Stella Dimoko End Time President Trump....


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Sunday, January 05, 2020

End Time President Trump....

Hmmm,let me go back and read the Bible very well cause it looks like the Biblical anti Christ is slowly unmasking himself before us!!!


  1. Replies
    1. One actress I know, very pretty and Pettit just joined US Army o! God abeg protect our Nigerians

    2. Simple and short,no time for nonsense.

    3. Anti-Christ how? Iranians and their militia are crying foul because they hate the taste of their own medicine.

  2. The man is demented. He hopes to divert attention from his many troubles at home. I remember his former personal lawyer, Cohen, said before Congress that he was afraid that Trump would not go away easily if he didn't win the next election - he would prefer to scatter everything. Then people didn't hear or chose not to believe him.

    1. Divert wetin?
      So he was responsible for the mans death abi just to divert attention

  3. It’s a shame people blame Trump for retaliating against a sworn enemy of the US. The killed guy was responsible for killing an American and injuring more, as well as attacking the US embassy in Iran, all within a space of five days.

    They’re were warned months before showing themselves, yet they went ahead to display aggression against US and we all know the result.

    Now, they have threatened to kill Americans and they have been warned again. If dem like make dem do as dem like. Trump no Kuku send anybody papa

    1. Don't mind them,with this kind of President people will think twice before messing with their citizen unlike the go slow we have.
      The Iranians says they will attach Americans in middle East🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣,
      Why not inside America.
      Fear nor gri them
      We need this kind of no nonsense man.
      I stand with trump.
      El zakazy people are shouting rubbish in Nigeria.

    2. Lol clearly you watch fox news. Haven't you heard of the danger of a single story? I'd advise you check other media reports to arrive at an objective conclusion. Trump is a maniac. The videos of his contradictory ass are all over social media, so help yourself to some clips. You're welcome.
      If Soleimani had some evil plan in the works as Trump claims intel provided, what's stopping him from sharing it with the American public after all? They have the right to know.
      We know the pattern abeg.
      This president is undoing in the space of three years what has taken America almost a century to build. To top it all, he's graduated from violating municipal laws (flagrant disregard for subpoenas, violation of the rule of law and obstruction of Congress amongst others) to clear violation of international law (non-adherence to the treaties on the use of force, which the US ratified to, clear violation of Iraq and Iran's sovereignty, issuing threats of war and destruction of cultural sites, and there's more).
      Again, I say, help yourself to the clips online. The man is going to be the downfall of America.

    3. Anon 17:10, you sound ignorant and close minded. Did it occur to you that, maybe I have consumed multiple sources and my opinion above is my conclusion? No? I must parrot what the likes of CNN broadcast just like you?

      I’m really sorry for you. Are you aware Obama dropped an average of 2600 bombs per day in2016 and the media did not utter a single word? Trump has taken out a terrorist that has been on the US kill list since as far back as 2007, and you’re here talking nonsense.

      You say I should be careful of a single story. Okay, let me ask you. Did Soleimani orchestrate the attacks of the past few days against the US base or not? Did he orchestrate the attack on the US Embassy or not? Btw, are you aware that an embassy is considered sovereign territory?

      If Soleimani is guilty if these, wha would you have advised Trump to do? Take him to Coldstone?

      You think you know everyone your government has killed and the reasons why? You think this is TV? Btw, this man has been designated a terrorist more than 12 years now. Go and buy Mills & Boon or watch ZerWorld. World politics is above your IQ

    4. Rambo 👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👍👍👍👍👍👍

    5. Rambo, Thanks for schooling that anon 😍

    6. @Rambo 😙😙😙😙😙 ....ignorant people spewing rubbish. We need more leaders like Trump. He says it as it is and walks his talk..revived the economy ...

    7. Why are Nigerians so gullible and believe everything America says. Iran has been under sanction for forty good years. They refused America from taking their oil and uranium. America will always find a way to paint any stubborn country black. United Nation has asked him to prove soleiman was planning an attack. How can you airstrike in order to de-escalate a protest?Please reason with your brain and not because it's America. America is a bully, period. They are immune because they are world power. America that could not win Vietnam War. Let the. keep building up enemies here and there till their cup fills.

    8. Thanks for schooling them. They watch too much CNN and ZEE world

    9. One on one, no help from any country, Iran will give America a good fight. They are number 1 in the world that has uranium,master of nuclear weapon. Ancient universities started there and one of the hottest brains in the world. Don't believe everything you see on Social media or CNN.This is not about threatening America but about been pushed to the wall. Every country deserves their respect and freedom. Let America stop Iraq war now. They only go to take oil. What is America is doing in iraq?? They are protecting oil rich areas. In times like this, don't pick sides. America lies alott

    10. anonymous 17:10👌👍👍👍

  4. I love me some Trump mehn. Those ones were calling for jihad the other day. Is this not a purely political issue? Why are they inviting religious allies into the matter?

    One sound PEM! and Iran is annihilated for ever. Ask Hiroshima.

    1. Since the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing, if Japan hear WAR!! Na 🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃... Nuclear bomb that affects their unborn till the 21st century? No play oh, instead of rain let them face their technology.

    2. I heard its responsible for Japanese short men n women

  5. Replies
    1. No he’s a not, he’s just on their way. The anti-Chris are fighting to get him out of the way. We should be thankful of Trump

    2. Don't mind Stella. I like me some Trump.

    3. Thank you.
      Trump will fart and it'd be frontpage news and considered a National threat.
      Obama also ordered airstrikes on countries we well know about.

      52 hostages that Jimmy Carter did nothing about, who raised dust?

    4. @Anon 17:05, rightly said, infact the Antichrist will temporarily bring peace to the Middle East and many will love and adore him(Leftist), does not fit Trump as he is hated by so many. People should go figure and Trump will win a second term!

    5. Anon 18:14 you are a Bible scholar.
      Some people shout anti-Christ without matching biblical prophecies to the world leaders and the events unfolding during their tenure.

      Trump is doing America a lot of good. He will surely win a second term.

      @Rambo thank you for schooling Anon 17:10.

    6. Just as I am sure you predicted the winner of our (Nigeria) last presidential election? Emotions and sentiments masquerading as sense!

  6. Replies
    1. When they wanted to attack Iran they did not do dilly dally.
      Iran has been been talking up and down.
      Donald is not a man to play with words

    2. The man talks like a small child: "America has the most powerful military in the World" Who but a baby does not know that? How many world leaders come out to boast in such a manner - like a child that says " my daddy's car is ten times bigger than your daddy's". Very childish.

  7. North Korea has been making more threats than Trump, and we called Kim a dictator.
    By the way... isn't Iran one of the few countries left without a Rothschild owned central bank? Is there any truth to that "conspiracy theory"?
    Iran had it coming if you ask me, this is not an excuse to throw jabs at Trump.

    He loves using that word "Beautiful"

    1. Did North Korea attack a US military base or US embassy abi you are just talking because you hear someone say someyhing?

    2. Apologies Macbeth, wring response

  8. Trump loud it very well. Kill them if they kill una chickens.

    One American, 200 Iranians.

    If other Muslim join, send the best equipment their way including our country

    1. That's even a welcome idea, kill every and anyone that joins them them, let's rest for once. They know how to cry wolf but na them find trouble pass.

    2. Lool
      Make the world end once make all of us go give report to Baba God

    3. 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

  9. This man is talking too much at this point. Hian!

  10. In the last days, perilous time shall come...
    Seems we are in the days the Bible spoke about!

    1. Yup pretty much. Make people think about after life o because that’s what matters.

  11. Mehn I love Trump

  12. USA loves their citizens, they dont like their citizens been harmed... They should just make peace or else.....It won't be funny for both countries. I don't like war because the masses will suffer

  13. how I wish I was from the us, they love and protect their citizens

  14. @Stella, read your Bible very well(no pun intended) the Antichrist will come as a man of peace, and will temporarily bring peace to the middle East, Trump does not fit that description one bit. Infact many will love, applaud and worship the Antichrist, again Trump does not fit that description as so many hate him. So let's all take a chill pill and let events unfold.

    1. Then Putin fit into the disciption very well!

    2. @Anon.18:10...You are correct!
      I think the Iranians should take a chill pill because if they try any shit, US will bury them alive.

  15. So bcos he's protecting his country he's now anti Christ, which Bible again do u have? King Johashaphat did that, king David, king Solomon and plenty of the kings in d Bible did that pls, they all fought war and protected their country

    1. Don't mind anti Christ Stella. Been observing her anti igbo and pro APC posts.

  16. If WWIII start, biko where will Nigeria be and where shall Nigerians hide? Ordinary BH has defeated us. If that demented Korean ...decides to test his nuclear weapon in Nigeria, how we go do? If Russia deceides to...where shall we hide? Anyone has suggestions? Please no olumo or zuma rock ideas, abeg.

    1. Hiding inside Jesus Christ
      Na im sure pass!

    2. It could break up the country. You don't expect die hard Islamists to support Trump.


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