Stella Dimoko Wednesday Spontaneous Post



Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wednesday Spontaneous Post

#namaste #goodmorn #hmmmm #dryspontaeous #awonkakikti #yes

Good Morning!

It's woman crush wednesday and i am left with no choice but to crush on myself and every strong, emotionally,independent strong woman out here..

For the match prediction post,there was no winner but not to worry,when there are other matches,you guys should alert me on it and we will do the prediction giveaway again.

Please send in your adverts for Wednesday in house news..

Have a blessed day all.



  1. WILL YOU?

    You’ve told yourself for so long that you can’t. And now it’s really true.

    But you could. If you would.

    You’ve assembled so many excuses, put it off so many times. Even after all that though, you can do it, if you will.

    The world, it seems, is against you. And no one is willing to give you a break.

    No one, that is, except you. And despite all the other factors, your choice, your commitment to make it happen, that’s what really matters.

    So today, finally, after all this time, will you? Your future is in your hands.

  2. Blessed day to y'all. Good morning lovelies 😘😘😘😘

  3. Rhapsody Today!!

    See At A Higher Plane!!
    2 Corinthians 4:18.


    "Man is primarily a Spirit being; and the Spirit has its inner senses. But for most people, their inner senses are untrained"

    "So, you find that most are only used to what they can see and perceive in this earth realm, because they've only being trained to describe things with their natural senses"

    "Stop looking at how much you have in the bank. Stop looking at the situation you're in or what people are saying about you. See the Invisible! Train yourself to see beyond this world, beyond the walls and the barriers"

    "See through the Word. See by the Spirit, at a higher level"

    Today's Confession!!

    The eyes of my understanding are flooded with light, causing me to see the invisible, and energising me for the impossible. My mind is anointed to see what the ordinary eyes can't see. I see glory, victory and prosperity. I see beyond the walls and barriers. Praise God!

  4. Pexian,  SapioJule and BVs please I need a good skin regime. Let me start with saying that my face used to be much more darker than the rest of my body, my fore head is a bit darker than the rest of my face.  Last year July, someone introduced me to that pink Otentika maxi tone cream. Have been using it since then and by November, I started noticing the changes. It evened my body tone except my face; what I did was to stop applying it on my face. In fact, as of now; I don't apply anything on my face except st. Michael powder but I still got sunburn, I don't know why. Sometimes, it will start fading, other times, it  becomes too noticeable.  Used Familia in between and started noticing green veins. So, I don't really know which one caused it. I need a cream that would maintain my even skin tone and would make my skin tick again. Although I am naturally fair with a gold skin tone but green veins wasn't that obvious before. I have never exfoliate nor used body scrub before, never used sunscreen nor taken any supplements before. I don't even know what it means to moisturize and how to go about all of these aforementioned. I really love my skin tone right now and how evened it is except for the forehead, the sunburn and the obvious green veins especially at the popliteal forssa. Please your help will be well appreciated, tired of buying not so good product.

    Please post my comment.

    1. Your problem is that otentika you're using. That cream will leave you with strong stretch marks and green viens, with time you will start aging looking like a grand ma. Runnnnn.. I know this cos I've tried it.

      Now solution, personally, I use baby pears cream and drink lots of water as early as 6am. 4 glasses. I've been on it for over a year. My skin is so natural and flawless. People meet me asking what I use, expecting to hear cream of thousands..

      Know what works for you and stick to it.

    2. Which don't you switch to Natural oils,butters and soaps? Then, you should start exfoliating and get a sunscreen.
      I've heard that Otentika is terrible by the way.

    3. Nakebi true otentika is terrible...i used it many many years ago. It's surprising how that cream is still in the market ahd people are still using it. What did they change in it.. Cos that year the cream no follow at all.. First 3 months you will get great compliments .. stay longer with it and you will start getting questions like, why your fair dey loose colour.

    4. Makabi, any suggestions on the natural oil, butter and soaps??
      I use K Brothers soap

    5. Anonymous 08:24, can a fair person use pears baby lotion? and did you add anything to it?

    6. A beautiful skin starts from within. Try to incorporate lots of fruits and veggies into you diet and take lots of water.

      Externally, all you may need to do is exfoliate( twice a week), moisturize and religiously use a zinc oxide based sunscreen(Neutrogena comes to mind) if you are stepping outside. The sun blocking effect of sunscreens expire after two hours so you have re-apply. The sunscreen would prevent sunburns from recurring. Vitamin C serum could clear the sunburn already on your face. The vitamin C serum quadruples also, as a good anti aging elixir, makes the skin supple, clears spots and fades off scars....

      You should also determine your skin type and work with products that are suitable for your skin type. Do not use body butter on your face. While it may work for some people due to their skin type, it may not work for you (especially if you have a sensitive skin)...

    7. It depends on your skin type but Baobab Oil works great for any skin type. For the soaps, handmade natural soaps. Shea butter and mango butter are great. The former can actually be used on the face as it is low on the comedogenic rating. But oil is best. Grape seed oil is great as a facial oil. Carrot oil is great for the body and it actually has some sunscreen protection. You can send a mail if you need further assistance.

    8. Thanks y'all for your replies, will mail you Makabi

  5. Woke up with terrible headache.
    Up and Thankful

    1. Sorry. You may need to check your BP & visit the hospital. πŸ€—

    2. Go to the hospital o. A classmate of mine slumped and died after complaining of headache.

    3. Sorry..please take care of urself...


    “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1

    Father God, I pray for my sister who is reading this right now. Thank you that you are her Shepherd, and she shall not want for anything. In you, she has everything she needs to thrive. Help her to trust you to be her Shepherd and trust your leading. You have abundance for her even when it hasn’t yet materialized. Thank you that you will minister strength to her spiritual need, her emotional need, her physical need and her financial need. Every area of her life is being made strong. Father, after you have strengthened her, use her to strengthen others. When you have blessed her, use her to bless others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
    Daughters of the King Devo

  7. May God be with our going out and coming today. We shall not encounter any form of accident and whatever we lay our hands on shall prosper.......Amen!
    Good morning

  8. Good morning people, am at general hospital to see the doctor, am trying to conceive and battling with Tubal blockage, the gynae department shares same building with the maternity ward, as I heard those tiny voice of babies crying, I felt very emotional and I started crying, I wish I could be among those new mum . God answer my prayers and wipe my hidden tears, frenemies, and yeye neighbors are mocking me, God come through for me.

    1. Amen. God will surprise you. You'll carry twins & triplets.

    2. from you lips to God,s ears!! He will surely hear you!! hold on to his promises, He said non shall be barren in the land!! make sure you do a proper fertility work up .

    3. He will come through for you, and me too! I'm even feeling emotional imagining the sound of babies crying😟... This thing is too much for anyone God.

    4. God will do it for you, you will carry your own babies

    5. God will come through for you. But, stop having the illusion that people are mocking you.

    6. You must carry ur own babies Amen

    7. God will do it,just hold firmly to him. Take your eyes and ears off mockers,let your focus be on God. Ask him for his mercy daily,he never fails. I understand what you are going through, it will end in praise!

    8. be strong your testimony has come, just be a little patient as God has already picked your calls.

    9. God will answer your prayers, just hold on to him with faith.

    10. God will come through for you Amen

    11. Wipe your tears dear, you will soon carry your babies. God is never too late.

    12. Hold on sister! GOD is still GOD HE will do it

    13. God will come thru for u darling. U dnt hv to cry but believe. Urs is coming.

    14. God will do yours. It will definitely end in praise. Hang on my dear. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    15. Yours is on the way. Be positive

    16. Don't bother about who is mocking you.
      They all will be shamed.
      Soon you will have your baby, and make sure you do not allow them into your home.


    17. God will come through for you dear.E-hugs

    18. God will come through for youand give you a testimony

    19. Madam dont let it get to you, i knew its not easy but pls shun them as if they dont even exist. Do what makes you happy, put on your best outfit all the time. Try as much as possible to look happy all the time because your happy mood kill them. Dont tell any neigbhor to help you pray that you are looking for,bcx they wl only mock you. keep it to yourself And continue praying to God for him to do it. God will come through for all of us in the waiting room.
      Cheer up babe!!!

    20. And here I am, trying to remove this one I have cos I don't want it. This life is somehow. I'm desperately seeking abortion and I don't know how to go about it. I pray God gives you your heart desires.

  9. JOB 22:28.

    Thou shalt also DECREE a thing, and it shall be ESTABLISHED unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.


    Whosoever that will NOT allow you go forward, will go backward for you in the name of JESUS.

    Whosoever that will NOT allow you go upward will go down for you in the name of JESUS.

    Whosoever that will not allow you to be lifted up will go down to the grave for you in the name of JESUS.


  10. May God be with our going out and coming in today. We shall not encounter any form of accident and whatever we lay our hands on shall prosper.......Amen!
    Good morning

  11. Good Morning Good People of this wicked world!!!!!

    I've been craving boiled sweet potato and egg with veggies(carrot and the likes)..... It's healthy for weightloss ba??

    I'm crushing on all the beautiful women on this blog❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Side chic😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  12. Good morning to my able bv's.
    I am going for an engagement party (wedding) wearing a blue lace. You know as a yoruba woman,I must tie gele (ofi) but I don't want to follow the norm,can I use a blue fascinator?
    What colour of shoe and bag goes with a blue lace?

    1. Yellow gold, pinkish gold or champagne gold colour complements blue colour very well.

      You could also try fainted baby pink colour.

    2. Yeah nothing bad with fascinator.. You can pair it with fuscia, hot pink or bubblegum pink..

    3. Will go with pink fascinator and gold shoe and bag. Thanks

  13. The woman who posted yesterday about your MIL confessing to trying to scatter your marriage cos your MIL wanted to kill her own son. Are you honestly saying that you left what God gave you because there was a giant in the land? When you walk out on what you say God gave you even without asking Him, where you gonna go? Now you've entangled yourself with what God didn't send you.

    The problem with some of us is that when we hear God speak, we assume it should be easy or instant. So, the first sign of what we didn't anticipate, we flee. We don't even ask God that sent us, what we're supposed to do. Don't you realise that one reason God tells you the end before you even see the beginning physically, is so that you'll know that whatever you encounter cannot be the end unless it looks like the end He showed you? But no; children of God right from time immemorial will get to the door of their promised Land, start wailing yet wonder why they're still in the wilderness. Spawn of the devil don't do that mess! They'll know their miserable end, yet try their luck.

    It's only someone that says they're a child of God who will cry and act like life is over cos what they see now doesn't look like what God showed them before. A university fellowship president will have carry-over and want to die cos "God told me I will be successful in this course as a future career and now see." Eh-eh is that the end God showed you, or a bump in the road you're calling the end whether cos it you're uncomfortable or He didn't tell you?

    When the truth of my husband's identity was physically revealed to me and I understood the implication, I was like, "Y'all out of your minds! I can't be the one you were told to expect. Everything you see in me and think is a confirmation has to be a coincidence." As angry as I was, I didn't want to embarrass him publicly. So, I started making plans to 'divorce him quietly' and leave the country. Till God told me, "WHAT are you doing? And why are you really angry? You're trying to leave a marriage I sent you into because what I told you 7 years ago, has physically manifested! Where are you going?" I thought, "You showed me X, Y, Z. Why didn't You show me A, B, C?" And He told me, "So that you wouldn't leave."

    The way children of God behave, di egwu. We seek validation in the wrong places and from the wrong folk. The thing we're supposed to talk to God about, we call and complain to 300 BFFs who don't even have access to the mind of God - as if God's Word is subject to opinions of the posse we're surrounded by. Then, we wonder why we're confused. Every tiny thing - even a shadow - makes us shake. Before we even reach wall of Jericho, we have threatened to die. Why are we so weak???

    If the world works that way, many of us won't be born. Cos women in labour will say, "The discomfort I feel giving birth, must mean God has changed His mind about this baby." Some of you that are now graduates after taking JAMB more than once, are now running from the thing(s) God ordained for you. Cos the promise hasn't taken the physical shape of what God showed you about your future. God doesn't ordain marriages cos He's bored, oh!

    Madam that ran from the thing God gave her, so is now wandering around in a wilderness she's not supposed to be - may you retrace your steps back into the presence of God. Lie on your face before the God that didn't have water in His mouth when He spoke to you.

    1. Real OA, I typed a comment below. Thanks.

  14. Please which doctor is someone having an itchy breast supposed to see, a gynea or a dermatologist??

    1. Thanks Ms. A

    2. If it's just the nipples, get your man to suck it long and hard. You need it. Happens when one has been horny for too long.

    3. Begin with a dermatologist,then a gynaecologist. If he/she sees anything then you may be referred to an oncologist

    4. Do you wear your bra two times before washing them??
      If yes, stop it and you will notice a difference..
      It used to happen to someone that I know and it turns out that it was because she wears her bra two times before washingπŸ˜“..
      All the best..
      Chizzy J...

  15. Morning everyone.... Shout out to everyone one of you out there, grinding and pushing to make ends meet. May all our hustles pay....


  16. I am a guy but my pay is very very low. I want to start a side business. Which business is ok for me. I want to go into selling gas by buying this big cylinder and re-selling but someone adviced I shouldn't because of fire outbreak and I don't want to start learning barring. Please house,any suggestions?
    Thank you and God bless......

    1. My dear everything is life is a why not insure the business..Situate your business from residential areas and your shop should have enough air space not in a clustered area..

    2. Dear anonymous,

      Every business is a risk. Life its self is a risk. Just make a survey of the gas business.

    3. that selling of gas business by the road side is usually very dangerous, look for other business please.

    4. DPR is banning that business soon

  17. I'm a married woman,working as a receptionist in a hotel. The way mehn chase me up and down ehn is that what other receptionists face?

    1. Of course wetin dem buy monkey for? No be to chop banana..You are the selling point of the hotel so you shouldn't be surprised by that..

    2. Most hotel workers are "Cheerful givers"... so its assumed ure like that, so stand ur ground, know when to stop smiling.

    3. yes that is what receptionist go through but you will be the one to stop them. If you are not comfortable with the job just jejely resign.

  18. Good morning I saw a video of tope alabi dancing gbese and chewing gum, indeed things are falling apart, have always admired her from the days of ore ti o common

    1. The reason my admiration of people is only but for a moment...

      They are not infallible.

    2. because she is dancing gbese and chewing gum she is now a bad person? please stop judging people when they do things that makes them happy. Stop watching what others do but rather always pray for them.

    3. You people take life, things and people too seriously. Plus, Christianity is a personal race. People evolve as their understanding evolves. It doesn't necessarily mean they've backsliden or are no longer holy. What you can do is pray for them if you feel that is the case.

    4. Most church goers have turned themselves to assistant Jesus and it is so tiring, so she can't unwind any longer? She isn't the author and finisher of your faith, allow her breathe hian! Christianity is a personal race, allow God be the Judge!

    5. So she cannot play again because.......
      You guys are funny. She doesn't want to live a frustrated life like you. Leave her alone judge Judy. That is why God will always continue to use the foolish things to confound you.
      Don't go and face your life inugo?

  19. Hello bv's,hope we had a wonderful night rest?
    Please,I need advice from someone in the know.
    My husband wants to leave his job in a private establishment, his salary is just 120k. He wants to start working with Oyo state with his masters degree program and that there'll be promotion every 3 years & he will be placed in Level 8 or 9. He said they will pay with minimum wage which will be far better than the one in the private establishment. Now,those of you working in Oyo state or that knows people working there, is it true that the salary will be ok and won't they owe salary?
    Though his salary in the private establishment is small but constant,they don't owe,never. He also said things are cheap in Oyo state than where he is right now.
    What can you advice. Thank you all.

    1. This sounds like a life changing decision. Please you both should pray about it before taking any final step. It’s well with your family.

  20. Awesome God you are great
    Up and thankful

    Crushing on my Sweet Momma

    Have a fruitful day everyone
    Good morning Lovelies

  21. Good morning everyone,

    Hope we are all doing well.

    I haven't been seeing comments of blessed princess and teejay, hope you both are doing good.

    Nobody can love you more than you love your self. Self love 😘😘😘😘.

  22. Good morning people

    Ecclesiastes 2:17-26

    17..So I came to hate life,w because everything being done under the sun seemed distressing to me, for everything was futile,x a chasing after the wind.
    18... I came to hate all that I had worked so hard for under the sun,z because I must leave it behind for the man coming after me.
    19 And who knows whether he will be wise or foolish?b Yet he will take control over all the things I spent great effort and wisdom to acquire under the sun. This too is futility.
    20 So I began to despair in my heart over all the hard work at which I had toiled under the sun.
    21 For a man may work hard, guided by wisdom and knowledge and skill, but he must hand over his portion* to a man who did not work for it.c This too is futility and a great tragedy.*
    22 What does a man really gain from all his hard work and ambition that drives him* to work hard under the sun?d 23 For during all his days, his occupation brings pain and frustration,e and even at night his heart does not rest.f This too is futility.
    24 There is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and find enjoyment* in his hard work.g This too, I have realized, is from the hand of the true God,h 25 for who eats and who drinks better than I do?i
    26 To the man who pleases him he gives wisdom and knowledge and rejoicing,j but to the sinner he gives the occupation of gathering and merely collecting to give to the one who pleases the true God. This too is futility, a chasing after the wind.

    So what is the purpose of all the labour.???
    Still pondering.

  23. Stella, When is the next singles and mingles.. Valentine is over.

  24. it’s been a long road and I have never given up on myself even for once.
    I love the woman I am today and I am crushing hugely on myself....super woman ♥️♥️♥️♥️
    And to my beautiful girls here, you guys are amazing and I can’t crush less on you guys.

  25. My WCW is Stella
    SDK bosslady
    The queen of blogosphere

    Despite all the hate thrown at you. You never stop being yourself and been generous...
    God bless you and your family.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Grateful to God for another beautiful day!

    A beautiful morning to you all.

    I always crush on myself, self love😍😍😍😍😍πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€©
    I'm God's best creature.

    Reading about Catherine's having hyperemesis gravidarum during her three pregnancies remind me of myself. Exactly the same difficulties that I suffered from. She really tried going through three pregnancies.
    I don't even wish that on anyone that call themselves my enemy.

    Y'all have a fruitful day.

  28. mama tripletπŸ•΄πŸ•΄πŸ•΄19 February 2020 at 08:11

    good morning everyone. missed y'all. am crushing on my mum. u r just d best.keep resting in d blossom of d lord.AmenπŸ™

  29. Good morning good people of SDK blog.

    Enjoy your day.

  30. Goodmorning house. Can someone explain what it means to buy bread in the dream. Thou I have been praying for good jobs and life partner. in the dream I was with my colleague! We entered the shop! We saw bread and wanted to buy but no one was there. I told him we should leave but he told me to be patient. Then suddenly a woman and her little daughter came in. We started selecting some breads. I was particularly pricing the big fresh one that I want to buy for myself and my mom. We bought some and was pricing some. Then I woke up. Dnt know what bread mean.

    1. Bread means good opportunity, divine provision. Jobs or business opportunities will come your way soon.pray it to manifestation.

    2. Tank u. God will perfect it

  31. Good morning all. Please who's doing this Canadian PR thing, my application is almost 10 months instead of the 6 months and no word from them. Simply frustrating!

    1. How will someone know when you did not drop anyway to reach u

  32. i am my very own Wednesday crush, wishing you all a very lovely day.

  33. Good morning bvs, God please come through for me and everyone having challenges in one way or the other in Jesus name Amen

  34. *Life is best for those who are enjoying it, difficult for those who are comparing it and worst for those who are criticising it. Your own attitude defines your life. So enjoy life for each moments. Remember the measure of success is happiness and peace of mind.*✍πŸ’―✅✅✅


  35. A beautiful wednesday to you

    1. A beautiful Wednesday to you too..

  36. Good morning lovelies. It is well with us.

    Have a beautiful day

  37. i don't know why life has been treating me like this, why can't i be happy and live my life like other ladies without having to pass through a lot of challenges.

    i had fibroid surgery around June last year, it was not easy for me to recover and after i recovered by getting my period to normal flow again. Two months now i notice an irregular bleeding in between the month. I spot after my monthly flow, i visited the hospital with my complains they did a pelvic scan with trans-vagina ultrasound and the result showed Endometrial Polyp and PID. The one that is killing me is the low PCV that i am having, what could be taking my blood, what could be the issue again after i did that surgery i also undergo more scans to be sure the fibroid was no more, all scan showed that i have no more fibroid but i still experience heavy flow thou i know that i have always been a heavy flow person since i started my monthly flow when. My siblings too also have heavy flow reason why i cannot complain much but what could be reducing my blood and how can i put this not to be affecting my blood.

    I am currently taking blood tonic, I eat enough vegetable, i have been refereed to a bigger hospital where they can handle my issue. I am just weak and feel so down. Why is life been unfair to me, i don't have strength to even eat, do anything, just laying down and feeling so sad. I don't know how long i will be able to hold onto this challenge.

    1. Please don't give up. You may not see it, but everyone goes through challenges at some point or the other. You will overcome this in Jesus name. Amen. Hugs.

    2. Put your trust in God and he will fix it.

      Do you have kids? If you do not, the earlier the better.

      Nothing is draining your blood, I think it is the heavy periods taking it's toil on you. Continue to load on your veggies, fruits and water. See a consultant for proper treatment. The blood tonic will help, you can also ask your GP for other multivitamins you can take, pele.

    3. So sorry for what u r going through
      God will show up for ur sake keep trusting in him.😍😍😍


  38. Good morning everyone.
    Father, thank you for the gift of life and family. I believe and know I have Total Victory in Christ Jesus.May your name be praise for ever more,Amen.
    Castle,I am waiting for the ....πŸ˜€πŸ˜˜.
    Phoenix, wish you success in your exams.

  39. Just had to repost this.God bless the writer.
    There's a clear difference a Godly man or woman and A religious one.

    A man who does office "runs" would cheat on you. He rips the owner of the company off without the owner realising it.
    A man who watches pornography and sees nothing wrong with it will cheat on you
    A man who goes clubbing would cheat on you.
    A man who fornicates with you will cheat on you, please don't expect otherwise.
    A man who does business and cheats people of their deserved cuts would cheat on you.
    A man who sees a lost phone on the floor instead of calling the owner to come get it but sells it and you don't see anything wrong with it. Will cheat on you.
    It's common sense. A man lives every single day outside of God's will at his house, office, business dealings who does the exact opposite of what God wants would cheat on you. It's that simple.
    If you are single and in a relationship where you have noticed your men has the ungodly ways and you still deem it fit to continue please don't complain when he cheats on you. If he could hurt others he would hurt you too, you aren't excluded.

    1. God bless the writer truly AMEN πŸ™.

    2. This reminded me of a friend who a guy was asking out, we advised her not to date him that he was a G boy. She refused and said "and so what?" Mind you this was someone who couldn't tolerate cheating. Even as an ordinary friend she is possesive. The guy later cheated on her and dumped her when her nagging became intolerable and she wouldn't let him cheat in peace. She came and started crying but I felt she should have expected it Nah! It's a complete package.

      I almost dated a guy but the moment I realised he didn't see anything wrong with watching porn and masturbating. I told him I wasn't interested. It's one thing to masturbate and try to stop at least you are making an effort but it's another to talk about it like it's no big deal.
      I told him I wasn't interested and he didn't even know why. No relationship we became just friends and I later got to find out he doesn't even pray nor read the Bible. He doesn't pray before bed and after he wakes in the morning. No single prayer life every single day of his life except when he goes to church and he was a worker in church. I had to lend his laptop once and he shouted when I tried picking it up that I shouldn't click on a particular fileπŸ‘€. He later confessed it was his archives of porn videos he saved🀦‍♀️.

  40. Goodmorning ya'll πŸ™Œ

    Plenty of money fall on your hustles today. IJN πŸ™

  41. Enter your comment...Good morning beautiful people of SDK... any OB/Gynae in the house? I am tired of recurrent candidiasis.... HV taken drugs((fluconazole),taken d four in one garlic,cloves n d rest,HV change panties,even chew garlic,it will go n later reappear. It strtd after I weaned my baby n its really disturbing me for 9months now... will disappear to reoccur again.I rub in funbactA to ease it,after which it will return after two days. still taking the clove,ginger,garlic,turmeric mixture though.... someone pls help me with everlasting remedy. Thanks guys

    1. Stop with the drugs and funbactA for now. Change panties again and everything that comes in contact with your private area. Then put a few drops of Neem seed oil in warm water and rinse morning and evening. I recommended this for someone and it worked. I hope it works for you. You can also use diluted apple cider to rinse too.

  42. Good morning,

    Please quick one how do I stop my married neighbor from harassing me. I mean he has been smooth talking himself and I have made him know I don't date married men that I'm going to inform his wife if he doesn't stop. In a compound that I tried to mind my business, but this goat in human form won't allow me to rest. He will come to my WhatsApp and be talking trash because he has my number. I'm being cordial but I think he needs volcano and I will give it to him. I'm just trying to be careful. What do you guys suggest I do. Thanks.

    Bv Kristy.

    1. How did he get your number in the first place?
      Keep telling him off and threaten you will tell his wife and make sure you keep your chat with him as proof that he's been onto you. If you tell his wife, she won't believe you. Save chat for later. I hope you haven't been accepting cash and gifts from him.


    2. Kindly block him on WhatsApp. Very simple

    3. Stop making it hard, you know what to do. There is absolutely no need to tell his wife.

    4. Ask yourself why you have not blocked him already. Are there fringe benefits involved?

    5. you are giving him attention too much, block him, delete his number and let him face his front. Only greet him when you see him and never you gist or tell story with him

    6. Please block him immediately without wasting time...

    7. Block him on normal calls and whatsapp chats..

    8. You should have told us where you not ur address...just a hint

  43. Good morning to y'all.

    Crushing on myself.

  44. Beautiful Morning Everyone...
    Crushing on my humble self❤❤❤❤

  45. My woman crush is the
    May I be found worthy in the presence of GOD
    Mother of JESUS CHRIST
    PLEASE interceed on our behalf

    1. keep doing warfare till your change comes. you are obviously raising dust in there coven. pray in tongues if you can let God open your spiritual eyes too so you can see exactly what you are dealing with

    2. Anon, thank you.

  46. Good morning Real OA, everytime I pray warfare prayers I get serious dream attacks but if I pray normal prayers and worship I'm okay and tend to have positive dreams. What's your thoughts on this please? Particularly for someone who is in the waiting room. Thanks.

    1. Your warfare prayers are causing a reaction cos if you attack or threaten a fortress, you won't be ignored. Ask God to show you exactly what you should be praying, especially in terms of utterances you should be making - so that a) you don't accidentally carry what's not your own, b) you can kukuma shatter the fortress completely.

    2. Thank you, will do.


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