Stella Dimoko Spontaneous Monday..........


Monday, June 24, 2019

Spontaneous Monday..........

#monday #explanations #nonsensevexings #jetlagyeah #busyday #heatwave #omgomgomgomg #stopalready #inagoodplace #hellojoblessmonitoringspirit #everyactofwickednesshasarewardacctached #enjyoyourday

Good Morning everyone!!!

You all and I still have a few loose nuts to tackle....I read where some people are complaining and my inbox had some are not happy because i did not take the advice of posts you guys don't want to see again..

Please go back to that post to read and see that if i follow your advice then i would have to stop work.....Some said stop labour room drama,stop IHN,stop Chronicles,stop EEI,stop Service year boulevard,stop writing about this and i should listen to you all?Our forefathers says that ''if you listen to everyone,you will be lost and if you listen to no one you will be lost''...I have decided to listen to myself and do what i have to do.......

Even companies do feedback and some act on it whilst others don't.....

On the people you don't wanna read anymore about,you could have said i should reduce the posts and not stop stop writing totally about those people?like are you serious?...I expected you guys to even gimme a pat on the back for keeping this place a little sane by not bringing particular stories here or allowing nudity,blood photos and s#x talk rule the day here....Come on!!!!

Let us move on...Thank you all for your feedback una hear?

please if you are sending in adverts and you must send more than one photo,please don't let it be more than three and i will use all three OK?.....I will use all three if they belong to you,and use none if they ain't yours.....

Now to the complaints about not using photos when i do foreign stories....Have you noticed that i have drastically reduced the amount of foreign stories that i do?that is because most of these photos if you use them,you will get sued by the photographers or lawyers claiming to represent the celebs and you MUST pay,especially if you have used it for a number of years.....Most Nigerian blogs use any photo and any content they like because the law does not work in Nigeria......but trust me it will get to a stage they will be able to get them in Nigeria and make them pay.....

I am trying to focus only on content i can develop that does need photos and then face Nigerian and African photos and stories....even with Nigerian photos i don't use the original photos that come with most crime stories cos i am not sure its the real photo?....One has to be careful.!!!

I hope i have explained myself well...please refer anyone that complains again to this post....let me do it my way you hear?

Thank you and have a nice day!!!



  1. I pray for any one depressed right now.... Your come back shall be greater than your setback, never give up...

    Good morning beautiful People 😘😘 😘

    1. Amen. God that started it will finish it.

    2. Please does anyone know about schooling in Germany or Philippines? Do I have to learn their language? I want to know if their lectures speak English or their native language in class. Be my friend Bvs, google is not.

    3. Anon 08;36.

      There's a German website that I know that will guide you..

      The website contains all the federal universities in Germany that offer courses in both German and English, there are courses also in English alone, and German alone..

      When I get the site, I will post tomorrow.

      Hope you have a sponsor in Germany or a blocked account??

    4. Yaba left escapee24 June 2019 at 09:19

      They lecture in English in Philipines, but you'd have to learn Tagalog to blend in, or alot will be lost to ur hearing, just like pidgin english in this country.

    5. Amen. Thanks Sonia

  2. It is Thy will oh Lord that we see this day; bless it for us,amen. Good morning all..

    1. How did the show went yesterday as regards to wrestling? #Benz#

    2. Will give you feedback this evening. It was aired at about 1am live and i couldn't stay awake to see it; but a replay will be shown today by 6pm so till then ok

  3. Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a great weekend. Welcome back to a fresh week. A new week to achieve all our set goals and dreams.


    Singles and mingles (SnM) June 2019 edition has been scheduled for Saturday 29th June. It's going to be late in the evening, say from 9pm....cos we want only serious people to be awake and apply....😎


    There's a giveaway for a kid in primary school...

    A BV wants to pay the next school fees and then add some money for books...The giveaway is for one child whose parents CANNOT AFFORD TO PAY....and it does not matter what part of Nigeria you are in.

    Please let those who really need it apply.

    Final screening will be done by SDK herself so if you made up your story, you won't get away with it..

    Interested persons should send a mail to Blog PA's email via and the winner will be announced and the money will be paid to the person 1st week of July.

    ....That's all. Kisses. Remember to make today amazing. Spread love not hate. Show kindness. Be at peace with all men.

    ....ciao. xoxo. Beloved.

    1. Good morning Beloved. #Happyanytimeiheargiveaway##Benz#

    2. P. A with sauce 🙌🙌

    3. Please how do I join in SnM?

    4. Well done Beloved. God bless the giver of this giveaway. God bless you too Stella.

    5. Abeg SDK of all the stopping biko don't stop labour room drama Na beg I dey beg o

  4. Luke 3:22
    And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, THOU ART MY BELOVED SON; IN THEE I AM WELL PLEASED.






    I see the God of all GRACE ENDORSING you for UNBELIEVABLE BLESSINGS this season in the NAME of JESUS.


  5. Where's ESE EsSaY? haven't seen her comments in a while?

    I'm good,thanks dear

    So good checking on myself. Lol...Morning y'all

    1. Some BVs will be on this blog for years & still unnoticed even wen they comment with their IDs. Some just leave for few days & most ppl know..

    2. 😂😂😂😂self love, self hype, trumpet blowing.
      On point.
      Welcome back

    3. Lmao. Yes na you gatz encourage yaself

    Monday 24 June 2019.

    Job 42:10-17

    God Shall Restore You

    Deut. 30:3

    The story of Job is not new to most believers. The Scripture described him as a faithful and true child of God who was "...blameless, upright, fearing God and turning away from evil"(Job 1). God even boasted of him before Satan; yet, great calamity befell him.

    Beloved, are you currently undergoing Job's kind of experience? Have you been faithful in your dealings with God and men, faithful in your defense of the Christian faith, faithful in your giving and support of the gospel, faithful in holy living, yet things are not working out the way you expect? Does it appear to you that your good behavior has never been appreciated or rewarded, while those with bad behavior have never been punished for once? Are you asking whether faithfulness still pays?

    Don't give up! It is not over yet! Your unexplainable sufferings could be as a result of a divine bet over your head which you are not aware of. There was such a bet over Job. He was not aware yet he held on to his faith and made heaven proud despite the numerous misfortunes that befell him.

    The Lord restored Job's fortunes double fold. He will do the same and even more for you. Keep the faith; your restoration is near!

    Your unexplainable sufferings could be as a result of a divine bet over your head which you are not aware of.

    O' Lord, help me to keep the faith and continue to make You proud no matter the misfortunes that have befallen me.

    Jer. 50; Phil. 2.

  7. Beautiful Monday morning, raining Monday, lovely weather. Lovely week ahead to everyone out there.

  8. On this day three weeks ago, I gave birth to my lovely princess. Thank you Jesus for expanding my family. She is so beautiful. Can't believe I am a mum of two adorable children now, a handsome son and a beautiful daughter . Please help me Thank God for a successful delivery.

    1. Congrats babe. Thank God for safe delivery ❤️

    2. Wow!!!
      Big big big!
      Congrats My P.H sister.
      God bless your princess and Prince.

    3. HUGE congrats! May God bless her and keep her. May blessings never cease in your home.

    4. Wow.... Congratulations to you and yours. This is a beautiful news.

      God bless and keep your little cuties❣️❣️❣️❣️🎀🎀

    5. Oh wow. Congratulations 🎉

    6. no wonder you have been missing for sometime.Congratulations her presence will open doors.amen

    7. Congrats to you... So happy for you. God bless your family always... More Blessings and great testimonies in your household.

    8. congrats retired mama and thank God for safe delivery kiss baby girl for us

    9. Awnnnn, I love babies
      Congrats RSQ, may God continuously bless your home

    10. Congratulations RSQ. God will keep them for you in sound health and strength.

    11. OH Wow.....Congratulations to the family
      May your princess be a blessing to you and yours

    12. Chai! Congrats madam! Wonderful news! Thanking God for safe delivery of a healthy baby and a healthy mom. Missed you on here.....

    13. Congrats. May God bless and keep her.

    14. Thank you so much everyone..😘😘😘. Too blessed to be cursed : yes o. I was on a pregnancy induced break from SM. Hehehehe. Shining Longrich thanks Mami. Shakara, sluttychic, de heroine, Shuga girl, Sonia, Mrs A, Eezi, Anon Thank you so much

    15. Congratulations babe.
      No wonder you were scarce in the comment section. May God guide her as she grows.

    16. Wow, congrats RSQ, may Gods blessing never depart from your family

    17. Congratulations dear!
      I am so happy for you😁😁🤗🤗🤗

    18. I'm happy for you.Congratulations dear. May God's blessings never cease in your life.

    19. Awwwwww congrats to you and your family. I love baby news.

    20. Congrats babe. God bless your cute Princess.

    21. Congratulations RSQ, God bless and keep the little one. Welcome

    22. Congratulations. God bless the little one

    23. Congratulations to you, kisses to the beautiful baby. God keep and bless your home.

    24. Awwww congratulations retired slay queen.

    25. congratulations, welcome to the club of half sleep.

    26. Congratulations Retired Slay Mama ❤ 😘

    27. CONGRATS MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    28. Congrats RSQ. May God continue to bless your family

    29. Congratulations. More blessings I wish your family

    30. Congratulations! How wonderful!

  9. We dun hear Stella. Do as it pleases you ok? After all,na you get blog. If for any reason we don't like a post we will jump and pass it. Come to think of it sef,is it not the post we complained about that gets the most comments? Man can never be satisfied so please keep up your work.

  10. Life is not the serious.
    You asked what post we would like you to stop posting and we dropped them.
    I knew it was all for fun.
    How can someone ask you to stop IHN,CHRONICLES,EEI and NYSC post 💁🏿‍♂️
    What would we have?
    These posts make this blog lively.
    I bet no one mentioned to you to stop GIVEAWAY 😂🤣

  11. Wow! Relocating to Abuja, I am so happy that I am changing base. I have spend so many years in the north, now I am leaving to Abuja. Got a job, accommodation settled, by weekend i pack all my belongings to Abuja finally. I am so happy that God gave me this great opportunity. Thank you Jesus.

    1. Congrats to you... Keep winning

    2. Thank God for you, may your new location open more doors of blessings and favor.. Congrats dear

    3. *spent

      Congrats to you!
      More wins💋

    4. Wow! Congratulations. You're welcome to the capital city. I also tap into your blessings.

    5. Is Abuja not in the north? Na wa

    6. Congrats. May you be favoured there.

    7. Congrats. U spent all ur life in north...abuja is ....well abuja is a lovely place

    8. Welcome. Here issa correct place.

    9. Congratulations darling..💚💚💙💙❤❤💚💚💙
      Let's hook up..🤗🤗

    10. Abuja is north now.... Congratulations, I tap

    11. I rejoice with you, anon. Congrats

    12. Congratulations to you.

  12. Ah Stella so the person that said you were in Paris wasn't wrong,you went for the Anumudu wedding lol.....una good morning!!

  13. Good morning lovelies 💕💕💕

    Congratulations to Oluwaburna on your BET Award. You are so blessed to have such a great mom.Her speech is everything. So articulate and intelligent. 👌👌

    Stella, you are doing a great job with this blog.
    It's in a class of its own....So unique and non competitive.

  14. Replies
    1. As in ehhh! Like say make I no go work.🤦‍♀️

    2. 😂😂😂 I still dey house oo.. The thing just hook me for here..
      Thinking of hot EBA.

  15. Good morning beautiful pple

    Just came back from the general wedding post pics of yesterday. Noticed there were a lot of shades in dat post...i didn't even know which shade to take cover away from the scorching ☀. Ahhhh Chikito urs was epic...jeez.
    Anons 9.14 and 5.03 are u guys me?😯same thought...i feel sorry for d little baby more...if we could get what really happened btw those 2😀. Not even a word,denial,defense whatsoever....

    The day will be bright for us all today Amen. PMS and its shooting price...what's happening???

  16. I read sometime ago where BV Same girl talked about Nigerian general hospital and in my mind I was like "this one no concern me".. Yesterday night I witnessed it first hand!.

    One of my inlaws called me around 9pm that she was dying in her house and needed our help .. I told hubby,and we drove straight to her house. On getting there,we met her on the floor wailing in pains.. It was just her,her baby and her house help so hubby called her husband and he pleaded with us to take her to any nearby hospital because he live and works in a different state. .

    Hubby carried her to the car and we took her to Miatama district hospital.. On getting to their emergency section hubby rushed to get the doctors/nurses on duty only for them to tell him there was no vacant space. . Hubby pleaded with them to at least come and attend to her in the car but they were all acting as if they were practicing the Niaja recent slogan of "drink water and mind your business".. It got to the point that I left the dying woman and rushed in to find out what was still delaying them only for me to meet my oga begging the we don't care doctor and nurses..

    My hubby just dragged me to the car and we left immediately to a private hospital where they attended to her case like emergency that it was..
    She's okay now and we thank God for his mercies. . BUT,it's really heartbreaking.
    Good morning everyone

    1. Wicked and heartless people. Thank God she's ok now

    2. Thank God for using you and your husband to help your relative. God bless you fan.

      Most Nigerian doctors and nurses are heartless and they have this, I don't care attitude.

    3. Thank God it ended well!

    4. OMG, i pray never to witness any of this in my life time

    5. For me, I think Maitama hospital is one of the worst general hospitals in Abuja. The people there are so callous, careless, lazy, and don't find it difficult to raise insults on patients. After the encounter I had there and Gwarimpa General hospital, I vowed not to have anything to do with any general hospital in my life again especially in Abuja. The nurses there are devils.

    6. When some of us talk about these things, we're told that we talk too much, we're bitter, we're acting too oyibo, or that it's not our business. Often, it's the people one is trying to help that attack. I've had an argument with someone and I was just thinking, "Look at this fool. You that have no money or person are arguing for sh*t healthcare service delivery. Me that will be flown out before test result is complete cos my husband doesn't want to hear story even if I don't have a dime, I'm the one you say is bitter? No wahala." In Nigeria, nothing is anyone's business till it hits the people that were saying everybody should mind their business. Then, they start looking for the so-called bitter noisemakers to help. SMH.

    7. The rot in our health system is too much

  17. Dances into the post. Good morning everyone. #TeamClassy# #Mostsuccessful# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ# #BENZ#

    1. You need to chane the way you think. Youre here celebrating someone that dont know a thing about you, fighting for her... with so much energy, energy that u can put into works & make money. Sometimes we're responsible for where we are.

    2. lol, accident freebenz

    3. Lol... You be case walahi! Hope you slept well last night and didn't chant BENZ in your dream. Your love for Ceec is just something else.

    4. Hahahahha...i know we wont hear word today from u and your Ceester

    5. 8:29 u where u dey, goat.
      Blessed Princess no mind dat one

  18. good morning beautiful people.
    Thank God for a bright and beautiful day.
    do have a wonderful and productive week

  19. Good morning to you all... Another beautiful hot day.

    Stella, even though there is always need for improvement but, I am not against any posts here.
    Sometimes, I open and scroll past some articles, but its not enough to tell you to stop posting.

    As for the foreign stories, I support your stand for not following the crowd like BN. I have not open that blog for a very long time after noticing that she is always posting in support of the faggots group.... And also forming all too foreign. Some Nigerians are so quick to dump their good morals for a white man's lifestyle and most of them always forget where they are coming from and how they started.
    Please, keep feeding us with sensible posts.
    I will always support and applaud every good thing that you do here.

    Anyways, y'all be happy and positive with life. Learn to breath whenever the going gets tough. God has given you all a mind of your own.
    Don't forget that the choice you make right now or later will come back to stare right at you in your face. So, be wise and smart.

  20. Success is not Final
    Failure is not Fatal
    It is the courage to continue that counts

    Good morning my people,
    How're you doing?
    Are you feeling OKAY?

    Have a wonderful and a fulfilling week

  21. The last time I checked, the blog does not belong to me or my father. Stella do as you please. Yours is to provide info mine is to read the ones I like and support in any way I can.

  22. Are we all on the assembly ground now? Hope you didn't arrive late? SO is like an assembly ground for bv'
    Good morning all. Do have a lovely Monday

  23. For those of you that use kayamata on your bfs and sugar daddy hope you know you are the real Yahoo plus? Using favour soap,favour oil this and that making people do things they won't naturally do.I FEAR ONA

  24. Woke up late because I was watching WWE stomping grounds.

    I missed the rest;I believe it will be shown again by 7pm today....

    Lacey Evans was about to frustrate seth.

    Thank God Seth did not hit her in anger!!!... I was relieved!

    Becky why the hell did you take so long!!!!

    This rain thank you!
    School bus will come late today..

    1. You know those things are scripted, right?


    2. So becky came😯😯😯😯
      I was angry when the crowd kept cheering Becky and she did not show.
      I angrily went to bed.

      I wish I finished it.

  25. i have this painful spots in my palms they make little holes and hurts when i press them and worst still they appear on another part of my palm when one heals.what could that be

  26. Good morning everyone.😘😘😘

    I heard a shocking story of a 14 year old boy that drank sniper cos he squandered 7500,which a man gave him to give to his wife on his behalf.

    And Run town is there asking that people be asked why they are committing suicide instead of the proposed ban on sniper.

    My position is, ban it first and then ask why suicide rates are steadily increasing especially amongst young people.

    1. people have not been commiting suicide before sniper entered market, they'd just find another means.

    2. Ban wetin? Is it only sniper they can use? Yes the root cause has to be studied with the aim to mitigate the issue.

    3. Ban what first???

      Runtown is definitely on point!! Banning sniper will not reduce suicide dear......

    4. Sniper is not the only means, before the arrival of sniper, they were using rat poison, bleach, kerosene, etc

  27. Memo Monday
    Stella I actually like the fact that you don't do nude photos and accident or bloodied photos.

    In other news, why is it that bank security men treat people according to their dressing?
    I noticed that on days I dress casually, they greet me differently, ask me to bring out my phones and other stuff so the security door would allow me in, etc. On the other hand, any day I wear native attire or good office dressing with good jewellery, shoes and bag, they will greet me specially and if I try to open my bag, they will tell me not to worry and signal to a security man at the other end of the door to open the door for me. I will just enter without stress.
    So now, anytime I have business I. The banking Hall, I dress like a big madam in order to get that VIP treatment.
    Have a beautiful week all.

    1. The saying, dress the way you want to be addressed... It happens everywhere even in the white man's land.

    2. Na Naija mentality dey worry them aka dress the way you want to be addressed.
      AkA, judge me by my dressing!

    3. Stella your blog is so interesting. You are trying and I know you will do better.

    4. Lol. Mine is anyday I have any reasons to visit the bank for any transactions, I subconsciously dress very cooperate. In fact it's so serious that most times I'm being mistaken to be a staff. I get a very warm reception from the security men and the members of staff too. Another thing is when one is beautiful, oh! the treatment is heavenly. From the security men, you'll hear "welcome to our bank fine girl" and everyone will be eager to attend to you. Then on your way out, you'll hear "thanks for banking with us, do have a nice day". And no be say person don hammer like that oo 😁😁😎! You'll see me smiling sheepishly.. This is my experience most times. I call it grace! Not that my beauty is like that of Agbani but I think the lil beauty God bestowed on me and my poise does the trick. All my bank experiences have always been good and memorable. Wheew! Sorry for the long epistle.. Good morning all. Do have a nice day and week ahead.

    5. I dont tink its peculiar to banks alone...its d same evrywhere. People address you based on how you are dressed. Hence the need to always look good

    6. #bankexperience

    7. Dreza, are you just k owing this? I have known since my undergraduate days. They will see you in jeans and Tee and talk to you like you are their child. Now I go to bank in a full regalia and even dash them #200 when going out and they hail me

  28. a very good morning to everyone, and happy new week. ...nor be by force to take advice

  29. a very good morning to everyone and happy new week...may this be favorable ijn

  30. Oooooh Lord June has been a blessing to my household!!!

    June 7th my sister added a year to her age
    June 11th was my own birthday 😍😍😍😂😂😂
    June 16th my bestie dats like a sister to me added a year too 😘😘😘😘
    And my best gift of all time,my gorgeous baby girl arrived dis world at exactly 1:52pm...jeeeez I can't stop staring 😍😍😍😍😍😍😂😂😂😂😘😘😘😘💃💃💃💃
    Wow motherhood is beautiful!! !and is a blessing dat everyone believing him for dis kind of blessing must experience especially d ttc among us in Jesus .

    1. Big congratulations to you Lady J.
      So many good news of little cuties today.

      May God bless and keep your cutie ❣️❣️🎀

    2. Congrats lady j and thank God for safe delivery. The Lord bless and keep you all.

    3. Congrats Lady J. May God continue to bless and keep your family.

    4. Yaaayyyy!!! God has indeed wiped your tears. Congratulations dear and welcome to the princess, God bless and keep her. Amen

    5. Congrats my sister. God bless your baby

    6. Congrats Lady J. Welcome princess

    7. Awwww thank God for you ....congratulations your June to jubilate!

    8. Congratulations. Kiss your baby for me

    9. Congrats, God bless you and the baby

  31. Hehe Good morning lovelies, that’s people for you, they want you to think in line with them, but it’s not always and should not always be like that. Life is beautiful when you fully analyze the pros and cons in that way you are fully prepared. I love Mondays!

  32. Happy new week bvs
    May God direct our actions as we go into the week.

  33. Pinklady, please that your weight loss recipe, am I supposed to boil the diced garlic and ginger. or I'm supposed to add them after I have boil the other ingredients. And does it work for people who are very fat? not obese though. thanks .

    1. She said add it after you have boiled other ingredients... You will still boil all together the next morning too.. You should have screen grabbed it naa!

    2. Add the diced garlic and ginger AFTER boiling the leaves(preferably at night)and then cover it till the next day.
      When you drink it early in the morning,you might want to throw up because it's very bitter🤮.Dont take any other thing till 30 minutes later(that's if you can endure it).With time,you will get used to the taste.
      Yes,it works but you will have to combine it with exercises and eat more of fruits and veggies to lose weight faster and tone your body.
      Please avoid taking medications while drinking this concoction because its medicinal.
      Good luck.

  34. So I went through the cooking tips post and thought I would learn how to cook various types of food but I just saw very few. Even though I'm glad that some of you dropped some useful tips but please we still need more. I really want to learn how to cook afang soup, please someone should kindly drop the recipe. Please South South people drop recipe to your dishes too. Una good morning oh

  35. Finally i met ihn somehow today...

    Good morning stella and bvs.

  36. Mtn has finally reviewed their data rates. Glory

    Hope its not too late, as many people have stopped using mtn data because it was really expensive.

    Stingy network

  37. My younger sister is now into ushering in shows.
    Please who has an idea about it.
    is it ok?
    she is just the job ok she seems to love it passionately but I want the best for her.
    Who has idea about ushering jobs in shows.
    I am based outside so I do not have any idea.

    Thanks you all for responses.

    1. It's better than sitting idle at home. The pay is not much and they owe them sometimes, 5k or less per outing. But they get to meet people and make good connections for better opportunities and also, the ones who need 'small gods' get to meet very rich big men for their runs.


    2. Ushering jobs here in Nigeria are deeper than you think.
      It will expose her to all kinds of people.
      Just advice her to be careful of men because they would come for her!

  38. Good morning,bvs pls I need help me o,when I'm seeing my monthly flow I usually have a heavy flow couple with pains,vomiting etc and I usually take ibucap to reduce the pain...
    But this month's is completely different, no pains,no irritation but no flow,I'm not flow at as normal,I used one pad for almost a day and it dint get FULL,is just dropping small something wrong with me? Is it bcos I take Nzu a lot?should I be worried?bvs pls help.Stella pls post o I need advice
    Thanks..I'll be waiting.

  39. Nice one Stella, do you and forget about what opl will say cos in the end you cannot please everybody.


  41. A very beautiful morning to everyone

  42. Good morning BV's. I thank God that finally, I'm able to save up money to start my treatment. It's the Lord's doing. My prayer now is to get a complete healing from God.
    When I visited the hospital, the doctors were mad at me for waiting so long before getting treatment. I only told them that they won't understand my story. Before then, I had given up on life and was waiting on the day I would be called to eternity but NO,my God wouldn't have it. He made way for me, he provided me with the money I needed for the tests, scans and some medications. Now I'm happy to say that God have not left me.
    Please join me in saying thank you Jesus. I'm so happy. I know that he who started it will never let me go till it's finished.

  43. How do you handle a situation whereby you have a 6yr old child and hubby doesn't want anymore children, I tried on my own part but the pregnancy wasn't forth coming, then I searched for job because hubby is always offshore, I was doing online business before and January I enrolled for a professional training, I have been dedicated and so busy doing well in it. Just last week I just got a free slot for advanced training in the same field. I am happy I will be kick starting my career soon because I have been sitting at home doing online business not to Hubby's knowledge. He was sad and threaten me when I started the course and up till now he isn't in support.
    I just found out that I am pregnant and I have been very sad because I didn't plan for it again, I have given up and focusing on my child and my career. Now hubby is happy and all he could say is, thank God I will be staying at home now. I didn't utter any word because I don't want to regret it later.
    Now this isn't what I planned for and also I have spent all my savings its until next year that money will be coming in when I am done with the training. How do I cope because I am not ready to give up whatever I am doing or will do because of a child ( I did that the first time and I am not ready to do that again)
    I am devastated and sad😫😫😫😫😫

  44. Congratulations Retired slay queen.
    Good morning kings and queens.

  45. Good morning BV's. I thank God that finally, I'm able to save up money to start my treatment. It's the Lord's doing. My prayer now is to get a complete healing from God.
    When I visited the hospital, the doctors were mad at me for waiting so long before getting treatment. I only told them that they won't understand my story. Before then, I had given up on life and was waiting on the day I would be called to eternity but NO,my God wouldn't have it. He made way for me, he provided me with the money I needed for the tests, scans and some medications. Now I'm happy to say that God have not left me.
    Please join me in saying thank you Jesus. I'm so happy. I know that he who started it will never let me go till it's finished.

  46. Thank God for the gift of life.Good morning everyone,have the best of today.

    Yesterday I danced!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've not for a very looooooooong time and it felt good.


  47. My boss gave me d biggest insult of my life in friday in d presence of so many people i was was so embarrassed that tears almost rolled down from my eyes.This has been going on for long,but this particular one broke me.What i go through un d office added to family stress is enough to cause me depression.I am so weak and tired even getting up from bed today was tiring.God pls help me becos i am lossing it.I need this job to enable me get a lawyer to secure my husband release from cell.Pls God help me.

    1. This just made me teary😖😖
      I dont know how else to encourage you but you just have pretend those insults were not directed at you.
      You will celebrate soon.
      Lawyers in the house,please come and help this lady!

  48. It's a rainy morning here.

    Thank God for another day.
    Good morning everyone


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