Stella Dimoko Thursday Spontaneous Post....


Thursday, August 08, 2019

Thursday Spontaneous Post....

#thursdaylikethislikethat #shoutoutohashtagtranslator #itsnotrightbutitsoktheysay #beautifuljourney #ilikehwatiseeiseewhatilike

Good Morning.............No gists today- ooooh

There is no in house news tomorrow,so please send in what you wish to advertise.

May your hustles pay today ....



  1. God bless our hustle and continue to guide us.

    Good morning lovelies 😘 😘😘 😘

  2. The book of Matthew 24:24 says "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you ahead of time.

    The bible is a complete book of its own. People so rely on GLARING fake pastors which is clearly visible. Some people go to these so 'fake churches' for connection, rich spouse etc. Pastors don't preach the real word of God like hell fire, heaven, salvation, 24 Elders in the book of Revelation, the little horn in the book of Daniel even what the bible says about death.(how many pastors have preached about all these recently),sorry to say,most pastor will elude all these and preach about prosperity.

    It's so painful that some people now see right as bad and bad as right. God forbid I step into some churches but I can still manage churches like Deeper life, MFM, Seventh Day Adventist and Jehovah witnesses.

    I don't know how I will see a so spirit filled pastor using gold chain,Jerry curling the hair and what have you and start preaching the word of 'god'.All they are after is nothing but more WEALTH and how to sustain it by handing over the church to their wayward,not spirit filled children/family.
    I listened to a woman who wrote about T.B Joshua. The book is titled "The T.B Joshua I know". Just try and read a copy of the book.
    Please,nobody should come for me this early morning.......THIS IS CLEARLY MY OPINION! State yours too and no,I am not judging ,so judginas should leave me ooooo.
    Jesus is indeed coming soon as clearly stated in the books of Matthew and Revelation!

    1. What is wrong with a pastor wearing gold chain?

    2. So it right for a male pastor to use chain??

    3. Please tell me where it is written in the Bible that a male pastor should not wear gold chain/necklace/bangle

  3. Good morning everyone, in yesterday 's spontaneous post, an anonymous made reference to using Dye test for unblocking her Fallopian tubes, I want to ask that is dye test the same as Hsg test? Biko help me, so I can know where to branch to, mine is distal bilateral Fallopian tubal blockage.

    1. Yeah it is the same,an iodine based dye will be injected via ur cervix. Some people can be lucky as the process tends to unblock the tubes thereby flushing out any form of debris in the fallopian tube.

    2. yes dear, dye test is the same thing as HSG to unblock Fallopian tubes

  4. My brother and sisters in Christ, let us seek the Lord while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his ways and the unrighteous return unto the Lord and He will have mercy upon us in Jesus name πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™.


    Good morning all.

    1. When last did i hear "Jesus is coming"?

    2. This morning, from Cutest Pat.

    3. @ann 9*00
      You just heard it

  5. Good morning people.

    It's a new day and we give God praise

  6. So I met this guy around ajah three weeks back, he has several Shops at Ajah, claims to live at sangotedo. travels to the mainland every evening to see his mum.... .He claims to love me and stuff...calls me like thrice a day or so...He has me under pressure to visit him At sangotedo, saying he wants me to cook for him, he has found a wife in ke!

    Sixth sense been telling me uncle is married....I asked several times, he swore that he isn't.... Four days back, I asked him again, and he swore he isnt
    ...well! We'll find out about that, my self said to my self...
    That night...Uncle had gone home to mother as usual...At 9pm, I began to call him, uncle didnt pick....I called and called, uncle got tired and switched off his phone. The next morning, at 5:30am, I began to call again, I called,.someone picked, and the line went dead, after several Hello's.
    Since then, Uncle Alafe hasnt called...I think madam Alafe has given him one blow, seven akpos....

    In another news, a man who seemed well into his fifties with wrinkles and all approached me yesterday...

    He said...aunty ah dey do ashawo dance o..(while rolling his waist to buttress his point).if you get "buyday" party, just hire me, you go like me well took me mins to realize that he is a stripper...

    Kai! Hustle no get age limit.

    Good mornings lovelies....

    1. i can bet you the idiot is married, very wicked somebody.

      kwakwakwakwakwakwakwka what wont i hear. see what next level has turn into? a 50 year old stripper? isssshhh i dont want to even imagine how sagged his balls will be.

      issssssh now i cant get the idea of his sagged balls of my mind. why did i read this ur gist sef?

    2. 🀣🀣🀣🀣
      Ashawo dance on point πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. 59 year old male stripper?? Sign of the times. A man gat to do what he gats to do.
      Weitein akpos do you?

    4. Hahahahahahahahaha @Finny, welcome back

    5. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      You tell the best stories.

    6. The house in ijeshatedo is his Slaughter house. The girls will go there and be forming wife to-be. At night he will be with his family on the mainland. Some weekends he will lie to his wife that he is travelling on business trip and he will sleep over at ijeshatedo to reassure the poor girls. The kind of judgement that will befall some people ehn?

    7. Depths of depravity

      End times!
      Jesus is coming again
      Are you ready?

    8. Ah,what did I just read?!

      Finny,kuku kee me!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      May God help us all,amen!

  7. Morning my people, all this evil in-laws that won't allow you drink water drop cup, Jesus fight my battles for me, what does it mean to see soldiers in your dream, like everyone were running helter sketer

    1. Its your calling, pls join the army,ASAP.

    2. Blackìe, behave yourself. I will pinch you ooo🀣🀣🀣

    3. it rep God's army pray the more.....................

  8. Today is another beautiful day made for us. Let's be thankful to God and begin this brand new day with new hope and determination and we're sure to achieve whatever success we want to achieve.

    Good morning good people.

  9. Top of the morning to you all

  10. Good morning beeveeleons..πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
    Long time..πŸ’•πŸ’•

    Shey e wapa

  11. Good morning ooo,God bless you all

  12. Amen.

    Do you know Mary Njoku is the owner of ROk tv with over 200staffs? I kid you not...
    That babe is a silent Millionaire....

    Good morning kings and queens 😘😘

    1. It's no breaking news 😊

      She's someone I admire a lot.

      Low-key breaking records.

    2. Reina my dear i just found out oooo, it is overwhelming honestly 😊😊

    3. the husband is the owner, no be say Na she get am, the man has the business before he married her please

    4. Not her but her husband..
      her husband get am no mean sey na she get am.

    5. Babe
      Wey dey fly business class almost every week to Ghana

  13. I have two close friends of mine that has chronic mouth odour... dunno how to tell em, what can possibly be done or use to get rid of it
    It’s very embarrassing I swear, u can’t imagine stayi five away from someone and immediately he opens his mouth to talk u can’t help but seize ur breath that minute... what do u suggest they use they use or buy
    Thanks πŸ™πŸ»

    1. Buy them mouth wash... or a good toothpaste as a gift
      You dey try o... i would have ran away from them

    2. Longrich toothpaste is good you can try it

    3. it's always difficult to talk to someone who has mouth or body odour without thinking the person will get offended..i also want to know the cause and cure for it

    4. You can Te them to incorporate drinking green or black tea Inyo their daily routine.

      And also swish some baking soda and water mixture in their mouth before brushing.

      A teaspoon of baking soda in a teacup is just fine.

      Lemons helps too.

    5. Buy then ethymol toothpaste or dubur herbal toothpaste and any medium or hard toothbrush.ask them to try it.i would have suggested mouth wash but some people react to it.they will get the message.
      I am the kind of friend that will tell u straight up "babe how far you no brush abi toothpaste finish for house?

    6. I think some comes from the stomach and it can not be cured. Let them be having sweet in their mouth day in day out

    7. I wrote here asking people how to talk to a friend with mouth odor and said I would write in when I do. Truth is I never did. It is not easy at all. In his case he mentioned toothache that some times gave him mouth odor. In my mind I was like nigga all the time! I suggested some strong toothpastes he never bought any. Thankfully he traveled abroad and came back without mouth odor hallelujah! He said something about washing and refilling those teeth. Long and short of it is that it is very hard to say. I will tell you anything disturbing me about you but that one? It was hard. Good luck with that. Euthymol is another wicked toothpaste.

    8. Longrich tooth is good
      You can get it from 1700 -2k

    9. Stop in the middle of a conversation and ask them what brand of tooth paste they use, when they tell you you can now advice them to change to a different brand bcos the present one is not working well. Aalso tell them about washing the tongue.

    10. Floss. Please, tell them to floss after eating then brush again. I can’t imagine how someone will brush their teeth at 5am. They eat akpu with Egusi soup containing okporoko and go to work. That okporoko is stuck in between the teeth. At lunchtime, they go eat some rice and orishirishi. Use toothpick to get some out but it does not do a good job. My people, please floss.

    11. Floss. Please, tell them to floss after eating then brush again. I can’t imagine how someone will brush their teeth at 5am. They eat akpu with Egusi soup containing okporoko and go to work. That okporoko is stuck in between the teeth. At lunchtime, they go eat some rice and orishirishi. Use toothpick to get some out but it does not do a good job. My people, please floss.

  14. How can we be fighting n you will be setting nyanse like this for two days now..God knows today will be the end of the fight,you win o.

    1. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ broda it's well o.

    2. So, you are still in this matter?
      You must not have no self discipline because the yansh seems to be getting you in the kahuna.
      Look, you either discipline yourself or make peace with your wife. This fight must end today. Be the better one. Apologize. Do it today!!
      By the way, you never said what you did to her sef.

  15. Retired slay queen can you please give me tips on how to makeup, am a dark skin lady, my makeup stuffs are just lying down helplessly, YouTube isn't helping at all, everything on YouTube is looking like magic

    1. Hmmm,if YouTube can't help,how will RSQ help?
      Moisturize,prime,do brows, foundation, apply eyeshadow primer,use one eyeshadow color since you are a newbie.highlight your brows with a concealer a shade or two lighter than your skin.apply powder and lipstick.this is just a quick one.
      Go to a makeup artist or shop to be sure you are getting the right color for your skin tone.bye

    2. Hi Dolphin. It would help to know the kind of make up look you like (light, heavy, corporate etc) The make up products you already have and the make up process you already know. Let's start from there.

  16. Good morning everyone. God please remember me and bless me.

  17. Another day in paradise.... Beautiful morning to you all.

    A BV said yesterday that women don't usually washed their bras. Please I want to say boldly here, that you should stop generalizing.

    A lot of women I know do not wear their bra twice (myself included) I have more than twenty bras, yes you read right... After learning about breast cancer at a very young teenage age, I said to myself when I start making money, my bras are going to be in good numbers.

    I just bought about seven bras recently and they are very good bras, yes I got a good bargain because it is sales season.
    If I buy a particular bra and I like it, I order for more and I don't usually care if it is in similar colour.
    And, I wash my used bras every week with my hands because it is not advisable to wash bras with washing machine.

    Please, women learn to wash your bras, whether you have just two, five or more, you should never repeat your bra... Especially not with the kind of heat in Nigeria.

    Wash your panties too....

    Okay, time to storm the waterside...
    Sunkisses to you all πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ•ŠοΈ

    1. MS A, please do bra giveaway na

    2. How about some of us that don't wear braβ˜ΊπŸ˜‹

    3. pls,what is the correlation between breast cancer and frequent washing of bra?

    4. I dont wear bra honey....such slavery.

    5. how do you mean 'those of us who don't wear bra' you leave dem boobies dangling? Oh no you must have been causing hold up

    6. Ever since I started using boobi lift tapes, no more bra again, tape n lift...😁😁

    7. Exactly!!!! I wash my bras weekly and I wear upto 4 bras per week.

      Like you, I have 32 bras. Some are new that I haven't used, coz I don't want to ever have a problem with bra.

      That being said, I also throw away my used bras quite often. After 2 yrs, I throw the used bra.

      Ladies, try as much as possible to hand wash your bras. Especially those with underwire. Machine wash, even delicate, ruins them. For me I soak my bras in warm water with soap and dettol before hand washing them.

    8. Dettol ke?
      Meanwhile, some white chick working at Nordstrom, told me she uses those liquid scented soap that comes in perfume sets to wash her bra.

    9. Blackberry pls which one is boobi lift tape,hw much is it and where can one get it to buy?

    10. Yes Mrs A, I said it. From ur write up,it obvious that u know some woman hardly wash their bras,so what's wit the long talks? I still say it, most women don't wash their bras hence eczema, rashes etc.

  18. Goodmornin fam...woke up sad today with a very heavy heart.

    1. May God’s Spirit comfort you whatever the issue is

    2. It's well dear.

      This too shall pass. Just trust in God.

      Everything will be fine. Okay πŸ€—πŸ€—

    3. May God make everything new for you

  19. Amen!.
    Good morning and a beautiful day to us all. To God be the glory forevermore.

  20. Word of the day.

    arrogantly superior and disdainful. Unfriendly and seeming to consider yourself better than others.
    Example - She speaks in a rather haughty manner.
    Synonyms - proud, vain, arrogant, conceited, snobbish, stuck-up, pompous, self-important, superior, egotistical, supercilious, condescending, lofty, patronizing, smug, scornful, contemptuous, disdainful, overweening, overbearing, imperious, lordly, cavalier, high-handed, full of oneself.

  21. @Twinsquared
    That your message on saturday spontanous post is a huge blessing.
    I went searching for tne book "discover your destiny" and it is changing my life and my outlook on life. Thank you so much for that inspiration.
    Please do make haste to share more great books to read if you come across any. Greetings to all.

  22. Pls guys, does anyone know anything about Zikel foundation and powder??? Going to pick up some of their products today and want to be sure I'm not making a mistake.

    I have a lot of useless makeup stuff lying around cos I didn't like them after buying. Don't want to make same error

    1. Highly recommended. Go for it. Add their primer and sweat block too!

    2. It's too low budget and as such won't give you great results. Stick with the mary kay abi Revlon you've been using

    3. Shooter it seems you are all about expensive stuff.some drugstore brands are very good as well. Not everyone can afford to splurge on expensive makeup so please try to accommodate.

    4. Revlon foundation is highly useless to me. Maybe I bought the wrong shade, I dunno but I totally hate it.

      Mark Kay is just too expensive for me. I just need a good enough foundation and primer to use with my milani powder.

      A lot of people already reviewed zikel online and they only have good things to say about it. Just that it may not last as long as those expensive types.

      Rsq, thanks. I think I will just take the risk with zikel.

      Another thing, my sis has just started going for professional Make up classes. For professional makeups, could u be kind enough to give me a list of make up brands that would be perfect for her jobs?

  23. Good morning everyone
    May our legs not take us to where our lives will be haltered today. Things are really happening

  24. Good morning Stella, good morning my people,have a lovely day.

    My Abuja customers biko patronise us today o, we are on our knees, lol, thank you

    1. I want you to make a big pot of goat meat pepper soup and take to my uncle. Can you? Could you? And would you? Thank you!!

  25. God saved me yesterday.i took a bus from my shop junction at sapele road I'm Benin heading home.turned out it was the usually 419 people I kept calm but held on to the door so it doesn't lock as I was the only passenger aside two other guys and the driver.all the while the spoke kept calm.then I remembered I had bitter kola in my side pocket I brought it out with my other hand started peeling it then placed it in my mouth....the guy who sat close to me spoke a language to the driver,the driver immediately stopped and said he won't continue the journey.i quietly came down and stopped another bus....

    1. Please explain about the bitter kola.

    2. @ Anno 9*25

      Bitter kola paralyzes Jazz,
      Most of the one chance people hypnotize their victims, i guess the man sitting beside her got the feeling when she brought out the bitter kola, thus, alerted the driver

      Especially if u put 2 bitter in your bag wen going out, so i heard

    3. thank God for you.
      Pls what does the bitterkola do in such a situation ?

    4. Thanks Lillysimple

    5. Na so bitter cola go begin cost now chai!

  26. all those that say drink water and mind your business.. i have been drinking water non stop for the past 3days,if i drink i piss out, been so thirsty even with the constant water drinking.
    i even have water to my mouth now😐😐😐

    1. Which means you have to continue drinking water

    2. Good Dede. Now listen carefully. Squish the water in your mouth a few times. Yeah. Just like that. Now begin release it slowly through your throat. Repeat ten times. Now run back to the bathroom and take a long piss. Good job!! Your insides are clear now. Even if you fire one powerful gas from your morning fufu, e nor go smell.

    3. Good Dede. Now listen carefully. Squish the water in your mouth a few times. Yeah. Just like that. Now begin release it slowly through your throat. Repeat ten times. Now run back to the bathroom and take a long piss. Good job!! Your insides are clear now. Even if you fire one powerful gas from your morning fufu, e nor go smell.

  27. I have been unable to make comment

    1. Thank God i can now see my commentπŸ™

  28. My 5 year old is about to lose a tooth (her first). I started by telling her the familiar tale of a tooth fairy. She said "mummy I know there is no fairy in this our Nigeria".I said ok,but be shaking you teeth so if will fall off and a new one will come up. So far all my entreaties and threathenings (with hospital) have fallen on deaf ear.
    I even went further to show her pictures of ugly teeth on children like one bv did here. The girl look the picture finish, touched the said tooth and went and sat down.
    In my days, nobody coerced me to be shaking the milk teeth, we just did it and here we are.
    Na sidon look I dey now.

    1. Haba!! Let her be. It will come out on its own or when it is loose enough. Kids are smart these days. By the way, make sure you save that tooth when it eventually falls out.

    2. Leave her alone. She doesn't need to shake it and force it out. The tooth will come off on its own, it might be when she mistakenly bites a strong thing with it

    3. Anon 10:20
      Why does she need to save the tooth when it eventually falls out?

  29. Good morning πŸ’ƒ.Have a great day

  30. I am a victor. My today is filled with good news. I have trampled on my enemies. AMEN.

  31. so heartbroken..a friend just lost her son and this is someone who lost her husband five years ago..Pls guys say a prayer for her

    1. May God comfort your friend.
      Too painful.

    2. May God comfort her and rest of the family

    3. May God comfort and help her. It is well.

    4. May God comfort her. Such a sad news

    5. Oh Lord
      Please send Your Comfort that passeth all human understanding to her

      Please just be there for her

  32. ANG good morning, please I have a question for you. First of I would like to believe that I'm a good Christian, I live well and when I fall occasionally I quickly pick myself up.
    Now to my question. Some eight years ago I prayed that God should reveal who my husband was going to be to me, I didn't fast or do midnight prayer, just a normal prayer because I just came out of a relationship as at then and a pastor friend of mine advised me to pray on that so as not to make another mistake. So I did and I saw two things in my dream. Firstly I saw myself with the guy I just broke off a relationship with, we were driving in a car together and we came to a spot where there was a very big ditch(like what erosion caused) and they put some tiny planks there for people to pass on to the other side of the road to. And we knew that there was no way for us to pass through the road with our car without us falling inside the ditch. So we just stayed there and right there a very big truck came and passed that same ditch successfully and we said to ourselves if this truck can pass then we too can pass and so we did.
    From that first dream I saw myself again in my church with so many guys seated on one particular section and I prayed that prayer again that God should reveal who my husband was going to be, and immediately, a very bright light from heaven came and rested on that same ex boyfriend of mine and I woke up scared.
    I waited for some years but the dream wasn't really coming to pass(note that I have a gift of having revelations through dreams, which was why I kind of took this dream serious) I decided to change my prayer point.
    I then started praying that God should change my husband to someone else and after some years I saw or thought I saw someone else, it was also a clear dream. But I'm still not with the second person either even though we dated and it was going well initially then all of a sudden it just crashed.
    After the second crash, I started doubting God, like how God confuse me with two different people and none of them are with me even though they keep trying to come back but some gets in the way. Now I don't even pray for a life partner anymore because I don't want to be thrown into more confusion.
    Now my question is this, where must did I get it wrong? Was I impatient? And since the two are showing signs of coming back whom do I choose among the two? Or can it be a neutral person? I'm just confused, I don't want to get it wrong in marriage. I have served God well and lived a pretty decent life so I don't want him to let me end up with an undeserving man. Sorry for the lengthy writeup.

    1. You do know that dreams are not really a confirmation of God's word as dreams can be influenced or brought about by our feelings.

      Why don't you turn to the Bible? It is crystal clear and ask God to reveal His heart to you. Prayer too is key.

      God is not an author of confusion.

    2. This is why mushroom pastors decieve you guys daily. Because some random person has declared himself/herself security guard of heaven on the blog you’re running to it for advice.

      Read your Bible and think rationally. Be careful who you put your trust in for spiritual matters.


    3. It’s all i your mind. Cleanse your mind of both Men and leave it alone for now.

    4. Ivannah, the thing no tire you???

    5. From your description here, I think your ex is the one

    6. Simple Prayer

      Praise GOD and do it to the point where you know you gave your best

      Father bring your will to pass , let my Isaac come, remove all Ishmaels in Jesus Name, Amen

    7. Thank you Lord
      Trust GOD and do good

    8. I think a lot of girls are jealous of this ANG. She did not declare herself anything. A lady on this blog asked her to share how she met her husband and that was how that series began.
      I am yet to read any deceit from her. Eka and co should tell us why they are jealous of her.

    9. @ Eka πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      @ anon 12:09 β€œEka and co” are not definitely jealous of β€œIt”.


  33. I give myself a pat on the back this morning, I went to school with my ex to process our result and I resisted all his advances. He lodged at an hotel while I went to sleep with my SIL. We're both married though, even though the feeling is still there coupled with the fact that he's rich and I am broke at the moment. I fled his antics

    1. Good to know we still have good women ,not all these ashawo married women wey full everywhere.stay far away from him o.this one u are saying u are broke.hmmmm

    2. Happy for you. Keep it up but try to avoid anything that will bring you guys together

    3. Good job.!! At least Okafor fail there

    4. Why did you go with him in the first place? You couldn't go alone? Why do you even have his contacts, talking and chatting with him and even planning a trip with him? An ex should remain in the past Abeg.

  34. Who has seen this movie " Escape room". That movie is so creepy but can't wait to watch the part two.

    Saw King of boys too, that is the longest Nollywood movie I've ever watched.

    1. Escape Room is the ish meeeeeen. i enjoyed it. That babe was just something else. She used past experiences in life to scale through.

  35. Beautiful day. Ladybug where are you? and hope you're very fine.

  36. fireboy dml is good


  37. I dreamt that peace airline crashed and all passengers onboard died. In the dream i was at the scene of the crash, and there were charred remains including kids, it was a terrible sight. Lets pray against air mishap in nigeria

    1. I cancel every negative dream like this in Jesus name. There’s too much pain in the land already. I reject it.

    2. Amen ooooo

      Honestly na GOD go help us
      Corruption has entered aviation, health and safety

    3. I rebuke every crash in Jesus name. You are the 13th person who has had this dream.

  38. Good Morning everyone.. please have the results/winners of the In- house news been announced?

  39. Good morning beloved people.. it beats me how a married man will be flirting with another married woman (not your wife). Some men have no shame.

    1. They have an entitled, undisciplined, covetous , selfish attitude to life and women

      To them its all a game
      the devil enjoys keeping them in ignorance about the repercussions till it is too late or GOD delivers them

      Can a man gather fire I to his bosom and not be burned?

      Everyone FEAR GOD!

    2. It’s both ways; when a man or woman doesn’t have self discipline, such a person cannot be faithful in a relationship whether the person is married or single.

  40. Ich liebe dich ΓΌber alles Stella.
    I love you so much StellaπŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘©

    Have a beautiful day
    Hagtag readers salute you

  41. @Kidjo how are you doing? It has been a long time. Hope you are good


    1. May God replenish your purse a million folds Stella.
      May God continue to water you as you watereth others. I love you!!

    2. May God replenish your purse a million folds Stella.
      May God continue to water you as you watereth others. I love you!!

    3. May God replenish your purse a million folds Stella.
      May God continue to water you as you watereth others. I love you!!

    4. May God replenish your purse a million folds Stella.
      May God continue to water you as you watereth others. I love you!!

    5. She don hear na!!

    6. The blah blah was unnecessary
      Don't start sounding bored and condescending

  43. We thank God for the gift of life and security.

    In other news, Happy Birthday to Intelligentsia Baiby. Many more of today will be celebrated into the future. #leosrock Baiby.

  44. It feels good to know success and taste it in reality... It can only be God and whatever u do, don't stop till u win, legit hustle must pay even if it delays but u will surely smile

  45. It feels good to know success and taste it in reality... It can only be God and whatever u do, don't stop till u win, legit hustle must pay even if it delays but u will surely smile


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