Stella Dimoko Actress Dayo Amusa Says Every Woman Should Be Allowed To Express Herself Intimately Without Being Judged


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Actress Dayo Amusa Says Every Woman Should Be Allowed To Express Herself Intimately Without Being Judged

Nigerian actress, Dayo Amusa has revealed that she enjoys S#x and shouldn't be made to feel guilty because she finds it pleasurable.

Like she says,this post might offend you oh.....


  1. This is between you and God. As long as you don't feel guilty afterwards and you can still face him after that and pray without guilt. You are good to go.πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ
    No human should be offended you don't owe us an explanation, we didn't create you and you aren't answerable to us.😘

  2. Nobody is holding women not to express themselves intimately!

    Y'all should stop with this false accusation of the society.

    Nobody really cares what you do in the comfort of your bed. If you decide to break both your waist and the bed to pieces; nobody cares and no one will judge you because they're not watching you except you decide to release the video to the public.

    Instead of you people to advise women to learn to express themselves, you're there accusing the society falsely.

    1. Mrs A, please stop. Just stop.

      I cannot count the number of times I heard the stay-a-virgin speech. Do you know how many times my brothers heard same? Zero.

      A man says he's been wih 100 women, he's applauded. A woman does, she's a whore.

      Society has so modified our behaviours you'll stil find some women come here to tell you how special they feel about saving themselves for John who's out living his "best" life in debauchery.

      I love sex, a lot. But I've had to bury all of that desires just so my partner would no longer perceive me to be a nympho.

      So, Mrs A, attack the lady all you want, but don't you say society is kind to women regarding sex. Just stop.

    2. Nobody is attacking the women especially not from me.

      I grew up in house where the boys were more handled with stricter hands. They were also advised to remain chaste.

      Who is this "society" you people keep accusing falsely?

      And men are not applauded for sleeping with 100 women, they are avoided.
      We were always advised to stay away from men that always go with multiple women and we even use it to jest of them and called them men prostitute or play boy.
      We even laughed at girls who go with play boys back then.

      So, it is very rare that people applauded men for having sex with multiple women.

      You chose to bury your sexual desire from your partner, no one forced you to.
      You should be open to your partner and tell him the way you like it just like he tells you the way he likes it.

      Adults should learn to take responsibility of their actions.

      No one cares to know if you love sex or not. The only person that should know your sex prowess should be your partner and not the public except it is for commercial purposes.

    3. You are right dear. The society was constructed in a way that women are restricted to moral behaviours, while the males are immune.
      Religion has made it worse, with overt believe in extremities. Yet, we are as immoral as Sodom and Gomorrah, if not worse - right out of the purportedly christianed houses of God.

      At the end of the day it's a personal choice, as long as your conscience can take it.

      Enough of this women shaming women ish, I think they do that mainly out of their apoplectic shortcomings. Especially those who didnt have the chance to, or whose choices were inhibited.

  3. I have this dual personality. Very calm outside but extremely freakish in bed. All guys I've been intimate with just couldn't believe its same me, lol.
    I love to.pleasure a man thoroughly as in, get you screaming and moaning. Nothing physical about me will tell you this.
    So I love sex, love giving pleasure, its my alter ego personality.

    1. how about getting pleasure? you never reach there abi

    2. This is me. But I don't think it has anything to do with an alter ego. You just love sex, there isn't a look attach to it, is there?
      Moreso, It's not as though you become a prostitute at night or a BDSM mistress. It's just sex, and it's normal.

  4. Dayo is right to some extent. Have sex because you and your body want it.
    Having sex on the first date doesn’t matter. You can have sex your first sexual experience with your partner after few years of being celibate and still get heartbroken. There are no manuals to these things. What works for A might not work for B.
    And to those persons β€œjudginas” that are quick to blast one who is involved in premarital sex, how’s your own life treating you? Are you free of sins?
    As long as I am not fucking a woman like me, I am good to have great sex 😊

    1. You just judge lesbians, you are also a judjina yourselfπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ

    2. Oh please, how did I judge them? Or you just want to start a fight with me? Each to his own πŸ€₯
      If you prefer women, good for you. For me, i love SVD, so πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ

    3. No one is blasting you not to have premarital sex, it's your creator that asked you not to. People are just repeating what he said to you since you pretend not to see it. Irrespective of how they relay the message to you and the tone behind the delivery, it doesn't change the fact that God said it FIRST.

      So Stop hiding under the umbrella of being "blasted" rather, ask yourself if the message is written from God and I am sure you have your answer.
      You don't need judjinas before you open your Bible and see it there for yourself that you shouldn't engage in fornication.

      And please stop saying "are you free from sin?" So because I have the sin of anger, I should now add stealing to it according to your reasoning. Instead of asking the holy spirit to reduce my sinful ways and pull me closer to Christ, I should continue and keep upgrading my sinful lifestyle after we all sin? Then according to this, if you engage in premarital sex, you shouldn't judge those who kill, if you steal at work you shouldn't get upset with those who rape and all that, afterall we all are not free from sin? If you have ever done any of these slutty you are a hypocrite.

    4. Leave her nau, she thinks she is better than
      Lesbians because she fornicates with men. What is God business with that

    5. How about some of us who tend to swing both ways? You just judge us na....

    6. Lmao πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I didn’t judge you people o, carry on with your choices and please let me breathe πŸ™„
      Besides, I never said I am a saint, did I?
      Please stick to your sins while I stick to mine....we are different and sin differently.

      Anon 22:34, move away with your hypocritic self. I pick my sins β€œwisely” the one I know my conscience can carry.

    7. So it is okay to sin as long a our conscience can carry it? Should your conscience be so numb to the things that God hates for it to be able to carry any sin at all? The state of your conscience though😌 if you fornicate and feel guilty afterwards like most people feel and soberly ask for forgiveness later, then relapse again, then it's understandable. At least you are trying to walk uprightly before God, and it shows you respect him, your spirit is willing but you are simply weak. but when you hit your chest and feel no remorse after the act and boldly flaunt and dangle your sinful ways before God and even get upset at those reminding you, what do we call that one? πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ

      If the people saying it are hypocrites and their hypocrisy is what is preventing from listening to them, what about the first person who said it, your God, do you also see him as a hypocrite? Because that would explain why you have chosen to fling his words aside and do the opposite of what he wants because after all you don't listen to hypocrites.

    8. Anon 13:50, I feel you have written a bunch of gibberish, this is a forum where people are free to express themselves. We are not in church here, I guess if some of you are allowed to continue on this your gag war, you will soon be calling for a priest to be coming to give us holy communion here. This is a social outlet, where people are allowed to be themselves. I am not in this world to live up to your expectation, please πŸ™„

    9. Yes I know you would feel that way and you won't understand. It's beyond your comprehension.
      You don't have to be in church to know what God expects from you or acts rightly before him. You are the church yourself and the church you go to on Sundays is just a building. Don't be like those Christians who feel the only time they have to be upright before God is when they are in a religious gathering. Let your light shine "everywhere" and let people see Christ in you everywhere you go In everywhere you express yourself, don't leave God behind consider him first, and check yourself constantly to see if you are representing him well.
      I don't have an expectation of you, so I don't know why you are making this about me and avoiding the real one whose expectation you made obvious you have refused to acknowledged when you made that comment up there. If you feel you don't want to stop pre marital sex at the moment, its your call but please don't make it look cool because others are doing same thing. Kill the boldness you have, to say the opposite of what God is saying.

    10. just because your conscience doesnt condemn you doesnt mean it is not sin.
      God only chastens those he loves. so if you're living in sin and feel that you're prospering because you're not experiencing any consequences here on earth and you have no conviction from the Holy Spirit, I can only weep for you. Fornication is a one way ticket to hell according to scriptures. God cannot be mocked and He is not a liar. Please flee from fornication!

    11. When your seeds of wickedness have matured, you go under the mode of a holier than thou to prove a point. I am not deceived, I know your type.
      Try stay long on this your course of rectitude.
      I said what I said ☝🏿, deal with it. Worry about your own life.

    12. Your conscience is dead. Which is a sign of the absence of the holy spirit. If he was present you will feel the guilt in your spirit.

    13. Weep for me because I am fucking πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      So I should lie about my sex life πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ
      Since you say I should β€œreduce” my sins, why add lies to the list? I won’t lie like that πŸ™„
      If me owning up to my sin affects you, Na you sabi.

    14. Anon 15:30, you are entitled to your incorrect opinion πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ

    15. @sluttychic"if me owning up to my sin affects you" 😲you finally called the "great sex" you mentioned in your first comment its real name "sin". So you know its a sin πŸ‘. So since you have decided to reduce your sins and you have started by not telling lies🧐 when are you going to add fornication to the list of sins that you need to be free from?πŸ€”

    16. Sluttychic, you lost this battle. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Anon came prepared. Thanks for schooling her.

      The way they reason shock me. They call themselves Christians yet act like fornication isn't sin.

      SC flee from all forms of sin in 2020. Don't do the wrong thing and not admit it is wrong because of pride.

      A wise man once said, if you do not humble yourself, life will. Do not let this be your portion 😘

    17. Who is in a battle with you dirtbags?
      Of course premarital sex is sin, I never said otherwise.
      What I am saying is that none of you buffoons has a right to judge me, you are not God. None of you is even worthy enough to preach to me.
      Since y'all claim to be saints, live your life and let me live mine. If you think you are better than me, good for you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I care less what y'all think and say about me.

      Anon 18:58, take your frustrations out of here. Na your type dey fuck in secret and you go come here dey preach condemnation unto yourself,Filthy idiot.
      All these dregs of society that don't know where their mates are.


    18. So defensive and you call all these comments up there judging? You judge yourself girl. You had to stoop so low to insults when you weren't even insulted by anyone. Dregs of society, durtbags, that is your name there ba? Not surprised when you can bear a name like sluttychic you can bear every other derogatory name you wrote up there too.

    19. What these preachers( if they really are preachers)are saying is stop branding it like
      it's cool.

      Stop being delusional thinking everyone who tells you the truth is a saint when
      they never claimed to be one to to begin with.
      Are we reading the same comments? What is wrong with this one? Like are you having your do called "good sex" while replying your friends or as you will your "judges" hence the reason
      you can't read clearly. You are just moving around in circles baselessly throwing tantrums
      while being repetitive acting ignorant like you don't get the basis of their message,
      Which is Yes! You sin like everyone else but don't feel good in your sin just like everyone else

      Your last paragraph in your first comment showed you relish your sin so much that you even feel its good. But mbanu, you just engaging in self-pity
      up and down shouting
      they are judging me they are judging me.
      If you are being judged you won't even be motivated to come back to type and respond. You are the one judging them and fighting with your self.

      How can people who admitted themselves are not without sin, who call themselves sinners just like you but tell you how they view their sin as what it really is, "SIN" judge you?
      At this point your fellow sinners or preachers are worthy enough to preach to you at least they acknowledge their flaws and aren't deaf nor blind to your folly. Oh! sorry your wokeness.

  5. I am happy women are beginning to understand this life and nature.for so long, the human race have been caged with principles that are alien to a normal human lifestyle.mine is just do good in all you do .

  6. What is holding you???People will only Rant but can't stop anyone from doing whats on their mind

  7. The society is hypocritical!

    Yesterday's chronicle reminded me of an affair I had with a pastor. We were just friends and he had been inviting me to his church but I didn't I attend cos he always introduced me as his wife to people and I warned him severally about it.
    I do share my problems and thoughts with him and he'll advice me. I had no boyfriend btw. He calls me to check up me as well as help him out with some few things.

    So one certain Sunday that I had a bad day at work(I work everyday), I called him and he asked me to come to his house. I got there and became teary while telling him what had happened to me earlier. He held me and prayed for me as usual and then hugged me. The hug was unusual cos I always pushed him away whenever he tried to but that Sunday, I don't know if I was weak or somehow I can't just explain. Then he slid his hand into my shirt and squeezed my breast. It weakend me more but I struggled to push his hand away. He held me tight and as my breast was paining me I stopped struggling and then he started sucking me. I felt bad and cried cos he's someone I respected but he ignored my cry and pushing. I'm smallish so he held my two hands as he saucked me. As he tried to slide his banana into me, I was able to kick him and then stood up immediately. I made for the door but he rushed me and started pleading that I shouldn't leave him like that, that his banana needs to come down. He held me tight while pleading and was even crying. I reminded him that he's a pastor and forcing someone to have sex with him shouldn't be in his list of sins. He told me that he's human just like every other man and blood runs in his veins, and that I'm an adult so it's not child abuse and that he's not a super human and other yen yen yen yens. I was so disappointed how just few minutes of pleasure can make a man go so low and loose all the respect it took me months abi years sef to even have for him.
    He was obviously on heat and was just stroking his banana with his hands like he was shaking a ketchup bottle. He even knelt down to beg and said I should just give him even if it's a blow or hand job. I was already disgusted so I was ready to fight him if he dares push me down. I accepted to do the hand job but I told him to get a lubricant but he said I should use my saliva cos he was scared I would leave the house if he goes to get it (oga pastor who is single also has a lubricant, I was shook). I insisted and promised not to go and he rushed to the bathroom. Omo, I jejely rush the door and fiam I'm out before he could rush out. He stood naked at the door calling me but I was already running. He started calling my phone immediately and till about five months now, I've not picked.

    1. This reminds me of my pastor friend.We were colleagues at work.More like my senior colleague. His boss was asking me out but he was always there to calm me down and advice how to act so I don't step on toes. I didn't know he was married.He invited me to his church program.We finished late. He stayed over, we had sex. The guy is a pro. One day, he invited me out for drinks with his friends. It was there I learnt his wife had just put to bed after 10yrs of waiting. I attended the dedication in church and the after party. Afterwards, I bolted. Forget pastor matter. Na den worse pass.

    2. OMG. Tufiakwa. Where do you people meet this god of men? May God have mercy Amen

    3. That beast is not a pastor and don't even address him as one.

      So sorry for the pains he caused you
      Hugs πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    4. You didn't have an affair with him if this is all that happened. He tried to rape you. Block him. @11:32.

  8. This woman is not married, so she enjoys having sex with who exactly?

    1. A fornicator

    2. @SluttyChic
      That is the definition of slut, your own kind

    3. Just like your kind anon 13:54 πŸ™‚

    4. With someone who also wants to have sex with her.

    5. Someone who wants to have sex with her Outside of wedlock not inside.

    6. With human , she enjoys good sex with consensual adult . Is that a problem?

    7. 8:49 ask your God.

  9. I always express myself whenever I’m having sex(making love)...

    It’s mine pleasure, I love talking dirty while at it...

    Just like the one I had yesterday, it was so sweet and I really enjoyed it...

    My Sweet D, said I’m the first girl that has ever called him up to tell him β€œBae, I want you now now(HORNY)”.

    Lemme go Anon, Abeg

    1. You must be one of those that preach and condemn those that have premarital sex. Hypocrite!!!

    2. At the fourth paragraph, believe me, HE LIED.πŸ˜‚

    3. We know your handwritten.

    4. So why the anon announcement?
      I really need an explanation on why you've to tell us you're going anon .

    5. That's what I'm talking about... Women should learn to express themselves and stop putting blames on the society all the time.

    6. Slutty chic the only person that condemn premarital sex is God. Focus on him and stop attacking human beings like yourself.
      Work your own salvation with trembling and stop looking for people to castigate to feel better with your ways. If you want to fornicate do so in peace and stop feeling unnecessarily guilty.

    7. Anon 12:39, you are not God, so shut the hell up!!!! Why did you go anon? I know you very well. Coward.

    8. Slutty I am not fighting you and no you don't know me. I don't have an Id.
      I don't have to be God to remind you of what he says since you seem to be forgetful. When you are bold enough to come out and glamorize sin, you should also be bold to allow people call you out. Have your premarital sex in peace but don't come out and brag about it like it's right. I am not God so you don't want to hear these from me? But what about God himself who words you are contradicting and twisting with your comments? You should be the one to keep quiet please.

    9. You are being pretentious, trying to prove God here. Tell me, how many times have you come to this blog to preach Christ? How many souls have you won for Christ? It’s only when premarital sex is mentioned that your wisdom comes....seasonal prophet.

    10. I know you are the β€œsaint” attacking me everywhere. Bring it on, I am ready!!!

    11. I preach God all the time sluttychic, you are just blessed to be singled out by me today. How many? I can't count. Besides It's not about being the one to win souls but being the one to sow a seed of repentance or remorse in the heart of the one gone astray. Just like football, someone else may pass the ball to the one who scores but that little kick from that person led to the goal of that scorer. Someone else may end up winning the soul of that person you have sown a seed into at the end of the day. It mustn't be you, just play your little part in their lives and pray they find their way.
      I am not pretentious neither am I trying to prove God. God has proving himself over and over again and I am here acknowledging that. And if you think I only preaching against fornication, at least I am adding my own drop of water to fill the bucket of truth. Isn't that better than going against the word of God and having the boldness to stand in his presence and support what he is against?

    12. Slutty chic I am not attacking you. When I started I didn't expect you to reason along the same lines with me immediately or expect you to accept the message with open arms. So I was on the defensive just like you. Sorry pleaseπŸ™ Okay I am sorry if I appeared like I was fighting with you forgive me. I am sorry but look past everything and read again what I wrote to you. You may not believe it but I love you. I even voted for you for most friendly blog visitor i don't have an ID so stella didn't count it. So I don't hate you but the sin. Try and see what I wrote to you, its not an attack. Just the plain truth.

    13. Okoto meow meow skrrr

    14. You turning me the fuq on 😍

    15. 15:14 don't mind her. She knows you are saying the truth but shame won't let her admit it.

    16. Lmao πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ look at this dunce 19:32.You have comprehension issues. Shame won't let me admit what I have owned already πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you are even more stupid than I thought.


    17. You are the dunderhead here πŸ˜‹ you finally swallowed your pride despite all your combative replies. I must give it to you sha, You try, you dey represent your name wellaπŸ˜‚.

  10. The lady doth speak freely and frankly!!

  11. What are we not going to here on social media.

  12. Little by little, society is sliding down the drain with the "do whatever makes you feel good" mentality. We forget that if everyone takes it up, chaos will result and many will be hurt. The natural perverts will have their way and we will go back to days when society will be crude and brutish, where only the strong will dare to breathe.

    God made the rules to give us a better society just like government create regulations to govern driving on the road (to avoid unnecessary pain). Can you imagine the mayhem and casualty if a driver decides to deliberately drive in whatever manner he deems good.

    God made the rules around sex so we can avoid the hurt that comes from infidelity, heartbreaks, the burdens of single parenthood on the parties involved, STDs, devaluation of human dignity and many more.

    There is power in sexual purity! A lot of security too. I know that as a married man who enjoys intimacy a lot.

    God's rule on sex was made for men and women. But society bends it whichever way it chooses, oftentimes in favour of a particular gender. Then once in a while, the devil will throw up a tainted influencer into the scene to speak sweet, powerful lies into itchy ears, all in a bid to propel the hearts of man further away from ways of The Almighty God.

    Man is weak and prone to sinfulness. Yes. The remedy is not to accept that damning weakness and resign to sinking in the mud. Rather, each one is to claw his way out of the pit and seek help from The One who is able to save any who calls on him.

    May God give us the grace to rely on His help. Jesus saves.

    1. Thank you!! but when you talk and remind them, they call you a hypocrite like you are the one who wrote the Bible.

    2. Sound it! You couldn't have said it better.

    3. "We forget that if everyone takes it up, chaos will result and many will be hurt. The natural perverts will have their way and we will go back to days when society will be crude and brutish, where only the strong will dare to breathe."

      Compare this to the Biblical passage in Deuteronomy 22 from verse 23 "If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, 24 you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to deathβ€”the young woman because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man’s wife. You must purge the evil from among you."
      25 But if out in the country a man happens to meet a young woman pledged to be married and rapes her, only the man who has done this shall die. 26 Do nothing to the woman; she has committed no sin deserving death. This case is like that of someone who attacks and murders a neighbor, 27 for the man found the young woman out in the country, and though the betrothed woman screamed, there was no one to rescue her.. you will see that in Biblical stipulations for sex, it is the brute and the perv that are given a pass and the innocent are victimized. Consider also King Xerxes who raped scores of girls in his kingdom and kept them in a glorified brothel system till he chose Esther- hundreds of women had their innocence lost because "will of God". Another example is the woman who Jesus told to "go and sin no more"- the law laid down by God said to stone the woman- in a time when women were chattel owned by their fathers then husbands and many had no means to eat except this same "adultery"This is why all the times Jesus met women who had defied these wicked man-made laws that teachers of the law claimed were made by God (the woman with five husbands, the prostitutes, the woman who washed his feet with perfume etc), he did not offer them sermons but rather, made it clear he did not come to condemn them. He knew that those who benefited from these laws are the wicked elite who pretend to have the solution for a utopian society but are doing worse in their backyards and have no mercy in their hearts. Notice how the woman's consent was not factored in and even when it was considered possible, it caused her death. That is the real brutality.

      When we make man for the law, we have a society like Nigeria's today where poor people vote in the exempted elite to enact laws for the poor to lose their hands for stealing Maggi and lose their jobs because they can't get tricycles to get to work since man has boarded first.The only option that would then be left is the same prostitution for which they would get lashed, killed or thrown out of their homes.

      Making the law for man enshrines the POWER TO CHOOSE. When choice is respected, the law and society would protect the rights of the vulnerable no to be raped because they know there is no consent. It would punish perversion because it goes against the choice of the person violated. It would make sex between willing parties easy and whatever consequences come of it, we can say "you chose to after all, carry your cross or your orgasm". We have wasted enough lives making human beings exist for the law. To close, I'll use Matthew 9:13 "But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." The important thing is to live in love, pursue your happiness and don't inconvenience anyone. Paul, Peter and others got it wrong on sex- Jesus' approach was very different.

    4. No pretty girlie we are not but we don't relax in the sins or trivalise it or try to make it look like the next trend. We looks for ways to get out with the help of God. That's the difference. We don't brag in sins by acting "woke".

    5. Sorry I meant Matthew 12 where Jesus's Disciples ate from a field that was not theirs on the Sabbath- thereby working on the sabbath, a sin punishable by death, not to talk of the fact that the field was not theirs (stealing). "7 But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the GUILTLESS." There is a spirit and a letter when it comes to the law. Just because a person does what is naturally human but hurts no one, God does not see it as sin, only hypocrites in power punish that person to maintain what they falsely claim is order but us really CONTROL, MANIPULATION. David robbed God of bread in his temple but God was not offended because he was fulfilling a basic human desire.This same David robbed Uriah of his wife and his life and God took it personally causing an innocent child to die. If you pursue your desire and end up hurting others, it is a different case. If you hurt no one, you've done nothing wrong. Have sex the way you want, when you want and with someone who willingly opts to do it with you. Millions of people have been wasted to fulfill the letter of the law. How about people start living and living well?

    6. May God bless you for this. I just didn't believe all the rubbish that I have been reading.

    7. Anon 15:30 what is the meaning of go and sin no more? Is there any other meaning we don't know,please explain. This is why it is good to know the Bible for thyself. See anon 15:26 who doesn't know nor read the Bible saying thank you to you. You just came to confuse people who don't read their Bible with few verses you took from the Bible that you had to come back and correct yourself for quoting the wrong chapter. That was before Jesus Christ came but after he came in the new testament fornication and other sins were touched upon. God forgive you for this message up there.

    8. Anon 15:03 is fornication a sin or not? Yes or no?

    9. Wow! We should be very careful how we choose to interpret the word of God so we don't twist it to satisfy our selfishness and lust. I'm really shocked at how scriptures were quoted to justify fornication and adultery. It shows why Christianity is in its current state in our beloved country. When people who actually have an idea about scriptures handle it to propagate immorality and debauchery. Let Everyman know God and His word for himself so he can avoid the tempting ideologies and traps of the devil. That is where natural wisdom comes from.

      I'm very certain that God who made the sex organs and the pleasure that comes from its enjoyment did not intend for us to hit the streets and share it with just anybody we fancy as soon as the urge kicks in. He demands self control in the issues concerning sexual relations. The lack of that restraint is why we have cheating husbands and wives, many abortions, undesirable single parenthood, brokenhearted spouses, many unhappy homes, children who will never enjoy proper parenthood, dysfunctional relationships and so much more. The ills are just too much to mention. All because we want to empower lust?

      Sex is a very sweet and powerful experience created by God to be shared by a man and woman who have covenanted themselves to each other. Sex is the deepest way they can ever connect physically and somehow spiritually to express that relationship. That was why for humans, God created it to be enjoyed within the confine of marriage, to express the oneness of the two. Remember he that joins himself to a harlot is one with her?

      Knowing this, I definitely will not judge anybody who sees sex as something to be freely shared with multiple partners or outside God's demand for it. Such people should quit making it look like other people's opinion matter in the business (apart from those they actually hurt directly or indirectly). It is squarely between them and God. Nobody created you. God did.

      Once in a while, the record should be set straight so that those who sit on the fence on issues like this can have another angle instead of only hearing and relying on the emphatic voices of those who have seared and silenced their conscience on their journey through the broad way that leads to eternal discomfiture.

      Prettie Girlie, anyone who tells you he or she is free of sin is a big dirty liar. No individual is perfect yet. Some have just chosen a path to continually refine themselves, battle their weaknesses with the word of God and the power of His Spirit rather than join others in wallowing helplessly in their weaknesses. They do not condemn others, but would rather that more people come to the knowledge of the truth in Jesus Christ and live better lives.

      Spiritual craze and stubbornness appears to be catching on as the new woke.

    10. 15:20 You wrote this "you pursue your desire and end up hurting others, it is a different case. If you hurt no one, you've done nothing wrong. Have sex the way you want, when you want and with someone who willingly opts to do it with you".

      While the word of God says thisπŸ‘‡
      "Flee fornication Every sin that a man doeth is outside and without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body."

      -1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV

      From this alone i can see that you have your own special Bible written by you and you aren't speaking the word of God.

      You said" Just because a person does what is naturally human but hurts no one, God does not see it as sin". Are you sure? Then read thisπŸ‘‡

      You should live in accorddance with the Spirit and you will not yield to the cravings of the flesh. ("Cravings of the flesh" here is what you simplified to a simplistic term of, "doing what is naturally human") The Flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh; the two are directly opposed. This is why you do not do what your will intends. If you are guided by the spirit you are not under the law (because You are free from all forms of sin and you are no longer ruled by your lustful desires) The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery, idolatry, sorcery, hostilities, bickering jealousy, outbursts of rage, selfish rivalries, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and the like. I warn you, as I have warned you before: those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God! (Galatians 5:16-21)
      Stop confusing bvs in your confusion. Anon 15:26 don't believe, deep down you know what the Bible says and that's all that count.

    11. 15:03 come and explain the meaning of go and sin no more? Because I don't understand. After that woman met Jesuswas her lifestyle still the same as before she met him?

    12. * There is power in sexual purity! A lot of security too.

      Preach it! πŸ‘Œ

    13. D'arc, they will still come out and say you are judging. They want to come out and brag about it, rub sin on our faces and expect us to keep quiet and when we don't, they use the, don't judge us card when you are only trying to make them understand you can still sin as a believer, everyone does, but don't be complacent in your sinful lifestyle and accept it as the norm.

  13. Definitely copy and paste...She copied it from some

  14. If God did not spare His only begotten Son Jesus Christ because He can't behold sin, neither will He spare any sinner no matter who think you are. Let's run away from sin

    1. Imagine being with a guy who instead of being kind and responsible threatens you into loving him; Really Imagine it.

    2. Imagine taking for granted the love of the gentle guy simply because he forgives easily and overlooks all your flaws. Taking him for a fool and hurting him endlessly. The day he will turn on you and show you his other side, you go hear am.

    3. 16:38 Gbam!
      Everyone likes to talk about God's mercy and kindness whenever they want to take advantage and abuse it, but acts like his judgement and anger was never mentioned in the bible. They always jump and pass that one. Read your Bible you all. Yes, God can be merciful but he gets angry and disciplines too when his mercies are taken for granted.

  15. When a woman is sleeping with someone SHE KNOWS she shouldn't be sleeping with and she's trying to silence her conscience, or when she's tired and bitter from being disappointed by men - she begins trash-talking like Dayo Amusa. Go and do what you've decided, you hear? Society is definitely not stopping you. Na your type dey run form foundation "to teach young girls to respect themselves" after you barely survived what happens where your woke-ness lands you.

  16. This your rant/thought is all mumbled jumbled. If you enjoy sex then stick to the fact. All this other mentions looks like something coming from a guilty conscience and your thought at the end of the day sounds suspicious. Are you sleeping with other people's boyfriends and husbands Dayo? Joe.


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