As the academic calendar draws to a close, it’s time for a few bolder steps. And who else represents guts and boldness to many than our fathers?
This time, No. 1 Hot Passion is celebrating Dads and their mastery of love letters. The point – can you do better than your father?
It’s not always easy to express our feelings to our significant others (especially if it’s a girl from school you have never summoned the courage to talk to). We’d rather show our love through actions, and writing letters make our love for someone so obvious. Who could be that bold?
To be honest, no one could have done it better that our parents…. the precision, rosy language, emotionally-charged and descriptive words. And the best part - the sincerity! (Just ask your mum).
No.1 Hot Passion Body Spray is giving you a chance to ‘Do it like Dad’ (If you dare), and you stand a chance to be one of the 5 lucky winners of an all-expense paid romantic dinner date!
All you have to do is:
-Follow @no1hotpasssion across all their social media platforms.
-Upload your love letter on social media using the hashtags #DoitlikeDadChallenge and #HotPassion
- If your letter gets reposted (Lucky you! Get your friends to like your letter), the letters with the highest number of genuine likes WIN.
Competition will last from now till 19th of July 2019
Good to know
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