Another Friday Night don land............

This Evening i am watching TV in my room.......been watching TV all this while in the kitchen, i am sitting here in bed all relaxed and watching TV and it feels good....
Thinking of going to the movies alone in the evening...........Its very relaxing to see a movie all by yourself munching that hot popcorn and sipping something really helps one really relax from any kind of stress........
What are you up to this evening?
Greetings guys 😁😁 hope y'all had a good day? In church currently dancing 💃🏼💃🏼🤸♂️🤸♂️💃🏼💃🏼🤸♂️🤸♂️ we are doing praise evening 💃🏼💃🏼🤸♂️🤸♂️🤸♂️🤸♂️ it's always an exhilarating time in God's presence 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼🤸♂️🤸♂️🤸♂️
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your evening guys and get groovy 🎉🎉🎉
Dance well, happy weekend.
DeleteThe feeling is indescribable. Enjoy babe.
DeleteI'm stuck in traffic. Can't wait to get home, bath and set up my team for tomorrow's field work. Feel exhausted but will join Fr Ebube Muonso' online midnight prayer later in the night.
Enjoy God's presence. Have a tarry night in a church, I goeth nowhere.
DeleteDance away babe, it's good to be in God's presence.
DeleteHow do you people survive in this Lagos?
DeleteTraveled to a neighbouring country this morning and came back by road and my body is in serious pains. I hope I find a nice hotel to stay in Festac when I get there. I'm super tired o
Nice. Pray for us.
DeleteI am just coming,so tired.
Made fried rice and stew. Chei I'm tired.
DeleteRelaxing on the couch watching tv 🦋
I wonder why thing are not just going well for me.I have being on this blog more than five years,I see many people believing God for one thing or the other and later came back for testimonies e.g Sharon Aminu and others. I have begged God so much that I do not know what to say again.I am tired,maybe i do not deserve his love or maybe my name isn't among those he schedule to obtain mercy and grace on this planet earth.If by December I do not get what I hope for then I give up end it.If i go hellfire make i go afterall the place is also for human!how God go let me face wetin my body no fit carry
DeleteRelaxing with suya, wine and nollywood with boo and my mum. Twas our anniversary a few days ago and we went out to dinner..... Things have really changed. People no longer dine as much, instead it’s curbside pickup and it isn’t alot either. Businesses are shutting down so much it is heartbreaking for the owners and workers. I pray God restores the world.
DeleteAnon 22:58 Don't give up dear. God is still on the throne and he will definitely answer you and grant your heart desires in his own time. Remember God's time is always the best time, it might seem late to we humans but it is always the best time.
DeleteWhy don't you form the habit of Thanksgiving, for all the little things God has blessed you with, for breath of life, for eyes, nose to be able to afford a meal and those minut things we take for granted and you will see how much God has Blessed you.
Please don't give up keep up the hope and be thankful for little things. God will meet you at the point of your needs in his own time. God bless you.
Anon 22.58... Have you connfessed your sins to God and men?
DeleteGuys, please I need help. I'm 2 months pregnant and it's my first after waiting for more than 4 years. The problem now is I'm very sick. I can't eat anything. I throw up everything. I have lost so much weight and can't even stand well. They keep giving me drips at the Hospital but they say they can't do anything about the throwing up. Please I need advice from mothers that went through this. I am very weak and scared.
ReplyDeletePlease see a specialist if you have not, a good general hospital can help.
DeleteAlso a lot of women experience this, you are not alone.
I pray you get better and stronger as each day passes in Jesus name. ❤❤❤❤
Sorry Nne. I also experienced nausea but not so severe. It was when I eat too much or drink warm water or too much of it. I learnt how to take everything in small quantities and also, less of solids. Your doctor should prescribe that medication that controls nausea, mine did & it helped. Also, try to have more of fruits, fibre and nuts.
Fresh ginger in hot water ( little sips at a time)
DeleteDry crackers
I am having dinner, semo with ogbono....
ReplyDeleteAlhamdullilah, I'm grateful for everything.
My testimony is loading.
My best soup but with pounded yam.
DeleteSee better food, enjoy jare
DeleteSomeone should watch detective of china town 1 nd 2. Please prt one is in Chinese but its too funny nd so interesting
DeleteI want to flex this life biko I need someone in this Lagos to spoil me, I want to experience the good life with an experienced person, lived in Lagos all my life and I don't know anywhere.
DeleteAll these hang outs in Lagos I no sabi anywhere, just need someone to show me this life small,my life is extremely boringgggg... Pls help.
I'm actually good company,so you ll be having a good time too.
If you're up pls contact Stella, I'll drop my details with her.
Stella pls post🙏
Good evening lovelies...
ReplyDeleteCurrently about to make some tea then get back in bed and watch "Roswell"
Have a beautiful evening fam!🤗🥰
Sleeps and wake up with headache
DeleteFamily problems.
Need someone to talk to
My boyfriend is the only one that is close to me..but scared to share my problems with him. so he won't use it against my family in future.
Am the happy type..because I choose to bottled everything inside.
Blog visitor all I want from you people is to beg God to settled my family problem..
And my mum is hypertensive
Am tired of crying/thinking..and I need a hug..
Hope am not asking for too much.
Sleeps and wake up with headache
DeleteFamily problems.
Need someone to talk to
My boyfriend is the only one that is close to me..but scared to share my problems with him. so he won't use it against my family in future.
Am the happy type..because I choose to bottled everything inside.
Blog visitor all I want from you people is to beg God to settled my family problem..
And my mum is hypertensive
Am tired of crying/thinking..and I need a hug..
Hope am not asking for too much.
Enjoy your tea alone.
DeleteI love to gist.
DeleteThese man will make me feel like am a noise maker.
I don dey keep quiet for the pass two days now. The only thing I owe him now is greeting and your food is ready.
So these evenning he has been trying to gist with me. I no give am face.
Na my phone get me now.
@Candy. . Where you at darl?🤗🥰 is well with all that concerns you in Jesus name...Amen🤗🤗
@EC...🤣🤣🤣, join me now please lol.🤗
@Something please forgive and gist with him.🤗
I understand how u feel Mercy. Crying and worrying has never soloved anything ever. Whenever you feel like you don't have anybody to talk to, get a book and a pen and write down how u feel. Everything will be okay
DeleteMake out time to talk to God like he's sitting right in front of you. Much love♥️
I too have shared my family problems already with my boyfriend after locking up for so long. I pray he doesn't use it against me our my family in future.
DeleteGod hears u. Believe me he does. Just don't sit there asking God, stand up and do some things for him too. Praise him, serve him and join a service unit. God bless u
Delete,Essa will gist with him tomoro.
Thanks kokolet
DeleteAnon 21:36 that what am trying to avoid. Not all men is like that...
@Mercy, pls don't share that burden with your boyfriend yet, timing is important.
DeleteHis behaviour and maturity can give you a clue whether he's worthy to bear that burden with you now or maybe later.
Want to watch A Beautiful Mind and next The Revenant
ReplyDeleteConstipation wants to finish me here oh,can I take purgative as am preggers?. I miss going to toilet😟
DeleteRaquel Pele, but don't take anything without consulting your doctor or midwife, you should know that with your condition
DeleteTake a lot of veggies, lot of water, oranges.
DeleteEat foods rich in fibre.
No laxatives please.
@Raquel, sorry it can be really painful. Drink lots of water, take oranges and vegetables. You can manually evacuate as much as you can digitally.
DeleteBanana is the best friut for constipation. Be careful with oranges especially early pregnancies. Pawpaw/papaya does a wonderful job too but just like oranges, be careful with it while preggy
DeletePhilips milk of magnesia was my saving grace while pregnant with my second daughter. I went through hell with my first, so i didn’t take chances. My ob said it was safe, so I kept it handy. If I donot go for two days, I take it. I also made carrot my best friend. It helped me a lot too. Speak to your doctor about the specific purgative to take, also try carrot and pomegranate juice. So sorry about this. I know what you are going through. @Raquel
DeleteRaquel please speak to your doctor
DeleteStella hope you are feeling stronger now. Get well soon 💕💕 and take lots of hot things ☺😊
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Babe @TW. I am so happy for you. Enjoy your days of less sleep ahead😁😁
So it's been raining Babies in our Crib. Who's ready to receive hers this Night... The Lord has remembered you and shall you carry your seed to term.. Amen.
Wipe your tears and raise a shout of Hallelujah to the Most High.
😭 you can say that again, sis.
DeleteAm on my bed. I have a serious fever,it seems drugs are now less effective 🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒. Olorun ooooo please heal me.
ReplyDeletePele honey
DeletePele but you need some rest. Sometimes when you have fever and take drugs it will worsen it but after a day it will cure the fever.
DeleteQuick recovery.
Praying you speedy recovery hun🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
DeleteSo sorry, wishing quick recovery
DeleteSpeedy recovery dear.
DeleteI'm listening to music 🎶🎶, very nice soul lifting music with my glass of red wine 🍷
ReplyDeleteMy chocolate Barbie cheers 🍷🍷💕💕
Hey Kamikaze 🍷🍷💕💕
Hey my darling Akproko Queen 🍷🍷💕💕
Ms. Abroadian cheers 🍷🍷💕💕
Sweet Candy 🍷🍷💕💕
Mimi love 🍷🍷💕💕
Hey Gate, cheers 🍷🍷💖
Hey Omoyemwen cheers 🍷🍷💕💕
Bigbanty 🍷🍷💖
Don 🍷🍷💖
Xoxo mystery 🍷🍷💕💕
XP momma, go and get your from your DH hehehe 😊😊 🍷🍷
Essah, I know you don't drink alcohol, so I'll give you this 🥛🍧
Okay, I'm not good at roll call, you're all invited to this lounge relaxation 😊😊 cheers to you all 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷
Oh no. Not fair *wipes tears*
DeleteAs if you know, he has taken away my main whiskey bottle, Brazilian black stone honey label. Enough fire in my system till next weekend.
Make una drink up.
Enjoy your self🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂
DeleteGood evening my darling. Sending lots of ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤, your way.
DeleteAwwwww thank you
DeleteThis just cheered me up , had one of those clinic visits 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Have a very fabulous weekend my Ms Amazing
Thank you my darling Ms A.
DeleteVery soon will tell you why you are special to me.
Have a lovely weekend 😘❤.
Enjoy yourself Ms A
DeleteEnjoy Ms A🥂
DeleteI will definitely join you much later but with a glass of water and that weird series Ratched. Have a beautiful friday Ms. A
DeleteXp momma my love.
Hey my wonderful blog sis😘😘😘😘.
DeleteEnjoy your weekend.
I am watching TV...
ReplyDeleteI am craving freshly baked vanilla cake and chilled juice!
Nothing much just here trying to catch up with all the gist I missed throughout the day.
ReplyDeleteBig congratulations to Mrs Aminu on the arrival of your twins. It can only be God, he gave you double for your shame and delay.
BV access bank I pray that God will send his healing powers.
Eka Joy I hope you are doing great.
Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend.
Amen... have a relaxing one as well🥰
DeleteI left the house to eat out and i am super back now.I am so gonna stay glued to my phone right at this minute
DeleteThanking you @ Essa Atelier .
DeleteAdivincci what a nice way to enjoy your Friday evening. Enjoy
Yes, I am fine. Thank u.
DeleteWaiting for husband man to close from work so we can continue watching modern family. Me I am rewatching, and I still love that series like mad. Can't wait to get to season 10 that I'm yet to see.
ReplyDeleteI watched Ramsey Noah's 'Crazy people' yesterday. It's on Netflix. Watch it and u may just like it like I did eventually
Obodo oyibo woman, keep on enjoying all your movies.
Deletemodern family is among my top 5 sitcom and my best character is phil dunphy, grandpa and gloria also make me laugh so much, infact the entire cast is lit and interprete their role so much😂
DeleteCrazy people; saw that long time ago and the story line was great, chigul really tried in that movie👏🏼
It's a cold night. Home alone with my kids, waiting for hubby to get back from work.
ReplyDeleteMy kids has taken control of Television and they are watching cartoon Network.
This pregnancy is messing my mood. I can't believe i will go this journey again this year but God knows the best and I wish nothing but healthy and alive baby in Jesus name amen. Good night guys
The Lord is your strength.
DeleteSafe delivery all the way.
Safe delivery chilove
Deletemodern family is among my top 5 sitcom and my best character is phil dunphy, grandpa and gloria also make me laugh so much, infact the entire cast is lit and interprete their role so much😂
DeleteCrazy people; saw that long time ago and the story line was great, chigul really tried in that movie👏🏼
DeleteThe Lord is your strength🤗🤗🤗
DeleteJust finished roasting plantain and preparing the sauce. Someone else is doing the fish. Downloading it soon. Na so e hungry us this night.
ReplyDeleteHappy Weekend!!! I'm so happy it's finally here cos I had a crazy week.
Yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy
DeleteI love roasted plantain...enjoy dearie❤👌
DeleteEnjoy darling
DeleteStella how your body? Shey you need massage?😁😁😁
ReplyDeleteI sabi massage well well oo..
My Friday night is boring as usual, I cook ordinary ugwu with small pepper and dry fish, downed it with thick 3 wraps of fufu..😂😂😂
I don stroll comot house go one joint opp my estate.. Man no fit stay inside room with brutal thoughts😂😂😂
Abeg I dey find babe oo? Correct babe.. I no mind anybody, at least no get hot temper and sabi cuddle and talk well well. Then get work for hand, preferably Abuja ooo..
Make we dey see 😜😜😜
At home watching a movie. Will go off to bed later.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your movie and have a lovely weekend Gates😊
DeleteThanks, essa.🤗
DeleteI just baked and ate a delicious pound cake. It was so good albeit a little bit dry. I'm compiling my horror movie playlist in the spirit of Hallowe'en and since today is Friday, i plan on watching Friday the 13th tonight.
ReplyDeleteI've been so ecstatic today lol idk why. maybe it's the dopamine release from how much i enjoyed my cake.
Send me some please.
Deletei finished it 🤭😭
Haven't seen a horror movie in a long while...used to love em. Enjiy your movie
Delete@ Snarker 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
DeleteI used to be a fan of horror movies but not anymore.
DeleteI prefer thrillers or just light comedy self.
Used to be claim gangster when it comes to horror movies until my imagination started playing games with me. I jejely shift and faced cartoons, comedy and comedy 😅.
DeleteGood Evening Fam, TGIF. I am feeling sleepy after downloading a plate of hot jolly rice with fried plantain, Irish potatoes and Goat Meat...
ReplyDeleteGod help my kids feel sleepy too so that we can all retire to bed at once.
Why are you doing me longer throat😢😢😢😢
DeleteI'm trying to stay off sex. But boo keeps on disturbing me.
ReplyDeleteHow person wan manage?
What do we really want in life, give laboo to enjoy it now that he wants it except both of you are tiffing it.
DeletePlease keep trying if you arent married. The Lord is your strength.🤗
DeleteSo cold here this night. Strolling to get a loaf of slice bread. Wanna drink tea tonight. After then, watch an American film I got this morning before going to bed.
ReplyDeleteTeejay Teejay I hail you bachelor.
DeleteDown with a cold. Let me just take very hot ginger tea while I watch movie.
ReplyDeletePele you will be alright.
DeleteAdd some honey to it. Ndo
DeleteBe whole soon dearie🤗🤗🤗
DeleteThank you my lovelies.
DeleteKpele dear
DeleteI am sitting down reading comments on this blog. Good evening bvs.
ReplyDeleteCurrently pressing phone and listening to my children scream at each other, and arguing on which channel is better 🙄
ReplyDeleteThank God for them, when we were growing up, na one TV we all they watch oh, without quarrel (who born monkey banana to quarrel) 😂😂🤣
Early night for me jare, tomorrow no work.
Friday night is always the same to me, nothing special about tonight jare, I will sleep early, today was a bit stressful at work, my oga collect plenty bridal train clothes, we learn by helping, I can't cut but I help in sewing, she's very thoughtful, she tip all .God bless het
ReplyDeleteAww that's nice of her. Your hardwork will pay off soon dear🥰
DeleteTry to spice it up for yourself.
DeleteShe's kind. Sleep tight.
DeleteGood evening all..weekend vibe❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteJust watching movie and surfing the net.
Tired a little from our Independence treat: every 1st October,my hausa friends and Yoruba friends make Igbo dishes or snacks, deliver to your home while you retaliate.
ReplyDeleteI got a challenge yesterday,so today I made arewa candy snacks and peppered Yoruba snacks:
Baba dudu
Sisi pelebe
Zobo juice( with dry cloves)
Tamarind juice(with dry cloves too).
They called to thank, chat and make noise, serious noise, hahaha. We cool like that.
Now munching remaining kulikuli,epa ati guguru and water only,while watching a film. No dinner here, we don full.
Only know of kulikuli, zobo and baba dudu. You're very hands on Mami...keep it up🥰👌👌👌
DeleteThanks sweets.
DeleteThey be wan fall my hand with their Igbo snacks like mgbadume, I no gree. Kikiki
Saw your sister's celebration you posted,after reading I said yes,this is SOl D's sister. I went to check the other side. Peck her for me.
I need a glass of chilled zobo.
DeleteI love kulikuli with ijebu garrison and chilled water..
DeleteTired a little from our Independence treat: every 1st October,my hausa friends and Yoruba friends make Igbo dishes or snacks, deliver to your home while you retaliate.
ReplyDeleteI got a challenge yesterday,so today I made arewa candy snacks and peppered Yoruba snacks:
Baba dudu
Sisi pelebe
Zobo juice( with dry cloves)
Tamarind juice(with dry cloves too).
They called to thank, chat and make noise, serious noise, hahaha. We cool like that.
Now munching remaining kulikuli,epa ati guguru and water only,while watching a film. No dinner here, we don full.
Since January I decided not to engage in sex because my conscience is not always clear anytime I have it.
DeleteRecently I have been having temptation but don't want to do it.i don't gain anything from premarital sex .
I really want God to bless me with my own man,my husband.
I really don't want to marry weoy because I have been through a lot, some stories scares me away.
I love this your tradition it’s so cool. You are your friends are cool. True Friends are the best 😘
DeleteWow, I haven't tasted a lot of items you mentioned up there, will try some. Enjoy yourself.
DeleteIam so angry.why are banks deducting so much in the name of charges. I left access bank to Union bank still it seems their is even worst.transfer charges of 53naira for 20k instead of 26.88other banks charge.stamp duty here and there.chaii naija don tire me I swear
ReplyDeleteFind out whether we go fit get visa go Sahara desert, Naija don dey tire person. 😁
DeleteLil bruh came through for the weekend...PlayStation(4) got us this weekend🎮🎮...N**ga have been saying alot for months now...We're gonna sort our selves out dis weekend...being kicking his ass since the days of PlayStation (1)😂
ReplyDeleteAdulthood is really a scam!!why cant I have a reasonable savings.problems here and there.
ReplyDeleteMtshew... A big scam ooo. Can't believe I was actually in a hurry to become an adult.
DeletePleasant evening.🤗
ReplyDeleteOff to bed😴
I noticed I'm being too emotional these days and I don't like it.I think about every of my siblings and carry their matter for my head meanwhile none thinks about do I stop this too much emotions pls.make all man be on their own
ReplyDeleteNo go peme ooo. Stop carrying their matters too much. Most of these bros and sis are always ungrateful.
DeleteI know someone that carried their matters all she got was abuse and some where wishing her death.
Don't kill yourself for them. If you can do the little fine but don't kill yourself
This right here is a strength you have and not a weakness
DeleteJust dey remind yourself to draw boundaries when u wan dey help. Don't over think anything. May God give you wisdom.
DeleteAre you the first? It comes naturally to all first borns. Na so meself carry their matter for head but they no send me.
DeleteStory of my life!
DeleteNever forget ur family. Never stop carrying them on ur head. Do the best u can do for them. I know it can be overwhelming sometimes but I just pray to God everytime to give me the grace and means to carry on
DeleteTrue there is grace that accompanies caring for others. Your good deeds has a way of speaking for you when you need help. Kindness and compassion costs nothing . When you are a kind hearted person God sees your heart and blesses you accordingly . You see others struggle for things you would get effortlessly.
DeleteJust had dinner
ReplyDeleteStarch and melon pepper soup with smoked fish and cow leg🤸🤸🤸🤸
Gisting with hubby. I will watch a movie on my phone before I sleep.
The price of bread has skyrocketed.
I bought Sugar #900 for half basket
Flour #500 for half basket.
My favourite bread is now #500 as against #450.
Movies gat my back tonight
ReplyDeleteThank God for today.
ReplyDeleteCurrently Watching the ongoing Annual Youth Convention(virtual)
May our stars continue to shine brighter and brighter in Jesus name Amen.
Have a good night rest everyone.
Amen...good night Mimi love 🥰
DeleteAmen good night Mimi love
DeleteI have bp nd am nt even up to 30yrs..anytime it comes up the headache no be here
ReplyDeleteI pray for divine healing cus it must go back to where it came from are healed by the stripes of Christ.🤗🤗🤗
DeleteAmen. Please try and take good care of your health. Problems no dey finished for this world.
DeletePray to God Almighty thru His son Jesus Christ and leave the rest for Him.
Read Jeremiah 30:17 for your health.
Wish you well
You are healed in Jesus name Amen.
DeleteAs you are praying for divine healing, hope you are using blood pressure tabs? BP is not always about age, It could be hereditary or other factors, pele.
DeleteIt is well with you.
Please can you go to a teaching hospital for proper checkup. HBP for someone below 30yrs could be due to secondary causes of hypertension. In such case,when the secondary causes are treated the blood pressure returns to normal. It is not unusual for a 30 yrs to have Primary hypertension which I think you are referring to. I wish you all the best.
DeleteGoing through the internet and watching tv. I'm recovering from cough, been having chest pain as a result making me afraid to cough out. It is well with my soul
ReplyDeleteMay God heal you.
DeleteIts so sad how some people take one's kindness for granted and repay with evil,
ReplyDeleteSometimes I wish I wasn't soft hearted but one thing I know is I'd never stop doing good, I just need to be more open minded .
Hope Ya'll are doing okay , the past two months has been kinda tough but God has been my strength and thats why I can carry on like nothing is wrong.
I love Ya'll stay safe and make the best of your weekend.
Namesake darling, it's been awhile.Keep doing good and God will continue to bless and keep you. The Lord is your strength.
DeleteLove you.
I like how you're still positive. I feel that way sometimes. I don't deserve any of the betrayals I've gotten but would that change me? No
DeleteStay safe too, have a great weekend
Still treat them with kindness if you get the chance, bible says its like heaping hot coals on their heads and what more God will handle them himself.
DeleteAbout the past 2 months ..its well with you Choco boo. Much love🥰🤗🤗🤗
Keep being good and one day it would pay🤗🤗. God will always come through for you and forever be your strength 🙏🙏🙏. Happy weekend ❣️💕
DeleteLove You Choco girl, God gat you always. Stay blessed.
DeleteStay safe too dear. Never stop being good.
DeleteHave an amazing weekend.
Hey choc love, i truly admire and like your positive attitude & mindset, stay strong it can and will definitely get better dear🤗
DeleteHave a lovely weekend 😘🤗
Lovely woman, may God continue to bless your good heart darling. I got so much love for you 😘
DeleteSweet choco just continue to be the sweetheart you are.
DeleteHi Sweets, keep your head up and take good care of your health.
DeleteGood evening everyone🤗
ReplyDeleteit was a busy and productive week, as usual me and my guys and girl are just doing netflix & chill.. please guys try watching the movie “OLOTURE” it debuted today on netflix and stars sharon ooja(jasmine from TMC) omoni oboli and even blossom chukwujekwu , wofai and omawumi
The story is line is great and it’s about prostitution/ human trafficking and it was really great and the ending of the movie will leave you shocked trust me😁.
We all had a good time laughing and watching it together, now my guys and i want to play video games for bragging rights and enjoy this lovely food and drinks here while listening to great songs🤗
I am currently watching it and I must say it has potentials
DeleteYou had a good time laughing??? I wouldn’t even laugh! The movie left a sour taste in my mouth! Human trafficking is horrible!!! Ladies please be careful. Hard work pays.
DeleteI'm so very tired..
ReplyDeleteI'm relaxing surfing the net while my kids are watching Disney Junior. I'll probably go to bed after seeing the Johnsons. Body no be firewood abeg
Cheers mama😁🥂
ReplyDeleteI don't know how u people sit down and drink what is not sweet
No light. Waiting for nephew to on the generator. Laziness no go kill me. To go where the gen dey self na problem.
ReplyDeleteAnyway let me eat oha soup I got from where I went to.
NEPA dey try for my area. So I will wait
You need to rest your body. Pele
ReplyDeleteMy long comment don enter black pot.. .Please bring it out for me mami
ReplyDeleteIs pink lips on a dark skin man grayish? he said he hates it n wants to get rid of it but d mouth too pink ewwww. how can I tell if it's natural ?
ReplyDeleteI watched Oloture great movie with awesome cast.Meanwhile I and hubby want to fuck every single second.I de wet like say I don buy jaruma.He said he does not understand the sweetness again.He is such a great man and six years in the game we fuck like we just met.No position we dont explore my kids go knock door tire we no the even answer.Kai when I hear of sad marriages I feel really bad because not that mine is perfect my husband is a good man and really acts normal.I keep praying that God will restore broken homes because we hardly clash and even if we do it is resolved amicably.Oloture is a wonderful movie Omoni is such a great actress with SharonOoja.
ReplyDeleteWas this necessary? See how you sounded crass using the f word up and down
DeleteSo many dead bodies on the street from the nearby I japa before police go charge us for rains cat and dog.
ReplyDeleteI woke up tired this morning, i dragged my self out of bed, did what needed to be done, then i started reading " redeeming love" by Francine Rivers.
ReplyDeleteKids are sleeping, i miss my husband. Off to make a cup of green tea then continue reading.
Oh Gifty, this was me today! Except the reading part. I had to drag my tired self to work....long day. I miss my husband so bad. Take care and have a restful weekend.
DeleteAsin kokolet,I can't drink that Guinness or buy with my money 🤪
ReplyDeleteI had a good week. I'm on my bed, reading through all the gists I have missed. Have a wonderful night everyone
ReplyDeleteJust got paid an installment of March salary...25%. and it is not enough to pay off any single bill. I can't cry