Are you a product of a home where one or both parents nagged as you grew up?Did you turn out exactly like them?
Are you now a constant nag in your home and to those around you?Are you now exactly to your children what your parents were to you?Do you blame them?Are you trying to get help?
Do we blame our parents for how we turn out or blame ourselves since we have a choice to tow a different path?
Nagging can end your relationship,end your marriage and end your happy space?
Do you Nag?Why?
Most women don’t nag. The men are just stubborn and wicked so they complain. Some however are nagging specialists. Very good in being abusive with it too. My mum was a nagging specialist and to be honest I have met men who are like that too. I run for my life. My dad loved my mum scatter. Otherwise the things she will say ehn, I don’t think the average man will take it without battering her.
ReplyDeleteShe overdid it and now that dad is gone she has turned on us. She must comment on everything and keep at it till you scream at her to stop.
Hope your brothers are strong people because I can't imagine what your sister in laws will go through.
DeleteThey better don't allow your mum stay with them during omugwo
Anon 14:05 your dad was stubborn and wicked so your mum complained? Smh
DeleteThis here is the definition of nag, they shout and say the most hurtful stuffs in the world and are never happy.
DeleteThishas my dad sitting on this table....funny enough it didn't rub off on us the children. Hubby too nags a lot, but I go waka pass my own.....I think my own nagging is in written form😆😆😆😂...just offend me like this I Don pour out my whole heart in writing....a long epistle for that matter😆 I have been tagged "madam epistle"
DeleteMy mum is the nag is my family and that’s why sometimes i just give her her space but she doesn’t understand it😭she always thinks I’m keeping malice with her but the truth is I can’t stand it. I’m a female but I don’t nag in my relationship. The moment i talk about something once or twice and you don’t address it i just ignore the person and look front. It has helped me a lot.
ReplyDeleteMy parents are toxic,shouting,nagging, worrying etc but I still love them I didn't choose to be their child or they my parents.
DeleteI noticed I'm now less confident in myself because of this covid stuff as I don't work anymore and depend on my hubby for almost anything,these days I nah the poor man to death and always seeking for validation from him.This post is an eye- opener,when he comes back I will apologise and make efforts to not stress him much cause really he's trying.And I never want my marriage to be like my parents,God forbid.
Proverbs 21:9 It's better to stay outside on the roof of your house than to live inside with a nagging wife.
ReplyDeleteProverbs 21:19
Better to live in the desert than with a contentious and ill-tempered wife.
Proverbs 19:13 A foolish child is a father's ruin, and a quarrelsome wife is like the constant dripping of a leaky roof.
Eccl. 7:26 I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare.
A lot of women nag. Best not to encounter them. Ask the Lord to "lead you not into temptation and deliver you from evil..."
Do you nag? REPENT! Only Jesus can tame your tongue James 3:8
Ano ur signature is unmistakable.
DeleteI'm not much of a nag 😕 I do sometimes....mostly when I'm on. I get really irritated when I'm not being taken seriously.
ReplyDeleteBut normally, I'm cool. We all have our moment 😂
I hate when you keep repeating one thing over and over and over, it irks the hell out of me.
Can't stand a nagging partner, it's exhausting. I remember how I nearly passed out from trying to explain myself over something stupid.
These days, I just walk away, don't have energy to argue.
DeleteIf you "nag for sometime," you are a nag, capital NAG!
There is no in-between. You have identified your problem and
that makes you a lot nearer to your solution, REPENTANCE.
Discipline yourself through fasting, the Word of God and prayers.
God will definitely help you. 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
Same here, these days I just take a walk, Nigeria is too hard for me to nag on silly irrelevant things.
DeleteI nag, or would i say i used to i own it with my chest🤣. The first five years of marriage, i nag taya😂.
DeleteRight now, i dont even have the energy and i am so busy... 24 hours isnt enough for me.
No one wants to nag or be a nag, people cant keep repeating the same actions and expect you to be quite. Do they have coconut head? 🤣
My mama could nag for Africa, right now shes such a saint and would be telling me not to shout at my kids, sometimes i cant even believe shes the one telling me to be cool
DeleteMy mum used to nag alot while we were growing. I can still remember, she nags even in the bathroom, sometimes she continues when she comes back from shop in the evening
ReplyDeleteMy dad used to be our comfort. Over the years, my dad picked it up and he is now worst.
I don't think I nag, naaaaa... I don't even like talking normally sef,I just tell u my mind and walk away.
My dad is the nag. The interesting thing was that he was not like that when he was working, it was after he retired that he started. My dad can drag an issue if you allow him. Most times, when I noticed he is angry over a flimsy thing,i would just enter ignore mode till he is back to his senses.
DeleteThe thing is this nagging ish always find a way to rub off on the partners, my mum does nag but she can lament for Africa.
Someone help. My mum is in a bad marriage. She is always angry and most times turn the anger on us. As a grown woman. I see myself always angry at the smallest issues. The anger is affecting my health. I seriously need help. Don't want to continue like this.
ReplyDeleteSeek counselling!
DeleteSigh.i'm working on myself seriously.i will never put my children in same situation my parents put I and my siblings, always angry and shouting,it's exhausting.
DeleteGrew up to know my parents were separated while I was still a baby, glad they did though, my mum love fight more than quarrel, no thanks to my grandpa who encouraged her. and my dad was just that over spoilt first son of a woman that had ttced for long, so he was rude, arrogant and a womanizer. Glad they separated when they did, because one of them for don dey six feet. Age have humble them and they can't seem to stop asking after each other🙄🙄🙄. Whenever I call mum, she will be like, "how is your daddy, I heard he is looking handsome now", I will just be like "yeah so I heard" mum will now say, tell him to send me recharge card oo" and I will be like "shebi you have his number, call him now" and she will be I am just joking.
ReplyDeleteDaddy will now call to say "how is your mum" and I will be you no get her number?" He will now say "I tried calling her two days ago but she did not pick her call" and i will be like "keep trying oo". They are separated and currently single. Maybe one of these days we might hear wedding bells, their grand children will makeup their bridal train and groom men, till then let's keep our fingers crossed... Soso #stargirl
DeleteAge sure can change one’s life perspective.
14:27😄 see me smiling at your comment. Sweet old love.
DeleteThis is funny😂😂😂😂😂
DeleteThos old people no go kill person
Wow,so sweet,the wedding might pull through in the end o.
Delete3Amigos Bread,are you new on the blog? You live in my axis o
You can see they are trying... Help them get back together.
DeleteInvite them over and then tell then you have to leave immediately. Haba see romantic film fa... Which kind pikin you be?
@Buxom, our Bakery is located in your axis. Don’t fail to patronize us 😉😉😉. You won’t regret it 😍😍.
DeletePushup. I no do oo. When I tried bringing them together, they were busy forming Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. shebi its this my age I will now be settling husband and wife matter? Or one day she will now call me to say I'm pregnant, With the way miracle is happening to old couple anyway. Nne, Biko some things are better left imagined than seen. I like them as secret lovers or better still boyfriend and girl friend. Shikena
DeleteThis made me smile.. wishing they would come back..
DeleteAnon I had a good laugh, settling lovers quarrel. Lol. Abeg leave dem oo
DeleteThe best gift to give to a nagging woman is?
ReplyDeleteAnswer: leave the house for her to fill it with her nag.
If you make the mistake of staying there, woe betide you if
you are short-tempered, you will commit murder.
I feel an average human with his correct senses will not just be talking for the fun of it. Most times, husbands are the cause of their wives talking too much. Some say, talk about it once or twice then walk away if he/she isn't addressing the issues! Is it easy to walk away from a whole marriage? Can the guilty party try to change or address the issues, let's see if the so called nag will continue to talk about an already resolved problem! My two cents tho!
ReplyDelete"I like my own space"
ReplyDeleteI am a private person
I gave him a bit of my tongue
I don't take nonsense
If not for my church side
I will give you fire for fire
If you often chant any of the above, you are a nagging lady.
Just helping you define yourself.
I don't see how saying "i'm a private person" makes one a nag.😕
DeleteI don't agree with this defination.
DeleteAt least, you agreed with the rest. So I scored 6/7
Beautiful score.
And if you are always chanting "I am a private person"
What are you?
A private nag? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@anon 14:45, you are not making sense at all...
DeleteI like my own space" doesn't make her a nag.
I am a private person- doesn't make her a nag.
I gave him a bit of my tongue- A bit you say? Then she is not a nag.
I don't take nonsense- she's not a nag.
If not for my church side
I will give you fire for fire
...- still doesn't make her a nag.
Pls open your dictionary and see the correct definition of Nag
@Baby girl
DeleteYou have just defined a nag, the nag 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Abeg rest, this one no follow. Doesn't even make sense.
DeleteYou see this parents ish. I am a living witness. My parent are either fighting or quarrelling. I grew up not knowing the love of parent because my mum is always angry. Because of them l chose a very far university just to be far from them. I got married. Few years interval the guy started beating me. I did not tell anyone. One day I carried my two legs and ran away. Told my parents to return the bride price that l am marrying again. They thought l was joking. All pleading fall on deaf ears. I can't have a father that beats my mum and still marry a husband that beats me. Chukwu aju. I don't want my children to end like me. Parents please be careful. Children are always watching you.
ReplyDeletenever grew up with nagging parents. let me read others experience and learn from it
ReplyDeleteMy father is a nag. I don't pray to marry a man like my father
ReplyDeleteMy both parents are shameless naginas, I shame them ooo, in fact I learned from their rubbish cos me I kuku dislike the nagging thing, I married a nagging husband but when his nonsense became too much, I walked away from him... E mi o raye oshi
ReplyDeleteOooshey, onirinkurin. Keep on walking but don't die on the road. When you grew up in a nagging environment, everything will appear as such to you. It is better you left.
DeleteFrom the comments I’ve read so far, seems like the common denominator is that their mothers are always angry and nag. Two most common reasons why women nag....(1) being in horrendous marriages or (2) their significant other not assimilating what they voiced as concerns. Another reason could be due to the environment they grew up in...refer to reason 1...i.e. a vicious cycle.
ReplyDeleteAlso, some men will nag the heck out of you.
Some women are born nags, nothing justifies their action. They just shout none stop, saying the same thing. I know of someone who does not know how to talk and says her voice is just naturally loud. She shouts and never talks and can just be repeating one thing for 3 hours non stop
DeleteI will break that circle in Jesus name.i will never be in a bad marriage like my parents,chukwu aju!!!!
Delete@ Raquel....Amen.
DeletePlease help me.
ReplyDeleteHow do I stop being a nag.
I don’t see myself as one but others around me think I’m a nag.
What qualifies as a nag anyway?
I give instructions, it’s not followed, I repeat a second and third time yet the same folly.
After that, you can here my voice at the end of the road.
Am I a nag? Or are people taunting and disrespecting me?
Please be the judge.
*hear not here
DeleteYou are a nag, a very serious one. Please pray and work seriously towards changing.
Delete'please be the judge'. Eeyaa. 😂😂😂😂
DeleteYou're simply a nigga not a nag. The truth is once people know how to control your emotions, then they are in charge. Even children do it, once they know they can get you irritated, they will, just to see you go gaga. Show people you cananage your anger and can always be at peace with yourself
DeleteYou even nagged in this your commment when you called those that don't follow your instructions
Deletefools. ("folly")
Big time nag.
My wife says I repeat talk and issues but I observed that is the only way she does anything. She can not lift a finger until you talk and talk. She will still not do it telling you she will not do it because you have said it. Till we quarrel, she will then do it and I ask; why leave it late till we quarrel? Would you not have done it without me not saying it? These "it" ranges from the smallest chores in the house (I do %98 of the chores at home). It can be frustrating at times.
ReplyDeleteThat’s nagging bro! Sometimes just get her some space to do it her own way. I blv with time every one gonna adjust ( remb we are from different home)
DeleteYour wife behaves like my have to say something twice before he takes it serious.i'm tired of talking and when I go silent he becomes edgy and uncomfortable.ah! Marriage is hard abeg.
DeleteIt's not nagging. The woman should take charge of whatever responsibility she needs to care of. If she forgets, no biggie, but once reminded, haba! Wetin na? She is an adult and shouldn't wait for another adult to keep reminding her of her known tasks. It's frustrating and it shows laziness or lack of regard for her partner
DeleteParents who are nags should be weary, I am a product of such a background and the damage is immeasurable. I grew up from birth knowing my mother as a nag, and when I say we suffered due to this singular behaviour, I mean it in every sense of the word.
ReplyDeleteThere are days you never know what would trigger the nagging, it might be someone going to knock at her bed room door to get omo for washing since it's stored up in her room, to her simply remembering her dead father, how wicked her mother-in-law was and the list is endless. once she begins, she drives from topics which happened in 1970- date.
We grew up always embarrassed, cos we had no family secrets, we had no peace. mind you this shouts can last into 24 hours and sometimes days. You can go out and come back and hear her voice from across the road.
Your mom was/is bipolar. What you described up there isn't nagging but signs of bipolar disorder
DeleteWe could not wrap our heads around what the problem was, she just never knew how to stop. Some nights we had to lock the door to our bedroom, wear eyepiece so we could sleep. The public was not spared too, as the area where she ran her business we're a carryover of the remainder of what was happening in the house.
ReplyDeleteMy father, her husband was not spared too, I wonder how come he did not run mad. Christmas and New Year day too was like hell.
I entered the university and I dreaded the school ever closing, I watched other students go home but I never wanted to. One of the fall out of this situation was that we had male friends just for the fact of having a place to run for a few days when her madness starts.
My sisters who are married have been lucky to escape. I pray I get married or find a good job so I can escape too.
I see that her behaviour has affected, I and my siblings, cos most of us grew up having anger issues. Ladies and gentlemen till now no change. We are still that house where their mother always shouts.
Story of my life
DeleteSo sorry about this. However, from what you have described, hers seems to have gone beyond nagging.
DeleteI reckon her nagging and general irascibility are simply symptoms of an underlying issue, possibly depression.
Once again I say read up on bipolar disorder cos it seems like what your mom has
DeleteI totally dislike nags, make your point and move on, why still it in like a hole.
ReplyDeleteMy mum nags and I think the females in my family picked it up.
I have over the years learnt to do better in my relationship
I say my ypoint with respect and move on
This is just what makes women nag. Either this or their bad marriages.
ReplyDeleteGod go help women.
So what makes men nag? Can dey come n tell us?
I can survive a nagging mom
ReplyDeleteBut a nagging wifey hmmm maybe nt
My mom wasn't a nag while we were growing up but the realization of my fathers bad choices, rough business and other things turned her to a nag most times I just advice her to learn to over look something for her peace of mind and health. Me I no get time for nag o if I tell you onece, twice I just ignore you. My husband will not take advice only when he wants to and me as far as I have told him twice I just ignore him until when he decides or someone else advice him
ReplyDeleteI grew up in a relatively peaceful home.
ReplyDeleteThe only issue was that my older sister was always flogging me.
My dad is a nag,always complaining of one thing or the other so I decided from my teenage age that I will do everything possible not to let it affect me or my future husband and kids and I worked towards it,and all thanks to God my husband is the best partner anyone can have.gosh,I hate nagging with everything inside if me.
ReplyDeletesame whatsapp group. My Dad can complain and shout ehh.. I so hated that shouted. Thank God I married a man who totally understands me and doesn't even have strength to talk.
DeleteFather and mother are 100% nags,I owe my husband a lot cos he changed me for good! They frustrated us with their mouths but it's well.