Stella Dimoko Thursday Spontaneous Post...


Thursday, January 09, 2020

Thursday Spontaneous Post...

#namaste #unadoh #almostweekend #naijajollof #theysayitneverrainsinsoutherncalifornia #everythingchangedwhenthedeekbecameserial #lmaoooooo #egobe ✌

Hello and how are you?LOL

Please before i say anything,the BV who ran back to Nigeria because his Friend reported him to the Police for having gotten a Job with fake result ,please are you OK?can you send us an update on how things are and where you are now?..I saw a comment Yesterday asking after you and i realised we dont know if you are OK....
Please send me a mail if you see this.....

Today is the last in house news for the week......Have a nice day people.

E go be ✌


  1. Good morning everyone, blessed day ahead in Jesus name.

    1. Danke Danke Tante Stella...
      Abeg I don't know the meaning of what i just wrote oh but I m trying o say thank you for the 1gig data i received last night.
      I'm grateful. And excited. I finally won something from "our blog"
      Thanks once again.
      I appreciate.

    2. Thanks very much Stella, I also received 1gig data last night. May God bless you immediately

    3. Thank you very much Stella for the 1gig data

    4. You're right. Danke means thanks.

    5. I thought I was the only one that have never been to a club before wow. So we plenty here

      Goodmorning everyone. Have a nice day ahead

    6. Good morning everyone..
      Thank you so much Stella for d data giveaway.God bless u. PA thank u.


    Would you like to experience yourself living today at your highest level of fulfillment? Then make yourself useful.

    Even the most luxurious luxury gets tedious and boring after a short while. Don’t let yourself settle for mere opulence, overconsumption and overindulgence.

    Instead, put your skills, your knowledge, your discipline, your competence and persistence to use. Figure out what you can do to make a positive difference, and then do it.

    There are things you are passionate about, people you love, ideas you believe in. Engage that passion, that love, that belief in worthwhile endeavors.

    No matter what burdens you face, or how much or how little you have, one thing is always true. You can instantly make your life better by working to make life better for others.

    Lift yourself far above the dreary indifference that saps life out of your spirit. Make yourself useful, and enjoy the fulfilling life that you deserve to give, and to live.

  3. Rhapsody Today!!

    No Contrabands!!
    Romans 12:2


    "You have the responsibility to prove or scrutinize what you allow into your world"

    "There're Contrabands-things that aren't consistent with your divine nature in Christ-like sickness, death, poverty, anger, bitterness, frustration, etc; don't allow them into your life"

    "Vehemently refuse the works of evil and forbid them in your body, family, job and around you"

    "If you don't take a stand, nothing will change; and it begins with the renewing or transformation of your mind"

    Today's Prayer!!

    Dear Father, thank you for the power to determine what comes into my world. I disallow every kind of illegal transaction in my life. I Vehemently refuse sickness, poverty, death, and everything that hurts and binds. Only things that are consistent with the God-life are permitted in, and around me, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. if you don't take a stand nothing will change.

  4. Happy throwback Thursday to everyone out there

    May our hustles pay now and always 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. Good morning bvs,May your day be blessed
    Up and thankful


    “My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him” Psalms 62:5, NKJV.

    Your expectation of the Lord is what He wants. Your enthusiasm, your joy, your faith, your trust and waiting patiently for Him, is what the Lord is after. It’s not about how long you wait, my sister, it’s how you wait. When you feel yourself growing tired, remember your expectation came from the Lord. It’s not something you manufactured on your own. It came from Him, and since it came from Him, you can know that He’s going to bring it to pass. The Lord put it in your heart to believe Him for a particular thing, and He promises when you delight yourself in Him, He will give you the desires of your heart. Delight in waiting for Him. Delight in trusting Him and obeying Him. That’s what He’s paying attention to. It’s our attitude while we wait. He’s going to renew your strength as you come to Him. He’s going to cause you to mount up with wings as a strong and mighty eagle. You will begin to see your life and situations from His view, and it will fill you with hope in believing. You will not give up until you see your expectation fulfilled.

    Prayer: Father, I love you. Thank you for your love for me. I pray that you will increase my expectancy. Help me believe and learn how to wait on you. Help me grow excited every day because I know the longer it takes, the sweeter it’s going to be. My expectation is from you, and you never disappoint those who wholeheartedly trust you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
    Daughters of the King Devo

    1. Is this the same Essa of hello cover fame?😎😎😎😎😎

    2. Lady bug 🤭🧐😳🤓

    3. Look who we have here today. The bug is back. Yay!!
      Welcome back Lady big. Missed ya!!

    4. And Lady Bug Appeared on my Birthday. I am " Honoured"

    5. Lady bug 🤭🧐😳🤓

    6. Lol no...not the same one Lady bug... Good to have you back.

  7. Good morning lovelies. Please I need your help BVs. My fiance and I are planning on relocating to Canada. We hope to get married before his visa is granted ( by the grace of God). Please for those who have gone through this process, please avail me with tips and guides on how to get the visa with ease. We both are not well travelled (never been on a plane) Though he plans on making a travelling to 3 countries before the Canadian visa process begins. He is a professional and his fields are areas that are highly sought after in Canada...
    Please BVs, do we stand a fair chance?

    Note that the plan is that he will travel first and I would follow afterwards.

  8. Day 7 of 7 (Purpose, Glory & Power - 1)

    There's a kind of man Mary would have been betrothed to and God wouldn't have risked her carrying Jesus, cos she would definitely have been stoned to death. Or a kind of man Samson's mother could have married and no angel would have been able to find her where he did, as Manoah would have divorced her cos of childlessness. There's a Levite Jochebed would have married, either Moses wouldn't have been born, or wouldn't survive cos Miriam wouldn't have had sense. A kind of man Deborah would have married and nobody would have heard her voice cos her prophetic ministry would have ended as a direct result. A woman Zechariah would have married, that Jesus wouldn't have had a forerunner or Mary wouldn't have had where to go when she got pregnant with Jesus.

    While they will have pleasure in each other, divinely ordained marriages are NEVER about the couple. And this is really important to note because there are some people who have already done something to indicate God can't dare trust them to be with you. They will ruin everything God has been doing and is still trying to accomplish with/in you. Some of you already see the pattern, yet ignore.

    There's a kind of wo/man you will marry, that will make a mockery of everything you carried before the marriage. And God will jejely transfer an assignment and associated blessings that were meant to be yours, out of your bloodline entirely. Or He will suspend it for a family member in a different generation. Cos the Spirit of God will not strive with you forever if you refuse to cooperate with Him.

    There's a woman a man marries and his permanent disqualification from what he's spent 30+ years preparing for, is automatic. It's not every wife that will agree to follow you to where God sends you, even with begging. There are spouses that ruin careers, end destinies and send you to Hell before you die physically. But there are those whose presence in your life and alliance with you, guarantees your legacy.

    1. @real OA The last time i was to get married, i was struggling to leave a particular gate, after running and struggling and seeing people leaving, immediately i wanted to get out, a lady came immediately with her boys and locked it up immediately and that marriage went off in less than a week of that dream. So on the 3rd day of this fasting i saw my self remove chains and locks, where i was held captive, immediately i remove the last chain i woke up

      Another one i had yesterday night, was that there this church we worship when we were young, but we left the church, anytime i see failure, either i see myself in that church or our old compound we lived, and everything will spoil at that point. Yesterday i dreamt of going to that church, but upon entering i changed my mind, and i ran off immediately before they will come out, since it was dark in that dream, but i later noticed, in aspect of rushing i forgot my cloth i was carrying in a corner in the church field, on my way going back to carry the cloth i woke up. Tho in that dream, i knew they might not see it, or see it and not know it mine. Please what does it mean

    2. Day 7 of 7 (Purpose, Glory & Power - 2)

      Missing it in marriage isn't always that the spouse is evil. They can be a child of God you marry, have some children (just not the one/s you'd have had), make money, etc but your alliance with them will help you out of where/what you were actually born to be. You can't afford to put your head just anywhere and call it a marriage - even if the person is a pastor.

      And let's face it - people who have a calling of God on their lives but marry wrong, usually end up with tools of the devil. Cos it was never about you, so the devil tries to ensure you don't retrace your steps or recover. You might still make Heaven. But imagine how you'll feel when you get there and see the real cost of your disobedience, arrogance and impatience in the area of choice of spouse.

      Maybe your marriage was what God wanted to use to begin a new story for your lineage, out of bad marriages and unhappy homes. To show your family that godly spouses exist, who will not discard you just cos you're ill or babies never show. Even to show the world that beyond what the media calls "power couples", there are Kingdom Couples that He uses to show the devil nwii; you know how you would send your child or younger one to deal with riff-raff wey no reach your level, while you laugh in the background. To be one reason people have cause to say, "Now I know there is a God, and He lives here. Take me to serve Him."

      But no, people are mocking you and you want to prove what God didn't send you. So you put your hands and legs where God didn't lead you. Aso-ebi maestro, you must shut down Instagram with wedding to someone God didn't send. So, you rob God of the glory of showcasing and eating the food, whose aroma He has been sending out in small doses since He started cooking it. Yes, you're meant to find pleasure in your divinely ordained marriage, but it is not about you.

      God's Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go! (Romans 8:14 MSB)

      FOR THIS REASON a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24 AMP).

    3. Good morning Real OA. About 3 months ago, I had a number of those dreams you listed yesterday, so I spent time on #3 prayer point as instructed.

      I had this dream. There was a purple and white standing fan in a place where my sister (also unmarried), Mum and I were. We later went somewhere else and saw the same fan and I was telling my sister that it's the same purple and white design. After, the three of us walked and got to a bus depot where buses were lined up. Thanks.

    4. Prayer Points (@ noon & @ 11pm)
      1) In the Name of Jesus Christ, I confess and renounce any and all involvement of myself or my ancestors in false religion, astrology, palm reading, occultic practices, and other forms of rebellion against God. I bring them under the Blood of Jesus Christ and ask for the mercy of God to prevail over judgement.

      2) God in Heaven, please forgive me for trying to take over Your role in my life. I return full control of my life to You as a living sacrifice and I give You permission. Manage my life as You intended from before the foundation of the world. I will co-operate with You from now on in Jesus' Name.

      3) God, Creator of the universe, Master of my life, please do not let me miss Your will. Begin to show me Your purpose for my life and for divinely ordained marriage in Jesus' Name.
      4) Father, if there's any way I have started to deviate that will eventually cause me to land in a marriage that will not fulfil Your purpose or give You glory, have mercy and show me. Do whatever it takes to quickly re-direct my steps to the right path and give me grace to accept Your purpose for my divinely ordained marriage in Jesus' Name. Father, let my marriage even beyond the wedding cause Heaven to rejoice in Jesus' Name.

      5) Oh God, give me the wisdom to balance my role and my relationship in Jesus' Name.
      NB: Your role in this context is what God has called you to do. The relationship is what you have within your marriage to your divinely ordained spouse. It leaves a bad taste if you are a well-known prophet/pastor/business person/etc but a terrible spouse to God's own child. You don't want God to regret releasing His child to you to marry.

      6a) If you have never had any children, pray: Father, I soak my womb/loins and lineage in the Blood of Jesus Christ and dedicate them to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. I now receive Your grace, wisdom and all I need to raise the children You give me, for Your glory.
      NB: This is the real "Take It Back". The Igbos say ozoemena, meaning "never again". None of your descendants should ever have to go through the pain that made you do this fasting programme, so you are settling the matter of your bloodline now. But it's not magic or automatic, it takes time and work to show. Write down today's date and what you're declaring, so you won't forget who really owns the children when they come in the marriage.

      6b) If you're a single parent cos your child was conceived in a painful situation that wasn't your choice (like rape), cos you were in a marriage that broke down and your former spouse walked away from responsibility to your child/ren, or cos you're widowed: prayerfully forgive those who created the situation, forgive yourself and ask God to heal you completely, ask God to forgive you for placing any unfair expectations or taking out your frustrations on the child, then stand in the gap for roots of trauma and rejection to be lovingly removed from the life of your child. Declare that they will feel the love of God from now on, and they will be a witness for God. Then, pray 6a for the children you will have in the God-ordained marriage you're praying for.

      6c) If you're a single parent cos you willingly committed sin and you were abandoned with the child: ask God for forgiveness and healing for yourself, stand in the gap & demand every root of abandonment to be flushed out from the child's life with the Blood of Jesus Christ. Give the child to God and declare that they will serve the Living God. Then, pray 6a for the children you will have in the God-ordained marriage you're praying for.

      7) Father, after all is said and done, do not allow me miss Heaven in Jesus' Name.

    5. Scriptures to meditate on:
      - Gen 2: 22 - 24
      - Gen 38; Matt 1: 1 - 3
      - Exodus 2 & 3
      - Judges 4
      - Judges 13: 1 - 14; Judges 16:30
      - 1 Samuel 8:1 - 5
      - Luke 1: 5 - 44
      - 1 Peter 2:9
      - Esther 4
      - Psalm 33
      - Psalm 95

      Songs of the day
      - Hark, The Voice of Jesus Calling
      - I Come To Thee Once More My God
      - Captain of Israel's Host & Guide (John Seda)
      - No Way (Freke Umoh)
      - Most High (Dunsin Oyekan)
      - Now Thank We All Our God

      1) If you feel led to pray any or all of the above in your native dialect, do so. Don't forget to thank God after praying AND when the answer physically arrives.

      2) Expect to be tested - Abimelech only took Sarah (Gen 20) AFTER God told Abraham "by this time next year" (Gen 18). Determine that you will serve and trust God. Refuse to panic - no matter what you don't see now. Make a commitment to know God more for yourself, stay close to Him and continue to follow His leading - even after your divinely ordained spouse arrives. Fasting isn't a magic ritual, just like God is not anti-malarial medication that is no longer needed after the illness is past or the dosage is finished. Go back over the notes when you need to.

      3) If you have any questions about the fast, issues treated, dreams you've had since you started the fast - ask below. Today is the last day; don't let anyone or anything distract you.

      4) Fast to break at 12 NOON in your timezone with crackers and water YOU BLESS by yourself to be used as communion. Please, do NOT take the water to or from any church, pastor or prophet for blessing. Bottled, satchet or dispenser water is fine. Use crackers you can afford. If you're ill or on prescribed medication, eat and take your medicine at the time your doctor told you to. Stay focused, pray the prayer at the mentioned times in your timezone, read & meditate on the given Scriptures today, and take communion @ noon.

      5) Start thanking God for your wedding and get ready.

      6) You should not be on this programme if you are married (unless you're standing in the gap for someone who is single, 35 & above, AND looking to connect to/get married to their divinely ordained spouse). Single means have never been married to a human being, single parent, officially divorced or widowed. That you're currently annoyed at an existing spouse, doesn't make you single. Abeg.

      7) This is also NOT for you if you are
      - helping a married wo/man commit adultery
      - in a relationship with a "Saul" that you're trying to manipulate to propose
      - doing juju on any man for ANY reason (especially with your eyes - whether it's contact lenses or eye makeup like Kohl)
      - not bornagain and don't want to be
      - involved in witchcraft, the occult or New Age movement ("love and light", "Universe", energies, soul/astral travel, angel cards, etc)
      - terrorising or harming the wife of your brother or cousin in any way (including her reputation)
      - a mother wanting to stand in the gap for your daughter but you're a bad mother-in-law to any of your sons' wives. If you do what you have been specifically asked not to do and you trigger or wake up what should have been left alone in your own life, you're on your own.

    6. Good morning @real OA
      Please has the spirit leads you,can you join us going to conceive too.I know God can use you for my situation. If its fasting I am ready.May I carry to term and give birth this year

    7. Good morning @real OA, I made the comment about drink in a different bottle when I didn't see your response on Tuesday i thought maybe it meant nothing, then yesterday when I was going through the program of the day, it spoke directly to me that was before I saw your comment about the message being for me. The thing is I work in a firm I've paid my dues and I want to move on and stand on my own but I'm scared I would fail being that I'm female in a male dominated field. I prayed to God and asked for a sign that it was time, and something happened in December and the word from yesterday confirmed it. So I'm taking that step, you guys please say a prayer for me.
      Thank you

    8. Enter your reply...hi real OA it's yesterday anonymous of a female covering her face in the dream. please u said u will drop a reply this morning.

    9. Anon 8:31 I'll post about waiting parents later. But know that God has NOT forgotten you. I just needed to be sure He wants me to, before I said anything. Else it'll be a waste of time and energy.

    10. Real OA God bless you really good.

    11. Anon 8:15 Please

      1) Go through today's write-up, Scriptures, songs and prayers carefully. Pray #1 prayer point like your life depends on it.

      2) Ask God to let you see the manifestation of your COMPLETE breakthrough.

      3) Stop worrying.

    12. I'm 8.16, just wanted to add that the dream I narrated is the one I had overnight and not the previous dreams. Thanks and God bless you.

    13. Anon 8:51 go through today's write-up, Scriptures, songs and prayers as many times as it takes to sink into your spirit. Pray #1 prayer point like your life depends on it.

    14. 8.47 All the best. I pray God will make the lines fall for you in pleasant places. May His Spirit be your guide every step of the way. Amen.

    15. Anon 8:16 Time has been redeemed for you and your sister. Go through today's write-up, songs, Scriptures, and prayer requests. But repeat the prayer points and song from Day 4 as earnestly as you can (in your dialect if you can speak it).

      In a bus depot, many buses look similar from the outside. But they can be going different places. Now that time has been redeemed for you, you need to identify which of the buses is yours.

    16. Rolls of transparent cylindrical plastic containers holding black pills neatly arranged

      I seemed to know how to open them and had taken some

      Someone was trying to bring out coloured ones in a mixed up pile of others

  9. Pls how do you tell someone he/she has bad breath?

    1. Yinmu,who knows,you might even be the one with bad breath😎😎😎😎

    2. You have a bad breath. Trust me, being straightforward helps in this situation.

    3. Lady bug! Welcome back ooo

    4. It depends on how close you are with the person. For very close persons I go "ewwww (name) did you brush this morning? The usual answer will be "is my mouth smelling?" Then I will say a big yes! And go ahead to suggest they change toothpaste/brush, brush very well including the tongue, flossing and visiting a dentist.

      For persons that are not very close, I just ask what brand of toothpaste they use and tell them politely to try another brand bcos the present one doesnt work well. You can also tell them about flossing and seeing a dentist.

    5. Ladyyyyyyyy bugggggggg, welcome back ooooh😁😁😁😁

    6. You say it keeping straight aface. Don't try to sugar coat it.

    7. From someone who has been in your position, it is HARD!!! Good luck with that.

    8. D matter get as e be, you can be giving the person chewing gum or sweet

  10. Good morning y'all, school runs this morning was not funny, God help me jare.

    1. Okay, what should we do with this information😎😎😎

  11. It's that time of the year. It's that time of the year when mugus donate their entire January earnings to a criminal in the name of First Fruit. It's that time of the year when we struggle to make people acquire sense, but they vehemently resist it. They insist on being stupid. They have wholesomely adopted slavish subservience. They are neck-deep in idiocy. Why in fuck's name would any reasonable human work for 31 days and then docilely donate that entire salary/income to an obvious Shylock when they have countless bills waiting for them?
    These self - ordained pastorpreneurs are amongst the most stony-hearted people you could ever imagine. For them to have the psychological state of cognitive processes to demand and take in possession of people's entire salaries shows how cacodemonic they are. They are a special breed of degenerates. They are mindlessly awful. Even as a nonreligious person, I cannot sustain the presence of mind to collect somebody's salary. That is inhuman. It is cruel. It shows a lack of conscience. How the hell do you expect them to sustain their families when you've manipulated them into giving you their entire earnings? Damn!
    As for you mugu, when will you have sense? There is no where in your Bible that mandates you to mugushly donate your salary to a pastorpreneur. Receive sense!

  12. I met a man who has been faithful in all his 30years of marriage. Ladies there are still some decent guys out there.

    1. Yinmu, how do you know this?, are you his PA😎😎😎😎

    2. We plenty!!!!

    3. There are decent men, i know that one first hand.

    4. Welcome back lady bug,
      It good to have your humourous self back🤣🤣🤣

    5. There are descent and responsible men out there. I have one

    6. It's a thing of the mind. There are faithful men out there. People who are very close to their wives, who would tell their wives when they are tempted and depending on the kind of wives they have, will hardly stray.

  13. Your company mirrors your future. If you're ready to move forward in life, you need to withdraw from those that are pulling you back.

    Walk with the wise, for companionship with fools will bring you harm. (Proverbs 13:20).

    Good morning all.

  14. Gooody morning my pipu!

  15. Good morning lovelies
    Up and thankful
    God is too faithful to fail
    Have a stress free day y'all
    E go be nau in Stella's voice

    God is the best listener, you don't need to shout, nor cry out loud..Because He hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart and he will hear all our prayers this year speedily..(Amen) don't give up #Godshearsandanswers

  16. Good morning bvs,have a nice day.

  17. Good morning People, Is there any MFM member here?Please teach me how to do that 'quenching the rage' midnight prayer that is ongoing.thank you

  18. Good morning everyone.

    Thank you for the data Stella, I got it. Thank you too Certified SDK PA. God bless you both.

    Have an amazing day everyone.

  19. How do women deal with menstrual migraine??????
    I tot birth control ll help but it didnt.
    Please i need help, am very sad.

  20. Good morning beeveeleons..🤗

    Ate one cold fufu this early morning..😋😋 Feeling dizzy already. 🙆🙆

    Bachelor life na scam oo..😂😂😂

    1. You are still as childish as it comes😎😎😎😎😎

    2. Lol village man hehehehehehe.

    3. Find one corner sleep the cold fufu off 😎😎😎

  21. Good morning everyone and compliments of January.

    1. Are you still beggar?😎😎😎😎

    2. Good morning, Blessed Princess, it's been a while.

      Good morning and a beautiful Thursday to us all, may God bless our hustles, AMEN.
      To God be the glory forevermore.

    3. Where have you been ,
      Good morning babe.

  22. good morning people

    God bless you Stella and PA, I got data giveaway, you are the best.

    bv iyabo o

  23. Good morning yard people. Please say a word of prayer for me today, i am not happy feeling so depressed. I am very hardworking yet I never get to reap the benefits of my work. I work and others enjoy the benefits why????

  24. How y'all doing today?
    Anyone watching ambitions here?


  25. 🎶🎶🎶You are too Faithful to Fail me,You are too Faithful to Disappoint me,You have Proven yourself in my Life,I have come to Realise that You are too Faithful to Fail Me.🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵
    Happy Birthday to Me.

    1. Happy Birthday to you, may God be with you forever, many happy returns of this day. Congratulations!!

    2. Happy birthday to you dear.

    3. Happy birthday. May lines fall in favorable places for you.

    4. Happy Birthday Cardealer...wishing you many more beautiful years.

    5. Happy birthday 🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉
      Wishing you many more pleasant years.

    6. Happy Birthday Cardealer.

    7. Awwww... happy birthday and more graceful years

  26. Good morning Bvs

    Augusta has apologised for using another person's ID and said she would sort out her own ID.....she also says she still wishes to be considered for the data giveaway as she has been a BV since 2014...

    The names for data giveaway have already been sent to Isaacbaba so anyone else who wants will have to wait until my Boss designates another batch....thank you!

    1. Thank you PA. I forgot ro include your name in the comment i made above.
      Thanks to both Tante Stella and PA for thr data. I have recieved it.

    2. Been a bv since 2014 yen yen yen..she's a criminal know that if you fail to tell us her full story, you are a thief too.
      6 fucking motherfucker years yet she wanted another girl , slot. She's a thief

    3. A new PA, interesting, have you given honour to whom honour is due 😎😎😎😎

    4. But how did Augusta get a screenshot of an old comment from the said ID? Abi they no longer apply for the guveaway with a screenshot?

    5. And who deserves the honor?

  27. Good morning to each and every one of you.

  28. BV side chick just made alot of friends last night without even knowing it, that was brutality!!!!

  29. Same of the Same😎😎😎😎

    1. Lady Bug welcome back.
      Happy New Year...

    2. My Frennnnnnnnnnnnn🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. You behave like you're coming from mad people's home, you need to go back already.

    4. Lady Bug
      Bienvenue 🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉


    5. Welcome bk Lady B...what happened to the mrs in front of ur id?

    6. Troublesome lady bug

  30. Perxian
    Good morning
    Plz I tried day your fertility stuff. I used one tin of peak evaporated milk on The days of my period with the nutmeg and sugar,hope I'm on line? You didn't state the quantity of milk. Thanks Sis. Safe delivery I wish you

    1. It breaks my heart anytime I see people.dealing with fertility, If all medical means proved abortive, just go with certified herbal means😎😎😎😎😎

    2. Hi, Anon. Yes, full tin milk with nutmeg and sugar on period days. One tin is okay for all period days if you ration and add warm water to it. But don't fret if you used more than one tin, milk is good for fertility. Remember you will still used another tin for the banana recipe after period.

      Godspeed and baby dust to you mama! 🤗🤗

    3. 'will still used'...coming from you? Now that's laughable

  31. Good morning BVs, may today be filled with happiness and blessings in our lives, Amen.

  32. Worked out yesterday for the first time this year, omg I'm in serious pain. I'm aching in places I had forgotten could ache ouch...😭 The only way to get rid of the ache is to continue. Issa lifestyle, notting like end date over here.

    Good morning y'all. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Keep up with it... Would get better over time. Weldone!

    2. Sorry for the pain Cyclone, it will only last for few days but the result will make you happy. Just continue the work out. Well done.

    3. Keep it going cyclone,no pain no gain

  33. So my school started this year by buying a school bus and making a roaster for teachers to take turns in following the bus every afternoon. No compensation o. I resigned.

    1. Good for you as you don see work for MOBIL😎😎😎😎

    2. This is why teaching job scares me. They use you till the last drop. Sorry about that.

    3. I pity most private school teachers in this country. They work so hard, yet get so little.

  34. Good morning everyone 🌞🌞 🌞
    Have a great day

  35. Hahahahahahahahaha
    I’ve never bought local recharge from primark aka 18k foundation
    I only shop at SDK BLOG GIVEAWAYS DATA @ high end store’s like I complain my name is not on Sdk PA list of data @ Harrods and Selfridges
    I’ve never been to any other city 🌃 just reside in port harcourt and surfing the internet to be called Biggy but just a KID

    Yesterday BEP was gbas gbos ghim gbish

  36. Good morning my town people.

  37. Good morning Everyone here reading and commenting
    Up and grateful to God for life..
    I am super grateful and thankful oh Lord...

    God bless you Stella Nneora, i got the Data Giveaway.
    Thank you too @ Certified Sdk PA.
    Even though i came late for the data giveaway and God remembered me..

    I am grateful and thankful..
    God's blessings all the way....


  38. Good morning to you all this morning.
    Stella, thank you so much for the data giveaway, God bless you more and more.
    Certified PA, thank you so much.
    Y'all have a great day!

  39. Good morning my wonderful people, may today be fruitful for all of us

  40. Morning bv's, today is gonna be a good day.

  41. Societal pressure on the single women in Nigeria.
    Last night it dawned on me that the Nigerian mother is ready to sacrifice her daughters happiness for the sake of telling her friends " nwam nwanyi is getting married"
    I told you my concerns about this man. You have first hand knowledge of all that transpired and yet the advise is that there is no time. Oge na aga.
    You asked where my mates are???? Most of them are married with kids.
    My response to you; some of my mates are also dead mum. Rotten under 6 ft. Some of my mates died during childbirth. A friend died weeks ago during tummy tuck surgery to please the husband complaining of her weight after giving him 3 boys?????
    I told her mum; life is not a race. Am on my lane. Everything ends on earth. Marriage is not the sole purpose of life. Its is part of it likewise religious life, social life, career and all. They all make up life. God can bless me in one while am waiting on the other. I will wait.I went to bed feeling sad for the unmarried women in Nigeria. The pressure is real but I have blocked it.

    I have been married before with a beautiful girl. If only I can seat my mum down and tell her what I went through in the 3 years I was married. If only I could explain that the emergency CS I had was as a result of my body shutting down during pregnancy because of the emotional trauma and abuse I went through.
    Did I ever mention I went through post partum depression. Never knew it was what I experienced until I read about it. Did I mention I thought of suffocating my daughter?????
    Oh come on. Enough of the pressure. I will only remarry if am getting it right and at Gods time.

  42. Good morning bvs, hope you guys are doing great, have a blessed day

    1. And if we're not, how can you be of help, Yinmu😎😎😎

  43. Good morning BVs. I opened spontaneous post yesterday and was linked to scamming! I do not know who Augusta is! She claims to be bv bini. Never seen her comments here as bv bini! I have sent stella a mail concerning this. I am just a regular BV. Augusta whoever you are show yourself!

  44. yeaahhhhhhhh!!!! hashtag is back!! good morn Beautiful people.hottie mum

  45. Good morning Stella and my fellow BVs. It's really been a while. I missed y'all 🤗🤗

  46. Good morning everyone
    Thank you Stella for the data giveaway
    Thank you SDK new PA
    May we all have a blessed day

  47. Good morning Stella and bv's. I just want to say a big thank you to Stella for the data giveaway. May the good Lord bless and supply all your needs. Thank you p.a for choosing me. Have a great day everyone

  48. Thank you Stella and to your Pa for the data...i am greatful. Your pocket would never run dry

  49. Good morning everyone... want to say tanks to Stella n blog pa for d data giveaway.. got mine
    God bless u more.wish u all a wonderful day ahead

  50. Stella wetin you say deek do for your hashtag?

  51. Thank You so much for the data SDK. I really really appreciate it.

  52. Unu gudumoni in my late aunt's voice. Have a nice day

  53. Up and thankful
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.
    Lovely morning BVs


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