Stella Dimoko Dear President Buhari.............


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Dear President Buhari.............


Do you want to write the President of Nigeria a letter that stands out?tell him how you feel about being a Nigerian and the role he has played in making you feel as good or as bad as you do right now?

Dear President Buhari,

I feel like you don't exist and that writing this letter would be a waste of time.

I feel like you don't care about Nigerians and the way you react or do not bother to react at all when things happen and your reaction is needed makes me worry for fellow Nigerians.

Dear Mr President,I will never stoop low to waste my time insulting you but i want to to know that you are a wicked heartless man.

Good bye....


  1. They need to understand why the people are angry and why there is an uproar. It is not misplaced anger it is very much expected. People expressed their anger peacefully and were gunned down and you say people should remain calm??? How how hoooww??!! Pls no one should condemn the actions of the youth.... this is an aftermath of the extrajudicial killings that took place on Tuesday and just the boiling point of suppressed anger!

    1. Please let this hastag go round
      #Dear President Buhari Ubanka

    2. Dear MR President, am gifted in hearing Ghosts. Whisper to me, tell me d exact date u were buried

    3. Dear Vuhari, I hope you are in the deepest part of hell with Kyari and Mamman will join you soonest. The cloned one in Ask Villa how do you want your thunder because it will surely come and the blood of the innocent youths is already crying out for vengeance.

    4. 🤣🤣🤣

      Dear Mr President,

      #ubanka .

  2. No need to punish the poor pen and paper. It’s difficult communicating with one who has purposely chosen to be deaf, dumb and blind. Honest truth...... it’s to beat and torture it into him, that’s way, he feels your pain straight up.

    Stella no vex, I de vex. I’m so pissed (in Prosper’s voice).

  3. Dear President Buhari, I feel you are a father with a stony heart and invariably deserves not to be a father.Will you kill your children even when they are rebellious. I'm not God but you will receive your reward.

  4. Dear President Buhari,

    You're the most insensitive person alive , and what hurts is you have children , you have relatives.

    History has it that in your youth you enjoyed the perks of being a Nigerian .

    But today can we boast of such ? No doubt every government inherits problems from the past , what what efforts have you made to stabilise the country ? Rather you come up with very harsh policies that affects the ordinary Nigerian.

    Nigerians cannot boast of security, good roads, health care and good governance.

    They have monies they cannot even spend , imagine having a $100 monthly limit in this day and age .

    You claim You're fighting corruption but you're the definition of corruption, you are surrounded by corruption.
    Nigeria is 50 years backwards since your governance , what baffles me the most is how you constantly display oblivion for the plight of the people.
    I just want you to Step down , Resign , give it up
    We are tired of the killings .
    We are tired of the insecurities
    We are tired of living in lawlessness .
    We are tired of the hardship , how many Nigerians are living comfortably?
    You lack vision and foresight yet you want to remain in power . You have access to good medicare but your citizens do not , yet all of these mean nothing to you.

    Resign Please .

  5. I love you, Stella! I love your creativity. More ideas Mami...

    Dear President Buhari,

    I am sad about where we are as a nation. Nothing works here, absolutely nothing except God. I'm tired of y'all.

    I can't wait to see the new Nigeria that God is creating. Let me stop here before I say what I will regret.

  6. Do you really exist?
    What alive president keeps quiet wheb his citizens are dying?

  7. Waste of time, y'all are writing letter to a wall. Waste of space.. This oga has nothing to lose, he has lived his life and achieved his goal of being president. Waste of 8 years. Tufiakwa!

    1. 8yrs backwards from where GEJ stopped. So sad.

    2. It can never be well with them !!!

    3. I am 100% sure buhari is dead....So There’s no point.

  8. I won't bother, the idiot won't see it.

  9. I hate conspiracy theories but I'm 100% sure Buhari is dead. I can't believe he can be so insensitive.

  10. Dear Buhari,

    You don die or you dey alive? At least let your imposter come address us na.. What will the addressing change sef?

    600 years

  11. Mr Pesident, I'm not going to write you a long letter, cos you won't understand what I mean. Just keep standing still, and the wrath of God will fall on you.

  12. Dear mr president, few years ago your only son had a motor bike accident...All protocol was broken to ensure that he survived... Yet you were still not OK with the great care administered by the best of the best doctors in your country and had to fly him abroad for further medical attention... Why am I saying this? It's just to remind you and let u know that the same way you felt when your son was at the point of death is the same way we want u to feel for other people's children
    There is no special Child and the same way u love and adore your children is the same way we want u to feel to other people's children
    And just to remind you that it is not by special treatment or the Best medical intervention that you and your family are alive today but by God's grace and also to let u know that their is a supreme being greater than you m watching

    1. Let's not forget that his son's friend died apparently no one cared about him

  13. Dear PMB i have nothing to write,but i just pray ,ur life should be bad as ur administration..ijn.

  14. Dear President Buhari, I want you to know that you have failed as the president of this nation. Pple put a lot of trust in you but you failed woefully. Is this the change you promised us? By covering your corrupt caliber of pple ND not putting them back to order when need. Most of the governors that worked under you also failed. There is high rate of poverty, unemployment coupled with poor amenities and injustified killings. You have turned Nigeria to a lawless Society. We can't thank you enough for the pain you ND your calibers have made us pass through. Just want you to know that your govt is the worst. We need change. Will appreciate if u allow the youths to step forward.

  15. I don't write to the dead. Sooner than later everything will be made opened.

  16. Dear Nazi But In wicked Fulani clothing mad fucker arsehole son of a crazy bitch who's clearly not qualified to be a president,

    ....please why don't you get a fucking gun and do us all a favour and fucking shoot your fucking brains out!!!!!

  17. Let the Buharideens write him a letter.

    Got no time to waste time.

    *Closes page*

    1. Periodt! Infact the notepad and pen is too fine to write to such president please bring a notepad that suits him

  18. Stella pls post my comments.I am really angry right now.The truth is this country is under darkness and those that are responsible for this darkness is our bad and corrupt leaders.They are responsible for all the mayhem that is happening in this country.This is so sad but you know what,I dont pity them.I wont even curse them.Their woes is waiting for them.How I wish these our corrupt politicians can open their spiritual eyes and see what is waiting for them in the beyond.They will cry and regret their actions for thousands of years.This world is vanity.They will surely reap what they sow.Some will even regret coming to this world.Any position you find yourself,just know that you are fortunate to be there and God want to use you to help others in need not hurt others.

  19. Undear President Buhari,

    I just want you to know that you are a monumental failure. You are a huge disappointment. I felt disappointed under President Goodluck but your's is heart wrenching. I thought the PDP were only telling their usual lies during the election period. Now I know they were saying the truth about you.

    Please,can you just have some dignity and resign. 2023 is too long a time to wait for you to go. Will there still remain humans in Zamfara by then? What about in Borno? Under you, human lives have got no more value. People are being slaughtered like chickens.

    Which will I talk about and which will I leave? Is it the unemployment status in Nigeria? Is it the blatant corruption in your false 'corruption fighting' government? Is it the many unfulfilled campaign promises? Is it your nepotism?

    You have written your name in Nigeria's history as a twice failed President. Please be gone already

  20. Dear Mr President
    Make democracy work in Nigeria.. Our youths are awake, give us the change you promised. Make Nigeria great again.

  21. Dear Mr President, your silence is a major cause of concern. We need you to address the nation without a written or recorded speech, so we ascertain you are okay and still in charge. A lot have happened which you should have already addressed but you are no where to be found. Mr President indeed all is not well.

  22. Why adding dear, hissss. Mohammed Buhari is Sani Abasha's senior brother. Wicked souls

  23. I have absolutely nothing to say to that statue, because nwoke ahu aburo mmadu at all.

    I saw videos of hidden covid19 palliatives being carried away by some youths, it shall never be sweet for politicians and their generations unborn, they will suffer from everlasting to everlasting.

    A video of thiefnubu's son being disgraced sweet me die.

    Who know the story of how jezebel in the bible was killed? Badu zo nwu!

  24. We have seen where our palliatives are hidden. Pls do we have such a warehouse any other place? Bubu,it's my letter to u

  25. I'm not writing nada to a dead
    Man 🚶🏼‍♀️🚶🏼‍♀️🚶🏼‍♀️

  26. Please mine is not a letter oh, is not strange how all the women married to these men are quite? Aisha Buhari is quiet, Dolapo Osinbajo has gone quiet, Mrs Sanwo olu has gone quiet, the Deputy governor's wife is also quite 🤔 What kind of mother's are these women? Even if your husband's don't have sense then, you the women don't have sense? KMT sad 😔.

  27. Sir,
    You have betrayed us and we pray that God will avenge us speedily.

    For me, you can kill my body but not my soul, this world is not my home.

    To my fallen brethren, you are forever in our hearts.

    Nigeria will rise again..

  28. This government is hell bent in fulfilling their agenda. Anything contrary to that is like slamming your self into a brick wall. Why do you think majority of the masses are living below poverty line. They use this as a weapon to suppress the will of the people.

    You can see the carnage been perpetrated by semi-illiterates, illiterates and poverty stricken youth due to no fault of theirs. Do you think the president or the political elites care. They only pay lip service just to be politically relevant during such crisis which they deliberately orchestrated.

    I won't waste my time writing a letter to him. Each passing day individuals are been thrown into the growing unemployment ring which I am currently enmeshed. So Stella nothing you say will change their agenda of been in government for ever through their offsprings. Except God intervenes.


  29. Nah who dey Alive dey read letter..
    Fuck him!


    I will be pleased to let you know that the PEACEFUL protest you spearheaded during former President Goodluck Jonathan's regime:
    * Was not hijacked by thugs;
    * Everyone including you were speaking with one voice;
    * The then President addressed the nation not just once;
    * He never laughed nor mocked the protesters;
    * There was no curfew imposed in states;
    * The army never for once shot at any citizen;
    * There was no prison break;
    * Our demands, not totally met but to an extent it was;

    I am not in support of the GEJ government but this is to let you know that the presidential seat is for the humane and not people who have no feelings at all.

    The Fulani killings is still fresh in our memory sir, where several callouts were made for you to address the nation (We do this everytime, beg you to address the nation). I think the only response you know is VIOLENCE.

    It seems you enjoy people being killed. There's this joy it must be giving you.






  31. Muhammadu Buhari, you're not dear to me,so i wont even indulge you. I just want to tell you that the blood of the innocent endsars protesters in murdered is on your head, your family's head and your entire all shall pay for the murder of our youths. You shall all know no peace. You and your family and all nigerian govt officials in the know and in support of these murder will pay with your blood. God will give us justice. P.s i dont care if you're alive or dead. You will pay for your bad governance.

  32. Dear Bubu
    In your own interest,just resign and go home to bury your head in shame and die miserable......

  33. Dear President, you don't need to soro soke. Just whisper into the mic that I resign and we'll loud it. That's all

  34. There is nothing Dear about buhari.
    Mallam buhari, Resignnnnn

  35. Why was I even born into this country? What was my offence in my former life to merit the African black nation?

    I dey vex, person life deserve more than this. Healthcare you can't be proud of, school naw wahala . Abeg my children should forgive me for bringing them into this nation. Kai


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