
Friday, September 25, 2020


#weekend #jollificationwithsense #usenoseandmouthmaskinpublic #covid19isreloading #donotsayyouwerenottold #egetreasonwhy #makeyoureasonam #donotworry #ekaro #nagode #namaste #itiswhatitis

Good Morning ,
What is the first thing you do or reach out for when you wake up?I reach out for my phone to check the weather to know what best to wear for the will be sunny but cold...Imagine!

BV Sonia was a year older on Thursday and decided to distribute Shoki aaaaaaargh......I wanted to post it inside in house news later but it is also OK to post here na?Please have a conscience and dont load all

2371 9178 0465 99064
4783 5022 0121 78498
8991 4471 7503 49066

93780 33995 93554
88005 44386 47777

5694 0054 5870 7702
5289 7060 2910 3838

20781 67439 00432
19276 92542 06414

Enjoy your day and remember that no matter what the Obstacle is,E go be!✌



    ‘You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet.’
    Psalm 8:6 NIV

    How can you know God wants you to succeed in life? Three reasons:
    1) Because He created you. In Genesis He said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness’ (Genesis 1:26 NKJV). The words ‘image’ and ‘likeness’ are important. Think about it: we sometimes tell a child, ‘You’re the image of your mother/father. You’re just like her/him!’ Because you are God’s supreme creation, He poured into you His mind, His power, His wisdom, and everything else you need to succeed. Once you grasp the truth of that and begin to act on it, your outlook will be transformed. You will start thinking like a ‘no limit person’.
    2) Because you have worth. Actress Ethel Waters, who used to sing at the Billy Graham crusades, said, ‘I am somebody, ’cause My God don’t make no junk!’ As the crowning achievement of God’s creation, you are the object of His attention and affection. The psalmist wrote, ‘How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them’ (Psalm 139:17-18 NLT).
    3) Because everything God made was for you. ‘You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet.’ Does that mean God will simply drop success into your lap? No, ‘God blessed them, and…said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it”’ (Genesis 1:28 NKJV).

    God has given you His authority and creative ability to succeed in whatever He calls you to do. So instead of thinking like a victim – start thinking like a victor!
    Word For Today.

  2. Don't let the expectations and opinions of other people affect your decisions. It's your life, not theirs. Do what matters most to you, do what makes you feel alive and happy. Don't let the expectations and ideas of others limit who you are. If you let others tell you who you are, you are living their reality not yours.

    Good morning beautiful people


      Where have you been honey?🥰🥰🥰

    2. Cookie my crush, I've being away but I'm back
      Thanks booooooooooooooooo

  3. I pray for us this morning that every mountain before us shall be melted and crumbled. The same people who stood by to see us fail, will see us Flourishing in Jesus name! AMEN

    Good morning.

  4. A beautiful morning to you, you, you, and you!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    First thing I do in the morning, I stretch my body

    Don't forget that the world is not on your head or shoulder, just breath, live and be grateful for the gifts of life, good health and free air that you breath.

    Nothing is impossible when we put our trust in God. Trust in Him today with all your heart and you will never regret it!

    Stay safe
    Stay alive
    Stay happy 💖💖💖💖💖

  5. Every family has a person who breaks the chain of poverty.
    May you be a blessing to your family in Jesus name. Amen.

    Good morning dearies 🤩🤩
    Cheers to a beautiful day🙏🙏

    1. Thanks for the shoki Sonia.

    2. Amen! God bless and replenish your pocket darling ❣️😍😘 hope you had a fab one? Be good❤️😍🥰❤️😍🥰

    3. Happy belated birthday dear, live long and Prosper

    4. Amen. God bless you abundantly, my darling. 😘😘😘😘

    5. Thank you for Shoki hope you had a fantastic day

    6. Thank you so much beautiful people. I love you all😍😍😍

    7. Amen,God bless you sonia enjoy your weekend

  6. When you go through a disappointment, something doesn’t work out, you can hold on to it and live discouraged, or you can let it go and say, “God, I know You have something better. I know Your plans for me are for good.” Joel Osteen
    Good Friday Morning my people 😘😘😘😘😘

  7. Good morning beeveeleons..💙💜💚

    Na so I load card oo.. Thanks to the giver.💋💋 May God grant us all our heart's desires...

    Today na Friday oo, abeg who go flex me, bills on .......😂😂😂

  8. Understanding God's Timing!!
    Daniel 10:12.


    "Make it your priority to be in sync with God's will and timing for your life"

    "Study the Scriptures avidly, and give time to prayer"

    "But if you don't know God's will and timing, things will happen in the earth that are neither in your interest or in the Lord's interest"

    Today's Confession!!

    Precious Father, thank you for seasons of the miraculous and the manifestations of your works and blessings like never before, which will culminate in the rapture of the church. I pray for the saints around the world who are facing severe persecutions and injustice, that they be strengthened to stand firm in all the will of God, in Jesus's Name. Amen.

  9. I had a dream that I was given head of fish. Pls,which do you think is the best?
    Head of fish or
    Tail of fish?

  10. When I saw "woman chops off niece's finger', I was 100% sure her name will be " Amaka, Nkiru, Chioma, Chidinma...etc".
    Nigerian women are so callous to their house helps, but you see Igbo women- theirs is satanic. They treat their helps the same way you'd treat a person that killed your child. They always have this revulsion for their house helps. These helps have their own plate, spoon, sitting corners, etc. They watch television from afar. Even at that, they dare not watch it when madam is around. She will always bark like an animal and remind her of one task she hadn't carried out. Tufiakwa!
    What sort of wickedness is this? You're surprised this is coming from me, right? Truth must ALWAYS be told irrespective of who is involved. You know deep down I'm saying the truth.
    I'm late for work, I'll write how I came about my first house help tomorrow. She previously worked for one demonic woman called Chika.

    1. I'm with you on this. The first time I had to look for an agency that helps abused children was because of my Igbo neighbour who had two girls living with them as maids. One of them was 8years old while the other was 10. I've never witnessed such beatings before in my entire life. Beatings that lasted till 1am 2am in the morning. These kids would have black eyes and Marks all over. It was horrible. Husband will beat, Wife will beat. Ahhhh

    2. Watch them come for you,for saying the truth.

    3. True. When I saw the headline, I knew it was an Igbo woman. May God help us all Amen.

    4. Child Abuse is the worst thing any body can get involved in, in my own opinion.
      Why? Because children are helpless and vulnerable.
      That are strictly under God's jurisdiction.
      Sorry for anyone that does it.

      But emmmm, why attribute it to only one region? 🤔

    5. Ceasar God bless you for speaking the truth! Some of them will come for you
      for this. I'm partly Igbo by the way, but you see these my igbo sisters ehn; Tufiakwa to some of them!

    6. Lol. Ma nor eziokwu! Most of my Igbo sisters are heartless to their helps. The way they deal with their helps ehh, lemme end it here.

      I don't know if i'm the only Igbo girl that's wondering the usefulness of "umu Ada" apart from frustrating and extorting mourning families that has a loved one to bury. Biko, umu Ada, kedu Uru unu baru apart from ita ndi nmadu amuosuu?? Someone should let me know.

    7. There are some wickedness and crimes more pertaining to women. If you read nonfiction novels, this wouldn't be news to you..
      Na woman go dey follow man dey live for house and be putting little poison daily in his food.. killing him slowly, na woman go cheat on her husband with a notorious thug, get him to lov her, then manipulates him to assassinate her husband..

      Not that men don't do these, but the percentage of men involve is far short compared to women.. the margin is wide..
      Those "weaker gender" dey do this oh.. no go reason am..

    8. The work this helps does, madam can't even do little of it.
      They treat their help like animals,even animals are shown love nah.
      If ogah complains,he is eyeing the female help.
      I once complained to my friend on how she treats her help.
      She told me in defence, she's paying her fee,housing her, clothing her, that nobody in her helps family have left their village before nor in summary she has given to girl great privilege in life and the girl wants to misuse the opportunity. I told her the both of them are helping themselves, for the fees she pays,the girl is also doing domestic chores round the clock for her.
      Imagine, the school she is bragging of enrolling her help is U.B.E school.
      I told her if not for anything, for the respect and fears she has for her creator, she should treat her help well. Gbam, she started keeping malice with me but I over looked her and still talked to her. The annoying thing, she is married to a rich guy and I can't seem to understand where this evil is coming from, not like money is her problem.
      The latest now, is accusing of her of witch craft.
      People should stop giving out their kids to people and making their kids look worthless and a privilege to go to city.
      If this helps are asked to choose, some will prefer their mud houses in the village compare to the glass house in city. How they say they want to leave, will madam agree or their parent will even return some back to just go and endure.
      It's well. Poverty is a bastard.

    9. And any witch parading herself as a woman reading this comment but will still continue to abuse an innocent child/teenager living with them but treating her own children better, May every unforseen darkness and tragedy befall on you, Ekwensu.

      Leave another woman's child be, She isn't the reason you are mad neither is she the reason behind your bitter and angry lazy ass!! Leave that innocent helpless kid over working her/himself just to please your witchy lazzy ass, amuosuu.

    10. Ceaser, you are 1000% correct on this. I grew up with one.
      May I live long in good health to raise my children.

    11. I was going to type this yesterday, but I just decided to drink water and mind my business. #spotremover#

  11. Belated happy birthday to Sonia.. You shall always experience the best.. God's favor always. 😍

    Good morning beautiful people 💟.

    1. Amen and amen. Thank you mami💕💕💕 God bless you

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Good morning everyone,God bless you sonia and happy belated birthday to you.
    Have a lovely weekend beautiful people

  14. Martin's,bikonu, aside from Samsung galaxy tab for kids which is the best and the battery lasts long,which other children's tab is also good and long lasting battery but not as expensive as galaxy tab. Thanks

    1. is there an SDK blog fund somewhere for martins? Free the guy abeg. All these questions can be answered if you do small research. Go online. Go to nairaland, etc. But no, you want to be spoonfed and still not pay for services! Mtchew

    2. Amazon fire for kids

  15. Each time I drop a post on Facebook, I discovered that I do have few likes but when I upload pictures or video on my story, in less than fifteen minutes I will have over fifty views. This made me to understand that, most people will not like you but will always want to watch and know what's going on in your life.

    Good Morning Friends..... I am gradually getting there.

    1. Do you read all posts on facebook? Just focus on your hustle, yourself and God. After all to someone else, you are that 'hater'you perceive others are to you.🤷‍♀️

      Have a wonderful day.

    2. I wish I could like your comment Kami

  16. Ụtụtụ ọma nu oo

    Happy belated birthday Sonia.
    Happy weekend to y'all

    1. Thank you mami💕💕💕 God bless you.

  17. Good morning Stella and bvs
    Thank you BV Sonia
    I got Glo voucher
    Happy belated birthday

    1. Thank you Cherrychroni. God bless you🙏🙏🙏

  18. Good morning y'all.

    Cold weather here too.

    Happy bv Sonia. May God bless you richly.

    Have a great day y'all.

  19. Beautiful BVs, please someone should recommend a good facial wash and scrub for an oily face🙏🙏🙏🙏

    1. Neutrogena face wash and scrub.

  20. You don't have to very rich before you can be charitable in the eyes of God, someone with little funds give more.
    Go out there today and make someone smile in the little way u can.
    Trust me that's the fastest to get God's perfect love and He will surely reward you.
    Always ask yourself what good can I do each day, little things matter in the sight of God. Good morning

  21. Belated happy birthday to you Sonia. May God bless your new age and lift you to a greater height.

    1. Thank you Teejay. I appreciate and God bless you🤩🤩🤩

  22. Happy birthday Sonia
    Thanks for the card and congrats to the loaders.

    It's the weekend 💃💃💃

    1. Thank you Waju. God bless you 🤩🤩🤩

  23. The next face of IHN competition will hold on Monday October 26th and it will be whatever theme you choose.

    The most attractive theme will also be considered and winner takes it all..That is four times the amount of the usual winning prize.

    Please do not send old photos, there must be something in the background indicating that the photos are new.

    Start Sending entries directly to my Boss via
    Thank you.

    Be creative if you are interested!

    1. Pls someone should explain to me,I don't understand what stella meant by something must be in the background

  24. Belated happy birthday Sonia. God bless you always. Amen.

    Good morning good people.

  25. Good morning my neighbours. Friday already? What a fast week!

    When I served in Gboko, Benue State in 2010, I taught SS2 students in a mixed school. I had this young(probably one of the youngest)male student who had a crush on me then. He didn't misbehave at all but rather showed whatever he was feeling through his actions, helped me fetch water too. He even introduced me to his parents as his favorite youth corp member... Lol. On completion of service year, the family took me to their farm and gave me 10tubers of yam and 2 fowls. My little crush brought me and my goodies back to my lodge on his bike. Lol...

    Yesterday evening , this my former student who is now a medical practitioner called and told me this, "aunty I have been seeing your WhatsApp status and you haven't changed at all, you still look the same. I'm finding it difficult to forget you. I haven't changed as well, I still look young and slim except for my voice which is now deep". Lol... He even went on to tell me he is travelling to Turkey. He's the only one out of all my students who kept in touch after all these years. I'm really happy for all he has achieved and I pray he achieves more.

    I was surprised and felt bad for him at the same time. Never knew the crush he had was still on 10years later. This young man is very focused and intelligent. I wished him well and encouraged him.

    End of gist. Blessed weekend y'all.

    1. So cute!

      Thank God your former student turned out to be a success. That must really gladden your heart.

    2. Aww! I wish the young lad well..some crush don't fade tho,you just consciously choose to move ahead

      How have you been Boo❤️❤️😍😍 long time 😁

    3. Awwwww😄😄😊

      Amen to all your prayers for him🙏

    4. Waoh Waoh Waoh... You must have really impacted his life in that one year.
      Reminds me of service year... I miss those children ehn

    5. @Kami... It really did gladden my heart. Still smiling this morning. Lol

      @Paris So true. Been good darling. Lagos stress has tripled with all these road closure and reconstruction hence the MIA. Hope you are good dear?

      @Obioma... Thank you.

      @VivalaVida, I'm happy I did and he's also focused. I miss my students too.

    6. Awww that's so cute...I thank God he remained focused in the midst of chaos amongst young people..I dunno if you are a single, he fit ''Emmanuel Macron'' you *winks** Just kidding though...Lolzz

    7. Awww, he actually worked hard for you.

    8. @Phoenix... Lol I'm single nne but I can't. I am really elated he remain focused.

    9. @SideChick... Hahhahahah. Yes he did.

  26. Welcome to SDK Blog, All new blog visitors
    Welcome to Paradise 😁
    We have lots of exclusive contents here that will keep you glued, Check the homepage of this Blog and you will see some saved interesting articles like the Wedding night brouhaha, Omugwo Chronicles, Meeting Point, How Motherhood Changed Me, Service year Boulevard and Labour Room Drama....

    Please if you have any of these, kindly send directly to my boss via
    Thank you

    P.S: Any of the above articles, you couldn't find on the home page, please google it.. and you will see it!


  27. Happy belated birthday sonia. Hope you enjoyed your day.Glad i made it here today, school and work no let me see road.
    Good morning beautiful people.
    Up and thankful

    1. Thank you mami🧡🧡🧡🧡 I heart you.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Is it okay to learn tailoring from someone, she is a young single lady like me and she just started sewing this year after learning for one year. Would you advice me to learn from her or should I go for someone with years of experience???

    I see her work online, they looked neat although it is mostly top, trousers, skirt and two piece.

    What do you guys think. Especially BVs that are fashion designers???

    1. Go somewhere else, years of experience matters alot because the person will teach you different ways to achieve what you love to do.

    2. Go look for someone else with years of experience.

    3. If it’s free then why not start from there but if you have to spend your coins then go for experience

  30. Goodmorning all

    Happy belated birthday bv Sonia

    1. Thank you PA😍😍😍 you're the best.

    2. Thank you PA😍😍😍 you're the best.

    3. Thank you PA😍😍😍 you're the best.

  31. Good morning lovelies🤗

    Thank God it's Friday💖

    I wish everyone a pleasant day and an eventful weekend❤.....lots of love from me to you all❤💖💝💜💙💕💞.

    Fast and furious fingers full this blog sha.Anyways more years in good health to you Sonia.God bless for giving in your own way🤗

  32. Gooooood morning my darlings😘😘😘😘😘. Hope y'all slept well. Sonia darling, God bless your kind heart. Happy birthday once again darling😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗. Stella, the first thing I do when I wake up is reach for my phone to read my dev, pray,and then check SDK.😁. Happy birthday to those celebrating today. Stay safe my lovelies, stay blessed. Much ❤❤❤❤❤❤.

    1. Hello darling😘😘😘

    2. Thank you my beautiful sister. You're simply the best. I love you so much🥰🥰🥰

    3. Thank you my beautiful sister. You're simply the best. I love you so much🥰🥰🥰

    4. Love you too, Sonia darling❤❤❤❤

  33. The first thing I reach out to when I wake up is my phone to find out if anyone called me and to see that has happened while I was sleeping.

    Happy belated birthday to you BV Sonia, plenty years of fruitfulness.

    Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend.

    1. Amen. Thank you mami🤩🤩🤩 you're the best.

  34. Thank you jJesu for Another great day in my life, am great ful to you Lord.good morning everyone.

  35. Thank you BV Sonia. God bless you plenty for the airtime.😘😘😘😘

  36. Funnily enough,i'm just thinking about it.... the first thing i do after waking up is pick up my phone to check the time and some other things.....

  37. Good morning lovelies🤗

    Thank God it's Friday💖

    I wish everyone a pleasant day and an eventful weekend❤.....lots of love from me to you all❤💖💝💜💙💕💞.

    Fast and furious fingers full this blog sha.Anyways more years in good health to you Sonia.God bless you for giving in your own way🤗.

  38. Shoki aaaaaaargh....💃💃💃💃💃💃
    Thank you BV Sonia
    Happy Belated Birthday

    1. Thanks my love. I appreciate 🙏🙏🙏

  39. Belated birthday wishes Sonia.
    Good morning everyone.
    Have a jolly,good day.
    Cheers to the weekend.

  40. Good morning bvs
    pls help out a fellow bv...
    When you're asked to write a literature review on" Determination of Tannin content of the stem back of Citrus sinensis"...what are you expected to write

    1. Literature review to me is a comparative analysis, works of other researchers or contributors on the Tannin content through the years, across other continents and the likes..It helps you to compare and contrast with your own findings on what to expect or to discover something new...It will take a lot of diverse research..Google, textbooks, libraries and other people's thesis...All the best in your project..

    2. Thanks very much Phoenix i really appreciate

  41. Good morning all. Wishing everyone a happy weekend ahead.

  42. Happy birthday to you Sonia. May your new year brings you great achievements.

    Mrs Sharon Aminu, may you carry to full term. May the Lord keep you and your lil angels, see you through and sustain you. We await your celebration...

  43. Thank you Martin's, Ellaele and the Anon that came tru for my question yesterday.
    I'm grateful,God bless.

    Have a gooday everyone

  44. 🎶🎶 Anytime I see another breaking of the day,I say thank you LORD,thank you Jesus,thank you Lord....🎶
    I thank Jehovah Overdo for life this beautiful morning...
    To this amazing family,i say a wonderful good morning ❤️❤️❤️
    May today be a blessing to us all..
    Have a lovely Friday🥰🤩🥰🤩🤪

  45. Good morning my people
    For me, I carry phone to check time and off alarm depends on which but na phone first.
    Automatically I turn on my Boomplay, I listen to a song while studying devotional.
    Pause to pray then music continues till I leave my room.

    Today I gave myself the day off,cause of cold and catarrh now cough.
    I know its allowed cause of covid fears but I feel kinda guilty
    I haven't informed them at work yet
    Any time I say make I do gra gra or plat cards like other colleagues na that day my conscience go dey Hyper active.

    I no feel good no be say I kill person but see as my heart dey beat fast.

    Happy belated birthday Bv Sonia
    I like your blog persona
    @BV Black Slimzy, Hello, how art you and FAM
    Good tidings to all

    Merry Christmas and Happy new year in advance

    1. Good morning Ada,so so sorry for the cold try to use medication...Be good

    2. Thank you my love. I love you more🤩🤩🤩

  46. Good morning to all the amazing BVs . Love your message today. Well the first thing I do when I wake up is also to reach out for my phone and see messages or phone calls I missed while I slept.
    Bv Mrs Sharon I am so happy for you and will certainly deliver safely in happiness. I have missed a lot of posts this few days because of personal issues I am also dealing with.

    My sis is the one who told me about this wonderful news while having a chat with me to encourage me. And at that point I just forgot my own issues and started thanking God. God is indeed marvellous and does his own things in ways that leave you speechless. I am really encouraged and want to tell anyone going through challenges or issues never to give up even though sometimes it seems daunting and impossible but just have faith and strongly hold on to God and continue pushing forward and be positive.
    Take care all and remember to spread love and kindness to someone out there through your words or actions. Stay safe E go be ✌️ ✌️

  47. Good morning Beevees.
    I am so excited it's already weekend💃💃

  48. Beautiful morning people,
    Today we are not sitting at home
    Going to help my aunt coordinate an event. Only me face masks. Face guard... It's needed safety is key
    The small chops is in trouble 💃💃💃😍😍😍

  49. Good morning TGIF💃💃💃❤❤❤❤❤💋💋💋💋💋💚💚💚💚💚💕💕💕💕💙💙💙💙

    Happy belated birthday Sonia thank you for the Shoki may God replenish your purse🙏🙏🙏

    1. Amen. Thank you so much. I appreciate 🙏🙏🙏

  50. I had a good laugh reading comments on yesterday's hustle post 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  51. Good morning everyone, do have a blessed weekend

  52. Good morning SDK FAM. Trust we all had a restful night. Thank God its Friday. I reach out for my phone to put off the alarm and check missed calls and messages before doing some other things. Love is a universal everyone understands. Spread love today by putting a smile on someone's face.Stay safe, 'Rona is still very much around. Have an amazing weekend. Cheers!

  53. Good morning beautiful people and LOML if he's present on this blog. Do have a lovely day

  54. Happy Belated Birthday BV Sonia. BV. Mrs. Sharon. God will perfect that which he has started in your life. Amen.

  55. Good morning bvs.
    Happy birthday Sonia.
    Happy weekend guys. have a nice day

    1. Thank you Chilove. I appreciate 🙏🙏🙏


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