Stella Dimoko Tuesday Spontaneou Post....



Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Tuesday Spontaneou Post....

#second #tuesday #dramaschool #thankGodforthisday #unadoh #ekaro #hmmmm

Good Morning to you all......

Hope,work,school.service,business #hustle is going well oh?
If it is not,don't give up!

Have a Blessed day!
E go be!!! ✌✌✌


  1. Rhapsody Today!!

    Romans 5:17.


    "Giving is one thing, but receiving is another. Many don't seem to know how to receive. Receiving is by faith; it's with your Spirit, and it's not something you do passively"

    "We've been given all things that pertain to life and godliness; all Spiritual blessings that exist in Christ Jesus. Receive. If there's no receiving from your end, it amounts to nothing"

    "Your response to God and His Word is the proof that you've received. And that is what faith is; the response of the human spirit to the Word of God"

    "The change you desire in your life, finances, health, and family have already taken place; receive and act accordingly"

    Today's Confession!!

    Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for the blessings I receive from acting my faith on your Word. As I speak in accordance with your Word and walk in its light, I'm led forth with peace, maintaining my victory and dominion in Christ. I'm making progress by the Word today, confident in its ability to put me over and cause me to excel in all I do, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  2. First to comment...Good morning darlings... Good morning Stellz...I am thinking of registering for a Pgd program...someone please give me an overhead cost please, please


    “For though we walk in the flesh [as mortal men], we are not carrying on our [spiritual] warfare according to the flesh and using the weapons of man. The weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]. Our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Amplified.

    What a powerful verse!

    We have authority over the enemy, and over every plot and scheme that he tries to devise against us. We have authority over every spirit that is not of God. It is time we use what we’ve been given to keep the enemy under our feet by walking in the authority of Jesus. If a dog was attacking my daughter, I would command that dog to get! To go right now and leave my daughter alone! The enemy is like a little dog with no teeth. He has a loud bark with no bite. But God has given us the power to tell him to go! To get and leave us alone in the name of Jesus! To leave our family alone in the name of Jesus! To leave our sister in Christ alone in the name of Jesus!

    It’s time we understand fully we’re in a spiritual battle, and the only way we can win is in the spirit. Try to come against the enemy in the flesh and you will lose every single time. We have to war in the spirit. We have to put on every piece of our spiritual armor (see Ephesians 6:13-18). We have to do what’s necessary to maintain his defeat and our victory! He’s not going to just let you walk in total victory without putting up a fight my sister. If you think he’s just going to lie back and let you receive and enjoy all of God’s promises without coming against you, you’re sadly mistaken. It’s going to be a messy fight, but you win if you don’t give up. So, pick up your spiritual weapons. Lift up your head and stare the enemy right in the face, and declare these words:

    “Satan, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. I command you to take your hands off of my body, my mind, off my family and friends! I submit to God and I resist you and you flee from me now! I take authority over every principality and power of darkness. I put on the full armor of Christ, and I take my place in the name of Jesus. I cast down every imagination that tries to exalt itself against the knowledge of God and I bring into captivity every thought in the obedience of Christ. Thank you Lord. I command my day to be blessed. I command everything in my life to line up with God’s word in Jesus name. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Amen.”

    (Read James 4:7)
    Daughters of the King Devo

  4. When you envy someone's blessings, stop and ask yourself:
    Do you envy their unknown pains too?

    1. But sometimes we're humans and we can't help but envy...I mean I see my friends married and with kids,beautiful families;ofcourse I'm very happy for them but there are times when I wish I had same.Isn't that envy? They also see me and envy how happy I seem to be,but definitely not the pains.

      Life no balance jare

  5. Happiness does not lead to gratitude. Gratitude leads to happiness


  6. Sweet Jesus I exalt your Holy name for another brand new day

    Have an amazing day y'all with God's Favor {Amen}

    Good morning darlings

  7. "On the 14th February,he came to my office with a rose flower, an engagement ring and a little card that said "age is nothing but a number pls marry me" i agreed cos i wanted a child of my own and i also love him.
    But i started thinking to myself that this guy wants my money...
    My sister he pulled out an appointment letter and omo his new salary capsized my own.. i started feeling guilty. He said he fell in love the moment i told him my age. He said he wanted a woman not a girl. So pls tell the ladies approaching 40 to cool down nothing dey happen...."

    When a woman feels she has her life organized (education, beauty, money, good job et al), she becomes very intentional in committing to any man. She views everyman coming close to her with the utmost suspicion(except of course he's doing better than her). This woman, even at 40 was still suspicious of her own boyfriend after he proposed, still thinking "he wants my money", until she saw his new paycheck. All of a sudden, he didn't want her money again!
    One thing could be gleaned from this episode:
    Marriages/relationships are built around interests. Forget the love talk. It is proportional to the intended interest, which brings us to the main reason for this post.
    Why do our women feel they cannot just end up with anybody, that they have to solemnly scrutinize any man coming to them when they've "made it" but deny men that right? A "made man" is expected to just pick any girl and marry just because she has a degree, boobs and ass? Just that? A man with a good job and a strong financial standing will also want a woman of similar bearing. It isn't out of place. Really, it isn't. Interest, people.

    1. Ceaser biakwa with your hardknock truths

    2. "...Forget the love talk. It is proportional to the intended interest..." I agree

    3. Caeser is very calm today.


    4. All my life, I have never come across a woman that sounds, appears, seems so self-centered, self-glorious. So much selfish that she could take a picture with a friend, and would still label the pix "selfie".
      I try not to link any correlation between higher number of women at work and increasing rate of poor relationships/divorce/separation.

      I pray tell, how can this union stand the test of time, when the foundation is already faulty.
      Now you know one of the reasons some men don't approach these type of ladies who think that the men in their lives are after their money.
      I think the entire menfolk should organize a sympathy vigil for the man. He is in deep soup. I hope he realizes this, and if he is playing along best of luck to him.
      Honestly, the world needs more tender women. They make good wives and responsible mothers.

  8. Top of the morning everyone. #Blessedup#

  9. Holla everyone πŸ‘‹πŸΏ

  10. Thank you Lord for yet another beautiful morning. Thank you for my life, the life of my siblings, parents and everyone around me.

    Wising we all a great day.

  11. Please can one be ovulating and blood be coming with it.
    I am seeing blood in the egg.And my ovulation just started.
    Should I be worried???
    Google said its normal but I am scared.

    1. I think you should ask a doctor. Someone to give a medical perspective

    2. It is very normal for some people to spot during ovulation. There is nothing to be scared about okay

    3. I spot blood during ovulation as well. There is nothing to be worried about

    4. Seeing blood when you are not supposed to is worrying. Forget what google is telling you and go see a gyneacologist. Have you ever done a smear test before? I advice you do.

    5. I do experience same thing. You have short cycle that is why. That was actually what the doctor told me.

    6. Thanks people
      This is the first time it's happening although I did a procedure and I am thinking clomid I was given is the culprit. Can I continue to meet hubby as we are trying to conceive.

    7. @anon9:51 oh someone took clomid! I was beginning to feel like the only one. The relief! I took mine at the beginning of my cycle, and I don't think it worked cos I'm feeling like my flow will start today or tomorrow... But the cramps I had this past week is out of this world! DH says to go do a pt but I don't feel pregs and don't even have the courage to cos seeing a negative result can just break me. I'm sorry, I just needed to speak cos I've been keeping it inside cos it hurts hubby when this TTC depresses me. I'm still going to try again if the flow starts.
      I honestly hope yours come through cos this TTC is no joke😘

  12. Pexian, SapioJule and BVs please I need a good skin regime. Let me start with saying that my face used to be much more darker than the rest of my body, my fore head is a bit darker than the rest of my face. Last year July, someone introduced me to that pink Otentika maxi tone cream. Have been using it since then and by November, I started noticing the changes. It evened my body tone except my face; what I did was to stop applying it on my face. In fact, as of now; I don't apply anything on my face except st. Michael powder but I still got sunburn, I don't know why. Sometimes, it will start fading, other times, it becomes too noticeable. Used Familia in between and started noticing green veins. So, I don't really know which one caused it. I need a cream that would maintain my even skin tone and would make my skin tick again. Although I am naturally fair with a gold skin tone but green veins wasn't that obvious before. I have never exfoliate nor used body scrub before, never used sunscreen nor taken any supplements before. I don't even know what it means to moisturize and how to go about all of these aforementioned. I really love my skin tone right now and how evened it is except for the forehead, the sunburn and the obvious green veins especially at the popliteal forssa. Please your help will be well appreciated, tired of buying not so good product.

  13. house what can i do i have two staff among 20 people that are reporting under me. This guy in particular applied for this job that i am managing them on but was told the space was kept for me, when i was employed i was told this job function will be added to me once the person handling it retires. The job is also close to what i have been doing reason why it was added to me,but this particular guy thinks i took his position when he was never interviewed on the job before i came, after i came.

    i have been doing thongs in my own little way, i am harsh once in a while due to the work and i want people to do the needful. Some times i am free, simple, gist little not person gist with them to know how far the work has been. I do not talk to anyone of them about any of them, we usually hold meetings every Tuesday to discuss about the job, way forward and any complain anyone have.

    I give room for questions, complains, observations, contributions we discuss and everyone will say they are ok. Some will talk including him will speak but at the end of the day he will call our head office to tell them things happening in that department, give them complain about me how i have been treating them wrong, saying i am giving them headaches in that department.
    my issue is that he will not even confront me with any issue or questions but he will call them o report issues who could resolve in our branch. What can i do to this staff?

    1. 1. Know that you're not in the office to make friends.

      2. Staff under you are not your friends. They're there for the same reason as you - to earn a salary. And they can replace you if you don't do the job well for which you are collecting salary.

      3. Document your departmental meetings (questions, suggestions, contributions, instructions, issues raised, outcome, action points, etc) in audio and writing & email the written transcript to your head office no later than 24hrs after EACH meeting.

    2. Take this advice and act on it before you find yourself being escorted out of your office.

    3. The Real OA i will apply what you have advice me to do, will update you once in a while.

    4. The real OA is right

      Set an agenda
      1) introductions
      2) apologies
      3)Item 1
      4) item 2
      5) item 3
      6) AOB(any other business)

      You can chair the meeting and also write the minutes at the same time. Send it to head office as suggested.

      Don't do Audio please; just meeting minutes is fine and send it out to all those that attended to review( give them 24hrs) then send it to head office.


  14. I’m so happy 😁 cos today is my Niece 5th birthday. πŸŽ‚πŸ’ƒ

    1. Happy birthday to your niece, May she grow in the light of the Lord.

    2. HBD to your niece. May she bring only blessings to you all!

    3. Happy birthday dear niece. May God's grace be upon you.

    4. Birthdays bring a beautiful feeling.Happy birthday to your niece

    5. Happy birthday to ur niece... My son Jesse clocked 4 too

  15. Holla!! Holla!! Everyone how are you doing? God bless this day..If you are writing CIPM exams like me this week..I wish you a resounding success..

    1. My friend is...I dunno why I'm still delaying to start.

      Wish you all success

    2. All the best darling . We await good news.

    3. Thanks @Chocolat Noir, Jessi, Essa, Prettiest Rosie God bless you..@Nkay please try to do it o, Its really good..Thanks

  16. I am so close to my new existence of joy, I can taste it. Everyday I grow stronger. Ify, you are a Pillar of strength to me Sis and I love you. Kiss boobsie for me!!!

  17. I’m in a fix. I have 1,500,000 million as my life savings .i intend getting a car as I have really suffered. I got this money by saving doing personal jobs as I only just got a job this year. I still live with a relative and I’m female. I ve embarked on several personal development and this hasn’t yielded me my desired job. I feel unlucky sometimes. I feel having a car is a necessity and it just topped my priority. I am at a fix, cos my new job may not shudder my car responsibility and I want a tokunbo. I don’t know if I should continue suffering here and plan to leave the country to further my masters. This education line has not brought forth any good job or do my side business full time by resigning my present job.

    1. What is the nature of your side business?

      What is the cash flow like?

    2. Just a reminder that a car is not an asset. Using almost all the life savings to purchase a, mind you, tokunbo/belgium car is not a wise decision. Even if you use 700k out of 1.5m, give it 2 or 3 months, the car will wipe out the balance of 800k. Take a chill pill, breathe, and reason what best investment option to plough your money into. Buying a car for comfort and convenience should be the least on your list. Best of luck, sweet heart.

  18. hello, nobody is taking about utimate loveπŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

  19. beautiful tuesday y'all. everything will work out just fine. trust the process

  20. Morning beautiful people of sdkville

  21. goodmorn beautiful ones, pls help me, I really need to loose abt 7-10kg in 1month, how feasible/possible is it. its been so hard after my second baby.

    1. If you can stay off carbs totally for a month, you will lose 10kg in a month. Incorporate exercises too so as not to have saggy skin. Dont forget your detox, green tea and eater therapy too.

    2. How old is your baby? Are you still breastfeeding? If yes, just keep to a healthy balanced diet until you wean your baby. Once you are done weaning your baby , you can try Longrich slimming tea and Alkaline cup.

    3. You're right @Sapio jules. Eliminating carbs from diet is the easiest way for me to lose weight. Right now I eat just once in a day and it's very little portion. I'm already seeing the visible weight loss. I don't even need exercise

    4. thank you so much sapio Jules and anon 12:43, really appreciate.

  22. I read the post of the 40yr old lady that got married. Im just a year younger but I don't look my age. I never thought I would be here...all my friends are married. Some married and divorced and married again and I havent gotten one suitor. I have never been proposed to...never had a single engagement that broke up even nothing. I'm not sad or depressed or ugly ...really pretty with a good figure, I'm described as sexy sometimes but Im beginning to think this is more of a spiritual thing than my character (I found out). I'm not a bad person just not an approachable one, I'm friendly to an extent and I'm not the smiling type...I keep my circle small plus I can stay indoors. I wasnt always like this but experiences from close friends and family made me this way. I had rships but they end up not working esp when they made me fall in love, funny thing they always come back but I don't take them back. I only did that with one person and I later realised that it's cos he was horny and that was the end. I don't know why I'm writing this...maybe that chronicle post triggered something, I just know that I thank God for everything...I'm Hale and healthy, my career is moving and I have a few good friends around me. Relationship wise...well. Won't think about it will just keep smiling and doing what I can for my God and my family.

    So with that long ass epistle ...will give more, pray more, smile more and help more...will never be the norm but the difference. Happy Birthday in advance to me

    1. You don't have any spiritual issue. Do you say that to women who have not conceived? Or men who were laid off? Naija can be so hard that we begin to think one ojuju somewhere is doing us. You're introverted and not the outgoing social type. you've had relationships that looking back, would not have lasted. You've got great friends. That's enough to be thankful for. You've got a good job and just one delay. Your time is coming on that front too. Learning what type of introvert you are and how to build on your strengths and change your weaknesses when you need to can help with relationships and life in general but remember you can't spend married life pretending to be your public persona.

      You need to have a strong investment portfolio and build on your financial assets during this time of being single. If you want children, start thinking of the options available to you. Husband and children don't come in the same package for many women.

      Have a very happy birthday and love filled new year. You deserve it. 😘

    2. Happy birthday..Dont worry beautiful things happen at the right time ok..E-hugs

    3. The problem with becoming 40 or above is that you have been there, seen all sorts and you have gotten to an age where you are giving up on relationship. You are not married, you don't have children and then you begin to think life is over coupled with your nature as an introvert, you are almost hidden.
      I used to think same way. I have arrived at a stage where I am self sustainable, I had a lot of responsibilities which did not affect my lifestyle or my earning power.
      I had everything but a good relationship. Any man coming wanted only one thing and to worsen my case my sex drive was very low so. All I felt was irritation towards men. Yes, I was told it was spiritual but I refused to acknowledge that side and forged on. I had planned my life ahead as a lonely old woman. What I never realised was that there is a soul mate for every single person out there.
      The moment I met him, I knew he was the reason I had been single all these while.
      You need to take that negativity out of your life. Just focus on God, not going through pastors o, make it a personal commune with God. When God will come through for you, you would have forgotten your prayers. It is never too late for anybody.

    4. i actually taught i wrote this. darling just continue trusting God ok. he will perfect all.

    5. Thanks phoenix and the anons...God bless you

    6. Ladies y'all need to stay happy

      I married at 40...NOTHING DEY HAPPEN

  23. Goodmorning beautiful people

  24. Please does anyone know where i can get national ID card done around Bodija, Ibadan. I lost my voter's card in ny stolen bag recently.. I need a means of identification for something important in a week's time. Already been to Gtb and secretariat at Gate but none is forthcoming. Pls help me if there is any way i can get it in a week

    1. Go to NIM office beside faculty of education in UI

    2. Enter Poly Ibadan you will get it done asap

    3. Thank you so much. Will do this right away

    4. Pls where inside poly Ibadan. I know my way around the school well enough

  25. Pretty girlie...consistency is key. I also havent worked out on a while and keep telling myself i'm stll good to go..well until the next time i step on a scale lol. Keep it up.

  26. Hello phoenix, I'm writing CIPM too. Thanks for your wishes, I wish you same too.

  27. Goooood morning everyone 😚😚😚😚. I've got a capable God's who is able to all things...


  28. what is the craze about men who can't stay faithful to their partners
    me I think it is madness o
    cos I can't place my hands on the reason why your spouse is at home meanwhile
    u re having sex and fun with someone else
    Really,I don't see the logic behind this
    me thinks any one who is unfaithful is possessed
    or has a foundational problem and should go for deliverance and embrace Christ
    ABI my people what do u think?
    Naso I see am this morning o
    una good morning o

  29. Good morning loveliesπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  30. That's the way to go girlie. Keep it up and you're gonna love your new body

  31. Good morning house.

    Still enjoying the Kaduna cold meeeehn!

    Aproko queen,hope you are good and not affected by the storm Dennis(flood)?

  32. Change is really the only constant thing in life. So Eka Joy can actually be this less bitter? someone that was filled with hate itself,you can never please her,she will say something distasteful and stick with it she was extremely bitter. It was so horrible Essah named her angry bird! but see Eka today na wa oh! this life sha. Her thought crossed my mind not like I have anything to gain from her attitude.

    1. Eka was a frustrated sex starved single then. now she don find love.

    2. sometimes the environment you live make u so. dnt u notice most Nigerians are sadist. hardship is bad. oyibo life changed her i guess.

  33. Change is really the only constant thing in life. So Eka Joy can actually be this less bitter? someone that was filled with hate itself,you can never please her,she will say something distasteful and stick with it she was extremely bitter. It was so horrible Essah named her angry bird! but see Eka today na wa oh! this life sha. Her thought crossed my mind not like I have anything to gain from her attitude.

  34. Good morning bvs, it's gonna be a great week for us, thank you @Real OA for yesterday...I will start praying

  35. Pls where can I download "a fall from grace" Tyler Perry movie.

  36. Una good morning people of SDK

  37. Morning people πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

  38. Top of the morning to all BVS, may our day be productive

  39. Madam PA please can you get back to me on who won the match prediction from last night?thank you...please bring this to her notice for me

  40. Good morning people
    Martins, please help me this ads that pops up on my chrome browser and my phone screen is too much. Please help on how to stop it. Thank you.

    1. Hello;simply click on the "X" icon at the top of each ads anytime it pops up..


  41. Amen to all your wishes and prayers for my niece . God bless you all.

  42. Hi BVs,

    I just want to use this opportunity to thank Stella for her passion and good JOB. Stella, when you do good for others, who does same for you πŸ€”πŸ€”? I'm proud of you, receive a million ❤️❤️
    ​ ​ Incase you haven't noticed, SDK BLOG is not only a chilling place to rub minds, laugh and be happy reading comments. You may hide under anonymous mode, use your BV ID​ ​ but whatever you do, consider others feelings and walk in their shoes, #SIMSmovie#
    WelcomeπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ​ to all new blog members, you're not here by mistake.
    Stella is a happy tablet, ready to listen to concerns, firm to straighten out truth, fair in making decisions. Swallow SDK blog when your sick, sad, isolated or just chilling.
    ​ I have too many favorites here with unique attributes. Shout out to everyone. If I mention 29 names and leave out a thousand names, that's not fair.
    ​ ​ Remember, a minimum dose of SDK tablet is all you need a day.
    Folks, take it easy with the bashing Bd insults bcos some people come hear to relax freely and be happy.


  43. is ot okay for a married woman to chat with a male friend? that male friend use to like me but we never dated. he is married now.

    we chat sometimes,and he says we would like to see me again .we don't live in the same town. i feel its safe cos i believe i would never give him the opportunity of getting to see me in person. i can never cheat on my husband but the truth is i think about him a lot.

    pls i need bvs to counsel me. am i wrong to still keep the communication lines open to him? how do i stop thinking about him?

    1. Can you carry coals on your chest and escape being scalded?


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