave church because of some flimsy stuff. If I am asked to donate or sow and I don't have, I 'bone'. I don't put myself under any unnecessary pressure and by God's grace PK is an amazing pastor with a not so amazing wife, but no be her I dey go church for.

  25. I was disgraced by an usher who asked if I was married n if not that I should not sit with the married women. I felt so ashsned n asked what my offence was for not being able to get a man to get married to. I felt so depressed n I just felt it would be better to stay away from where I would always be sad.

    1. I'm sorry but you allowed yourself to be shamed by a wicked insensitive woman. You should have given her one or two piece of your mind and then have her watch you sit right where you wanted to sit. A nasty attitude from an ignorant person shouldn't make you stop doing whatever you agreed within yourself to be doing.

    2. I completely get it. Church people carry that mrs status on their heads like gala. I left my old church when the pastor's wife and her friend thought I had dropped the phone and they dived straight into my matter. The humiliation no be here. I just quietly left and cut them all off. The pastor even had the front to message me on another phone that he missed my tithes. Not long after I left the church packed up when the wife's friend carried all the members away.

  26. I was a church drop out,but am glad God found me,when I almost gave up, my church family were there for me,they showed me so much love and cared for me during my trying times.

    1. Wow you are blessed. That is how it is supposed to be.

  27. Fellowship with the brethren can never be overemphasized, because corporate anointing is real. Sometimes I go to church angry but I leave happy, enter depressed and leave uplifted.

    My advice- focus on Christ. When you go to church, bow and pray for 3 minutes,tell God why you are in church. Focus and have a right heart.

    You can never leave the same.

  28. After staying in church for two years I decided to start workers training and join a workforce in church. I had been feeling unfulfilled but not doing anything in church. After the training we were to pay a very small token as money for graduation gown, certificate,and other miscellaneous. I was so broke throughout that period that transport to work sef was a struggle. I explained to the person who was collecting the money to be patient with me that I'll pay. The day we were to write the exams,I explained to the minister in charge of the class that I haven't paid and that I am so broke even though I may not look it.
    The way this man embarrassed me,I don't know if I will be able to forget it in a hurry. He told me that I should go to my bag and bring money and pay. Money from where😭😭😭
    Next thing he said was that I should get up and leave instead of wasting my time waiting since i didn't payπŸ™†πŸ™†

    At that moment,it was a struggle for me to hold back tears. As his voice was getting louder,I had to pick my bag and leave before others will notice besides the two people that already witnessed it.

    While on the road,I cried 😭😭😭
    The zeal,the passion and everything that I had come with just died instantly. I cried so hard when I got home.

    I mean,there were people that gave as much as 30k and more for this thing. The minimum was 1500 which I didn't have. Why didn't the man just look past that!!!!

    After that incident,I just lost the zeal to go to church. I analyzed and over analyzed that incident. I just listened to msgs online when I have data. The first day I went to church after that,I just looked at the man and asked God to forgive him for killing my vibe.
    I love my church,my pastor so very much but since that incident in August/Sept,I haven't been steady in church again. I pray I get the ginger again.

    I don't even want to talk about how plenty uniforms in church service units contribute their own quota.
    Indeed, judgement will begin in the house of God

    1. Hmmmm. You reminded me of what I experienced in church. I would have recounted it but it would make me sad and I might find my self in tears. I too left crying all the way home. I realised I was putting myself under undue torture, pressure and unwarranted shame for nothing. I pray the Spirit of God leads me to the assembly I belong in. I have been at peace since I left my former place of worship. Have learnt a lot from personal bible study and so happy that God has been answering my prayers. I realise He has been with me through it all and according to His Word, He will never forsake me or leave me. Churches need to study the book of Revelation. Let the people hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

    2. Hmmmm. You reminded me of what I experienced in church. I would have recounted it but it would make me sad and I might find my self in tears. I too left crying all the way home. I realised I was putting myself under undue torture, pressure and unwarranted shame for nothing. I pray the Spirit of God leads me to the assembly I belong in. I have been at peace since I left my former place of worship. Have learnt a lot from personal bible study and so happy that God has been answering my prayers. I realise He has been with me through it all and according to His Word, He will never forsake me or leave me. Churches need to study the book of Revelation. Let the people hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

  29. Covid-19 🦠

  30. I have not been to church in years. I long for a nice church but unfortunately na exploitation galore dey for most churches. When you are a single lady over a certain age, the humiliation no be here. The disrespect, the expectation and exploitation is unparalleled. So no, God has blessed me immensely since I stopped attending church. I left a church, I did not leave God.

  31. I stopped getting involved in religion because i come from a Muslim /christian family and all i see is struggle for who is d real child of god and who's not. I figured even as i took d path of christianity, i was still discriminated by some other christians because i wasnt a member of their church.. like its a cult or something. Anyway, as i withdrew from all these organised lifestyle and how its suppose to be, i because more intune with my spirituality which is my originality, not what im fed with and told to ponder on, but what mindblowing experiences i know and tasted first hand not wasting my time in a building decieving myself with people of very uneven energy,im building myself frm inside connecting directly to my source and not what the world tells me to call the most supreme. I am not a christan, i am not a Muslim, my family dnt really feel me
    Cos of this, but i am in tune with the love and peace of the universe. And the beautiful supernatural experiences ive had, i dint get a taste when i was a programmed sheep. Im Free.

  32. I have never stepped into any church in the last 10 years and this is the most peaceful my life has been. My life is a testimony. I thank God my own way. I don't need to listen to the gibberish of another human who lies that God told him something. Only losers will listen to the scammers. All the pastors caught recently were people's men of god until exposed. Who is next? Your pastor? I stay my lane. Nigerian ladies/women are the most gullible because women are moved by words and emotions. Pastors realize that and prey on them. Sadly even the foolish ladies fail to realize that they are being scammed because the pastors have toasted their ways into their hearts with sweet and melodious lies.

  33. Hmm....if I tell you people my church story this blog will scatter. My friends are surprised that I still go to Church. But in all my pains, I just started singing in a choir. The experience is glorious, it doesn't matter if my pastor is doing the right things or not. My own is my special relationship with my God. Even when I can't pray, I just sing and every heavy weight melts away. I won't stop, even when I'm 80 and above. So help me God.

    1. Spanish please tell us nau I'm begging you.

      The most Complex B

  34. I've never been out of church. But I've learnt that joining workforce in church usually cause see finish, so me I've not joined workforce since I've left my family church.
    I love God so much and I pray nothing will separate me from His love.


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