Stella Dimoko Singer Adele’s Ex Husband To Get 140 Million Pounds In Divorce Settlement?


Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Singer Adele’s Ex Husband To Get 140 Million Pounds In Divorce Settlement?

This is like taking someone to the cleaners Oooooh........
Why in Heaven's name did she not sign something with this man?


  1. Na wa ooo!!!

    How can she give almost all her net worth?
    I won’t dare!

    1. You wont have a choice

    2. Why did Adele not sign prenup with this guy? The man is a shameless gold digger.this is a total rip off. If I were Adele I won't pay him kobo,let him go to hell for all I care.

    3. Did you say same when Amazon guy paid? Abeg park well.
      This man was a stay-home dad when Adele toured, they both didnt think she'd ever get this big. He basically put his life on hold for her. Allow him to chop, he earned it

    4. @Black Diamond, but when Jeff Bezos paid his own you all feminists jubiliated with the wife

    5. He is not a gold digger @Black diamond

      He was rich when he met Adele (google him), helped her career, took care of their kid when she was away and allowed her shine and focus on her career.

      Now she has lost weight and feeling herself, he’s no longer good enough?

      Stop βœ‹

    6. Oh please!!! But if it was the man paying your tunes would be different. #hypocrites

    7. That is too bad 😲😲😲😲😲

    8. Story @ Black Diamond. You think her husband was a rat? Think again abeg. What is good for the goose is good for the gander jare.

    9. You can’t compare her situation with Amazon guy !
      Adele is worth 190 million usd and the husband is getting 140 million ! That’s not 50-50

    10. Now it's a woman on the receiving end and all of you are crying that it's unfair. You all celebrate when it's a man loosing everything. Keep up the same energy

    11. Abi o anon, even if he is a rat. That exactly the equality we are talking about.

    12. He attended Eton, while his sisters attended Roedean School, the school princess anne went to. Clearly from a prestigious background.

  2. It's equality now.
    Shey na only man go dey pay for divorce settlement ni ?
    I hope the feminist embraced this. 😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜

    1. Dont mind those idiots called feminishawo

    2. The man is taking more than half her wealth. How is that fair?

    3. Don don't mind those confused set of people called feminist. Their equality is only in house chores, when it come to financial responsibility they will be spitting fire.

    4. Cheers to you Don!

    5. Embrace indeed. See them wailing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      You can imagine if table were turned.


  3. Stella, this happens when a man comes into your life, cuts off every one around you and makes them look bad,.He makes her so dependent on him, while pretending to be shielding her from the public, meanwhile he has his own agenda from the onset. If he really loves her from the beginning, he wont be doing this to her He was probably abusing her emotionally.

    1. Oshey script writer! Tell us more please.

    2. This anon 15:36 don't have sense at all shar

    3. Anon 15:36 post is a perfect example why arguing with woman is foolish.

  4. That's not what I read earlier o, I read she will divide her Β£140 fortune with him. Who send her to marry in the states???

    1. It’s the absence of a prenup, you’ll split 50/50 or make a hefty settlement.

    2. Yeah same thing I read days back.
      Na wa o.

    3. Correct Aproko Queen

    4. It does not even make logical sense. 50/50 I get it, but more than that...did he patent her voice?

  5. The same way Jeff Bezos, Tiger Woods,Roman Abramovich etc were taken to the cleaners. This is equality fair and square.

    1. Thank you. I'm female and totally support this. Gender equality all the way.

    2. How is this fair? 140 out of 190? then another woman who didn't know how they hustled for the money will come and be entitled to half of it which is more than what Adele is given? Ha!!!

      Women, don't be foolish because of love o! Sign a prenup

    3. But did Adele cheat? Bezos and Woods cheated and thus caused the end of their marriage.

    4. I love you guys!!!

    5. Yes o in the U.S equality is equality . She shld v signed a prenup tho .

    6. Why couldnt they forgive if they trully loved their husbands, beyonce was able to forgive, and she has her own money, they quickly grabbed and moved. Check well they were also cheating codedly

  6. She was blindly in love and forgot to signed the prenuptial agreement.

    Stella, the guy has been the one taking care of the baby.

    1. Infact I'm so angry here enh and I'm not even her fan sef.but so mad. Forget feminism gender equality nonsense. Shame on any man that collects from a woman. Whether court says so or not. You're worse than an infidel.
      Infact i refuse to belive the above report. I thought its meant to be shared half, i.e divorce settlement means share half, so which one is he taking a whole 140m
      Its a lie abeg.

    2. See this ojukwu wife called Bianca, shame on any woman that totally depend on a man. What do u bring on the table if not pussy. There are hard working independent women out there who loves not just for money but genuinely

    3. Bianca, nwayo nu biko. Don't swallow your tongue. Na your money? Infidel this, atheist that. He has been awarded the money. You thought it was "meant to be shared half". Well, you and I aren't the judge. This is simply one of the "side effects" of equality borne out of extremism that is often garbed as feminism.

    4. Yinmu, you're just in pain, court has decided and no going back.
      Why not say the same when it happened to tiger wood, Jeff bezo and the rest ?
      Because he table has turned you're ranting.
      It's equality and that's what you're all been clamouring for @ Bianca Bruno.

    5. And the women who have been collecting from men, no shame for them right? Mel Gibson, his wife took half of his fortune, almost 450 million. Na she do the work? She was entitled to it for the same reason Adele's husband is.

      I am a feminist, and it's equality for all or nothing at all.

    6. Ouch!.. Sincerely hope this doesn't happen to Bieber.
      This is bad BAD.

    7. fool, but if they collect from man and give to woman it will right ba ?

    8. "Forget feminism gender equality nonsense"

      So gender equality us women have been and still fighting to achieve is nonsense now because of money? Bianca the perpetual simpleton!

    9. I really pity any man that is hoodwinked into believing women actually want gender equality. The whole hullabaloo is about female dominance.

  7. There must be something fundamental that let to this ruling, I mean, more than half her current wealth?! Let me read up 😳.

    1. This news is not fact.

      Thank goodness.

  8. Chineke!!! So this has always been the man's plan?? Adele might go bankrupt oo. #CHISOM

  9. Why's she expected to pay him way more than half of her worth??? I'm not understanding

  10. The judge is crazy and the man is a big time thief!

  11. Oh boy!!!guyman only came to milk her dry

    1. When they started, Adele wasnt a star.
      You'all wouldnt see the sacrifices he must have made for her, its the money thats paining you FOOLS

    2. His money is our money and my money mine syndrome

  12. Adele is obviously hiding something that the guy is privy to. She has also applied that details of the divorce be kept secret and anyone applying to see or read it must sign an NDA (non disclosure Agreement) first.

    1. You might be right! Adele might be hiding something.

      She will make the money back when the pandemic is over and the economy start working again.

    2. Very obvious, something is fishy.

    3. Plus he has primary custody of their son. This doesn’t look good on Adele

    4. Like a lot of them maybe she’s a lesbian or trans.

    5. He must have been a damn good father for the court to award him primary custody.
      These village women on this blog with cheap data that hear the money and theyre even hurt more than Adele

    6. He was not granted primary custody. They are sharing custody. Custody of the child is not an issue between them

  13. @Stella
    if it is a man paying a woman, will you call that taking to the cleaners?

  14. .... and her voice.
    Thats the source of her income.
    Tiger woods didnt bat an eyelid when he paid Elin Nordegren $110m, although rumour has it that she got more... as long as he could still swing. Today hes worth $800m.

  15. I will tell my wife when she wake up.
    i am not doing again.
    I will marry Adele and collect the remaining money.

    1. LolπŸ˜‚... mumu, you think she wont use biro and pencil to sign a clear written prenup? Frame am join for u to see daily.

  16. The man should be ashamed of himself. No wonder the whites are scared of getting married. Pple like Kourtney Kardashian didn't get married. She and scot are only co- parenting. I think Adele should have emulate Kourtney's path. D man will be rich now. Anyway, Adele it is better u hit the studio and sing songs that will generate album sales before u go bankrupt. It is good to marry someone u are financially compatible with. I am sure d man is broke that is why Adele's fortune is shared.

    1. The man was not broke before Adele! πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

    2. You're all in pain, he should be ashamed of what belong to him legally ?. .
      You're all confused, you don't know what you want yet..

  17. This news is not necessarily true. The details of the divorce will not be disclosed to the public. This is just speculation because she didnt sign a pre nuptial agreement

  18. You just don't wake up one morning and decide to end your marriage on flimsy excuses, just cos your gender are most times exonerated or given less punishment for wrongs.
    The institution of marriage would be a mess if it's dissolution grounds and process are too easy. A lot of things comes to play here, the kids psychological and emotional wellbeing (if there're kids), spouse general wellbeing, in laws, family, friends, social life, etc etc.. it's the reason that the ground for dissolution of marriage must be that it has broken down irretrievably. In proving this, certain elements must be established, e.g cheating, living apart for more than 3 years, non consummation of the marriage etc..

    Marriage is no child's play, people keep getting married for the WRONG reasons daily.. if you're not ready to become a ride or for your said partner, then you have no business going into it. Not all this nonsense some churches do in this generation while reading the marriage vows to the couples by substituting the sickness, poorer and worse for more amazing things. That's very wrong.. those things are bound to happen in marriage, when it comes, is that where the loyalty ends? Should that be the beginning of the end?
    We gats sit up in this generation oh..

    How can you just decide to end a marriage just because YOU GREW APART, does that make sense at all, is it mood swings now that's controlling marriage. If it was the man now, all the ladies would be screaming murder and throwing different insults up and down. Let her pay the money to serve as deterrence and case study for others intending to toe the path, plus she won't repeat such again in future. Husband too no gree get coordinate himself.. no game, see as he be like eba, as Skepta collect him wife now shey him eyes don open..

    Let's be thankful Adele took the 'honorable' way, if not she would have gone the route most ladies use, provoke him until he hits her,deny him sex until he cheats, hurt herself and claim it was her husband who did it etc etc so she can come up with a good reason for the divorce and in the process win the hearts of 'feminists', sissy men and all those delusional organizations fighting for the right of women.
    May God help us.


    1. Yes! It makes a whole lot of sense to end a marriage on the grounds that you grew apart, isnt it better than a charade?

    2. Yimu..
      See your stupid mentality. Tueh

    3. They will still argue yo soothe their wound..
      You all going to learn by force, men has been paying this money for time immemorial and you guys didn't scream then.
      This will serve as a deterrent to others that what to break up based o flimsy excuses.

      It's all about eauality now, embrace it.

  19. Chai! This one pain them extremists cum feminists. A man will hustle day and night, all of a sudden, his wife will ask for a divorce. The judge will ask the man to vacate his own house for her and also tell the man to give her steady money in the name of child support! She will now bring another man to the same house to fuck! We read this every time here, and you all practically applaud it. Why this one wan choke una? Remember the gander and the goose.
    On a serious note, I detest it when you have to split somebody's hustle forcefully with another. It's not fair. Na wetin equal rights cause .

    1. I swear, e hurt them reach bone, like say Adele na their elder sister, chai. Una see una life?!!
      Hello from the other side. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  20. It’s not just $50m, that’s 20billion naira.. it’s more money than she’ll ever need.

  21. This man is a gold digger without conscience, he will surely met his waterloo

    1. So will every woman who has collected divorce settlement from a man, one they didn't work for. Waterloo for all!

    2. Nothing like meeting his Waterloo my dear!

      It was a fair judgement

    3. Waterloo? Then you gon wait for eternity...judgement was fair.

    4. No Waterloo kankan, he will only become richer.

      Hello from the other side 😊😊😊

    5. He will surely met is Waterloo bawo ehn Marie?

  22. Yes o. Gender Equality. It can't be the man paying all the time

    1. The only scream gender equality when it soothes them, you gotta learn to take the good with the bad.

  23. Nah that's how much the divorce is worth that's not how much he's getyjng

  24. Nope..he’s not getting that much.That is the total amount of money Adele is worth and the divorce is based on that figure that’s why it’s flying around.He will be getting a lot of money but definitely not everything.

    1. I think so too. So many false stories online. And I know Adele will neither deny or confirm any. The only way he is getting that amount up there is if he provides evidence of Adele cheating.

    2. Sorry ehn, he's getting half of the money, awarded to him by court .

  25. Now the table has turned, they are pained!πŸ˜‚

    1. E pain them reach bone i swear.

  26. @alternativesfacts, she doesn't live in Nigeria o

  27. Haba, Stella.

    Adele is worth 140 million pounds. Husband "may" get half of it.

  28. Brittany is still paying her ex Kevin alimony. So is Halle Berry.

    Mary J Blige had to pay the husband too. So it's not new to them

  29. Haa!.. But no be naira na.
    It's like you saying that you're worth #10m and person go dey calculate am in Zimbabwean dollars, ofcourse it will run into trillions, zillions even..
    But no be the currency wey you get be that and #10m is no big deal.
    $50m dollars is not allll that for someone of her status,their multiple residences alone..the maintenance and other things. Ah Tor!
    To say "it's more money than she will ever need".. Errrr!

  30. Adele asked for a divorce. Nobody’s talking about her husband’s mental health, and how the separation is taking a toll on him. He was with her from the start, her number one fan, manager cum producer. Adele went with Skepta, a pure omo Ogun State boy, only God knows how She ends up with him, maybe his head game was tight or juju, we will never know. And a judge ruled that She must pay alimony, that’s a country where the rule of law prevails,I for one will not collect a dime from her, but I’m bound to obey a court order or I’ll be charged with contempt of court, so as you can see, my hands are tied gal, really, I don’t want part of your money but it is what it is, cut me the cheque gal, I might donate it to the Covid-Foundation 😊, buy the new Maserati or share it among SDK bv’s, just cut me my check babe, yeah, thanks but no thanks😊

    1. You are in a la-la land..dream on🐡

    2. You are wicked πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Cut me the damn check..
      I love this comment.

    4. Are you Simon Konecki the husband πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… never knew Adele's husband was a bv o, Stella you are mouthed o, laugh wan finish me

  31. The kinda news that gets me angry

    1. If you like let your anger boil beans, hes smiling to the bank after lockdown, you have no idea how they started.

    2. My dear Wetin woman go do..what's good for the goose is equally good for the gander.

  32. "All is fair in love and war."...John Lyly, 2 December 1578

    "By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail."
    ... The Reverend H. K. Williams, 1919.

    "When you think about 'ifs' also think about 'if nots.'.... Kkay Asanwa. April 8,2020.

    Is love meant to be like this? No.
    Is marriage meant to be like that? No.
    Why, then ?
    Man's adulterated version.

  33. Just to give you an idea. $50m is a lot of money anywhere in the world!..

  34. on the bright side there will be a great album out of this.
    On the real tho, common guys let her pay the man.

  35. .. But that ain't my point, hun.
    The currency comparison wasn't necessary.

  36. Anony 16:13,you are an imbecile for mentioning Bianca Ojukwu with such disrespect!! Anuofia, how dare you??? Riff raffs always tying shits about people they'd never be worthy enough to be called their slaves,dont even get me started..... Tozo! #CHISOM

    1. See painemnt..

    2. *Typing*#CHISOM

  37. Now I understand why Gab Union mentioned her lawyers and her husband's lawyers sign a prenup before they got married.

  38. She only deserves a 50 can hes her manager

  39. If you don’t know $50m in the UK or America carries more value than N20billion in Nigeria

  40. Let's enjoy this gender equality in peace na . This is good


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