Stella Dimoko Boredom Eliminating Post


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Boredom Eliminating Post


  1. Replies
    1. Lack of power supply is number one for me.
      Lawlessness from those who made the laws especially.

    2. The health sector.

      My dad would have been alive if not for the state of our health sector.

      I'm also not impressed with the high right of unemployment.

    3. Unemployment. I don tire

    4. I think if power supply is fixed, many other things will naturally sort out themselves. Nigerians are not lazy people, it's just the environment that is frustrating.

    5. Stella I don't want to get started this night because the ranting won't stop and I'll go to bed with a gigantic headache and probably stay awake......
      Pardon me please.

    6. Corruption! It is heartbreaking!

  2. Lack of stable electricity.

    1. Mine too. I really need electricity to run my business but the sector keeps frustrating me.

    2. Yes o, power outage, it is crazy how much we spend on fuel.

  3. Replies
    1. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

    2. Nigeria is not even a country it's a village in chad

    3. Insecurity

      Unstable electricity


      Lack of infrastructure



  4. The lawlessness
    The zero security level
    The high level ofunemployment
    No basic amenities-no portable water, no power supply.
    The poor getting poorer etc....

    Too numerous to mention i must say, the country is in a mess.

    1. You have said it all. Nigeria is gradually becoming a failed nation

    2. I know the situation of things in this country is embarrassing but can we stop using derogatory and swear words against our dear nation?
      Don't you guys hear Americans say "God bless America" and before you say that is a country that works let us compare how old Nigeria is to America.
      I shudder when i hear Nigerians curse this country.

    3. Well said Melancholy. Trump called African countries shit hole, next thing Nigerians started calling their country shithole at every opportunity. What lives in a shihole please? Things are hard yes, but constantly using curse words on your own country will definitely not help.

  5. Lack of steady power supply.

  6. weak institutions. We often say Nigerians are lawless but no the problem is we don't have working institutions hence we appear lawless. If these same Nigerians travel out they behave because they know they're in a country that functions

    1. Deheroine:
      Which Nigerians travel out and behave, are you serious?
      Why are they being tried in most western countries for fraud?
      Nigerians always find ways to walk around set rules and many get
      caught in the process.

    2. When I hear the millions our so called law makers are given as salary and allowances..
      EPILEPTIC Power supply

    3. Majority of Nigerians obey the rules outside the country, particularly basic ones like traffic lights etc which they will never do back home. That a few are being tried for fraud does not imply it's everyone.

    4. EV point of correction! Come to Calabar and see how citizens obey the traffic organized...even in d absence of a warden. Don't use that ur jagajaga Lagos as a yardstick to make ur point.

    5. 😂😂 @ jagajaga Lagos!
      Anon, Lagos is not that bad na.

    6. 18:15 Nigerians find a way to walk around rules abroad but at a minimal. A working institution helps curtail lawlessness.

      Chummy cho everything you mentioned is because the respective sectors are not functioning well

      Ev yes they obey the basic things abroad with fear and trembling

      19:46 calabar is working then

  7. Our lying and thieving leaders.

  8. The idea that I can do anything to make money even though millions of others would have to pay the price(any which way na way) I hate it and it makes me angry

    The dishonesty and disloyalty among a large number of Nigerians

    The copycat lifestyle, they all upset me

    The way they're are trying so hard to modernize the word of God (those that claim to be Christians)

  9. OMG Buhari and demonic APC party. Nothing good has come out of them and idiotic people are asking the dullard for 3rd term.

    God punished Satan for us o Amen

  10. Nothing seems to be working.

  11. My friends -Naija girls make me angry all the time
    but you know now like our elders say, the anger caused by
    a friend/brother does not enter the marrows 😊😊
    Anytime they snatch and vamoose or shoot off (many die in the process of shooting off like that my neighbor😢😢), or anytime they born and suffocate or ask sdk if they should
    suffocate...or I see them leave their
    Naija husband and go abroad open toh🤐🤐 for forkboys to fill am with babies,
    I just dey angry but they remain my friends 😊😊😊

    1. Lol. Y u vex for am

    2. 😂😂😂ANG when are u writing a book about Naija gals?

      It's high time you wrote...I will buy and read🤣🤣🤣

    3. Chisom for god's sake 🙄

    4. @Melancholy
      Is your wife's name Chisom?

  12. The lawlessness, anyone can commit a crime and bribe their way out of serving time and punishment.
    The victims in such situations are filled with fear of reprisals and bitterness that their predators got away.

  13. unemployment oo and I hate the fact that married women especially with kids aren't given a chance in most cases unless you've been working before marriage

  14. I'm angry that we're being ruled by a clueless demented baba without focus and direction. I'm angry that Nigerians are suffering in the mist of plenty. I'm angry bcos the govt has been hijacked by few cabals that have been enriching themselves silly while an average Naija person cannot even afford three square meal. I've stop praying for Nigeria to get better bcos I know with the kind of leadership we have that's dream impossible.
    We have oil like Saudis but see the way they're enjoying while my country people are languishing in extreme abject poverty. The wealth mother nature bestowed upon us are being siphon by just few people. I give up on this country.
    I'm angry that an average Naija person is too sentimental when it comes to tribe and religion and that's the divide and rule tactics our politicians have been using to enslave us from time immemorial. Why can't we keep religion and tribe aside and vote for a credible candidate that will take this country out of poverty? In my next life may I never find myself in this country called Nigeria.

  15. The question is making me more angry.

  16. It's not visa-free to the U.S, Canada, U.K and all European countries....nothing more annoying than that

  17. The killings
    The insecurity
    The heartlessness of our leaders
    The mindless moorings
    The inflation
    The fallen educational standard
    The state of our roads
    The problems of this country is like a cancer that has metastasised!!! Even cytotoxic drugs and radiation therapy won't help!!! We just need a miraculous turn around!!! Oriegwu!!!

  18. The killings
    The insecurity
    The heartlessness of our leaders
    The mindless lootings
    The inflation
    The fallen educational standard
    The state of our roads
    The problems of this country is like a cancer that has metastasised!!! Even cytotoxic drugs and radiation therapy won't help!!! We just need a miraculous turn around!!! Oriegwu!!!

  19. wetin dey pain me be say dem never sell am share money give us wey be citizens

  20. Epileptic power supply and bad roads.

  21. Everybody is chanting "insecurity, insecurity, lawlessness..."
    Who are the Nigerians making the country insecure and lawless?
    Okwa ajuju n'ese okwu o
    Or is it Ghanaians and Jamaicans that are writing all these comments?

  22. Everyone is complaining, my question is in what ways do you contribute to these things?

  23. Unemployment, killings, kidnapping,no infrastructure, bad roads... E plenty abeg

  24. I am angry because the education system in Nigeria is very bad. We still use 1900 curriculum to teach. And our lecturers are not even looking for ways to better themselves. They just want to go on ASUU strike every time. I left Nigeria for my masters in Europe, and all I can say is; There is no hope for NIgeria.

    1. There is no hope. Hope died with so called independence in 1960. Even some that fought for it never believed in it only having in mind their tribe and religion.

  25. The corruption and lawlessness of the politicians.

    1. Not just politicians. The whole country is corrupt!

  26. Indicsipline
    Lack of good infrastructure

    The problems in this country are too much abeg.

  27. Unemployment, zero infrastructures,recycled leaders, corruption, no security.

  28. The fact that i have to breathe the same air with too many useless, cowardly, gullible and ubiquitous religious fanatics

  29. Poor leadership. Unemployment, lack of electricity, bad roads.

  30. The level of corruption. Even gateman join.

  31. How we always end up having evil dealers and leaders.
    If l can still trace the addresses of our Colonial leaders, l will openly roll on the floor for them to come back and help us out.

    1. Hahahaha. They put you in this trouble in the first place.

    2. Keke i don't mind joining you too.

  32. Unemployment
    Lack of stable power supply
    Lack of law and order(people jumping queues and being proud of it)
    And finally, haggling in the open market. I hate it.

  33. On second thought let me at least mention the deplorable state of roads in this country. Many death traps. If not for God.......... Hmmmmmmm

  34. Unemployment
    Bad roads
    Light out
    Corruption left right centre side.

  35. From the comments above, it's safe to say that most of us don't know that we are the Nigeria that they are taking about and we are all the problems listed above. Hmmmmm

  36. when you are talking about the problems in the country and they called it ''hate speech''

  37. dishonest politicians and lie lie leadership suffering your own people in the mist of plenty.....from JOE.

  38. (1)is that most people don't live by integrity anymore.. (2)and most old people don't know what it take to be an elder person....(3)living fake life...(4) living to please each other, as if destiny is a competition..m

  39. Everything except for my Kids.....

  40. Lawlessness. Impunity. Ethnic bias


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