Stella Dimoko Wife Falls Pregnant For Her Step Son And Ends His Life...


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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Wife Falls Pregnant For Her Step Son And Ends His Life...

It was a marriage doomed from the beginning, and after 13 years, it culminated in a tragedy. 

Presently, the couple, who live in Lafia, capital of Nasarawa State, are gradually coming to terms with the fact that they have opened a Pandora’s box.

It started with the husband’s deceit––hiding his impotency from the woman he intended to marry; it got messier with the woman’s effort to break her 12-year barrenness by sleeping with the houseboy––and she committed worse sin by murdering the 21-year-old househelp in order to keep her secret. Then a final twist: it turned out the houseboy was actually her husband’s son, born out of wedlock while he was a randy youth. This family calamity–– with the accompanying incest and murder––was spawned by too many secrets between husband and wife.

Strange and improbable it may sound, this is actually a true-life story, a revelation that came straight from the horse’s mouth––from the main protagonist herself––the nine-month pregnant wife, Rebecca Bako, who prodded by guilty conscience on her own volition knocked on the door of a minister on May 20, 2019, to narrate the travails of her matrimony.

Rebecca Bako, arriving at the minister’s house by 8 am at first sat quietly on the bench outside. Few minutes later, she was sharing her story with the pastor in the presence of Saturday Sun correspondent.

It was a bizarre, complex, mind-numbing story of 12 years of fruitless marriage, with what would have been the climax––the birth of the nine-month pregnancy––becoming an anticlimax.

What was Rebecca’s purpose for involving the pastor? To make a confession, seek God’s forgiveness and plead with the pastor to talk to her husband to forgive her, she clarified.

In an emotion-laden voice, the beleaguered housewife recounted how a perfect marriage gradually turned sour due to barrenness. Her narrative highlighted the aggravating factors, such as a toxic mother-in-law who harangued her endlessly, her husband’s lackadaisical attitude to their childlessness, her own fear of impending menopause and the bad advice of Rose, her childhood friend.

A marriage doomed by childlessness

Before she began her story proper, Rebecca Bako spent two minutes wiping her tears.

She started with a recollection of the sunny days. “He was my best friend before we got married. We had a beautiful wedding. Our honeymoon was fun. We were ready to have children as quickly as possible so we could move on.”

As with most marriage, barrenness begets misery.

“After 12 years, I didn’t conceive, I became apprehensive because I was not young any longer and I was nearing menopause. My mother-in-law was even more desperate. She pressured her son to take another wife. I understood her position. My childhood friend, Rose, who is married in Makurdi, advised us to adopt a child, but my husband wouldn’t buy the idea.

“My mother-in-law later came to live with us in the house and she became my nightmare. She made life a living hell for me, to the extent that I contemplated suicide countless times because she insulted me and claimed that I charmed her son who is the only son in the family.”

A friend’s sinful counsel

At her wit’s end, she turned to friends for advice.

“At a point, I had to share my experience with my friend, Rose, who confessed to me that she once faced a similar problem. She suggested that perhaps my husband might have been the source of the problem all these years. Her advice to me was to find a younger lover and try having sex with him to see whether it would work. According to her, that was how she gave birth to her three children. When she discovered that her husband was finding it difficult to impregnate her after more than two years of marriage, she devised a means of bearing children for him by having an affair outside, and it had worked perfectly for her, that had been the secret to her 10 years of a successful marriage.”

Rebecca recounted her friend’s advice to her: “Go for a guy who is not yet married, who is strong enough to give you the best of sexual satisfaction any time an opportunity presents itself, whether in the night or daytime. An unmarried man can easily walk away without accepting responsibility since he will equally get married someday to raise his own family, so there won’t be complications of laying claims to the child, but do not let the guy know that he is responsible.”

She at first found such advice impracticable. “I had never cheated on my husband before,” Rebecca said. “But I was equally considering my age too––just a year away from menopause. For several weeks, I thought over it. I didn’t understand how I would submit my private part to a man other than my own husband; I didn’t know how to find a man who would sleep with me, get me pregnant, and then just walk away.”

Unfortunately, she had, at the time, reached the limit of her endurance, and the circumstance around her was not in her favour. “I’d prayed to God for a way out, but I didn’t get any immediate solution; worse still, I was conscious of my fast-approaching menopause. I concluded that if I did not act fast, I risked losing my marriage once I reach menopause the following year because my mother-in-law was not ready to take chances. She had taken the matter seriously that I must give way for her son to marry another wife who can bear her grandchildren.”

Seducing the houseboy

Bako decided to take her chances after giving the issue a lengthy contemplation.

“I concluded that it is better I sleep with our houseboy, Kenneth, who is 21 years old. I had seen his crotch whenever he wore his boxer to keep the house clean. I realised that his manhood was long and sizeable enough to perform such functions. My husband had brought Kenneth from his village to live with us. He had just finished his secondary school and was preparing to go to university. I started admiring him anytime my husband went to work. I summoned the courage and made advances, wooing him with gifts like new trousers and shirts, takeaway food and other attractive items. In no time, he succumbed to me and we started having s#x. I warned him never to reveal it and threatened to kill him if tries it. He was not too perfect in bed because of his age, but he was strong enough to give me sexual satisfaction because it takes him longer to release. We progressed in that direction and it became regular.

“After two months of this, I missed my period and the result was pregnancy. I was very happy and informed my friend, Rose that her advice has worked; what my husband could not do for 12 years, Kenneth has done it in less than three months.”

Another diabolical advice

After about four months, Rebecca’s friend, Rose sold her another terrible suggestion. She asked her to eliminate the houseboy who impregnated her. Her reason: He might one day reveal the secret and try to claim the child, thereby bringing shame and embarrassment to the couple.

“Something held me back because he was innocent and did not offend me,” she claimed. “After all, I lured him into having an affair with me against his wish.”

She continued: “But Rose continued to pester me, pointing out the dangers to me. Eventually, I had mixed Sniper (a deadly insecticide), otapiapa and rat killer with his food. I kept the meal for him and went to the hospital for medical checkup. Before my return, he had eaten the poisoned food and later died of stomach pain after four hours in the hospital.”

She cleverly managed the aftermath by convincing her husband the houseboy’s death could be due to spiritual attacks from the village. One week after his death, the body of the 21-year-old was buried, in December 2018.

“I was sad after his death. I regretted taking such action. I prayed to God to forgive all my sins and I distanced myself from Rose––I stopped picking her calls.”

While the death of the houseboy has eliminated the possible risk of future embarrassment, all she got was cold comfort.

“I notice that my husband was sad and affected by Kenneth’s untimely death. He was affected psychologically so much so it almost cost him his job at the bank. He ceased to be a happy man, even with my pregnancy. I tried severally to discuss with him about the future of my unborn baby, but it never interests him, at the time, I was in the fifth month of my pregnancy. Even though the test shows that we are expecting a baby boy, the man was still not happy at all.”

Then comes the dark secret

Three months later, early in the morning of April 30, 2019, her husband had abruptly woken her. She came awake to find him in a disturbed and depressed state. The man broke down, crying uncontrollably, unable to tell his wife the cause of his misery.

After a 30-minute cry jag, he was calm enough to tell her why he was crying.

He narrated a terrible and shocking story.

Rebecca recalled: “He started by apologising to me for not being fair to me by hiding from me what he ought to have told me from the first day of our marriage 13 years ago. I was confused. What fairness is he talking about? I became curious. Could it be that I am not the only one hiding secrets in this marriage?”

She recalled verbatim what her husband told her.

“He said: “While growing up many years ago, I lived a very rough life. I contracted a Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) and was too ashamed to go to the hospital to treat it, but opted for a local treatment, which was not working. Later I had some medical complications, the untreated virus damaged my testicles and rendered me impotent forever. I didn’t know how to tell you all these years, but earlier before the infection, my girlfriend then in my diploma programme years back got pregnant for me, and refused to abort it, and that cost our relationship. But after three years, she brought a boy to my father. I wanted to reject it but my father accepted the boy and took responsibility while I proceeded to the university. It was the same girl that gave me the disease. She died a few years later as a result of the complications too.”

At this point, his wife had asked about the whereabouts of the boy and how he was faring. Her husband’s reply confirmed her worst fear: “The boy is the late Kenneth who had lived with us as a houseboy. I didn’t want you to know his true identity. I was afraid you might maltreat him or even kill him as most women do to children who are born into their matrimonial homes from another woman. I wanted to protect him since I wasn’t going to be able to get a woman pregnant in my lifetime again.”

The embattled husband once again burst into tears. The couple then came to the knotty part of their matrimonial misfortune when the husband dropped the next bombshell: “ I knew all these while that the baby in your womb is not my own, but I was too ashamed to confront you; now that everything has come to the open, please tell me, who is the father of our unborn child?”

This was how Rebecca found herself in a classic catch-22 situation. At that point, it was clear lies would further complicate the situation.

She decided to come clean, she claimed.

“I burst into tears and cried uncontrollably. I found it difficult to explain to him. Since he had been plain with me, I knelt before him in tears and confessed to him that the late Kenneth was the father of my unborn baby boy and that I was also responsible for his death. I pleaded with him to forgive me of all my sins, that I took that course of action to protect the marriage, and the consolation is that the new baby boy will replace his late son.”

According to Rebecca, her husband’s mien had briefly reflected anger when he learnt about the circumstances surrounding his son-houseboy death. He, however, appeared conciliatory, advising his wife to let go of the past.

Uncertain future

Since their mutual confessions three weeks ago, life has not been the same between the Bako couple. Deteriorating relation between them has put Rebecca on tenterhooks.

“My husband has become a changed person completely,” she said. “He has emaciated, looking sorrowful nowadays. He hardly eats at home. He keeps late nights. As a banker, he gets home around 7 pm. Yet, he still goes out, which is very unusual of him. We hardly talk now. He hardly responds to my conversations. I am worried and even afraid to stay with him under the same roof. I suspect that he might also kill my son too when I delivered. His aloofness really worries me.”

On that note she concluded her story, bursting into tears again.

Pastor Joshua promised to meet with the husband by the weekend to hear his own side of the story before taking any decision.

Saturday Sun correspondent who was privy to the confession subsequently contacted Rebecca’s husband, who was hardly available due to the tight schedule of his job.

Daniel Bako was forthright in his response. “My brother, I am not myself. I am confused. I don’t deserve to be alive again. I am contemplating suicide. I wanted to give Kenneth the best education because he was my own blood, my only child in my entire life. I am yet to decide whether to be alive or not.”

On his wife, he is “confused about what to do with her.” He said: “It is not enough to kill my son in the name that she wants to protect the marriage. What marriage? What she did is an unforgiving crime, even if he (Kenneth) was not my son, it is wrong anywhere.”


  1. The husband and his mother were wicked
    not to have told this woman about the
    man's impotence and the out of wedlock
    child. That's it; wonderful wedding,
    honeymoon full of fun...the envy of all... does not equal a wonderful marriage.
    Many prepare for wedding, very few prepare for marriage.
    But then, the lady herself erred by
    going to play away match -never the
    solution to bareness.
    Does anyone remember these lines;
    MIL = Senior winch
    SIL = JUNIOR winches
    BIL = spare fork
    The rest = village people
    That is how Naija girls roll ooo
    One step further - fork and kill

    1. So its d mother n husband that r wicked abi, d woman is kind killing an innocent boy, olodo

    2. @14:07
      And you no even understand the "one step further by Naija girls =fork and kill?"
      Your problem is that you no dey understand my all man style yarns.
      Go to street education in naija to learn inugo?


  2. Those who were reading "the art of seduction" in yesterday BEP, do you see
    your handiwork?
    That is how you practice what you learned.
    Once adultery takes place, it is a matter of "when" will
    the deaths start, not "if".
    Just like David did it and it cost him dearly.

    1. No, the main Killer here was the lies. Lies can kill. This man should have told his wife the truth right from the beginning, so she will decide whether or not to stay. The man killed his child with his lies, but the woman is also heartless though..

    2. The man is the evil one in this story. He had his own son and was even training him under the same roof as his wife but allowed her to suffer and be constantly hounded by his mother for not having a child for him to the point that she was close to suicide when he knew all the while that he’s the one with problem. What the wife did was very evil, especially killing of the supposed houseboy. But then, what do you expect from a desperate and already suicidal person. With this man’s evil actions, if his son didn’t die by murder, the previously innocent wife would have died from depression or by suicide. Someone would have died at some point due to his selfishness. Just imagine he had opened up to his wife and also protected her from his mother? He could have even opened up and encouraged her to get pregnant by someone outside even if he didn’t open up about the houseboy being his son. That would have prevented the series of unfortunate events that followed. Men always think it’s ok for them to be selfish while someone else’s daughter suffers. Look at all this now!

  3. Hmmm,so terrible.Hope they find a way to sort it out.

    1. See sun newspaper see joro

  4. The major issue I have here is the woman killing the boy.

    1. @13:22
      Una see Naija girls, so stolen fork no be any issue to you?
      This is Rose o... There are a lot of Roses on this blog
      and I don read una on anonymous night posts (e don tey wey una offload?)
      most of you will do exactly what this women did.

    2. My thought too
      She shouldn't have

  5. Evil husband , evil wife, evil friend from hell.

  6. This man was cursed. Yes a curse is on him! U will never live to enjoy the fruit of ur manhood! No child of urs will take care of u at old age. Your whole life will crumble upon u! U know that kin Mid9t full moon naked swear? He shd search himself and go look for d woman or person he offended

    1. Hmmmmm. Looking very possible, especially with the kinda lifestyle he said he lived. He was probably chanting their usual mantra “it’s a man’s world” back then. A lot of young men these days should read this and learn a thing or two.

  7. Ese lóró. This is pathetic, it is not easy when trying to conceive, the waiting it's emotionally and spirituality draining but this is not the way out. Adultery can never be the solution instead she is covered in shame and can no longer be happy even with the pregnancy. It is well.

  8. What a sad tale!
    Please is there an age called "menopause age?"
    I never heard of that. Why is it so easy for
    women to believe a lie. She was
    so sure that her menses will
    end "next year?"
    Fear women, they can do and undo!
    Now I believe that crazy blog visitor
    that always said that if families in
    Nigeria are subjected to DNA tests that
    a lot of marriages will pack up.
    And Rose have "a very successful marriage?"
    Probably give testimonies in the church, upload "pictures of precious children on social media"
    to the envy of a lot of women.
    Her hands are full of blood.
    Wow, wow, wow!

  9. This is heartbreaking 💔

    The woman is Pure Evil, her friend is undiluted Evil.

    You seduced an innocent boy into having an affair that got you pregnant and you still murdered him in cold blood.

    The Husband contributed to this Saga, he should have confided in his wife and all this would have been prevented.

    May the Woman face the consequence of her action

    RIP to the innocent 😇 boy that was cut off in his prime.

    God, please keep Evil friends away from me and my loved ones in Jesus Name, Amen 🙏🏼.

    1. At least the boy leaves a fruit on earth before he was wickedly taken out. The selfish man is done for! No fruit, nobody to take care of him in his old age. All his labor lost just like that all because of wickedness and selfishness

  10. Hmm... the heart of man is desperately wicked.

    I’m shocked

  11. Such can you kill a whole human-being for your own selfish interest.
    The husband is a banker means they are educated people. So she cld not drag the man so they both do fertility test. Simple IVF/artificial inseminatn wld have solved this. If he can't produce spermatoza again,they can get from a donor,an anonymous person all sorted with the hospital. Nobody needs knows,even the mother inlaw.
    secret will be btw them. Even she can do artificial insemination with anonymous sperm without husbands knowledge. Better than killing smone.

  12. Mr. Bako is the primary cause if this whole calamity.

    1. No excuse for please don’t bring judgement upon yourself.

    2. They should arrest the woman, there’s no excuse for murder. God said thou shall not kill, our society also condemns killing. Why didn’t she kill herself when she learnt that her husband is unable to impregnate her? Now she wants forgiveness so that she can continue living her life and enjoying her marriage as if nothing happened. There is no peace for the wicked. Who told her that her friend Rose won’t expose her if they fall out tomorrow?

    3. I'm not judging anon.
      What I'm saying is that if this man have been honest with this lady during courtship, maybe the wife would have not agreed to marry him and all these would have been prevented.

    4. God bless you charity! Nigerians are so consumed by the need to award blame that they fail to look at the root of a problem in order to avoid it in future and so the problems keep occurring over and over again in different formats. All this could have been averted if only he told the wife he was the issue and tried to find a solution, medically, insemination etc instead of leaving her to suffer for over a decade and get desperate enough to listen to evil friends. Of course, she should pay for her sins but wouldn’t it have been better if none of it happened at all?

  13. Naa waaaa oh. I feel so sad that the 21yr old died. If only the husband had opened up to the wife, everything else would have been avoided. Kai!!! I don't even know what to say.

  14. So nobody is blaming the boy that was fucking his father’s wife? He killed himself..

  15. Complicated family from HELL...

  16. Yes! The woman's heart is evil but her husband is the root n sole cause of all the problems. If only he opened up to her, adultery, rose, murder and MIL would have been averted

  17. God himself need to peace for both parties

  18. Some people here are putting all the blame on the husband...una well done shaaa. These are the same women folks that have done uncountable abortions with no chances of conceiving and the future hubby have no idea what he's about to bring home....let me tell you something, there's a good chance the woman knows that boy was for the hubby and she deliberately seduced him and the sex continued. Remember the hubby knew the pregnancy wasn't his but didn't confront madam....Madam needs to tell us the real reason why she killed the boy

    1. So in your mind, you’ve made sense? Look, I’d all the females in your family are steady having abortions left right and center doesn’t mean you should generalize. Some of us were raised well and we have dignity. Now about the woman knowing. What does she have to lose now? She already confessed to murder, why would she hide a lesser sin in the eyes of the law? Plus, she wasn’t even forced to confess. She willingly let the secrets out in the open. Lesson, stop making women suffer when you know you’re the problem. You’re better off opening up to her and proffering a solution from there. Even females that marry after several abortions that leads to inability to conceive again still get harassed and their married lives made unbearable by theirs MILs, so those set of peeps already fave their issues in marriage but why put an innocent women through such when you’re the one with the issue. It’s evil. Stop justifying evil!!

  19. The heart of men is filled with evil 😈

    How can you kill a whole human being just to cover up your atrocities.

    Adultery been destroying lives since the beginning of time

  20. Chai!!! The boy lacked Joseph's wisdom, your father's wife???? The boy get wicked mind, how dare you be fucking your father's wife in your father's house???? This is outright wickedness. Just imagine the outcome, the boy by refusing this woman would have saved this whole madness.

    1. If the boy had refused, the woman go still kill am somehow..abi no bi women again?? Go and ask Sarah, portiphas wife etc you go understand

    2. If it was step-father sleeping with step daughter or oga sleeping with 21yr old housegirl and impregnating her. You all will be shouting abuse. Now you are blaming the boy.
      A boy that came from village and probably fears her so cldnt say No. He wasn't even good. Probably lack experience. It is abuse pls. She is a person of authority in his life.

    3. What are you people saying? The boy knew it was his father because he had been living with his grandparents in the village after his mother brought him and the grandparents accepted him even the father didn’t at first. It must have been an agreement for them to keep his paternity a secret. All he had to do was tell his father when the wife started making advances. Even if he had fell for it and slept with her the first time because it took him unawares and he was carried away by the gifts and gestures, he should have stopped it after that and not continued for 3 months. He’s 21 for crying out loud. Come to think of it, maybe he also had some serious resentments towards his father for denying him at first and leaving him in the village. Remember his mother died of a common disease between both parents. Maybe the boy even had his own plans for his father once he grows up and becomes somebody. Because it’s obvious the man only accepted him now that he can’t father any more children. The boy might have actually hated his father and sleeping with his wife not an issue for him but a way to stick it back to the man that denied and abandoned him and only took him in when he say he couldn’t have any more children. Seems like that man’s karma was waiting for him one way or the other even if the son hadn’t been killed. Hmmmm

  21. Communication is very important in marriage.The man should have told his wife the situation no matter how hard,now his son is dead because the selfish woman wanted to keep her "marriage"!As for people blaming her friend Rose,she did not force her to do anything...she had a choice to ignore her advice and cut her off.The dead boy was just a kid,nobody knows how well she manipulated him into sleeping with her.It's a sad story all around,no winners here.

  22. Ah!! I don't know what to write ,it's as if I was reading a movie script. Life can be very tough. So she snuffed out life from that boy just like that? The whole story is crazy abeg! Yet she hasn't been arrested?

  23. See story is this for real? Speechless

  24. What the woman did is pure evil, so if the boy actually is a house boy, he doesn't deserve to live meanwhile u are the one that seduced and abused him.
    Now to the man, he is a very wicked man, I repeat extremely wicked, u know u are the cause of ur wife's barreness and u brought ur mother to live with her and taunt her night and day and u kept quiet. The man should be sentenced along with the woman, a woman that is yet to give birth is already stressed from her own inability to fulfill what every other woman does. You now brought ur mom to make sure she commits suicide as soon as possible. Wicked man!!!!

    All of u shouting he's educated bc u see he works in a bank, he might be a security man there. Nothing shows education in two of them.

    This is something that will cost less than 200kin a fertility clinic, the man might even tell them not to let the wife know it's donor sperm, IUI will have solved this madam is happy, MIL will relax, oga too will be fine. See how evil heart, illiteracy cost the life of a 21yr old innocent boy. I am so pained reading this. Mtcheeeew.

    Let both be sentenced to jail. Desperation pushed the woman to finally soil her hands

  25. Oh well... it's a sad story! The man should console himself with this new baby, it's still his blood after all...

  26. I saw this particular picture somewere else and the story was that the lady got pregnant for her husband's bestfriend.

    I dont believe the story, so many false stories with sensational headlines have been written before with claims that it happened in Nasarawa state.

  27. This woman needs to be arrested asap and prosecuted for the murder of the innocent boy. A popular adage says: to thine own self be true. However, in Naija the love for living a two-faced life, nah eem go finish them. This one pass movie script sef. Yeye.


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