Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratve...


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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratve...



Good day my sweet and intelligent bvs....

I need urgent advice from u pls.:

 my hubby is a pastor, we were posted to a town where promiscuity is a lifestyle, but God has been faithful cos our church members has been graduating turning a new leaf via d sermons on Holiness and repentance.

 There is this girl that is a member of another denomination in d town, she s from our tribe cos we r strangers on missionary in the town, i learnt and judging by d company she keeps, dresses, shes wayward. She met with my husband that her pastor slept with her and all, my husband prayed with her, but she continued to fellowship in her church. 

She sometimes worships in our church, but doesn't relate with me like that. until recently anytime she sees us she ll just appear and say hi to us then leave, on Saturday she saw us and came to us,telling my husband she has met with our choir leader concerning d special number she wants to render in our church on Sunday, after she left i told my husband that its not a good idea judging by her way of life and that i wasn't comfortable with d lady sef, my husband said its no big deal rendering her special nos that it ll bring spotlight on d church bringing more members like he has been praying for, d town is a very small town.

At the service yesterday i instructed d assistant pastor to cancel her registration to perform, the pastor informed her and she came to meet me, pleading that she has rehearsed a lot, i told her she s not our church member, that we have to be certified that she s morally upright before she can mount d altar, she kept pleading and told me to give her a chance, she even told me my husband said she should get close to me...

I told her i wasn't interested as some members that i gotten close to and assisted always disappoint and hurt me, after so much pleading i told her to go ahead with her presentation, she did! 

After we got home i asked hubby why he told her to get close to me when he knows I'm not comfortable with her, he said he s strategizing for more members,My dear bvs pls do u think I'm over reacting? Or how would u advice i handle such a situation?

*I have one question to ask...Are you scared she will sleep with your husband?you started your chronicle by Judging her...Are you God?She slept with her pastor?what if she has changed?Please you don't need to let her get close to you,just be nice to everyone and don't pour sand in your mans


  1. Your pastor husband is not clean too, Just like the girl..
    I won't be surprised to hear that your husband has been eating her pussy codedly.
    Yinmu for your husband. .😂

    1. Church politics as usual, remember the prostitute inthe Bible Jesus welcomed? Who are you to turn her away? SMH.

    2. Do you blame her poster that is the original sinner. Why are you going to church to feed poster and her generation sef

    3. I am team do not judge, be nice, always show love and compassion but here in my spirit.. something is not right.. I can feel it.. Women have instincts and we may from the outside looking in think Pastor’s wife is overreacting, her instincts are not wrong.

    4. Stella, abeg wipe off your red pen. She has every right to be suspicious.

    5. Stella, abeg wipe off your red pen. She has every right to be suspicious.

    6. Dear poster, be very suspicious. Men especially pastors will always ask their girlfriend or girls they have interest in to form friendship with their wives. All na wash.
      A pastor that has been toasting me, not my church pastor though, has been begging me to come to his house and be free with 'mummy'. I usually render professional services to his office. That's how I know him.

    7. I get it if you try to protect the girl from your husband but who are you to judge her? Are you holier than her? Please stop all of this your righteousness. Even the Jesus you are praying to, came to save sinners. He didn't come for the saints. Yes you can keep her away from your spouse but please don't tell her not to sing in your church if she wishes to sing. She's not a member of your church. And so? Are you not serving one God? Abeg

    8. Many of you are criticising the poster because you are wayward. Many real men of God will not allow such a person on their altars because some members can see her as a role model and perish

    9. Your hubby is playing with fire. I hope this girl will not destroy his ministry!

    10. Just reading. The pastor's wife is justified and her reasons make sense. By their fruit we shall no them. I don't get why the husband doesn't seem to be spiritually sensitive and overly concerned with expanding the church. Church is about grooming souls, not filling seats. Also you don't invite people anyhow to mount your alter to minister to people without the verification of the Holy Spirit. Because bad spirits can be imparted from there. This is a very valid chronicle. I pray God gives the pastor's wife the wisdom to deal with the situation. These days when you call out bad behaviour they will say you are judging or hating. Smh

    11. You took the words out of my mouth. No one is judging anyone. Please change your ways if you are on the wrong path. Nobody is judging you!

  2. Women, always hating on each over trivialities. What's there in ordinary meat(penis) that you people cannot share in peace again?!

    1. My dear! Ordinary *pussy* meat men won't share with thier fellow men let everyone be happy...

    2. Guy share the one wey you keep for house make guy men chow King sharing is caring

  3. My dear pastors wife you are the one that should not Mount the pulpit. Who made u the standard for holiness. My dear you better leave that lady alone cos the only unholy person here is u. The house of God is also for sinners to be saved. Thank God I am not God cos ur write-up reeks of unholiness.

    1. Poster you're too judgemental.. Reading your post got me angry haba!!

    2. The house of God is not also for sinners but it is FOR sinners actually..

    3. The comments here tho. We have forgotten that this poster is a WOMAN with her instincts at full attention. She only complained of a particular girl and why did her husband tell the girl to get close to her for?

      Anyway Poster, my advice to you is that you should know it that this is the very attitude that will make your worst fear become alive right in front of you in no time. You judged her and trust me, this girl knows, she sees ur fear in black and white and you will play straight into her hands if you continue like this.

      Solution: madam, love is a weapon and a tool. Use love. Pray for her genuinely and do ur best to see good in her. Do your best to silence doubt, fear, resentment and insecurity. Be bold and confident that the God who has called you to ministry, your marriage, the ministry, the girl and you exist purely for His pleasure and you trust He will take care of His properties.
      Don't help God. Don't try to control what you can not before you bring into existence what was never intended.

  4. Only you Judge, Jury and Executioner. Apparently, this Pastor and church thing is business to you and your husband. She is wayward according to you by the company she keeps and what not? Yet you can’t draw her close with the word of God and mentor her? Sorry I forgot you are a Pastor’s wife and not a Pastor.

    Maybe God called your husband and since he didn’t call you, you have to behave like someone who doesn’t know Christ. Anyway, let me leave you to your fellow “Christians” who know wayward people just by looking at them.

    1. I just tire for the woman.... She apparently needs Christ as much as the lady she's judging sef!

    2. @Doppel
      You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures nor the power of God.
      this woman knows what she is talking about. It is just how to go about it.
      A "Christian" who lives in sin should not minister, has to be expelled 1 Cor. 5:12-13. And
      restored subsequently Galatians 6:1-2. Study your scriptures.

    3. anon 15:19 in that case no christian is worthy of ministering as all of us (pastors and their wives inclusive) live in sin and are not allowed to minister.... none of us perfect or free from sin we are all striving to attain eternal life .. and no human just be the judge of a fellow human....

    4. Anon 15:19, okay poster keep going around responding to everyone with the scriptures that suit your narrative. Your husband is wayward and that is what you are scared of and not the girls Salvation. I Pity your congregation.

    5. 15:19 has the madam holier than thou done what Gal 6:1-2 said?

      Because they know her own abi? The man that is using the girl as a strategy to bring members to the church nko. Is that how the Bible says we should do it?

    6. The poster isnt a pastor first of all. Her husband is the pastor.
      Infact both husband and wife are not serious, cause husband is more interested in the size of the congregation.while wife is the decider of who or who Dsnt mount the pulpit.
      Poster, I would like to know the criteria for the type of people that should mount the pulpit. Cause I have seen worse people than the woman you describe preach on the altar.
      is there an authoritative duty for a pastor’s wife in the Bible?
      If Im not mistaking, the best praise songs was written by David.... who killed a man just to bed his wife, yet God called him the man after his heart and God in due time punished him accordingly. Let God settle scores with the lady, not you.

    7. @16:14
      Na me write those ajuju o
      And all these your ajujus no get head at all
      If you call yourself a "pastor" and are living in fornication/adultery
      then you are not a pastor. The pastor tends the sheep and not devour them.
      Except you are not talking about the church of Jesus Christ where he says
      we should FLEE FORNICATION...1 Cor. 6:18, and he will send fornicators and co to
      the lake of fire Rev.21:8
      Choose where to belong; the world or to Christ.
      When you get saved and received grace to live according to his teaching, you will understand that
      righteousness is the way of Christ.

  5. Jesus came for sinners, not for d righteous.
    Madam righteousness, allow her worship God, who knows, you might just win a soul for Christ, you are committing a sin by being judgemental cos of what? Her lifestyle? Are u a saint? You are scared your preacher husband would fall for her? Did marry pastor wilson protégé? Please don't let your paranoia make u cast away a potential soul for Christ.

    Don't be unfortunate.

    1. If she wants to "worship Christ in their midst", she has to submit to discipline
      and not become a minister overnight.
      And the woman is the "lady's pastor" here. She knows what she is talking about.

    2. anon 15:21 she has to take a step at a time .... u don't convert people in a day it don't work that way. it takes time... years sometimes to fully win a soul .. there's no perfect christian so why discourage one who is striving to be of God? she might not be a good christian so its her duty as a "mummy" in the lord to help her become a better christian ..... we all pray for the grace everyday

    3. The poster is in our midst still arguing with you people

  6. Woman your middle name is judgina... Are you God to know she's wayward by her dressing? Like say you that cover up from head to toe no dey fuck

  7. Poster, are you a true Christian?
    Who are you judge her?
    What exactly are you afraid of?
    Have you gotten close to her to know her?
    To know why she’s the way she is?
    What if it’s your church she gets healing?
    You already condemned her, is that what the Bible says?
    Someone offered to render a special number and you declined just cos you don’t feel comfortable with her....not nice.
    From a preachers wife, I expect much more from you.
    Your type is the reason some people don’t go to sit in church and start looking down on people and crucifying them.
    Better change your ways so you can win more souls to Christ.

    1. Judgment?
      1 Corinthians 5:12What business of mine is it to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked man from among you.”b

    2. Maybe d girl is finer than her hence her insecurities, madam go n rub powder n stop being judge, jury, n executioner.

    3. @BB rub powder 😂😂you wan kill am?
      Maybe she’s one of those that don’t wear makeup, earrings, etch. If you make up, some will tell you it’s too much.
      From the pulpit, they will be sizing you up.

    4. Anonymouse 15.22 Why are you just quoting bible..Give us facts, I believe you are the poster..

    5. @Bitch
      Na me post that ajuju n'ese okwu o
      Make una leave poster alone

      😮😮😮😮 why truth dey bitter una like bitterleaf?

  8. Madame koinkoin aka the 'peace maker'31 October 2019 at 15:13

    Madame please don't allow her come closer to you, just be nice from afar and quietly watch her steps around the church and your home. she fit be the one wey seduce her former pastor sef who knows? I do not fancy those type of sudden repentance abeg!

    1. I would rather remain an idol worshipper than allow judgemental fools like you who think that holiness is sexually transmitted to judge me based on my appearance,my story and who I associate with!
      You think because she's married to a pastor,she's holier than this lady in question?
      Taaaa,go and sit your foolish ass down!

    2. Worship your Idol in peace naa, wetin????

  9. YES, you are over reacting, Madam self righteous Woman!! The church belongs to God and not Man and you have no right to tell who sings or not!!

    Even as a preacher's wife, there are things you don't know.... Go and ask God for forgiveness!! Jesus came for the sinners and not the righteous madam holier than thou🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

    The bible says "Let him that thinketh the stands take heed, lest he falls".... Wisdom is profitable to direct ma😏😏😏

    1. I keep saying it...Those with holier-than- thou attitude...Japa like run away with Okada from them

  10. Yes madam GO you are over reacting as we are all sinners called by Grace

  11. Madam, you are right, that lady should not minister on your (husband's) pulpits. But be careful how you go about it before your home scatters.
    Let's go to the Scriptures;
    1. You do not pray for certain sins among Christians (please note this phrase) that leads to death (idolatrous sins of which fornication, greed, drunkeness is among -Col.3:5), what you do is to discipline the person;
    Read: 1 John 5:16-21,
    2. What you do is to expel the immoral brother/sister (1 Cor. 5:12-13) and restore that person in a gentle and kind spirit while being
    watchful so that you be not tempted Galatians 6:1-2.

    Now from your narration, both this lady and her "pastor" are not disciplined (Hebrews 12:9-11) and are living in their sins comfortably and
    3. it has consequences; A little leavening leavens the whole lot -sexual sins are spiritually transmissible and that is what happens when that person is allowed to continue to minister in songs, words or
    lay hands on people; Galatians 5:6-9

    Show your husbands these Scriptures and reason and pray with him. If you do not take care, you/and him will begin to have irresistible sexual urges. And when the shepherd is struck, the sheep (he so much craves to have) get scattered. It is just like allowing someone with untreated tuberculosis to mingle in a crowd 😮😮
    Hope my yarns have helped you and someone who loves the truth?

    1. Today, I don't agree with your yarns, how about they draw her close, show her love..Jesus Christ did not judge the adulteress whom d Jews wanted to stone? He didn't cast away sinners...come on!!

      I'm pissed.

    2. @madam fork,don't let me insult you for spewing this trash!
      Everything you typed here shows how insecure you and the poster are about your so called holy husbands,it has nothing do with the sanctity of church!
      How can you marry a man who you cannot trust with a 'hot sister'?
      Audio women of 'god' everywhere!

    3. @Blackey and veteran
      This is a core doctrinal issue in a Church setting and I do not expect you to understand it
      especially if you did not take time to read the quoted Scriptures.
      It gat nothing to do with insecurity or marriage, it gat everything to do with discipline in a church
      Someone does not commit fornication and run to another church to be a minister inugo?
      I have pastored ladies and I know what I am writing here. Not for you all to agree with me but
      just saying my usual truthful yarns.
      Please if you are a gospel minister and living in fornication, not everybody is.

    4. 15:16 I know you are ANG and you comment on this chronicle is 💯%! 👍
      However, the poster here is actually the girl not the Pastor's wife.

      This girl is still a babe/child in Christ (spirituality). She should not be ministering in songs or any capacity from the pulpit or even in group meetings.
      She should go through foundation class and as a new born babe desire/feed on the sincere milk of the word to grow to the stage of taking meat/rightly dividing the Word of truth.

      Ministering in song is not just because you can sing or are professional trained. It is a gift from the Holy Spirit that must be yielded to the Holy Spirit.

      All you bvs chanting 'judgina' would you allow your toddler into your kitchen much more turn on the gas or electric cooker?

      Forget that your country is full of charlatans and wolves masquerading as Pastors or Ministers of God.
      A minister must be proven to be of godly character and reputable in and outside the Church (body of Christ).

      And yes, sexual sins are TRANSMISSIBLE! Contagious!
      "Do not partake in any man's sins. Lay hands on no man suddenly. Expel the immoral brother but restore them...." These are few of Apostle Paul's instructions.

      Why is this girl clamoring for the spotlight? Humility is a fruit of a new creation in Christ.

      If this poster(girl)'s account of the Pastor, I wonder if that Pastor is spirit-filled and discerning. Soul-winning is not just about increasing membership or public perception. It is about *DISCPLING* which comes from the word *DISCIPLINE*.

      Yes, the Pastor's wife could help teach or mentor the girl in her spiritual growth but not necessarily be too close to her

      Yes, we are saved by grace through faith in Christ and not by our works but THERE IS ORDER IN THE HOUSE.

      I don't think even in heaven archangels and other angels minister at the same level.

      Please, bvs don't just rush to comment based on emotions. Process things and in this case search the Scriptures.

    5. and *your* comment on this chronicle is 💯%! 👍

      *professionally* trained....

      If this poster(girl)'s account of the Pastor *is true*, I wonder if that Pastor is spirit-filled.. ..

      (pardon my typos)

  12. Madame koinkoin aka the 'peace maker'31 October 2019 at 15:18

    Madame please don't allow her come closer to you, just be nice from afar and quietly watch her steps around the church and your home. she fit be the one wey seduce her former pastor sef who knows? I do not fancy those type of sudden repentance abeg!

  13. Pastors Wife see how you've already condemned someone God brought into his church to be Discipled and not judged.. Were you expecting only Christians to troop into church. See the church is for people like her and she needs guidance obviously your husband is a better evangelist than you. The girl is even begging you to sing sef instead of you to groom her and pray for her total salvation you are letting your insecurities blind you. Biko shift let your husband do the Lords work.

    1. God called your husband..are you sure he called you too?? Nobody said you should not be concerned but stop condemning the girl and listening to market women gossip..

  14. Dear pastor wife, your not God, stop judging from peoples appearances. Allow your husband get more members since is all about business. I feel your worried that your husband might get attracted to her and have sex.

  15. Madam poster, stop judging her she may have changed. We are all sinners before God. The word of God says "For all have sin and come short of the glory of God. If you say you have no sin you, you make God a liar. Show her love but be wise as serpent and be gentle as dove 🕊.

    1. Lolzzz... Funny enough na other holy Nweje sister wey she feel say dey righteous go dey chop her husband..

  16. Most of you ladies commenting emotionally are wrong because this is your lifestyles.
    This is a pure doctrinal matter and this poster is right. CHRISTIANS SHOULD NOT ASSOCIATE WITH
    people should submit to discipline and not become "ministers" in songs. Read the Scriptures:

    1 Corinthians 5: 9I wrote you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people. 10I was not including the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. 11But now I am writing you not to associate with anyone who claims to be a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a verbal abuser, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat.

    12What business of mine is it to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked man from among you.”b

    1. You are so right jare. I blame d poster for even bringing her matter here.

    2. Keep quite!! Stop jumping up and down everywhere with your comments...Read to understand...Jesus who went and dined with tax collectors or with Mary Magdalene did not know they were sinners...Na your type that will see wickedness and not talk..

    3. Before you condemn anyone in church,ask yourself what Jesus would have done!
      The so called men of God today would have been the first to stone the woman in the bible,caught in the act of adultery but Jesus saved her!
      Who are you to judge,inspite of your sins before God?
      Please stop this nonsense!
      I blame the lady for opening up about her past to someone whom she thought was a true man of God!

    4. Was it not here I read about a poster that intentionally goes out to seduce pastors and likes to break happy marriages?
      Pastors are easier preys sef
      That, he is a pastor does not make him auto super human please poster it is wrong to judge yes but try and keep that lady as far as possible from your husband most pastor don't set out to cheat but fall cheaply just because they believed they have super anointing and please before you come after me remember that it is biblical to fleeeeeeee.
      I don't even know why you brought this here don't you read comment where you see some bvs hailing adultery?
      Besides who even knows if she seduced the said pastor that slept with her or not or even using style to tell your husband that she does not forbid pastors you may say I'm wrong just what of I'm not?

    5. @Bitch and veteran
      That woman caught in adultery or Mary Magdalene were not church members or synagogue key players
      Read Matthew 23 and see where Jesus addressed the Pharisees;
      Woe, woe to you Pharisees, you devour widows' houses and for a show make lengthy prayers, you'd be punished more
      severely etc...
      Romans 6:1 What then shall we say? Shall we continue in sin so that grace may increase? 2Certainly not! How can we who died to sin live in it any longer?…

    6. Welcome o poster @anon 15:25.. 😂 keep justifying your mumurity upandan. .😂

    7. @Don
      See how you jump to conclusions?
      It is me that ask all those ajuju n'ese okwu and not poster.
      Yes, I own up to what I wrote.
      This is a pure doctrinal matter in a church and the world and worldly people
      are not qualified to play judges here. But seeing that the poster brought it here,
      I had to take time to address it. I have pastored ladies and know exactly what this poster
      is talking about.
      Stop jumping into conclusions just because you do not like the the truth.
      You attack anything that is God or godliness. Are you an enemy of righteousness?
      May God have mercy on your soul! 🌹🌹🌹➕➕

  17. I understand your intentions but it is based on fear not love. Your instincts could be right but you need to take it to the Lord. Your husband has to be spiritually alert and be discerning too. Its not all about winning members...sometimes the enemy moves innocently and harmlessly before he strikes. Take it to the Lord so you don't seem paranoid. It seems she is freer to your husband that's why he directed her to come close to you. Keep your eyes open. Don't be in the flesh. It doesn't mean you should be harsh and suspicious. Just be wise. God said be wise as serpent and gentle as a dove. Just be careful.

    1. Pure fear o , coz if she was spiritually strong, she for no fear d girl.

      Fear that her husband might fall...weak Christians..😜

  18. I just remembered a pastor in my house, he lives directly opposite us!! He criticizes anything “criticizeable”.. he said there’s no where in the bible where it is written that they dance and clap in the church
    2. Drumming in the Bible
    Infact he go as far as calling the white garment church a pagan
    The New Testament is the truth, the Old Testament shouldn’t be used to preach
    He knows we attend C&S yet this man will face our face room and start saying all sorts of things
    He says the white we wear is just an attire for “feferity”, we are still pagan, we followed the old rules... aside his own church all other churches are of the world, they are not following the rules and regulation of the word of Lord
    Just this morning he said the apostles in churches are fake that the only apostles we have are in the Bible!! I don tire for man
    He believes he is the all-knowing, no one knows the Bible than him
    Nd he judges people from afar cos I have had a personal encounter with him and since then my aunt and I kept him at arm’s length... Na only good morning we dey tell am
    He wasn’t a Christian before oo

    1. Stay far away from him!! That one na fantatic..Who knows he may need medical help...

    2. 1525, that man is a member of the church of Christ, the one true church. Listen to him using the word of God and be saved

  19. Mrs judgina let he that is without sin be the first to judge,madam do you know whether your lifestyle will attract her to Christ? Your type plenty for my place of work, i know am a sinner and i dont judge,madam you just sinned by judging a girl you know nothing about her background, since your so good in judging others why not acquire knowledge to be a judge? Learn to love unconditionaly,...who really knows tomorrow

  20. Who are you to Hindi someone who wants to worship even if she has ulterior motives. As holding as you think you maybe, they are filthy before God and he shows mercy to whom he will. Be vigilant but not a hindrance

  21. Apostle Paul at some point in his ministry asked that if you are not strong enough to handle some things, walk away

    The Bible also says, if your hand will cause you to sin, cut it off

    The Bible again points out that we should WATCH and PRAY.

    That the poster is a pastor's wife does not mean she should blindly accept everyone.

    The wife is there to some extent to protect her husband. This is why some pastor's have personal assistants who protect them from the wiles of the enemy.

    I think she is totally over reacting by being all out antagonistic towards the lady, but I do not think she is wrong for having her antennas up.

    Don't forget that at some point, everyone needs someone to watch his or her back. And in this case, I think that is what the woman is doing.

    My advice, if she's not doing anything on the side, let her assume the role of personal assistant for her preacher husband or let the church appoint a personal assistant to limit direct contact to the pastor


  22. Madam, if you're not judging her then you're right by guarding your pulpit/altar, your husband might be distracted by his quest for getting more members, your job is to guard and watch his back in times like this, pls pray about this lady, search her spirit, God will reveal things to you, if you're not comfortable with what you see then by all means stop her, someone that had d mind to sleep with a pastor can do anything, pls let your spirit man be watchful,let them not introduce rubbish spirits to your ministry, someone might have even set her as a trap for your husband /ministry, pls watch and pray and talk to your husband about your worries. VOU❤️

  23. That is why I can never go to a Pentecostal church, if you dress well, dance well, sing well ehnnnn, you are doing it to be noticed by the pastor. JUDGINAHS. Jesus Christ dined with tax collectors and sinners but it is a different thing with so called pastors's wife. In my own thinking , that lady will make heaven before the pastor's wife.

    1. God bless you...Rightly dividing the word of truth...

  24. Lady T/worth more than a thousand dollars31 October 2019 at 15:41

    Madam, you are not overeating ooo. Pls follow your instincts and be very careful .Someone who has confessed to having an amorous relationship with a pastor should not be taken lightly. And no I am not judging and I know I am not perfect. But if she has not fully repented and a discipleship has not taken place she can scatter the church by polluting the church. Its a spiritual thing. This is not physical at all.

    Pls be careful. You don't have to be too close, while you are a pastor's wife give the counsel you should give be warm as much as you can. But be very sensitive.

    And be on the offensive spiritually and in the place of prayer.

    Not by power not by might... You can't bring more people into the church by your strategy. It's not about number its about people who will come and endure sound doctrine, and disciple others to be faithful to God. And to live right. Tell your hubby if you have the discussion again, let God bring who he wants to bring. Let God take people far from you that will cause chaos and cause you to be fasting and praying non stop cause of issues that may arise.

    You may have been critical, that's because of the information you have and you want to be careful. I understand you very well. But check your heart again, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you. And to expose every plan of the devil.

    Remember again, the devil uses human agents. And he knows our weaknesses.

    Eph 6.10-18, having done all to stand, stand therefore, for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood and against principalities and powers and wicked rulers in high places...if you have a check in your spirit pls pray. And don't take for granted your inner nudge. Don't take anything for granted. If you are making slow success remember the devil is your adversary he will want to bring down your work. God bless you ma.

    And he can use anyone even you. He is not Lying low allowing you to just come and destroy his work. He will fight back and you should be on tour guard.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Pray more than your hubby. You have to be on the watch. Spiritually not physically. And try to restrict your physical reaction. React more in the spirit. Selah

    1. Lady T, thank you Jare.
      This lady is not supposed to mount the pulpit.

      she can come to church to worship and hear God's words, but taking up any leadership role in her 'present state's shouldn't be encouraged.

    2. Thank God all hope isn't lost,we still have those that have Christian values on the blog. Poster,I really am surprised u brought such matter to this blog.

    3. Me too. I am very surprised at her. pastor's wife need discipleship too. she could have discussed with an older lady

  25. Madam,what happen to prayers or going down on ur knees to ask God on what to do or for directions...the holyspirit is always there to guide u.....what ever bashing u receive here na u cause am

    1. This is the only thing I was looking for in comments!!! How can you come to ask us for our opinions when you have not asked the holy spirit?. Of course you will get these answers you are getting from the bv,s. Pastor's wife go and ask the holy spirit to reveal to you the intentions of the lady. She could be a genuine and repented soul or on the other hand she could be an agent from the pits of hell. Please go to the holy spirit. He will tell you all you need to know. Then I hope your husband knows that the pastoral life is not about the number of members you have that matters. Its well with you.

  26. Kai. I am already feeling sorry for the lady this hypocritical poster has condemned finish.

    Your type is the reason I haven't set foot inside church in months and I don't regret it one bit.

    see how you judged the lady. Thank God he's not man, if not....

    As for you ANG or whatever people call you, she's not fit to minister because she's in sin. According to you, she should be expelled. you quoted the bible to support your judgmental assertions while conveniently forgetting the part where Christ says that let him without sin be the first to cast a stone and that since nobody has condemned her, he too would not and that she should go and sin no more.

    both you ANG and the poster are hypocrites. Na your type I dey run from.

    1. Run away from them..Please go to church but dont look at their lifestyle cos you will jump inside gutter...

    2. You all will shout dont judge, don't judge but you clamp people you do not know together and brand them hypocrites?
      And you are not judging?

    3. Anon 15:46, ANG is ABSOLUTELY right on this one.

      I used to ask ANG if she is really what she claims on some of her comments But on this post, she is 💯% right.

      Everything is not judging.
      True Christianity is not *permissive*. That's why Jesus Christ called it the *Straight and narrow path*.

      Jesus Christ forgave the adulterers but told her to go and sin no more. We did not see her start ministering to the multitude immediately. She obviously grew daily in the knowledge of the Word of God and faith.

      It is written in the Bible that *A NOVICE SHOULD NOT ASPIRE TO THE OFFICE OF A MINISTER.

      1 Timothy 3 v 6
      not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil

      He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil.

    4. Sorry, I meant *adulteress*.

  27. Lady T/worth more than a thousand dollars31 October 2019 at 15:50

    And I forgot to ASD that recently if watch events, the devil has been after pastors. So you have to work extra.

    And yes if you are led and have a check in your spirit that she should not minister prayerfully stop it. So of these people just come to do transfer of spirits. So yes you have to be on the watch but be very sure you are led. I know you understand.

    Be very sure you are led to take the actions you take. So that it won't be a snare for you.
    Wishing you God's grace.

    One small error or mistake can scatter your work.

    1. Lady T/worth more than a thousand dollars31 October 2019 at 16:18

      Sorry for the typing errors.

    2. Poster read this woman (Lady T)'s comment, and digest it. I also ask why you brought this here, but then I realised even if it's just 1 comment that ministers to you, it's something. Many people here've not run a church before and might not understand the intricate layers of complexities involved between the spiritual and the physical while standing as the head of a church.
      You have to be spiritually sensitive. One thing I will add is you taking out time praying in the Holy Ghost about this. Scripture says "know no man after the flesh". This can be interpreted in both ways. Try to discern her spiritually. She might be what you think (and then you're in for war) or she might not (and then you have the guilt of her soul on your hands). Take time to ask the Holy Ghost if the warning signal you have about the lady is as a result of the information you've had about her (stemming from mental reasoning and calculation) or pure spiritual discernment. The Holy Spirit will reveal that to you if you ask in all sincerity (putting away all sentiments). This will help you know the next steps. Sdk blog has a lot of beautiful people, but they can't help you on this matter, because everyone here will talk from their individual life experiences and spiritual maturity (I as well) . The Holy Spirit however, is your best bet. As a pastor's wife, he should be your confidante. I know how much pastors' wives live in emotional isolation because they have no one to pour their hearts to. Matter of fact, the Holy Spirit should be everyone's "go to counsellor". I'm no pastor, but as an academic working with humans from various nationalities, he has helped me tremendously in making the right decisions, and so I try not to take people on face value (whether they seem bad or good) .
      So back to you Ma'am, don't make light of this.... Remember people will always blame the Pastor (or wife) if finally it breaks out as a scandal, not to talk of the lingering emotional effects on your kids or the feedback on your marriage. Bless, SDK's love child

    3. Thanks 'Sdk love child's ,I'm a fan. This is a breath of fresh air,different from most comments here

  28. Poster,Poster lol..P.A to God..look at the way you have judged the whole world. Not even the lady alone. Chai God's deputy. She even describe a town as a town full of promiscuity. Lol. Chai....thank God say God no be man las las

    1. As In.
      I think the major problem here is the husband. He would allow anything and anyone minister just to get members.
      Poster what if the girl has actually repented for real?
      I don’t see In the story where you say you are an ordained pastor. You are the wife. And you and the girl have equal rights to the pulpit.

    2. The poster isnt a pastor first of all. Her husband is the pastor.
      Infact both husband and wife are not serious, cause husband is more interested in the size of the congregation.while wife is the decider of who or who Dsnt mount the pulpit.
      Poster, I would like to know the criteria for the type of people that should mount the pulpit. Cause I have seen worse people than the woman you describe preach on the altar.
      is there an authoritative duty for a pastor’s wife in the Bible?
      If Im not mistaking, the best praise songs was written by David.... who killed a man just to bed his wife, yet God called him the man after his heart and God in due time punished him accordingly. Let God settle scores with the lady, not you.

  29. Reason why i no wan marry Pastor or who get mind ti be Pastor.

  30. To me me may be she is just worried about the girl's character.

  31. Madam, you're quite judgemental and you sound proud too. If she's wayward, draw her close with love and the word of God.... Don't just sit there and be the judge.

    1. Very proud...The more she makes herself seem holy, the more the things she preaches against are unveiled..

  32. you are right my sister don't listen to most of the advice here many of them are doing the same thing just pray and watch especially your husband pls

  33. Most of you are condemning the poster becos you're not in her shoes. The said lady does not attend their church for goodness sake. What's with her showing up and claiming she wants to give special number that she has really rehearsed for (in her words).
    If you guys were in her shoes you'll probably do worse. Poster I totally understand your fears but take it to God in prayer and pray for your husband too becos from what you've said he's focus is more on getting people to join the church which is dangerous. Just pray pray pray and you will be surprised how God will handle it. All the best.

    1. Tell them! @16:13
      Some of these bvs calling the poster jugdina etc cannot allow fine, smart people around their spouses or partners because of their dressing, figure or physique.

  34. Hmmmm! See them, they've lined up to come give support to one of tgeir members. They 'DO NOT JUDGE KIND OF PEOPLE' Meanwhile they do not even know what the bible said about judging. Madam pastor's wife listen to these people here at your own perile, you have to be very vigilant over this issue because the devil has a lot of his agents in all of these churches.this girl is trying to warm up to your husband. What nonsense song is she rendering? Beware they always start from the choir membership, madam shine your eyes korokoro. Let her repent first before all these period.

    1. Exactly! 16:14
      They often sneak in among *Ndi kwaya* (Choristers) 🤣🤣🤣
      Beware of those who are quick to court the limelight.

  35. In as much as it's morally wrong to judge someone based on their past behavior or character. Poster I believe u av reasons to be suspicious of this young woman especially since she's not fully ur church member and she has a questionable character. Keep her at a arms lenght but do not be
    outrightly rude to her. I just don't get why ur husband is siding her up and it dt anybody dts not even a member of ur church can come and be doing special number. Keep in mind that d church needs more members at d same time keep abreast of d girl activities if u can esp with ur hubby.

  36. Dear Poster, there's the verse in Psalm 119 that's says "in all your begotting get wisdom and above all get understanding"

    You really need wisdom so that what happened at the other pastor's church doesn't repeat itself.
    And also there is this Yoruba adage that says kiki o kin se per meaning that you both great each other doesnot make you friends. If she greets fine answer her but please draw a thin line. Simply because the world has entered the church and the church has also entered the world.

    As per ministring in your church, there are rules let her abide by them.
    Lastly you can't assist God, it was very wrong to call her names.

  37. Madam please take this matter to God in prayer

  38. I dont blame you,I blame people who confide in their pastors,forgetting that they are humans and they gossip with their wives ,who also gossip with their favourite member(s) in church...tueh!
    If I meet you one on one,I would insult you openly for being so judgemental and hateful!
    You are one of the reasons people don't go to church anymore because of the dirty look you give them!
    You think she's filthy just because you know her story?Are you a saint?
    You are not even qualified to be a pastor's wife and I hope you don't allow the devil to use you to destroy your husband's ministry!
    The kind of woman that would sleep with your husband and throw you out of your matrimonial home is the type that would deceive you with fake holiness because that's all you care about!
    You better pray to God to forgive you for having such a dirty mindset and being insecure about your husband.
    I cant deal abeg!

  39. As a Pastor's wife you should take this to your spiritual head, someone you can confide in not the public. Second, you do not have to be close to her but do not chase her away because of you insecurity. Be nice to her, pray for her and let her change by living Christlike. Your life can make or mar her.

  40. Madam pastor, its better for you to be close to her if you want to keep your home and maintain peace,
    you are supposed to be a role model to her and help her out with her changes and growth, yo were busy condemning and throwing stones at her.

    show her love and understanding. As for your husband, hes interested in members - business man

  41. Madam poster, you are actually judging her based on what you think you can perceive about her, And why did you have to cancel her special number? Are you are aware praise and worship can move the Almighty God to do miracles?, do you realise how many souls might be touched by her special number.
    Please get hold of yourself and stop acting like God appointed you specially to probe sinners. Unless there is something else you are afraid of, and you ain't telling us here.

    1. Lady T/worth more than a thousand dollars31 October 2019 at 20:13

      God doesn't accept praise and worship from dirty containers just like you won't drink water from a dirty cup.

      I am surprised you all that have posted bashing the pastor's wife have no idea what these girls can do.

      I am just wondering where she got the boldness and on which occasion she told the pastor she has slept with the other pastor in town. That automatically puts the other pastor in bad light before this other pastor and his wife. Because of what she has told them, it will be hard for them to relate with him or even ask him what happened. She has already caused an issue.

      Now it appears it was the pastor (hubby) she told about what happened between her and the other pastor. Why didn't she approach the pastor's wife to tell her? Ladies are adviced to go to pastors wife and men to the pastor.

      I know pastors who won't attend to ladies without their wives or someone present. Terrible things are happening and this lady wants to guard her home, her hubby and His calling. By the time his name is dragged in the mud it will so smear on the pastor's wife, his life etc.

      And the lady in question had no reason to insist on giving that special number. If she was being led by the Holy Spirit. She ought to respect protocol seeing as she doesn't worship in that church.

      I have a bad feeling about the lady. And no I do not judge her.

      Its just that these days when a wrong thing is pointed out we shout someone is judging. And yet we can't keep quiet but speak out against wrongs, whether or not we are perfect.

      Parents who have children are not perfect but they must correct their children.

      If the pastor's wife says there is a spirit of promiscuity in that town then she knows what she is talking about.

      Poster your hubby is already under attack spiritually. Those spirits are wicked and they won't spare your hubby if he gives a loop hole. Your days of sleep are over if you must win this war.

      You must push and press in. Do not give up.

      Whatever you do, do not let your good to be evil spoken off. What am staying, if you must be right with God. You will he wrong with men. Just make sure you are in God's will and follow His leading.

      God bless you ma and increase your strength.

    2. Lady T
      Thanks immensely. There are very few women on this blog. Very very few women.
      I thank God for those very few.

  42. your husband is our treasurer.
    association of terrible Men.PRESIDENT

    1. They’re shouting holy pulpit if you know the quantity of unholy sperm being poured on that pulpit ehhn you go shock

  43. Now let me say this, devil usually use the choristers to perpetuate evil in the house of God. This one she is clamoring to minister on an altar she is not even subjected to, that girl is on a Mission. You mean to tell me you allow someone who is not a full member or neither did she undergo the necessary procedure to enter your church choir to minister on your pulpit.
    See this is the house of God and we need to be very careful. Agents everywhere.
    Madam you are not wrong but you might be going about it the wrong way. Do not relax your suspicion of that lady at all. You need to pray too and encourage your husband to pray as well. Before that lady will ensnare you people and the fire you people came with for that mission will just be put off.
    Pray for wisdom to handle her but do not allow her close to that pulpit.
    Before anyone will come under my comment to vomit stupidity, I have been in the corridor of church long enough to know that just a little oversight here and there, and the deed is done. And there will be the usual, my instinct told me o, the holy spirit told me o but I didnt listen.
    Madam do you actually think that the devil wants you people to succeed in a new city where you are probably going to win souls for christ? This is one of the ways of the devil, pollution of the pulpit and ensnaring. Before you know it you will be losing the members that you are so much in a hurry to win.
    She is not even a member for goodness sake.
    You better pray seriously, because I am sure she is on a mission. And the sad truth this days is that most possessed demons that devil is using dont even know they are possessed.
    Pray madam pray!

  44. Madam. I grew up with pastors, so i understand your fears. Please and please don't mind all the people bashing you ooo. I have been in your shoes several times. Trust your instincts ooo. You are right. Don't allow her on the altar. It is wrong, your husband is blinded by the church members he wants and he is not seeing the pit in front of him.
    Prayerfully chase the girl. Every incident like this your case that i have witnessed did not end well. Please go on your knees and pray about the whole situation. You are not paranoid, just being careful.
    Forgve any typos.

    1. Prayerfully chase the girl?? Hey! God have seen shomchin

    2. Prayerfully chase the girl? What kinda weak Christians are these? 😂😂😂😂 ordinary girl o, that they ought to win into d body of Christ.

  45. Your concerns are valid but you're overlooking the root of the problem and fighting a symptom. If your husband was partnering with the Holy Spirit to do as God wants, he wouldn't be "strategising to grow the church".

    Before y'all take on demons you weren't sent to fight cos you're looking for members at all cost. I understand that it's the in-thing for pastors to get their validation from the number of their church members, which also bring in finances, etc. But the size of a congregation is not proof of validation of a calling.

    It is better that you have just seven grounded, Worded, discipled, Spirit-filled children of God that will go onto be true weapons in the Hands of God and will be credited to your account in Heaven even after you leave that town, than 2000 members that will make your General Overseer notice you.

    Your husband is not your enemy but you're both distracted. If it takes fasting, please do so with your husband and ask God for wisdom and direction. As for the girl who said her pastor slept with her, has your husband found out whether it's true or not?

    1. Well spoken. It takes just one wrong demon and lose all the members that they desperately want to win and themselves too.

    2. Real OA you have spoken well.

      Misplaced prioritises here. God doesnt move with numbers/ congregation

  46. BVs have hammered on the judgemental mentality you are exhibiting so I won't add anything other than, know the church is for sinners not only for the righteous. I am also concerned about your husband being more concerned with 'getting members' as opposed to saving souls. You both are the the type that give christians and churches a bad name in this country. Both of you need to change your heartitudes (heart + attitude) towards ministry.

  47. Dear 1st lady, the name of the ubiquitous virus that has eaten deep into the fabrics of Christianity is called HYPOCRISY! You claim only morally upright folks can mount the pulpit to minister, no? Let's, for the sake of argument, agree that the lady in question is a wretched sinner with the morals of a stray cat. How is she different from the spirit-filled, epitome of holiness husband of yours, who is ready, willing and able to turn a blind eye and allow the devil's spawn desecrate the altar, not because he cares about her salvation but because it will bring in more members? Are you guys really for real?

    So the lady in question, the one you have adjudged "immoral", is moral enough to be a magnet for new members, according to your husband, but not moral enough to sing on the altar, according to you? How on earth can you justify this jaundiced mentality, ma'am? Why not be honest with yourself and admit that your primary concern is that your husband may end up sleeping with her?

    Since you are so good at drawing conclusions about people based on how they dress and the company they keep and their "way of life", do allow me borrow a page from handbook and conjure up what I think about you and that pastor husband of yours. Both of you have limited idea of what the church and Christianity is all about. A home divided against itself cannot stand, no? Alas! Both of you sit perfectly balanced on that table. Your hubby, who is also your pastor, says "A", you, 1st lady of the church, goes behind him to say "D". He is more concern about using whatever tactics is needed to get a larger congregation while you are more concerned about a lady not seducing your hubby, the pastor/spiritual leader, surely even you can appreciate the irony of it all. By and large, both of you care less about the salvation of souls and that's quite unfortunate.

    1st lady, it may surprise you to know that in God's scale, the "fornicatorous" lady may weight more than your self-righteous, judgemental self. It's easier to stop fornication than to reverse a warped mentality. Please ease up with the pontifications and drag your husband into your closet and seek the face of God for direction because your righteous husband seems more business inclined. Fishing men not for salvation but for the strength of population. You are in no position to judge, ma'am.

    1. @Ronalda
      This is the only day you talked into what you do not understand.

    2. You poster you’re just protecting your husbands unholy prick from being knacked dasall.

    3. Ronaldas punctuation on point but a few errors but she try pass most of una

    4. The Ronalda I respect a lot knows nothing about God's Word. Absolutely knows nothing.

  48. Hmmmm madam I know you o

  49. Hahahahahhahahahahahaha, see them church people and they know nothing about the way of christ. Husband oga pastor dey put strategies to get church don turn to FMCG company. And wife no want make one of em tool or sey marketing procedures turn against oga pastor. I can't stop laughing God you alone knows who is doing your work truly. Madam pastor is there evaluating everybody to know who is pure and holy as per angel of the Lord naa. Madam pastor wife did your bible tell you to bring church matters to this blog? It seems you are vain madam pastor. Go and reconcile with God and build a prayer life. As I just see sey na blog you put this matter I knew you have lost it a long time ago. May God help you.

  50. Hmmmmm, madam pastor. All I see in your chronicle are judging, condemnation, hypocrisy and discrimination over this sister. Is Ok. You have a long way to God.

    1. Lady T/worth more than a thousand dollars31 October 2019 at 20:56

      Of course she has a long way to go if she doesn't confront the little foxes that spoil the vine.

  51. You guys just like to blab trash sometimes . Is it everyone that you think that is good you just bring to your pulpit. Do u know the days and nights of prayers that woman has put in for that alter to turn people to Christ. U saw the girls old ways must makes you feel she has changed genuinely u think it’s easy to just change like that without temptation coming in. Then further more lady pls don’t judge anyone either. It’s very bad. U don’t know where your stand is with God talk more of judging someone it’s bad too. Stay blessed . It’s like your husband has fallen into her trap.

  52. It's refreshing to see that some bvs are grounded in the Word of God and godly wisdom.

    Pastors wife, go with the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Pray without ceasing - for yourself, your husband/then for him as your Pastor to understand his ministry , your local assembly the girl and that city. Pray for revival fire.

    I think it's the girl that posted this here not the Pastor's wife.

    1. *Pastor's* wife go with....

      (sorry for the typo)

  53. Dear poster guard your man jealously, at the end of the day he is flesh abd blood and not spirit. If solomon with all his wisdom was rubbished by women, who is your husband to avoid temptation? Anyway, i blame all these pentecoastal churches that give target to pastors like bank. You must win 1000 souls in 1 month, bring tithe of 20million. Even bank is merciful, u need to pity these pastors when they go for monthly performance appraisal review., so that sister must bring souls to your husband's parish . So shine ur eyes.

  54. Poster,
    Am a pastor's wife and i am very dissappointed in you for bringing such sensitive issue to this platform.what are you expecting to hear from people on here.There should be some women in your ministry that are above you you in age and experience that you can discuss this with and am sure God will guard their counsel and they will continuw to pray along with you.

    Am sorry to say,your husband is already infatuated with the girl.Though ,hes on guard but he still wants the girl around so he can satisfy his lust from a distance and thats why he asked her to get close to you.with that,you wont suspect anything cos she can come around your home freely and believe me,that strategy has been worling for many of this evil demons on assignment.they penetrate your home through their pretense .
    Obviously,this lady is on assignment,thats why shes desperate to minister in your church.
    You are a mother to all so show love to her on the surface but go on your kneels,

    Job 5:12 God should frustrate the plan of the wicked.
    God should let your hubby loose interest in her and open his eyes.
    The girl herself should loose interest on your church.
    Now,Your husband should pray to God to build his church..that girl is a scatterer not a builder.
    Woman,pray because many more will still come

    1. Please note this common error , it's *I'm* or *I am* not Am.

    2. Noted,thanks

  55. Hmmmm... sometimes we forget that Pastors and their wives are also human.
    Case scenario: Your husband is a banker. He comes home to tell you that a lady confided in him that she slept with his colleague. What would be your advice to him? To be careful!
    She is a pastor's wife but she is also human. We love everybody but we choose the people that we want close so, why do you attack her? Judging her and calling her judgina🙄🤦
    Dear Poster, battles are won on the knees. I know you sense something and don't want your name or your husband's to be tainted. Submit it to God in prayer.
    Sometimes when you see a case like this, it's prayer that works o. Pray!
    Pray for her genuine repentance, pray for your husband, pray for the church. If she isn't God's will for your church, He knows how to handle it. Just ask Him. And while you're at it, please show her love. You might not need to invite her over to your home but let her feel that you care about her(her wellbeing and all).
    God sees your heart. God bless you dear!


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