Stella Dimoko Saturday In House Gists - Mindset On Fasting...



Saturday, September 07, 2019

Saturday In House Gists - Mindset On Fasting...

What is your view on fasting and how long do you think one should fast?or dont you believe in fasting?Fasting deprives ones body of food and nutrients and fluid and some end up in critical conditions...

Do you think fasting gets one closer to God?Makes him answer prayers faster?


  1. If you no get power pls don't fast.
    If you must force yourself to pls 3 days 6-8hrs with lots of water in between.

    1. Enter your reply...l was told by a pastor to do dry fasting for SEVEN 7 days without food or water even when l already told him l had ulcer. He insisted say God will see me tru it. l politely refused, l am not the one that killed Jesus to purnish my stomach for 7days without food or water

    2. Desperate times call for desperate moves. They are certain breakthroughs you decide to wait on the Lord for thru fasting. However, dent force it. Remember you are flesh. His Grace is ALWAYS sufficient

    3. Anon 15:55 wisdom is profitable to direct thank God you did not listen to the pastor.

  2. Fast to when your strength can carry you

    1. Personally, I stopped fasting 3years ago and have no plans to ever fast again.

      Reason? I have found a secret quicker and nicer way to get ANYTHING I want from my Father in heaven. I don't need to blackmail Him by starving myself before He gives me what I ask for anymore.

    2. @saphire you made me LOL,blackmail 😁😁
      Please gist me the quick way joorπŸ™πŸ™

  3. My 1st time ever ,I did a 3days dry Fast and I can proudly say there was a Change in my Marriage,Finances and my Personal Lifestyle.
    So personally Fasting and Prayers can Shift ones Life around for Good.
    For how many Days,I can not Say but It is always Advisable to go see a Doctor before embarking on any Fast.
    NB.the 1st 3days dry Fast was almost 9years ago!!!!!!!

  4. I engage in fasting, but it has never exceeded a day.

    I feel it is one way to show urgency and desperation for help and mercy from God. Not just Jesus, but Daniel and Elijah fasted.

    However, be concious noy yo go beyond what your body can bear.

    May God help us in this life ooo

    If you have been through so much pain and suffering and exhausted every means to make things work, if you are told to fast for 100 days, you wouldn't even mind. Desperation can drive you to do the unthinkable.

    Ihe ka m abiala n'uzo m.

  5. All i can say is fasting is good for the body to heal. Fast like once in a while stop eating by 2pm till the next day. Trust me you will be so strong the next day. You must drink enough water everyday. But reduce your water intake once its 6pm so you wont stress waking up all night to ease yourself. Fasting could be done by eating only vegetables, or fruit or water for the whole day. But please listen to your body. I fast twice a week and i train 5days a week. You wont even guess my age. Maybe one day i will do face of in house. Believe me fasting helps alot. My take

  6. 15 Jesus answered, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.

    So, Jesus commanded that when he is taken away from the earth, his followers should fast/mourn. . . The believer should endeavor to meditate on the Scriptures during this self-denial as it is a way of committing to heart the precious promises of our Lord who taught that humans shall not live on food alone (Matthew 4:4).

    1. The regular fasts – not eating from morning till evening or for days but drinking only water

    E.g. Joseph and the Egyptians mourning for Jacob his father – Genesis 50:1-11, David’s brokenness as restoration after he sinned with Bathsheba (2 Sam. 12:1-24, Psalm 51:17)

    Note Jesus’ teaching that there is an open reward for the believer who fasts in secret (Matthew 6:16-18). As a component of worship (Acts 13:1-6)

    2. Dry fasts -some of the believers in the above citations might have decided not to drink water till evening or some few days depending on how they were led by the Spirit of God (Rom. 8:14) to embark on such a fast. While Queen Esther sought for (the king’s) favor -Esther 4:16. Also Nineveh’s repentance -Jonah 3:6-10

    3. Fruits/Vegetables/water -the Daniels’s fasts -Daniel ate only fruits, vegetables and drank water for extended periods of time to concentrate in his training in the king’s palace (Daniel 1:8-16) or while battling the forces of evil (Daniel 10:3-end). Note that no cooked meal is involved in this type of fast.

    4. The supernatural fasts – very few people did this in the Scriptures as directed by God due to the nature of their assignments on earth. It is not for everybody.

    Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness -Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13

    Moses reception of the law on the Mount with God – Exodus 34:28

    Like we saw in Acts 13:1-6, Romans 12:1-3, fasting is the believers’ spiritual act of worship. It is not what a believer do only when he/she is in trouble but as a lifestyle – Matthew 9:14-15. The Pharisee at the temple (Luke 18:9-14) boasted about his righteousness; how he fasted twice a week (usually they do this “regularly”, morning till evening), gave a tenth of his income and of course they prayed thrice daily in the temple or looking towards Jerusalem temple wherever they may be.

    Jesus taught that the righteousness of the believers must be more than that of the Pharisees if they must enter the Kingdom of Heaven:

    Matthew 5: 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

    The reason is simple. If the believer does not observe this teaching, his flesh will rule him and he will produce all the works of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21) and these are disqualifying acts. But if we by the Spirit mortify the flesh, we shall live – Romans 8:13 (even eternally). That is when he/she is full of the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). The believer thus must train himself/herself (1 Tim. 4:6-8) in godliness to live by the Spirit; fast more than the Pharisees, give more than the Pharisees, and pray always (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

    1. God bless you for this! When I gave my life to Christ in 2012, I did a 21 day fast (till 6pm everyday), my life hasn't remained the same. We all need that closed day one-on-one experience with God every now and then to remain refreshed in God. I'm currently on the 70 day MFM fast, the most important thing is that I connect with God in prayers. I'm not on hunger strike!

    2. There is this book, "Fasting" by Jetezen Franklin
      It is so rich with Scriptures and edifying experiences.
      I thought I was reading it when I read the above comment.

  7. I don't believe in Fasting.
    I only fast to lose weight,not for religious reasons.
    That's why I love my ATR aka juju,it doesn't require any of that to get things done!

  8. When you fast,you purge yourself of all filthiness.
    You get connected to God more because as at that time,youre clean and God doesn't like unclean spirits.
    So for me I'll say fast as much as you can just as the spirit directs and not because you wanna show off or because your pastor asked you to but because it's needed for God's intervention in your life

    Sometimes,i go into a 3days dry fasting or i do a 6-6 fast for 3 days and close with just fruits.

    And please my people,when you want to close your fast,make sure you take fruits before eating anything cooked on fire. That's how i was taught and it's in the Holy Bible.

    1. Please, where is it in the Bible that you must take fruits before eating anything cooked on fire?

  9. I think the lack of food is not what gets one closer to God per se, but getting closer to God causes us to want to eliminate distractions like food, TV, and other "essentials" of life.

    When you are seeking God's face, especially on an important issue, food or its lack thereof will be unimportant to you because you will be so wrapped up in God and so consumed in hearing from Him that food is just not necessary or not just a priority to you at that time. However when one finishes praying, one begins to feel the urge to eat (hunger).

    Scripture records that after Jesus had finished praying, He was hungry. When Jesus was praying, food was the last thing on His mind but afterward, He needed to eat.

    Fasting also helps us say no to temptation. Jesus encourages us to fast so as to weaken our flesh and deny it of its desires. Fasting helps us know who we are underneath, after we have stripped our flesh of its wants.

    fasting is not only a positive statement saying, “This much I want you, or you are more important to me than food.” But it is also a negative way of exposing latent idolatries. When I am not being medicated by food, what comes out of my heart? Anger? Lust? The need for television — more and more of it?

    While Jesus was here, His disciples didn’t fast because the bridegroom was present. But when the bridegroom was taken away to come a second time there is this ache in the heart of God’s people. Fasting is a physical exclamation point at the end of the sentences: “I need you! I want you! I long for you! You are my treasure! I want more of you! Oh, for the day when you would return! Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!”

    The heart of it is longing. We are putting our stomach where our heart is to give added intensity and expressiveness to our ache for Jesus. We fast to express our longing or our ache for all the implications of Jesus’s power in the present moment that isn’t completely realized.

    It is important to fast the right way. Fasting while thinking of food every minute is not fasting, its just starvation. Fasting that makes you even more unhealthy, for example, breaking your fast by 8pm and eating a big bowl of ponded yam and egusi soup so late at night is just unhealthy. Fasting for long periods when you know you have ulcer is just suicidal.

    Praying to God for strength is very important during fasting. Some people fast from 6pm to 6am and pray through the night. Some like to fast from morning until 3pm,etc.the important thing is to ensure your fasting glorifies God.

    Finally, no need to announce to all and sundry that you are fasting or to have a dull face that fasting day. Your Father Who sees in secret will reward you openly.

  10. Fasting is a way of giving God your undivided attention. It awakens your spirit man,it kills every lust of the flesh n soul,it attracts the Holy Spirit to you and makes your prayers to be answered speedily.

  11. A lot of people fast nowadays without them being Christians or Muslims. Some do it to lose weight while others just do it for the fun of it.

    I believe in fasting and I fast with wisdom.
    When I was younger, I did twenty one days fasting on behalf of my elder brother and God came through for him with divine healing
    I have also done dry fourteen days fasting on behalf of my mother and God also granted my request and visited her with His Healing balm.

    I mostly fast nowadays during lent season... When I fast, people don't know, I don't visit any social media sites, I don't watch TV and I hardly talk on phone during the period.

    People who fast and ends up with health complications or force others to fast are not of God.
    People who fast and refuse to brush their teeth and wash their mouth, refuse to take their baths are not of God. Christ did not command us to fast like that.

    Anyways, I believe in fasting and prayers and I do it the biblical way.

  12. The very first time i ever did a 3days dry fasting, the impossible thing happened, till now it my greatest testimony, i was already so broken when i embarked on that fasting..

    I decided to try it again but this time requesting for something else, till now that request is yet to be answered, why? because i went with the mind that if i can keep my stomach for 3days then my miracle is assured, i didn't use the same brokenness and faith i used when i did my first 3days dry

    I tried again and God hasn't still answered the prayer.. why cos I'm still yet to yearn for him the way i did with the first.. Until my sis has to tell me to stop and build my faith, relationship with God before embarking on it again.. And I'm yet to find that.. So i live my life now taking each day as it comes, cos las las we will all leave this earth.. Have begged him not to deny me heaven cos that one place i want to be

    1. Anon 14:29 You need to be praying according to God's Will and remember that God has His Way and Timing. If something you're asking for is not God's Will, He won't give it to you even if you break yourself into pieces.

      Then, when something is His Will, you might want to ask Him how cos His way might not be the method you have in mind. You can pray for a healing, expecting the ailment to disappear immediately. But what might happen is that the ailment will appear worse and you'll find yourself in a hospital where you'll be taken care of. That's how God chose to answer you. I've prayed for my hair to grow but I noticed it started cutting and breaking instead. I was like, "God, this is looking like the opposite of what I asked for na, how far?" Somehow, I talked to the person I buy my shampoo from and she said, "When last did you trim your hair?" I hadn't trimmed my hair in two years! Anyone who knows hair will tell you that you must trim for you to retain length. The hair that was breaking were dead hair and the cutting was what made me know there was a problem. Maybe I was expecting the hair to grow like Indian own overnight but God actually answered as soon as I asked. My hair is much better now.

      Then, consider His timing. That you didn't see something immediately, doesn't mean He said no. It's like saying you prayed for a TTC woman but cos her stomach didn't start growing immediately to the point of going into labour, that means God didn't answer. Even an adopted child can't be conceived and born in 24hrs. Some things just take time to show up. I've prayed, cried and fasted for something for six years, but God answered me in the second year. He just didn't tell I'd wait four more years for it to manifest but even all the time I hadn't seen it (and even when the counterfeit showed up in the fourth year of waiting), His answer was always yes.

  13. For me,fasting should not exceed 3days(dry fast devoid of taking one's bath,brushing of teeth,drinking of water and eating of food).

    1. You forgot to add that you stay away from people during those three days.

  14. The bible even said we should fast and pray ( 1 cor 7:5) as not to be tempted. I noticed that my supplications are more answered when I fast, coupled with midnight prayers( 1 Thess 3:10, Hebrews 5:7) The highest I can go is 7 days although I break in the noon of each day with prayers. The last day will just be for only worship and praises . The best thing that can happen to anyone is to have a personal relationship with God.
    God answers prayers oh.

  15. Stil asking for grace from God to be able to fast.....for those who can pls fast as ur body can take....don't co.e and kill yourself by yourself.Ella'twinny visited SDK

  16. Fast as your strength can carry you.
    One to 3 days is enough.

  17. Fasting is a way to discipline your flesh, not so God can give you whatever you think you want. God is not a houseboy that if you rake or frown enough, He will eventually do what you say. Sometimes, you need to hear from God but food and other distractions won't let you be great - fasting (with prayer oh!) will cause you to focus. If you're serious about fasting, you must be open to hear whatever God will say and bear in mind that you may not like or expect what you hear. The mistake a lot of people make is bring their list, thinking God will endorse it the way they like cos they're fasting. Yimu. I've done a three-day fast where I had a list of five requests and I only heard two words - "Go home". I was shocked cos I really wanted to keep staying where I was (in the abroad). There's no amount of fasting I'd have continued to do from that point, that would have yielded any result.

    You cannot manipulate God by starving yourself so make sure it's the Spirit of God leading you, even if it's for a fast of one day. There was a time a church I was attending was doing a fasting programme for a week and we were to break in church everyday. We were told to write a list of what we wanted God to do for us. The second thing on my list was husband. When I got back from church that Sunday (fast was to begin the next day), my husband called me. Oh, I was upset cos I'd already cancelled him in my mind. He had asked me out two years before and I'd honestly heard God tell me he's the one. But as I felt things weren't moving as I wanted, I was like, "Maybe God didn't really mean it" only for this man to call when I wanted to settle the matter of his replacement with God. I was rude and horrible to him that evening, very convinced it had to be the devil that sent him. I started the fast the following day with the anger of the Sunday evening. My vex kept increasing. Someone that said she was fasting, oh! Monday after work, I went to church and as others were lifting their papers and praying, I was remembering the call and hissing. It happened again Tuesday, Wednesday and I gave up cos I realised say na hunger strike I dey. If I'd been more sensitive, I'd have known that call that Sunday was God's way of telling me He has answered me before on that issue and hadn't changed His mind. I'm married to the same guy today. We got married not up to three years after that incident. At the time I heard God, we were not ready; we weren't even living in the same country when I went and did hunger strike for something that was already settled and said I was following to do corporate fast. SMH.

    1. Wow. Just wow. Your comment just made my day. God has revealed certain things to me but they are yet to manifest. I'll keep trusting in Him till the appointed time comes.

  18. I used to do 40 days (6 to 6) during lent and did not watch some TV programs to go with it years back. Have done 3 days dry for a friend that did not know I did it for him and could start dry fasting at the drop of a hat.

    I don't fast any longer except when directed. Rate I fast has reduced with age

  19. My first fast attempt was just a totally sakamaje. My pastor and his family and another family stay in the church compound. It was suppose to be 3days dry fast o but I didn't do up to a day as I sent one of the kids to get me bubble gum. Na so I hide hide chew gum all through the 3days and everybody dey hail me after every say I try o. Me jus dey smile. They dan know

  20. Right from childhood I never agreed to fasting, I've always had the mindset that Jesus has fasted for me"for my sake he went hungry that I may be full" so why fast, while the others were fasting, I was busy with my packet of cabin biscuits, I can't come and kill myself o.

  21. That was how my aunt did dry fasting for certain days and ended up with a bad stomach ulcer,😒 na me wey be like skipping rope before I manage come add small flesh naim go still come dey fast? Mbanu o God help me o

  22. Fasting is amazing when done right. Someone recently fasted for 150 DAYS!!!. Look him up on youtube. He is called *The Fasting Fatman*. You can also look up Snake Diet by Cole Robinson. It will give you a whole new perspective into fasting for health reasons. I personally LOVE fasting(i eat every 48 to 50 hours on a weekday and then every 24 hours on a weekend) because the amount of energy it gives is just awesome and also because i am not a fan of cutting off certain foods off my diet. I want to eat whatever i want and not feel bad about it. Lol. I follow Cole on his SD group on facebook and i am always amazed by the results of people.


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