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Friday, October 04, 2019

Friday Spontaneous Post

#friday #weekend #foryourmindnowyoutoosabiabi #nahmelagata #pidginhashtagsefdeyna #ijustdeyobservehoustontexas #nollywoodmoviesandvillagesceneslol #thingsdeybody #jollofricefridayyaaay

Good Morning.........
May today be a Friday to remember for you.....

Already at work or what?...I dey my Office already.

Yesterday i watched one Nollywood movie (name with held) and the location of that movie left me in a cold sweat...The dirt and filth in the background is something better imagined......What!

The movie reeked of poverty and would definitely depress anyone who is hoping for a better life from where ever they...
I wondered how a movie like that would ever even make it to any International award....Tsk,Tsk,Tsk!!!

I saw Chi the Ada Mbaise seller photo and OMG;her stomach is FLAT already and her baby will be one week old today...I cannot believe it....So that Ada Mbaise really works like that?Please how can i get some to make my stomach go flat?or is it not possible?

God bless your hustle!
Kisses to everyone!


  1. Beautiful weekend my peopleπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    Good morning lovelies 😘 😘😘 😘

    1. Ah Stella ,. I just left Lagos to pAris last night . Would gotten a few n mail them to you.

    2. Hello TGW..

  2. When God wants to Change your Life he Does 7 things

    1. He removes you from a
    Geographical Location
    2. He Removes Certain people from your Life
    3. He shuts some doors
    4. He Opens some doors
    5. He Gives you new Ideas
    6. He grants you Favour
    7. He Gives you instructions.

    Good morning.

    1. It's a lie. God can decide to bless you anywhere at anytime without you changing a damn thing.

    2. The ways of God is not the ways of man. God works in diverse way. There is a place in the Bible that says... who knows the mind of God ( paraphrased).
      Quit spreading untruths.

    3. People need to be careful about online quotes these days. That something sounds right doesn't make it true. God's ways are far from being man's ways. Stop putting God or how He works in a box.

  3. Good morning lovely bvs. I am over broke at the moment and Someone scammed me of 30k through a business deal, can I get my money back by reporting to the bank cos it was a bank transfer??

    1. How this one take concern bank now...You have been scammed..move on!!

    2. You can go to the bank and tell them you mistakenly sent the money to a wrong account, I think the bank will tell you to get a court order and bring it to the bank, then they take it up from there, thought it might a while before it gets settled. Someone I know that got duped of a huge sum of money did this, the back told him they will deduct the money from the recipient’s account once any money equivalent to his money enters the account.

    3. You can actually report.. Go to your bank and ask for the manager.. Tell them you will report to SERVICOM, if nothing is done

    4. My sister was scammed sometime ago. The bank returned the money. Follow Ola's advice, try your luck.

    5. Try to get to the bank 1st and lay a complaint... be positive while at it..i believe you will get back your money

  4. Why witholding the name of the movie? Will they sue you?

    1. Hi bvs. Please who is coming to UK soon, i'm ttc and someone advised on SP yesterday to ise aju mbaise,that it helps conception.
      Plz anyone coming to UK soon should comment under here let me know how to get in touch.

      Gdmorning Lovelies

    2. Hi Anon 8:51 I know someone coming but it will not be till the end of October (This is one I'm sure of) The last person I know came in on Sunday

  5. Good Morning beautiful hearts and souls....

    Thank God it's Friday πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    Happy birthday @ Emjay.
    God bless your new age with good things...
    Age gracefully dear...
    Kisses to your babyπŸ˜—πŸ˜—πŸ˜—πŸ˜—πŸ˜—πŸ˜—

  6. Flat stomach is not only by Aju Mbaise, some people just have it and don’t need to take anything. Congratulations to the new mum and baby, may God keep you both.

    Another weekend and I’m looking forward to really resting but will I? πŸ˜–

    1. What is Aju Mbaise? Some sorta tummy tea?

    2. Yse some people just have flat tummy naturally. Like me, my stomach was really flat the second day after my baby's delivery. You'd even be wondering if I was ever pregnant.

    3. Pexxy darling, it’s the drink that cures everything. It might even raise the dead.

    4. Exactly Doppelganger, genetics play a huge role, followed by if you are an exercise freak and stayed fit throughout the pregnancy, then comes the aju mbaise and other tummy arrangement methods.

      Congratulations Chi Ada mbaise! May your baby forever be a source of joy and pride to you and your family. The resources to bring her up will never be found wanting.

      Perxian it's a tummy tea, body cleanser, hormonal balancing therapy etc according to the drinkers.

      Stella, your sign out post just reminds me of what a friend just said a an hour ago. He called a guy and from the way the guy sounded over the phone, he said... You are still sleeping abi waking up? People who are serious about making money today in Lagos are already awake πŸ˜€. Which is true anyway and then he proceeded to give the guy the contact of a woman who needs aluminum works done then ended it with... If you like don't stand up and go make money πŸ˜€.


  7. Stella, such movie should be able to make it to international scene. That is the reality of a lot of people that live in the slump or ghetto or even in so many cities in Nigeria.
    Don't forget, most Nigerians throw their trash on the streets 🀐🀐🀐

    Did you watched the colour purple, Monique won Oscar award as the lead actress in that movie. It was a ghetto movie.

    Why are some people always fond of telling advance ladies (I mean ladies in their mid or late thirties to late forties) to adopt a child, whenever they complained of not being able to get a husband or have kids.
    Please, some of you should stop it already! Adopting a child is a personal decision and it can be very tough for some people.
    There are lots of men and women that want to carry their own children and if that makes them happy, they should be allowed to hold on to their faith of it happening. That doesn't make them bad people.

    Those who also choose to tour the path of adoption, should be allowed to do so too.
    My advice to those adopting is to make sure they know a little history about the health of the child and if possible, the health history of the child's biological family.

    And to those ladies who doesn't want to adopt, be friendly to kids and show love and respect to everyone.
    It will happen for you soon.

    Whether we like to accept it or not, there's God and there's nature. Not everyone has money for IVF treatment.

    My son's godparents have been trying for some years now to have kids, but it's not happening. She's not a fan of adoption (mind you, she's in the medical field in Canada) she actually lectured me about the good and bad sides of adoption and that's part of the reason I don't jump into telling people to adopt.

    Gabriella Union wanted to have her own biological kids. I remember when she wrote an article about having numerous miscarriages and alot of people attacked her for being selfish. A woman or a man is allowed to want to have biological kids (my only concern is when they do it in their fifties or sixties)

    Adoption is a very tough and personal decision and people shouldn't be wheedled into doing it.

    1. Color purple is excruciatingly painful, i hate tragedy movies. 😩😩😩

    2. well said but dont forget that we live in a society where people prefer to choose for u and not minding ut own taste.

      adoption is a tough thing for some and pple should be allowed to decide and not the society

    3. Thank you Ms A πŸ‘πŸΏ

    4. I agree with u MRS A. But some people need to hear it , sometimes we thing a decision is good but wen we hear other options we adjust. 🧟‍♀️

    5. People be shouting "go and adopt" or IVF as if it's automatic. Even with money, IVF doesn't work for everyone. That's why some people do it more than once, it's not because they are bored or they don't have money they're not using. As for adoption, while I have nothing against it (as long as you have the necessary health and other types of history of the child), I look at my husband and cannot imagine not having at least one child that has both his genes and mine.

    6. Miss A I agree with you to an extent. But the truth is any lady that has entered menopause without marriage should adopt a baby mostly a girl asap, that will take care of her in her old age. Leave this family people, after training them, their wives will throw you out of their house and tell you to go and marry. That it is your witchcraft that kept you unmarried up until now not minding whether you are the one that train her husband.

    7. * or they have money they're not using.

    8. I understand what you are saying but then it still falls under various options available for couples or singles who don't want to even get married and other options like IVF/IUI, surrogacy are not working out.
      There's no one that doesn't have it's own downside or you think IVF is a walk in the park? Or the ironclad terms spelt out when embarking on surrogacy is for play?
      Adopting worked for a lot of people I personally know and because it didn't work out for some doesn't mean that it's wrong to suggest it to another whilst having good intentions. Who doesn't want to fall pregnant and carry their child? but then life happens and people try to make the best out of what life is offering.

    9. Very well penned down Ms one should be pressured or made to feel bad simply because they are not ready to walk the adoption route yet... one should be free to do all they can to get their own biological children.

  8. Good morning everyone...

    Enjoy your day ahead...

  9. Beautiful morning. Keep doing good, you don't know when the Master will pay you.

    Let's have a beautiful day. Good to have life. Many are wishiy to have what you have.

    Love you all

  10. My bags were packed, I was set to go immediately after I wrote my last paper. By 5:05pm, I was out of the exam hall. I dashed to my hostel, picked my luggage and left for the motor park.

    My best friend, Chidimma met me at the stairs.
    "Ify, are you still going?" She asked.
    "Of course I'm going right now". I answered.
    "Don't you think it's too late to go to Owerri? Why don't you leave it until tomorrow?" She looked worried.
    "Tomorrow kwa? Nne, I have to be there for Ikenna's party. He won't forgive me if I don't show up tonight. Besides, I miss him and can't wait to be in his arms. Have to go, bye". I hugged her.

    When I got to the motor park, I boarded a Peace Mass Transit (PMT) bus going to Enugu. There were no buses going to Owerri at that time so I had to get to Enugu before I'd be able to get one. Nsukka to Enugu is just an hour journey, so I calculated I'd be in Enugu before 6:30. I knew I'd be in Owerri before 10pm, just in time for my boyfriend, Ikenna's graduation party.

    I sat in the front seat, beside the driver. A guy sat beside me. He was a chatty fellow and I found him boring. I paid little attention to him as he prattled away. I thought of Ikenna and nothing else. It will be a memorable night, I'd make sure. I'd let him ravish me in every way possible. I've withheld for long and now I'm ready. The previous night we talked about it and he said he'd be gentle. And now I can't wait! I love him and he loves me and we are going to spend our lives together. I smiled.

    "What's funny?" The boring guy asked.
    "Excuse me?" I glared at him.
    "You've been smiling ever since we boarded but you chuckled just now. So I ask again what are you so excited about?"
    "Oh nothing" I forced a smile, "just remembered something my friend did".
    "Would you like to share?"

    My phone rang. Ikenna was calling.
    "Hello honey" His baritone voice called.
    "Hello darling" I answered cheerily.
    "What's up, where are you now?"
    "I'm still on my way to Enugu. How's it going?"
    "Fine. We're all set. Everyone's really looking forward to seeing you".
    "Wow. Everyone?"
    "Yes, everyone baby. You mean the world to me".
    "I'll call you later, ok".
    "I love you so much"
    "I love you too" I whispered.

    "Boyfriend?" Mr boring asked as I tucked the phone in my purse.
    "What business of yours is it?" I retorted.
    "You're too pretty to be rude"
    "And you're too nosy to be a man".
    "Hahaha, you have a sharp tongue. Nice one".
    I laughed, genuinely this time. The guy was funny and nice looking. He dressed smartly too. On his laps were two very expensive phones.
    "I'm Uzoho". He said.
    "Uzoho kwa? Is that your name or surname?
    "My name. I was named after my grandfather".
    "I see".
    "I'm in Political science department. You?" he asked.
    "Philosophy" I replied.
    "Oh, same faculty. How come I never seen you?" He asked.

    Suddenly, it happened. Our driver was on a very high speed, he didn't notice there were no cars coming ahead. The road was deserted but he thought nothing of it. Unbeknownst to us, a serious robbery was going on a few kilometers ahead. Other drivers noticed that something was wrong and parked aside, our driver drove us straight into the lion's den.
    This was at a place called Umuoka.

    1. Wow, castle you are such a good writer, this is lit, pls do this every day.

    2. Yas 😁😁😁😁

    3. Castle is backπŸ˜€.Nice one.
      My love to your baby.

    4. Very interesting story, can't wait for the remaining part.
      Good morning everyone.
      And Happy weekend

    5. So this is so beautifully written. I enjoyed it.

    6. Thank you Castle. More of this please. Interesting!

    7. Thumps up castle , you should run a column on this blog.

    8. Stella you have your columnist..Castle Windsor for president...

    9. 😘😘😘😘😘😘
      πŸ˜‚ What Else Bitch.

    10. Castle is back! 😊
      You should really think about writing a collection of short stories and publishing it.

    11. Yaaay! Castle is back! why don't you have Stella post it in one her stand alone posts. would be super cool. Great job castle!

    12. CASTLEEEEEEE....please continue, i want mooooooore...bikonu.

    13. Castle the writer is back. What a nice write up!! My heart literally jumped into my mouth

  11. Enu ope o Ni kan. Pleasant morning to everyone.

  12. I hate Fridays. πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

    1. I love Fridays mbokπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    2. It's my busiest most stressful day of the week.

      Hi, Ms.A. ✋✋✋

    3. Wow. You're the person I ever heard say that. Fridays are bae.

    4. Me i love fridays 😁😁😁

  13. Good morning and a lovely weekend to us all!

  14. Yes!!!!!

    On this day five years ago, the Good Lord blessed us with a sweet lil boy. He's a special one. Caring, sweet and intelligent. I call him my lil doc 😊.
    All I have to say is thank you Lord for your blessings.

    Happy birthday son. We love you.

    Please help me wish him well.

    1. Happy birthday to your son.

    2. Happy birthday to your cute son πŸ€—πŸ˜˜❤️

    3. Happy birthday son... Continue to grow in God's abundant grace.

    4. Happy birthday to your son. May his light never go dim.

    5. Happy Birthday to your son. Wish him God's continual blessings as he grows up.

    6. Happy birthday to your son

    7. Happy birthday to your son, May God Almighty bless him and always keep him safe. Amen

    8. Happy birthday to your son, may he grow to become a man you will be proud of.

    9. Happy birthday to your cute baby boy Reina, God bless him. πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ to him please

    10. Happy birthday to your cute son. God bless and keep him.

    11. Happy birthday to your Son. May he grow in Grace

    12. Happy birthday to your son. He will live long to fulfill destiny. Many happy returns to him in long life.

    13. Happy Birthday to your baby.

    14. Happy birthday to your boy.

    15. A big amen to all your wishes and prayers. πŸ™

      Thanks everyone. It's all appreciated. 😊

      Happy birthday @ Emjay. More blessings on you today and always.

    16. Happy Birthday to your dear son.

    17. Happy Birthday to your son... May grow in grace!

  15. Goodmorning everyone may your day be fruitful.

    1. Yes with plant and human bananas

  16. Ada please come put and say what ypu did. Were you at your ideal weight before pregnancy? How many kg did you add during pregnancy? What is your body frame? All these thing come to play holistically.

    1. You're very right!
      I was slim (size 6-8) before I got pregnant and my stomach only look a little bloated while I was six to seven months pregnant. At forty weeks, I have only added twelve kilos and by the time I delivered my almost four kilos baby, eight kilos was gone.

      I added a little again when I started breastfeeding and then, lose almost all the kilos four months into breastfeeding.

      As for my stomach, I used my girdle about ten hours after I delivered my baby.

      I am a healthy eater and I also exercise a lot.

      I can't compare my body to someone that was already fat before getting pregnant.

  17. We saw them but it was too late to turn back. They were dressed in black overalls and masks, about ten of them. They pointed their guns at us as we approached and motioned the driver to stop. He stopped abruptly in the middle of the road, the robbers ran to us and flung all the doors open.
    "Everybody come out. Leave your bags in the car. Give us your money and your phones. Lie down on the floor! If you move or look at me, I shoot you".
    They barked their orders.
    Our driver ran into the bush, the rest of us handed over our phones and monies to them. I gave them my Nokia torch, oh Ikenna.
    Two or three of them went inside the bus to search our bags. While they were doing so, they flung away anything that got in their way. Certificates, letters, personal items were thrown into the bush during their frantic search. My pants and Mary Kay eye shadow were flung into the bush. I never saw them again.

    Meanwhile, before we came, the robbers had already held a vehicle carrying a woman and her goods. You know all those women who go to bush markets, buy goods in a large quantity, charter a vehicle to transport it to town where they sell and make double profits? Ehen.

    "Madam, you think say I dey joke? Bring money, you dey give me six thousand. I go shoot you o". The man I presumed to be their leader roared.
    "My son..."
    "Who be your son? I go shoot this woman o".
    "Sorry oga. I swear I don give everything wey I get here. Ask my driver. I no go lie to you. Abeg pity me. Chai chai chai ooo".
    "Bija, shoot this woman. Make I ask your driver. Shoot her!" He thundered.
    "Don't shoot o, don't shoot o. Oya check inside the bag of garri, you go see one purse, money dey am. No shoot o, no shoot o".
    "How much dey the purse" the daredevil asked.
    "Twenty-five thousand naira" the woman replied sobbing.
    "So you get twenty five thousand naira, you dey suffer us?"
    He slapped her.

    I looked up, one pointed his gun at me and told me to face down or he shoots. I cowered in fear. He walked away.
    I looked beside me and saw a girl about my age crying, the man opposite was shaking, his shaky hands making loud noises on the concrete. Every of the passenger was either crying or shaking. I comforted the girl. Surprisingly, I wasn't afraid. I was just disappointed and they were still wasting my time. Now that they've taken my phone and money, how do I get to Owerri? I knew they weren't going to kill us.

    A vehicle approached, we all looked up. It was a brand new Mercedes Benz and was coming with full speed. I felt pity for the driver because he didn't know what he was about to get into. The armed robbers were watching, waiting and ready to pounce on their latest victim, when the car suddenly stopped about 5yards from us. Like a scene from an action movie, the two front doors of the Benz were opened and two men started firing at once at the daredevils.
    They were policemen!
    The robbers didn't even fire back. Their leader whistled and they scampered into the bush. I stood up and ran to them. One of them hugged me and told me it was alright. I was safe, we were safe.

    The other passengers stood up and we lamented our losses. The man who I'd seen shivering earlier was still frightened and visibly shaken.

    1. Thank God for your life castle. When you mentioned pant and eyeshadow, you never saw again ,It got me laughing. You are funny.

    2. Well done Castle.

      Mimi is just a story Ohhh😁

    3. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Mimi &Engraced. Hi

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. woah... i am stuck, i'm an imaginative reader, the thing be playing like nollywood movie in my head. biko continue.

  18. The God i serve is so merciful and thats why we,all have been given the opportunity to witnesa this day.

    i pray his will and promises for us will surely come to past,in Jesus name.

    depression is a very bad thjng and please avoid it,make ursef happy by loving ursef,remember that tough times do not last but tough people do

    1. Yeah just pray it never happens to you...It can becloud someone..

  19. Fill your mind up with strength and optimism and you will life a life of strength and optimism
    It takes commitment of daily practice to work on yourself,empower yourself,set your life up to win.
    We have to overcome self doubt and learn to control and direct our minds.
    Have goals-meaningful goals,goals that excites you to wake up every morning.
    When you believe in yourself,you need no other to Believe in you.
    Face your fears,your doubt and conditional thoughts.
    Fight for dream.
    Create a strong mind.
    And Yes WE can do this IF only WE TRY

  20. "Anonymous3 October 2019 at 08:03
    Fellow Christians, pray to God for forgiveness with me. I succumbed to sexual temptation yesterday.

    Waking up this morning, i am disgusted with myself, I am ashamed and couldn't even do my morning devotion.
    I feel like God probably doesn't want to hear me because I have been a huge beneficiary of his mercies in my life yet I am still succumbing to flesh and its lust.

    I am so ungrateful, i am such a filthy human.

    I really wish it never happened."

    If you're free of religious slavery , you don't know what you've got. See mentality abeg! Sex isn't a crime umu uwa. It is a basic condiment of everyday-life. It is just like the food you eat everyday. Stop criminalizing it all you mad hypocritical religious zealots. It is only wrong when you do it with another person's spouse. Are you aware that prolonged sexual frustration can lead to mental illness in some people? What's wrong with you people ? When you get horny, it isn't your fault. You didn't create your body. The only food that can cure that horny hunger is sex. You can also resort to masturbation if there's no help in place. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Religion has really damaged una brain.

    1. 😭😭😭😭😭

    2. Thats what religion was created in the first place to do, offer your fragile heart Guilt for something so natural, then provide a solution, which is prayer or irrelevant deliverance, i saw the light the day i embraced atheism.

    3. Tomorrow you go call yourself a christain,onye iru aboo

    4. Ceaser,
      You can still drive home your point without the verbal abuse
      We are all wired differently,what might seem good for you,can and could not be the the same to another.
      Lets be guided.PLEASE

    5. Tell me more πŸ“πŸ“

    6. Hmmmmm.. Caesar.. You crack me up sometimes. I would like to know who you are. I am sure you a nice person. Forget all this your gra gra..

    7. Isn't it the same you Caesar that has been quoting from "the Christian bible" and asking Christians to live by it?

      Amongst your many.... never knew you were such a hypocrite and 2 faced.
      Pick a struggle bro, and while at it, leave the Christians to live/aim to live their lives according to the bible.

    8. Caesar has implied from his previous comments he's not a Christian. He quotes those Bible passages to convict us when we fuck up πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    9. You are the one with a damaged brain.
      Face whatever it is you believe in and leave Christians and the way they choose to live their lives alone. The laws and way she choose to live her life is not subject to you so why are you here attacking a woman who wants to keep her legs closed?
      Who said she committed a crime or did anyone call her a criminal? She acknowledged that she sinned based on what she believes in and sought repentance so what are you foaming at the mouth for?
      Same you will come here and bash women who are carefree with their sexual lives and term them promiscuous.

      Okoro please pick a struggle and face it inugo?

  21. Non of you all,including me myself will see year 3019 in Jesus name.amen

    1. If God wills it,will you kill yourself then?
      No matter how hard you try,even death will reject you

    2. Amen..I dont want to be a burden to my children or grandchildren..

    3. I don’t understand this type of prayer.

    4. Amen!

      Which God would will for you to be alive in a thousand years?
      Nawa o!

  22. Good morning SDK and bvs.
    Thanks for your congratulatory messages. Baby J and i are saying thank you.
    Blessed and fruitful day ahead

  23. "Please let's leave this place, I beg all of you. I lost forty thousand and my phone to them. Let's leave this place abeg, I beg you all in the name of God. Our lives are more important" The man pleaded.

    More policemen came and trooped into the bush. Two men from our bus went into the bush, the direction our driver went, to tell him to come out that the war was over. He came out and we continued our journey.
    "Where were you?" I asked Uzoho.
    "I was lying just behind you. You were brave, running to those policemen like that". He said.
    "Your phones?" I asked.
    "They took everything. You?".

    I checked my bag. I left something important in it and I hoped it was still there. It was there!
    I'd bought a sweater for Ikenna, a very trendy and expensive one. We were talking one day and he told me he was cold. I told him to put on a sweater, he said he didn't have. He's never thought of buying one, not that he couldn't afford it.
    So I decided I was going to gift him one. I sought for the best and got it for him. I knew he'd like it.

    We got to PMT Enugu around past seven. I forgot to add that it had rained that afternoon, so laying on that bare floor added some 'color' to our clothes, but I didn't mind. I'll change at Ikenna's house.

    I borrowed a phone and called Ikenna. I told him what had happened. He sounded so concerned, he called me back on the phone to console me.his friends even spoke to me. He told me to go back to Nsukka, or sleep in Enugu since I had relatives in the town. I shouldn't stress myself coming that night. I said I'd only give up coming if I didn't get a vehicle going to Owerri. If he didn't hear from me, I'd given up and gone back to school.

    The driver asked me where I was going to, I told him Owerri. He said he'd pay my fare. My fellow passengers and I got some financial support from other passengers and drivers after we narrated our ordeal.

    1. Well done Castle. Very well done.
      Na who come be ikenna again??
      What’s the other guy’s name??

    2. I think this one is fiction, anon.

    3. Gifted hands and brain..You have a beautiful mind Castle Windsor

    4. You mean Chuba? No this is different. Perxian MIGHT be right.
      😘 what else

    5. castle be scattering my dada this morning eeeh... you write beautifully.

  24. Good morning guys, so right now, I'm beginning to notice cellulite on my thigh, pls who knows any effective cream for cellulite, abeg I really need to get one asap, I don't like this at all.pls someone should answer me abeg, ejoor

    1. You can use pure clean shea butter (ori)...And I will advise you dont lose sleep on certain things about your body cause mother nature will always play her role...

    2. Go nd exercise

  25. Still at home getting set to hit the road to the office.
    Any mbaise is good for some people cos I tried it but landed in the hospital, you need to see the way my sisters and brother shouting Sabi you call mumsy say make she send you aju mbaise na him good for you. I had to trash all the ones I have it was up to 15 wraps, I didn't think of my money before trashing. I cannot come and kill myself, if it suits your body go ahead and take it.
    Thank God is Friday, lovely weekend to everyone.

    1. Aww kpele dear..But I for like try am oh...I need to slim down my tummy and a lil baby fat...I look like Winnie the Pooh..

    2. 🀣🀣🀣🀣.You sure ,you don’t want to change your id?WTP??

  26. "Are you still going to Owerri?" Uzoho asked me as I walked towards the vehicle I was going to board.
    "I have to". I replied.
    "Really? You can still see him tomorrow, you know. It's quite late. I mean, after everything you went through, you should just rest...sleep. I'm going home, come with me, spend the night, tomorrow you continue your trip".
    "No, thank you". I replied curtly.
    "I live with my parents and they'll accommodate you. We're good people and..."
    "I'm sure you are, but no, thank you. By the way, did you get any money for fare? How will you get home?
    "I borrowed a phone and called someone, he's coming to pick me".
    Our bus was almost ready to go.
    "Alright then. Have a safe trip".
    "Take care of yourself".
    He walked away.
    Oh chim! I breathed a sigh of relief. Tufiakwa! What a parrot and a pest.
    Oh Ikenna! I closed my eyes and thought how passionate the night would be.

    Our bus moved slowly to the gate and the driver got out to sign some of those papers they sign, submit etc. Someone tapped me through the window. I opened my eyes.
    Anwunta Uzoho!
    "You didn't even tell me your name". He said laughing.
    I had a huge scowl on my face.
    "Okay bye".

    Our vehicle cruised away from the traffic in town to the expressway. Once we hit the express, I was relieved. It was just a few minutes to eight, I'll be in Owerri by 10:30. I smiled and slept off. I slept for just ten minutes or so I thought and woke up to see that our vehicle has stopped and parked by the roadside. The passengers were screaming on top of their voices, arguing with and cursing the driver.
    "What happened?" I asked the woman sitting beside me.
    "Motor don spoil" She replied.
    "Please what's the time?"
    "And where are we?"
    "We just pass Lokpanta".
    Jesus Christ!

    To be continued.

    Good morning Stella and BVs. Happy weekend.

    1. Beautiful story
      Well done castle Windsor. More ink to your pen.
      So you have more than one Igbo name? I remember you used to bear Esomchi in the previous stories.

    2. Hmm.... Castle come back and finish this story. I am enjoying your write up, wish I can write this way. Hope you learnt your lesson

    3. What a night! This type of incidence is a typical "ojo buruku, esu gbomi mu"- (A bad day that satan collected water to drink).

    4. Lolzzz..another upcoming robbery..πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    5. Stay tuned my dearies 😘😘😘

    6. Nawa o! Bad luck sure comes in threes

    7. argh! i hope another robbery doesn't happen and she doesn't get raped. biko castle come and finish this story.

  27. Replies
    1. I swear you suppose dey sing Bruno Mar's Lazy song...

  28. Good morning everyone
    I lost my phone at my place of business. It was devastating especially as it was towards school resumption.
    A kind angel in the form of a customer gave me a phone yesterday. May God bless his kind soul.
    Chi aju mbaise is now a mum? Congratulations my dear, may God keep you and and your child.

    1. May God bless your Angel and bless you too

    2. Awww customer dada ni..At least you have a smile on your face...

  29. Good morning dear Stella, I am so excited ooo! King of boys,Merry men,wedding party 2, and so other movies were released this morning on Netflix this weekend na movies get me ooo. Am a movie freak! Happy weekend to everyone! Back to my classroom!

    1. Two of the movies mentioned are overrated..However enjoy...

    2. Netflix is bae when you have free Wi-Fi.

    3. Out of the 3, the only one I enjoyed was king of boys.

  30. Castle, if u don't finish this story today ehn, na me and u for this blog

    1. Lolzzz be continued same time next week on your favourite column.SP by SDK!!!

    2. Hahahaha. I will finish it o

  31. Replies
    1. Charity tired of what?? Please share and know it will end in praise

  32. Good morning everyone
    Thank God it's Friday, I need good sleep and enough rest.

    1. Its Fridaaayyyyy!! Iyaiyaaa!! *in Dan Foster's voice**

  33. Replies
    1. Good morning most beautiful flower on earth...

  34. Good morning guys, Hope we all slept well, pls I'm still asking for a facial cleanser that can make my face spotless, since there's no way I can reach olori, if u have a solution, kindly drop it. Thanks
    Do have a wonderful day all.

    1. Be patient now before you get something that will damage your skin..You sound too desperate..We have recommended to you before now..

    2. @what else bitch, you said " be patient" , I answered, now u said "You sound too desperate", now since you didn't have an answer to my question, why did you come under my comment,
      In your bid to troll and insult yourself, you didn't read where I mentioned I couldn't get Olori's contact right, "we have recommended to you before now" who are the we's bikonu? The only person i saw that replied was just one bv, and she said Olori's herbal soap.
      Pls respect yourself OK, and stop jumping up and down like a gutter frog, I know you are bitch, but just respect your bitchiness OK. girl bye

  35. Flat tummy is nt by aju mbaise or body

  36. I'm still on my way....

    Thank God for Friday....

  37. I woke up with pain and tears in my eyes. Today is my late sister's birthday. She could have turned 40 put passed away in a very mysterious way few years back. Till today we have not been able to unravel the circunstances sorrounding that death.

    I am pained. But I cannot question God.
    May her sweet soul continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord

    1. May her soul Rest In Peace and May God console you and yours.

    2. Take heart dear. May her soul rest in peace.

    3. So sorry. May God continue to comfort your family. Rip to the dead

    4. Eiyah, may her soul continue to rest in peace. My condolences.

    5. It's well.

      May she continue to rest in peace. πŸ™πŸ™

    6. Aww so sorry for your loss...Almighty God will comfort you..E-hugs πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘Ό

    7. Amen! May the Great Comforter be with you.

    8. Lots of e hugs to u...pls be happy cos i knw thats what she wants

    9. If something is still paining you like this, why don't you ask God? Or you think He'll be angry and kill you? What if He's waiting for you to ask? He's the only one that has the answer you're looking for. And if you never ask, there's a 100% chance that you'll NEVER know.


  38. The Bible says, “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.”
    In your quest to become successful and to be more, have more, and enjoy more, there is going to be opposition. Sad to say, but opposition is not always just circumstances; a lot of times it’s other people, and those people show up as haters. Every time you make a decision to do more, be more, want more, here comes opposition. The good news is that there is no progress without it. There’s no need to address the opposition, because it will be ongoing. The only cure for enemies is success. Your first thought may be, I could really set them straight. Yes, you could. But in order to set them straight, you have to interrupt your climb to do so.
    My father told me never to take my foot off a ladder to kick at someone who was kicking at me. When I did that, I would no longer be climbing. While they are kicking, my father told me, I should keep stepping. They can kick only one time. If I continued to climb, they would be left behind. In trying to hurt me, to impede my progress, they would get left behind because they allowed themselves to get sidetracked from their agenda.


    1. Lol. Every enemy isn't the same so they can't all be treated the same. There are enemies you ignore. There are some you guard yourself against while minding your business like Sanballat and Tobiah; if not, you no go ever finish wetin you dey do. There are some you pretend to ignore, meanwhile you're setting ambush for them. Then, there are the ones you take time out to deal with and annihilate them so there's no trace of them and there will be no chance of them recovering, else you won't move forward.

      Talmabout keep stepping on ladder. What if they use saw and cut the ladder while you're climbing and ignoring?


  39. I'm tired of nail polishes. You'll take your time to clean and polish your fingernails only for them to keep peeling off the next day. I don tire abeg. No more jare.

    It's not about washing clothes cos that's not the case.

    1. We are in d same boat, even if I use gel polish, it will Peel off.

    2. Apply white dip powder often used for French Tips on your dried Polish.

    3. Lol....mine lasts 6 days and then I repaint the 7th day.

    4. Mine lasts 2 good weeks, no chips. Apply a base coat, then the nail polish, and lastly a top coat.

  40. Don't be deceived Stella these sellers snap pictures when they're few months pregnant, keep them to publish after birthing.

    No woman has a flat stomachs few days after giving birth.
    I repeat.
    No woman has a flat stomach few days after giving birth.
    I repeat 2nd time.
    No woman has a flat stomach few days after giving birth.

    Do not be deceived. If she has a flat stomach she should snap picture of flat stomach while baby is beside her and send to you.

    1. This flat stomach thing is genetic, if you were huge/fat during pregnancy,by won't snap back in two weeks, if you were petite, once u give birth, give urself few days your stomach will just return to default without exercise, no matter what dey eat, dey won't be big, a size 18/20 during pregnancy can become size 12 two weeks after birth.

    2. My own flat tummy came back few WEEKS after delivery. I too do not believe this few DAYS talk.

    3. Aju Mbaise is working. I know so many people that have attested to that in my is just that fake ones full market now. Original ones work wonders

    4. Y'all know how Stella exergerrates, maybe not flat flat, but has gone down remarkably

    5. I will never say never. But I lepa pass anything. So tey my friends tease me to shop for clothes in the children's department. But my tummy wasn't flat in days. I never use girdle or tummy trimmer or hot water or herbs. Not even exercise. Yes I'm lazy like that. Lol! But my tummy always goes back. And now after 3 children nobody believe say I don ever carry belle before. But it didn't happen in days for me oh. I think it will take less time and effort if you have the stature but days......

  41. Good morning everyone..pls can anyone suggest a good facial cleanser and cream..thanks

  42. It is almost a year after I finished service and still no job. I am depressed. I don’t know what to do anymore. One minute I am agile and the next I am depressed. Life hasn’t been really fair to me. I want to leave where I am right now, since I came here no progress. I have been able to save up to a 1m and I am female.

  43. The weekend is here, Friyay!

  44. Good morning house, castle,pls look for a way n write a book,chia,see writing, as if I was reading chmamada's book.nice one.tank God for ur life,next time avoid nite journey.

  45. LMAO @Ada Mbaise! Oya ma'am Stellz, repeat after me... It's "AJU MBAISE".. Good! And yes you can give it a try naa.. Congratulations to you Chi..

  46. Good morning my dear blog visitors..God bless us all...

  47. Good morning to everyone! May today be fruitful to all of us.

  48. On daily basis people keep asking me if i'm pregnant again.I'll try Aju mbaise again.
    Good Morning BVs


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