Stella Dimoko Labour Room Drama 274


Monday, November 25, 2019

Labour Room Drama 274

Oh WOW...............

Good day Stella and thank you for this opportunity to share with other people.....

 My first pregnancy was uneventful,smooth I worked for the entire 41 weeks till the day I fell into labour, so in my childish mind ' I feel say naso the thing go just dey be' so I conceived again hmmmmmm.....

 I started getting worried when S#x became extremely painful and gave me cramps haaa unlike the first pregnancy that we got down till the end,this one ehnnn if bros touch me just believe there will be no sleep that night back pain and the rest so we made up our mind to stop......

If i am not vomiting,I am in pains, no appetite and towards the end no sleep at all and there is this pain in my Vagina that I can't describe, it was not a good experience, I had placenta previa type 3 so they already taught I was going to deliver through CS but last minute at 36 weeks it resolved so I was cleared for Vagina birth...

 I didn't know if I should be happy or sad,fast forward to week 39 I saw show,got to the hospital I was checked I was already 5cm dilated the gynea said he wanted the contractions to be faster and that's how they fixed me this wicked drip,Jesus 10 minutes later the whole place became too small for me..

 I was sweating and wondering how i was going to endure the insane pain, by the time I got to 8cm, forget I don already loose my mind chai I almost craze, then the urge to push came the Nurse checked and said my cervix is not ripe that if I push I will tear something, tear wetin? naso I close my leg and the urge to push became unbearable before you know I don poo full the whole place....

Omo I felt bad for the nurse ,She see wetin pass her,I was screaming ''dear Lord if there is anytime I will need you to save me its now ooooo, God come now ooooo,its now ooooo ''then I told the nurse check for the last time,she checked and boom it was ready ,told me to push I did once and this lil man came into my life...

women I hail una,this thing no be beans,God bless everyone trying to conceive, thanks and sorry for the long post.


  1. This baby is so cute. God bless you cutie...

    1. Oh what a precious little cutie. To God be the glory.

    2. Not long story, very beautiful story and I enjoyed every bit of it plus baby is so so cute 😘💕. May he be a blessing to his generation

  2. Cute little baby, congratulations poster. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 to the little man.

  3. 😂😂😂@ dear Lord.... Congratulations

  4. Congratulation dear.

    I wonder how our mothers survived with 6 pregnancies/labor and more. My first delivery was smooth, then I wonder why do women shout during labor. So when second labor started, I just said I am coming I want to go and give birth, I beg labor room don't know customer.

  5. God Almighty bless the baby and Amen to your prayers for TTCs

  6. Congratulations dear poster

  7. Congratulations. Baby,you are welcome.

  8. Congrats. May God continue to bless you and your family.

  9. Congratulations madam and welcome to baby.

  10. You lil man is sooo cute! Congratulations dear

  11. Madame koinkoin aka the 'peace maker'25 November 2019 at 16:17

    Congratulations poster, your baby is so handsome.

  12. Madame koinkoin aka the 'peace maker'25 November 2019 at 16:19

    Congratulations poster, your baby is so handsome.

  13. Dear congratulations to your bundle of joy

  14. please fellow bvs pray for me, being TTCing for almost 4 years. I need your prayers

  15. Congratulations ma, i share in ur joy...

  16. mama triplet🕎🕎🕎25 November 2019 at 18:15

    congrat dear .cutie pie love ur full hair handsome ❀

  17. Beautiful Baby, may God preserve him, Congratulations!!!

  18. Congratulations

  19. He is sooo cute

    See hair
    Fine Boy, GOD bless you in Jesus Name, Amen

  20. Congratulations... I was anticipating sending mine but, it ended with CS... Faithful God

    1. So because 'it ended with CS'it now a bad thing?
      Or you rather birth via vagina and either losing your baby or your life?

      This is 2019, you better do away with such horrible belief.

      Congratulations babes, I had to burst into laughter at your narrative.
      Certainly each pregnancy is unique and different.
      Kisses to our baby 😍

  21. My husband said for my wig not to fall off during labor, I'm d real mvp.
    Who wears glueless wig to the labour room biko? My hair was like DAT of aunty iyabo so I decided to cover it with wig. How I let it sit on my head through all that pain I went through is whats still baffling me

    1. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
      Aaaaaaaah, I raise Beyonce hands for you oh, you are surely the MVP😂😂😂 kisses to our baby too.


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