Stella Dimoko Wednesday Day Spontaneous Post...


Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wednesday Day Spontaneous Post...

#hashmeeintagthatsaysitall #michbichyich #dasbedeutungistnichtveloren #hashtagdramaqueen #estistnichtvorbeibisesvorbeisit #positiveoutblickistrichtig
#frauencrushtag #womancrushwednesday #lastdayinjuly...

Hello You!!!

The English 101 post...I see all of una for google checking up and coming to correct me...I didn't say the Correcter was wrong,I learnt something and decided to post for those who didn't know to learn...To Imagine i used to correct people that its ''put to bed'' which in that context is wrong,nah wah...God bless whoever corrected me oh,them no dey know finish!!!

I do not have enough content for IHN today so send if you have but with our photos or you opt for advert without photos...

I will be opening several BBNaija posts so please don't turn the spontaneous post into a post for biggie,OK?

Yesterday several loose hands commented that i had been paid by Madam Jaaru to Blog about Someone in the big brother house....I don't get itmAre they related?Does this person have enough money to buy my interest?Una go just dey talk anyhow.....Abeg make una rest,if they keep paying me for everything i must be very rich by now right?if you made that comment send your account details to my inbox so that i can send your share...LOL

See you in other big brother posts....NOT HERE PLEASE!!

Who has already started shopping for the new school session?After buying bags that cost almost 400 euros in total last session,the Bambinos now announce they want new school bags and i intend to teach them say the son of a waffy woman no dey waste things,them go use the bags until e

Abeg make God bless your day today..............

Kisses to everyone and my darling Jaymoore....Hey Jay,will call you today!!!


  1. Good morning beeveeleons💕💕💕💕

    Remember to spend your salary wisely.😁😁 Children will resume soon ooo

    1. So which one is the correct one now?
      Is it put to bed?
      Put to birth?
      Pushed the bed?
      Or pulled the bed?

      Spongy nwa Aba.....reporting for duties

    2. Let me rant here my dad is just too meddlesome for my liking I'm so tired.

    3. HELP WITH IDEAS PLEASE31 July 2019 at 10:48


      What business can i do in Ghana to have a little change biko,about who get work for me im pennyless and not liking it please this school done finish all my money nigerians una dey try o its not easy. Ejor,biko help a sister.

    4. 9.45, pls enjoy it while it lasts.
      Though I never had this issue with my dad but I wish he was still alive even if it meant meddling in my matters.

    5. Help with ideas, what do people need around you. You can start selling that

  2. I hate goodbyes!! However, one can only hope they made a lasting impression. Change is inevitable.
    Goodmorning BVs.

    1. The most painful goodbyes are the ones that were never said or explained. Some people just take a walk without saying a word.

  3. I live in port-harcourt. I have a capital of #500,000. I want to rent a caravan beside the university of Education at Iwofe to start selling weavons and attachments. House,what is your take on this? I'm i making the right decision with this line of business or i should go for something else?
    Your opinions are needed ASAP.

    Good morning.

    1. I think sale of such things in school environments move especially if you can braid and fix weavon.You can also make nails

    2. Its a nice business idea... DonT give up on it.. Try it, you will see... Wish you luck🤗🤗

    3. Is good. If you can be selling a little bit lower than others you Will make it ,that I assure you. Good luck

    4. It's good but it will be seasonal. When school goes on break of if they go on strike, nothing much.

  4. Beautiful morning my people. May God bless us all.

    1. Shooter Gayle you called my husband a pauper? I feel like smashing your ugly head you imbecile. Do you know how many mouths he feeds? I wish I can set my eyes on you ugly whore.. Disgusting bastard like you calling a man that can comfortably feed your ugly ass a pauper. Stinking pig claiming to be what I don't know yet will be the first to raise her leprosy infected finger when a recharge card giveaway is being mentioned.
      Stella you posted what she said about my husband so it will be unfair if you don't post my comment.

    2. Seriously, we all need to learn to fight without including people's loved ones. It's a terrible way to fight. You end up losing as u will only portray yourself as a lowlife

    3. Fan don't mind the idiot shuga gyal. Very silly girl. She doesn't deserve your reply. Don't dignify her with it.

    4. Shooter gal called her husband a pauper.
      Shooter gal is
      Ugly imbecile
      Ugly whore
      Disgusting bastard
      Ugly ass
      Stinking pig
      Leprosy infested finger

      Fan 6
      Shooter gal 1

    5. The day she insulted me I didn't even take it serious, she now had to come for my husband. Shooter I am waiting for you come let's do it woman to woman you sack of trash

  5. Thank you everyone who commented and gave advice on the Yoruba MIL issue.

    My friend went to see the woman again as she was about leaving and knelt down and said she's sorry if she behaved rudely or disrespected her. The woman now started smiling and was happy and told her that she was trying to prepare her for the relatives she would meet if she comes to marry to guy, so she was just advising her. My friend told me that the woman talked for long and didn't tell her to stand so she was on her knees throughout and she joked that if it'll be like that everyday, she would definitely develop knee injuries. Lol.

    SHE said she always genuflected whenever she saw the woman but she was not satisfied and expected her to kneel everytime they saw. The first time she was introduced to the woman was on the street and the woman expected her to kneel down in the middle of the road to greet.

    I told her that was how it was because I lived in Lagos and I'm familiar with their lifestyle and told her that as a foreigner to them (she's from the North), it was going to be difficult for her. I also told her to ensure that she has a good support system that will protect her and defend her from family attacks.

    SHE was quiet and said OK that she would think about it. They are looking to get married maybe next year.

    Her and the boyfriend live in a different city from his family, but not together. (side eyes at ANG) She said she didn't want to appear desperate so she didn't visit the mum everyday which made the mum angry that she didn't use to come and greet her and check up on her everyday. The mum even insinuated that she was being nice and she would meet other relatives who wouldn't be as nice as her, that's why she's correcting her now, in the early stages, so she will learn.

    People of Sdk, the thing even tire me sef, but it's up to her to make her decision for herself.

    Thank you again for your time. Thank you, Stella.

    1. Kneeling shouldn’t be strange to a northerner na, no be Hausa women we dey see wey go kneel bow head until the person they’re greeting leaves?

    2. If she can do eye service well well, she will be fine. Most yoruba mothers prefer that to u being yourself

    3. Ya friend n u are close o 😁😁😁 or is your friend u? Or is you her? Is her you? 😁😁😁😁😁

  6. I'm waiting for the bbn post, all these fake news carriers.🤔

  7. Good morning, everyone,
    Just to advice that lady on yesterday's RANT post who went about taking postinor 2 just because the husband said he wasn't/isn't ready for kids now.

    Why put your life in danger because of your husband? Do you know what postinor does to a lady's system? If only you knew, you wouldn't use it the way you r using it. Yes it avoids pregnancy but its a kind if drugs that should be taken not more than twice a year.

    If you are unable to bear kids, your husband may go out and have these kids. This same man saying he isn't ready will be the one that may call you barren someday.

    If anything happens to you, this same man wouldn't think twice to get another woman.

    If he can't use a condom or do temporary male family planning method he should be doing withdrawal.

    Stop using it from now. If belle enter, enter...

    To that woman who beat her one year plus kid as a result of frustration, don't try it again.

    To all those frustrated cos of no job after years of graduation, hope on God. I am in same shoe with you after graduating almost nine years now. I keep myself happy and hoping God blesses my side hustle someday.

  8. Happy last day in the month of July, July is damn too fast, thank God for everything. Bye to July Leo, welcome August Leo

    *Larry was here*

  9. Good morning everyone. How una dey.

    Bv Ennie please send me an email as soon as you see this comment.

    If you have not seen your data, please get back to me let's resolve it. Okay

    ....Alright kisses everyone. Hi Fabmum.

  10. No one is an island of knowledge, we learn daily,i have been buying the school stuff little by little before they increase the price twice by September, may God help every home with new term expenses

    1. The fear of september is the beginning of wisdom.

  11. I dreamt of Bv Krix and Bbnaija Lolu.

    1. Were they entangled in the dream?

    2. Hahaha 😂 😂 😂 😂 Blackberry you're a clown 🤡

    3. Madam PA why are you dreaming of Krix my boo?are you trying to tell me something?the day you snatch him is the day i will sack you ooooooooooooooooh.

    4. Krix na man or woman?

    5. Hahahahaha your boo is unsnatchable!!!

      Just Krix!

    6. Hahahaha Boss I am not snatching o.

      But we can share 👯

      Just Krix how's you and Bishop. That's what I asked you in my dream.

      Then I saw Lolu. He shared a post on Instagram. A girl. I don't know if it was his wife or daughter. I wanted to confirm. Only for me to wake up and realized it was a dream.

      Usually most times I wake up and don't remember my dreams. But this one I remembered.

    7. Bishop is well and good ‘my beloved’ staying on his lane as always,as u all know, next week, 6th August precisely will be the 2nd memorial service of Ozubulu massacre. Doing it on a low key based on what’s on ground!

      Just Krix!

  12. *Painful Sex*

    *When Sex Becomes Painful, What You Should Do And Know. By Dr. Chudi Ufondu.*

    Intercourse pain, or dyspareunia, can cause problems in a couple's sexual relationship. In addition to the physically painful sex, there is also the possibility of negative emotional effects. So the problem should be addressed as soon as it arises.
    ● What Causes Painful Sex in Women?
    In many cases, a woman can experience painful sex if there is not sufficient vaginal lubrication. When this occurs, the pain can be resolved if the female becomes more relaxed, if the amount of foreplay is increased, or if the couple uses a sexual lubricant.

    In some cases, a woman can experience painful sex if one of the following conditions is present:

    1 • Vaginismus. This is a common condition. It involves an involuntary spasm in the vaginal muscles, sometimes caused by fear of being hurt.

    2 • Vaginal infections. These conditions are common and include yeast infections.

    3 • Problems with the cervix (opening to the uterus). In this case, the penis can reach the cervix at maximum penetration. So problems with the cervix (such as infections) can cause pain during deep penetration.

    4 • Problems with the uterus. These problems may include fibroids that can cause deep intercourse pain.

    5 • Endometriosis. This is a condition in which the tissue that lines the uterus grows outside the uterus.

    6 • Problems with the ovaries. Problems might include cysts on the ovaries.

    7 • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). With PID, the tissues deep inside become badly inflamed and the pressure of intercourse causes deep pain.

    8 • Ectopic pregnancy. This is a pregnancy in which a fertilized egg develops outside the uterus.

    9 • Menopause. With menopause, the vaginal lining can lose its normal moisture and become dry.

    10• Intercourse too soon after surgery or childbirth.

    11 • Sexually transmitted diseases. These may include genital warts, herpes sores, or other STDs.

    12 • Injury to the vulva or vagina. These injuries may include a tear from childbirth or from a cut (episiotomy) made in the area of skin between the vagina and anus during labor.

    13 • Vulvodynia. This refers to chronic pain that affects a woman's external sexual organs -- collectively called the vulva -- including the labia, clitoris, and vaginal opening.

    It may occur in just one spot, or affect different areas from one time to the next. Doctors don't know what causes it, and there is no known cure. But self-care combined with medical treatments can help bring relief.

    ● How Can Painful Sex In Women Be Treated?

    ~ Some treatments for painful sex in women do not require medical treatment. For example, painful sex after pregnancy can be addressed by waiting at least six weeks after childbirth before having intercourse. Make sure to practice gentleness and patience. In cases in which there is vaginal dryness or a lack of lubrication, try water-based lubricants.

    ~ Some treatments for female sexual pain do require a doctor's care. If vaginal dryness is due to menopause, ask a health care professional about estrogen creams or other prescription medications. Other causes of painful intercourse may also require prescription drugs.

    ~ For cases of sexual pain in which there is no underlying medical cause, sexual therapy might be helpful. Some individuals may need to resolve issues such as guilt, inner conflicts regarding sex, or feelings regarding past abuse.
    ~ Call a doctor if there are symptoms such as bleeding, genital lesions, irregular periods, vaginal discharge, or involuntary vaginal muscle contractions. Ask for a referral to a certified sex counselor if there are other concerns that need to be addressed.

  13. Good morning Stella and bvs
    What i read about POSTINOR on yesterday's Rant post scared me to death and the replies! My roommate introduced the drug to me when i was in 100level and now I'm in 500level and still using it. I have never really thought about the side effects except that it do delayed my periods, i don't even know it's harmful. I use it like twice every month. I'm getting married late this year I'm so scared and worried, Has anyone used it for that long and still conceive? Does it cause infertility?😭😭

    1. Hi dear

      I've been I your shoes before (back in university days) and I was scared AF.

      Postinor should be an emergency drug(like a rape case, a burst condom e.t.c). it is not meant to be a regular contraceptive because of its high hormonal effects which can cause breast cancer, ovarian cancer or cyst, imbalanced hormones, fertility issues.

      So please stop taking it, and don't worry, you will get pregnant when you marry

    2. I have noticed its rampant among Nigerian girls that are sexually active and refuse to get on regular birth control. No one can tell you if you can conceive or not in the near future but it is damaging even doctors advised me to stop taking it.

  14. Good morning to you all...

    You shouldn't grace some Comments with replies sometimes... I am not watching BBNaija but, I am following up with clips online and comments from BVs, just incase some people decide to have three mouths towards the end of the live show....

    Things are on sale now, I will go for shopping for my boy this week after reading and signing the school contract today (I changed his school) I would know what to buy for the new school year.
    Stella Please, allow your kids to carry their school bags for the new school year and you can get them another one next year.
    I believe those are very good and durable bags, so they should be good for one more year before giving them out and buying them new ones.

    Wishing you all a fruitful and peaceful day.

    1. Good morning Madam,

      "Stella Please, allow your kids to carry their school bags for the new school year and you can get them another one next year." => I think you got it WRONG. Stella does NOT want to buy new BAGS for her children. Instead her CHILDREN are the ONES who WANT new BAGS. It is important to READ well before giving ADVICES. If I were to be their mother I would NOT buy new bags as well. Life is NOT only about what we WANT but rather what we NEED. The CHILDREN need to VALUE what they have ALREADY and appreciate their parents' EFFORTS. Have a GREAT day and stay BLESSED :)

    2. My dear anonymous, I understood it is the kids that are demanding for a new school bag, but the power and decision making still lies on Stella, their mother; that is why my comment is directed to her.

      The kids can't get new school bags if their mother is not agreement with it.

      Bless you.

  15. good morning bv's ,wishing you all a blissful day.@Stella pls oh God go do they will be paying you all this money people keep talking about.u aree helping people so i know if they pay you more people will be blessed.Make i rest my head

  16. Don't let anyone remind you of your past, judge you or even hold it against you. They didn't know the many battles you did overcome that still keeps you standing. If you hadn't made it better today, trust me, your past won't have been a thing of discussion to people who didn't want to see you happy.

  17. God biko bless our day 🙏🙏

    Good morning to everyone who...

  18. How do you handle or fuck up a manipulative step mom who has used jazz to charm my dad and clearly hates the kids. Someone should tell me before i commit murder

    1. Pour your first morning wee on your dad's face,fiam him brain go reset.😂😂😂😂. Read it on this blog o.

  19. Woke up this morning with a mild headache. I know that favour is gonna locate me today cos God gat my back. Good morning this morning.

    1. How is it so easy for you to love God and yet hurl insults at his creation made in his own image?

    2. Sorry dear. Panadol extra to the rescue

    3. Did you not see the part where God's creations were insulting me and Tacha? No be God create me too?

  20. Good morning dear Stella,am laughing right now as you said they will use the school bags till e old! Na im be say you go buy end up buy bambinos something las las. Remember say them get sense pass you ooo! Great week to everyone 😘

  21. Good morning lovelies.
    May today be good to us all

    Don't know why I'm not interested in this yr's bbn
    Nice day y'all

  22. that means the Yorubas have a rigorous pattern of greeting. If even Yoruba women find it tasking, it must be really tough for others to adapt to..for the Igbos you can even lie on the bed and greet your in-law and that does not mean you have no respect for them

    1. They won't find it tasking if that's the way they have been brought up from childhood. I for one, don't and there's nothing rigorous about that. The one's who complains probably does it igbo style while growing up. Then when they want to get married to their fellow yorubas they nag.

  23. Crazyhornywife31 July 2019 at 08:24

    😂😂😂😂😂😂 I rolled on the floor laughing @the son of a waffy woman.

  24. Good morning all
    May God bless the works of our hands today.
    @Mary.Success, I saw your reply late yesterday. My dear sister, I can only afford to give them food from the one I cook and sell every morning. I can't afford to give anyone money.

    1. HELP WITH IDEAS PLEASE31 July 2019 at 10:52


      What business can i do in Ghana to have a little change biko,about who get work for me im pennyless and not liking it please this school done finish all my money nigerians una dey try o its not easy. Ejor,biko help a sister.

    2. @Mrs Gee. I am not aware u sell that case u can let d grandma know about it.i thought it was food meant for ur family personal consumption that you want to be giving her.May God reward us all.

  25. Those married women that come here to rant that their husband don't provide for them and their children yet they keep getting pregnant for more children, are you people OK.
    You want to kill the poor man?
    He is broke and you still went and got pregnant again. What happen to using protection or birth control until his condition improves? Or if you decide to get pregnant, then be ready to take the responsibilty
    Why Keep fucking raw and getting pregnant like rat and then come here to rant?. Nonsense

    1. So the useless broke men didn't know to use condom or birth control? You must be a man to have said this rubbish. Let them focus on making money than fucking raw. Nonsense

    2. 10:18
      Women bear the burden of childbirth most, it is for the woman's good to force the man to wear a condom or she should take precautions not to get pregnant. Getting pregnant when there is no money is very frustrating and draining. Having a baby in that broke situation? Hell! Every mother can attest to this.
      See the number of women who come here to beg for baby things and food/school fees compared to men.
      OK, if you insist that it's the man's duty to prevent pregnancy, keep fucking raw but don't come here to disturb our comment section with begging and rants, Inugo?

  26. Morning kings and queens.
    Don't withdraw all of your salary today😄

  27. Thanks for the message SDK.
    See this guy He has visualised his dreams, perfected his plans, waiting to strike. When you see a surprising comments with his ID know he's not the one it is his colleagues.
    He cannot make Teejay and Cutest Pat mistake🤗🙌
    Local man will busy at work in Ibadan city, colleagues will log into to comment using his phone in lagos.


    1. What teejay mistake? Are you that stupid to come up this early morning mentioning me in your useless rant? Do I have a business with you. I know most of you guys still feel pained that your expectations of me was disappointed and dashed away and time have proved you all wrong. Keep wallowing in your foolery.

    2. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

      Make we just dey look

    3. They tied your legs with shekele teejay you cannot operate here, try your game using a new id

    4. Joy yes. Shhhhhhhh
      He's beating about the bush not sure how to act.
      Anon is right, bigbanty is his copycat

    5. Teejay calm down. Your colleague has used your phone to comment before na. The anon did not lie

    6. That disclaimer is a preamble, just in case he's busted, he will quickly blame his "friend". We know those moves.

    7. Hahahajahahahah
      Bvs Wee not kill me..

    8. Teejay have you forgotten how 'your colleague' commented with your phone sometime last year?
      We don't forget things here remember?

    9. It was actually a question the said colleague used my phone to asked anonymously. I was brief about it, and I was even the one that recommended that the question should be asked on the blog that answers will be given therein. It was when I send another comment,I discovered I am anonymous. When called out that I went anonymous, I had to explained. This was how it all came about. So what is the mistake here? What are you guys even talking about? I am still waiting for those who called me scam to rejoice over their hallucinations.

  28. Thanks for the message SDK.
    See this guy He has visualised his dreams, perfected his plans, waiting to strike. When you see a surprising comments with his ID know he's not the one it is his colleagues.
    He cannot make Teejay and Cutest Pat mistake🤗🙌
    Local man will busy at work in Ibadan city, colleagues will log into to comment using his phone in lagos.


    1. Leave big Banty, we understand, that's an old format he's trying to use.

  29. I'm so conscious of my 'k' legs these days 🤦
    Even my dad and friends yab me about it ,it's no longer funny to me 😖

    1. Biko rock your K with style. Wear what clothes and shoes that won't highlight them. Look at celebrities like Mercy Aigbe , Juliet Ibrahim, etc, see how they rock theirs. Na k-leg you get you nor kee pesin

    2. You should be grateful you have legs. What about those without legs? Reason with me

    3. Wear heels 👠 and catwalk with your shoulders held up high in the sky.

      Things you should be proud of, you have two walking legs, a complete body and a sane mind.

    4. You need a chapter from Chika Ike's book.

    5. chei see my story those days.......ROCK YOUR LEGS my dear,they will get tired..its cos you have not achieved anything yet in life,when your father starts eating your money he will worship yur legs....

      I have knock knees,used to be really bad but not so bad now and excuse me i rock what i have di nor kee persan,rock yur legs

    6. Knock knees?

    7. In the very early days of her career, JLO was abused so much about her huge ass. She decided to flaunt it the more and the rest is now history. As my gran would say, use their insults as body cream to make you glow.

    8. Why are you rolling your eyes? @Anon 09:37. Goggle is your friend, it is called knock knees.

    9. Anonie 9:37, Yes o. Knock knees.

      That's the English word for it.

      K-leg is just a derivative.

      Or maybe you're just shocked about the revelation? 😀

  30. Good morning everyone.
    Stella thanks for all that u do for us oo. Thanks for the data i appreciate much.
    Beloved, thanks a lot for giving me audience yesterday when i had a complaint. U are far too sweet.
    May God bless u both 😘😘😘

  31. Good morning everyone . Stella you can do school bag giveaway and get them new bags. Thanks

    1. Imagine! Can’t you be selfless for once?

    2. Stella should do school bags giveaway? Do you think the bag will reach you here all the way from Germany?

  32. Morning to everyone. Wishing us all a blessed day.

  33. I woke up angry this morning biko. My husbanf doesnt give me money for upkeep and he knows how I hate asking for money. I'm not the one buying things in the house but 🙄
    At least use ur mind now.the job I got he said he doesnt like.... Na wao

    1. What does the Bible say: ask and it shall be given unto thee, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you.

      Some of you women just falsely assume that your husbands are supermen...

      He can not enter your mind to know that you need money for upkeep, go to him and ask him for money and he will give to you, don't come on social media to talk down on him and then, allow unknown people to bash him just like that.

      Communication helps to a large extent.

    2. not that hard.. talk to him about it...

    3. Miss A is not everybody that can ask oo.
      For me, I will just be thinking about it in my head till it results to anger.
      I'm not used to begging people for stuff but now my hands are tied.I can just wake up and start something without us agreeing to it.

    4. Jokingly say babe i need money. if he says for what isnt there food at home ? reply i know but i just want small money in my account to be staring at 😔😊😁. My point is you dont need to be rigid or serious when asking. Playfully make your request known.

  34. Please who has listen to "The Champion" by Nathaniel Bassey. That song was sang in church and have never been crazy in church the way i was, came back and downloaded it Asap. It a song that sparks me up God

    1. Nathaniel Bassey, is a good artist. Let me download as well. I love listening to songs done by him. Met him once at Asaba. Such a lovely handsome man.

    2. The line that makes me teary is "In you alone,I make my boast.. ."

  35. Here in Nigeria, before the holidays are the best time to buy school supplies.
    Once its resumption month, Sellers will increase the price.
    I will try to buy my kids school bags and lunch boxes this August.
    I reject September shopping ohhh

    1. very true, they increase prices of school supplies during September

  36. A cool Wednesday morning it is over here. May God direct our Steps to where our breakthrough is.

  37. Legally blonde31 July 2019 at 08:53

    King of Boys!!!!!!!!! kemi Adetiba and the cast and crew of that movie got 15 out of 10. Flawlessly delivered....
    Amazing cast combination....
    and hello hello I just got a new crush��, Paul Sambo is toooo cute! Haba mana

    1. Paul Sambo has always been cute.. Is he married?

      Yes, Kemi is the best right now in Nigeria 🇳🇬.

    2. Would love to watch one day lol

    3. Legally blonde pls where did you watch it? is it still showing at the cinema?

  38. Pleasant morning to everyone.

  39. Good morning to u all my fellow beevees. Please shooter gal I went to the stores for the clarins u suggested for me,babe the price was something else and I took off,babe better make an affordable cream and soap suggestion for me. I'm very fair in complexion just that my face is filled with acne,no black spots by the way. Please my lovely beevees put mouth for this matter abeg,I need to look good and also I need to be stepping out without make up some times. Help me oo my people

    1. Invest in your face, why'd you think its expensive? Dont go & use rubbish that'd make things worse for ur face.

    2. Clarins is quite expensive, that’s if you can even get the original.
      Go for shear butter (ori) and see how you glow.

    3. Exfoliate your face once or thrice a week. I make use of Organic scrub. Then cleanse your face using a good salicylic 1%-2% cleanser. Neutrogena works well.

      Then reduce processed sugar, soda, fried foods and salt intake.

      Increase your green veggies and fruit consumption.

      Then drink enough water daily and you are good to go.

      I don't use cream on my face.

    4. Clarins is expensive but worth every penny. Trust me, you will glow and your skin will thank you for it. I usually buy my range in bulk when they have their sales in December or whenever i have a friend or family member travelling to France. It's a lot cheaper there.

    5. Beloved pls recommend a good facial scrub

    6. Rituals face scrub

    7. Thanks Dearie's,@ Nicole,dear I can't afford clarins for now,maybe later. Beloved I have jotted down what u wrote,and I will do just that. U all are the best

  40. has anyone used extract body lotion? how good is it and how much is it?

  41. Stella, pls post this.

    I got pregnant and i've been feeling terrible, thinking of many things, hating myself and wishing i'd just die.

    When my suicidal thoughts didn't pull me down enough to actually do it, I started to imagine losing the pregnancy because i don't know what to do. It totally disrupted my plans already.

    Sometimes, i'd just have conversations alone: to me, i'm talking to the foetus, i always ask her "pls, can you wait for another time when i can love you and give you a better father?" Other days i get mad at the innocent soul and shout "don't you get it, i want you to have a better life; i always end it with tears and still beg it to go and come another time.

    I pretend to everyone but my brother sees through me and he's always trying to get me to care and be happy. I stopped caring for my health and won't take my medications.

    I was given some baby clothes yesterday and the realisation of how easy it would be to love this child overwhelmed me. It became real to me; the woman is married and ttc, she's had miscarriages too. See me with a gift others would love to have.

    I pray God gives me strength to do better and raise this child well.

    Don't bother insulting me, i do that to myself everyday. I have a timetable of how i dish it as breakfast, lunch, snacky and dinner.

    1. Just hang on dear. The love you’ll receive from that little one will amaze you. You’re about to get the one person who’ll love you unconditionally and see you as everything even when you think otherwise.

    2. Stop insulting yourself dear, this child you're carrying will bring you joy and happiness. It must surely end in praise. Be happy and take good care of yourself.. Kisses

    3. See you are gradually falling into pre- natal yourself young lady.pls!

    4. life!! I've had two miscarriages this year and just this morning I spoke the things I wanted into existence. I spoke about how I would carry my baby to full term when next I get pregnant which would be August! I spoke about how I would testify and lift people's spirits up and give them hope with my testimony and someone is here wishing her own baby away. Lord please bless me with this gift. I want it and I want it now! I don't have all the money in the world but we'll be fine. myself and my hubby will be great parents. Lord please open the eyes of this lady to see that a child is a blessing. Daily fill her heart with love for her baby. Everything that'll be needed to take care of her baby, I ask that you lord will provide. Thank you father for you have heard me. In Jesus mighty name. Amen!!

    5. It is alright to feel overwhelmed but please forgive and love yourself, love your baby and keep telling him or her that you do. That baby will bring joy in your life, just wait and see.

    6. This touched me I wish there was a way to reach out to you.
      I was lamenting last week and crying about something i am ashamed to admit.
      I pray this child surpasses your expectations and becomes a blessing to you even before the child is birthed. You will know indeed the coming of this child brought open doors

    7. Annon 8:58 I know how you feel because I feel same, got pregnant the baby's father wants nothing to do with the baby so I told him I had aborted the child. I have wished the child away countless times but with time I have grown to accept it because I know so many people wishing they have what I have.

    8. Anon 10:30. Your testimony is now!

    9. Anon 12:34, Amen!!!! Thank you🤗

  42. From hashtags women monitors��

    #est ist nicht vorbei bis es vorbei ist

    #das be deutung ist nicht ve(r)loren

    Positive outlook is right����

    Women crush tag��‍❤️‍��

    Miss A say ohon ohon.
    Sdk were �� your hashtags.

  43. From hashtags women monitors😋

    #est ist nicht vorbei bis es vorbei ist

    #das be deutung ist nicht ve(r)loren

    Positive outlook is right😘😂

    Women crush tag👩‍❤️‍👩

    Miss A say ohon ohon.
    Sdk were 👀 your hashtags.

    1. Hon Hon Hon 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😜😜😜😜

    2. I follow for the team.
      I say ohon ohon.we know German too na haba.
      Ich liebe all die guten Frauen hier

  44. I couldn't sleep throughout last night until early hours of today yet I still woke up at the normal time that I do wake up. I need a good rest that comes with sleep but it doesn't just seem to be coming. I think I need sleeping tablets let me not go and collapse one day. Who will take care of these kids f I do?

    1. It might be when it is time for you to sleep, you are thinking about so many things and at the end it keeps you awake, try to relax your mind when it is bed time. You can do this by meditating on positive thoughts, listening to music to calm you or reading a chapter of a book.

      Everything will be okay, God's got you.

  45. We are just trying to beg this landlord from ejecting this tenant who beat his wife till she fainted. He has already given them quit notice last month yet the man did not stop beating his wife

    1. You all are begging the wrong person... you should be begging the wife to leave that uesless marriage.

    2. And the wife is still with him waiting for him to kill her? You people should stop begging the landlord, let the man go and kill his wife somewhere else.

  46. Plant in July..Harvest in August..Bless me more now and always oh' Lord... (Amen)

  47. An average Nigerian considers any movie that doesn't contain elements of violence, immorality and spiritism as boring. Some movies are meant to be just funny. Not gri-gri every time.

    Y'all need Jesus😁

  48. Pls I need name of good schools around jakande, agungi, igboefon and chevron side pls. We just moved in and I am trying to find schools that are very good between 200k to 300k

    1. Imperial Gate school Lekki phase 1 is very good. I live around your axis but my kkds go there. Otherwise, there's New Hall in Chevvy View Estate or Chrisland School in VGC

    2. Chrisland school vgc is very expensive,did you not see the person's price range?

  49. City chocolate31 July 2019 at 09:20

    Good morning beeveelons( in Ola's voice). Good morning tante Stella.

    So on Monday night, my brother came home and told us a guy on our street ( he does electrical wiring and is quite popular on our street) daughter and family friend drank sniper because they failed their post ume exams. The guys daughter died and has been buried because they are Muslims and the family friend drank but spat it out( according to the rumor). She's in coma now but they said she's responding to treatment. According to the gist, the family friend was the one who initiated the idea of drinking sniper but the guys daughter didn't watch to see her swallow it but she drank her's.

    So am like why drink sniper because you failed your post ume exams. Some wrote theirs 4-6 times before they got admission, some even passed graduated but don't​ have job. And it's not like you're in your late 20's and haven't gotten admission. For crying out loud, you're just 18 and still have more years ahead.

    May her soul rest in peace and I pray the other lady recovers in Jesus Name Amen. Probably when the family friend recovers she'll tell us the real gist. Please say NO to sucide, Sucide is not the answer. JESUS IS THE ANSWER!!!!

    Have a blessed and mega breakthrough day.😄😄😅😆

    1. It took me seven years to finally get an admission to school and I ended up reading a course that doesn’t thrive in Naija. No job, no career, but I’m still grateful for all God has done.

  50. Husband: look at that man, he is not helping his wife carry any of their three kids. She is carrying them all alone. Me i will helping carry our little boy everywhere.

    Me: why are you comparing yourself with a wicked man, instead of you to show me a man that built a house or bought a car for his wife. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  51. please BVs...I'm confused on the pet ne for my Fiancé... either "My sunshine🌞" or "My Heart💜💜"

    which is better?

    1. if your Fiance's got money "my finance" if you call him sunshine and rain fall you go need change am to "my rainfall" your heart? hmm what if?? what if? lol kidding o.. less work this morning #softwork

    2. Dear, I don't think you have any problem facing you in life. Of all things to worry about in life, you chose this one. Okay continue with the sweet names.

    3. What were you calling him before he became your fiancé?🤨🙄🙄

    4. What do you feel. Which does he like.

      If his name is Obinna, then call him Obim 'my Heart'

    5. please answer me🙏

    6. lol @TEEJAY....Please which of the pet names do you prefer

    7. Pet name problem this early morning? You will be alright

    8. LMAO 🤣🤣🤣 @ Na me talk am

    9. I can't seem to comment with my main google account
      Can anyone help. If I change the option to comment with Google acct my profile won't show by the side and I won't see my comment. Pls what can I do oo

    10. The way you feel about him determines the name you call him Eg, my Joy, my heartbeat, my lollipop, honeypie, swiripie , my one and only etc or create a pet name from his name Eg Taiwo =Tlove

  52. Good morning, its a cold Wednesday morning over here tho, have a splendid day y'all 💋💋💋

  53. Please what does it mean to have your feet adorned with jewelry and food items in a dream. Clairvoyants in the house help o. I've been feeling some type of way, some strange feeling.

    1. You are a dibia.

    2. You will become great, if only you won't loose focus,because forces will fight against it...

    3. Thank you very much

  54. I'm in my 40th week and I don't sleep anymore because I'm aleays thinking of how or when I will deliver.
    Yesterday my doc swept my membrane and told me the cervix is still close.
    I was asked to come next week so I can be induce. I really don't want that because I heard its very painful and all.
    I don't know if I should wait one more week or get induced next week. Chineke pls help me ooo.

    1. My dear labour can start any moment even as we are speaking. So next week is even far.. Just be prepared and hand everything to God. As for the inducement, everything about labour can be painful the most important thing is that it will surely end in praise. CONGRATULATIONS

    2. Thanks fan

  55. Am I the only one that is always extremely horny during ovulation? Mine is something else and the sex is always so sweet. I went for my friend's birthday bash two days back. I was so horny I went to the toilet to finger myself. I didn't even reach my house, I passed to my boyfriend's place to collect dick and I still dildoed myself at night . I hope I'm normal o.

    1. Hahahahahahahaha... Just be careful ooo

    2. You are abnormal. You have high libido, tame it before it gets out of hand

  56. Good morning everyone
    Holidays no allow me see road come here

  57. Stella wetin naa????? Why the rough play? Why you dey blow german for #hashtag# now i no go know wetin dem talk for #hashtag# today. Better stopeeet!!!

  58. Still reading yesterday's comments on posts. Lmao. Bvs are clowns. I saw denge and pose on one post like that and I'm still laughing


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