Stella Dimoko Spontaneous Thursday Post....


Thursday, May 09, 2019

Spontaneous Thursday Post....

#thelastseriousworkingdayoftheweek #awongbagaundocs #thursday #throwbackallyougotandsee #saywhatsaywhat #onmyownlaneinmyownterms #40seconds #blessedday #coldcoldday #emotionshardenedbytheish #astalabista

Good Morning........

Have a Blessed day and God bless you all!!!


  1. Breakthrough and other things that will make your life easier always locate you wherever you are....... Your feet shall be ordered by the Lord, Your ears shall always hear good news, your eyes shall see the mighty hand of God in your life. Amen

    Good morning lovelies 😘 😘😘 😘

    1. Amen! Lord I am feeling thankful this morning not cos I've got it all but cos u got me all through the way.

    2. Good morning bvs,yaaaaaaay!!!,I met sp on time today,the blessings of God for us today shall come to pass in Jesus name amen, beloved haven't gotten my data,have a nice day.

    3. Amen!.. and may we always be at the right place at all times and never at the wrong place at any time..Amen. πŸ™

    4. Good Morning Stella and BVs. What a fast week, Melikey!!!
      Beloved I haven't gotten the data ooo,checked my balance again this morning. Tanchu
      Blessed to us all.

  2. - "Getting your first degree after 21 is still an achievement.
    - Being married after 30 is still beautiful.
    - Starting a family after 35 is possible.
    - Buying a house after 40 is still a boss move".

    Don't let people rush you with their timeline!!!
    If nothing has ever inspires you in life before, let the comeback of Liverpool FC and Tottenham Hotspur's in the European champions league make you believe that you can still make it in life and become a champion.

    1. Yes ooo.yes ooo

  3. I wanna be the first to comment today.

    1. Yipeeee...I'm among the first three..😁😁😁😁 gradually I will get there.

    2. Lol that's why I moved up and commented as a reply under the first post πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, Sense will not kill me now am at the top.

    3. Are there benefits for being the first commenter?
      You didn’t wake up on time οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½

    4. @TiannaπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œover sense will not kee you. But that's what is called first from behind😝😝

    5. Make I share this space.
      Beautiful cold morning here in P.H.

      Fantastic, Productive Thursday to everyone

    6. @sluttychic 😁😁😁😁😁😁 I will wake up early tomorrow.

    7. Ramadan Day 4,
      O Allah, on this day, strengthen me in carrying out Your commands, let me taste the sweetness of Your rememberance, grant me, through Your graciousness, that I give thanks to You. Protect me, with Your protection and cover, O the most discerning of those who see.
      Good morning

  4. Happy Thursday guys.
    Good morning and y’all have an amazing day ✌🏿

    1. The person being blackmailed, get across to @Segalink on Twitter or @citizen_gavel ..That guy will meet his water loo.. just do it now..I can't post Sega number her because Stella won't post..He is your permanent solution. You won't pay a dine to get the police cooperation with his help.

      Good morning .

    2. God bless you @official prestige. On Facebook those names a commenter dropped was real. Those guys are scammers on the prowl.

      Sdk durlinnnnggg. You scared to write so there won't be gbagaun.
      We are patient till you write once more. Kiss kiss from Gbagaun doctors.

  5. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6

    4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

    Good morning ❀

    Day 9 of

    Testimonies in MAY.

    Strongholds of the enemies are been broken down, bye bye to bad dreams, bye bye to failure, delayed marriages,joyless marriages,bareness etc

    Testimonies are already flowing in...Hallelujah!!!


    1. I keyed in with Psalm 32...Jesus is my hiding place!!testimonies all month round!!

    2. Testimonies all the way πŸ‘

    3. Please I want to participate in this prayer , where is prayer point

    4. Yes ooo... Massive testimonies all year round, for catholics pls don't forget novena to Our Lady of perpetual help, novena to st. Jude thaddeus and novena to st. Rita, they aid in desperate situations and hopeless cases.. Just believe and watch miracles unfoooooold.. 😁

    5. I key into those prayers, I surely testify

    6. HALLELLUYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!the testimonies are overwhelming. i can't wait. am number one!

  6. I met someone recently who tells lies a lot most especially on chats. I'm already fed up of the lies and I don't know what to do. The crazy thing is he would always defend himself and say sorry at the end but won't admit he lied. What am I to do,am I to ignore his chats or what?

    1. Unless you can overlook such lying character, I suggest you run. Don't expect such people to change.

    2. Why are most of you so indecisive? Stay and be asking foolish questions

    3. Don't stop you hear, until he sells you. Because you love lies, you don't want to stop. Continue.

    4. Anon habitual lying is a mental disorder. Those kind of people hardly change except they seek help. I will advice you borrow Johnny walkers sneakers and keep it moving.

    5. Call him out on it 1 more time and

    6. Call him out on it then drop it such people lack shame. Do u know if all he has ever told u about himself or half of it are all lies.

    7. You still dey sit down look......?
      na lie the bobo go take finish you

    8. He lies for a living.
      Avoid him.

    9. gosh some of you women are so stupid...some one is a habitual liar and you are asking if you should ignore or what? what a wawu. gerarahia men

  7. YOU WILL LACK NO GOOD THING Psalm 34:8-10 _Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints, for those who fear Him have no lack! The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

    The things that occupy human beings for most of the time are what to eat, what to wear, what to put on.

    The basic needs for existence have become so powerful that people spend all their time and their energies pursuing them. The pursuit of basic needs has even gotten people to engage in all kinds of unacceptable acts. Very often, greed takes a better part of us and we spend sleepless nights thinking about material things.

    Jesus addressed this when He told his hearers that our heavenly Father knows what we need before we ask. He also said that God will never deny us of anything good. The Apostle Paul expanded it when he argued that if God did not withhold His only begotten Son but gave Him up for our sakes, then what is it that God will keep from us? Nothing is as precious to God as His Son; and nothing is worth withholding.

    The Psalmists challenges all doubters and the rebellious to come and taste of the Lord. He dares them to come and taste of the goodness of God. King David wrote these words out of years of dwelling in God’s presence and walking with Him in truth and righteousness.

    You will never lack anything good. Your needs will be met in due season. Sometimes out of fear of tomorrow we amass and hoard things just in case. The God who knows the future is assuring us that we will lack no good thing.

    Trust in Him and see it for yourself.

  8. Yayyyyy it's good to be back. Do have a blessed day everyone,good morning.

    1. Welcome back dear... Hope you came back with a lot of goodies

    2. Thanks Sonia luv. I did come back with a lot of Cameroon pepper because na dia i travel goπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  9. What a time to be alive and love football!!! And also love English Football!! Thank you Tottenham and Liverpool!

    Oh! I am still going to redeem my pizza giveaway o!

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

  10. What is LOOM biko? A friend sent me a message to join. It looks like scam

    1. They want to looenijibiti.....Don't try it...Forget all the we are cashing out sloganπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Is like MMM, please run for your life

    3. Enter deactivate mood..another MMM doom. That your friend loves you not but want to chop ya head, Oya Ben Johnson it

    4. Something like mmm. Greed will not let people learn their lessons,now they are wailing up and down.

    5. It's another type of MMM. Biko ignore

    6. Pure scam! It's another MMM. One has been making noise on her status that she's cashing out, I,ll soon block her

    7. Swaggie start running without looking back. Na mmm change format so.

    8. Don't it's the new MMM, you pay 13K and bring 13 people for another person to get reward, b4 e go loom reach you them go don park run. My sisters boyfriends sister made her join, her brother found out and sparked at her nd made her return my sisters money. She cajoled her to join with out full disclosure of the requirements. She don return her money back. The lady is a Ponzi scheme addict runnn.

    9. Thank you people. I don block her see. No time

    10. Just like mmm... They said 500 to get 4k, 1k to get 8k lol... I just pity people they will scam, greedy people

    11. From LOOM to DOOM.πŸ˜„ Smdh!!!

    12. Swaggie, ignore that individual o.
      Loom loomer loomest. Greedy lots.

  11. Football is such an emotional and crazy sport. I really wanted Ajax to get to UCL final...menn!

    Thank you Martins for your response yesterday. God bless you.

    Good morning good people...Have a blessed day.

  12. Good morning lovelies

    Please I need advice on good and quality washing machine. The one we bought last year is no more functioning properly.And is there specific detergent to use as I have been using sunlight detergent.

    1. Samsung and Scanfrost are good. Use Persil detergent instead

    2. I use LG, 5kg, it washes,rinse and spins on its own.yours is just to set it.I have been using it for the past 5yrs and only repaired once. I use any detergent.

    3. Yes, there are specific detergents for washing machine.

      Ariel(not the regular one,it is written on it for machine wash).

      LG is a good product.

    4. LG. Ariel and Omo have washing machine detergent. I buy from shoprite or spa. Just check on the pack it's written automatic washing machine.......

    5. LG I've used mine for 3 years now without stress. I use Persil.

    6. Hisense is good too. it almost 3 yrs now and it still in a good condition never repaired it for once. Ours is the automatic, just put your clothes set it and go your way. when it done washing and spinning it stops on it own. i prefer the automatic more than manual

    7. LG manual tho , used it for 12yrs never serviced or done any work.

    8. Yea buy ariel auto...sold in supermarket. But i buy mine whole sale here..its cheaper

    9. Thanks so much family
      So grateful πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  13. Good morning everyone. Have a blessed day

  14. God take this pain away please
    I've been making the wrong decisions for so long and the pain of regret is driving me crazy
    Help me God

    1. May God help you, seek his presence in your life.

    2. Amen. When next you want to take such decisions invite God Almighty to it. Tell Him to take the lead and obey instructions. Don't rush in taking rash decisions.

      God Almighty will heal your heart and give you peace Amen.

      Just know that you won't go crazy because you are covered by the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ

    3. May the Lord grant you wisdom dear and heal your hurt,we all make mistakes. Do not dwell on it or beat yourself too much about it. I think you are doing something as a pattern and unless you break away and change. You might keep coming back to the same point of hurt.

    4. Greed must ve responsible for this wrong decision, pray against the spirit of greed or you'd keep entering one chance

    5. You are helped! I've been in your shoes.try to stay positive. Depend on God and don't try to do it on your own. Sorry dear.

  15. Yesterday chronicle poster an you them dey call esu lalu.
    My left hand has been shocking .e for some time now after I treated typhoid.
    I have taken medicine yet it continued. I don't understand

    1. Nerve ish.....try and go to hospital don't overlook it pls

    2. Blessed you need loads of Ugu water and blood tonics. I buy heamoglobeen (sp) it’s a lil expensive, syrup but it works magic

    3. see a doc. Sorry nd get well quick. lol

    4. Thanks so much my peopleπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    5. Antibiotics brings down your blood count 9.08 is correct, the shock is due to Low blood, u need to boost ur blood level back

  16. Beautiful morning. Lovely day.

    Nowadays getting hungry. Abi na next level dey cause am.

    Hahahaha read about what is in your fridge una dey try for this blog ooo

    Make I drink water and mind my business as this do not kill the devil

    1. Hahaha...@yori Yori mama, you don make me laff this morning.

      Good morning, howdy?

  17. Good more earnings bvs... Pls is dere really solution for stretch marks something like cream Bikonu.. .Thanks in advance

    1. The solution is to act like you don’t have it.

    2. If na for nyash, waste or armpit.. 4get it and dnt waste money on any fake cream it wont work

    3. The only time I remember I have stretch marks is when I read about it. Lol

      Unless it's really an uggllly sight, forget it.

    4. SluttyπŸ‘

    5. Dr. Organic or lavender oil

    6. No cream...mine i stopped using regular cream started fading. Its on my upper arm close to my armpit...but now u wont notice it.. And better ignore it o..b4 u become insecure

    7. Yea..overlook it n live your life... No be disease.

    8. ok thanks everyone i really appreciate...

  18. Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice. Psalms 112:5
    This is Stella and to the anonymous givers on this blog and outside,keep the good work up!

  19. Abuja rain can be annoying.
    it will carry dust and unnecessary forceful breeze blasting your windows and hitting your roofs as if it's s a clash of the titans.

    Good morning kings and queens.
    show love to thyself and thy neighbour today.

  20. If na Yoruba people invent ATM and you go put card with left hand, the machine go tell you insufficient home training πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Have a lovey day ahead

    1. Because the carry respect for head.

      Chinwe Uba

  21. Good morning guys.. pls can someone in the house give me pointers on how to buy good Brazilian/human hair in Lagos (considering my financial situation btw 14-20k) Was thinking of ordering from Instagram dealers but I was advised against it.

    I've been cheated many times by those wicked market sellers and I felt terrible... Pls help a sister out how do I buy quality human hair?πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

    1. You want to buy human hair with 20k truth is just forget it. You can only buy a good quality packet hair that you can use a couple of times with that. Anybody selling human hair to you for that amount is just scamming you.

  22. Security Alert!! This happened to a friend.

    "On Friday last week, I entered a taxi around 5pm at Market Junction, going to Oil Mill. The taxi had only one male passenger at the back behind the driver. I thought against sitting in front since I knew they would carry two persons in front. A few meters into the journey near Conoil Station the taxi picked two male 'passengers'. One entered in front and the other entered to my right making me move to the middle. Hardly had the car moved, I noticed the new 'passenger' to my right moved his left hand over my shoulder. I didn't take it seriously since it was common in public transport when trying to adjust for space. Shortly after he brought out a white piece of cloth like a handky with his right hand and was attempting to place it on my face. It was surprising to me and I tried hard to fight him off and even gave him a wound on his wrist. The scuffle was still on when the man to my left hit me hard at the back of my head and at this time the handky was on my face and that was the last I could remember until I woke up in the night in a tick forest that I later discovered was in Eleme. In the bush I was with two other victims, an old man in his late 60s and a middle aged lady in her mid 40s. Three of us were surrounded by 11 masked gun carrying young men. They took my phone asked me to give them the pin. They went to my mobile app asked for the password and started to transfer money to other accounts. They took my ATM card asked for the pin and some of them left the following morning to make withdrawals. All these amidst serious beating with all sorts including butts of their guns. When I was brought I met the other two victims there. The old man was made to sign a cheque of N3million and they went the following morning to cash it. They made him sign another N2million cheque and said they will wait for some days to go to cash it. The young woman in a bit of a harsh tone told them she had no money and that her husband was a job seeker. They asked her if she had no one who she could call for money and she said no. One of them in a flash pulled out his gun and shot her dead on the head. Her brain and blood was all over us. I was scared stiff and believed we were all going to die that night. They made I and the old man to dig the grave to bury the woman. The old man wept so hard and couldn't dig so I told him not to worry that I would manage. At this time they had retreated to a not too distant part of the bush with two persons watching over us. I was weeping and shaking through out while digging. They buried the woman that night. By the third night they took just me, went further into the bush and threw me into a ditch and ofcourse at this time we were both blindfolded. I was there for about 3 hours and when I could not here their voice anymore I coughed to see if anyone would make a sound. No response and no sound. I managed to wriggle out of the rope they tied me with, removed the blind fold, climbed out of the pit and started wondering in the bush. I wondered for about an hour before I came to a tarred road that I was later told was around 2.00am. I did not know where I was nor did I know which way to go. I walked for a long time before I saw a man and a lady who saw me and ran. I continued until a young hausa boy on a bike stopped to know why I was this dirty, stained with blood all over and crying. He took me immediately after hearing I was kidnapped and we rode on his bike to their quarters, where he told his family. They cleaned me up, gave me food and a change of shirt and paracetamol. Three other young men joined him with other bikes to bring me home to PH. We encountered police check points on the road and the after listening to my story wanted them to hand me over to them, but they refused and said they must take me home themselves.

    1. I am tired of Nigeria, is this the country someone will raise a family, Lord Jesus please help us, who knows what happened to the old man.
      I thank God on your behalf, and what kind of stupid police is that, they are supposed to do their jobs, I am just tired of this nonsense country

    2. Blood of Jesus Christ. Let me copy this and send to my people.

    3. Nigeria is doomed. Stella pls bring this up to where. Pple will read. Maybe On Chronicle. Thank God for your life

  23. This is how I got home around 3.30am. It was a terrifying experience and I have been discharged from the hospital but still in pains and shock. Oh that woman. Her people may still be searching for her. That I came out alive was a miracle. We must all be careful and remain prayerful. These were all young men in their late twenties and mid thirties. They kept answering calls and talking to persons in town, occasionally describing where to meet. God help us all.


    Good morning to you all.

    1. Omg! I hate driving through that oil mill road. Very dangerous area

    2. I do feel sad each time I read this story.

  24. Yesterday chronicle poster, u need to be delivered from the spirit of greed, I have not been able to get that chronicle off my mind,gosh some ladies can be very wicked that's why they tend to roll with ladies as wicked as them yes you and your friend are worse than the devil, Chai, I wish I never read that chronicle,anyways some guys do it too,what a man can do, a woman can do better,it is well

    Good morning guys,have a blessed day.. Biko my Abuja customers pls patronise me today o,I promise not to disappoint

    1. How is she worse than the devil?
      She has a conscience hence she wouldn't send the chronicle.
      Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    2. She should just reject being the CBM if she doesn't want to spoil the friendship between her and John.

  25. Its painful when you need to confide in someone but you are scared of being judged or your story being spread around.

    1. If your heart is not in that person, don't do it.

      Just know that walls have ears too. Confide in God Almighty for solutions

    2. Send ur chronicle. No one knows u

    3. If you can, confide in a nuclear family member. If you trust your significant other, please share with them.

      Or maybe a professional.

      But as for friends -especially if you are a lady- be very careful. Friends are very very very human.

      I shared stuff with my longtime best friend and she started being rude and condescending to me. The friendship didn't survive it, but I've learnt.

    4. Confide in me, I would never judge you

    5. Send it in to SDK as a chronicle. You can open a neutral email account without your real name and use it to send it to her. That way, your real identity is protected

    6. Don't share with ANYBODY! Friends, Family or any Pastor or Clergy. Your topic will be used as example during sermon. Family will just say sort it out yourself. They won't help, Friends will judge some will even spread it. I remember when i needed to really speak with someone. Just unburden what was in my heart, all the 3 people i felt i could confide in started forming busy. I laughed, i just knelt down one day, started a conversation with the Holy Spirit, i talked and talked,smiled, laughed, cried too and went to bed, dreamt i took off a black dress or top, can't remember what and threw it away. I woke up, thanked God for victory and removing from me the garment of mourning.
      SPEAK TO THE CREATOR THAT WASN'T CREATED. It doesn't matter how but speak like He is beside you, like a child talking to her father. I have learnt to keep a diary again. And i can write for africa but will burn it soon.
      It is well with you.

  26. ANG, this your slogan Ajuju n' ese okwu, means what?

    1. it means questions wey dey bring quarrel

  27. May his name alone be exalted . Lord thank you for this beautiful day.

    Good morning all

  28. Finally the rain is here. A wet morning.

  29. URGENT,
    Please am looking for my Period. I went for a program in march, the pastor called those that are looking for fruit of the womb. I went to stand in for a friend that is ttcing, since then have been looking for my period. I told my husband he was just laughing and congratulating me on my journey. I just tire, my last child is 7yrs old, I have 3 already. I just weak.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Congrats na. Your friend not ready, you are ready. Enjoy it.

      Don't worry God will make provisions

    3. Lol! I want to look for my own period too

  30. Good morning all, at the shop customers fall on me in Jesus name Amen.. ..Do have a lovely day...

  31. @Anonny 08:17,please dont spend a dime on expensive creams for strechmarks.
    Use original black palm kernel oil on the affected areas twice a day.It works like magic and it will fade within a month.

  32. I hate it when everyone is running around for you, trying to help you get out of a fix, but you are busy keeping secrets hiding stuff from us.


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