Stella Dimoko Anonymous Night Post....


Friday, April 03, 2020

Anonymous Night Post....

I figured since we are all on lockdown,this would be the appropriate time to do the Anonymous night post..

Please note that this is not the regular Friday night post.
The Anonymous night post is like a confessional or a post so revealing that it will shock you from being black to 'half caste'.

Please note that this is not a begging for cash or love post...


  1. Let me order for my popcorn and malt. It's gonna be a long day here.

    Happy weekend everyone ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    1. Since I have been single for 4 year (busy life, profession and kids and no sex I decided to join a Christian dating app recently. Within minutes, I got lots(9 or there about) of interest in this abroad.

      So, I filtered them all by questioning them, because I know some are cat fishing.

      Some fall by the way, some said I ask too much questions, some say why I am not on WhatsApp(very busy, that is why I am not on that app . I like to reply when I get messages, not replying is just rude to me).

      Then, two men standing one working in the business industry, and the other health sector like me.

      The business man is like a pastor and lovely at first too.keep sending bible messages and when he talk on the phone he will say hold on, lets pray(after praying, he sings 3 times). I was just observing. Chai!.man of God and keep asking for a f**k(which I don't pay attention to on the phone) also,wants to come pay me a visit at my house,asking how does my house look like? How many bedrooms...e t.c, but I never gave him any answers. Keep insisting on coming to see me, I said HELL NO!..WHAT? He calls often thinking I will drop my morals and principles just for s**. Then, I let him know that I am not looking for a sex partner but a companion. If I am lookingfor S**, a click of my fingers will done the deal. I was getting pis**** off already. I don't want to block him. I send him a text that we both should go for sexual health text for any STDS. He can choose or I choose the place. The only text messages he send was that, he is clean and don't have any STDS. He has gone slient.

      Meanwhile, the healthcare professional man, wants to do all the health check on sexual diseases(man is smitten lol..o). And I like him for that, alway checking that I am alright.

      I am just thinking aloud that, there are wolf in sheep clothings, and not every man or woman who says Lord!Lord!! are really born again. For me, I know I am not perfect, but always try to do the right thing that is good in God's eyes...๐Ÿค—

    2. Ok boo has being ignoring me then I decided to turn the tables, now he is busy calling and texting.i feel bad not returning his calls..I want him to do the calling for now. I miss him so much! I love him but sometimes love isn't always enough. I need to be treated right.

  2. Boredom and loneliness
    How much I miss someone very special
    This days no one to really talk to
    Couldn't even access my Netflix anymore I just tire sef.
    Please my wonderful people let's gist make person bring story make we yarn abeg.

    1. The weather here is too cold. At a time like this I only but wish I am married at least someone to gist with me.

    2. I'm here, let's gist abeg. Everywhere so boring. I need to resume work๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

    3. Sonia oya what's the gist jare
      Teejay God go do am very soon ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    4. Amen ooh... Make I hustle money wella first make I no come suffer person pikin ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    5. Don't worry, you will meet someone better again soon.

      Just keep being yourself


  3. Am here for the comments

  4. I am crushing on my senior colleague..

  5. Yay! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ
    ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿฝ‍♀️Going to pop the popcorn we will eat later.........

  6. Ahaaaa, Sdk has done it again o.
    Bombs go fall ayakata, like rain.
    Make I run go bomb shelter o, as Naija
    girls go release all the earthquakes and Tsunamis them Toh๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎs don dey cause for ime ulo -inside lock up.

    1. Ala oma jijiji ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    2. Hahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


  7. Make I take cover under my bonk in ANG voice before the bombs starts coming ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  8. I am alone in my apartment. Bored and lonely. At almost 50, No husband. Nobody to talk with.

    1. It's well with you๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

    2. I know how Gods time seems like a far stretch but whatever you wish for yourself will come to pass.

    3. This broke my heart, I am so sorry dear. Let God be your friend.

    4. Soon soon soon you will testify in Jesus name

    5. Wow... So sorry honey... ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›

      But this is serious oo.. Sorry dear

    6. Make friends on SDK blog

      Sending you lots of hugs ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–


    7. Awwwwwwwww you will have a gist partner real soon.
      My prayer for you is that God settles you with your heart desires. He is a miracle worker, trust in him.


    8. God will do it for you. Pls can you adopt a baby girl, at least someone to call your own. Same advise we all gave my aunty. She has a good job but no husband or kids. I believe God will perfect her plans. She's considering seriously to adopt a baby girl before the year runs out. Husband is not an achievement but a child is the greatest gift ever. May God bless you.

    9. For your mind now God has forgotten you....rejoice for he has good plans for you,you will testify soon,dont loose hope, he can do all is well with you dear.

    10. I pray God grants your deepest heart desires speedily.๐Ÿค—

    11. Just free dating app and chat with people. It is good for your well being. There are lots of cat fishing

    12. It's not easy... I feel your pain though, but we are here with you in sdk blog...we love you. Stay safe

  9. Best post to relieve boredom.
    Feels like my butt is getting smaller from sitting ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


    1. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ abeg o, one inch of that butt should not go missing.

    2. @Sluttychikito
      Mbanu -no
      If you no get big smooth nyansh, you no get am
      It doesn't get smaller from sitting. It gets smoother.
      It is the best cushion (for my DH alone o) ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
      Every person get wetin Baba God give am inugo?
      Make you no crave wetin you no get inugo?

    3. Hahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ na different things dey do una.

      Maybe your buttocks need some massage hehehe ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š


    4. Lool
      This mental image of ANG though!

    5. Prettiest rosie, not an inch off. How are you?
      Why do you want it smaller pretty girlie?
      ANG, you think say na only you get smooth soft ass ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜œ
      ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Ms A, I think so.
      No way Ola ๐Ÿ˜‰


  10. Yooo it's Friday people. I came for weekend at Boo's place jare, I need a relieve from everything and everyone biko.
    Can you believe that my office didn't go on any lockdown? Not that we were doing anything at the office o, courts are on break sef but my boss refused the break. Thank God no recorded case in jos plateau state.
    Happy weekend Everyone.

  11. I think I do show love n care more when am in a relationship n i get hurts in return... I need to be loved back ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

  12. All I do is cook to ease this boredom. Watching a movie and cooking yam porridge with vegetable.

    1. I want ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹ did you add dry fish to the yam porridge?


  13. This lockdown bring back memories of "I wish I could turn back the hands of time"...Now, a loner. Only my T.V and data to keep me company...

  14. Please umunnem, my boobs are beginning to settle down before me. And they used to be perky. I neva marry, I neva born pikin.
    What can I do to restore them back to standing glory??

    1. Settle down before you??? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm sorry but you cracked me up

    2. When you have sex don't allow anyone to manhandle it. I know say e dey sweet but don't allow pressin or sucking unless you're married

    3. Try to wear supportive bras if you work out, don't move around vigorously without a bra (I personally hate my boobs jiggling and i hold them in my hands. Lol) and when having sex, don't let your partner press them down or too hard. I have super round perky boobs and they've been like this since I was 15 and now I'm 30 and unmarried. They're are my pride, although bae keeps saying they will fall when I start having kids. I will do surgery o. ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ

    4. You don't have to do anything! Boobs that has been perky for more than twenty years would want to relax a little.

      How do you relax? You either sit-down or lie down.

      You see, your boobs are doing the right thing.


    5. Funny... You have to start doing sit-ups, press ups, yoga.. It will stand back..

      Or maybe the weather.. You know during dry season heat can disturb it

    6. 20:45, mine are perky and round too! Very beautiful to behold

    7. @20:39
      Why should she have sex, is she married.
      You girls will be singing "I never marry, I never born pikin"
      whereas men suck those breasts and pull them with heavy muscles everyday.
      Even if it is isi ukwa, you think it won't fall: why won't they fall?

    8. Chest exercises @ Achalla

  15. Waiting for both the real and the fictional..........

    1. I enjoy lesbian videos, it turns me on so well, but the point is I'm not a lesbian. Tho I now habour the thought of doing it.

  16. I have raped a girl before

  17. i don throw mat here, let the bombs start coming in

  18. Story story... Story
    Once upon a time... Time time
    There was a man... Man man
    He give me co... Cola
    He give me Fa.... Fanta

    Coca cola, gbambiala. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

  19. So I met this guy and really liked him, he was different (had this bad boy vibe), has hair and all that..... He isn't the type I should be with, I mean, I knew!!!

    My friend told me I was too strict, too tough, relax she said, you're too conservative she said!!

    My head kept saying I shouldn't relax oooh... My head kept singing "Egungun be careful na express you dey go"๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

    Did I listen to my heart?? Hell NO, I didn't!! This guy made me laugh alot, we would talk for hours, he made me feel warm, I knew it wasn't going to last but I 'relaxed', I didn't know my egungun was heading towards the express!!!

    Ladies and gentlemen, Motor finally jammed egungun beyond recognition ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    1. What is egungun? The way you wrote it is funny ๐Ÿ˜‚


    2. Come and finish your story o

    3. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† it is well, lesson learnt I hope atleast there wouldn't be any what ifs with this one, you know all there is to know. More stories for your kids and grand kids.

    4. Hahahahahahahah this is super hilarious

    5. Oh dear... Heartbreak hurts.



    6. Cookie darling.. So sorry.

      Most ladies usually want the bad boys.. But bad boys will eat your heat raw..


    7. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜„

    8. He wasn't the type you should be with, because he had hair? Lool..sorry

    9. Sorry for the heartbreak ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”. You will find someone better cookie

    10. OMG! U r crazy I swear

  20. I was driving home one night and I saw a girl standing by the road around 11pm. I stopped for her and asked where she was going. She said she couldn't go home because she her gate would have been locked. When I asked where she was coming from, she said she didn't meet the person she went to meet.
    She now asked if she could go home with me. I couldn't take her home to my wife but I took her to a hotel nearby.
    When it was time to do the do, be she refused saying that she could not cheat on her boyfriend. Hian.... And you followed a guy to the hotel? That money most not waste o. I had to do o.
    She now asked for money in the morning.

    1. Must you take advantage of her before helping her? That's not nice at all

    2. You mah too, oga you no dey fear...

      What if na ogbanje nko. Nawa for all these randy men.

    3. You raped her?

    4. I wanna judge you and called you an ashawo man but the Love of Christ is spread abroad in my heart so I won't.

    5. That’s how you people pick ghosts, mami water and whatnot! As I was reading your comment I was like aww, see a nice man but alas you just decided to take advantage of her situation. Na wa for you. This reminded me of one movie acted by Belinda Effah and Kenneth Okolie. Continue, you will get what you’re looking for.

    6. Do men really enjoy it when a lady give in unhappily as a result of pressure?

    7. You took herr to a hotel , slept with her till moning when she asked for money, hmmm. Did you forget that you said you didnt take her home because of your wife? So you slept out just like that with a random girl and "wife was at home? Well done oga

    8. See how you finally fall for a marine devil.
      And you went home to your wife and transferred the spirits.
      And when evil begin to manifest in your home and marriage?
      Just remember that "he that breaks a hedge, the serpent will bite him"
      google that quote.

  21. The truth is I barely have up 70k in my account but i just love to see that give out cash to somebody everyday. Anyway i dont give, I feel wasted. When i broke i become broken feeling unfulfilled. Yet I hardly think of saving to multiply it.I am a lady of 29 years oooo.

    1. Please, put yourself first. Ah ah. No dey look Uche face when it comes to you. I didn't say you shouldn't give o but give with sense inugo. Haba!

  22. My life is on a standstill i am so cared for my kids.My husband's family is so diabolic no matter how hard u work it's like u are doing nothing. Ladies pls i beg u don't marry any man dat has family issue especially dat of spirtual. U will end up struggling for d rest of ur life. If u think u are making it at d blink of eyes everytin will just crash.Sometimes i hate my husband for not telling me abt all dis before marriage.

  23. Am so emotionally down right now can't believe de people I love can be dis mean to me I cried like a baby last night. I need to stay strong Lord help!

  24. My own is how people forgets how u help them so easily.
    I borrowed an elder cousin whose dad was so rich then 10k, failed to payback after over 1 year of asking for payback. My dad died a poor teacher retiree. I told my cousin to forget the money on new year day of 2016. In December of 2016 he did wedding, I sent him 10k again, also 4k asoebi. One year later, I got married, this close cousin didn't attend, send money to me nor even called until 3weeks later which really shocked me.
    Just last week here, he called me begging for help that he is broke. I sent him just 7k, he now whatsapp chat me to say thank u. Not even a call. I felt used and unappreciated.
    There are many more stories about ingratitude I receive always, I just wonder how people forgets so soon.

    1. Na so life be. Just brace yourself and wise up.

    2. I used to be like you helping every one in the family Even friends some would Mock me and say if you money with children then the money is useless, and I have never recieved anything from them not Even a xmas card some would tell me you dont have children do we must eat your money. After i got children these same People still ask me for money when i say i dont have they tell me what about the childrens money from there father. I just ignore them just forgive him but dont give him Any more money he is a grown ass man. Enjoy your money

    3. That cousin of yours is very ungrateful and will definitely come back for more just like Oliver Twist. Next time just dey your dey and no matter the sob story he comes up with, do not, l repeat do not give him. Harden your heart because he only sees you as a cash cow and doesn’t even hold you in high esteem.

    4. Give and never expect, then you won't feel hurt..๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

  25. Ladies
    Use this time to get to know yourself. Watch Channels on youtube on self love and also get to know personality disorder (the little shaman) is a good channel to start

  26. How do I fight this spirit of procrastination?

    1. No idea, me too dey that table

    2. I used to be like you. But I fought that spirit real bad with prayers. I said to myself, that spirit can't control me. Procrastination can really derail someone.

    3. Uhmmm.. Sometimes when we don't have confidence in an idea, we procrastinate...


      If your ideas are real and well executed in your mind,then do that which you wish to do

  27. Whether corona or 5g,time will tell and God shall deliver us.

  28. Whether corona or 5g,time will tell and God shall deliver us.

  29. Gist

    Yday morning one of my followers an igbo guy sent me a DM for the first time ever. He has been following me for a while but I cannot say how long exactly because I tend to always delete my IG and take a break for months at a time.

    Back to the gist I can recall the guy got married not too long ago tho like last year and had a baby straight after like probably 2months after. I noticed because he flooded the TL. I liked and congratulated him, please bare in mind I don't know him he followed me and I followed back.

    So yday morning he sends hi( na obvious coro boredom hook am). I'm not rude so I said hi back. He ask me do I still live in the XXXXXX abroad country. I replied I live in XXXXXXX. He said he is coming over soon and will like us to meet up.

    I gave it to him straight that sorry but I do not meet up with married men and does his wife know he is asking or planning to meet up other women he met online. He said she knows he has female friends; I replied sorry I don't keep married men as male friends. He said b4 he got married we use to talk, my people that's a big fat lie. He has never ever spoken to me before; that DM was the very first because I do not delete DMs.

    He then said ok. So I went on his page and saw that he has removed all his wife and wedding pictures just very few pics of his daughter and his siblings. I now sent him a message that it is interesting how he has removed all his wedding pictures and his wife's pictures that married men like him make me sick then I blocked him.

    Why are married men like this!!!!!

    1. He is a fool!

    2. My dear, that's how they are!!

    3. Some single unmarried women and some married women encourage their shitty behavior

      Thank God you are different

  30. Okada stop here I don reach where I dey go.

  31. Yeh!!! Popcorn checked, chilled zobo checked let's go there people. Happy quarantine, isolation and social distancing as it applies to you.

  32. On a regular day, I hardly ever go out and when this self isolation exercise started it already fit my lifestyle. But now I miss getting invited to places only to decline or cancel and I like being holed up in my house on my own terms, I don't want to be told to stay at home!๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ

    1. Was saying this to a friend recently. Yea I am a introvert and all that BUT I get to choose to stay home now it feels all wrong because I'm forced to stay home.

    2. I was just thinking the same thing. Declining invites is not the same as not getting any! Suddenly my brain is telling me I'm bored when being home after work is my usual M.O.

  33. Coming back to read comments

  34. Am so bored at home. I need a boo for this isolation

  35. I have done 6 abortions

    1. And I have done 3.
      At One month.....

      Forgive yaself.

      I have 2 boys now

    2. Mura is o sho gbo? Continue to fornicate and destroy babies. What happened to using condoms and the likes. You better don’t destroy your future for stupid boys that will not end up marrying you. You people never learn.

    3. I know someone who did 12 abortions, she is happily married with kids now. so chill and pray to God for forgiveness and believed you have been forgiven. He loves you so much to look beyond your sins bcoz his love is great than your sins trust me.

    4. 6 pere?
      I have done countless abortions. I have a particular concussion I used to take then as far as the pregnancy is not more than a month it come down.The very first abortion I had was already past three month and it wasn't a funny experience. The foetus was already dead in my womb and did nothing. I only took a lot of stuff and I left it. That period whenever I menstruate I see particules like clothed black blood and greenish bone coming out.

      You see this God eh....hmmm he's a faithful God and he'll have Mercy on whomever he would. I found God through my now husband and I've personally found my peace with God. I still morn my children because,it al happened due to naivety and youthful exuberance.

      God has blessed me with children and I'm forever indebted to Him with my all

      So anon if you're sincerely not happy with what you've done,find peace with God and give your life to Jesus. He's willing to accept you as you are๐Ÿ’—

    5. Don't beat yourself up! God has forgiven you already

    6. Say, I have shot to death at least 6 babies.

    7. Mourn for those babies -like you will do if you lost six kids. Fast, pray, study the Scriptures and see God's grace and peace upon you.

    8. Anon20:33, please use condom if you must have sex

    9. God is such a merciful God. He will still bless people like you with kids and those who keep themselves chaste till marriage are praying morning and night for just one child. It is well, I am just saddened by this.

    10. FINNY and co, that make it seem like forgiveness means no consequences, please read David's story again.

  36. Before we get into the anonymous groove I have a question, last year I was diagnosed of distal bilateral Fallopian tubes blockage, after taking different medication I went for another hsg , the two tubes were patent like open, but the radiologist impression is pointing to Cervicitis and moderate proximal
    cervical canal stenois, am tired ooo and am trying to get pregnant

  37. I wouldn’t call this a confession tho ...but let me just put it out ๐Ÿ˜Š husband is married to two wives ..I and my senior wife (I call her big sis )...we are the happiest polygamous family I have come across hate , we go out together , go on vacation together ,have sex together (that’s the confession literally).. and we have been doing it for the past 5yrs ...

    1. Whatever rocks your boat. As long as you all are happy ..hmm threesome with two women . Your Oga Dey enjoy o

    2. You guys have a legitimate polygamous relationship and have been engaging in 3soms for 5 years. Okay.

    3. That confession if the iniquity.
      God will judge the sexually immoral. See it in Rev. 21:8
      And see also that if you repent, Jesus will forgive you; John 3:15-17

    4. Una dey try, God bless your home

  38. I'm coming back

  39. I have a very good relationship with my husband and his first wife ...I am the second wife ..and we live in peace ..we do everything together , travel together , have s*x together ...Our kids are very close ..I’m fulfilled

    1. Fulfilled in the graveyard you mean?
      God will never change his word because of you.

  40. Anonymous Lady3 April 2020 at 20:49

    Stella do you believe in vampires? On earth I am 35years old but I am actually 200years old.I remember the times of the great depression and when Nigeria gained independence.I was present at the Queen's coronation.The truth is I have destroyed a lot of family but I have tried to suck the blood of Nigerian politicians but their juju is too strong. I turn to wall gecko most times and scratch their faces but no way dey dont die.what do i do again

    1. Hahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


    2. Yaba left case

    3. Eweleke oooo!!! What did I just read ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ

  41. i am a guy bt i like gay porn, never had same sex b4who else experiences this

    1. Blood of God... You need help asap.

    2. Biko repent now and do not engage in that sinful act oh

  42. Dreamer by profession3 April 2020 at 20:55

    I had a dream.I was by the river with wrapper on my chest dancing to the movement of the river under the hot sun. I started with atilogwu and then break dance. I met a herbalist who gave me the Michael Jackson thriller outfit and then i was dancing like him.I danced at the river for 30years even the baba died and his grandson took over from him I was still dancing. What do I do am tired of all the dreams

  43. I got married 3 years to a man 20 years older than me. I was lonely,I had a good job but wanted companionship. He is hardworking but struggles daily to make ends meet.we tried having a baby for over 2 years but we couldn't. I got a scholarship to study abroad and he planned to join me in about 6months. It's over a year now, and he has not gotten a Visa yet to join me. He wants me to relocate back to Nigeria since he wants a child badly and he's not getting younger. I am thinking of filing for a divorce. I have a big job prospect here and I can start all over again.We hardly talk for days anymore. I won't be surprised if I hear he got someone pregnant. Am I being selfish?

    1. Since you both are married.. I think you talk things out very well...


    2. How would you feel if he did that to You? Ofcourse,you will curse and call him a useless man and here you are planning evil.

    3. Yes, you are being selfish. You are succumbing to imaginations of this man's supposed infidelity
      to fuel you own waywardness and vanities.
      If you do not want to marry this man again. "Woman" up and tell him and tell him his fault; which is none. If he dies,
      you have his blood in your hands and conscience. Life is not all about "job prospects". When you needed companionship,
      you tagged this man along and married him. Think again if this man were to be your brother and another lady is treating him
      this way

    4. You are not, I think you should move on, you deserve to be happy.

  44. hmmm Guys so seeing as this is a confessional posti may as
    well. before i left for nysc i became a bit loose. I was a good girl prior to that. I started sleeping with my pastors PA. in the park, car, everywhere but we knew we wont get married even though i wanted to at the time he didnt because he said i was too stubborm (thank God). the guy only lasted 2 seconds max but we would meet up everyday with his small carrot size doudah! i also slepr with his muslim friend that he kept pushing me to but that one wanted papers and i blocked and delted him(God has forgiven me) . Fast forward to service i met a guy another great christian and ermm i slept with him and enjoyed it but again we couldnt stay together. I really like this one but he didnt see me worthy. years later we are all married and my husband keeps pressing to ask if i slept with either of the guys. hahahahah . Also i thank God i never indulge in active lesbianism when i was in boarding school. i tried it few times but naaa not for me. i will back.

  45. This is not the best time to not have a companion mehn ☹️☹️☹️

    I'm relaxing here with some healthy nuts and Kumquat fruit wine.

    When this pandemic is over by God's grace, I'll try to open my heart again. Time wait for nobody.


    1. Enjoy. Happy weekend to you.

    2. I like this Ms.A ...I'm rooting for you, you deserve all the happiness your heart can hold.

    3. That'd be great, you deserve it ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜


    4. Ms A, you can give love a chance again, we have one life to live.

  46. My step father died 2days ago i dearly loved him so much until i realisere when ever he asks me for money and I say i dont have i get like migrain and night mares so one time i prayed at midnight i cdnt sleep then i saw him in a dream sitting on a small stool chanting with My name saying i will never get married nor have children i should be poor All My life when i wokeup i prayed again then i saw him in the shrine giving hhe money i gave him to a witchdoctor i wokeup and called My pastor and he told me to pray more and fast he will be exposed this My step father tormented me spiritually but I prayed and God answered My prayers i had a son he turned his anger to My son but I Continued to pray i noticed whenever i pray i see him in My Dreams but still he failed to kill me. I heard he colled mamiwata spirits snd some other things since he sent them to kill People he hates the things turned against him n killed him he refused to confess i feel so funny but I didnt cry i just think what is the purpose of destroying People spiritually what did he gain.

  47. Confused about my conception I had sex with two guys my ex and my boyfriend but sex with my boyfriend was around September 2018 then my ex October 7 2018 my last period was in September 25 I went on to have the baby and taking care of her perfectly but I dont know who owns the child amongst them..

  48. Gbola and ludo got us.
    Ludo till day break,
    Me 64 now
    Dh 63.
    Still playing,
    At night gbola again.
    Freshen up.
    Sleep till the next day.

    For my kids I give them housework and home fun to keep them busy.
    We do the chores together including my two years.
    My four years arranges while the 6 years old sweep.
    The ones they cant do i come in
    We have light and heat.

  49. His wife introduce me to him cos of the job she and the husband were trying to get for me, I and the husband are fuckin now he claim he likes me

    1. This is shades of wrong. Someone was trying to help you and you pay her back this way? Come on!

  50. I just need a job after this whole lock down to take good care of my daughter and mom because it had not been easy I is well

  51. Will be reading comments,while surfing the net with lemon tea☕☕

  52. Thank God!!! I've been waiting for this post. I come from a broken home and was raised by my mom. I guess she was really hurt by my dad that she used to transfer aggression to my sister and I. Like she would beat us for every little thing. Anyway I don't know but I started stealing at the age of 9. I would steal #10 or #5. Sha little denominations sha. She would beat me but I couldn't stop really didn't know why. At the age of 12 we moved to another compound and I stole a neighbours money. Its like 2300 or 2400. I really can't remember. The woman sha placed a curse on whoever did it. She did the curse 7days every 12 mid night. I was too scared to tell my mom. Like I felt really really really bad but honestly it was not easy for my sister or me to talk to my mom about anything. I was really scared to tell her. When I turned 13 I moved to go and live with my dad. I changed totally and stopped that stupid habit. It was like I was possessed my a demon before and then it left my body. I stopped stealing and totally change my life such that I became a role model for my sister. Pls I still feel guilty and scared that the woman's curse would come to pass. Its over 14 years now and I'm a completely different person. Pls what should I do. I don't know of prayer would work. How do I even go about praying?? I don't know where this woman is so that I can beg her. Pls what should I do??? Pls don't bash me. This is the first time I'm telling anyone and believe me I have changed!!!

    1. Stop feeling guilty I guess that's your way of been rebellious I know our almighty God has forgiven because he is the only that can forgive when it is done whole heartedly..motunze move on

  53. Abeg who dey listen to wetin pastor Chris oyakilome dey talk about on YouTube about covid19, new world order and 5g and digital identity.

  54. Aunty stella I remember the anonymous you first posted those comments where the baddest ever...we all gat secrets man nobody holy oo....

  55. My own is I just want a job that will make me be a blessing to others so that I can give back to my family and people in need. God you see my heart it's not easy not getting a job in Nigeria. I want to be a blessing to others,put smiles on people's faces like the way Stella does. I wept today when I got data giveaway, it meant a lot to me I can't remember the last time I got a gift๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ.. Stella God bless you richly. You are a blessing to me and I won't forget today.

  56. i have been married for 16 yrs. My ex of over 18 years reached out to me this year and we caught up on our lives and careers. just a brief discussion.. My husband saw the chats and started hyperventilating.. I cant understand.. this is a man that knows the bedsheet color of all the hotels in lekki..half of his contact list are hookup numbers. Now, small chat from my ex, he says he is broken.
    I didn't even flirt on phone, talk less of meeting up.
    Na wa o. I have nothing to be sorry for even though i have apologized. Na wa oo.. I tire..


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