Stella Dimoko US Based Nigerian Journalist Azuka Jebose Calls Out Ned Nwoko For Explaining Why He Married Actress Regina Daniels...


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

US Based Nigerian Journalist Azuka Jebose Calls Out Ned Nwoko For Explaining Why He Married Actress Regina Daniels...

Oh My God!!!.....


  1. I absolutely accede to everything that she has said tbvh

    1. Stella this one falls under the category of “oh my gawd”. πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

    2. Didn’t Regina also say she had to take an oath or something before marrying Pa Ned?

    3. Gbas gbos. For me I no believe say she be virgin anything

    4. Ned is a cultist. He needs more virgin blood. I pity the next woman that will marry him. And this man has female children too

    5. All I know is the man is a dirty man mind wise! Used money to block reginas mums eyes (greedy woman) Nd Regina too! I will never awww at this marriage! Never! According to d bible Regina he is not ur husband ( u r committing adultery ), even Islam allows 4 wives Regina is d 5th ! I feel sorry for this girl! U now went Nd did one nonsense to tie ur self with him! Something about this man puts me off totally!

    6. All the men Regina fucked before marrying him will just be laughing their asses off.

      Regina mama that pimped that girl to as many yahoo boys and Cubana chiefpriest.

      I can't believe an old man like this doesn't know it is possible to close that place up again.

    7. What is Ned's source of income?? We all know he is a billionaire.
      But what does he do?
      Why did Regina have to do initiation in white wrapper to marry him? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

      All the runs girls on this blog are supporting Regina. Use your heads to think for once. Make pesin no go sell her soul for temporary benefits

    8. This call out LOUD OOOO

  2. Let me google the names mentioned; Ogogo Blessing and Ugochukwu Nkenchor. BrbπŸƒπŸ½‍♀️πŸƒπŸ½‍♀️πŸƒπŸ½‍♀️

    1. Damn i just read it,happened in 2015,and the death is still an unsolved mystery 😦 it is well

    2. Just what I'm about to do.
      Aproko badπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    3. Me too let me go and read it. I am coming back πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒ‍♀️

    4. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ we plenty on this table ooh!

      Azuka table shakerπŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†

    5. Stella has taught us well. Decoding is now part of usπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ.

      My statements have been swallowed of late, please Stella let this one not enter your pot of soup.

    6. Perhaps he was told by his cult people that he mustn’t married any woman that is not virgin. Maybe he used their virginity to maintain his money. Useless ugly looking man

  3. Azuka calm down ehn! Regina is not a dumb person I believe she knows what she is doing?!

    1. And why do you think she is not dumb.She is even dumber .

    2. She knows what exactly she is doing,and i am sure she came prepared.

    3. You know this! Lately, people have been crying more than the bereaved and the reason for that totally beats me. Regina went ahead with this marriage out of her free will. She wasn't bundled and taken with eyes blindfolded to the man's house.

      Why did she call him a "black" bastard? Like! Is the reference to the colour of his skin or his race meant to be an insult?

    4. I know! The “black” just spoilt the whole write up. Is Azuka racist? So being darker skinned is a problem. Please leave his skin color out of this. It just ruined the narrative kmt.

    5. Is Ned Nwoko a white man? Is just like saying that Trump is a white bastard!

    6. The writer is a guy and Ned is a black person. So I don't understand the hullabaloo.


    7. My bad I just remembered the aunty azuka now ooo


  4. Bring on the gbas gbos πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. My mouth is open, somebody help me close it.
      Who Is this lady? I found that comment about Regina being a virgin quite appalling especially coming from a man his age.

      Oh well, whatever gives them peace.

    2. Let me close your mouth for you my dear Abroadian. Everything just tire me.

    3. This is what you get when you talk way too much. What's our business with her virginity? The other time her mom mentioned it I thought it would end there now this. Ned got what he asked for. As if being a virgin at 18/19 is a feat! Things can't be that bad biko. There are many 20-24year old virgins every where biko. You begin to celebrate them if they keep it till from 27 upwards.

      Abeg make anybody way wan curse am go ahead biko. I hate rubbish.

    4. After all Thelma is also a virgin going to 30 yrs

    5. ...and I am a 29 year old virgin by His Gace.

    6. No big deal about being a virgin. I am a 30 year old virgin.

  5. Pa Ned Nwoko a.k.a Mr Virginterian.

    (Someone called him a Virginterian on the last post, I almost diedπŸ˜‚πŸ˜)
    You people are mad on this blog.

    1. We are sane o

      Just appalled and not surprised at the same time

      2020 demystification year

    2. What is this? LMAO
      Correction: it is virginiterian. πŸ˜‚

  6. This one is loud😱😱😱😢😢😢

  7. That his comment was disgusting! and to think sick minds like him, were praising him,this country have a long way to go. and everybody that envy this girl,hmmmmm. the end shall tell.

    1. Cultism thoughts crossed my mind when I read that interview. Hmmmm, it is well.

    2. Cultist abound and they are prowling young children. Envy her all you want but God knows and sees everything.

    3. Just Bella you should be ashamed of yourself and all your fees they paid a waste .now I ask you..what is wrong in a man aprreciating the fact that his wife kept herself for marriage ? And also proud of defunding the wife ? What is wrong ? I get you just jealous you not like her !

    4. Anonymous 13:47
      You are so daft! Now let me tell you what's wrong.
      it's called bedroom secret for a reason and it's met to be kept between the man and a woman not an information for public consumption.and there nothing to "wow" about over a 19th year old virgin.
      Maybe you are the jealous one here since you aspire to be like her someday, married to your grandpa all in the name of money.

    5. At his age, he should know how to speak like a matured and wise person.
      Anon 13:47 like Bella said, it should be left in the bedroom.

  8. Leave the man o, shebi he didn't force them to marry him?

    1. I wonder ....o, how is it her business??? She sounds like a pained EX.

    2. @***bbjac leave me o🀣🀣🀣. She has some truth there but the thing pain her go another level. Nne ogini?

    3. You are right bbjac

    4. The writer is a man o

  9. To write and post dey sweet until police arrest person for defamation of character.

    Okada, carry me go oshodi abeg.

    1. Which police biko? Dem go enter plane go arrest Azuka for America? Abi dem go extradite am come Nigeria? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Anonymous 11:28, that further shows the azuka girl is a bitter coward who probably lost her virginity to a man who abandoned her

    3. Anon 12: 11 Azuka might be bitter or a coward or both but he's certainly not a girl, he's a man.

    4. Azuka Jebose is a man!!

    5. Anonymous 12:11
      Azuka is a man!!!
      Now you can eat your dirty words.
      Or will you say now that it's because he didn't find a virgin to marry he is bitter?
      Idiots always finding a way to shame women.

  10. Yhis Azuka is a jobless person. Is he or she being paid for all these rants he posts all the time?
    Did Regina marry Ned for love? Or for love of money? When Azuka answers that question then we can ask Ned his reason for loving virgins.
    Everyone marries someone for a reason. It must not be love. He loves her for being a virgin so aunty/unku Azuka go and look bush.
    Regina is happy.
    Lots of millions are breathing in her account. When she calls the public to come and shook mouth in her marriage then I can shook mouth.

    1. True dat, its a transactional marriage .

    2. You have a point though. Regina will only run if her purpose of marrying Ned is defeated. So long as her purpose is served, she is good and we should not worry our little heads for her. Let's mind our business people.

  11. But this here is the ultimate truth, believe it or not.even when I read that demeaning interview this was also my conclusion...that pa Ned is a staunch cultist.Regina should enjoy her marriage not my case at all.

    1. But someone dropped a comment similar Azuka's.
      And let's not also forget that Regina Daniel's mother is still very much alive (Oga suru ya ofia).
      Mr.Ned married her because she's a VIRGIN while Regina is because of the Money.


    2. I don't envy the girl one bit. Let's keep watching.

    3. I'm not against his virgin statement but there is something about Malam Ned.

    4. Something very sinister about him!

  12. Drama whom it may concern..🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢

  13. Taking Panadol for another man's headache..


  14. Her choice, her decision. Or will I say her mother's decision? Don't wish them evil lest you say "I told you so". If she is happy, back off. If she's not, you won't help her out.

  15. See who wants virgin wife. So this old, highly unattractive entity who has been recycled and recycled in this lifetime is who demands to marry a virgin. What a world.

    Didn't know two ppl lost their lives like that, but life is cheap in some places. Poor ppl don't have protectors on the planet, and the rich and powerful knows this.

    1. Very sad oh. Old man still dey find virgin marry.

    2. Imagine his guts!! A man that is about to expire is stil seeking virgins? I hope regina would be his last virgin

    3. Anon 18:29 iffa hear last virgin.Give it 5 more years.His next wife is in primary school as we speak.

  16. The man really sounded like paedophile and an occult person. Enter your house, enjoy your wealth and your wife, they will not hear, everything family issue must be spread on social media for cheap popularity.

  17. OMG!!!! I don't like this Ned and the fact he stole this Regina's innocence is paining me as if she is my younger sister.

    1. Err...Papa didn't steal nothing. He paid for it.

    2. Lmao.Yinmu @stole innocence.Regina was not a virgin anything.maybe secondary virgin.As I stated yesterday,she had previous very serious relationship with a big boy Yahoo guy.maybe they went through the back,kissing,bj,anal and all.That her ex is a well known BDSM and fetish sex lover and won't spend that much on her without doing all those things.He spends on pretty girls like crazy if you please him like that.He sponsored her and her mum to Us sometime ago,that was shortly before she met Ned.And Regina was an Asaba pimp.That is why some of her gum body friends followed her to camp in her husband's hoping to get a billionaire too.

  18. Ok, I too felt, like many others, that Ned statement about Regina's,now lost, virginity was out of taste and showed that not every wealthy man has emotional or social intelligence but this person seem to be attacking Ned from a personal grudge. All this to say what? You could have sparked a more intelligent conversations if only you had not put sentiments in the equation. You lost me with all these baseless accusations. If you want to accuse somebody bring substantial proofs. This is how rumors start. Foolish people concocting lies just to bring another person down. I don't condone a young lady marrying her father's mate just because of his wealth ( we all know she married him because of his status and money and it seems he also did marry her not for love but because of her virginity and probably good looks and young age- and may I say popularity too?) but I don't come on the net urling insults and baseless accusations because I know that Regina is an adult now and if she willingly chose to be the wife number 4,5 or 6 ,it's her choice. She will live either to regret it or she will live satisfied with her decision but it's her life and we should allow people to live as they please as long as they are not harming anyone. If Regina has no problem with her husband saying he married her for her virginity and seen as a thropy wife because of what she can gain financially and otherwise, then who are we to oppose her husband words? I also think that Ned said she was a virgin because he wanted to make sure it was clear that she did not sleep around before he married her since we all know the bad reputation actresses have in Nollywood, nonetheless it was distasteful of him to say that he married her because of her virginity but if Regina likes being valued because of a membrane that now is no more then it's her choice. We will all be here when Ned will eventually marry another virgin to join his harem of wives because she has lost friction,that virginity tightness and initial allure after 2 or 3 children and he becomes tired of her like he was with his previous wives. But who knows maybe she is his last bus stop. I hope so for her.

    1. theses allegations are so vicious ..i also condemned regina for marrying an old man but the insults and curses is sounds one kind and is shocking to me you realise the real cultist don't talk too much ???they are silent .this man i think just wanted people to know he likes good things i dont think he meant harm ...Regina should run ..will you accommodate her and her baby ?? i think its time this couple retire from social media space to avoid this kind of reports

    2. but I don't come on the net *hurling* insults...

      You swallowed the the 'h'...but you made a dispassionate argument. πŸ‘

      The insults in that post were totally unnecessary to the topic.

  19. See 'dirty' and 'black' in the same sentence. Just what we talked about the other day. Synonyms.

    1. You are wrong. Saying “dirty” and “black” are synonyms is disrespectful and racist. So we blacks are dirty? No please.
      Be mindful of what you say so you don’t pass on this madness to the next generation. Haba!

    2. Is he a black person?

      Are his thoughts dirty?

      You people left some important points she made and started chasing after dirty and black.

      She accused him of the mysterious death of two people, forcefully taking peoples land and even using the power of authority and thugs to destroy people.

      Hopefully, you will go back, read again and disabuse your mind.

      #awon lazy Nigerian youths

    3. @anon, I'm not supporting it at all, just pointing out that I made a comment just last week on this. My comment was that in Nigeria, most people use dirty whenever they are referring to a dark skinned person, which is very wrong. So I was saying why do people use those words synonymously? Not that the person is dirty, just that the person is dark skinned. And they are surprised when people bleach. The change starts with us. @Bae, I googled the name she mentioned and didn't find any story on the deaths so I wouldn't comment on what I don't know.

  20. Azuka just penned down EVERYTHING that ran through my mind as I read Pa Ned's interview. However, I dont believe in crying more than the bereaved. Regina may be a child but her Mum has her eyes wide open.

    Let everyone face their front because on your own day of reckoning Pa Ned will not answer for you neither will you answer for him or Regina on their own day.

    End of Discussion (as far as I'm concerned)

  21. Where is she supposed to run to with a newborn? Who will touch her after being with him? that is it for her, she created her destiny and that dude is not dying anytime soon. She is bound there, the best she can hope for is that the binding is only for this lifetime and not eternity.

  22. I pray Mallam Ned won't use the girl's mum for ritual if he is actually fetish in the years to come.

    My own 2 kobo is Mallam Ned will start hunting for another lady in few years to come, that way his money won't go dry.

    Until then, Mrs Regina congrats

    1. He claimed Islam to justify his 'aruruala', I saw a pastor in their house the day of dedication

    2. Regina will welcome the new wife with open arms, afterall, the Moroccan wife welcomed her as well and isn't giving her hassles.

    3. Lmao we are here to watch.

    4. Mpa nk'ukwu bukwanu onye aruruala.

  23. Who is this Asuka person? Common! That's too much and unnecessary.

    1. People are always bitter once they hear Virginity.

    2. Very true. A lot of bitterness and regret masked with vitrol when virginity is mentioned.You can identify their pain from their responses

  24. Biko, Regina wasn't blind neither her Mum.

    So let them enjoy their tenure before another VIRGIN Mrs will take over.

  25. Pa Ned is a Psycho and into some occultic activities.

    So, that is why he uses those Nollywood actresses and dumped them at ease.
    I can imagine how many of those women walk around with empty soul.

    1. Hmmmmmm,thats another angle

    2. Defenders club are crying about Dark and dirty another bomb is dropped here, 'Psycho"

  26. This just confirms women are indeed bitter, 2faced and are jealous of a successful man.
    You all claim to be a Christian and the Bible says keep yourself, Regina kept herself and married someone she respects..the man was proud to acknowledge that and you all are jealous ?
    Men should start setting hard and look for a virgin to marry.all of you supporting Abuja are hypocrites and should be ashamed.when a lady wants certain standard in men no one complained ..but once the men choose you all start talking rubbish .regina made her choice and she is happy..why make money pay huge brideprce for a broke girl that is not even pure ? That's waste !make money, look for a pure girl that is a virgin marry ! Men are learning fast .
    If you saw something wrong in Ned's interview then you need to see a psychiatrist.

    1. Dante this Is you nau.

    2. Must he acknowledge as you put it that she is a virgin in public?

    3. Uncle,you clearly are the one to see a psychiatrist here. What is the big deal being a virgin at 18/19 ,was she supposed to be a mother hen at 18?

    4. Dnt mind them, it's good he stated she was a virgin when he married her son younger guys will learn not to waste money on runs girls in the name of marriage.

    5. Truly, the bitternesss is hocking. Even those with failed marriages and married boyfriends are shaming a young girl, who got married as a virgin. Na wa oo

  27. This just confirms women are indeed bitter, 2faced and are jealous of a successful man.
    You all claim to be a Christian and the Bible says keep yourself, Regina kept herself and married someone she respects..the man was proud to acknowledge that and you all are jealous ?
    Men should start setting hard and look for a virgin to marry.all of you supporting Abuja are hypocrites and should be ashamed.when a lady wants certain standard in men no one complained ..but once the men choose you all start talking rubbish .regina made her choice and she is happy..why make money pay huge brideprce for a broke girl that is not even pure ? That's waste !make money, look for a pure girl that is a virgin marry ! Men are learning fast .
    If you saw something wrong in Ned's interview then you need to see a psychiatrist.

    1. Anon you need to see a "Psychiatrist " for typing this rubbish and not seeing anything wrong in your forefathers marrying her great grand daughter. CHAI!

    2. Anon 12:37 hypocrite like you.
      What's your business? Are they not above 18 and old enough to make decisions for themselves ? Just say you are jealous if ned come for you now you no go open legs..just that you ain't a virgin..I am sure you are a lady..always bitter and jealous.go and marry your own !
      That's if you even a virgin self ..

    3. Check your facts dear.
      Azuka is a MAN.

  28. The way you people cry more than the bereaved in this country is astonishing. Jesus!!!!

    You like tall men with 6 packs, he likes virgins. Now because he said he likes virgins y'all have gone the ritual route, oh Chim!!!!

    1. God bless you.i don't get what is wrong with the man saying he married her a virgin.

    2. You would think he stole her virginity by simply stating Regina is a virgin.

      The fake outrage is perplexing.


    3. His own taste has 'coma' abeg.

    4. And you don't also see anything wrong in him saying that being a virgin is the only criteria to marry him. At his age, what does he need virgins for.

    5. No one has an "only criteria" to choose a partner by. Some criteria might score high but there must others to support it.
      Regina is beautiful, young, well raised, well behaved, popular and a virgin among other things.

    6. I love regina the more, very clearheaded young lady. Let her live by her rules and not society's. Noone will be happy for you either way.

  29. Indeed the fucaholic oloshos are threatened because Ned just set a standard for hardworking men to aspire to be with a girl that is virgin.
    Nice one

    1. That is it, men are encouraging prostitution by marrying wayward girls.

  30. But I wrote a similar thing yesterday and have been writing such but who believed me?
    Maybe the gullible sheeple of Nigeria will believe this one because it came from "abroad?"
    And those "rich billionaire friends of his" are they not all birds of same feathers?

    1. Shut is it a problem for an old man to want to marry a virgin ? Because he is old ? Your lots are using the ritual tag.pray they don't treat you right old ones like old people don't have legal right to do what makes them happy because they are old ? Is he not a human ?
      Tueh..hypocrites everywhere...if he were to be your dad shey you go talk like this? Mumu

    2. Ewooo, Regina is a BV, Nne, you and your Methuselah should leave social media and go and enjoy yourselves, else you will receive more bashing

    3. Lol, I bet you wish you were in her shoes. You cant even picture the quality of her life. Your bitterness stinks please.

  31. It is only in Nigeria that one is a billionaire without any known business venture
    but ritual observations. πŸ”¨πŸ”¨πŸ”¨πŸ”¨πŸ”¨πŸ”¨πŸ”¨

    1. Educate yourself and Google Ned Nwoko and how far he came in his law career in London b4 coming home to identify with Nigerian politics and oil business. He worked for his money and my uncle said the guy know book die!

    2. Knowing book and having sense is two parallel lines

    3. yes oh my ex graduated with first class but he is very dumb asking me who is nelson mandela , i weak.

    4. Not knowing Mandela doesnt make him dumb.

    5. education and exposure should go hand in hand QED

  32. whatever a man sows they will surely reap. i have heard about Ned and those allegations before cos my hubby is from Delta. we can only keep evil covered for a while if the allegations are true. Regina walked into the marriage eyes wide open so she must live with whatever conseqiencies she faces hereafter.

  33. Was there a marriage here or he acquired a concubine, the sixth concubine?
    Can someone answer me here please?πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

  34. Pls enh People marry for many reasons. Leave him alone!!

    1. They should stop disturbing people with their fake love

  35. Hmmm!!
    I love journalists who are usually bold enough to say things as they are without bias or fear of anything.
    I also had the thoughts of Ned being a ritualist for saying such in public. I wondered why a man will marry all his five or more wives as virgins and because they were all Virgins😲😲, Sunds awkward and fetish to me.
    Well, it's totally Regina and her mother's business, Whatever fruits of their actions yields, They should gladly harvest.

    1. Every lady is supposed married as a virgin just that you guys have normalised wrongs.

    2. Honestly, our society is finished. Men will continue to seek out virgins to marry, dont be fooled. Ask them , deep in their hearts, they want one.

  36. That virginity statement in all honesty was uncalled for. Even though I think he said it to dispel rumors about Regina been wayward prior to the marriage. Now I dunno if she was indeed wayward but I recall sometime in 2018 , hubby and I went for a marriage in Asaba and we were lodged in a hotel. Regina drove in with some guys and girls, laughing at the top of her voice like she was on drugs; they later went out and stayed by the car park, smoking and drinking and she was been groomed by a guy. All these I watched from the balcony of the hotel’s room. What I saw that day ehn made me believe the stories floating around about her then.

    1. Any woman with money can go to a plastic surgeon and restich her hymen. Muslim women have been doing it for years, and those who don't have the money just go for anal sex until they get married giving the illusion of being a virgin. Is a woman who has had anal sex still a virgin, technically yes. There are numerous ways to indulge in sex and still appear as a virgin on your wedding night.

    2. Just the same way this your opinion ain't needed .mind your business .if we going by your analogue then we all victims ..who gave you the right to determine whic statement is needed and not needed? You lot are sick

    3. Partying with guys doesnt mean a girl slept with them, there are some good girls that party hard but know where to draw the line.

  37. Groped* not groomed fucking auto correct

  38. This post is trash.
    Ned Nwoko says he married his wife because she's a virgin, therefore stating the fact that the girl was a decent and responsible woman contrary to the ideas people had about her that she's a loose gold-digger.

    I find these attacks from ladies as a weak effort to try to belittle the importance of a woman to keep her self until marriage.

    If only other men will marry only virgins, maybe it will help our girls keep their legs closed.

    She's talking in the rubbish

    1. "If only men would marry virgins..." You think every woman who is not technically a virgin made a conscious choice to be that way. If the precious men only married virgins then all the girls who were raped and sexually sexually molested would have no chance at having a husband.

    2. If only men would stop cheating, sleeping around and raping there would be more virgins around. Innit?? Mtcheew By the way I'm 30 and a virgin but your statement degrades women who are not virgins. Do better.

    3. Stop spewing thrash all over the post. Everyone should close their legs and be chaste, men inclusive or what is the point of closing leg for a man who sleeps around?? Dumbo!!!

    4. She married her after sleeping with her and discovered she was a virgin, but can you really call this situation a marriage? No 6 or 7 wife? Please.

    5. Anon 13:02 I see you pained..sorry, you gave yours for a plate of indomie .i understand your pain

    6. Women are soo wicked. See how all of them are dragging the girl that married as a virgin? what is the pain in the word VIRGINITY?

  39. Honestly, Im a bit scared for Regina, if all Azuka wrote is true, then there's fire on the mount, Regina run run run run

    1. Be scared for your family members and loved if you genuinely love her.hypocrites.

    2. Everyone is now “concerned” for Regina! πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ we Nigerians and busy body is like 5 and 6.

    3. she is in a public domain and the husband bring private matter into the fore, i see her going the way of dabota, on her naming ceremony you could see that regret has started creeping in slowly but surely.

  40. But everybody know say Regina nor be visiting vigin before she married ned na

    #Hot mum#

  41. Regina and her mum are fully aware of all this,they made their choice and are living it, nobody should judge them,live and let live

  42. But she has “GUT & BILE” Shaa. For some body to be BOLD on things like this kia. Azuka did somebody told you all these or you are just speculating? Stella I know you used to be BOLDER, not to this extent. May God have mercy on all of us

  43. Finally someone is bold enough to speak.... but did you just said the girl should run, run go where, she can only run in her dream. She would rather die there

    1. Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha @she can only run in her dream,my Bela ooo

  44. Na money dey talk oooh. Is't not some women that got married to native doctors. That's their business.

  45. My own is that I saw that "Mushin tout" line in a comment yesterday. It's either the comment was written by Azuka or he copied the anon.

  46. I think the Cupid arrow went deeply into Ned's heart cos he is lying, he just told the story to be in Regina's good book and to trend. Regina was never a virgin

  47. Her anger is unfounded and completely not justified.

    Every man calls the wife a virgin , nothing new. Only close pals know if she is or not. If he doesn't praise his wife, who will?

    What's the outrage for? So she shouldn't run because she married a greatgrandpa, she should run just because he called her a virgin. Does that make sense? A lot of fake outrages these days for no good reason.

    Madam, there are interesting topics to write on, topics that can change the world.


    1. I use to think you are smart but your comment today shows underwise. Azuka is telling her to run because the guy is a cultist.

    2. Anon 15:21
      I don't do group think. Learn to think outside the box.

      If they ask her to bring evidence of her accusations, she will have none.

      Writing a whole paragraph on another person's life and she is a seasoned journalist...huh. Shouldn't she concentrate on more pressing issues and she has evidence, let her present it to court.


    3. Azuka is a man.

    4. Not every man calls his wife a virgin because you may end up fooling yourself to someone who slept with her, men who didn't marry virgins avoid that topic and some later complain about it to friends when the woman misbehave, you will hear them say " I didn't even marry her a virgin" so stop trying to belittle virgins, keeping your virginity means you have self control, it tells your real person, a virgin at 30 will likely be a loyal dedicated, intelligent and straightforward person most of the time, go and figure.

    5. so if a person was raped and no longer virgin they dont have self control? no wonder the only value most Nigerian women have for tier husband is their bodies, and they will keep on messing you up, by cheating on you with your sisters and house maids.

  48. I agree with her though she sounds harsh and rude but I believe points can be made without being insultivr and rude. In this life ehn, just be thankful for the little you have. Do not wish for anybody's type of life esp when u admire them from far away (SM). No one knows what's going on or the man's motive but what he actually said is suspicious abeg

  49. For y'all saying she, she, she:

    Azuka Jebose is a man
    Azuka Jebose bukwa nwoke mmadu
    Okunrin ni Azuka Jebose
    Azuka Jebose na man o
    Azuka Jebose bukwa dimkpa

    Those who know how to write Hausa, Efik, Ibibio, Izon, Nupe, Kanuri, and other Nigerian languages should please assist mbok.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

    2. Wait a second

      A man had time to write this.



  50. Shebi Eve Esin said that Regina is living her (Eve) dream life.

  51. No wonder the older wives welcomed her with open arms. They all know the secret. She is his new scape goat

    1. That means the bond virgins he sleeps with are condemned because he wont think twice before destroying those ones if he is a cultists.

  52. I hope you have evidence to back up your claims. Wherever he so desire in a woman is his and the woman's problem.


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