Stella Dimoko Tonto Dikeh's EX Husband Olakunle Churchill Writes A Long Letter To Their Son On His 4th Birthday



Monday, February 17, 2020

Tonto Dikeh's EX Husband Olakunle Churchill Writes A Long Letter To Their Son On His 4th Birthday

King Andreh, the son of ex actress Tonto Dikeh and Olakunle Churchhill turned four years old today,February 16th and Olakunle posted a letter on the social media wishing him a happy birthday.....

 He also set the records straight on why he is not in his son's life.

This little boy will grow up to read all these dramas his parents have posted on the Internet...As he turns 4 today,may God give him strength and wisdom to read and Understand and not take sides with one parent against the other...AMEN


  1. The boy is changing face now,looking more like Tonto.
    Happy birthday to you handsome.

    Please tell ya daddy that I love him soooo much. I can't wait to be gifted a land by him, even if na audio land (if you see him though).

    1. LMAOOOOOO audio land real babies from a boss

    2. Churchill the clown, can your son read? So what is the epistle for? We insulted Tonto madam radical when she won't let you be. Now she has left you alone, what do you want? Have you claimed your daughter with Tboss who is your carbon copy? Ok lemme wait till she clocks 1, faworaja.

    3. This man like attention sha. Hbd darling.

    4. ANON 00:01 Classic narcissist. they crave attention esp when you don't give them , it hurts them. it's called narcissistic injury. so they do everything to ensure they get that attention from you. best way to hurt them is ignore

    5. @Sexy Hip.. Youre a big id!ot.
      A man is deprived of his chiled and writing his pain and you call him attention seeker?
      Pls go find your sense

    6. anon 11.36. You sounded pained, no need to insult you back. your low life already show from your writing darling. but please try find happiness becos am not the reason for your frustrated life ok. sending u light and love honey.


  2. Their business. They should sort themselves out for the sake of the little boy.

    Churchill eeh...what about T...nevermind.

  3. Why must the entire world suffer the nasty mud splashes of your divorce?
    Lick it up. 😏😏😏

  4. Churchill I don’t like what tonto is doing but she’s a woman scorned!!!! All she said about u can’t b lies if not u wuld v used money to win d boy over in court by hiring d most expensive sans or something. See eh all this one na story , try Nd make peace with her ... instead u keep flunting rosy muer abi Muri d same person she accused u of cheating on her during marriage with in d face ! B a man own up ur errors , she’s a scorned woman , she’s currently raining hell on u Nd she won’t stop. Keep trying epistle upandan, it’s not by that o.

    1. Men like this full naija. They will be tigers inside their houses and angels to outsiders, making it difficult for the same outsiders to believe the woman when she cries out for help. Make una continue, God is watching all of us!!!

    2. This one is a typical generalized feminist.

  5. Tonto vs Churchill

    Una no dey tire?
    Meanwhile, Churchill has been tiring tirelessly to wake the sleeping Tigress. when he finally gets what he has been looking for, he shouldn't complain

    1. Anon 19:30, so he should not wish his son happy birthday again?

      He didn't say a single bad word against Tonto in that write-up

    2. @ 19.44, can his son read? Will he see this?

    3. He will see it.... and read it eventually, and then know his dad made an effort, audio or not

    4. The ones Wey tonto dey write since he go fit read am?

  6. He should be glad that he has a responsible ex willing to love and care for his lookalike son, however, he should respect himself and stop taunting Tonto, he is actually hurting his son indirectly, the son will be angry with him when he is old enough. My parents played politics with me bc they were fighting eppach other. They both eventually paid for it because I really was disgusted and became too independent of them.
    He should stop harassing tonto with court case,she has alot on her mind now. Las Las his son will look for him. He should chill and stop being silly and be a real naija man.

    1. I don't see him writing so long a letter to his other kids. If only 1 of them will come down from their very high horse and be reasonable, they will co-parent in peace.

      I had a friend in Churchill's shoes and my advice to him was to play the fool and apologise just to see his daughter, It worked. People think when you apologise then you are dumb, lol, sometimes, It is just a strategy to get what you want.

    2. So long a letter.. Mariama Ba.

    3. I love me Mariama Ba, so long a letter. My role model Aisha, the blacksmith daughter, she walked out with her 4 kids when her Dr's husband took a second wife due to pressure from his family. hope that's her name though. Real strong woman.God, I read that novel in my formative years way before I got to know men and the kind of shit they dish to women. I think the novel would be a best seller if they create awareness now that alot of women are awoke.the blacksmith daughter in so long a letter and the woman in second hand citizens by bauchi Emecheta should be african women role model. But I know alot of our slay queens will tag them bitter feminist

    4. @ abroadian apologise ke..... Mba o.
      You didn't see where he said he will continue to fight and it is a good fight. Let him fight o Mr Fighter.His type is petty and can keep malice, 1 chance horseband🐴🐎.

  7. The boy is so fine now. God bless Tonto for taking good care of him. That means my kids will be fine if I care for them so well.

    1. Are you on this bench? A scorned divorcee I guess?

    2. Anonymous 21:26 Tonto is caring for king withOut Churchill help. So yes she deserves a praises. It’s not easy to care for a child alone. Churchill is not taking care of his child financially. If he was, he was gonna mentioned It because he’s MR notice me. So if I was Tonto I will be scorned too. Instagram father.

  8. Happy birthday handsome young king..just imagine what his parents are doing. very sad indeed.

  9. Is king Andre your only son? Why haven't you claim your other children? You just wanna trend with Tonto's name using Andre as a bait. Pls go and get a life. Woman wrapper.

    1. God bless you black diamond! Dude needs to talk about Tonto to stay relevant. Tonto, abeg dont give this guy an answer, not even in the subtle way. I love the way you have bn ignoring.... this dude will die of your silence if only you can ignore him.

      Stellz, post please.

    2. Enter your reply...Best comment ever

    3. Black diamond may your sense increase

    4. Dont mind the idiot!..
      Tonto is a very strong woman and I like the way she is dealing with you!..
      You want her to be leaving Andrea with you so you can initiate him in your witches and wizard coven?
      Hahahaha I laugh!..
      How do you want to be in your son's life when you dont pay child's support claiming the money is too much..
      Pay school fees nko?no way!..
      And you are there writing some nonsense epistle claiming loving father..
      See,children of these days knows only the person that raised if you are expecting king to look for you when he grows up,my friend it will never happen!..
      Go ask Regina daniels and co..
      Short man devil!..

    5. The queen is back!

    6. Madame koinkoin aka the 'peace maker'17 February 2020 at 23:52

      The queen has spoken!

  10. These 2 still love themselves.... can't forget how Tonto kept bragging about Churchill and how he had changed her life. Oh well!1

  11. Drama husband and Drama wife =Innocent Son...

  12. if king Andre was your only child, it would be understandable, shrinehill abi wetin you call yourself, are you with your other children?? gaslighter oshi!!!!!!!

  13. Why can he acknowledge his other exs and kod(s). Tonto gave him life and without her, both he snd Rosy are in the gutters. What does he do for a living before and after Tonto. Overnight, someone becomes a 'billionaire philantrophist' within a space of 3-4 years. Even Elumelu, Ovia, Dangote and Alakija not to take of Okeawo etc who are back to back billionaires are hardly in the news. Tonto is not perfect and has made hrr mistakes but this such a childish, irresponsible and narcissist man. Even if she is noisy how come a man of his age and status cannot demonstrate some DECORUM. How can a man be embarrassing the mother of his child like this? A chold is better left with the mother than a man like thos, please. From all indocations, that lady has always been right about this man. "Business man" indeed, only in Nigeria.

    1. Yahoo business man all join..
      He married tonto because of his political ambition..
      I dont blame all our A list actresses who are still single..
      Most men coming to them are fake!..
      They just want to use them to shine..

    2. Tonto,please allow it. Leave it out.Do not reply this man. Do not respond. You have given him enough publicity already. If he needed it so much,let him pay for it. No more free publicity. Be strong inugo

  14. Churchill is an Instagram father who does not want to take responsibility of his children in real life. Pay your son's school fees and send him money for his upkeep and see if the mother will not allow you see your son. Why haven't you been ranting about your other children from your ex's? Why didn't you celebrate your daughter with Tboss on her 6th month birthday after unveiling her face? The boss lady corroborated Tonto's allegations in her rant by saying she is the one doing everything for her daughter. Be responsible and stop your audio caregiver.

    1. Is he truely the father of Tboss's daughter? With all these issues he and Tonto has been having in public glare? Some women are truly very fooooolish. As pretty as Tboss is? Hmmm, odikwa egwu ooh.

    2. The man want to stay relevant, Tonto made him popular. Agbaya man that will not respect himself. Mtchewwweee

    3. No in her case if he is really the father, I would say good for her because she had a whole example in Tonto and the other baby mamas we don't hear of and still chook head. If it is confirmed, why would anyone think her case would be different?

    4. He thinks we don't know the deal, shouting King Andre all over the place instead of making peace with the mom and taking up the boy's responsibilities. Even Ubi is at peace with all the mother of his children.

      Churchill is only bothered about reputation. Tonto said I am poor let me prove to the world I am rich by dashing out lands and doing some audio charity, nonsense.

  15. On the eve of ur son’s birthday, u wrote all those lies & sued his mother. On his birthday , u now posted ds epistle , stylish seeking for sympathy from d world. If not for anything, the same Rose that Tonto openly alleged that she broke her marriage with u , is d one u are with at d moment. Tonto has her own faults , but yours was more & u know it . The truth about what happened to ur marriage is between u, Tonto & ur family. U can’t deceive or convince everyone of us about ur personality. If actually u want ur son, u know what to do, but advisers & haters will keep urging u on but unfortunately, u met ur match. U told d whole world on Azuka Ogijiuba’s show that Tonto loved u & u knew it , but killed that love & trust she had for u. Churchill, do d needful, from ur innermost hrt, & with all sincerity, ,sue for peace. Finally, if u continue to play d victim , while Tonto is d demon, no matter how much u spend or personalities that back u up, if u are not as innocent as u claim, God will show that which makes Him God. Cheers.

    1. Exactly, he is worse than the Tonto he wants us to believe is bad. We are not buying this shit anymore, we see through him.

      If you love Andre as much as you claim, you will be concerned about the well being of the mother. If she is not psychologically ok and you keep torturing her emotionally,how will she be in the right frame of mind to care for your son? What if she hurts herself or your son?

      If she gives you Andre today, can you even care for him? Caring for a child goes beyond providing for that child.

      You couldn't even let your beloved son celebrate his birthday in peace, you had to sue the mom few days to his birthday just to make a point. This is a conquest for Churchill, he must win at all cost, nonsense.

    2. Churchill is self centered and doesn't care about any body's wellbeing.
      He is hurt and angry his game plan backfired.If only he was nice to Tinto and didn't cheat, he would have made progress with his political ambition. Churchill and Rosey murer abi wetin be her name owe Tonto Dikeh big time, she made them famous but the fame self don dey die🤫🤫🤫.

  16. Hahaha the court said you can see your son through a nanny and unfortunately Tonto doesn't have one?😂🤣🤣🤣 take heart my brother.

    1. @Akuanyanugbo1 why can’t he pay for a nanny. He’s MR rich rich giving people Tonto beefing with money but he can’t pay for nanny for his child. Instagram father.

  17. @Oriyun, exactly. Let Churchill do what is required of him, pay the fees straight to the school, send money for upkeep with receipt to show for it & see whether Tonto is a rock that can’t be moved . Mind u, it’s not everyone that believes your stories, both of you hurt each other. No body is asking for reconciliation anymore, just do your duty as a father & the three of you will have peace.. Look at Ubi/Lilian & Prince Eke/MumaGee, saw them last Xmas with their kids on a picnic, meanwhile, they’re no more together. Abegi!

    1. Leave him let him be writing useless letter up and down. Pay the school fees directly to the school, buy provisions, buy gifts and clothes for your son, be consistent and let's see if Tonto will not budge. Everything is not force and ego. That is why I like Davido, he doesn't joke with his children.

    2. Churchill clearly doesn’t want peace with Tonto, because if he did he would not be Making friends with people she beefing with, like Ladygolfer, IK etc. that not the move of a person who wants peace. If he want to see his son he knows what to do.

  18. Beautiful child. Happy Birthday to him

  19. To think that I loved this guy’s personality initially, thinking that he’s calm & too responsible for Tonto , beats me. I was so happy for Tonto that when the quarrel started , I was broken & always bombarded her Dm , begging & advising her that there’s never a perfect marriage, not knowing that he’s “Hurricane “ himself. She threw away her craziness, sacrificed her job & upscale lifestyle , just to be with you, but you took her loyalty & love for you for granted. Not in anyway exonerating Tonto in the whole saga, but if you were not 60% percent at fault, why did you mention during an interview that you took people severally to beg her to come back , but she refused? I loved U2 , so I was kind of following & tagging along , praying that both of you would get back together. I can bet my life that Tonto is in pain for playing into your hands & you used her as you liked & you know pretty well that that’s why she’s finding it difficult to forgive., besides, you are not even coming clean about it all. Throw your pride to the winds ,talk to her like someone that used to see you as her “world”, do your fatherly duties accordingly & see if your son will not be spending days , if not weeks with you. You know what to do, but pride will not allow you. Peace is all I’m advocating for , bcoz of that innocent boy, so go for it . Cheers.

    1. He is mean, manipulative and a user,the kind that use your flaws/ weakness against you. They do things to make you react then act as if they did you no wrong.
      He is a people pleaser, wants to look good before the world while he is a demon.
      For the sake of your son, why can't you chill and have a dialogue with the mom? He is not interested in seeing his son, all pretence.
      Like you said, she dragged him because she was hurting and was in a bad place. We hope and pray he remembers to write letters to his other numerous children during their birthdays.

  20. Mtchewwwww agbaya men everywhere.
    Happy Birthday cute boy.

  21. Tontoh made sure there was no Nanny, good for him, why can't Rosy mooo give him a son. This man leave Tontoh alone. I like the new Tontoh, less talk and more actions.

  22. Tontoh has replied ooo

  23. Tonto doesn’t have a nanny? She posted on her page yesterday , possibly after reading that ur nanny part, that Andre ‘s “Nanny” & somebody else tried a lot , sort of. Churchill, look at young Davido, Ubi & a few others that we know , why can’t u be like them , take care of ur son, bcoz u can afford it & have peace? Move round the SM & read how honest women have been advising u to make peace with her & have ur son, which u know is appropriate . Remember that even without u being rich, Tonto saw u & told whoever that cared to listen that u changed her life & d best husband ever , (we read all that), but u practically destroyed whatever she had for u. Both of u made ur mistakes, hurt each other, decided to scatter that table of love, but now, d problem is how to co-habit, & d ball is in ur court to do d right thing. U can’t hate & taunt ur son’s mother like hell & expect to gain free access to him, u know how u put her in pain , which she’s still nursing , but u continue to gaslight & we know this. No woman, including those supporting u ,will take it lightly with u, except a handicapped imbecile . Trust “crazy” Sdk’s warriors, no matter how demonic whoever is , when u get it right, they’ll applaud & commend u, so try & amend that ur constitution of “I will never” & those hurtful steps of yours towards Tonto & receive ur deserved standing ovation b4 God & man. Na my own be that, if u like, make dem tell u sey make u no gree, but remember sey those people wey dey advice u get their own problem , be wiser.

  24. Rada rada na for only Nigeria. "Political ambition", only in Nigeria you find these kinds power. You use women destinies to become, climb and remain relevant. Then, what makes you a man? Why are women raising these kind of men for society, why? On the eve of "your beloved son's birthday?" Does he "love" his other children like Andre? If he can not acknowledge his other kids, cater for and fight for them like he is doing, then something is terminally wrong some where. This guy is deadly. He begged her over and again to come back and she said no. Then he turns to use everything within his power to fight her. If only he spent some of his wealth to acquire quality education, it would have been good.

  25. Churchill, just coming from your page , unfortunately, I choose where I comment. Saw a lot of people “audiolly” crying , hailing & branding you all sorts of beautiful names. Let me tell you this, they have told you that your son will look for you when he grows, but have you asked yourself what will happen if he eventually finds out all you did to her mum & how you never came forth embracing your responsibilities towards his upbringing? Yes, it will surely come to that. The marriage never worked, but did anybody put a gun on your neck not to pay his fees or his upkeeps, or did Tonto tell the school or her bank not to accept any money from Churchill? Your son will be briefed with evidence & witnesses ,when he investigates & finds out the truth, you & I know what will be the outcome. Regina Daniels’ father is a victim today. Almost all children, especially the males take to their mums, talk less of when they suffered & went extra miles for their upbringing. I advise you to come down & work amicably with Tonto ,bcoz you might not laugh last when the time comes, avoid had I known.

  26. Audio father!!!
    Sorry Sir! But that's what you are proving to be

    Did your son school not have evidence of your not paying fees?? Be waiting to reap where u didn't sow.

  27. Godly footsteps treat a woman anyhow and you expect her to grieve on your terms. leave social media and do the needful for your child. when he is old enough to understand sit him down and talk.he cant read this now and we the audience dont care

  28. Thank God that this boy is his photocopy. E for don Japa, sey Tonto carry bele from outside come give am. This one hook am for throat & Tonto knows, that’s why she’s on cloud nine. They would have been going for DNA up & down to ascertain whether he’s his father. U wan do politics , na e you start trouble, go bring out stories wey we don forget? You don give your future opponent campaign strategies, bcoz e go dig deep, come use am against you. Shows how smart you are. Make una settle abegi, all of us get our own problems.


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