Stella Dimoko Friday Spontaneous Post


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Friday, August 09, 2019

Friday Spontaneous Post

#fridayatast #whenahashtahisnotunderstandabletherearethreereasonswhyonwofthembistdu
#weekendgroovegrooving #oghenemehfiobokoweh #oghenemekoweigho #amen #miracleloadingforyouandme #waybeingpavedforyouandme #lightshiningoutofwhicheverdarkness #listenandhearthesoundoftheabundanceofrain #mwah

Good Money' to Everyone!!!

Today is a good day....Today will be a good day...........Believe it!!!

We have a winner for the IHN quiz,I will post the winner on Monday's In house news...OK?

 Still so sleepy...Yesterday,since i said i liked the Bambinos breaking voice,that is what he now uses to confuse me and i play along......He even used it to sing me a lullaby and i slept

Kisses to everyone oh!


  1. Good morning Stella and BVs.

    Dear Martins, please I need your help.

    I'm using infinix Hot 5 which I bought in November 2017. Early this year the phone started erasing my WhatsApp chat history and preventing me from receiving SMS all in the name of "your phone storage is full". I had to flash it on 31st of May this year, though I lost some important contacts and information but I enjoyed the free space till late last month. Its back to deleting my chat history and preventing SMS from entering. I have uninstalled almost all the apps and moved pictures, videos and documents to SD card but to no avail. Abeg I don tire! What do I do? Buying a new phone is the last thing on my mind right now, I can't afford it.
    Help a sister biko... Thanks

    1. Good morning
      Any food vendor around VI that can deliver food to Oniru
      Please drop your IG handle or contact
      Stella please post before hunger will kill your BV

    2. Hello,Sorry about that..

      The phone actually doesn't have much internal memory and RAM,and also your default write disk(which is where your apps are being installed) is your phone when you install your apps it takes a few space in your phone Memory which it uses to install and also run the app on your device..

      You have to first change the default storage from phone to SD card..

      Go to "Settings" then locate "Storage and USB",open and scroll to "Default Write Disk" and Click on "Internal Storage",this is your SD card...

      This helps all your apps to be installed in your Memory card..

      Try this,and avoid installing excess apps which you don't use frequently,else it would take up all the space in your phone Memory and same thing will happen again..

      Hope this helps.


    3. Thanks so much Martins. I truly appreciate.

  2. Why won't they be jealous of ANG when they're so deep into sin and have refused to make a change and accept the truth.It baffles me that no one hates the truth more than Christians,no wonder the Bible says "if the righteous scarcely be saved.....". You all better check yourselves to know if truly you're children of God and stop deceiving yourselves.

    I never saw her as perfect because no one is,even Peter denied Jesus, but the key word is that he rose above it but you that have refused to rise above yours, continue enjoying your sins and one day,you will cry 'had I known'.

    I see ANG as one who has come a long way in life and has seen so many things and has decided what to stand for,one that just want to speak against certain immorality that has become a norm in the lives of's amazing how immorality is now being made to look like nothing and anybody that preaches in this blog is hated.

    Correcting in love doesn't mean you go soft on sin,I never saw Apostle Paul or any other disciples sugarcoat their words,as a matter of fact they said it the way it is even though they were still striving towards perfection.

    If you're not speaking out against sin,it means you're condoning it.

    As a matter of fact when she says ' my Naija girls how far' it always made me laugh because I saw it from a place of love.

    Is it not here that people come for advise all the time,so why is hers different because someone decided to seek advice from her?

    ANG,I don't you or who you're but I have learnt a lot from your rich experience of life,please share more of your life experiences if you can, I really want to here more from you,although I do not appreciate the use of certain words like fork etc all the time,I think you should tone it down.

    I feel sad in my spirit writing this,it breaks my heart how immorality is made to look like nothing.

    The bitter truth is that most of Christians are hell- bound unless we make a change for the best.

    1. You'll be among the first set to enter that hell

    2. Really 😂. This is an anonymous and also this is a blog. Why would you even take anything here seriously.
      Anyways sometimes what people write online is what they wish for. Let them live the life

    3. I've always loved ANG's comments and I find most of it very funny. Plz don't stop chastising us here.

    4. Sanctimonious anon, no one hates ANG.
      Some persons just don’t agree with her sometimes cos she’s judgmental, and as a Christian, you shouldn’t judge.
      People are entitled to their opinions, let it be.
      Don’t come here and start war 🙄🙄

    5. Eh yah pele, you obviously didn't sleep.

      Nobody hates her, at least I don't but what I do not like about her comments is the perceived hatred for naija girls and the one sidedness.

      A lady did so well in medical school, where was Ang to applaud her?

      Always shouting naija girls and bashing naija girls at every opportunity, even in an unrelated post, that is no longer preaching my dear, it is pure hatred.

      Even as parents, if we continue to abuse our kids all the time even if we think we are speaking the truth, you damage them more.

      Let her continue her preaching, it is a welcome development but let her be reasonable, mature and sensitive about it. Like that 10 year old little girl who just delivered, that was one time she should have kept quiet. A 10 year old having a csection ruined my day and there she was shouting naija girls and fork, it was not funny.

      Like I said, I have nothing against her but I will call her out where I think she is getting it wrong.

    6. ANG reminds them of how deep into sin they are... the feeling makes them uncomfy

    7. The truth is always bitter.

    8. Slutty chic. As a Christian you should judge. As a matte of fact you are allowed to and given the liberty as long as the person you are judging is someone who claims to be a follower of Christ. Read your Bible it is there. The only people you shouldn't judge are those who are outside the church. Leave those ones to God.

      And use of foul language is what I find appealing too. And I feel she is low-key misogynist. Take those two things away then we are good to go. You should admonish both men and women in your posts. No one exempted.

    9. Please shut up!!

      Jealous of who?? Is that how Jesus taught you to draw people to him?? Please GTHOH with your santimonous self....

      The bible says 'Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed, lest he falls'.... Imagine if it was someone else that posted that she had to 'Test' her Man even after God has spoken to her, Shior!!!

      People do not agree with her because she's judgmental and so you know, fornication is not the only sin.... All SINS are equal before God, no big one or small one.....

      Be there thinking you already have a place in heaven simply because you didn't engage in pre-marital sex.... Abeg geraaaaaat!!🙄🙄🙄

    10. ANG, well done. I know ur hand writing. Onyeoma CY, Mrs perfect that never does any wrong. I see perfectly through you. Let the team gullibles keep believing all the lies u throw their way.

      Biko laugh at their expense join. Be making up stories as u go. You must think we are all stupid

    11. Sanctimonious, judge judy, miss goodie two shoes. All those are for you and you can add it next time to your lists of name tags and I hope it makes you sleep well at night.
      It is better to rebuked or chastised by a wise man than be fooled by the flattery or praises of fools (eccl 7:5)

    12. Expecting ANG to come applaud a girl who made distinctions in medical school is laughable.

      He's an aggrieved bitter young man, don't put him where he doesn't belong

      His stories on weddings and proposals are forged. Read my lips, THEY ARE FORGED

      A woman can't chastise fellow females the way he does

      @10:01. I am replying your observation.


    13. You don't like her using d word "fork" as assistant Jesus that u are or what? I love ANG, I love d way she corrects me even though I no dey hear word, so stfu ur judgemental mouth.

    14. 10:12 You find the use of foul language appealing?

    15. Before I became born again people like her irked because of the method in which they pass across their message. Even now i dont read her posts never have never will. Anon 09:36 no offence but no one made you, ANG or anyone else the record keeper in heaven or the gatekeeper. You cant say for certain who will or will not make heaven so pass on your message without sounding critical or judgemental
      Sin is more than pre marital sex or committing abortion. You didnt engage in premarital sex congratulations. Neither did I but I dont go around talking about it like its an achievement or that I am deserving of a medal.
      My point is live each day like it is your last and know this earth is temporary and pray that "sinners" get convicted just like you did and stop acting like a Pharisee

    16. As a matter of principle I do not comment under ANG's post and this is because I feel there is something mentally wrong with him/her.

      I say him/her because her mission on this blog looks fishy to me and i doubt if ANG is a she.
      That been said the person who posted this sanctimonious nonsense above is the same as ANG.
      The operating formula is that him/her preaches against people as ANG and then comes to the comment to support him/herself.

      Bv's let's be watchful of this so called ANG because I have a sixth sense that ANG's behaviour slightly mimics SEXY DADDYS own.

      Lets be watchfull of People who come to this blog to intentionally wow BV's by trying to form holy holy.
      Infact let's stop encouraging the raging madness ANG displays here before stories that touch the heart begin to happen on this blog....my2cents


    17. *Her use of foul language is what I find unappealing*

      @cookie.Jealous of who?? Is that how Jesus taught you to draw people to him?
      It depends on who you are drawing.Are you drawing those who aren't Christians or those who claim to be christains, know the Bible in and out but still living in sin? Anyone who think not engaging in fornication is the only requirement to heaven is living in a fool's paradise.
      Holiness is the only way. Listen to the message forget the tone, pick the one you can pick there and apply to your lives. Don't throw the baby away with the bath water. Anger, strife, fraud, bearing false witness e.g lie, envy etc. Traces of all these and more shouldn't be found in a Christian. Stella don't post if i have posted twice.

    18. @ BlackBerry, joining issues with you is a complete waste of time and energy. Like you and I know you don't have sense so what is the point?

    19. Anon 10.32, the thing tire me. We see the same naija girls do commendable things all the time and you don't even celebrate them? you dissapear in such posts and you want to tell me you are not a misogynist!!!

      What kind of gospel preaching makes you only bash naija girls? Why not balance your preaching since you are bothered about people making heaven? Abi is it only fornication and abortion that are sins?? What about the men? You don't think they should make heaven too or Jesus preached yo only one gender?

      Ok let me ask a question, if naija girls abstain from fornication and abortion, does it automatically mean they are heaven bound?

      Well Lep, maybe it is a strategy because I do not understand the person behind that ID. Truth is ANG doesn't come off as a borm again christian.

      Jesus will definitely not do what you are doing and sometimes the ones who think they are making heaven may just receive the shock of their lives on that day.

    20. Hmm, I have read all the comments on this ang matter, my take is she probably has good intentions but she has not attained that spiritual growth to preach.It is one thing to be a Christian and another to grow over time.That spiritual growth will help her in passing her message without sounding like a saint or judgemental.

    21. are you minding the stupid, foolish, judgmental idiotic ANG....even if it was a man who did wrong he or she will bring it back and bash naija can never draw people to Christ with the way you comment so pls buzz of

    22. Jealous of “it”? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

      Even my dogs chew toy won’t want to trade places with “it”. How much more able bodied happy women like us.


    23. I wonder why you people are taking this person serious oh. What kind of Christian bashes only one gender? Therein lies your answer 😀😀.

    24. @SluttyChic: i would like to slightly disagree with you. As Christians/Individuals, we can 'judge' situations, we can 'judge' appearances, etc, What we should not do is CONDEMN people. For instance, when Prophet Samuel was asked to go to the house of Jesse to anoint a replacement for Saul as chosen by God, he mistakenly 'judged' the first son of Jesse, thinking his 'looks' were the right yardstick for a king. Infact, he kept 'judging' wrongly by picking the wrong son of Jesse. Why? Because he was 'judging' by 'appearance' and by his human understanding. Even the fact that he was a prophet did not give him the full understanding of how God makes his decision; how God sees us; how God perceives us. GOD LOOKS ON THE INSIDE. He judges our heart/our lifestyle/our relationship with Him/our faith in Him.

      Pardon me if i digressed. Just thought i'd share something i learnt recently.

  3. Good morning and a beautiful day to us all. May we find favour before God and men forever, AMEN.

  4. Beautiful weekend to you all🥰🥰🥰🥰

    Good morning lovelies 😘 😘😘 😘

  5. Goodmorning everyone may your day be fruitful.

  6. Is this for real? Is this really spontaneous post ? Is 8:37am what did i miss?

  7. Ekaro gbogbo ile. Still on the bed delta rain is not funny at all the cold is serious this morning.

    1. Se O jire? Gbera Nile ki o dide. Ojo ko ba enikan see ota. God bless our day.

  8. Good morning and happy weekend to us all

  9. Good morning Stella
    Good morning Bvs
    I met the SP today, today shall be a blessed day for us. Blowing kisses to everyone.

  10. Thank God is already weekend and this weekend will be so long. My cute nephew today is his naming and i pray God will grant us sucessful naming. I can't wait to hold him and have that smell of new born baby. God i cannot wait to be amother oh, i cannot wait to experince the joy of motherhood. Oluwa bless me with my own man, not another woman's own but my own. Amen
    to everyone in the waiting room God will give you your own soonest, never you give up.

  11. Good morning people, make person no get work no good ooo.... am so bored.

  12. I came early today... I thoroughly enjoyed yesterday's ministration by daddy Adeboye. May every mountain in our lives be moved in Jesus name. Amen

    Blessed day everyone....

  13. Good morning everyone.What a long weekend it's going to be.Stay safe and remain blessedS

  14. The only thing that gives me sleepless night at this moment is my bad hand writting. You can read what i write but is not beautiful, no body is complaining in my place of work but i am complaining. Especially when i see other people's writting that will make me want to cry, if you ask me to write i will just feel shy cos my writting is terrible. How can i change my hand writting to a better one?

    1. Maybe you should get those handwriting books for kids especially the cursive ones then practice daily. Also get pens that best suit your handwriting. Yes! sometimes some pen can make the most beautiful handwriting look ugly and vice versa.

    2. Buy writing exercise book. I think it's called 2 D. Also, get big writing textbooks for Pry schools from the bookshop.

    3. Google beginner's calligraphy and start practising. There are so many youtube videos on this subject.

    4. Go and buy copy book na... Or if you don't want to, just make your words slant to the right. Also the beauty of handwriting is when the tips and curves of letters stay on the same line. For instance take the word "dog" the curves of d, o and g are on the same line except the hook of 'd' and the leg of 'g'... You get?

    5. LOL why are you beating yourself up over poor penmanship?

      You do realize that doctors and teachers have the sloppiest handwriting, right?

      Stop criticizing thyself.

    6. ...of all things to be bothered about, im glad you dont have a real life problem.

    7. Then u should see mine, its like when u scatter soldier ants.

    8. Walk into a book store and ask of cursive handwriting textbook for pry 5 or 4

    9. Anonymous 10:30 haba someone is telling you what is their problem and you are sying you are glad the person doesn't have problem.

    10. My handwriting is horrible but am not bothered anymore. My friends make mockery of and am even d first one to laugh at their jokes. I once went for a church programme and someone beside me asked to see the last verse the preacher quoted. I just showed her my notes and she asked why I solved maths all over my page instead of taking notes. Pple around heard and the laughter no be here, but I wasn't bothered. Just be comfortable. It's not so bad. When you are an achiever no one cares about ur handwriting

  15. Morning Stella
    Morning BVs
    Wishing us all a lovely day.

  16. Some people go about with the tremendous weight of the world on their shoulders and the assumption that their case is the worst in life till they hear other people's stories and realise that life isn't as bad as they visualized.

    The self-pity and loath they've sunk into pales in comparison to the next person's worse plight and they are forced to retrospect and be thankful for their blessings.

    'Life Without Limits ' by Nick Vujicic tells his story of being born without arms and legs .He felt he was all alone in the world, hated by God and almost took his life but immediately he chose to look beyond his deformities and lend a helping hand to others, his life took a turn for the better.

    He shares stories of those who have gone through EXTREMELY HARD TIMES but vowed never to give up and with time their lives became an INSPIRATION to others.

    We too can do the same for ourselves today. As long as we have Hope in God and are resilient, no dream is out of our reach.

    @ Personal concierge and omugwo services, thanks to you too.

  17. Good morning people,Today is gonna be an awesome day.My girlfriend arrives the country today,I can't wait to show her the beauty of lagos😊😊😊😊😊😊


    1. Nice! This weekend finna be lit for you lovebirds. 😉😉

    2. Hmmm..and u can't wait to chop her pussy.happy chopping o... yuck 😏

    3. @Perxian it's like you read my mind,the long weekend is gonna be super lit.
      No feeling is greater than having the one you love and who loves you back spend quality time with you.I am soo happy that she is coming...funny thing is she's a Bv😊😊😊


    4. Lep I love you and I always pray for I pray for myself. When living in sin, we don't know what we are doing because we are totally ignorant.

      Though we have eyes but we are blind and don't see. We have hears but we are deaf and clearly don't hear.

      For over 12 years I was defrauding people and I had no conscience. Preaching did nothing. I read the Bible, still went to church and even prayed that God help me make my business a success. I saw dreams and it happened the next day. Even people I dream about will come back to tell me that dream came to pass.
      I was a Christian but unholy. I read the Bible but it seemed like a novel not like the word of God. I never forgive, if you offend me, you have entered be dat. Anger, hatred forgiveness, and fornication was my friend. Till it happened. I can't tell you when or how,but it happened. I called everyone back and made restitution, forgave all who hurt me. Loved everyone like my own very self and always prayed for people whether we interacted or not. I am still a work in progress but this progress I will never let go for anything in the world. I know I won't be in the world forever same with everyone on this blog.

      When we really meet Christ, we will know. We will love him so effortlessly and sin will irritate us to the bone marrow. I pray we all get there. Amen.

    5. 12.41 thank you for this comment

    6. Anon 12:41
      this your post right here is a perfect example of how the gospel should be preached to people living in sin. And i pray L.E.P and everyone concerned (including myself) would read and be moved to repentance. God bless you.

  18. Today is my birthday....
    wish me the best people.

    1. happy birthday to you, Amen to all your secret prayers.

    2. I wish you the best, happy birthday.

    3. Happy birthday to you dear ❤️❤️

    4. Happy birthday
      Wish you all your heart desires

    5. Happy birthday, wishing you long life and prosperity

    6. Happy Birthday to you, dearie, may God enlarge you. Congratulations!.

    7. Happy Birthday to Man's not nice. May God's goodness and favour be with you all the days of your life.

    8. Yo! happy birthday Mate.
      mine is today also.

  19. Why is it that those who criticize and shame people's photos are the same ones who'll never put up their photos on their social media handles. Even when they do, it's mostly overly edited. Why? Self esteem issues or what? I really can't get it. I have a few of them on my contact and this is the recent observation I've made. So annoying. Just thinking aloud though. Maybe someone here will explain the correlation better.. Good morning everyone.

    1. Hi, sis. You can't think aloud, it's out loud.

      As for criticizing people's photos, it comes with the territory. Just like art..It's not gonna appeal everyone and you just have to deal.

  20. What happened to spontaneous today, it came late.... Good morning my people... The anonymous that asked if I'll be able to deliver pepper soup to your uncle,why not Ma? yes I will, definitely,good morning

    Our Abuja customers please patronise us today,a trial will convince you, we are on our knees,have a lovely day my people

  21. He’s done so much for Me,
    I cannot two it all,
    Nara Ekele mooooo.

    If I had ten thousand tongues,
    It still won’t be enough,
    Nara Ekele mooooo.

    This year was a year of serious trials, you guys.
    This year, I came to agree, that you are born into a family doesn’t mean shit.
    This year, I came to agree that you have money but it doesn’t mean shit.
    This year, God stood by me, I faced my greatest fear. We Both survived and came out victorious.
    If I’m asked to do this again, I will do it all over again for the ones involved.

    When you are put to sleep (for a good cause to save life), knowing your chances of waking is 50/50.

    Please you guys, join me in saying a short prayer of thanksgiving to God for me as I celebrate +1 today. #plusonsies #donor #thankyouLord 😘🎉🎊

    1. Happy birthday, Sweetheart! So much gratitude in this post that i can't help but sing along.

      I thank God for your victories too. God bless you and yours.

    2. Happy birthday girl, have s good one ❤️❤️

    3. Happy birthday enchantress
      I wish you all the best

    4. Happy birthday to you
      Wishing you long life and prosperity

    5. Happy birthday dear
      God bless your new age

    6. Happy birthday Dear
      God's blessings always...

    7. Happy Birthday to White Enchantress. May all your good wishes be granted. May you live to celebrate many sweet years on earth.

    8. Happy Birthday to you, Enchantress, I bless God for your life, may you be fulfilled in life, many happy returns of this day. Congratulations!.

    9. Wow! Happy birthday darling

    10. Happy birthday to you.God"s blessings always.

    11. thank you so much, you guys. feeling the love from here.
      @ Perxian, babe, its been a long journey within a short time. thank you love.

    12. Happy birthday to you White enchanteress. long life and prosperity.

  22. I don't understand the taste of this new yam. Bringbackoldyam

    1. the yam is not yet strong. Endure till october you will get a better taste.

    2. I tell you
      I cooked one last week, added sugar to it, my kids couldn't eat it, they said it was bitter and truly it was bitter

    3. Ure supposed to wait till end of august to early September so the starch will dry up a bit, now its slimy and scratches some people.
      You are Igbo u ought to know these things

    4. Eat Ontisha/Anam yam,very tastee

    5. It all the depends on the type of yam you bought
      I bought the Abuja and the one they call Efrum[correct me if I get the spelling wrong].It is white, soft and sweet. It doesn't need sugar as it has its own natural sweetness. I best enjoy it with palm oil peppered sauce with plenty onions and locust beans garnished with efirin leaves[scent leaves].

    6. Pardon me, as my love for yam will not allow me to wait till September.

      Maybe will just allow the remaining tuber to dry up before cooking.

    7. @Ayaoba: you're soooo right Sis. my customer is the old man that sells Abuja yam at iyana ipaja bus stop. I was very lucky with the new set i bought 2 weeks ago: everything just dey sweet like sey na me plant am....Since they started selling this new yam ehn, i ensure my family eats it at least twice a week.

  23. HABAKKUK 3:2
    O LORD, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; IN WRATH REMEMBER MERCY.


    Any judgment coming your way or the way of any member of your household as a result of your sin, your parents sin. MERCY will avert them all today in the name of JESUS.

    AND GOD SAID.......


  24. Good day happy Friday to you all and the Holidays ahead may God Bess the SDK family.

  25. Good morning to y'all. It's a raining morning. Wish y'all a blessed day.

  26. Good morning BVs,. May the Lord order our steps today.... and this weekend be filled with joy and laughter.

  27. Thank God it's Friday. Its going to be a really long weekend full of fun

  28. Good morning all
    Happy Weekend
    I will be attending a traditional wedding later today after years of attending one. I just don't like attending functions anymore even when they offer me free aso-ebi
    I don't even know how I will cope with this one that I want to attend today. The enthusiasm and joyful feeling to attend parties is not just there anymore. I feel better playing with my kids at home. God help me

  29. Good morning BVs,
    Every where seems cool and calm no qualms{This is Nigeria, where anything can happen}.
    Its been drizzling in some part of Lagos.
    BVs with ID and those in Anonymous mode have been in their best behavior except for Ceaser and others who have reportedly been absent for sometime now.
    SDK blog need all of you back as your contributions helps keep the blog sane.

  30. Please Yoruba bvs, what's the meaning of siege. Madam SDK biko post

  31. I’m still laughing as I type this. Yesterday, my son and I went shopping . I bought some biscuits, chocolates etc. I also bought sanitary pads.
    We got home and settled in, I gave my son a packet of biscuit which he ate with so much relish. When he finished it, he started crying that he wanted more. I told him I will give him later but he continued crying. I tried to make him calm but he insisted he wanted more. I finally gave in and I brought another packet. On sighting the packet, he started yelling that he doesn’t want it. He said he wants another type. I was puzzled! I had to bring out everything we bought. My little boy was excited when he saw the pad and he insisted that this was the ‘biscuit’ he wanted. My dear, I couldn’t contain my laughter. I was just laughing like a lady that inhaled laughing gas. With the seriousness on his face, he insisted and I told that’s not biscuit.
    Luckily, my husband came in and was wondering what was going on...

    1. hahahahahahahahahahaha very funny!!!

    2. lmao....pls finish this gist....So hilarious


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