Stella Dimoko Wednesday In House News


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday In House News

*Yawns and thinking of food but remembers the detox tea and aborts hunger thoughts*...Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...You will not understand!

Have a nice time on this post!!!

Stella and Blog visitors Chioma and Uncle Bolaji Blokos In Dortmund Germany 2017


I am Nostalgic over that photo up there...

I missed having my July parties this year cos we went Abroad with the kids at that time..I pray God keeps us well until next year cos i plan to hold another blog visitor party in Germany to be hosted by any BV but the bill will be on me......If you are in Germany and Interested in hosting us,please send me a mail and let us start planning on when we want it yaaaaay....I love parties eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh and it can be so boring here sometimes with all this mind your business,i mind mine attitude.

BTW;If you are a food and cake vendor and can deliver food to Alagbado area of Lagos,please send me an inbox mail,i wanna surprise a

BTW-means by the way and not Between...LMAO



May all my haters die in pain, disappear, wiped off from the face of earth! I chant different curses on my haters on regular basis. And most of them r experiencing all kinds of horrific predicaments, like untimely death of their loved ones, terminal illness, bad business, miscarriages, road accidents and severe mishaps, decline in their life. Anybody I curse or hate back will wither or stagnate in their life!!!

I saw this inside Tuesday's Boredom eliminating post and I am still laughing over this....Are you for real or you just wanted attention?You a witch or wizard?My dear if you have so much powers oh,EPP us to make Nigeria great again nah beg i dey beg you oh....The looters of Nigeria are your enemies,think about them and EPP us eliminate them..curse those who have made life so hard in Nigeria that everything is a luxury.



Hello Stella,

I'm a first time mom and have so many questions. I had my baby via CSECTION and want to know if I'm doing the right things.

1. Do i need to sit on hot water day and night even though i didn't give birth vaginally? Coz I've been doing that for the past 2 weeks and haven't seen any blood drop even though I'm still bleeding and have to use pads. -Blood has already been removed manually

2. My tummy needs to be pressed and MIL doesn't know how so I'm trying to do it myself. I heard if it isn't pressed on time, it will remain big. I have searched on You Tube but can't find any video on how to properly do it. I know i put the towel in hot water and try to press it on my tummy in a downward motion. Is that the right way or do i need to slap it on my tummy instead?-Do not try pressing your tummy..didn't your doctor tell you this?DO NOT PRESS YOUR TUMMY WHEN YOU HAD YOUR BABY VIA CS;you can lose your life

3. When can i start tying my tummy? Its 2 weeks now. Is it too early? Wrapper or girdle?- do not tie your tummy or use girdle when you have CS..

4. What else can i eat asides tea, pap, hot peppersoup and golden morn? I'm gradually losing appetite.

5. When can i start having s#x again. Uncle has been touching me somehow and me I'm is it safe to have s#x after say 1 month? -If you feel comfortable and no longer in pain and if the cucumber will not hurting the scar,then by all means go ahead oh...



There comes a time of truthfulness to oneself in life. That moment of realisation about one's situation in life marks the very beginning of a great turnaround. How fair has the year been with you? Still stuck around where you started or yet to find your bearing?

Interestingly, I make bold to say, until you realise yourself and come to that point of truth, you will never discover purpose in life. Self awareness and realisation are the greatest agent of change. You must hold yourself responsible on how your life had become. What are your emotional triggers? What are you afraid of in life? What are your worries and challenges? You must be aware and realise whom you are, the things you do and why you chose to do them.

Realization becomes so necessary and effective when you define what you really want in life. You must be specific and certain of what you truly want in life. This is where some people get it wrong in life when they have no specific plan or direction. A life without a plan is just like building a house without a building plan.

It doesn't matter how long it took to come to this realization. You can always make it and change the narrative. The story of the prodigal son is a good reminder that one can always come back to success if they so wish and desire it in life. The past cannot be changed but you can get a better ending if you break loose today from that stagnation.

Arise! It's time to disappoint the naysayers. You must change the narrative today about your story. You must discover your purpose in life by realizing whom you are made by God to be else you won't be celebrated. You can make it in good time by fulfilling those dreams if you get started now.

Listen, it doesn't matter how you start, just give it a start and keep moving on the right track. Plan extensively before you start. When you eventually start, always move with caution (don't let events take you by surprise) and be sure you play safe - Don't take unnecessary risk. Challenge your today to be better than your past and you will see a beautiful tomorrow.

Success awaits you...

Teejay,is this your writeup or you copied it?Or its from the old guy who normally advices you?If it is copied just add #copied at the end so that I am not accused of lifting without credit.

Well done.


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We buy

◼USA Amazon with or without receipt
◼UK Amazon with or without receipt
◼ Steam wallet
◼ Google play
◼ Sephora
◼ ebay
◼ Walmart Gift cards
◼ All valid gift cards and ecodes

Any denominations and from any country. I have #2,500 airtime to give the first five people to redeem gift cards worth $100


Toyota Highlander Limited Edition 2012. Mileage 106649. Purchased as brand new and only been driven in Abuja roads for sale. Car is in very excellent condition, cost is 4.5m(negotiations open) .
Attached are a few pictures but u can be reached for more on 09050808731 via what's app.


Repeat after me 'I deserve new handbags and shoes'.....

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We deliver nationwide.


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Fairly used item for sale in lekki-ajah axis.
Giving away some baby boy shoes, clothes and book to whoever buys.
Items include
Baby walker:6k
Baby monitor:7k
Lovely Baby net:2k
Mosquito catcher:6k
Baby carrier:2k
Breast milk pump:3k
Whatsapp: 08026571600.



  1. Replies
    1. First time mom, relax sweetie, take it one day at a time.

    2. Those shoes are beautiful.
      I love them.

    3. Stella you look good and you are TALL.
      First time mom,please don't tie anything and don't wear anything, wait till it heals up before you do anything.
      Staying alive is better than having a flat tummy in the grave.

    4. How time flies so is two years already u snap dis pics,is been long I see aunty chioma comment

    5. Lol @sweetlurla
      OK ma i over deserve new bags and shoes.
      That shoe in the first pic is calling my name but but but #japa

      Stella yellow paw paw you is an asampete.

    6. To the new mum. Congratulations on your bundle of joy. I gave birth via CS and the hospital I used in the US gave me a girdle (the type that has vecro so you can tighten or loosen it as you deem fit) and asked me to use it next day after CS (even before the plaster was removed). I got a bikini cut so I used it above the cut and noticed that while the upper part flattened, the part with the cut bulged a bit so when the plaster was removed the next day, I moved it to cover the cut and that took care of that bulge. I believe it helped my tummy tremendously coupled with the tummy exercises I did before I took in because people kept asking how my tummy flattened in a month. I initially didn't want to use it but a Ghanaian nurse (God bless her) encouraged me to and I am happy I listened to her. Please start ASAP. I was asked not to wear it to sleep though to ensure enough blood circulation while alseep. I didn't press any hot water nor did I worry about blood coming out. I used the pad till it stopped and moved on. I ate what I felt like eating which was mostly noodles and fried plantain as there was no one to make white soup and what not. All the best.

    7. Sweetlurlacollections Lagos (bags,shoes,cloths and more)0708972144916 October 2019 at 17:13

      Ma'am e ma Japa ooo,the shoe set Wella,chat me let's do something about it

    8. With the number of people advising you not to tie your tummy after CS, please don't follow what I typed above. Maybe the needle size/technique in 9ja is different from the type used on me/different hospitals have different methods because they gave the girdle as standard post CS care. The hospital had very matured and experienced staff with superb prenatal classes. Just follow your doctors advice. Cheers.

  2. stella you look peng peng ...This your complexion is blinding .

    1. New Mum, please don't tie your tummy or press it for now... And please tell uncle to hold his blokos and allow you recover fully before he start looking for where to put his something.. I think after 2weeks it safe for you to start eating normal and every food.. Just hand in there, you'll figure it all out soon.

      Stellz,which one is Bolaji blokos? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. Stella you're in Abroad and you went abroad? Kai God,when will I be wenting abroad anyhow anyhow

    1. You won’t kill me on this blog fan πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Between her and Blessed Princess, i can’t tell whose locality is more exhilarating. πŸ˜…

    3. Lolz.. Una no go allow me beg my God😊

  4. Let me relocate to Germany for the party Ohhh... I love party too... My love for happy gatherings has no part too.

    Good afternoon Bvs

  5. The woman that had CS,chai,I pity you. You better stop doing sit bath with hot water. Don't also press your tummy with hot water. You don't need all these,otherwise,the stitches will loose. Don't you love yourself ni? Just try to drink warm water,hot pap,soft hot amala with ewedu elegusi (melon) . Please,stop all these before its too late and go for check up in your hospital. Take it easy,inugo. Motherhood comes with its own struggles especially with tummy after cs but with time,it will go down.
    Stella,I am in Germany presently and I can do the hosting,let me mail you! *yimu*

  6. SDK stellahipsy haba, give us that hips/bumbum shot na, only uncle blokos cant be seeing it lone

    1. I luv luv luv luv luv SDK,
      mwah from a long time fan from her magazine days

    2. Sweetlurlacollections Lagos (bags,shoes,cloths and more)0708972144916 October 2019 at 17:15

      See my SDK looking all peng...Thanks ma for everytime.I can't thank you enough,may God bless you and yours...Amen

  7. Stay in peace, your time is coming. Doors of opportunity are going to open. You’re going to see vindication, promotion, opportunity. No one can keep you from your purpose.-JoelOsteen

  8. Stella your sign out picture/post is everything! Hehehehe also learnt Btw is by the way and not between from Perxian (thanks sis).
    The woman that had CS please leave your tummy alone for now before you create complications for yourself.
    What else? Good luck to all the buyers and sellers!

    1. You are welcome. xx

    2. Mommy bambinos, your hair is peng. I just have a special love for curly hair.
      Just 🚢 🚢

  9. To that "all my hater's memo up there"

    Romans 12:17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[d] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

    “If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
    if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
    In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”[e]

    21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

  10. madam that just put to birth via CSECTION are you for real or you are joking? it seems to me you don't want to be alive and take good care of your child cos you are talking about is how to tie your tummy, how to make your tummy flat blah blah. Is your tummy becoming flat the only thing that is your problem, abi is the gbenshing? why don't you look for things that will make you heal fast, take good care of your baby. let uncle understand that you are still healing an yu need more time. Sabi you and him are together for ever why the rush haba.

    Buy aju mbaise and be taking it that will help you recover without big tummy.

  11. I remember blokos 😏 with the erected SVD.
    Beautiful piece @teejay πŸ‘Œ

    1. IHN is here.. I think I will love if a sit out among BVs happened. Not BeeVees that will call you out later oh when shit goes down. Genuine BeeVees. TeeJay that ur write up too long I couldn't read as sun dey fry my head here. I felt it was Oga Reuben that wrote it but I'm sure you made sense..

  12. Yes the sign out meme is epic mehn!!! Mental bliss is ultimate..Lady that gave birth to CS..Please take things easy and heal very well..All sellers and buyers all the best..I might take an hiatus from blogsphere...Love all both anonymouses and named BVs..

    1. She gave birth to CS? First time I am hearing that

  13. That signout meme is for Snoop Dogg and his likes.. Nonsense, Ingredients & Entitlement. πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  14. Stella good afternoon! Stella I no mind attend the party next year. This sweden is so boring ooo!Mores sales to the sellers! That jeep no bad ooo! But the price fit blind person first!πŸ˜‚

  15. Stella this is well written by me and not a copied post or from someone else as you think. Every of my articles here are written by me. This goes to show how good I have become over time. I can never use someone's post for my article here, they are my thoughts and creation. I will always use the quotation sign whenever a post is being copied by me. So whenever you didn't see a quotation mark, then know it's not a copied post.

  16. pidgin writer AkA mama blog pikin16 October 2019 at 14:22

    Stella I beg make u wear iro n buba one day ,make we see how d thing go fit u with your hips..

  17. Bv Castle I hope you get better. How is my baby girl?

    1. Thanks dear. Baby girl is fine. 😘

  18. pidgin writer AkA mama blog pikin16 October 2019 at 14:23

    purple attire go match your yellow paw paw skin I swear

  19. New Mom, take all Stella's advise

  20. IHN is lit. stella koko!! enjoy oooo

  21. How time flies sha.

    Note to self: Stop procrastination. Go and cook. πŸ€“

  22. Teejay thanks for this information as usual.
    you've never disappointed people like me.

    please should incase they're being copied through any source: please DO NOT STOP posting.
    actually, this your writeup is one of the reasons why i do open IHN.
    it's full of strong words,information, inspiration, and its has a way of putting one in a state of DEEP THINKING.
    Thank you and have a glorious day.

    To all the sellers....I wish you a prosperous business, and to the buyers i wish you Good luck.

    Good afternoon My good people have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks so much @DGoldenjenny. I am glad you love my article and feel inspired by it. They aren't copied from any source but my own expression of motivation. I will always do more and better with people like you feeling inspired.

  23. Stop praying for enemies to dye, remember you're someone enemy too, abi u wan die?

    1. Pretty sure nobody is praying for the enemies to dye. 🀨

  24. Kidjo where are You, come see your bloke uncle Bolaji on IHN today ooo😁😁😁

  25. Aunty madam that just had CS, relax you just had a baby 2 weeks ago!!! Let your body rest. There is no rush in all those things and let your tummy breath, do away with the hot water thing.
    One more thing, if you don't feel up to having sex in 2 weeks from now then DON'T! Communicate that to your husband, I don't understand how a lot of these men cannot just exercise control when it comes to sex. Mtscheew

    1. And she is there giggling.. uncle is touching me indeed! You ppl don't have self control or what exactly? Just two weeks, una Don begin they wisper like two tiny rats mtcheew.. ashawo ashawo couple everywhere 🚢🚢

    2. First time mom, aren’t you supposed to get clearance from your doc before having sex?
      Even all these questions about tying or pressing your stomach, weren’t they addressed in the hospital?
      Please desist, I’m not sure you know what CS entails or else you wouldn’t even think about these things.
      Value yourself!

  26. I respect you Teejay, despite the call out, u didn't run away from the blog , u didn't stop commenting , u apologised , held urself up and carried on.
    Ur mental state is amazing, Long may it continue .Please keep being you

  27. Stella this your height is everything,na you and men go dey drag height anywhere you go. Your complexion is a no go area,it is unique.

  28. Uncle Bolaji blokos is Foineeee

  29. what a man can do,a woman can do better.
    I hate this statement with passion.
    association of terrible Men.president.

  30. I remember this picture 😁😁

    Chioma kapusu really trended on the blog that year.

    Stella for president. I hail o.

  31. Aunty that just had CS,Please what is all the worry for?Allow your body heal.CS na operation OOOO,Leave OGA to either wait or wait,,he kuku has no choice,pls think for yourself and your baby,abi you wan die? The way women reason eehn....even in pain you want to satisfy a man,i just weak,i have had a cs ,common two weeks i was still weak.Allow this one heal small before you carry again,you sha want to be opening leg up and down.Abeg Madam take care of your baby.

  32. Spiritual problem is when you trek 10km to work just to get there and realize that you forgot the office key at home. So you managed to trek back home leaving your heavy bag at the office doorstep...
    On getting home, you realized that your house key is in the bag you left at the Office Doorstep...
    You got upset,‍but had no choice, so you trekked back to the office again, picked up your bag angrily, and trekked your way back home again..
    On getting home, you dipped your hand in your bag, only to realize that the office key was in your bag all along...
    Now you sit on the floor shouting...
    kill me ooohhh village people.

  33. To the first time mum, SITZ BATH IS NOT FOR YOU, ITS FOR mother's that delivered vaginally and were given episiotomy cuts, 2. Don't I repeat!!! DON'T TIE YOUR TUMMY!!!! THE PRESURE CAN BREAK DOWN YOUR STITCHES AND I'M SURE YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO BE RESTITCHED!!!! ITS DANGEROUS!!! JUST DO TUMMY TUCK EXERCISE A MONTH OR TWO MONTHS LATER ABEG. I HAD CS AND WITH ONLY TUMMY TUCK MY ABDOMINAL WALL IS FLAT, THE ONLY THING WITH TUMMY TUCK IS THAT WHEN YOU DON'T DO IT EVERY TIME YOU ARE WALKING AROUND, YOUR TUMMY WILL RELAX BUT IF YOU FORM THE HABIT YOU DON'T NEED GIRDLE AT ALL. Lastly, assess your self and see if you can take the stress of gbenshing, you can allow OGA access from the rear but hold your belly and make sure you control the rhythm, pace and intensity OK!! Be concerned about being alive and healthy than how you look OK. Men walk around with very big pot belly and I don't see anyone hanging them. PLEASE DON'T COME AND GO AND KII YOUR OH!!!

  34. First time mum dont use hot water to press your tummy, you can only drink warm water, dont tie your tummy.

  35. FOIHN, I remember this picture wow. Two years already? Kidjo where are you... See your uncle Bolaji

  36. Good afternoon everyone
    Beautiful things for sale
    I remember this picture πŸ˜‚

  37. The madam that had her baby via CS, Please dont press your tummy, it can cause complications. Do not tie wrapper or girdle or anything. please leave your tummy let it heal first. I used post partum waist trainer 2 and half months after I had my baby via CS, by thye time I removed it, a part of my tummy was protuded only to go to the hospital to find out that tightness resulted in a hernia for me and I will be having a surgery for it next year. For sex, I was advised to stay at least 6 weeks before having sex so madam please heal properly. Tell oga to calm down.

  38. Drink your detox tea, Stella. We all have to pay a price to get to a better place than where we are currently at. Do not be discouraged or slip back into old habits that have not done you any good. Life is too short not to be fabulous.

    Send me plane ticket and I will come to Germany for the party next summer😎

  39. Its been two years already!. How time flies. More sales to the sellers.


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