Stella Dimoko BBNaija Season 5 .Ozo's Sister Rants About The Negative Press He Is Getting For Stalking Housemate Nengi..


Sunday, September 13, 2020

BBNaija Season 5 .Ozo's Sister Rants About The Negative Press He Is Getting For Stalking Housemate Nengi..

 Awwwwww,what a sweet big sister she is to put up such a long worded defence for lil bro............

According to her;

Hi everyone I'm Aj, Ozo's elder sister. I feel I would be a tremble sister if I don't talk about all the negative things spreading about my brother, Ozo , most especially through out this week.

"First of all, We are all humans we have our weaknesses and strength, there are certain things that make us stand out to people, good or bad. And there are some places things are not necessarily bad or maybe for a reason, people don't like the fact that we are that way, and in this case you know what I’m talking about with my brother.

I want remind people that, we on the outside are living a real world, the big brother house and everything there is good, it's a great platform, we are honestly grateful that he's there. It's for young people, trying to start up their careers.

My brother grew up with three sisters and my mother so he’s always had compassion. Care, compassion and concern those are the three strongest emotions that drive him. And sometimes this can be seen as a weakness for him because he is used to sharing all of that amongst his sisters , mum and friends.

The number of people he has bonded with in that house is very small so somehow he has to share that amount of care and attention among smaller number of people and it wouldn't be the same thing.

It's honestly mind bugging that people are twisting that into a negative, ugly thing. People calling him crip, pest, some said get a restraining order, another went far as saying that he should have been aborted, very mean words, that globally it's not possibly the worst a person could do to another person.

This is someone who over time and time again has delivered on presentations, versatility, team spirit, who can truly work with anyone to produce the best possible thing he could produce. He delivered winning games, his trivials back to back, and then one thing is perceived that is being out of place and wipe all the good things he has done and turned him into an horrible person.

We are all humans, we are all flawed, we are all with our strength and weakness but we have the good fortune of not being filmed and photographed for the world to see and be around all elements of our social support

So please along with the hate we have definitely seen all the love and we are very grateful for the people who have stood by him, and all of that. Now no one is forcing you to like him, hell!, The video will probably still get bashed because not everybody is a preacher of love, you don't have to love but you can honestly ask your self this question, "would you really do things that different if you are honestly in that position? Would you honestly be so certain that everything about you is going to rub people off the wrong way? And really does the crime fit the punishment that he's getting, is it really a crime? Those it warranty all those ugly names towards him?

If you can answer all of that, and honestly still want to throw and drag slander, thats fine, God would keep blessing you but to all the people who don't honestly know what's going on just that you can't understand because you ain't in that position.

We beg that you keep supporting him, we beg that you try to be human, most importantly share love and not hate. We love you, God bless."


  1. My own face was not like yours the entire time

    1. Yep. The face no follow at all. Being the last child and only boy among women I can actually relate to what she's saying. Yes he doesn't have to be all over nengi but that also doesn't make him a bad person. Once they're out of the same space he'll be fine.

    2. I wish this Ozo guy will hear word, see him talking about relationship last night, Nene using him to cruise and even Biggie, because I guess Biggie can call him and tell him or Nene can request to see Biggie.

      I like the guy a lot but the negativity and ridicule is getting too much, what a handsome and brilliant guy, I wish he can stay off Nengi, let him take Kiddy’s advice, stay away from her and watch her crawl to you, Nengi likes attention, definitely she will crawl to search him because none of the guyz have her time.

      Yesterday he was behaving well until madam kept coming to their room when they were rehearsing and gbam Oga Mumu button started again.

      I think they should stop eating together

    3. I am suspicious that Ozo maybe under a spell, all these kayanmata things. Ozo has had previous girl friends was this how he was with them? This has been the question on my mind for a while

    4. Yes how I wish Ozo will stop eating with Nengi and just mind his business,and the attention stop.

    5. Y is that song playing none stop in my brain “ Ojoro”

    6. Chai! I saw her speech, but I confess the entire time I was admiring her beauty and wondering how Ozo got to be the way he is in the house. Ozo has a wonderful family.

    7. Anon 12:29, under a spell u said? I totally agree with u . Jaruna has been liking Nengi’s pics. It’s no news or secret that our ladies can go to any length to get attracted to, but looks like ds caught d wrong person . D sellers of these charms are always on d Net advertising them on a daily, it’s simply urs for d asking. Don’t be surprised that Ozo might come out & ask if he really did all that. He’ll be fine after d show.

    8. All these family members should take notes from Ceecee sister. She did a wonderful job and was the reason her sister came 2nd despite the hate.

      You DON'T address haters! When people form an opinion of someone, trying too hard to iron it out worsens it.

      What you do is to focus on highlighting his positive sides as much as you can! If he as little as says *sorry* to someone for a missed step, you blow it out of proportion on how kind he is.

      That way, you influence people's thoughts on why he is following Nengi like that, that it may be being to caring blablabla.

      But this one you did video acknowledging and trying to explain? Hmmmm! You just may have ruined everything! More trolls! Or are you out to sell yourself too codedly like tboss sister back then?

      Lastly, you haven't cleaned your teenage sugar teeth. It is still brown. Why do such lengthy video talking for millions to see it? Not nice ma'am!


    9. Anon 13:49 teenaged sugar teeth. Please what is that? What is sugar teeth?

    10. @Lilysimple, Ozo and Nengi dey give me more headache dan my own relationship sef. Im tireddddddd
      I watched his sisters video and i felt sad imagining dat is my brother. If Ozo remains today BB needs to get him a psycologist ASAP. Being in an enclosed space with Nengi wont let him move on like we can bcos dey are in eachothers space. At dis point he is obsessed and i pity him, i know if he was home his family wld have spoken to him to remove him from dis trance he is.
      A relationship btw dem can NEVER work. Ozos family pls u have alot of work to do on sure when he leaves he will realise Nengi was not even worth it afterall. My heart breaks for him and his beautiful sister. Ozo isnt happy, i can see d sadness in his eyes. I dont even care abt him winning he just needs to go treat his mental health first.

    11. @ Anno 13*49

      Geeeeezzzz you guyz read meaning to every fucking thing about people, that lady up there just got married to a guy more handsome than you if u are a guy or more handsome than any guy around you.
      Aren’t you guyz same people after Nengi that she is all plastic, because of her botched ass and veneers, and someone up there is natural and you still open mouth wawaaaaaaass for your info she is MD, a Medical Dr, so she knows better ✌️✌️✌️✌️

    12. B and R, you are right @ your last sentence. Ozo isn't happy. There is so much sadness in his eyes. I feel pity for the poor guy.

    13. Your brother is a stalker is a stalker.

  2. Nice one, Ozo is flawed like everyone, I don't know why people are using very strong terms on him simply because of his feelings towards a housemates forgetting this is the same guy who has performed well two consecutively as head of house . He is an introvert also, most guys I Know are like him , it just because he is on our screen which makes it easier for people to judge him.

    1. Lami think deep and see the spell. The spell. I voted Ozo and Prince massively this week but he is in a mystic bottle.

      Neo went advising him again via whispering on a couch,they earned strikes,even Neo's camp is angrrryyyy.

    2. Lami think deep and see the spell. The spell. I voted Ozo and Prince massively this week but he is in a mystic bottle.

      Neo went advising him again via whispering on a couch,they earned strikes,even Neo's camp is angrrryyyy.


    3. I am beginning to think you are right about the spell thing ooo. It is just too much.

    4. My dear the boy looks as if he is in a trance and doesnt know what hes doing.
      I put it down to psycology anyway as i dont believe in jazz. A doctor will have a name for it.
      He needs to go take care of himself. Biggie pls either provide him with a psycologist, even Erica asked for one or let him go home biko. I heard dey can provide.
      As a mother to a toddler son me i am more concerned abt dis guys wellbeing dan any stupid game.

  3. I am with her on this 👌👌 I watch biggie on snap stories but imma vote for Ozo.

  4. I dont know why they keep coming out to defend rubbish! Madam if this is how your family defines love please don’t extend it to your kids

    This is creepy and exhausting to watch talk more to feel. Please Ozo should see a physiologist when he is out cause this is obsessive disorder

    1. My dear save your sweet English for another post,this Ozo's case pass that one.

      When he comes out, his family should buy a small flat plate, 2 big red kolanuts and go search for who dem offend,go kneel for their compound beg wella.

      In the voice of popular musician Chief Ozoemena NwaNsugbe, imali Onye imejoli,ije gote oji na abo tinye na efvele, je na bea je sekpulu,ka I yo bia ka oghaghaliii.
      It will free Ozo Chukwu,he is under some spell. Onye wu Nengi?

    2. My dear save your sweet English for another post,this Ozo's case pass that one.

      When he comes out, his family should buy a small flat plate, 2 big red kolanuts and go search for who dem offend,go kneel for their compound beg wella.

      In the voice of popular musician Chief Ozoemena NwaNsugbe, imali Onye imejoli,ije gote oji na abo tinye na efvele, je na bea je sekpulu,ka I yo bia ka oghaghaliii.
      It will free Ozo Chukwu,he is under some spell. Onye wu Nengi?


    3. I guess you meant psychologist.

    4. Dont abuse my guy pls....he needs help. I even want him out of BB. Mental health before money abeg.

  5. lol @ Stella's face.
    OZO AMAKOHIA UBI.... it's well with you.

    1. Hahaha.
      Obviously, Nnia egosi rodia ukwu ogilisi ebe ana-alogha mmuo.
      Dem no show am.

      Give your kids quality education, teach them also why palmfruits don't grow at the tip of palm leaves. Akwu a na-achoro n' odu igu.

      Receive native sense Ozoo to 'SEE' that some things are not ordinary.

    2. Hahaha.
      Obviously, Nnia egosi rodia ukwu ogilisi ebe ana-alogha mmuo.
      Dem no show am.

      Give your kids quality education, teach them also why palmfruits don't grow at the tip of palm leaves. Akwu a na-achoro n' odu igu.

      Receive native sense Ozoo to 'SEE' that some things are not ordinary.


    3. Two of you just made my day. Not supporting your comments but the strong ntapia Igbo.😘😘

    4. Yes Sis, Gbam! Iji ya!
      I have been reasoning this thingooo
      Ifea agbaro aka ma ncha.
      The "belusom" got the wrong person.
      He will be fine after the game because the other person ga ejezi megharia Ife omelu because for now.... Odi helpless.

    5. Hahaha.
      Obviously, Nnia egosi rodia ukwu ogilisi ebe ana-alogha mmuo.
      Dem no show am.

      Give your kids quality education, teach them also why palmfruits don't grow at the tip of palm leaves. Akwu a na-achoro n' odu igu.

      Receive native sense Ozoo to 'SEE' that some things are not ordinary.


  6. That boy Ozo is irritating. Men like him makenmy skin crawl. I have a guy that's just like him. He's be asking me out. Calls me one million times a day, even after warning him sereval times. I have blocked him many times, but he called even his siblings to call and plead for me to just unblock him. I have ben really rude to him thinking he will get some sense and leave me alone, for where. Irritiating stuff.

    1. That guy is your husband....Give him a chance and enjoy blissful marriage.

    2. The day he stops calling, you'll see how you will turn out to be. You'll crave for his calls all over again, but he would have moved on, to a nicer human being.

    3. Madam don't mind all these people ooo..... Such guys are very dangerous and wicked to date. When you eventually agree they will use your eyes to see 9/9. I repeat don't date a guy that has an obssesive need to always call you, always Infront of your house or office. Always online when you are online. They are dangerous. I have seen a friend date a guy like that and he almost derailed the girls life. If not for God, he will wait for her after lectures and pick her up. He will carry her to his place and make her miss lectures. He was also an only son. He was a mad man,she used to say it until I realised that it was a terrible situation.

    4. Anno you are irritating also shmmmmmmm

    5. Take it from me, that guy is your husband. In my younger days I was so beautiful I had men all over me, I had this one guy admiring me and pestering me and I felt it was too much and did all that you listed there, I then introduced him to my friend and I went ahead to be with who I thought was good for me and it is the biggest regret of my life.

    6. @12:43, the man you didn't marry is NOT your husband.

      Not because the one you chose messed up your life, you'll now go and disturb another man that has moved on with his life.

      @11:12, ignore these people telling you he's your husband o. He's not. Some may just be mentally ill or can't handle rejection.

  7. Abeg, aunty sister, your brother is hella creepy. As in hella creepy.

    And those his bum shorts and scarf he is always tying on that conical head loking like Aladdin is not helping matters.

    1. Lolest at Aladdin I bet you watch animations a whole lot, had to go look at Aladdin again.

    2. The guy is so creepy that i can't watch him on TV anymore .
      How can you say you grew up amongst your sister's and a proper family and he is acting like a depraved young man who hasn't seen a woman before,inasmuch as its a good thing to fall in love ,he should get a life ,interact with other people and stop following a lady like a shadow.
      If the Nengi is not with him,he'd be looking for her like she is his life.
      I just wish he can leave the house today,so he can see a therapist.
      Guy is damn CREEPY.

    3. Person say is now u watch animations...if I talk red cap like native doctor wetin I dey watch na...🤣

      I don't watch BBN but Stella your face is in point lol.

    4. 😂 😂 😂 😂
      Anon oooo

  8. This write just speak volume on blood!! At times our loved ones dont see our fault or they over look our fault. Ozo and family it is well.

    1. Gbam!!! That is family for you, you cover yourselves up and pretend that all is well. I love her write up my only prayer is when he comes out dey wont sugar coat things cos we can't take it away from the boy all his positives which are very strong positives. But his obsession isn't a healthy trait. Is it that he hates rejection or he is target driven? Or did his dad chase his mum like this and he feels he has to fight for any woman he will eventually be with?

    2. His type will not appreciate women he cannot fight for.

  9. If ozo comes out of that house and see the situation of this in the country, he go wise up.Else na combination of mfm, cele, and werepe leaf bath na him need asap

  10. Why is your face like that Stella?Did she not make sense in what she said?

  11. Ozo is intelligent but ĺack wisdom

  12. Stella I love that your face he!😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 Gives me vibe.

    Las Las they will all be alright

  13. Honestly the bashing and hateful
    comments is very painful to read and (one even comment that he should have been aborted) very harsh and painful comments coming from someone that's not even perfect because of BBN GAME😭😭.

    I pray Ozo will move on from Nengi..
    After big brother i believe the sisters will reset his brain..
    Even Nengi is catching feelings for Ozo but she is hiding her feeling..

    Their conversation is now tiring and annoying..
    One topic everyday,night & morning..
    Ozo gave Nengi the whole highlight..
    I pray Ozo will not be evicted today.
    Love can happen to anyone❤❤
    Ozo will be fine after the show without Nengi.

    Both Ozo and Nengi are annoying my opinion..

    1. If you are catching feelings you will let your gaurd down after sometime. Nengi used him to her advantage and she played the game well. kudos to her...

    2. Very annoying conversation.

  14. Hahahahaha.
    The dog face o,hahahaha
    *starts coughing*
    I need water o.

    See eh,Aj all I have to say is Odogwu aburokwa guyname,honestly. You earn manhood and live it,your bro is living womanhood in the Bbnaija house,it is beyond a strategy.

    So to buttress, Ozo is loving,caring,we see all that,1st class graduate,polished we know but there's a reason Igbo men call their sons Onochie,shey na like this Ozo go take run una family?

    He is buried in a war all alone,it is called Agha ótù(permit the language). It means pussy war. Nengi is tirreeeeeedd,free the chic.


    1. Take water and drink joor!
      Okwu gi kwu oto ka cigar.
      Ozo's family should make hay while the sun shines....
      Welunu ukwu chobanu ifea dabalu na mmiri before ife emebie.
      Prayers and every every is what he needs now.

  15. 🤣😃😄 Stella please arrange your face well. Soon the whole Ozo drama will come to an end.

  16. he's flawed like we all are. But in him I see a well brought up lad,disciplined and devoted to whatever task ahead. The Nengi situation will wither out once they're out of Biggie's house. All of us will rest. Ozo is a good guy.

  17. I used to have a guy like this too. Gosh it was mega irritating. I had to save his name as Pest on my phone and he did see it one day but he still kept at it. He once traveled to see me on my birthday in school when I was in the university. He told me he wanted to come and I told him No,guess he thought i was joking. I didnt even see him when he came. Told him i wasnt around when hecw done waiting he went back to lag. I know that wasnt fair but i just didnt want to see him. Till i hot married b4 his eyes opened.

    1. Guys like this are obsessive and their type can kill if they like a woman and she agrees to date dem. Dey can lock her inside the house so nobody go see the girl. Ozo will be very very protective if he doesn't train himself after the show.

  18. How is Ozo disciplined? How many times has camera shown us where Ozo is always trying to steal a kiss from someone who has insisted that you are not in a relationship with her and yet you are always trying to kiss her. How is that discipline?

  19. Ozo will wear his shorts and then starts folding the shorts again to reach his bum, to make it tighter on him and with that he'll just be looking like a half Imbe. Hmmm a lot of things are wrong with that guy, the should stop defending him and look for help for him. He has insecurity issues a lot. The sister claims he grew up with 3 sisters plus their mum, that means their father didnt do a good job on him knowing fully well that he is his only son he allowed him to be raised a 'woman' that's not fair. He should have made sure he was raised a 'man' a full fledged man at that. This is pathetic!

    1. You're really funny LOL...half imbe 🤣🤣🤣

    2. Wrong choice of words at the end of your first sentence.

    3. May your child be called Imbe as well

    4. Ya Onu is not good.. calling some one son half imbesile..choiii

    5. Do you have a child that you're calling someone else's imbe? You have your own mental issues

  20. Nengi is a terrible pretender gosh!! She'll be pretending before everyone that she wants Ozo to leave her alone but it's all lies! She is leading him on in a subtle manner period!

    1. Gbam the girl is terrible,

    2. Nengi is wicked, if you understand were its coming from u will get that gal has no empathy for anyone if she isnt getting anything back...ozo will know the truth but he spoilt his chances of winning as he was agreat contender, even now gengi keeps preaching water n drinking wine on ozo matter n she knows what she is doing..feel sorry for ozo.

  21. Ozo has disgraced and caused me pains.
    Dude really disappointed me and my hommies, Even the Nengi girl annoys the heck out of me. (These two were my favorite) Ozo is acting like an efulefu but, Should i give up voting him?? Hell no! Should i now write him off and forget all about the unique part of him and call him all sorts of wicked and unnecessary names?? Hell no! Should i unstan and stop voting him?? Mbaa nuh.

    Dude was my first love in that house, I'd keep supporting him till the very last day. Watching Erica the day she was disqualified caused me alot of pain, Don't want to experience such again with Ozo😥😥.

    Dear holy spirit, bikozienu, speak to Ozo and reset his brains for the Superions Chukwu bikonu👏👏. How my blessed intelligent, refined, classy, educated, handsome, lady's man, everyone's fave went from being the main item in this year's BBN to an annoying fellow that most people can barely Stand still baffles me, Ihe nka agbazikwa aka bikonu?? 😭😭.

    Superions please, let's keep doing this for our annoying boy, remember he's an amazing being, The devil just got to him and wants to tarnish his very beautiful records and shiny future. Should we let the devil win?? HELL NO SUPERIONS!!
    Ejo ni tori olorun,
    Don Allah...... Let's not give up on our boy, We're all he's got👏👏.
    #VoteForOzoLikeNeverBefore, #PrayForOzo.

    1. Put your stones and chaplet if Catholic inside water o,Ozo anari go kwa.


    2. God bless you dear

      We need this spirit to stand together


    3. Chisom im with u i will keep supporting but Ozo needs help. This thing not ordinary anymore. Erica badly needed a psycologist.....i dont want to watch Ozo have a breakdown, d dude is broken.
      Nengi knew she didnt want him...dis guy was doing fine without her and gave her space. U started going to Neo to beg him. You started telln him to shoot his shot u wont be around forever,told him to move his bed close to urs. You made him fall in love,u now said u dont want.
      She used him for strategy. What friend does Nengi have in dat house; NONE. So she needed Ozo.
      Ozo too isnt a baby and shld have seen dis. When Prince saw her game plan dat one is street smart and values himself, he quickly moved before he can be used for strategy.
      I will keep supporting Ozo whether in or outside the house. But he needs to stay away from Nengi. They are not cut from the same type of clothe, she will chew him and spit him out.

    4. Anaemenuuu!!

    5. I know it's not ordinary my Queens. Trust me, we are voting and praying for our baby😪😪.

    6. @BnR,You're right my lady. But i can bet my last naira on the fact that ⭕Z⭕'s sisters and mother will give him all the help he'd be needing when he's triumphantly out of Biggi's house. These includes spiritual, physical, mental and emotional help. As for that Nengi girl, I got no word for her.

      My lovely lady thanks for letting me know you'd continue to support our boy. Even in your lowest point in life, well meaning people will always have your back, Iseeeee!! ⭕⭕⭕❤️❤️.

  22. Awwww
    Intelligence surely runs in the Family

  23. Ozo in a bottle and needs prayers is just what people are saying for laughs. Nengi didn't do anything to him. He's just that way. Those sort of guys that's all about books.

    He was the exact same way with Dora when they were friends. When D wanted space, he was still pestering her. Hovering around her corner. Dora is strict and her strictness was what got him off her. Nengi is soft and is trying to be nice. Do you guys know how many times Dora warned him she's not doing friendship again?... He'll go to her same way he's doing with Nengi now and ask "Dora are you serious" "Do you want anything" "I'm coming ya" "Dora Dora Dora" same look and walk sef. Na her no nonsence attitude stop the guy.

    After the game, his family and friends should sit him down and tell him to man up and stop acting weak in women affairs.

  24. I thought I heard all his sisters are very fair in complexion even more than Nengi🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  25. Thank you @Deeza for that beautiful comment.

  26. I still stan Ozo despite his flaws. He is my favourite in the house. He will be fine once he is out of the house. He will have my support till the end

  27. When he leaves the big brother house, he will be okay


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