Stella Dimoko Black American Lady Rants That Nigerians Have Overtaken Them In American Job Market



Monday, September 16, 2019

Black American Lady Rants That Nigerians Have Overtaken Them In American Job Market

What is this again?????


  1. The point is that Nigerians spoil the reputation of other Africans.

    1. So '46 Nigerian out of 98graduates of Howard university or Professors and Deans being Nigerians' means spoiling other Africans reputation? What won't I read.

    2. No they don’t. From that write up you see we are doing very well abroad and some feel threatened because they think there’s only so much room for block people and any part we take is theirs. Think about it. Nigerians hardly compete for menial jobs or jobs thst are saturated so we are generally not taking anyone’s jobs. America needs more doctors so if she becomes s docthere’s room for her

    3. Please @anononymous 15:32, read the post again.... Enough of the negative Nigeria πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ and Nigerians narrative.

    4. Im guessing you didn’t read the post before commenting!next time take your time to read

    5. Anon 15:32 I pray God will bestow wisdom and understanding upon you cos clearly, you did not understand what the AA is saying.
      Nigerians are doing so well that they AA feels displaced...

    6. It simply means,you guys need to work harder. Nigeria's are a very brilliant race. Unlike these yeye black Americans that feel being baby mamas is best way to get rich. Very lazy people.

    7. Look ladies, the evil that Nigerians have done abroad has eclipsed any good thing.
      Do you know how many Nigerian scammer rings have been busted and how many are being tried
      presently in the USA?
      You tell someone on introduction that you are from Nigeria, the person takes two steps
      backwards? If you live outside, you will understand this.

    8. Anon 16.49. I live “outside” abroad and I don’t understand this!

    9. I also live in the U.K. and I have never experienced this when I say I’m Nigerian and I’m sure this is the case with so many Nigerians in the U.K.

    10. Anon 16:49, I live abroad and we should be glad that Nigerians are taking up legitimate jobs.
      This poster feels threatened. If out of 98 graduates, 46 are Nigerians - simply means the Nigerians paid the school fees, studied and worked their asses out to graduate. They deserve whatever good jobs they get!
      So please pass me with the BS.

    11. I understand we have a terrible reputation here. But, we are still very hardworking. I will speak for myself. Nigerians and other immigrants at my job are very well liked and respected because we work our butts off and have excellent work ethics and an overall good attitude. Yes, there are still lots of decent Nigerians here. The average American is lazy and wouldn’t come to work because it’s 90 degrees. Who do the bosses depend on?? The foreigners, who don’t give a damn about the temperature outside.

    12. Anonymous 15:32 and 16:49 clearly need to go back and read what the lady wrote. Don’t just read and run fast to post comments. Read to understand.

    13. Ma’am are Nigerians replacing your from completing your high school education?

    14. This generation of black Americans don’t go to school but are jealous of other African blacks who go. I bet you this lady ranting, in her lineage nobody has ever finished high school. Generation of teenage single mothers, runaway fathers and out of touch baby daddies. Nigerians told you to make bad decisions because your system of government will always provide food and accommodations for you. Useless rant!

    15. Anon 15.32 Itiboribo

    16. I am proudly Nigerian in the abroad.

  2. Jealousy will finish their lazy asses.

  3. Any black guy from Africa is a Nigerian so xenophobia loading. Even Ghana is accusing us of the many crimes in Ghana. Imagine that!!!!

    1. Imagine what? See your arrogance in your speech like you do in all African country's you live that shit hole country of yours to migrate to.

      You people do not respect any African nation including Ghanaian, South Africa etc, and that's the shit we be talking about. If you don't know humility as for us we were raised with humility and respect. You give us respect we give back. Stop the carrying of shoulder a d pompous arrogant attitude considering your nation is now a failed state.

      Nobody on this planet like arrogant people. That's exactly what's happening in Ghana now. Influx of Nigerians doing illegal stuff. All my life I'd never heard of kidnapping in Ghana, then this year there was one kidnapping of 3 girls low and behold it was Nigerians who did it. And they kill the girls.

      Your cup will be full soon..

      If the whole universe and every country in the world complain about the same thing about Nigerian criminal activity maybe it's time to look in mirror and ask yourself questions and please spare me OH THEY ARE JEALOUS.

      Jealous of a nation black listed by the whole world.

      Jealous of what
      Fcked up horrible reputation globally
      Jealous of 419
      Jealous of arrogant attitude and absolutely no respect especially when you migrate to another Africans country cos you feel all Africans are beneath you so you'll go to their country and use illegal way to make smart monry
      Or am jealous of daily kdinapping
      Or no light even in 2019
      Or your school going on strike every year

      Listen we Ghanaians have a great reputation. Very well respected by the globe. Call us all the names in the book. We are more respected. And you can call our humility slow or timid or foolish but end of the day I'll take all that over being known as corrupt thief and illegal activity person.

      South Africans are not jealous of you
      Ghanaians are not jealous of you.
      Ivorians are not jealous of you.
      Kenyans are not jealous of you
      Rwandan are not jealous of you
      Tanzanians are not jealous of you
      Ethiopian are not jealous of you

      And no African Nobody is jealous of you. Nobody on this God given earth even in wore torn countries will want to change citizenship to be called Nigerian. Tweaaaaaa

      All we are saying is when you go to another person country stop carrying shoulder and looking down on them. The whole world have seen your arrogance. Humble yourself when you go to seek refuge running from your failed nation to another person's country and don't do illegal stuff and we will have no problems.

    2. They are so many African nationals all over the continent. How come. Nigerians are the only ones people always have a problem with, not Kenyans, Ivorians, Senegalese, Sierra Leone all the 52 nations in the continent, every one has a problem with your illegal behavior and pompous character. I have PhD, I'm. This am that and then you tell the citizens of the land you are lazy meanwhile with your own fake PhD you are selling drugs or pimping the local citizens children. The curse will follow your generation

      Why do you bother migrating to any persons country. Shebi you are the smartest with all the brains in your head. Why can't you use that to build Nigeria. Let's start of with having simple electricity.

      The whole world is tired and from. Now on every one is on high alert no one will allow you to come to their country to fcuk it up like you did in Nigeria. Stay and do legal things but if you dare decide you are going to do illegal things we will kick you out simplr.
      . As for us we have more class and dignity we won't take any life's. We will give you 2 weeks to get the fck out like you did us.

      I've said my own Ghana, Rwanda, Ethiopia everyone is hussling trying to build their nation from ground up, and so under no circumstance will we allow such bullshit. Keep your kidnapping in Nigeria. Don't being it to Nigeria.

      I can't wait till the new database is built. There is a database in the works by a group whwew all Nigerians criminality in foregn lands will be listed.

      Every body is tired. Tired tired tired.

      Dear Nigeria, nobody hates you, nobody wants to be you. So save that bs. We know not all Nigerians do illegal stuff so this message to the ones who do. Pass on the message and talk to your brothers and sisters.

      Concentrate on building Nigeria, rebranding image. Start off by marching in aso rock, never once in my whole life have I heard the nation marching against corruption, smaller nations like us, we did not stop to get to where we are. So if your leaders are the reason for that failed nation. Get up March against them. The all bark and no bite cyber gangster is not working. Everyone is working hard. You are welcome to come work In people's country but remember illegal stuff will not be tolerated.

      Tell me am lying, no Nigerian is doing illegal stuff in Ghana.

      Now tell me how many Ghanaians in Nigeria is doing such illegal bullshit and put yourself in our shoes.

      We are watching you.

    3. Thank you anon well said God bless you thunder fire anyone that will come under her comm to vomit ignorance and I’m Nigerian

    4. all this epistle to say nigerians are this even a legit reason to "hate" all this epistle and yet you are not jealous....the above post shows the good side of being a Nigerian as we value education, but all the narrative you could come up with couldnt highlight this one fact....broad/sister stay away from sharp object, you came to a Nigeria blog to vent all this hatred yet we are not known for anything good and are pompous....may God heal you.

  4. Entitled black Americans, always looking for who to lay the blames on for their shortcomings.
    They have refused to learn and use their brains

    Nigerians are raised to value education (at least most of the ones I know and the environment I grew up in) you'll see bricklayer's kids all in the university πŸŽ“, most of the kids in the university; their parents did not even attend up to standard two or five but, they'll try all that they can to send their kids to the university.

    Most Nigerians are raised to be focused, self disciplined and we are survivors.

    Take a look at all the cities run by black Americans, look at the crime and poverty rates.... Please, these people should go and sit down and have a reevaluation about their lives and the people they use or see as role models.

    Nigerians will keep prospering... πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸŽ“πŸŽ“πŸŽ“πŸŽ“πŸŽ“πŸŽ“πŸŽ“πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

    1. I went on Twitter to check the two biatches out 😊😊😊😊

    2. MSny cities run by blacks are going very well . Atlanta is an example
      Don’t follow trump.

    3. Lol.. Nigerians are raised to be school focused but absolutely no self discipline.. from greed, to people/pastor worship.. don’t let me go to time ethic.. showing up to events or meeting over an hour late with no shame.. some good points but self discipline Ehmm no

  5. its not a suprise,even in Nigeria we are tribalistic

    1. Are you sure you read the post? Go back, read and assimilate before you comment

    2. Dede pls go back and read again..Itibolibo

    3. Are you using your senses at all? I doubt.

  6. Lady T/worth more than a thousand dollars16 September 2019 at 15:44

    Did they get the degrees for free or after some hard work? You too work hard and you will gave as much opportunity as they have. Nothing wring with that.

    1. Thank you very much. Instead they chose to be lazy and wait for hardworking people to pay taxes for them to benefit from.

    2. They can’t go to school, they like enjoyment and free money from government. I live in Texas, they start having sex as young as 13, and start smoking weed. By 15 or 16 years they’re already mums. A 30 year old woman here is a grandma because her 15 year old daughter she had when she was 15 already has a baby. Let her keep ranting, she wants to start her own xenophobia, but America is not like South Africa, at least there are sane objective people here.

    3. Don't mind the lazy bunkums! Always having a "woe is me" entitlement mentality. Running around being baby mamas, wearing sagging trousers, looking like louts on welfare all over the place. Knuckle down, go to school, they won't hear! Rubbish!!!

  7. I think the problem we are often fingered out all the time is because we are not subtle people. We are always in people’s faces. Whereas a Zimbabwean may be in the same place and you won’t even know because they are always really ‘humble’ and not do oversabi.. my recommendation I think we should tone it down and not try to do ‘stronghead’ In people’s space.

    1. We can blame Nigerians for everything even their shortcomings.

      Nigerians are doing great and these angry 😑 biatches are attesting to it and some people here are subtly supporting these angry black Americans.

    2. We can’t tone it down
      Even if I say nothing all day long, the moment I open my mouth at work they know I know what I’m saying.

    3. Indeed. I hear. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden my friend.

    4. 15.55 we are the salt of the earth oh.
      Why should we lose our essence because someone feels threatened?
      It is not humility to pretend to be stupid just to massage some one else’s over inflated ego.

    5. So many idiots with smart phone making comments here.

    6. Anon 15:55 is absolutely right. Some Nigerians are mostly loud and obnoxious wherever they are. No regard for people’s personal space unless they are Caucasian.. we somehow find a way to behave like sane people when white people are present. Truth is bitter

  8. Jealousy kee you dia!!!
    Amadioha visit you with ibi Dia. Make I hear Nigerians for your mouth again. Am I the one that asked you to be lazy?

  9. Lazy black Americans, always feeling entitled mtcheeww

    1. Black Americans think that the whole world is owing them something. Over entitled people!

  10. What do these people want from us now haba?

  11. There is no stopping people who are focused, determined and hardworking. You can call us NIGERIANS!

  12. This is actually a positive observation not the negative ones we've been hearing that Nigerians are fraudulent, etc.

  13. Okay so these entitled and lazy African Americans are tired of blaming white people for their perceived misfortunes, now they've decided to shift the blame to Nigerians? Haq Haq haq. Of all the immigrant groups succeeding in the US- they didn't look at the Indians, Hispanics or East Asians that are much more dominant that Nigerians- they decided to call out Nigerians? Just because we are all black doesn't mean we all have the same mentality and attitude towards life. They cannot stand seeing their fellow blacks- ordinary Africans for that matter- becoming successful, breaking glass ceilings and beating all conventions that they have failed to. They should continue to wallow in self pity and bitterness, slavery ended 400 years ago but they have totally enslaved their minds to believing that black people are still oppressed and the system is against them. The system that many Nigerians and Africans are beating. Lazy ass Mfers. As if success will come to them by gang banging and smoking weed.

    1. Truer words have never been spoken, thank you!!! πŸ‘

    2. You couldn’t have stated it better. Let them be there.

    3. Standing ovation!!!!
      Take a bow @Snarker.

    4. Gbam!! I couldn't have said it any better. You forgot to add welfare/GR, ebonics and high rate of teenage / young adults pregnancies( baby mamas), high rate of truancy!! Useless lazy ass acatas( always blaming others but themselves) mtcheww! Oh freaking ass morons killing themselves for stupid shit

    5. Lets here it one more time for Snarker

    6. Don't blame them. Nigerians may not be the largest ethnic group in the US, however, we are among the most successful group there. Evidence suggests that Nigerians are among the richest, have higher level of education and hold top positions at work. They seem to be oblivious to the fact many Nigerians are skilled migrants such doctors,nurses, engineers, lawyers, academics and accountants to mention a few.
      Please, let's continue to excel and be the best at what we do. We can't be bothered by someone's insecurity and poor choices.

  14. Maybe your fellow African Americans need to step up their game. "It's because I'm black" is no longer an excuse to sit on your lazy asses and say everybody is against them. You want something, werk fo eet!

  15. I work in a shelter and guess what 99.9% of my clients are black men who do not want to do anything for themselves.
    All these people want to do is apply for food stamps, otc cards and benefits,lazy pigs. I am proudly naija

    1. You have the wrong conclusion
      The people in the shelter are a different demographic. Some are on drugs or just down on their luck
      Don’t be fooled there are many African Americans doing very very well

  16. Are African Americans applying with the same test scores, credentials etc and getting rejected in favor of less qualified Nigerians?

  17. That's a good news. You all can shout from now till eternity.

  18. for once am proud to be a Nigerian

  19. most of them are lazy highschool dropouts and still complaining, are they expecting companies to employ black American illiterates over a university graduate

    1. Exactly. Majority of them are high school drop outs

  20. Stella you're the one giving this retard free publicity.. If you had ignored that s then we wouldn't know. Haba

  21. Lazy asses!!
    Someone needs to tell them that in the US and Canada, recruiters LOVE Nigerians. Once they see you have a Nigerian passport, they're rushing you to come take jobs. Why? We work hard, study hard, are usually respectful (because of our upbringing) and we dress well too!! You can never see a Nigerian wear rubbish, no matter how much he is earning. And appearance is key #facts

    These guys are too damn lazy and they complain about everything. When ppl who recognize opportunity come and use it, they start whining. Stella, the Nigerians who were born abroad and are in average jobs also biff the Nigerians who came here for university degrees and for good jobs. They will be laughing at your accent and how much you dont know. Then when you learn what they know and add to your Nigerian local sense, they start saying rubbish.

    1. You mean rushing you to take menial jobs that indigenes don't wanna work? Don't be fooled my dear no matter how hard you work or qualified you are they can't rush you for professional or white collar jobs when their own people are available. Hence many Nigerians/immigrants are stuck in healthcare/menial jobs.


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