Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Saturday, June 06, 2020

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



How do you dissuade a sibling from practicing homos#xuality?

I’ve known since our teenage years even before he clocked 20,I saw msgs on his phone then,couldn’t talk then cos my parent see me as a troublemaker and I dnt hide my emotions so I let it slide.

The second time I was sure,was when he came to visit me in sch,he was in his mid 20s ..when I was leaving for lectures dat morning he said he wanted to go see a friend,returned in the night and didn’t give me details of this friend nor tell me how his day with this friend went,the friend jst sent him an address of where they would meet,still I was mute ...

Now due to sch closure and his in late 20s passing time in my house pending resumption of sch I used his phone for touch,mind you the last thing he can do knowingly is to leave his phone for you to even go through pictures,he hardly loose guard on his phone,overprotective of his phone.

So this particular day,he left it for torch and forgot to lock
I remembered his act one time and wanted to snoop,I had chills run down my body,he’s still practicing it,infact he’s the woman that men run after,I was heartbroken but consoled myself,couldn’t help but think of my parent
I still keep asking myself how on earth did he turn out to be gay?

What i do?

*Why dont you just leave him and mind your business?it is his choice.
You should have done something or said something years back but now he is deep into it,do you honestly think you can stop him?
Let him be and respect his decision.....I cannot stand discussing about gay thins cos my skin crawls when i do but i respect them and stay off their matter cos i will appear homophobic if i say my mind...
leave him alone.


  1. You cannot stop it without getting your relationship with him strained. Just pray for him.

    1. Mind your business

    2. U can talk to him but don't judge him,ask questions if u care, ask if he is using protections and all, just b sensitive wen asking, gradually he will open up to u, if he is 2 deep, he will tell u, if he is not, u can try talk him out. Good luck.
      Just remb LOVE is LOVE. Anyhow he finds it, so long he is not hurting anyone. Better Gay than a RAPIST

    3. He is her brother, how she gon mind her business? if ever anything happens to him, she must surely be affected nau

    4. Please don't mind those saying mind your business. He is your business just find the courage to tell your parent you can help him all by yourself. He needs help of man and God.

    5. Poster,

      I'm so sorry for your anguish, it's never easy finding out one's sibling is gay

      Unfortunately, there's only so much you can do to help matters but please tell me;
      Do you know whether he was sexually abused by a man when he was a child? This could be a contributing factor!

      Your parents should be informed so that they can pray on his behalf! But please whatever you do, do NOT judge him! This will only cause a HUGE distance between you two

      You mentioned he's in his mid twenties; well, pray for him is all I can advise; Also, ask him if he'd consider counselling because ultimately, it's his decision to get help

      It's never easy

      Be strong hun x

    6. Man of God indeed @yemi7up. We say somebody has a problem and you want to raise it to power 10.

    7. Poster,

      Is your brother aware you know he's homosexuality?

      Look, find some 'alone time' to speak with him (don't talk to him oh)
      Watch a movie together, look him straight in the eye, and let him know he's loved! Tell him you know about his homosexual escapades etc.

      Ask him if he'd been sexually violated by a man when he was younger? Or does he believe he was born that way? Ask him did anything go wrong with him when growing up?

      Ask him if he'd be willing to go to deliverance? I'd suggest MFM

      If you're a woman of deep faith, Pray with him

      But whatever you do, do not judge him!
      Be kind yet firm with him

      God give you strength

      Best wishes x

    8. All you can do is to speak up and tell your parents when they start pushing him to settle down. Please save the innocent lady by telling her o. Save someone's daughter, sister etc.

    9. Please don't mind your business. He could get HIV and then you blame yourself .

    10. Stella don dey reason like oyibo. 'Leave him'.

      Let him know that you know period. Tell your parents to be praying for him.

  2. Only GOD will make him straight.

  3. This matter tie wrapper, I hope your brother is not doing it because of money though

    1. The guy is already deep in it, you need prayers.

  4. Same here. I don't like talking about gay issues and I have honestly have nothing against them, I could be friends with them sef and nothing, however, where we go get issues na when you begin press my breasts or touch my nyash, hmmmmmmmmmm I'll deck you.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣your last statement though.

  5. Ahhh, problem will start o when your parents start asking for a wife from him.

    I don't know what can be done for him to change his mind, it seems very impossible because that's who he is and already grown to be!

  6. He is your brother, you can still talk to him,let him know you know about it and advise him against it.

  7. It isn't his choice to be gay but it is his choice to be promiscuous. Being gay doesn't automatically translate to promiscuity. There are gay men who do not engage in risky sexual behaviors, there are gay men that are monogamous. Being gay isn't a choice and there's nothing you can do about it honestly BUT you can talk to him about not falling into the gay stereotypical lifestyle. I detest promiscuity in both heterosexual and homosexual men and women.

    1. POC! It is his choice to be a gay! You guys should stop this please it was solely his choice! Nobody was born with gay tendencies same way nobody was born a rapist it’s is their fu*cking choice.

    2. 15;09 u sound Western. This is 9ja. Most of them r Economic gay, so it mks it a choice, some where forced into it in school others by relative, it still MKS it a choice because they could opt out if dey wanted. Anyways I respect them alot.

    3. It is his choice please. Most of them started by acting on their lustful feelings lack of self-control. It is not every feeling you have that makes sense or you act upon.

      Some of them started by experimenting. Media is not even helping matters. Trying to Normalise nonsense. So many friends whose parent sent to school abroad are examples. If only those parent knows what their children are dabbling into. All in the name of being woke. They started experimenting at year 1 at final year they have become full blown lesbian. All these are called sexual perversion no matter how you guys try to polish it or rebrand it.

    4. It's a choice

    5. Right on point!@Picture(G Wagon). 👍
      How come they don't say they are hyenas, rats or goats and go live as these do? Maybe soon enough?

      God made humanity in his image and likeness - man and woman, blessed them. He gave man a wife, NOT a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.

      Gays, in fact LGBT fly in the face of God. Anyone who Approves or supports them will face the same judgment from God.

      Romans 1: 25-26,32
      25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise! Amen.

      26For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

      32Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things are worthy of death, they not only continue to do these things, but also approve of those who practice them.

    6. 16.28 you wish God could just appoint you to help him on judgement day bah? Unfortunately that ain't gonna happen. I don't like sexual perversion but hey the world and the fullness thereof are His and exists purely for his pleasure. Or do you think God is so handicapped that something disturbs Him so much and He can't help Himself? The energy with which you quote that your bible as if all humanity is subject to it but mind you, God created all diverse religion, cultures and races because He love to see humanity so.

      Drink water and drop cup.

    7. @Sapphire ano 18:50 said nothing wrong... please check yourself and get it right with your Creator

    8. Don't mind her. Let the same God kill them nah . Pple b acting PA to Jesu without employment letters. Hissss

    9. Did ya'll read the scripture? If you don't believe say you don't believe instead of shooting down another's belief.

  8. We have one at home. A bit popular self. From experience I’ll say these to you.

    1. Mind your business and pray hard for him.

    2. Shower him with love and don’t make yourself a stranger.

    3. Don’t invite him to meet with any pastor and please don’t tell your parents. Never tell your parents unless they’re highly discretional and understanding.

    Changing someone’s sexual orientation is not as simple or straightforward as you think it is.

    1. ☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️ speaking from experience. ♥️God bless ur understanding heart

    2. @ your last paragraph because it is a DEMONIC POSSESSION - that prayer is prayer of warfare. Keep at it until you hear a note of
      VICTORY in your spirit.

  9. Open up the discussion and know if he would like to seek help.
    But to do this, you have to be strongly rooted in Christ yourself.
    This is because, only Christ can recreate a human soul who wants to be
    renewed, saved and have peace in this life and in that which is to come.
    Be watchful. 🔔🔔🔔🔔👀👀👀

  10. You can't stop him as he is right deep into it.
    Nothing you can do unless he wants to leave the ad but there is one thing you can do which is talking to him calmly and letting him know you know what he is up to.

    Kaii,this is bad oh

    1. @15:10 👌👌👌!

      And your last sentence is 💯%🔔🔔🔔👀👀👀 - to bind a strong man...👉👉👉Matt 12: 29"Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and steal his possessions, unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house."

  11. I dont hate or like them: I just feel indifferent about them. My dear poster, allow him be and accept him that way. If you do or say anything now,he will hate you for the rest of his life.

    Most of these stuffs starts from their primary or secondary school days with these 'school mother or father stuff".

  12. I beg to disagree with you Stella.
    He isn't just a stranger or friend but his/ her sibling.

    You were unable to address it a long time ago for different reasons,but you can't keep pretending not to know. You just wouldn't know until you at least try.

    He knows it's wrong, reason he is over protective of his device.

    Please, don't be judgemental or accusative; simply speak to him like you would love to be spoken to on any issue.

    He is your blood and no matter how enlightened we would claim to be, no one would want the world to know his/ her sibling is gay.

    Which reminds me of a gay friend of mine on Facebook.
    I had to ask him if he's really gay and how he copes.
    You'd be shocked by his responses.

    I cover my unborn sons with the precious blood of Jesus.
    This is indeed a nightmare.

    1. Noni thank you for this comment. 💖💞
      Poster be encouraged to do this.

  13. It's too late now except God touch him. Most start at childhood stage. He is already addicted to it at this point and it will take the hand of God to save him. Remember that woman who sent chronicle to tell and her first sexual experience was an old man? She longs after old men now. It's psychological and if it was his first and only experience till date he has gone deep into it how can he suddenly stop now? Or you think he started in his teenage years?

    A boy told us his first experiment was his father's worker and he loves and chase men till date. The father's employee who had a wife and kids slept with him from childhood till he left for University. He doesn't like girls. Another was raped by his father's friend till he grew up and he identifies as gay.
    Your brother is in God's hand as we speak.

    1. "It's psychological...", not just that, it is demonic as any sexual perversion and impurity.

  14. Hmmmm....poster, there's nothing really you can do for him except pray for him and keep interceding on his behalf. The time you should've done something was years back when you discovered what your brother was really into, now he's now deep into it....the only thing you can do now is PRAY and keep PRAYING for him.

  15. Ojoooomiiii😦😦😦😦
    Poster pls talk to him calmly. This one no be gragra oh. Tell him what the scriptures says about people practicing homosexuality. Tell him God frowns at. Just peach to him and back it up with prayer. With God nothing shall be impossible.
    There's a demon behind homosexuality. It's not normal for a man or woman to lust after their own kind. May God deliver your brother in Jesus name.

  16. For the first time in a long time, Mama Mia is at a loss for words😶😶😶😶...

  17. I don’t how people thing having sex with the same gender is okay! It’s not okay not okay at all. Poster keep praying let God come through. Some people will say we sin differently so why is gay a big sin but I tell you what that is still not cool.

    1. It's the only sin God called an abomination. It's in the same category of incest, bestiality.sinning on a difference level

    2. *being gay🤦‍♀️ The chronicle got my head spinning

    3. Her naked picture (Gwagon) and anon. Before you get worked up on a mission Jesus did not ordain you for, know that homosexuals are in same the category of people who commit fornication, adultery, masturbation etc. All are sexual sins. Homosexuality is not more of an abomination than you giving your boyfriend a blow job or letting him suck your breasts before you get marrried. But for some weird sad reason you guys tend to tolerate adultery more than homosexuality. Tiddle me this, apart from themselves who are homosexuals hurting? Their body their business. The same people that go nuts over gay men (pun intended) rush to watch lesbian porn on pornhub, fantasize about threesomes and engage in anal sex. Jokers.

    4. Her naked picture (Gwagon) and anon. Before you get worked up on a mission Jesus did not ordain you for, know that homosexuals are in same the category of people who commit fornication, adultery, masturbation etc. All are sexual sins. Homosexuality is not more of an abomination than you giving your boyfriend a blow job or letting him suck your breasts before you get marrried. But for some weird sad reason you guys tend to tolerate adultery more than homosexuality. Tiddle me this, apart from themselves who are homosexuals hurting? Their body their business. The same people that go nuts over gay men (pun intended) rush to watch lesbian porn on pornhub, fantasize about threesomes and engage in anal sex. Jokers.

  18. Poster there is nothing absolutely nothing you can do about it.he is even the woman,na that one hard pass sef.may be you should let ur parents know about it .kai,I feel for the poor mother,.ikuĺè abiyàmò

  19. He's into prostitution with other gay like him.
    You cant help him, he will come back to his senses after his life has been completely ruined, leaking in the anus and wearing adult diapers.

    1. Is that "leaking in the anus" thing true? I Googled about it and I found no link with that to anal sex.

  20. Even if you confront him, he may deny it and accuse you of snooping and never trust you again. Your parents may not even believe you. This is a very tough one. He is an adult now and will be hard for you to talk to him about his sexuality. Maybe you should start praying for him

  21. God please, abeg u. Na only u and I understand that prayer.

    1. For some weird reason I understood the prayer🤣🤣🤣🤣

  22. Just show him love and acceptance despite his sexual orientation but keep praying for him in your closet. Homosexuality and lesbianism are against the order of nature.

  23. Hmmmm! My dear poster it will take the grace of God for him to change but still try to let your parents know whichever one of them that has more shock absorber.

  24. Dont leave him alone! He is your blood brother not just a friend. How would you feel seeing him get married to an innocent girl knowing fully well his sexuality. First,you must pray for him. Have a conversation with him with love and genuine care. Dont sound judgemental.Just have a real talk with him to know the real reasons.Hopefully ,he may open up to you. It's good he knows that you are aware.

  25. Homo isn't ordinary oooooo, it is attached to a premium spirit that once it conquers a man, only holy spirit platinum card can withdraw it for good. I got no hard feelings towards them, My colleagues then sef, later got to know their sexual orientation, they were sound academically but who am I to judge. Just pray for him and continue to dey look front dey go.

    1. Premium and platinum spirit 😅😅

  26. Thank God you know. Please when he tries to use a lady like you as a beard and he pretends to want to get married to a woman. Save her from him.

  27. Too blessed to be cursed6 June 2020 at 15:32

    This leave him and mind your business slogan has destroyed so many lifes !

    Madam this guy is your brother please talk to him let him see a psychologist, help him which ever way you can! Tomorrow he bring in an innocent lady to wife, that one will begin to run from one mountain to another.

    1. Asin .very disgusting slogan.people will see you walking into a Ditch ,want to tell you ,then someone will come from no where and tell them to mind their business.when you now fail they will be the same people crying with you.rubbish slogan

    2. Very rubbish slogan, especially in this case where it's even your blood that if anything goes wrong, you will be affected mtscheww

  28. I don't know what to say.

    But when your parents starts pressurizing him to get married, don't be there and watch him deceive an innocent woman o. That is my 2 cent

  29. You should have said something years back when you first knew, that would have helped. Only God can change him now, you can't.

    If you confront him, it may affect your relationship. Keep praying for him and give him materials to read that can be of help.

  30. Mehn...Even if you tell your parents they will just be heartbroken. He can only leave homosexuality if he really wants to but if not, nothing. It's a tough one. In the end, you might just have to accept him and pray for him till such a time the Lord touches him.

  31. Talk to him.but the !most important thing is prayer .you see homosexuality is one sin God hates .so what he does most times is give you Up to a reprobate, a reprobate mind is a very sad punishment cause it's more like self dont See anything wrong with what you are dear even when you give your life to Christ and you have a reprobate mind ,you will so struggle to connect cause you have to start praying for renewal of the mind.this happened to me and it was not easy at all but God brought me out.i still struggle tho ,but, since i no longer have a reprobate mind ,I know it's a sin so I try to curb my dear pray,pray with everything within you and let God work on him and also talk to him.
    God will help you.

    1. I thank God for your life. God bless you

    2. God bless you for your testimony and may the Lord perfect it.

  32. I think you should prayerfully follow this issue, cos it's very sensitive.

    Also, call him, and have a heart to heart talk with him, discuss his sexuality.
    I suggest you don't let him know that you snooped, just tell him that you have been observing him, and come to that conclusion. Let him deny or agree.

    May God guide you and help your family, Amen

  33. This issue can never be pushed under the carpet... You might avoid discussing it now as you've been doing since you found out the first time but a day will come you can't avoid it anymore..

    What of when he's of marriageable age and he's not showing interest and your parents have to pressure him to get a wife???

    Even when he managed to marry , he will have issues with his wife because the secret cannot be hidden forever...

    Since, you didn't nib it at the beginning when you noticed the abnormality, it might be difficult now but there's still hope if he's willing to change...

    Just know it's sensitive and might not be smooth sailing in trying to get him talk but you really need to use wisdom, patience and apply the right approach.

    Please, do not involve anyone except you and him when you want to start the discussion so he won't feel betrayed and be able to open up...

    Nothing is impossible with God .

  34. Replies
    1. Abd talk to him too with understanding and love. May the Lord see you through.

  35. Stella if I drop a short story of a close pal who run this with some white dudes back then in school! Matter no end well
    You will advise that poster nt to mind her business

  36. Sweetheart, I'm sorry you feel the way you do but you have to understand that sexuality isn't necessarily like a bad habit that you can dissuade or persuade a person from further indulgence. If indeed your brother is gay and not bisexual, I'm afraid there's really nothing you can do about it. You can't scare him straight, no pun intended, so outting him to your parents will only make him pretend to be what or whom he really isn't, which is worse because an innocent girl will be caught up in the web of deception.

    There are some "bi-curious" men who have had a few dalliances with men, primarily out of curiosity, may decide it's not their thing and never try it again. From your writeup, I don't think your brother falls within this category. You may have to accept him that way, unless you are one of those people who cut off their siblings or family members because of their sexuality. I know a man who disowned his son because his son is gay. He says his son is dead to him but I always see the pain in his eyes each time the matter comes up.

    If you believe in prayer, you can pray for God to help you deal with this issue. I believe in prayers but I don't believe you can "pray the gay away" unless the person involved really wants to be reformed. Even then, it's touch and go because a few guys I know who claimed to reformed after they got born-again, still crave and indulge in gay sex, every now and again. One is even married with 5 kids but he meets with guys every time he is out of the country. Of course, his wife is unaware. One of his "friends" happens to be a the brother of someone I know quite well. He is based overseas and is a professional male escort.

    To each, his own. Personally, darling, I suggest you keep loving him as your brother. Maybe you will be empathetic if you realise that trying to force him to date girls is as absurd as someone forcing you to date girls. I don't know if he has been this way from birth or if he was introduced to this lifestyle, whichever it is, he is now wired to be sexually attracted to men. The prudent thing is to find a way of coping with things we can't change.
    e-hugs and kisses.

  37. This one might be too late to "save". But you can try to talk to him about it though,if I were the one I would just leave it alone. There are some things we don't want even our siblings or parents to know. He might start running away from you all. Do you love your brother less because he is gay? Worst case situation...he won't be getting married and producing kids and he might go to "hellfire" if he dies a sinner. He is already battling with his demons I would think,the pressure you want to put him under by telling your parents about his secret will not help at is well with you all.

  38. Start by praying consistently for him, and then talk to him gently, no force, no threats o, but never leave him in this act because the end of it is destruction. The change might not happen immediately, if you are consistent (prayers and talking) it would surely happen.

  39. Homosexuality isn't a bad habit as you all think. I'm a lesbian and most of us are suffering in silence. Your brother likes men. That's who he is. Nothing demonic about it. We are normal people like you guys. We love, break up and make up

    1. Simple! Leave the man alone. The problem you should have is his bed-hopping which is not helpful for heterosexuals or homosexuals. But what gender he is attracted to? That was sealed in the womb. Leave Baba alone.

  40. When I read comments from Nigerians about homosexuality and bisexuality I just have this conviction that you can never fully understand something unless you experience it. Most of you are very religious and close minded so you follow strictly to the laws and teaching that have been passed down to you. I'm a gay and I have been gay since I was a teenager. Being gay is not a bad habit like bitting your fingers that you can learn to do away with. It's simply who a person is. It goes beyond sex... it's an emotional connection to a gender as yours. I know I will be criticized for this comment but it just has to be said. Religious sentiment will never allow an average Nigerian see gay people as actual people. Thing is, there are few people in your family and circle that a homosexuals in the closet. I know some of you would stone or burn a gay person to death if you see him or her. Gay rights are human rights never forget that. Poster, you will never understand the battles that your brother is fighting, it's hard on him and he may have been depressed like I was at one time. As far as the sex and relationship is consentual there's nothing wrong with it.

    1. We know all these things son! Tell us something new! Some of us are not religious like you claim so stop it! Own your shit everyone will not accept you. You’ve chosen a part and I wish you well.

    2. Please stay single or with your gay partner but don't marry somebody's daughter to cover up. I wish i could open a blog for Nigerian gay men to just vent so we can really understand you peoples plight. Please dont marry somebody's daughter

    3. May God deliver you before its too late.

    4. Only jesus can save u bro...if only u can open ur mind nd know DAT Christianity is not just a is Christ way of living..we don't preach fable principles devise By men...your delivarance we come

    5. That's my problem with gay people .you sit down and force your belief down people's throat.oga our religion does not accept homosexuality,its who were our ,it's our law ,dont make our law seeem bad cause we don't accept your act.we don't hate you but we don't support homosexuality so please dey your dey

    6. My dear I don't and cannot hate you, I cannot think of stoning you. The issue for me is the act, and I believe in God and the Bible, and I know it is not right. So every one is a sinner and has fallen short but through the love of God shown by the crucifixion of Jesus Christ His Son, we can be born into the family of God and have a restored relationship with Him and a better one with our fellow men. Nothing beats God's love 😍

    7. They have passed their anti-gay law and still wouldn't leave people alone. Has the law stopped people from liking what they like? The gay conversion therapy" had more ginger than the hate-fear-fueled system in Nigeria and even that has crashed with those who led it apologizing for all the hurt they spread with their lies. Would you want your sister to marry an ex-gay man who is now born again and "reformed"? No, because you know that is a scam. So leave the man to find what his heart wants with other men. You may find the sex disgusting the same way gay people don't get your kind of sex but attraction is not all about what happens when the lights are turned off. Please poster, pray for your own peace and for your brother to find love and a loyal loving partner he can do life with.

  41. That's why I like myself, there are certain things I'll never keep quiet about, if you like call me a trouble maker.
    You should have spoken to him when you had the chance to years ago but you can still speak to him now. It's not too late.
    Don't sound judgemental when speaking to him and also pray for him. There's no mountain that prayer can't move.

  42. Unfortunately, our last born is gay. When he was around 3yrs old, we noticed that he likes wearing girls clothes and shoes and be catwalking, wears any female wig and makeup. Where we spoiled it was when he was sent off 2 boarding school. He came back he a full fledged gay till date. We have talked with him, prayed with and for him but still no hope. He has no single female friend. And d irony of it is dat he is a a member of d choir in a very popular church. God help us.

  43. If you want my honest opinion in this matter, then here it is. Call your brother and let him know that you are aware of his sexuality. When you speak to him, speak to him in love but that does not mean you encourage it. Let him know how long you have been aware and how it affected you knowing that he kept this away from the family. Advise him and tell him that it is wise to let your parents know. Let him know that you will be there with him when he speaks to them. Let him know that it’s better to say it now before your parents begin to pressure him into settling down. Let him know it’s not going to be an easy thing to accept but it’s better he speaks the truth. Girl you will be saving someone’s daughter in the future from emotional trauma. Trust me when I do say. I remember praying and saying that everyone who knew deep down that my ex husband was gay and never mentioned it to me, may what befall me befall their entire household and generations. I never really saw the signs until after d wedding. So let’s correct in love and let him leave his life. If the Lord finds him, then we will all celebrate with him. Cheers

    1. Anon 18:46, I know it must have hurt but can you please tell us some gay signs ladies can look out for while dating??

  44. HIV became popular as a result of how it spread unchecked and like wildfire within the gay community in the 80s. As a sibling, this should be your major concern.
    I won't say more than this.

    1. Exactly!
      The brother may even be the one to lure his nephew(s), the poster's kids, into homosexuality in the nearest future.😎

  45. God help you and your brother! I can’t even imagine what’s going on with you right now in your head. Pray for wisdom on how best to handle this matter.

  46. Is not easy to mind her business because the person in question is the brother,poster just pray for him and also ask the holy spirit to arrest him.

  47. People (adults) should be allowed to live their lives... People have varieties of sexual fantasies.

  48. Wrong is wrong even if the whole world is practicing it. The Bible calls it sodomy,the only sin that made God wipe out the earth back in the days .

  49. This chronicle is similar to one posted here sometime ago, just that the gay brother was being pressurized by the parents to get married.

    Poster, ensure you have prayed well and long enough before you speak with your brother in love.
    That is if you decide to do so.

    Do not tell your parents until your efforts have yielded positive results, which could not be immediate.

    May God help fix this.

  50. Don't tell her to mind her business. What is bad is to him jare

  51. Do a private fasting and prayer session for him, for at least one week. Asking God to have mercy and deliver him. Then have that conversation with him.
    I believe that you both will testify because he is also under bondage unknowingly to him.


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