Stella Dimoko Friday Night Post....


Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday Night Post....

The Friday night post is to find out what we are doing today night and how our weekend might possibly be...You can add gist if you want ooh but this ain't no Anonymous night post.........

Nothing on my side..A lot has happened eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh but make i siddon drink one cold bottle of Malt..

I love Indian Marriages eeeeeh..The ceremonies are awesome!

Instead of going to a clubbie to have fun,make i dey with Zee One...

My right palm (the money hand)has been itching me badly,so i am here expecting the money....Anyone planning to gift me money,please hurry up so the palm can stop scratching me.

So how has your day been and how is it ending?

Dont forget the washing hand routine.


  1. Had the longest week.... still have a fully booked Saturday. In all I give God thanks for I and my family. We are still here and we are still standing.

    1. At home with my children. The heat is too much and phcn is not helping matters at all.

    2. About to sleep. I have been busy all day.

      @madam B, phcn dem no be am.

  2. Am home alone ٫ i had a very stressful day joined with the Lagos terrible traffic ٫ who can suggest romantic nollywood movies for me plz

    1. I don't know if it can be categorized as a romantic movie but I loved "Ovi's voice"

  3. Watching ultimate love..
    Bussiness is slow
    In all I thank baba God for the gift of life.

  4. Alone here at home
    When you dont have someone to just call you to ask if you have eaten or how your day went?
    I envy una wey dey inside relationship.

    My gen is on..waiting for my noodles to get done,eat and see what dstv has to offer this night.

    I have to do something about my social life....

    zero social life.

    1. You dont have to be in a relationship to be checked on
      I check on my friends

      Okay lemme ask

      How are you , how was your day , have you eaten ?

    2. You are not alone on this table that you are shaking.

  5. Theres no light at all ٫ and hubby is fond of not coming home on Fridays ! he works at apapa and we stay very far like abule egba ٫ am just tired and bored

    1. Pele, just look for something to keep yourself busy.

    2. I don't blame him..
      Lagos traffic on Fridays is not for the faint hearted.
      Chizzy J..

  6. I am at work and just thinking of the Corona outbreak. I appreciate that the Canadian government is doing its best.
    I cant even work well. My heart is with my son in his day care. Dunno if i should just stay home from nxt week. I am worried.

    1. He would be safe ,
      Maybe you should take some time out as well this period .
      Fret not just be careful.

    2. Stay home please if you can. Life is more important than anything.

      The good lord will continue to bless and protect all his children 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    3. DS, haven't read from you in a long while, it's really good to have read your post tonight. Glad your baby is doing great too

  7. I will be staying at home tonight, I need to rest, abeg

  8. At home watching telemundo. They seem to be slacking these days though. Close enemies ended so stupidly yesterday.

    1. Please how did close enemies end? Had no light yesterday

    2. Stupidly indeed...let's wait for the season 2

    3. Infact😢iv realised that the few that i use my attention to watch ends annoyingly!!!

  9. Nothing much is happening, everyone dey their dey no thanks to Covid-19. Schools have been shut down, employees are working from home, the grocery stores are a mess, I've eaten all my emergency stash because I've been grounded at home for the past few weeks. God dey lmao. I'm thinking of eating out tonight but a tiny part of me is kinda skeptical due to this pandemic. Well, the restaurants would be empty so that's the pro.

    1. Please just stay a home and make due of what ever you have.

  10. This week was really stressful.
    I just finished wacking foofoo and vegetable soup. It was supposed to be for lunch but I was too busy to eat.

    I'm lying down, will patrol Ig before sleep comes.

  11. Phew!! What a hectic day..still have a lot to do this night,had to fry chicken, gizzard and make pepper sauce for my family picnic tomorrow

    @Pretty your shout out on SP this morning! Thanks sweet xx

  12. Watching Netflix and eating egg roll I baked today! Na house we dey here for Sweden! No going out since this week!

  13. So excited.My sister is visiting Naija for the Easter holiday with her son.Can't wait.She wanted to surprise me with the news but I guess she couldnt hide the news any longer.Yay!!!!!Easter is gonna be lit.
    Meanwhile,I'm home watching ultimate love.waiting for their Friday night party.Getting ready to jiggy with them.

    1. Happy for you
      It's always fun having family around .

  14. Just finished doing my laundry and taking my bath , relaxing now on my bed at my corner @ Akwaibom camp.

    I'm seriously having muscle pull since I got here.

    Must someone participate in all these drills and match past huh...

  15. Finished my weekend cooking and baking of unleavened bread for our communion fellowship tomorrow night. The kids were awesome with their help in doing the chores.
    How una dey my friends?
    Ndi uta ana anwudekwa ya -una dey catch am?
    Mmmmuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh! 😘😘😘

  16. Online shopping for groceries activated. No toilet rolls, pastas, chopped tomatoes etc.. Shelves in the shops are emptied... People are just doing panic buying. Is like the world is coming to an end🙄🙄🙄

    And Deliveroo is not left out too tonight but, left the order at the door step after ringing the door of coronavirus...🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  17. I'm pressing my phone oh and no light. Thinking about money, I'm so broke.

  18. I am heading to my Girlfriend's place.

    Actually at farmcity lekki picking up fish & chips and one fine mixed race british girl beside me is making small conversation, My perfume Lady Million by Paco Rabanne has a way of making strangers smile 😊...Tonight is turning out beautiful


    1. nawaoooooo,,,,dont break that girl's heart oooo,,if not,,i go cut ur head oooo

    2. That lady million is EVERYTHING

  19. Watching investigation discovery. I have gotten so addicted yo it that I don't think it's healthy.

    1. We share same addiction

    2. I love watching it too but my kids don't like it.
      I just have to switch to another channel 😣
      Investigation discovery scares the shit out of my kids.
      That station is an eye opener of how terribly wicked some people can be.

    3. We also share same addiction.

  20. Home watching ring of fire. The heat here is not child's play.

  21. I'm just goin' be here to read comments, nothing's happening here. No power, nada, Bored asf...

  22. Still at work.
    Lord I am grateful but hopeful of better days ahead.

    Happy weekend BVs.

  23. i have been feeling bored since this week. There's a little distortion on something i'm doing it's affecting me cos i don't like set back hopefully i'll get back to myself for the new week

  24. This gwagwalada heat no be here oh.

    I need to gather money and buy Air conditioner before heat will melt someone.

    AEDC are not even helping matters at all, you have to buy fuel just to be able to feel confident comfortable. God bless your daughter with air conditioner as a birthday gift this march. Amen🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  25. I am so bored right now. My widowed man Fiance invited me to his home town tomorrow where he is resting for a week and over seeing his hotel building, I really wish to go but he doesn't want me to come via public transport and his brother that is supposed to carry me has cancelled at the last minute...I really wish to hang out tonight,I am so very very bored. I live around abule egba who is game here please?????

    1. Enter your In .sunshine estate along oko oba not too far from domino
      .abule egba

  26. Watching Ring of Fire..

    Reading mode activated..

  27. I just got back from interview in one micro finance bank. It is ok for the HR and the head of sales to keep laughing at a candidate that came for interview??
    I know I might not have given the best answers. But I try to ANSA it based on the position I was profiled for.
    She asked a question and wont allow me finish and will be like. "Did you understand my question" at all with a harsh tone. The tone made me confused.

    There is nothing wrong in corrections or breaking down the questions if the candidate does not understand dem Dan making fond of her laughing with the head of sales which I see as not professional at all. At a point, the head of sales told her to allow me finish and dnt judge me.
    I really felt sad thou. I cried on my way out. I dnt pray for a sales job anymore but the country seem to be tough even after leaving school with good grades.

    HR in the house. During interview session! Allow the candidate feel comfortable! Smile. When they are comfortable! That's the best way to get to know them and understand their weak point. Stella I felt so bad you know. Despite the fact that I perform very well in my current sales job. I only needed a better pay. I will keep pushing. We win and loose some! That I know.

    1. Don’t mind them, A very better job is coming.

    2. Don't worry. Tough times never last, instead you will outlast this. The way that interview was conducted as you described is completely unprofessional, don't let it get to you. It's their loss. Yeye people.

    3. Cheer up dear poster! God will honor you with a miracle job. Some HR personnel need to take empathy course...

    4. sorry darling...its thier losss.. they are also big fools..laughing in another persons company

    5. Pele, do not take it to heart.

      Their behaviour is unprofessional.

    6. Cheer up dear, Hugsssssss

    7. Don't judge them, their work attitude probably depicts what their work culture is like..
      I am sure that the work structure will be very toxic & verbally abusive...
      Yes, it is extremely unprofessional to mock a candidate because their response is perceived as "dumb"..
      Sad thing is that in corporate world, you will meet more of those kind of unprofessional assholes& you will need a thick skin to put up with their queen bee ass ...
      Cheer up dear, bad days makes us appreciate good days when they come!...
      As long as there is still air in your lungs, don't stop firing the applications and shooting your shots..
      Chizzy j

    8. Thanks to u all.

      U guys already gave me so much strength.
      Love u all

    9. Sorry about ur interview.
      Change ur blog ID, mbok

    10. Dont beat yourself up about it,the best things in life/gifts of God are gotten without stress!!

    11. start by changing ua name from unlucky to a name more favorably

    12. Sorry about the experience. Adding my voice on to the change your Blog ID please do, there is nothing unlucky about you!

    13. Change your blog ID, you will get a better job

    14. pls change ur ID.A better offer awaits you. Lucky you.

    15. Dear poster. I've worked as an HR before and I can tell you that their action is most likely deliberate to test your emotional intelligence. You applied for a sales person position where u will meet different types of people daily. They need to know dt u don't get upset on urself more and I wish u all d best in ur future interviews.

    16. Mary. success there are very many ways to test a person without being nasty crude and embarrasingly unprofessional.

      This poster is coming in as an experienced hire not as a newbie so what kind of testing is necessary to break down or humiliate a person during an interview?

      Imagine after almost decades in my industry someone trying to "test" my writing skills???

      Nigerian HR people need to gedifok with their boorish archaic ways of interviewing people?

      At the end of the day they still successfully hire the cream of mediocrity.


  28. Watching Ring of Fire..

    Reading mode activated..

  29. Doctors or nurses in the house what kind of test will a hospital conduct for someone on the second day of her menstrual cycle?

    My cousin told me that she ran some test because she was bleeding in between her monthly cycle and after scan, pap pap the doctor asked her to come to the hospital once is the second day of her cycle. Today her Monthly flow started and she has been confused on what the test is all about.

    Please assist me to understand so that I can explain that to her.

    1. it's called fsh test. To test her egg supply. follicle stimulating hormone test. After that is day 21 test to check if she ovulates by checking her progesterone.

    2. Thank you anonymous 23:65 for educating me on this an I really appreciate your time.

      Thank you very plenty.

  30. Nothing much here,I just dey outside house with my baby dey collect breeze before we go sleep cos no light since morning

  31. We have uber rich folks here, chile!

    I have been pondering on that wearing new clothes everyday for 6 months comment. That's roughly 184 outfits which i'm pretty sure don't come cheap. 🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️

    *staring blankly at closet* 😭

    1. Don't be decieved babe...all na audio.

    2. Lol my mouth was wide open when I read that too.

      I'm sure the poster must have a walk-in closet.

    3. no be small money oooo except if its not gonna affect every other part of ur life then u ate good to go

    4. It may not be audio, I have a Cousin that buys cloths like it's going outta fashion. She lives in London, so online shopping helps her too. She has more then 6 boxes of cloths and still counting. Her twin is does same thing but isn't a freak like her sister.
      My girlfriend lived in 9ja and did same too, her hubby had to collect her card because babe bought every cloth buyable including shoes. She lives in d US now, I dey pit for her husband sha. She never repeats any cloth on Social media and she posts everyday.

  32. My fiance visited me today. The tension was very high and we desperately wanted to kiss and do other things but we just had to restrain and control our selves because we are born again Christians. Honestly this country is hard. We are both graduates in the same profession but we are both jobless. I just wish God can provide us with jobs so we can get married. I love him so much and he loves me even more
    I'm just sad😔😫😫😫😪😪😪

    1. Restrain yourself o. If you like use chain and cutlass.

      After 40.5 seconds, it is 9 months straight.

      Den una eye go clear when you see cost of Diaper and Cerelac.

  33. This week was so stressful, I praise the name of the Lord that its finally over.
    My mom had cataract surgery for the 3rd (and last time by the Grace of the Almighty God, Amen). We came back from the hospital and discovered that this silly NEPA had disconnected our light after we had paid 5k NEPA bill. I went to their office the next day to complain and was told that they didn't know we had paid our bill, aren't they supposed to have a record of those that paid and those who didn't? They then asked me to pay 1k for "reconnection fee" can you imagine? The fucking audacity!!! Anyway, I had to pay because we really needed the light.
    Then I went to the saloon yesterday to wash my hair, and discovered half of the hair was gone with the harsh Jos harmattan, in fact when I got home i cried, I couldn't take it anymore. I am so glad today is Friday, hopefully, next week would bring some joy, laughter and good news, Amen.
    Please any tips on how to grow my hair back?

    1. Some days are like dat darling

    2. Avoid wigs and braids(attachments) and Use palm kernel oil everday.
      It works like magic.

    3. Please eye surgeries are very delicate. I wish your mum quick recovery. The doctor that did my mum's own then is very good at what she does, just that she's expensive. But I would do anything for my momma nu.

  34. hmmmmmm,,as for now,i dont think i will be going out cuz am so tired and weak

    let me put this here cuZ I tend gisting u guys tomoro morning

    i went to ikeja to submit some document,so after all d blablabla,,i was looking for oshodi bus,there was too much hold up,,so i crossed to the other side to kuku ma get a bus to iyana ipaja so i can go through ikotun down to my house,,we enter bus jeje and dia was a little traffic at that round about before getting to cement bus stop(i dont really know the name of dat bus stop), ithe round about leads to agee too,,

    so the issue is,,one man was sneezing badly,,like say the man sick,,come see run,,everyone in d bua alighted and told the driver they are not going again,,i just the laugh and i was sittibg at the front.

    come see race

  35. Stella hand itching is also a sign of whitlow. That was how my brother was cratching and wondering untill he saw the one that senior him...

  36. Work has told us today to work from home for the next 90 days starting from Monday 16th March till basically June 16th minimum. Me that work from home 2 days a week already; omo weekend mood for 90days.


    UK single mum

    1. 90 days???? That's odd. Not heard of any company in the UK going all the way to 3 months wfh.

    2. Very odd and that's how you know this us serious

  37. Home chilling
    Wine and cookies night

    So something happened to me recently and I'm still amused by it ,
    I went to the farmers market to buy some fruits for my folks and the lady told me that I should stop driving big cars.
    In her words she said I should tell men its my mom's car i should some times get in a public transport 😂😭😂
    All the while she was talking I was just agreeing with her , she told me how her husband made her realise that being married is a privilege as there are many successful single women out there who would envy her position as a Mrs it was quite hilarious cos I don't flaunt a ring or a title doesn't mean I'm anxious for one.
    I think people need to let others live we all want different things in life and I didn't see the need to correct her impression.

    1. Don’t mind them, very myopic reasoning. That’s how, my married friends and some mummies will be advising me to stop driving cars especially I change to my parents, siblings cars, that if I continue I wouldn’t see husband. I laugh in Spanish, I’m i not the one they are calling lucky and blessed to have my cutest Dr. live your life sis😍

    2. You know this
      I just laughed.
      I live for God and myself , who is yours would come for you .
      😍😍😍😍😍@ cutest dr

    3. Stella pls can you make this a post.

      The most Complex B

  38. Catching up on old posts on the blog while lying down on bed. I might sleep off soon.

  39. Madame koinkoin aka the 'peace maker'13 March 2020 at 21:08

    No watching of movie today, na work get me like this .

  40. So I’ll be 24 in a couple of months and I’ve still not cultivated the habit of going out. Maybe it’s my own turn that husband will fall from heaven because if I end up like this ehn.... I’m on my own

  41. After a long day, I emptied a bowl of EBA and ewedu. Here on my bed looking for gists on blogs

  42. Here I am just finished quarreling with my wife. My first daughter had to knock to find on the door of our room and when I asked her what she wanted, she said she came to greet me. I didn't realize that I raised my voice. I feel so bad right now 😔

    1. U must be a very good man to have taken note. Try adjust. She obviously heard u clearly

    2. Then apologize to her

  43. My people talk say person wey dey ask questions no dey miss road.

    Abeg make in help me for that CIPM program na membership examination I go pick abi na which one person go click on? I want get certificate with them, I want register and write exams. Thank you.

  44. Dis Coronavirus ehhh!
    We have been asked to work from home effective Monday.
    Schools have not been shut down. This BoJo eh!
    Shops are empty.
    I have a sore throat!
    I am just tired!

  45. My mum was coerced into marrying again after my father's death. The excuse was that, she was still very young, and she had ONLY GIRLS. We are 3. Mum listened and got married again, and I can tell you that she has seen HELL in the hands of that man. The things I saw made me become so afraid of marriage. Like, very scared of failing.

    Now to the main gist on ground. My mum is now mounting pressure on us to get married. I graduated a while ago and serving right now. I want to finish up, get a job and raise enough capital to start y dream business. Marriage is not on my mind right now, buy my mum is Makin it look like I'm committing one big mistake by not considering marriage. Saying I'm 26 and not a baby anymore. I'm just tired...

    PS: I need friends, I can feel myself shutting down, nothing excites me anymore. Not even reading and watching movies which happened to e my favourite before. I'm losing it mehn.

    1. Plz be focused on what you really want cuz that how my parents ruined my life with marriage, Move out of the house if possible.

    2. Your mum is right and wrong because it can go either way. If you have your kids around this age it is better than late 30s

  46. The traffic in Lagos this days, killing😓. Will just have my bath and crawl into bed. Watch some movies and series till sleep comes. No movement weekend for me. My bed gonna beg my ass to leave 😄😁.

  47. In bed with my boo,he came all the way from Lagos to where i'm serving for d fourth time in 6 months not minding d 9 hrs trip...i ll so miss him. I love u booboo

    1. Fourth time in 6months not minding the 9hrs trip? Sister is boo jobless

    2. Ur toto too sweet na. How e no go travel. But he really loves u

    3. Prayers that this shall end in praise and not sdk inbox as chronicles..
      Chizzy j

  48. I'm watching a movie and dossing in between 😁

    1. u are not alone,,this movie don tire me,the name given to it does not worth the what am even watching, ut like giving a movie sonething like "OMO IYA AJE" and u watching something like "LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT"

  49. Resting Friday night. Watching E! news and pressing phone. Plan to watch movies all night since tomorrow is Saturday!!

  50. My car caught fire today on my way to do school pick up,
    Grateful to God for divine timing and intervention
    BVs Thank God with me

    1. Thank God oh

    2. Ahhh,this is a big testimony oh! We bless God

    3. I bless the name of our God on your behalf. Your testimony is permanent in Jesus name. Amen.

    4. Tank God for your life dear. God will continue to protect u

    5. Thanks to us all,May God keep us from evil

  51. M just in bed feeling pains at my back and my pelvic. Didn't know ovulation hurts o. I ll take some pain killers and sleep

    1. Pele dear,ovulation thing nawa.I was not myself through out last week,everywhere for my stomach just dey pain me anyhow. E be like say people wey slaughter cow dey inside my belle dey cut my pelvic small small with cutlass. Even period no dey pain like that

  52. Bored, thinking , hoping everything turns out great. TTC sucks, was hoping to go for hydrotubation, but the pain in hear its not of this world. Lemme keep gathering money for IVF na, cos God knows I won't go thru any pain without result in Jesus name

  53. Enter your wife has been eyeing me since.
    am not doing ooo.already in her 3rd trimester.
    so preg woman dey dey horny?

    1. Lol
      You’re crazy🤣 plz do ur work young man

    2. lol.. Yes pregnant women get horny.. Oga go n do the needful. Lol

    3. Im in my third trimester and my husband still makes love to what are you saying...u just need to be gentle.

  54. Abe bvs does blue eye work?? If u have used it before tell me if it works,d fortified one pls,I don tire for suffer head,iv tried all I can nothing is working I need to start a business make I no tief abeg I heard it works for favors,wealth and drives bad luck.,any one here used it and ur situation improved??

  55. Hubby just came baq frm journey. We Av sex chatting since last wk. I don dey press up for my punani. Just finished round one n he slept. Let me allow him rest b4 second show... Married woman chronicles

  56. Hubby just came baq frm journey. We v bn sex chatting since last week. Punani a gba lale yii. Just finished round one n he slept. Warming up 4 d next round...

  57. Oluwa provide my desire boo on time oo 🙏 Baba God abeg.

  58. Shout out to Pretty Girllie😍
    Happy weekend.

  59. my ex just postrd his wedding pic. not jealous just interesting to see who he ended up with...i though he would mary an angel 🙄. i am married too so dont care. i commemted congratulations and kept it going

    1. No, I don't think she is pained. I understand her sort of.

  60. my ex posted his weddinng pic. i congratulated them and kept it moving. me too i am married.

    1. Fool. God punish you. You think I don't know it's you. I also read this blog. I have no regret not marrying you. Ashawo. Please stop stalking me. I would have ignored your stupid CongratuLation

    2. At least both of you are now married 😉😜
      Las Las both of una go dey alright.....cheers to HML to both of you.

  61. My first ex just had a baby boy wt this girl ,let's call her name Ayo,and my second ex also chats with another girl that also bears the name "Ayo"...b5 I broke up wt my first ex,he used to tell me they are just friends....same with my second this a co-incidence or wat?later my second might get married to d Ayo again.i dated d two guys for d same duration too
    Nawa oo.its like dat name has become a nightmare to me

    1. Kuku change your name to Ayo na, life is not hard o Sisi.

  62. Stella, well done I greet you. I had a busy day, just need to rest.


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