Stella Dimoko President Trump Implores American To Turn To Prayers Warrior To Curb Coronavirus..


Saturday, March 14, 2020

President Trump Implores American To Turn To Prayers Warrior To Curb Coronavirus..

President Trump has declared Sunday March 15,2020 a national day of Prayer............


  1. Replies
    1. This country is one that messes up a lot,but they always turn back to God and acknowledge him. Its not a mistake they say they are God's own country.

    2. How I love USA, even in all the evils in the land,the head and president of the country is looking to God in prayers while some will be in denial and act as if nothing is happening to his fellow countrymen.

    3. Awww, I'm so teary reading it this. God will definitely intervene. Amen

  2. Yes oo. Those that trust in the lord shall prevail.

  3. Prayers indeed is the key.

  4. Nice one president. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
    Faith has to go with works. he is taking every precaution and applying every medical intervention available but recognizes the fact that;
    Except the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen watches in vain Psalms 127:1
    And they that trust in the arms of the flesh, it shall surely fail them Jer. 17:5
    That's the way to go. 😊😊

  5. Not surprised. Their motto is IN GOD WE TRUST.

  6. The people living in the β€˜so called’ developed world don’t see any reason to ask God for anything, they do not believe He exists and they do not acknowledge Him in all their ways. They worship technology , money, their celebrities, animals, etc He will not answer them. They should call on their Buddha! Abi? Why acknowledge God now, why look for Him now in your day of trouble. I told my hubby last night that I fear God so much, that so He can wipe out the whole world in one day. No matter how β€˜woke’ this generation claim to be, I don’t know how ANYONE can go through life without acknowledging the higher power of God Almighty. Beats me o!

    1. Please tell how on earth did you come to this conclusion?? Don't be deceived there are many in the western world who genuinely believe and unlike African Christians are genuine in their faith!

    2. From your comment one can tell you are a wicked person, do you think they practise your kind of religion where you only worship God so you can get the good things of life, how many of you can truly love your neighbours.

    3. I always feel the need to respond to any comment insinuating that God is so evil that he can decide to start wiping out the world. God forbid. Don't look at God from the old testament perspective only. We are operating under a new covenant. He did not send His Son to die in vain, so why would he decide to wipe out the world with both believers and non believers at this moment? When His word clearly says, It is not His desire that anyone should perish but to come to repentance.
      Let's get this clear, coronavirus is a demon, a demonic force backed by the spirits of the sea and the air supported fully by the spirit of death. It is not God's way of bringing people to repentance, it is the devil's way of showing humanity he hates that they were created in God's image and he will destroy them.

      Yes, God is a just God but he never operates like the devil.

  7. Las las na God hand we dey, we'll prevail. Ride on Trump, God got us all.

  8. Okay oohh

    If it were to be Nigeria president saying this now,
    Internet God haters will be everywhere calling everyone bunch of jokers;
    And using western world as reference

    It’s no hidden fact that God is the beginning and the ending

    That without saying always remember that Faith without works is vain.
    But still put God First, middle and Last

    1. I thought I was the only one that surprised with what I'm reading here.
      Nigerians are hypocrites, especially the youths of the country.

    2. It's surprising how most bvs became born again cos it is Trump if na one Nigerian talk am, they would have insulted, cursed and said all manner of things

  9. Nde awon everything is not spiritual , come and see the developed country you make reference to (when criticising our beliefs), Acknowledging God.

    People don't be deceived, God is real, Jesus is real....I'm a living testimony.

    " The knowledge of the Glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the water covers the sea ".

    If you have not accepted Christ, this is the right time to do it.

  10. I'm surprised at the comments walahi.
    Imagine it was Ajala that declared a day of prayer, internet for don catch faya! Toke was right afterall.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. They should stop homosexuality and ask God for forgiveness

  11. Right from the days of his reality TV show "the apprentice", Donald Trump has always shown reverence to God so am not surprised.

  12. So they can call on God now?
    These people that turned God to a swear word, bleeping it out of musical videos and some movies.
    Even Kanye West said it then in β€˜Jesus Walks’ that you can have a song with anything in it but if you talk about God, your record won’t get played...
    Well, thank God that he is merciful towards ALL of us.

  13. One of the many reasons why I love this President. Call him whatever you like but the fact still remains,he never hesitates to show that he is just an ordinary human being after all.

  14. After the meeting on Thursday, l looked at everyone and said, let us all pray to God for help.

  15. When the call africa all sorts of names and say Nigerians are too religious...well God came through for us and has been showing us massive Mercies in this perilous times. One with God.

    1. The Redeemer liveth, call on him and you will be saved

    2. He was running his mouth calling African countries shithole, now it is his own country that supposedly has it together that is being disgraced.

  16. See them hypocrites everywhere.

  17. So Italians ain’t praying?
    The Pope didn’t pray for Italy?
    Trump does not even go to Church.
    A Christian that lies so much.
    A Christian that insults and curses people out.
    I de here de read comments.
    We have a crisis.
    We do not have enough test kits.
    He’s more fixated on money.

  18. Trump just dey wake up now
    He was acting as if all was well before and no cause for alarm
    Calling CNN fake always

  19. I don talk am before, Trump and Buhari are in the same WhatsApp group. Instead of acknowledging his early shortcomings of cutting disaster relief expenditures which reduced funds for testing kits and encouraged spread of the virus, he's turning to con and "prayers " that no one believes in.

  20. I've been saying it that if the whole world can pray to God in one accord this COVID 19 will disappear. That's what the bible said in 2 chronicles 7 v 14. I like what President Trump said.


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