Stella Dimoko Oprah Winfrey Denies Advising Prince Harry And Meghan Markle To Leave The Royal Family.


Saturday, January 11, 2020

Oprah Winfrey Denies Advising Prince Harry And Meghan Markle To Leave The Royal Family.

Media queen Oprah Winfrey has been dragged into the royal drama.

Oprah denies she had anything to do with Prince Harry and Meghan Duchess of Sussex' decision to step back from their duties as senior royals.

"Meghan and Harry do not need my help figuring out what's best for them," Winfrey told People magazine. "I care about them both and support whatever decisions they make for their family."

Page Six had reported that Winfrey was the one who advised the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to build their own brand.
from CNN.

*Hmmm no smoke without fire..How come only her name was mentioned from all the people the couple are friends with?
Maybe if there was not so much malice,strife,gossip and drama going on this break away wouldn't cause so much attention.....wrong timing!..
I hope Harry and William will become friends again some day!


  1. Oprah, two faced with a character that has a comma.

    1. Blackberry, and you know this because you and her are close friends right?

    2. even if she did na advice she give, it was left for them to choose it was still their decision to leave

    3. BB How dare talk to Oprah that way? Huh?

    4. Talk to Oprah, where she take see Oprah physically πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€·πŸΎ‍♀️

  2. They doing what is best for their family. Please free them.

    1. I totally agree. We aren't walking in their shoes. Yes she went in with her eyes wide open. But for those that are married, and are honest about it, the dream is so different from the reality.

      The reality may be much better or not; but compromise and sacrifices are made in this "institution". At times, one may need to sacrifice the extended for the nuclear.

    2. No one is saying they shouldn't leave if they want to. But they did so without properly informing the queen,they don't want the title and roles but want the allowance.
      Prince Charles just said if they carry out thier plans they would be cut off from their monthly alawee🀣

    3. Thank you 9.02. If I signed up for something because I thought I could cope and can not cope, should I die there?

      Didn't the Ooni's wife take a bow as well?

      Nothing should be do or die in this life. Royalty or no royalty, let us cut them some slack.

      The tabloids and media is bent on separating this couple. On wednesday night, BBC aired a programme- Brothers at War and part 2 Sister in laws at war.

      They have always pitched these brothers against each other. From the start one was giving preferential treatment which Diane kicked against because even in the palace, one was being treated better from that young age. She said she wanted the boys treated equally.

      And then all these useless sources leaking everything happening in the palace and selling to media. They are so desperate that they will cook up stories and add, low life gossips who don't know what privacy means.

      A source said Meghan wakes up at 5am to do yoga, then she starts responding to her mails, her PA quit because she couldn't fit into her routine. You expect a grown ass woman who was independent and waking up at 5am to start sleeping till 8am because she married royalty??

      Then as usual, Kate did this, Meghan didnt do that, Meghan made the future queen cry over Charlotte's dress. So what? Oyinbo that can cry over any little thing, mstchew. Meghan can't be queen yen yen as if she doesn't know.

      Abeg they should free these people jare. If they want out they want out.

    4. Push up who told you they didnt inform the Queen? From which verified news source did you hear that. Did you also miss the part where they said they want to be FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT? You reqlly think at this point they care about the allowance? Lol. You have no idea how many brands and organisations are willing to work with them.

    5. The Royal Palace, Sky news and all the British press said they didn't inform the Queen.
      Who told you that they informed the Queen.

    6. Everybody just dey analyse. Even people that think UK is London.

  3. They even removed her wax image from madame tussards. Omg

  4. I used to have so much respect for Oprah but of recent her two faced attitude is irritating. She always find a way to drag black people and legends amids scandal but will turn a blind eye if it's whites. Micheal j, rkelly, Cosby and the rest black people who have one issue or the other but the likes of Harvey whisten, late Jeffery etc now am not surprised at her being the only person dragged in this Harry and Meghan issue. She is denying but we all know the Oprah we see on TV can give such advice. Two faced lady

    1. I agree with you. Oprah is two faced. Those two M&H are acting like entitled brats. Mean knew what she was getting into by marrying royalty but she thought it was a fairytale. No ma’am, this is a Thousand year old monarchy thy you can’t change because you think you are “woke”. If they want to step back, great. But drop off the titles and perks that came with their position abi?

  5. Na by force to do royal duties? Harry is his Mother’s son. Diana never liked all that royal stuff. She wanted to be free. I think that’s part of the issue at stake.

    1. so make dem comot wella nau. which one be this half- assed leaving? they still retain the title and the perks go with it. tax payers will still pay their lifestyles.

  6. That publication is full of bullshit, page six don't like Meghan for shit and they stay writing trash about her and everyone associated with her.

  7. How does she know what's best for them? Na wa!

  8. Ojukokoru is what's doing those two. Congratulations to Meghan on becoming hated in Britain

    1. And those that aren't hated?

    2. Like she wasn't hated before πŸ™„

    3. You seem like a mean person. Take a deep breath and let them be. Is it your ojukokoro?

  9. Stepping back is the best thing to do, they can work on their brand. Nobody like to be referred to as second fiddle.

  10. I don't know why everyone wants to be against this couple.

    Let's respect peoples decision to do what pleases them.

    If they succeed good, if they fail, lessons will be learnt.

    I love theirdecisions.harry is a stubborn guy right from time.n

    1. I still don't get it. Can't these two have their decision on how to live their lives? Why is everyone blaming Megan but prays and fights for their own hubby to be doing as they say? Why do people think she is evil for cutting off her father's side of the family? Y'all know what she's been through with those? These two are grown adults and should be allowed to do what they want as long as they are not committing any crime

      I for one wouldn't want to carry the title of being Dangote's daughter if I was one. I would make a name for myself and not live under anyone's shadow.

    2. Y'all still don't get it yeah?? They can leave but they should also leave without the tittle and perks that comes with it.... That's the honorable thing to do!! You don't step back from a role whole retaining the title and perks, you get?? Good!!

    3. Thank you cookie,nobody is saying they should not leave,they are free but they should leave without the title and the privilege,like cookie said that is the honourable thing to do.
      You don't want the stress but you want freebies,nonsense and ngredients

    4. And where did they tell you they wanted the perks and continue to collect allowances? For your mind you don contribute.

    5. Cookie, read the anon's comment above

      - Did you also miss the part where they said they want to be FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT? You reqlly think at this point they care about the allowance? Lol. You have no idea how many brands and organisations are willing to work with them.

    6. So they should renounce their title so people can blame Meghan for Harry's disentitlement right? If the Queen wants to disentitle them for leaving, that's fine. But for them to do so themselves, Not an ideal move. They can decide to reject the allowances but not the title unless the Queen does so herself.

  11. Nigeria movie title "Royal drama" season 1 to 6.

  12. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what they have done. I wish them and baby Archie all the best!

  13. A brother like William and a sister-in-law like Kate can kill. I don't understand how you can live in the same town as your younger brother and his wife, see that painful interview they gave and your brain won't tell you that you should call or VISIT them. They probably thought, "When dem talk finish, dem go rest."

    Even releasing this statement so close to Kate's birthday is a statement on its own. Cos even if Meghan tries to say she didn't know, there's no way Harry didn't remember the date or predict that their news would overshadow Kate's birthday. They left their child in Canada before returning to London to make the announcement; there's no way they hadn't already decided to leave the UK.

    And I have to say Kate is not a good person at all. She has been through brutal scrutiny with the British media (when she dated William for so long, they started calling her Waity Katy) yet she did nothing to help Meghan who is 1) a foreigner, 2) half black, 3) used to being her own person and will find adjustment more difficult especially as she married in her 30s. But Kate who was the only female among the main younger adult royals couldn't handle Meghan's presence - Kate has been waiting (and will have to wait longer) to be queen, so she has no real skills whereas Meghan has formed a personality and career of her own before this. So, she left her out to dry. If you love and are not threatened by the wife of your husband's brother, you will be kind to her - not isolate her. Last year, many of the stories "from sources in the palace" were a cover to make people focus on Meghan, instead of outing William and the person he was having an affair with (a now former close friend of Kate). Kate had a crazy uncle on her mother's side, topless pics emerged of her sunbathing years ago and the British royal family shielded her. But look at how they've handled Meghan from the start. When news first came out that she was dating Harry, he was the one that personally put out a statement to defend her from the racist backlash. When the fiasco started with her father, why didn't anybody go and see him? Even if Meghan and Harry are crazy, is it that they don't have elders with sense in the royal family?

    Even in Nigeria, people from different tribes find it challenging to adjust in a marriage. How much more people from different races, nationalities and structures? Meghan even gave up her career and moved countries for a husband that comes from a clearly ungrateful family. Then, had a child within such a short period. The Queen's speech this year - look at the pictures on her table.

    Harry was younger than William when Diana died. Whether that contributed or it's just his nature, he has always been the crazier one. People were ok with that cos he was the "spare", not the heir. He's just married someone who is like him, but who is louder in a "brash American way" so she's a convenient scapegoat. So, these people just wanted Harry to be an uncle, no family of his own. Haba!

    1. Abeg make we hear word! Does the royal family belongs to Kate that she will say something? If you're enlightened, you will now the royal don't say anything concerning the media. This same mouth you're using to insult Kate is the same you will use to preach here tomorrow. End time pastor!

    2. Real OA please say what you know OK, stop analyzing your way of life and think Kate is like you, I'm not supporting any sides that is their freaking business, but one thing I know is that Williams and Kate tried to reach out to Harry and Meghan , but as usual Meghan and Harry didn't give them the opportunity for a sit down family talk, they jetted out of the country.
      You might be spiritual, but you are very blind, don't stay in your home and call Kate and Williams names because with the way you dey always dey vibrate unnecessary on little matters on this blog shows that you are no better than Kate.

    3. The real OA, thank you for your post.

    4. Thank you aproko queen,real OA pls don't say what you know how,the royal family don't say anything concerning the media,good or bad.
      Leave kate alone,she was criticised too,what name was kate and her family not called.Did the royal family come to her defence,she learnt and moved on fine,Megan fans are still calling her names till today.
      All the criticism meghan got was self inflicted.why would u want privacy at the expense of the tax payers money. They wAnt to quit but they want the title and fame of the royal family,how possible is that. They just made matter worse for themselves.they want praises and not criticism.
      Thanks to meghan ,she is the most hated woman in Britain.
      She taught she will be loved like Diana because she is woke .
      I'm happy black people are seeing thro ugh her now,she never identitied as black before she met Harry,I saw her old tweets .
      They didn't even consider their child,growing up with out family except his grand ma.
      They want global brand n recognition,they have even trademarked over 100 products with the Sussex title.
      They can leave ooh,since they say the royal family is toxic but they should not ride on the royal family name.
      You people should leave Kate alone.

    5. Bringing kate down to uplift meghan,and you be woman ooh,You people should not drag kate and William into this matter oh,nothing concern them.Leave them alone

    6. That Queen's speech pictures on the table spoke volumes. Harry and Megan are better off on their own.

      Aproko, what is the insult to Kate here?

    7. Kate has no business here, why are you blaming her?! Why blame Moses for Aaron's indiscretions.

      Some of you just love spinning controversies because you love to talk too damn much!

    8. Aproko, lol @ enlightened. If only you knew.

      Anyway, a new programme of fasting and prayer is beginning tomorrow. For you to bring it up, the last one must have wound you up real bad. Yeah, I'm a real END TIME preacher cos Jesus Christ is returning. You probably thought that was an insult; in reality, it's one of the best compliments anyone has ever paid me. E sweet me pass "fine woman" even from my husband. See eh, I'm not one of those motivational speakers most of you prefer cos they can be bullied or intimidated by trolls or toothless witches. The ones that will lie to you with false prophecies and send you to Hell cos they worship your opinions and chicken change. I've said it before and will say it again - I'm not looking for validation from any human being, especially if I don't work for you or wasn't sent to you. I will do my job and move on when it's my time to. I'm not trying to be your BFF.

      But you know the best part for me? It's the fact that when I'm gone, there will be at least 10 more fiery witnesses to take my place on EVERY platform I've ever been. Imagine what those 10 will be able to do for God! And I'm not even the only one doing this now. There are new voices coming out of the wilderness everywhere. When the Bible talked of "making disciples", it wasn't referring to watered down motivational speeches sprinkled with New Age mess. What I was USED by my Father in Heaven to do this past week is just a miniscule fraction of what He can do.I actually have proof in this day and age that God is real. Not just an idea in a history book! I mean from the fast that just finished, people are already testifying. Even I'm legitimately shook-ed. You think those people will leave the true God I told them about, especially when their testimony is complete? In this end time? Lol! This is so worth EVERY wilderness experience my husband and I have ever been in. If the devil knew it would be like this, he would have ensured my husband and I never touched New Age mess years ago. He'd have been like, "The problem is that because they were both marked before they were born, God won't kill them or let us kill them. He will restore them and when they recover, it'll be much worse for us." I don't have two heads, oh. You too can serve God and stop this your frothing at the mouth/fingers, lying in wait and bitter trolling.

      For anyone interested, programme that starts tomorrow is for waiting parents (you say TTC). It ends on 15th Jan. And from 16th - 18th, there's another for those looking to be gainfully employed. After that, we'll see what happens - cos folk will enter their Promised Land, no matter what any demon or witch tries.

    9. Perxian don't mind this one. I don't know if it's in her nature to be controversialπŸ˜‚

      Madam OA pls save your yeye preaching to your gaddam self! Kate is not the cause of your bitterness you hear?

    10. Aproko na wa for you o. She gave her opinion. How does that translate to insult? Are pastors are not supposed to have opinions again? Her analysis actually made me view the whole thing differently. I may not completely agree with her, but I think OA made sense.

    11. Please leave Kate out of this mess ooo, she's going through her own issues too.

      The difference between them is she's from a good home, Kate broke Royal protocols too. When she had Prince George, she left Kessignton Palace for her parents home because she needed that privacy and life out of the royal family stress.

      Meghan had her mum in for only few days, who does that? When you have a child: your mum is the person you need most.

      Unfortunately, Meghan and Harry are both broken people that need love. I feel for both of them and wish them all the best in the future and pray William and Harry forgive each other and become the lovely friends and brothers the public once knew them as πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

    12. If only you knew,real
      The way you are casting kate ,people will think you are living with them.
      Since 2018,Meghan have been doing things to upstage Kate's birthday.
      Meghan wants attention badly.
      So princess Eugenie wedding that meghan announced her pregnancy nko to upstage the bride,you will still blame kate for that abi.
      Why will u announce your pregnancy at someone's wedding is that not attention seeking.since megan entered that family,it always from one negative news to another. ARE THEY THE ONLY COUPLE IN THAT FAMILY?do you know the number of people that have stopped working for meghan and harry because of her diva hate to see that because kate is your problem.Na kate matter go purge una.

      The fact that they didn't even deem it fit to inform the queen and others is a big disrespect to the crown.who does that.Those supporting them for this move ,if your son or daughter did same to you ,or your son or daughter end up marrying someone that will cause division in your family,how will you feel

    13. Madam "feedbacks" too is here πŸ˜‚

    14. Haba,take it easy OA! During Kate's time it was only William that issued a statement not the entire royal family. I don't understand why everyone expects the rule to change for Meghan.
      Also, you can't say for sure if Catherine and William or the whole family reached out to Megs and Harry so don't conclude. Remember both Harry and Megs intentionally missed two family gatherings/holidays in 2019 where they could have brought all issues up with the entire family at once; Scotland and Sandringham (not sure this spelling is right). The question is why did they not? Let's assume they have issues with William and Kate, does that mean fight the whole family? Something is definitely missing. If we go by tabloid rumors that Meghan made Catherine cry during Charlotte's dress fitting for her wedding then Meghan shouldn't be complaining about anything that happened when she just had her baby...whatever way she put it in the documentary because she according to media was not considerate to her sis-in law who just had her 3rd child few weeks before her own wedding. Postpartum na postpartum.
      For me, what I see about this issue is that both Harry and Meghan wants to make changes to the Monarchy one way or the other to they sooth themselves but were repelled by higher forces. They actually want more prominent roles and hate been called lower in rank to Williams children by the public and this the royal family has no control over because technically it is true however it will only become official when William's kids turn 18. So I feel they want to force the hand of the family to do something at all cost. However, the Royal family would not want to do this because if they give them a more prominent role within the monarchy, these two will not stop at that, they will definitely end up creating a rival "Kingdom" because they will do all sorts to endear the public more which William and Kate are not and will not be allowed to do. Sussexes are very ambitious...they wanted an autonomous court of their own! Not even the Queen's other children got one. They wanted to be able to run their office independent of William's, Charles and the Queen before they were moved to BP under the Queen. This move simply tells you Harry sees himself as equal to William and should have all the autonomy he has too since he is not King yet however, the firm sees it differently.
      Bottom line, power play is the major issue here else if the Sussexes really wanted to get out of the fishbowl, they wouldn't be saying they would keep their titles, security, home and money from their website to understand their financial independence. The best thing they would have done is to drop their dukedom titles and Harry retains his "Prince Harry" while Meghan reverts to Mrs Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor...Dukedom is for married Senior royals. They should have also rejected security and money from the duchy of Cornwall as well as closed their household office s...that way they would be on same level as Beatrice and Eugene. That way, their popularity will fizzle out and people will not care about them with time, they will be out of media and they would be able to live the private life they really wanted while still carrying out their humanitarian works.
      But all these branding up and down with royal name speaks volumes. They have been working on this for months people! Everything has been carefully planned! They knew they weren't going off for 6weeks before naa...they only decieved their family and the public. Meghan has gone back discreetly and Harry would do same soon claiming threats to their lives. Archie I fear maybe a bargaining chip soon...before that boy steps in the UK...e go te!

    15. Poster, everything you just said is rubbish.
      Complete rubbish

    16. Aproko, the preaching must really hurt, na so e dey pain you? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    17. 12:15 You need to chill, your attempt to troll me because of 's' is pathetic.

    18. KikikiπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ madam OA going all anon to defend her stupidity.. you cant fool me cuz i know your type in this world

    19. The Real, read your comment again you are very stupid! You are a hateful idiot for even studying them announce the news on Catherine's birthday eve. Does that not tell you who is wicked? How did you know that Catherine did nothing to help Meghan? So you see nothing wrong with Meghan breaking protocols and disrespecting the RF? If she was a nice person, she will not dump her family and come to disrupt a new family she joined. You are really a big fool for this your comment. If you are looking for a killer, it is meg who always want to steal other's shine like she did during Eugene's wedding.

    20. This OA will still preach tomorrow, if you are wrong about what you spewed about Kate, may God judge you for it. You must be like Meghan, may God bless you with a close inlaw like her that will tear your family apart.

    21. 😁 I guess now you know how it feela doing ITK and correcting people upandan.

    22. Anon 9:59 you are so right! I hope people are seeing right though her. Forming woke; leeching off A-Listers. No relationship with her family except her Mum who she’s not really close to. Dropped off all her old friends and is attaching to celebs. Karma is coming for her.

    23. U guys are funny. So karma will leave a bunch of ppl who go around attacking a woman they know nothing about other than the utter crap racist tabloids (out to make a quick buck) feed them, only to deal with a person who tries to free ur minds from mental manipulation. I laugh in Welsh. U accuse Meghan fans of tearing Kate down to project Meghan. Do Kate's fans not do the same thing? When will u ppl realize that British junk tabloids are playing u. They thrive on the drama. They don't care who goes down so long as they stay up. Without the drama, all they have to report is what Meghan or Kate wore. Without the RF, they are sunk!

  14. Abegi free Meghan & Harry joor!!!
    In Canada where they vactioned for few weeks, come & see several silent billionaires nyafu..nyafu left & right. With spectacular empty homes, mansions in Vancouver etc & no body hears a word about them. They r private people!!!
    And here so called royal prince & princess r demonized for entering another person's private jet for free..oh!
    Harrassed for renovating an old haunted house in Windsor for few peanuts money!!!
    Haba!!! Meghan & Harry r 1000000% right to choose now to do better than that!

    So whoever counts Oprah as a friend have a friend indeed on earth & in heaven!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    1. Shebi that is why they are fleeing the royal family that gave them that opportunity.who knew meghan before Harry,Nobody should mention suits ooh.she is got the fame now,she wan flee.if they wanted privacy from the very start since you all claim Harry wanted out of the family,they should have done private wedding but no ,they were shinning their teeth that day cos they felt they will be worshipped worldwide especially meghan but she was wrong.they should be stripped off their titles and privileges,let's see who will walk with them.

    2. Suits? Was she popular, who knew her? Why do you people always make rubbish comments 😏🀷🏼‍♀️?
      They should continue to bite the fingers that fed them. I pray they both last.
      Wisdom is always needed, with all the Queen is going through is this how they will pay her back? I hope they get stripped off their royal titles: you can't eat your cake and have it.
      See how Meghan was accepted into the royal family, shameless thing and Prince Charles even walked her down the isle.
      No big deal if they want to do things their way but the bad thing is the way HRM and the Royal family was disrespected.
      Mtcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew 😏

    3. Anon 10:16 speak for yourself. I knew Meghan in 2013 when I started watching suits.

    4. Anno 12:13, anno 10:16 is right,how many people watched suit?it was not popular even in Canada,talkless of USA,have you seen her in any award show?did suit win any award?,if you are talking about series in the last decade that was popular,you wont see suits in top 50,even top 100 sef,suits became popular kind of when story started going round that Harry is dating a suit actress,her popularity did not even increase the show rating ,the main focus on suits was Harvey and Ross.
      Thank you anno 10:16 and 12:01

  15. They linked her name to it cos she is about to host a talk show with them so people think she is the one that advised them to leave. But then, even if she did, they are old enough to make such decisions by themselves.

  16. So many blacks are against Meghan on account of what they read from the British media. Too bad.
    If only these folks understand what Meghan is passing through.

    British media that sees nothing good in themselves how much more in a black person.

    Aproko Queen, you're just being petty and stupid. What The Real OA said was her opinion and was entitled to it. You should have said yours and move on and not to insult her. Your insult was unnecessary. Saying she will use same mouth to preach is you exposing your shallow mind. And to call her end time pastor is the lowest you can be. If you have anything against her, it's your problem. Fact she preaches on this blog does not remove her from commenting on other issues. You're just a bully and folks like you should be resisted.

    Aproko Queen, are you against the fast Real OA did for BVs? Fact that some may find favor through the fast is what you don't like about her? Are you an enemy of progress? Back off from her and continue your aproko somewhere

    Don't insult because others do. It exposes your low pedigree.

    1. Shut up abeg! Pastor indeed. See the way she orchestrated the story like she lives with the royal family. It showed how much she's bitter in real life... and as for you, I said what I said come and beat me! na my matter go kill you. Foolish shediot or hediot

    2. Aproko, HOW does her being an "end time" blog pastor affect you though? Afterall, any one can ignore any comment.

      You better don't develop HBP cos your level of aggression these days shows something is wrong somewhere.

    3. Go on and insult for that's all you can do. Ain't going to go to your level.

    4. Aproko, you're also orchestrating your version as if you live with them. Everyone one with a definitive opinion on this matter is, to a degree, because not all facts are clear.

      If you don't like a person's opinion, ignore or respectfully refute. The other time, it was that someone is evil because you disagreed with them.

      Nothing should be that serious.

  17. One thing I learnt better than other things in this life is "let go of that thing they think will kill you if they collect it from you" and it works for me always. Diana left title for them jeje when wahala became too much and they were stunned into "wickedness". Diana no be black woman o. She was a Spencer-one of them. Yet, she wasn't spared. Meghan has learned now that "love is never enough" in the general scheme of things.

    I am not saying Meghan is a saint but there's so much any human being can take...even for love' and peace' sake. If she had broken down and checked into Psychia, they will be sending her flowers okwa ya? If the hate is choking her and her nuclear family too much, let them relocate mbok. Let them also say bye-bye to "royal funds" and titles patapata if needs be and start on a fresh slate. Hunger will not kill them laslas.

    Sometimes, siblings and families generally get along better when they live apart. Any gift that wants to make people think they've become god in your life, give them back and embrace freedom. Na dem e go pain pass say their ghenghen something is worthless to you. I simply love Meghan for her ability to cut off "toxic" people from her space whether father, sister, brother, in-laws, whoever! The babe no just get time to dey check tine unnecessarily. You do anyhow lasan, you see anyhow STRAIGHT! No time.

    1. Apart from moving away, They said they want financial independence. Wetin una want again? Na wa!

    2. The funny thing is that the same ppl spewing garbage here on the Meghan will be the very ppl that will advice posters at any opportunity they get, to avoid or cut off toxic ppl in their lives. Ppl can really be funny.

  18. One thing I learnt better than other things in this life is "let go of that thing they think will kill you if they collect it from you" and it works for me always. Diana left title for them jeje when wahala became too much and they were stunned into "wickedness". Diana no be black woman o. She was a Spencer-one of them. Yet, she wasn't spared. Meghan has learned now that "love is never enough" in the general scheme of things.

    I am not saying Meghan is a saint but there's so much any human being can take...even for love' and peace' sake. If she had broken down and checked into Psychia, they will be sending her flowers okwa ya? If the hate is choking her and her nuclear family too much, let them relocate mbok. Let them also say bye-bye to "royal funds" and titles patapata if needs be and start on a fresh slate. Hunger will not kill them laslas.

    Sometimes, siblings and families generally get along better when they live apart. Any gift that wants to make people think they've become god in your life, give them back and embrace freedom. Na dem e go pain pass say their ghenghen something is worthless to you. I simply love Meghan for her ability to cut off "toxic" people from her space whether father, sister, brother, in-laws, whoever! The babe no just get time to dey check tine unnecessarily. You do anyhow lasan, you see anyhow STRAIGHT! No time.

  19. The should abolish that royal whatever. It's outdated. Of what need and use to the public? That's what they used to steal natural resources of countries in the name of "Her Royal Majesty" and Commonwealth.

    1. No mind dem stupid commonwealth my foot!
      uk, canada, australia old commonwealth etc are headquarters of the worst & most destructive hypocite racist on earth.
      Good for them. Meghan Markle have pulled the rug on their feet & sounding all of them thunderous heavy slap on their ugly racist faces.

  20. I don't think Oprah is close enough to them where they would seek her out for advice.

  21. It's now I realise demons exist on this blog, those that would resist the work of God.

  22. Why are Nigerians so bothered like this? Meghan and Harry, I wish you well.

  23. @Real your comment reeks of hatred for DoC, you sounded like a frustrated woman whose husband crush on the duchess. You read about William's cheating but you did not read about Harry cheating with one Sarah Ann Mclin? Leave the Cambridge alone, your husband may even cheating under your nose. Men with vile women like you usually have side child to cool off. As for the pictures displayed on the Queen's table, they are solely the direct heirs to the throne. Madam, why didn't you make a case the Queen's other children whose pictures were not displayed? I never take most of you that form blog pastors serious, you are mostly full of vile and judgments; you did not show any Christ like character. No wonder the bible says some of you will witness and still go to hell.

    1. 'I never take most of u that form blog pastors serious...' sounds like the regular excuse of those who simply feel uncomfortable with any preaching that tells them inconvenient truths.

  24. Never been a fan of Meghan, don't like the 'vibes'. I wish Harry the best, he will need it

  25. She really must think she is the best thing that happen since dark chocolates and obviously the real "Princess Diana." MEGAIN has a pattern and even if she wasn't with Harry, would always want to ride on people's back to her fame. Frankly, before Harry, did you really meet Meghan? She was an unknown Hollywood 'star' who is smart enough to seek out popular and powerful people to hike a ride then dump them. If not for Harry, who would know her? Did you see how she returned her wedding dress to her ex? Any similarity? Did you see how she reached out to Wendy for work, met Harry and forgot the fashion job, seduced Piers for PR ideas to let UK know she is dating Harry, and hurried on to marry him. Why didn't she ask herself if she can cope with what his ex-girlfriends rejected his proposals? How come no one likes her (both family and staff)? Who knows her in Canada? She hasn't started off-loading yet. I just hope she doesn't take one of the most loved young royalty under the current with her.You really think a nonentity like MEGAIN can mess with the monarchy and get away with it just like that? Even Oprah won't try it. She fucked up big time. There is nothing wrong with having your way as an adult with a mind of your own which the monarchy would respect of course if approached in the right way. Shouldn't she have thought through it thoroughly before hooking blind and naive Harry. The same woman instructed that the Sussex community should not stop to say hi, touch them etc In a space of less than two years to man loved by his people. Why do you think the community is agitating for them to be stripped of the title 'Duke & Duchess of Sussex?' If she truly loves Harry and knows he is strong-headed like his mum, she should be the one to get him to sort things out in the right way; show herself friendly and reach out to Kate and other well-meaning persons (including her husband's elder brother) with her challenges You don't come to my well-planned and built house I allowed you because of my blood, ask for my fortune, largess and fame to be at your disposal,take on one of my treasured titles, ride on my back then turn around to start destroying my legacies without consequences. Who does that? Please stop playing this racist card. And she thinks the paparazzi would stop now that she is going the 'woke' style- royal husband, right and access to all expenses paid private jet by prince, grand glass house from where she can see the world and be seen without being touched by dirty commoners while remaining financially independent? This chic had it well-thought out and only just implementing it. Please, just pray for Harry because of Princess Diana and keep your fingers crossed for more of this 'American' Adaleru Woeman.

    1. So how much is the racist press paying u to copy-paste their delusional garbage in the hope of gaining Meghan haters here? Sorry, its U we can see through; and ur dumb shenanigans won't work here. U'v said it all nevertheless - ur obvious problem is that a biracial snagged ur 'most loved young royalty'. Did u want him for urself? Ha ha! Poor u. U'r free to go eat cake.

  26. Harry and Meghan YOU ARE LOVED! Don't mind 'peppersprays'. Na RACISM and BAD BELLE dey do dem. We are unto their game to bring u down worldwide using junk journalism and trolling on every media platform. Investigations have already started exposing their DUMB campaigns. Hopefully, ppl will eventually wake up to the mind games being played on their intelligence by BIGOTED media who are ever ready to fabricate drama around their preferred 'fall' guy, in order to make a quick penny. Na dem go tire las las.


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