Stella Dimoko Documentary Shows Prince Harry,Prince Williams And Kate Middleton At War Over Meghan Markle


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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Documentary Shows Prince Harry,Prince Williams And Kate Middleton At War Over Meghan Markle

A new documentary aims to shed light on the rumoured spat between the Royal Family’s Prince William and Prince Harry, news of which has been making headlines for months now.

According to the Channel 5 documentary William and Harry: Princes At War?, the feud started with Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton’s disapproval of Prince Harry’s relationship with Duchess Meghan Markle.

William-Kate shocked by Harry-Meghan’s whirlwind romance

The documentary revealed that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were shocked by the fact that Prince Harry announced his engagement to Meghan in November 2017, after a blind date just 16 months before.

They got married in May 2018.

Apparently, their quick wedding didn’t sit well with Prince William and Kate Middleton, who dated for eight years before getting married in 2011.

Meghan being older than Harry was William-Kate’s primary concern

Royal expert and Majesty Magazine editor, Ingrid Seward said in the documentary, “William and Kate didn’t have a moment to get to know Meghan because Harry hardly knew Meghan.”

Seward added, “And of course William and Kate would’ve quite naturally thought, ‘Oh she’s been married before, she’s older than Harry, I hope she’s going to make him happy.’ Anyone would think that.”

Prince Harry went ‘ballistic’ on Prince William, Duchess Kate

Before his wedding, Prince Harry reportedly admonished his brother and sister-in-law for not supporting his relationship with Meghan, who was present and maintained a “stony silence.”

Royal reporter for The Sun, Emily Andrews told Fox News, “I was told by a number of sources that he (Prince Harry) went ballistic.”

Andrews added, “He said, ‘You’re trying to wreck this relationship before it’s even started.”

Harry felt let-down without William’s 100% support: Royal expert

Saying that Harry “resented” William, Royal expert Kate Nicholl told Fox News, “Harry supported William from the outset of his relationship with Kate, and he felt let down that he wasn’t getting his brother’s full 100 percent support with his relationship with Meghan.”

Eventually, Prince Harry-Duchess Meghan moved away from Prince William-Duchess Kate

At the time of Harry’s fight with his brother and sister-in-law, both couples were reportedly living at Kensington Palace as neighbors.

However, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex later set up a home in Windsor Castle.
They currently reside in the ten-bedroom Frogmore Cottage—gifted to them by Queen Elizabeth II herself.

Meanwhile, the Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace have repeatedly denied the feud allegations.


*This Meghan Markle sef...Quarrel Quarrel everywhere,ah ah!!
.....This Marriage with Harry is a time bomb waiting to explode if things continue like this and that's the truth.....
If he is fighting his family because of her,he will fight her because of his family.........
Meghan could have edged Harry towards making peace with his brother since the fight started becos of her but instead she has taken him far away and recently they both seem to be doing things on their own......

You cannot Marry into the Royal family and be wanting Privacy up and down and be shutting everyone out except your celeb friends.....
Meghan Markle should shine her eyes and help Harry end the rumoured coldness and damaged relationship with his brother William,it doesn't mean she is otherwise,it means she is smarter than them...


  1. I no know them, I no live with them so I have no contribution.

    1. Then jump and pass. You mustn't comment.

    2. As in what If Meghan is older??? Kate is older than William and camila is older than Prince Charles

    3. I sincerely find it hard to believe Stella will ever believe this. Haba SDK, you fall hand oooooo πŸ™„πŸ˜³πŸ˜πŸ€·πŸΎ‍♀️

    4. Anon 17:03. Same thing I said. Sdk pls no fall hand oh

  2. What Meghan is doing is no different to what Kate did when she was dating William and even after marriage.....the only difference is Meghan is Black and more so, american. The british despise Americans because they say americans are proud, loud and lack manners (though its because americans fought for and gained their independence from the British)

    The British Monarchy also hate Meghan because she is black, period and they have carried and sustained very vicious attacks on Meghan and Harry's marriage all in a bid to change the public view of Meghan and to make the marriage fail so that they would say, we were right.......Isnt Prince charles now married to Divorced Camilla? Isnt Prince Andrew accused of inappropriate behaviour?

    Is what Meghan did worse than what The Duchess of York did and continue doing? The people who keep selling negative stories to the press of Meghan is sadly, the caucasian side of her family and unfortunately, with family you cannot choose who is your family but you can certainly choose who remains in your life.

    Harry and Meghan are married, their duty is first to protect each other and they are doing so. Harry is NEVER going to be king so why do they feel he should conform? He has never been one to conform to rules but they have conviniently forgotten that and instead choose to blame Meghan as if its not the same Harry that was wearing Hitler outfits and dancing nude in Las vegas

    1. Tank u jare
      The way this lady has been villified by the media ennn
      Well I disagree that marriage is not a time bomb waiting to explode. It is a union of two people who chose to protect their love..
      Haters can hate on. Meghan is such a sweet person and am so thankful she married a man who will protect her to the ends of the earth...
      Ewobi people..

    2. Barman! Pls give Sylvia 2 bottles starlite and a plate of nkwobi. You are a wise lady. Kate had better keep quiet because she is also older than William likewise lady Camilla.

    3. Can u compare 6 months age difference to almost 4 years age difference??

    4. Thank you Sylvia.

    5. Thank you Sylvia, you hit the nail on the head. Meghan has done nothing wrong, except being black and American. someone is definitely selling all these fake news to the press to paint her black and make her look like a difficult person. Harry please stand by your wife, do not let all these negativity come between your family. who is William and Kate not to approve of Meghan, when Harry is an adult who could make decisions for his life.

    6. The Americans did not gain independence from The British. The British wee the first settlers in America after the native Americans. That’s why they are called cousins, just like Australia, the British practically founded America.

    7. Stella you surprised me with this your view oh.
      Sylvia you said it all jare.
      An American woman with black blood flowing through her veins, one who had a tangible source of income before marriage and doing well for herself career wise will forever rub them the wrong way no matter what she does.
      How convenient of them to easily forget Kate and her slinky see through nightgown modelling in school with her nipples showing through the material, how convenient for them to forget that for years kate did nothing except meet and greet and kiss baby cheeks and the public called her lazy and all sorts, how Kate sun bathed naked on holidays? Should we talk about their Prince Andrew and his unending alliances with men of questionable characters? Pedophiles and arms dealers and rapists? His wife's foolishness and toe sucking and drug abuse stories? Princess Anne nko? Their saintly Prince Charles and how his actions broke Diana and his subsequent marriage to his mistress who couldn't leave a married man alone and vice versa? Their crown prince and his cheating that the papaers were gagged from reporting if not that people went on Twitter?
      What exactly has Markel done? She didn't choose her lose mouthed vile family and her few mistakes over royal protocols? Their son Harry was a wild child and the way she has calmed him down is deserving of a medal. She's here to stay because her husband sees and knows her worth in his life. The impact that she has made, the causes she has championed, has Kate done one tenth of it?
      Let her celebrity friends continue to pepperdem is it her fault?
      See the mundane things they are making documentary over...age difference and the duration of courtship as if that is the foundation of a good and lasting marriage.
      She should caution her husband and make peace? Kate should also do the same naa as the senior wife that she is.

  3. Americans are totally different people. meghan is using that family for fame. she will walk away and start selling memiors and get better roles as an actress. if not for Harry, who knew Meghan.

    1. Who knew Meghan? I did, and she was a damn good actress in suits. Please watch it. You'd love it.

    2. @ Anon 14:03, but she wasn't an A list actress

    3. D list actress.

    4. Anon 13;48,you knew this,how?. That a biracial woman married a prince automatically makes her an opportunist? What has this girl done? Harry made the privacy decision;Harry decided to react to his brother's concern,so how is Meghan responsible for any of this? William started dating Kate when he was young and they could afford to date for 300 years if they wanted. Should Harry HAVE taken the same step at his age at the time he got engaged? Something clicked for him when he met Meghan and that is all you need in some cases.
      Harry is in trouble because he married a biracial person which is more than rocking the boat.
      We need to STFU if we cannot pray for Meghan or support her because she is the victim of intense racism. Most of the things we hear about her are unverified,so we should not dabble in what we are not sure of.

    5. and so fucking what? so an A list actress can never have anything good happen to her. very stupid comment. she met a guy who likes her you say she is using him for fame. so she should have refused him marriage cos people will say she dey seek fame. anybody who is famous now was once unknown

  4. American babe wey no send, its like you no sabi these americans, they have zero values,anything goes and they don't care who gets hurt in the process.

  5. ''She are smarter than them'' Wow Stella!

    1. Did you read her comment with understanding? Doesn’t the Bible say ‘wisdom Is profitable to direct’. Aren’t we always saying, handle your in-laws with wisdom? I don’t believe the marriage is a time bomb waiting to happen but yes, she will be smarter than them if nudges her husband to the path of reconciliation and tries to encourage the peace.
      It is not easy when people don’t accept you but she won cos she married the man. So yes, she needs to be smarter than them

  6. Although, all these are still rumors but, I think they never liked Markle nor even make any progressive attempt to know her.

    Markle on the other is what we call a biatch with a touch of class... She prefer to only associate with the famous and influential.

    You're married to royalty and now a royalty....

  7. Stella, mind your business. U've always been anti Meghan! Pls don't comep after me, love you to bits πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ

  8. No matter how much they deny it, the division has been blatant since MM joined the royal family

  9. Stella what are you saying? Did you read the post well before commenting? Where was it said that Meghan deliberately caused the rift between the princes? Is it her fault that these brothers are having issues? This is a clear example of women shaming women. I hope tomorrow when you get blamed by people who know little or nothing about you or your situation, you won’t cry wolf.

  10. ‘Meghan could have edged Harry towards making peace with his brother’
    True words Stella.
    However, when you look at the way Megan reacted to her immediate and extended family shenanigans, you can clearly tell she is not that kind of person. She is the ‘me and you against the world’ kind of person. So long as she is with her beau, she is okay.
    It’s a childish mindset, and it takes hard lessons to change it so...🀷🏻‍♀️

    1. Stella you forgot that in western world everybody mind their you always tell people to do.Here your family is only your husband and blaming Meghan is wrong.Thats the way it is.she can't force Harry to make peace with his brother.they all have mind of there not like we African.stella knows how it works

    2. rubbish, which childish you expected her to react to a bunch of toxic people who never like her.who told you she made no attempt for peace. she for dey announce am for social media dey beg people to help her beg her inlaws abi...please stop using your stupid african mentality to judge this matter. they never liked her from the onset period...when a man chooses a woman against all odds na the woman una go dey abuse as if the man has no mind of his own

    3. You’re right. Most Americans have that mindset, how much more one raised by a single mother to be independent. She’ll say she’s protecting her peace. As long as she has her husband, she’s fine... but there are age long obligations, engagements and entanglements when you marry into that kind of family. You can’t just wish it away

    4. 15:45, I have a ‘stupid African mentality’, according to you, but you can’t make a small point without being abusive! I wonder whose mentality should be avoided.
      People think everything is by ‘agidi’, it’s a non-African that wrote the book ‘She stoops to conquer’. The title alone tells you at times you go low so you can go high.
      One can get married even if the prospective in-laws have somethings against you, but you try (within reasonable limits) to broker peace, to rise above the stereotype they may have branded you with, to blend in and to co-exist peacefully. The ‘I don’t care’ stance isn’t what will help you achieve that. When they say marriage takes work, this is part of the work

  11. ‘Meghan could have edged Harry towards making peace with his brother’
    True words Stella.
    However, when you look at the way Megan reacted to her immediate and extended family shenanigans, you can clearly tell she is not that kind of person. She is the ‘me and you against the world’ kind of person. So long as she is with her beau, she is okay.
    It’s a childish mindset, and it takes hard lessons to change it so...🀷🏻‍♀️

  12. Stella pls that your comment up there is...Meghan has done nothing wrong. She should be allowed to raise her family her way.

  13. I have refrained from talking about them because I don't know so many things, but I noticed a calculated person taking advantage of a situation to her own favour!

    1. you have refrained cos you have nothing intellectually meaningful to say on this matter

    2. And you do!

      Pseudo intellectual like you

  14. William and Harry are grown men, not Siamese babies. It's stupid for anyone to expect them to be joined at the hip. It's not Meghan's job to make them closer; y'all need to stop imposing your sick Nigerian-isms on marriages.

    Meghan can do certain things Kate is not allowed to do - for one, Kate will be queen one day, not Meghan. There are certain rules Meghan doesn't actually have to abide by. They are not the same. Kate married in her 20s after waiting years for William to wife her. The British press dubbed her "Waity Katy". Chic didn't (or couldn't) even get a real job as she waited for proposal. After uni, she worked in her parents' company then quiet.

    The queen was reportedly concerned that Kate brought nothing to the table - yes, she had a 2:1 degree but she didn't use it for anything. And she had no real life experience or transferrable skills. Unlike Meghan who the queen took to immediately. She has moved country twice - first to Canada when she was working on "Suits", then to England. She hustled for her career in the brutal acting industry, she's done work for the UN, travelled to Africa and South America just to learn and give of herself = she has a self-assuredness that Kate can never have. Meghan was already in her 30s when she met Harry, who was a wild child; how can she be the same as Kate who was waiting around for a ring? Also, the queen welcomed Meghan in a way that Kate wasn't. Unless you're a spouse, you are not invited to Christmas @ the Palace. And you definitely cannot sleep there during the Christmas holidays. Even Fergie (that used to be married to Prince Andrew and birthed his two daughters) isn't allowed. That's what Kate endured for eight years, how won't she be angry with Meghan that the queen broke her rules for after less than how many months? Even official functions with the queen, Kate had to wait even after she got married. Meghan had hers with the queen mere weeks after the wedding. The queen opened her arms for Doria sef. Meanwhile, Kate's parents that are English sef and already living in England, didn't get that honour. Leave matter, oh. Just cos they're oyibo doesn't mean envy no dey their blood.

    The reason Harry is pissed is that William (allegedly) had an affair with one of Kate's close friends who is married, and instructed palace courtiers to leak fake news about Meghan being difficult for people to concentrate on instead. First, you don't create stories about your brother's wife to distract from your crap and expect your brother to be happy with you. Even if you want your husband to be close to his brother, it's not that type. Forget his smiling, William is COLD-BLOODED. Then, Harry was younger and more affected when their parents divorced cos Charles cheated on Diana and basically drove her crazy. Only for William (who saw the damage it caused) to do the same thing. It's not as if Kate can go anywhere, she's too docile and trapped. The news of the affair came out some months ago and that friend who no longer hangs around, was pictured without her wedding ring at an event.

    Meghan isn't like many of you that entered marriage with fear and kiss your in-laws' asses when you know they can't stand you. Unlike Kate that had no bargaining chip, Harry didn't do Meghan a favour by marrying her. He had to negotiate with her regarding her career. If the marriage fails (which it won't), na Harry go lose pass.

    1. You must definitely live with Catherine and Meghan to have known all these. In fact you live in all the palaces at much twisted facts! What have you gained from pulling down one woman to lift another? Both women will be shocked reading this your account of their lives. You wrote it like you lived the life for them even though it is obvious you picked your conclusions from unverified stories online. Only you knew Catherine was dubbed waity Kathy by the media and you were comfortable repeating same but couldn't accept Meghan been called names. I am sure you were there when the Queen said Catherine did nothing and brought nothing to the table....infact the Queen told you personally her concerns about Catherine. The Christmas invitation you made mention of, I hope you know Meghan stayed at William and Catherine's place not the Queen's. Everyone one of them worked together to make Meghan feel welcomed into the family. And the twisted fact about Meghan doing a solo with the Queen is because Prince Phillip had retired from royal duties. If he hadn't, Meghan would have accompanied both of them just like Catherine did in 2011 when she wedded William. It's a show of solidarity from the highest ranked royals to any new member of the family.Even the Middleton family thing you mentioned is untrue. They intentionally stayed out of the royal family affiliate radar just like Meghan's mum is doing too. If you knew both brothers well,you would know both of them hate the press and would have preferred to live a secluded/private life. While William unfortunately cannot have and live that life Harry is fighting to live his life. Stop spreading lies and hate...both women know who they are and where they belong in the Royal family. Siblings fight and make is not new. Stop helping the media to thrive on falsehood.

    2. Ire,thanks for this your comment. So meghan's behaviour at Wimbledon (where she was behaving like the world won't survive without her,that nobody should take her pictures ), was caused and leaked by kate too abi,her( i too know) will be her downfall ,is she the first person to be married to a royal???.she would have been loved,if she played her cards well but being modern as her fans calls her,wants to enter her head,infact it has entered.Na she sabi.

    3. Anon 1528 you are 100% correct and the only BV who has done her research. Waity Katie even after 8 years of marriage has not one tangible project under her belt. She and her mother were the ones leaking stories to the press about Meghan up and down. Plus William to distract from his affair with Kate's best friend Rose told the press to go after Meghan. Mark my words, it is all coming out.

    4. If you say they were leaking stories about Meghan up and down, that means you have admitted that the stories are actually true only that they were let out which isn't helping Meghan's image. Really?

    5. Ire, thank you. It is a pity fake news peddlers will see nothing wrong in Megan's actions. I don't know why people are ignorant of the fact that the British royalty are a colorful lot and scandals and salacious news is never far from them. So being black is not the issue here. Her character and reasons of marrying the prince is suspect. You guys chanting that Katy waited long for the ring is kind of trivial, you have suddenly become blind of how Nigerian ladies are caught in this circle of dating long hoping the guy will propose, some even become baby mamas to trap the guys. Rumour peddlers save us the team Meghan and anti Katy stories.

    6. @anon22:23, you are really daft to think that Katy has no known project or championed a cause. As for those you shouting that she brought nothing to the table and lazy kindly go read about
      her biography and families too. Wikipedia should hug you now. You lots are the ones that put women under pressure to be who they are not. That is why Nigerian ladies fake it till few of them make it. Not all ladies will bring stuff to the table but they still go ahead to make some good off their situation.

  15. Wetin concern agbero with overload? I dey Nigeria dey suffer Buhari, person dey somewhere dey flex private jet upndown and I am expected to have headache over the matter, like how? Meghan oooh, Megain oooh, just tred carefully. American or not, fear the Monarchy because you no fit do pass Diana.

  16. Stella which one is "this Meghan Markle sef". So a man is fighting for his love is now a problem? She didnt take him away or isolated him from his family, If a particular place isn't feeding you the right energy and no matter what you do, people also find a way to come at you with BS because they dont like you. It's best to move out and have peace abeg.

  17. If she walks away, she will pay for it. Una never know anything. The same people wey 'accept' her for their son's happiness, na them go waste her one hand if she ever fuck up. She knows that too.

  18. Allow people to love their life ,Stella what if thye give no room pls live and let's live

  19. As usual the rhetorics of Meghan is black and suffering racism will always pop up.
    Meghan on the other hand keeps breaking protocols, going against royal traditions because she knows the black people as usual would cry foul.
    Meghan can't eat her cake and have it. the royals aren't celebrities.
    she can't be going on extravagant sprees, wearing expensive designers renovating her house from the pockets of the British tax payers and later come out to say, she wants a private life like Beyonce .hell no!.
    The royals aren't known for receiving gifts or gigs from celebrities. that's why Kate and Williams keep their distance..but ever since Meghan came, Either amal and George or Elton are paying for her trips or vacations. which is so not acceptable.
    she should have known what she signed for before entering into it.this is no movie but reality.

  20. As usual the rhetorics of Meghan is black and suffering racism will always pop up.
    Meghan on the other hand keeps breaking protocols, going against royal traditions because she knows the black people as usual would cry foul.
    Meghan can't eat her cake and have it. the royals aren't celebrities.
    she can't be going on extravagant sprees, wearing expensive designers renovating her house from the pockets of the British tax payers and later come out to say, she wants a private life like Beyonce .hell no!.
    The royals aren't known for receiving gifts or gigs from celebrities. that's why Kate and Williams keep their distance..but ever since Meghan came, Either amal and George or Elton are paying for her trips or vacations. which is so not acceptable.
    she should have known what she signed for before entering into it.this is no movie but reality.

    1. So true, she’s always using her skin color as an excuse for her bad behavior

    2. Manipulative isn't smartness

      When will people understand that?

      Meghan no smart

    3. Thank u ooh,@anno16:41,black people eh,they are the real racists,when kate was named waity katie ,nobody talk ooh,as e don reach meghan so,they are running mouth like tap,meghan is the only cause of her problems,because she wants to be known as modern and "woke".Her popularity rating is reducing everyday.

    4. Please mention one protocol she has broken??? You are just regurgitating what the tabloids are saying. The issue is simple. Those of us old enough remember the FergievsDiana saga. The press will always pit one royal wife against another. Meghan is being used as a smoke screen to deflect from paedophile Andrew and William's affair.

  21. That's their business, my own anger is that ugly, shapeless wedding gown she wore to get married last year. I was so disappointed cos I was filled with anticipation, waiting to see her dress. Imagine seeing a man with big dick, you're already wet, and waiting only for the man to last 2 minutes Loud hissss

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  22. Anonymous 15:25, your point exactly is....?

  23. I would not give diddly to the ppl who hate me. So they hate you and expect you to share all of your precious moments and self with them? For what purpose? Kate and William concerned about Meghan being a divorcee and older than Harry, yet it was William who was recently involved in a cheating scandal. I guess the eight years engagement did not make him anymore faithful. Meghan is older but still look younger than them. Kate and William who both look like middle aged adults should be ashamed to speak of anyone else's age when they look so damn raggedy.

    They are married, have their child and will survive all the criticism. Acting like this royal family is anything anyone should salivate over to get into. Charles with his cheating on Diana and telling Camilla he wishes he was her tampon, lame ass without any lyrics, who the hell tries to turn on a woman by wishing he was her tampon. And the other brother Andrew who is embroiled in the Epstein scandal right now, not to mention his daughter who took over a married man for herself. Who the hell are these ppl to think they are better than anybody? It is Meghan who has taken a hit to get involved with them, even with her hillbilly relatives this royal house is miles ahead in moral depravity.

  24. If Meghan poses for the press, they say she's hugging cameras, if she opts for privacy, they say she's going against protocol. If she uses tax payer's money, they complain she's wasteful, if she uses her own or accepts a friend's gesture, she's criticized for breaking protocol. A woman obviously can't drink water and drop her cup in peace; and some of u here argue that it isn't plain prejudice? U say ppl are merely playing the race card? What exactly is she doing out of place that's worse than what other members of the royal family have been known to do? Isn't it obvious that aside from a desire to have the marriage fail, the Press are out to boost their sales on her matter? Stella it's like the Euro press mentality is getting to u too. If it's all about Meghan, why are they gradually drawing Archie into the arena? Why is there a sudden change of attitude towards Harry who was, prior to his marriage, their 'blue eyed boy', notwithstanding his naughty lifestyle at the time? Well OFF COURSE it's a race thing! Just call a spade what it is! The only feud going on among the young royals is the one being formented and foisted on the minds of the reading public by the press, as far as I see it. Leave the four ppl to sort themselves out. There are tonnes of USEFUL things to report. Focus on those. Is professional journalism really going into extinction? Why do I constantly get the feeling that Kate's mother and her camp are behind all this bad press and internet bashing, sef. My thoughts, sha.


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