Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Monday, February 17, 2020

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Hello Stella, compliment of the season to you, i am a great admirer of yours. I love the inspirational statements you post and I'm motivated to share my own story.

 I am a 40 year old lady with no child, i have a very good job and my own house which i built with my own sweat. I have been dating a man i thought would go no where becos of financial differences (as in i get money pass am 3x) ...

he was always available emotional and mentally that i was thinking he was just in it for my money, i never flaunted my money and he never gave any impression that he wanted my money.

 I was just enjoying my s#x life. 

On the 14th February,he came to my office with a rose flower, an engagement ring and a little card that said "age is nothing but a number pls marry me" i agreed cos i wanted a child of my own and i also love him.

But i started thinking to myself that this guy wants my money... 

My sister he pulled out an appointment letter and omo his new salary capsized my own.. i started feeling guilty. He said he fell in love the moment i told him my age. He said he wanted a woman not a girl. So pls tell the ladies approaching 40 to cool down nothing dey happen....

Their own will come at the appointed time....

*WOW,congratulations to you!!!...Nigerian women will preach age is nothing but a number when they want to get married but refuse it when their brothers or 


  1. Woowww, congrats dear. I'm so happy for you.

    1. @Mz B.

      Yes happy for her, but do you see how selfish and pretentious Nigerian ladies can be -my money, my own child?
      And how does that amount to love? And like Stella wrote up there, if your brother wanted to marry
      a 40 year old lady, will you tell him congrats?

    2. lol😋

      they're all hypocrites

    3. Thank you 15:16
      I guess it the salary part wasnt added
      We would be reading
      Posts like poster beware .
      Look carefully .

    4. You all have summed it up. Even when he showed up and proposed, she was still thinking he was after her money not until he showed her an employment letter. So are we to conclude that she is after his money now? How can she call it love when she said she was just enjoying the sex? It turned out to be love when she saw his employment letter, SMH.

      Stella, you are so right! Ladies here will all shout that age is just a number, but when it involves any male in their family, they will be the ones to champion no-marriage to the lady.

    5. Congrats dear.
      But I don't understand this your it a big deal for you to have more money than your far you know he actually has a good job and has opportunity to rise and be promoted. There are soooo many couples the wife is more financially secure than the man,even in this my office. There are some the woman even owns the property they live in but the man pays the house bills. Some they buy the property together.
      You ought to change this your mind far you see a man being hard-working and he's ambitious,situation can change any day. Every woman including me wants a financially secure man but truth is sometimes a woman's career may pick up faster than her spouse or her own profession may pay more. You may be a banker earning millions and ur hubby may be a lecturer. Does that make him a gold-digger?

    6. Abeg, she's not a gold digger. She has EVERY reason to be concerned. Many men who go after successful ladies, especially those as old as she is are often after their money.

      If she hadn't added the part of his salary, i bet many would have warned her that he's after her money.

      Congratulations, poster. But please make sure he didn't present a fake appointment letter o.

    7. Congrats poster, indeed he makes all things beautiful in his time.

    8. @Tiana
      YOu are deceived.

  2. Wow indeed! Congratulations are in order poster.

  3. Congrats poster.
    I will try to cool down.
    But the truth is I don't feel cool right now.

    1. Yeah, no love here from this woman. Of things slightly go bad for the guy, this woman up there can ditch him.
      No love.

  4. I read "my money" more than 5 times in this your tori. 😮😮😮
    Now that his salary "capsize your own" if he starts chanting "my money," will you like it?
    Sisi, it does not appear you love this man...not sorry to tell you this, if you want to learn the truth as it is. LOVE SEEKS NOT HIS OWN...IS NOT SELFISH...(kindly search it online and read the chapter). And you were in it initially with a good but selfish motive..."a child of your own". 😮😮
    You hatched a plan to use this dude but it was not what you thought.
    If you commence a marital journey with this mindset; "my own money, my own child..." it is risky. But if you enter it with "Our money, our child..." then congrats, you are on a lasting and happy journey.
    Nne, I don dey in it for up to a dozen years and can tell you from experience and Scriptures that I know.
    I married someone who I was worth more than ten times in terms of finances but I never belittled him.
    Let me throway my ajuju n'ese okwu to help you...If this man should lose this new job that his salary capsized your own...?

    1. Well said 15:09👏🏾👏🏾

    2. you never disappoint nah, i trust you, the poster is selfish, i pity that man sha, watch them, dey will come attack your smooth yansh now.

    3. She doesn't love him .
      She was willing to 'Settle '
      Cos she is 40 and he seemed humble ,
      And bam ☄☄☄☄
      He proposes and shows her his true financial identity and she is suddenly advising other women that their own would come cos she has hit jackpot.
      Nothing wrong with wanting a financially stable man but let's keep it real .

    4. I agreed th you 101% beyond mathematical equation.
      This poster sound selfish.

    5. ANG thank you for showing this woman her true reflection in the mirror.
      She is a rare specie of SELFISH!

      This was what she said, " I was just enjoying my s#x life." The she also said, "i agreed cos i wanted a child of my own and i also love him.

      But i started thinking to myself that this guy wants my money...

      My sister he pulled out an appointment letter and omo his new salary capsized my own.. i started feeling guilty."

      What a woman!😓
      Thank God we are not all like her!

    6. See them! All of you pretenders! If she hadn't mentioned the salary part, i bet you all will tell her the man is humble because she has money. Mschew!

    7. If i am going to be truthful I'll say the poster doesnt love this man,Like real love. It just turned out that it all worked out but you do not love him.

    8. 18:36 I stand by my earlier comment.Poster is selfish.
      Money can grow wings and fly, then her love for this man will fly out of the window.
      Ladies, don't marry down because of age or money. That marriage won't weather the storms.
      I know someone in this poster's age bracket who refused to marry a young Pharmacist 10 years younger even after his financial status soared. He keeps going back to her year on year but she still turned him down. They are from two different worlds. It's not about the money.

    9. @18:36
      But she mentioned it. Suck it up😜😜😜🐮😭😪😝😝

  5. This girl was "enjoying her sex life..." or you missed to write it correctly
    that you were enjoying fornication?

    1. And so?
      Has earth stopped spinning?

    2. Pls give the holier than thou, self righteous crap a break. Was Adam and eve married. Even Mary the mother of Jesus got pregnant before marriage. So pls take a chill pill

    3. @15:23
      No, the earth is still spinning but that woman's buttocks spins faster in fornication.

    4. Proverbs 30:21 "Under three things the earth trembles, under four it cannot bear up:
      a bitter woman who finally gets a husband,

    5. Anon 15:23 when "the earth stops spinning" YOU CAN ARGUE WITH GOD.

      1 Corinthians 6:9-11 King James Version (KJV)
      9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

      10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

      *Cross reference Revelation 21:8 King James Version (KJV)*

    6. The poster did not say she wants to inherit the kingdom of God please. She said she wants to enjoy her sex life. Leave her to do so. This kingdom of God wey you never see, that people like you being there will make it a hell fire without the fumes. Even on earth, you people are a nuisance. In heaven, you are the ones that would be writing names of noisemakers, reporting those that don't come for choir practice and preaching to those who buy imported rags from hell because they are tired of wearing white and gold in heaven. Wherever you end up in eternity will be hell fire. Let people enjoy their lives on earth that we have seen and know exists. Even going to hell fulfills the word of God so let them do his will.

  6. You didnt state his age, for us to agree with you that age is nothing but a number.....

    1. Hahahaha my goodness Macbeth oo. I’m laughing so hard here. Lollll

  7. Wow!!! Congratulations. This just made my afternoon.

  8. A big congratulations to you and thanks for sharing this to motivate those that have lost hope, thank you ma

  9. You want to get married and every man that approaches you is after your money? No wonder you were single for at least two decades.

    1. I know women who were richer than the men they married only for the men to turn around and wreck them financially. So she has every reason to be careful

    2. Exactly.... Trying to be careful, now she is 40, assuming the man didnt come, ahe will reach 50.

      Issue is... Many girls don't know where to draw the line.
      They believe every guy is after their money, and their atritude only chase the good guys away.
      When you find out a guy truly loves you, put money mentality aside and build a beautiful world together.....

      Haven't you seen men who reciprocated the love and money when they later had?????
      Must it be only "men who weecked their wives" you only see.

      This is the reason girls keep falling for cheats and touts, because of the poverty mentality.

  10. Poster you are a gold digger.
    You want to marry that guy because of his money.
    I pity that innocent man.

    1. ...poster you also need him to get his sperm and birth a child.

    2. I just have one Question
      Dear poster
      If you hadn't seen his financial security
      Would you have happily said yes or you'd manage .

    3. Poster this is not true love but scam.

  11. Hmmmmmm...all is I see is conditional love.

  12. His money, our money. My money, my money

  13. Your own child? Why do I have this feeling you are with him cos you want "your child" not necessarily cos you love him?
    Truth is you accepted to marry him cos age is no longer on your side and since he is available mentally and emotionally, you decided to cool down with him.
    You have been all about "my my my"


    1. She doesn't love him at all.

      Dear advanced single female this story isnt the model story for you .

  14. The only moral of this story is that ladies make ur own money. all dos carrying leg up and down without getting a degree,drawing tattoos up and down. nothing commot at the end oo.. its preferable u re single nd comfortable ,than being single with prospect or money added to your name... Talk Finish

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Poster I really hope you can really stick with this guy through thick and thin.
    Cause all I’m seeing here is money money money.

  17. My own, my own, Ok o. Hope the man won't start shouting my own, my own after wedding

  18. Congratulations babe
    Yes she is a babe!

    Live deliberately and intentionally...

  19. I fear for the guy, you sound to me like a self centered person .
    Your type will deny such a man the privilege of seeing is kids if he ever go broke because everything is all about you.
    My money, child of my own.

    You're into the guy because es the only option available and age is not on your side, it's not about love.

  20. this is the reason many women will stay old in their personal or father's house....
    Money money money....

    my money, he doesn't have money, I earn more than him, ..... ohhh, he now has money....

    like seriously??, so if he doesn't have that "new job", you would be skeptical???

    madam, how much do you have that someone hasn't had before???, I believe love should be more than " MY, MY, MY....." its OURS.

    congrats anyways, but You sound so self centered.

    remember Patience Jonathan was richer than her husband when they started, but today, the man is making her what she is....

    i think our ladies of today should losen up and see love from another perspective, rather than "Money, my money, He is not rich, etc....

    1. Your first sentence is actually wrong. Most of the greedy money-loving women get married much quicker than the humble naive ones. They date rich men who spoilt them to bits. Not that it is right, but your first sentence is assuming that all single ladies are single cos they are looking for money. Not true at all..

    2. But the same patience Jonathan was left for a younger woman who bore her husband kids. The man she married did not use all his wealth and influence to make her a mother through medical intervention or adoption instead, he sorted himself out with a second wife so I totally understand the poster's fear about being Bob the Builder. That fear probably saved her from a lot of tears over the years. Let's just be thankful that she didn't miss out on true love. With time, she'll let down her guard and come to fully appreciate her guy. Many women have that story.

    3. Thanks and God bless you Nib.

  21. Your emphasis on money makes me feel great pity for you. Apart from the fornication aspect, you've been hanging with a man whom you believed wasn't on your level cos of finances. Lol. Man you keep removing clothes for willingly IS your level. Cos if you could do better, you would have.

    Then, you told yourself it won't go anywhere yet wanted his sperm! To have a child of YOUR own. I've never met a woman who loves a man that wants a child of "her own". A woman who loves a man and wants children, wants to have them with him. She doesn't set out to use him as a sperm donor. Like I said before, I feel pity for you. If at 40, what you can get from others is all you're focused on (and that's how you come across in your story), you're NOT actually ready to be married.

    Marriage is NOT for selfish children who are walking around in the bodies of adults and looking for where to happen. My money, my child, my house, my sweat. Grow up please. Cos as you are now, you'll leave the marriage after you get what you think you want.

    1. You can imagine at 40. You even have your own house and you are financially secure. What do you even need the mans money for. You are not even talking of his character or how he will make a good husband or father.
      Nobody is saying marry a broke-ass, but for pit sakes the man is obviously not a lay-around,he's educated and trying to better himself and his career.

  22. Congratulations to you dear poster.
    Believe me you said yes to him because of his new status. Please try to love him unconditional. Enjoy.

  23. I swear you do not deserve this Man. He deserves better... His Salary is now Our Money Abi?

  24. What happens if this man loses the job?

  25. "He said a wanted a woman not a girl" You men down play ladies a lot. Some girls are even more mature that the "women" that's why I don't pity you men when things happen to you

  26. Dear poster here is a quick prayer,
    I pray your man comes across this before your big day, i pray he sees the true reflection of the woman he is settling with, and i pray you change and become a better person for yourself. Amen

    1. He knows exactly who she is. That's why he showed her his new pay check

  27. Please tell them oh... Hope they do allow their brothers and sons marry older women

  28. Poster, you're fortunate you are with a man who loves you and knows your fears well enough to do something about it. Please treat him well and happy married life. May you and your husband be blessed with children soon and more blessings.

    Ignore the judgmental comments. With the kind of comments about husbands that i read on this blog, most of them would have jumped for the opportunity to marry a well to do man but never got the chance so they had to settle.

    1. You and the poster are in the same WhatsApp group. Con women oshi.

    2. Ceasar is coming for this woman tomorrow. Lol

    3. You made sense. The poster should see past her valid fears and reciprocate this man's love. Those cackling in the comments are the same ones that talked down the woman who married at 16 and whose husband beats and maltreated her severally and is now trying to get her to sell her land. This woman has her reasons for securing her bag and being financially independent from the onset. No man dating her at her age would think she doesn't want kids. Now that he wants to get married, she can breathe easy. Even if he is a scammer, they both get companionship from the union and if there is a child coming, she would happily spend her money on their child. Not every woman can be a construction company building men as if the man is motherless. Even men are weary of building women today. Together, they can build a home and gradually, more love and trust will be built and mindsets will shift. She may seem selfish but the truth is she may have experienced enough in her life to be GUARDED. Many men also wait to propose till they feel they can adequately provide or contribute to the common purse. Poster, have a SMALL wedding and make sure you are not the one sponsoring it. Neither one of you can afford to break the bank as you may need the cash in your conception journey or to build wealth for your unborn children. All the people you want to invite have eaten rice before. Go to registry and give takeaway after that.

  29. Congrats poster... I pray for my virgin friend in her mid forties that her own flesh will come sooner than she thinks.

  30. Poster you're a con woman, my money, my child etc hian! but it's aii. una two fit because you're dealing with a con man too. Appointment letter my ass. Lol.You should probably watch that new tyler Perry movie , a fall from Grace, I think . Guyman knows exactly what you want to hear to clear your doubts about him and seal the deal with marriage. Make no go tell you he mysteriously lost the job after marriage. Not wishing you bad luck o but just don't relax too much. Shine ya eyes . Like I said una two fit each other sha . Lol

    1. Lol... wouldn’t this be quite the plot twist 😂

  31. I'm worried about he showing you his paycheck though. What if he's lying and did this just to get you to marry him? Please still be careful

  32. reason no one should be poor.
    no Matter how good you are..
    people will always suspect you motive...

  33. All my life, I have never come across a woman that sounds, appears, seems so self-centered, self-glorious. So much selfish that she could take a picture with a friend, and would still label the pix "selfie".
    I try not to link any correlation between higher number of women at work and increasing rate of poor relationships/divorce/separation.

    I pray tell, how can this union stand the test of time, when the foundation is already faulty.
    Now you know one of the reasons some men don't approach these type of ladies who think that the men in their lives are after their money.
    I think the entire menfolk should organize a sympathy vigil for the man. He is in deep soup. I hope he realizes this, and if he is playing along best of luck to him.
    Honestly, the world needs more tender women. They make good wives and responsible mothers.

  34. Una dey mad. @ poster don't mind them ooo. Congratulations sis


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