Hello ma'am SDK,your blog is a lot of things to me,may God bless you!
This is a picture shout out(lol)to everyone I have met on here,I am SUPER GRATEFUL!!!
Nice hair............
Ezkiz Me Stella I am sure you are all shades of good..
Today is my birthday and I can't keep calm so I'd want you to please give me a shout out.
I thank God for Life,My family,My friends and most especially my Blog hasn't been an easy ride but 16 has never looked better on anyone(Side eyes to age calculators dem). I ask that in this new year that he gives me the grace to keep on going and never allow the troubles of this world make me slip away from him.
Happy birthday to me and every other person celebrating today.
Happy 16th Birthday to
I had to repost this for those who could not read yesterday cos of the small text.....this is beyond belief!!!
Hi Stella. Yesterday office work was too much that's why I couldn't reply you. Let me talk about marriage or happy couples. Not pastors this time around though some are on the table.
Again I hate marriages. I hate the word marriage. Not dislike I mean hate. I hate to see persons get married. I hate to see happy couples or family. I hate to see them smile. I hate those love display or public display of affection. When a woman or a man calls their partner or spouse pet names, my countenance changes. When they do it in front of me, I give this wicked smile but within me they are too happy and I need to give them some bitterness. I hate to see a happy home. When a man and woman announced that they are getting married, I look for all means to get them separated.
Most time I get close to the men either married or engaged, I become their friends and make sure that I get the full attention that will cause havoc between them and their partners. I will always be where they are. You will always find me where my target is. The thing is I don't have sex with them. I just find my way into their heart, play with their minds. They start to forget about their wives, girlfriends or fiancee. I sow discord between them and care is not taken, the relationship falls apart.
Their women begins to feel jealous and the man won't be able to explain why they are always with me but they just enjoy being around me. Their woman tries to take their men away from me and I on the other end isn't ready to let him go not until the two are separated. Then the women gets tired and begin to nag you are cheating, you no longer have time for us...
I will just watch and enjoy the heat and pains I'm causing the two partners because it brings me joy. When the nagging is too much and unbearable, and sometimes even result to hitting, the two partners let themselves go. The man completely falls back to me. I will be there for him till I'm sure that they have gotten over themselves. Then I dump the guy and move to the next happy couple. Marriages have been broken because of me. Some ladies were sensitive enough to safeguard their husbands while some were too careless and somehow it got ruined. The same thing with my family. I hate to see my parents happy together. When they are too happy and it seems no one is giving me the attention I need, I sow discord in their midst. Soon my parents start to fight and I do enjoy every bit of it. When they settle, and I see that they are happy again, I get angry.
I will just watch and enjoy the heat and pains I'm causing the two partners because it brings me joy. When the nagging is too much and unbearable, and sometimes even result to hitting, the two partners let themselves go. The man completely falls back to me. I will be there for him till I'm sure that they have gotten over themselves. Then I dump the guy and move to the next happy couple. Marriages have been broken because of me. Some ladies were sensitive enough to safeguard their husbands while some were too careless and somehow it got ruined. The same thing with my family. I hate to see my parents happy together. When they are too happy and it seems no one is giving me the attention I need, I sow discord in their midst. Soon my parents start to fight and I do enjoy every bit of it. When they settle, and I see that they are happy again, I get angry.
I will just plot another evil unknown to them and chaos starts again. They keep malice for a long time and I'm very much happy. I love and enjoy to see my parents keep malice. I love to see everyone in the house wear a long face. So when I'm passing by and I see two lovers I get every angry especially when they are displaying public affection in my mind I say what's wrong with this ones. They are too happy and I need to touch their life with some bitterness. That's why till today, I don't go for weddings. If I'm being invited I won't go. When I see wedding videos, I skip and jump pass it.
I have Lot's of asoebi I bought but never bother sewing them. I just dump them. So don't come to me to say I'm getting married and you are invited because I am not happy for you. The last time I attended a wedding was when I was 10. Since then till date, I have never gone for a wedding. Everyone just leaves me behind when going for weddings. Now I'm grown so I just make excuses but the truth is there's this thing in me that hates to see happy couples but when the couples are sad, I'm happy.
Some ladies were avoids me. They are scared of loosing their men because only exchange of greetings the men are gone. When I'm done, I dump the men. Truth is we never had sex. Let me not reveal the name I'm being called on this issue before someone decodes me. I regret the relationships and marriages that were being broken because of me. Stella,The ladies who ended up marrying another man now finds it hard to forgive me. Even online, they avoid me like plague. Even after saying sorry to them. It's ok. I'm not proud of all these it's just for you to know that sometimes when a person behaves strangely, it could only be demons acting through that person. For years I never knew I was demon possessed but now I do not any prophet to tell me I'm possessed because I already know.
I have Lot's of asoebi I bought but never bother sewing them. I just dump them. So don't come to me to say I'm getting married and you are invited because I am not happy for you. The last time I attended a wedding was when I was 10. Since then till date, I have never gone for a wedding. Everyone just leaves me behind when going for weddings. Now I'm grown so I just make excuses but the truth is there's this thing in me that hates to see happy couples but when the couples are sad, I'm happy.
Some ladies were avoids me. They are scared of loosing their men because only exchange of greetings the men are gone. When I'm done, I dump the men. Truth is we never had sex. Let me not reveal the name I'm being called on this issue before someone decodes me. I regret the relationships and marriages that were being broken because of me. Stella,The ladies who ended up marrying another man now finds it hard to forgive me. Even online, they avoid me like plague. Even after saying sorry to them. It's ok. I'm not proud of all these it's just for you to know that sometimes when a person behaves strangely, it could only be demons acting through that person. For years I never knew I was demon possessed but now I do not any prophet to tell me I'm possessed because I already know.
It's only demons that will do the things I do not humans. I have done deliverances but still not delivered. I've given up on church already because I don't want to cause more havoc. How can I be struggling to be happy with happy Couples just how when naturally I'm supposed to be happy. It's strange. This is just another strange things I do. I hope I get delivered soon. Note: I'm not bragging and I am sorry if i sound that way. If the other is a fetish for pastors, what is this one called? What are the rest called? Is it also a medical condition and not necessarily spiritual?
I don't have physical s#x with these people. Those who I kill their Joy, could it be a medical condition too? When someone gets me angry, I do thirst for their blood. I just want them dead or something bad should just happen to them. I've been trying to work on my mind of recent because once I perceive evil against someone, I pursue it till it comes to past. For instance when someone annoys me, I hear this voice saying to the person 'you will die' even sometimes it comes with number of days or months. You know what it happens. I have this spirit of not letting go. All of these rubbish started when I was a child but my parents never paid attention. Don't give me good news, if you don't want it lost. i enjoy watching people in pains even little children.
I don't have physical s#x with these people. Those who I kill their Joy, could it be a medical condition too? When someone gets me angry, I do thirst for their blood. I just want them dead or something bad should just happen to them. I've been trying to work on my mind of recent because once I perceive evil against someone, I pursue it till it comes to past. For instance when someone annoys me, I hear this voice saying to the person 'you will die' even sometimes it comes with number of days or months. You know what it happens. I have this spirit of not letting go. All of these rubbish started when I was a child but my parents never paid attention. Don't give me good news, if you don't want it lost. i enjoy watching people in pains even little children.
I'm not always moved. Something happened some weeks ago, a little boy of about 2 was playing then he got himself stuck in between a door when he was trying to peep. The boy started screaming, he was crying badly for help. His mom wasn't close and I was the only closest person to him. Stella I was not moved. He was there till his brother heard him and pulled him out then I pretended to be helping him too as if we both came around to help him at the same time. When I do these things and my eyes gets cleared I feel bad but I can't help myself. I mentioned earlier that I do thirst for blood. When it comes on me, what happens is that, I will look around and when I see someone the thing just says let a car hit him or her or let this person falls just any accident and then somehow there's a knocking down and blood. I smile and I'm satisfied. I never counted all these things before but I'm getting older and I want everything to stop. I'm 35 years.
This thing won't even let me have a boyfriend let alone husband. I don't look my age. I have a good job paying well. Men comes but somehow I send them away. I don't even give them a chance. I send them away. It's not normal.
Let me stop here...
Let me seek medical help. When I start treatment, I will let you know. Thanks. This is the first time I'm speaking out. I go for prayers but never spoke out. I believe my speaking out now is the beginning of freedom for me. I will seek medical help. I will discuss with my family doctor today. He's been our family doctor since I was a child.
Thank you.
My name is Christine and I make hair for female children. I'm gentle with children and my braids and weaves are painless and super neat. I also make our local "didi" weaves. I'm available for home service on weekends (Sat 9am - 6pm and Sundays 2pm - 6pm) anywhere on the Island (I live in Ajah, Lagos). I can be reached on 08145916***(calls/whatsapp). A trial will convince you.
Can someone help me analyze this and advice me accordingly. I did Dropbox for USA visa (this is my 3rd visa renewal) but I was called in for interview. My interview is in 12days. I have never faulted the visa. I spent almost 2months the last time I travelled.
My last renewal was 2017 but I couldn't travel because I had a major surgery then I travelled in 2018 to recuperate and stay with my sister that s why I spent that long. I work with a govt parastatal and didn't use my leave in 2017 so I used all of them in 2018 (I have a special rapport with my boss and my job is very flexible).
Prior to this time, I never mentioned I had a sister in the USA because we haven't been on talking terms and didn't even know her address (long story). But after the surgery we reconciled. Hence my visit in 2018. Now while filling the last form, my assistant helped me fill it I just gave her my booked hotel address because I would be going to Florida this time on a girl s trip (friends coming in from other countries we would meet up in USA). My husband has a valid visa but isn't coming with me this time. I totally forgot to update her on my sibling and contact in USA. She had already submitted at Dhl. So I let it slide.
Now I am called in for interview, do I refill the form or just inform them at the embassy I have a sibling there? What if I am asked why I didn't fill it initially? Or I shouldn't just say anything if I am not asked? By the way, my sister is a USA citizen. Her husband filled for her while she was in Nigeria then she joined him there. So she's legit. Thanks as I await response. God bless...
Just keep your fingers crossed,nothing anyone says here will help...
Let me stop here...
Let me seek medical help. When I start treatment, I will let you know. Thanks. This is the first time I'm speaking out. I go for prayers but never spoke out. I believe my speaking out now is the beginning of freedom for me. I will seek medical help. I will discuss with my family doctor today. He's been our family doctor since I was a child.
Thank you.
My name is Christine and I make hair for female children. I'm gentle with children and my braids and weaves are painless and super neat. I also make our local "didi" weaves. I'm available for home service on weekends (Sat 9am - 6pm and Sundays 2pm - 6pm) anywhere on the Island (I live in Ajah, Lagos). I can be reached on 08145916***(calls/whatsapp). A trial will convince you.
Can someone help me analyze this and advice me accordingly. I did Dropbox for USA visa (this is my 3rd visa renewal) but I was called in for interview. My interview is in 12days. I have never faulted the visa. I spent almost 2months the last time I travelled.
My last renewal was 2017 but I couldn't travel because I had a major surgery then I travelled in 2018 to recuperate and stay with my sister that s why I spent that long. I work with a govt parastatal and didn't use my leave in 2017 so I used all of them in 2018 (I have a special rapport with my boss and my job is very flexible).
Prior to this time, I never mentioned I had a sister in the USA because we haven't been on talking terms and didn't even know her address (long story). But after the surgery we reconciled. Hence my visit in 2018. Now while filling the last form, my assistant helped me fill it I just gave her my booked hotel address because I would be going to Florida this time on a girl s trip (friends coming in from other countries we would meet up in USA). My husband has a valid visa but isn't coming with me this time. I totally forgot to update her on my sibling and contact in USA. She had already submitted at Dhl. So I let it slide.
Now I am called in for interview, do I refill the form or just inform them at the embassy I have a sibling there? What if I am asked why I didn't fill it initially? Or I shouldn't just say anything if I am not asked? By the way, my sister is a USA citizen. Her husband filled for her while she was in Nigeria then she joined him there. So she's legit. Thanks as I await response. God bless...
Just keep your fingers crossed,nothing anyone says here will help...
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Please I'm in urgent need of a self-contain flat at Ipaja, either Water, Abesan or Gowon estate. Budget is 100-120k. Anyone with a valid info should contact me on 08123702079.
This money to rent self contained?are you paying for just the door or what?
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In Yoruba Language, the word 'aso' means cloth and 'ebi' means family.
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These things took me down memory lane and i still have some of mine in the store room....When kids start walking,they pull down everything,enter anywhere they can open,put their wet spitty hands in the electric socket,hit their heads on table edges,go into fridges.....OMG,it was a horror for me but these things made life easy...Please dont overlook them if your baby is still little,you will definitely be needing them...hehehehehehhehee,you will ooooooh
Hiiiiii everyone. Thank God it's fthuriyaaay.
ReplyDeleteGood news... I have started another compilation of sdk data giveaway for those that have not gotten before.
You can now start sending your data request via my official email
Old mails are invalid. Please resend.
Send your number and please include the network. Glo is not available o. Also, Attach any screenshot of your comments in 2018/19.
What else.... Praise God in all situations. He's the master planner. He answers prayers. He hears our supplications.
I'm so grateful Lord and please forgive me if I have ever doubted what You can do. #Oniseiyanu
Nice one
DeleteI have gotten before.
DeleteBut I need data again. Pls
BVs ooooo. It's for those that have not gotten before
DeleteAbeg I need the Data
DeleteOmg omg omg omg omg
DeleteI can't just keep calm.
I just received a sum of money from an angel through Stella.
This is just undiluted love cos she isn't a Muslim.
May your pocket never run dry angel.
Thank you and God bless you Stella for this Blog.
Thank you beloved, you are really a good P.A.
Love lives here...
Long live SDK
Long like Bvs
I can't just believe this...
Beloved biko consider me o.gotten before but ejoor oooooooo.i need this data
DeleteI'm beginning to think it's better for me to go into runs cos all my being good does not pay. I stick to one guy, I give them all my love and attention, yet it doesn't pay. I'm always a victim of betrayal at the end of the day. My heart is so heavy typing this. All I need is praying for peace of mind and body. Even When i'm at work, I can't even concentrate. Gush when will this trauma be over.
DeleteBeloved sent. I have applied before, but was not shortlisted. Hope i make it this time around
DeleteBeloved.... Me me me me ... Pick me Please. Sending a mail. Thanks
Deleteplease I'm interested, I can't screen shot with my phone, I will copy it out, I applied the last time but I didn't get.
DeletePls o blog visitor with visa matter, stick with ur information do not mention ur sister’s name o Biko. Things don change here o. .
DeleteHello beautiful people,enjoy the rest of the day.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful faces of IHN.
DeleteClosing meme is the ish.
Welcome IHN.
Praise the Lord!
ReplyDeleteToday I see a Nigerian Sisi wey carry beautiful natural hair; at least this one
na her hair, she no sew tailoring or use super glue gum put.
Lagos shopper, you come fine eh, ya face na oyoyo.
Make you no join the Pharisees o.
Ang well done today
DeleteYou praise Naija woman.
Thank you😘
DeleteI praised the LORD (Jesus)
For a NIGERIAN woman and not "Naija woman" inugo?
So for that thing wey you write up there, na only you
waka come o. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
thank u lord for everything
DeleteWhen you sing the worst of yourself constantly, you should never be surprised or grumble when bystanders help you repeat the chorus!!!@DeleMomodu
ReplyDeleteLife is too short to live it sour, discouraged, letting our circumstances dictate our attitude. Every morning, you have to make the decision, “This is the day the Lord has made; I’m going to live it in faith. I’m going to be positive. I’m going to see the good. I’m going to make the most of this day.” Joel Osteen
DeleteWho is that Igbo kwenu up there?
ReplyDeleteIve never liked looking at people with his kind of eyes.
DeleteLike you,they're all wonderfully made,
DeleteWho are I to detest a beautiful creation of God?
I say ive never liked looking at them, na by force? Did i condemn anything? Abeg shift commot
DeleteD eyes dey charm u daz y u don't like will just pee in yo pants if u look.
DeleteStella God bless u! Stella God Bless u!!! Stella God bless u!
ReplyDeleteImageScale Ltd, Some parents don’t understand my product , this things will save us so much money from visiting Emergency children wards. Pls mummies ,my products r inexpensive and it saves ur wads from freaky home accidents. Price is from as low as #400. Let’s save the safeguard the future generation.
BVs patronize me naaaaa😁
Beautiful Lagos Shopper.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday,Chimex.LLNP
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday 16years old guy... More beautiful and fruitful years to celebrate... Cheers to you
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon all
Hi all
ReplyDeleteBeautiful picture of Lagos shopper...I like your shortcut hairstyle.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to you Chimex... Are those eyes of yours real or they're contact.
Some things are more spiritual than physical. Repent and accept Jesus Christ into your heart and life Queen of the coast.
May you all succeed in your various businesses.
Chimex your eyes are beautiful!!kai
DeleteFree WiFi they sweet sha😀😀
ReplyDeleteBv for interview,no one can tell you the outcome o questions that will be asked during interview.but for me I feel you shouldn't make mention of it until you are asked .
ReplyDeleteDo not volunteer any information except you are asked. Meanwhile, prepare yourself for the interview, think of possible questions and have answers for them, check your form to guide you.They could ask you why you stayed for 2 months as opposed to what you stated in your form, you better have an explanation and evidence to back it up. Do not contradict yourself, be truthful and confident. All the best and pray for favour.
DeleteBeautiful Lagos Shopper
ReplyDeleteGoodluck to all sellers
Happy Birthday to those celebrating
Lagos shopper is indeed a beautiful woman! I pray everyone makes sales
DeleteI made it
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon everyone
Pls nobody should sit under me
I am sitting under you.wetin you go do?
DeleteHappy birthday nwanne Regina Daniel.
ReplyDeleteLagos shopper, you are beautiful.
Good day ndi SDK blog.
Lagos shopper, you're a very beautiful woman.
ReplyDeleteChimex onye ebe k'ayi, happy birthday. Tukpasiakwa ahu rie ihe guru gi, uwa wu ofu mbia.
Olawealth, that peacock design is so fine.
😂😂😂😂 yes ooo.. Stroll come my side na💏💏
ReplyDeleteIt's no longer news that a bill was passed by the Federal government as I was made to understand, that on the 1st of June 2019, which is barely one week from today, that every licence issued to gun owners and operators would expired. This means by implication a revocation of licences and retrieval of all forms of gun dully acquired and owned by people for either security/defence purpose or even hunting.
One question to be asked is, will they retrieve the guns owned and used by the Fulani herdsmen? Just last week, more than twenty persons were killed in Enugu state by this Fulani herders at the wake of the night. When the villagers tried to retaliate, the police and military gave the culprit cover. No one of them was arrested or even prosecuted.
History teaches us when a people are disarmed like this, it's in preparation for genocide.
A Little History on Gun Control.
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5milion Armenians, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1983 and from 1983 to 1945, a total of 13million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20million political dissidents unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayans Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
56 millions defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th century because of gun control. You won't see these on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.
Always give credit TJ.
DeleteIta not from your head
When this is fully done, the Fulani herdsmen will act with impunity by forcefully grazing on peoples communities and farmland fully armed. Nothing will happen, for you are all disarmed not even the village vigilante can help because they have been disarmed too.
DeleteWe saw this coming long ago, but people didn't believe it. This people are well prepared and ready for any eventuality. Those who do not believe this, will see it happen with their two eyes wide open.
Teejay, stop with all these sadistic tales. The world is already sad,dont make it any worse. Haba mana!
DeleteI wonder the amount of time he has on his hands, see all what he took time to copy and paste here? What are we supposed to do with this? We the people of SDK should start a riot? Na wa o.
DeleteHe just likes arguement, maybe someone will disagree with him then he will come back and reply again and again. Chai.
Thanks stellz for the advert..kisses💋💋
ReplyDeleteWe are doing promo self for abuja people💕😁💕💕💕😁
Goodafteroon everyone
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Lagos Shopper. Nice to see you again
ReplyDeleteThose cornrows are so beautiful and neat, God bless your hustle sis... In other words,the life we live is borrowed,this should always be in our subconscious mind. Like Paul Apostle said ,let everything be done in moderation.No one lives forever.
ReplyDeleteThose braids are lifted from the net.
DeleteIf you are sure of your work stop STEALING people's pictures.
You are a THEIF!!!!
Same goes for some of you selling bedsheets, makeup pictures etc and posing as your own pictures from the net and other people's hard work.
Bloody fraudsters.
Thunder destroy you there.
SDK ogbonge ihn is here
ReplyDeleteThis money to rent self contained?are you paying for just the door or what?
ReplyDelete😂😂😂😂😂😂, Stella!
Lagos shopper Issa fine woman. Happy Birthday chimex, I love your eyes.
Hello IHN.
Even you have mouth to talk trash about someone that has 100k, I no blame u at all, na Stella give you mouth to talk rubbish. You dont know your blood group again abi?
DeleteStella made a funny comment,Rhoda Rex laughed.Anon,it is sad that people like you are in existence.
DeleteRhoda Rex,may you always have a reason to laugh.
Stella, those kids braids are lifted from the net.... I know u are against it that's why am bringing it to ur notice
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday @ Chimex.
ReplyDeleteAge gracefully dear
Beautiful Lagos shopper😗😗
Lovely hair.
Beautiful things here to sale
Customers fall on the sellers here...
@ Demon possessed blog visitor just surrender your life to Jesus.
Accept Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour.
Tell Jesus to come into your life and your life will change for better..
What you need now is Jesus Christ to take over your life (everything that concerns you)..
She is not demon possessed.... She is a witch
DeleteHappy birthday dude. Lagos shopper you look good
ReplyDeleteStella Thank You
ReplyDeleteNice sign off quote
ReplyDeleteeven in Abeokuta,u cant see one bed for 120k.rubbish
ReplyDelete'No, I won't cry, I had promised myself that I would never cry again except tears of joy, I would be a strong woman. But I need to bath this night, if not for anything else but those feet that the big rat touched, they need thorough washing. Where do I go in search of water this night?' I said to myself.
ReplyDeleteMr caretaker had told me that there was plenty water in the well located close to the gate and that the occupants had no problem with water. On the two occasions that I came here before moving in, I checked and saw water. Where did all that water go?
'Let me go inside and ask for directions on where I can get water nearby' I murmured weakly as I dragged myself inside.
I was very tired. From packing to offloading to arranging. All my body and soul wanted to do at that moment was a good bath and sleep. I had bread and one satchet of Milo in my bag, that would do for dinner. I already bought half bag of pure water that afternoon.
As I walked into the corridor I saw a woman coming out of the bathroom, I quickened my steps..
'Good evening ma, I'm the new tenant here(pointing at my room) pls where can I fetch water around? There is no water in the well'
'Water? You no fit see water inside that well when people come back from work, na only for afternoon you go see water there. Ok, there is one borehole down down the street before you reach main road, but they open very early in the morning from 5 o' clock till 7 o'clock for evening, one jerrycan na #50 if light no dey. Just hold money' she replied.
'Till morning? Ah! Pls ma, can you help me with little water like half of this bucket? I will go there and buy in the morning, I don't have any water in the house.' I pleaded.
She went inside, brought key and opened a big drum beside her door and then gave me a full bucket of water. I thanked her well.
That was how I used half of it to bath, yes half bucket of water. I did not use all cos I thought I might need it before or at daybreak.
I climbed on my bed around 10pm and thought of my life journey till I fell asleep.
I was awakened by the cries of a child in the next room. I checked the time 5:06am. I dragged myself to the toilet to see if I could urinate there, it was an eyesore, I can't even describe it. The bathroom was a no-go area too, written at the top of the door were heavy generational curses on anyone who urinates there but despite this, strong urine stench hit me before I even opened the door. I went out and checked the gate, it was opened, I went outside and did it, thank God everywhere was still dark. I then resolved to buy a small paint container for use in my room when I'm pressed. That was what we did in school back then but only at night, we disposed off the urine by daybreak. In this my present case, I will use the potty during the day and dispose off at night and then use it at night again and dispose off by daybreak.
So while outside the gate urinating, I saw some women passing with large water containers on their heads. Quickly, I ran inside, changed my clothes, grabbed a water keg and #100 note and headed to the direction from where they were coming. I walked for some minutes then I saw a small gathering. I moved closer, lo and behold, it was the borehole. Heavy containers had formed three long queues in front of three taps..
Enjoy the rest of your week bvs
See you on Monday.
Bv Dreza
Chia, am enjoying your stories. That queues for water remind me of those days. You write so well. More ink to your pain
DeleteEeyah,thanks to the neighbour who gave you water.
DeleteFollowing your story
Life in a face me and face you apartment isn't an easy one.
DeleteI can relate to all that you went through.
Lol...i am sooo enjoying this
DeleteI am following your story Dreza, you write really well.
DeletePlease continue!
Wow wow!
DeleteAt last, something refreshing to look forward to on IHN posts. I will surely follow this to the end
Waooo!am really enjoying this.
DeleteBut y till Monday? Monday far ooo
Chaiiiii 😬😬😬
DeleteLagos shopper you look beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI used to think you were on the big side or was it the camera angle that made you look big in your previous pictures?
I think she loose weight. She shared her weight lose story here
DeleteShe lost weight!!!
DeleteWeight loss !!!
Still big o,i am a 14 going on 12,hopefully soon😂
DeleteThe demon lady.
ReplyDeleteThere is no demon in you,
You are just a spoilt sexy brat.
I have a cousin like that.
Her teenage years to late thirties were spent wrecking havoc.
She reached 40 and the so called demons packed up and left.
Her brain reset.
NNow she is humble, wearing Mary amaka, looking for who to trap.
She has had few failed trappings under her belt.
If you ask her, she'll tell you the evil ones dont want her to marry.
Yimu, we know her wella
LMAO. Oh lawd!
DeleteDid they use vacuum pump on your brain?
DeleteGood Lord 😂😂😂😂 you guys are mouthed on this blog.
DeleteHello. Good afternoon everyone. I hail o
ReplyDeleteMadam Stellz, I really love and appreciate what you do for people's businesses here. I am working on something and I hope to kick start it before the end of the year then I could send in my stuffs for advert and all.
You are truly a blessing to this generation and I celebrate you Ma. Thanks a lot, God bless you!
Ah! So all these people I feel are sadists may be demonically possessed too, choi! All the people bragging about their love lives on here should be careful oo, this demon possessed BV ain't joking rara! Na so she go just carry una for mind, begin think to kill, for what? Just being happy! LOL...
ReplyDeleteOn a lighter note, the first stage of solving a problem is recognizing & admitting it first. Kudos girl, I bet your deliverance is on the way...
I tell you. She is one of those bvs that always have something negative to say when people share good news here. We should be careful of what we type here for people to rejoice with us, some are out to scatter good things.
DeleteHappy birthday Chimex. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteLagos Shopper, you look great.
@Lagos Shopper; I saw this picture on IG and i went to my hairdresser and showed her this hairstyle. She said the sides were cut short whether i don't mind cutting my sides. I said she should go ahead. The hair cut was so bad that i now look like a guinea fowl. Currently i wear wig almost the whole day because my DH who i shared your pic with before the hair cut now calls me Lagos fowl and will burst into laughter each time. You are looking great dear.
DeleteLMAO 😁😁😁😁, anon Biko forgive me but I had to laugh
DeleteOh dear!
I am having a good laugh at your comment anonymous 14:56.
Chaaaai! Lagos fowl😆 your DH is a clown🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆
Sorry babe, your hair will soon grow.
Lagos shopper, one of my favorite persons in this blog.
She looks so beautiful, hair style on point.
Handsome Chimex, your eyes is so sexy, happy birthday to you.
Guinea fowl...Lagos fowl?!😂😂😂 Maybe you should send the pic to Stella to post it too, I am sure BVs here would give you a 'better compliment'😂
DeleteLesson: Do what fits you and makes you happy. Nothing sharpens sight like 'envy'
Lol...and i am plannin on goin on low cut soon, like Toolz own. I pray i dont look like guinea fowl afterwards
DeleteOhh so sorry😢if you are in Lagos mainland,we could rectify😉
DeleteYou need to have a face for it.
DeleteNo be every style dey fit person,our in-house fashion designers can attest to that.
Before you decide to do something,talk to your stylist\designer
Hahahhahahaha.ur husband is very funny!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLagos Shopper you are sighted
ReplyDeleteawwww thanks Stella.
ReplyDeletei love you.
thanks a million.
Abuja people are we fighting?
Beautiful Shopper i sight you.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday birthday Chimex. May customers locate all the people that advertise their products.
Keep enjoying your day all.
Happy birthday to the celebrants
ReplyDeleteOla wealth and the rest, may you sell well o
Lagos shopper you look young and sweet. Is that Anita Baker hairstyle on your head? It looks good on you.
ReplyDeleteYes it is,thank you😘
DeleteI sight you babe @lagoshopper 💞💕
DeleteHappy birthday to the celebrant. Customers fall on all sellers.
ReplyDeleteSign out quote is deep, i always look out for it.
keep it up Stella.
Lagos shopper, you are beautiful.
Good afternoon everyone.
Beautiful Lagos shopper 😍😍
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday chimex, I'm sure you'll be such a drama king... Hehe
Stella, the braid pics were lifted from the net, I even have one on my phone... Na wah for the sender
Lagos shopper you are so beautiful.
ReplyDeletepls how do i see all my previous comments.
ReplyDeletebeautiful hairdos
ReplyDeletedemon possessed BV needs serious prayer and deliverance not medical attention...
ReplyDeleteLagos shopper lovely hair u have there.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to Chimex
Ola beautiful Ankara
May customers fall on the sellers.
Lagos shopper, you are beautiful. I love your full eye brows.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Chimex.
May customers fall on all the sellers.
Hello bv, sunny day,Lagos shopper u look take away,beautiful things to sell,customers locate you guys, Stella you are doing a great job God bless. you real good.
ReplyDeleteThank you 🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday chimex.
ReplyDeleteLagos shoppers you're beautiful
God bless everyone.
Thank God is thursday more customer's and buyers for everyone☝️☝️☝️☝️.
ReplyDeleteChimex imara mma nwoke and you have such beautiful eyes. Happy birthday to you.
ReplyDeletepls how do i see my previous comments
ReplyDeleteBy opening your eyes.
DeleteAnony stop being nasty
DeleteGo to google, type Stelladimokokorusblog+Marie, open any link and look for your comment.
DeleteThat's what I did
US visa lady, answer questions you are asked and nothing more. Have proof you are still gainfully employed and if they ask about the 2 months stay, tell them vacations can be deferred in your place of work so you combined your arrears with present. There is really nothing bad from what you wrote up there except for the fact that you still didn't disclose you had a sister after reconnecting with her. If they ask where you were for the 2 months, what will you say? Apart from this, every thing else is straight forward.
ReplyDeletePS: don't panic. My husband was invited for an interview too after he did drop box and kept for ages with others behind him on queue called up for interview before him but when he was eventually called, he was only asked what he was going for and given his visa. Don't let your nervousness show and look them in the eye. They think people are lying when they don't meet their eyes not knowing some consider it a sign of respect not to look an "elder" in the eye. Again, make sure you have proof that you would come back to Nigeria and not run off to Canada
Good evening to you my una dey.
ReplyDeleteMy loving Stella,may u live long
Thank you so much for posting Stella,God bless you always 🙏