Stella Dimoko Gospel Musician Sammie Okposo Gives Testimony Of How God Saved Him....


Sunday, May 17, 2020

Gospel Musician Sammie Okposo Gives Testimony Of How God Saved Him....

Gospel Musician Sammie Okposo says he was speeding on 3rd mainland Bridge and heard a loud voice say to him ''SLOW DOWN''...

He slowed down and the unbelievable happened......

God is Awesome!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank God for him

    2. You car had mechanical fault,you are calling the devil and hid co-hort,Africans and this our mentality of blaming things on imaginary enemies.

    3. I can't believe people drive at 120mph, really? Is there no speed limit for car drivers in Nigeria? Nigeria is a lawless country.
      Smh 🤷🏾‍♀️😏🙄🤦🏾‍♀️

  2. I thank God for saving his life. But, next time, he should obey the order of driving within the speed limit.

    1. Pray tell, what is the speed limit on 3rd mainland bridge?

    2. Anonymous stop acting smart, especially when you know within you that you're not!

      There's a speed limit hanged somewhere on third mainland bridge and I don't believe it should be higher than 80mhp, that's if its even up to.

      This man was driving between 100/120mph

    3. Ms A, ignore Anonymous please. I didn't even see your comment before I wrote 👆🏾 asking if there's no speed limit in Nigeria?
      How can a reasonable person or an enlightened person like Sammie Okposu share this online.
      How can any normal person drive at 120mph 😏.

  3. Thank you Lord for saving your son

  4. This God is too good. Thank God for saving you Mr Sammie.

  5. God really speaks to His children!

  6. This God is too good. Thank God for his life.

  7. I can relate,so I join you to thank God.Its a very rare privilege to always hear from God and follow suit without questioning.I have questioned in the past and got negative results but since I have been following suit,it has been thanksgiving all the way.

  8. Replies
    1. Jesus alone!

      Oh my God. Wow

    2. JESUS 😘😘😘
      Oh My God!
      Thank God for his life.

  9. Thank God. Good to always connect to the Holy Spirit and good you obeyed. There is no sin in obedience to God's words and instructions

  10. Good is so good. Thank you, Lord for saving his life.

  11. I thank God for his life. I really do. But why on earth would you be doing 100/120mph in the first place?? Like seriously. Some people's guardian angels really do work overtime. Hope this is a lesson learned!

    1. What's the normal speed for driving?

    2. Eka Joy, there's nothing like normal speed for driving.

      There's a speed limit for every road, starting from as low as 15mph to 200mph

      And that mainland bridge have one that is most probably between 60mph to 80mph

    3. @Anon 11:26 is he meant to crawl on third mainland bridge when there is no traffic??? Mgbeke forming woke

    4. Anon 16:51, it’s people like you that don’t obey laws placed for a reason. That’s a very dangerous speed on any road period!!! God saved him but it doesn’t excuse that he was wrong to begin with!

    5. Who is this Mgbeke 16:51 that is calling a reasonable person Mgbeke forming woke. Ure obviously out of your mind.
      How can any normal person drive at 120mph?
      I dont know if they have speed limits in Nigeria but you shouldn't be doing more than 70 or at most 80 on the highway or Motorway.
      Can't even believe an enlightened person like Sammie Okposu will share such online.

    6. 16:51 lmaoooo have you or your ancestors ever owned a bicycle shaft before? How would you know na? AFI 'crawling'...Egbe. Cut out a picture of a car and ask someone who has driven to explain the 'intricacies' to you. Lolll.

  12. Marvelous God. My love for you Jesus, is unexplainable

  13. One thing is to hear and another is the ability to obey. Thank God you obeyed.

    Glory to God for protection...

  14. That silly anti-Christ called freeze (the devil) will now come and say it is a coincidence. And not God. God punish his wicked misleading mouth.

  15. Thank God for His grace and mercy . Amen

  16. God you are indeed faithful,thank God for life.

  17. Thank you Jesus. What's a propeller shaft please?

  18. GOD is ever faithful!

  19. 120mph is about 193km/h....that's rather too reckless. Thank God for his life.

  20. God is too faithful to fail... Thank you Jesus...

  21. Thank God for protecting you and also for saving me from a car that would have burst into flames when the gasket cut and it was overheated to be visible to passerbys. We parked in the mechanic garage & left it to be fixed. God showed up again and 2 different good samaritans took me to work and back home safely.

  22. Thank God for your life.
    Speed limit on 3rd mainland is 70km/h.

    Lagos roads are not designed for fast and furious.
    It might not be your propeller or tire coming off, it might be a pot hole taking you off course.

  23. Imagine doing that reckless speed, in a country where there is no emergency service and upto date hospital. Most people kill themselves abeg.


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