Stella Dimoko Spontaneous Sunday Post


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Spontaneous Sunday Post

#hmmmmm #sunday #holyday #confessionday #adongivetwojerks #atestionyofthankfulness #headache #hicupps #acuppa #goodtogo #instagramdrama #itiswhatitis #shitisabouttogodown....

Good Morning people!!!

Today is gonna be beautiful and drama filled......It is what it is!
Please if you are interested in the free advert,you know what to do,just dont take other people's photos and show them off as yours........

We are voting today in Germany and the votes will be closed in the evening as usual...This is to every Nigerian eligible to vote in Germany...Please vote right!

Kisses to everyone!


  1. "One of the hardest decisions you'll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder".-- Zig Ziglar.

    Good morning and a lovely Sunday to you all.....

    1. Good morning beautiful bvs, happy Sunday all, Stella thank you for this wonderful planform ,this is my second home you guys are the real MVP love you all.

    2. Sitting comfortably on this table now Teejay

    3. Zig ziglar no be children program on 306ceebeebee. Dstv?

    4. @ Teejay, I liked your response yesterday on the Liz Gold's post. Most men these days go for what they perceive to be a "financially stable woman".

      I once participated on SnM and a lot of people added me. Two of the guys that were constantly calling, stopped when I told them I'm a fashion designer. They probably think it's the "hungry" type, not knowing I am a graduate and still have my own company apart from the fashion designing (that's my passion).

    5. Exactly the situation I'm in right now.. I'm trusting God to help me take the right step

    6. Exactly the situation I'm in right now.. I'm trusting God to help me take the right step

    7. 9:10 yes it is.
      Dem dey show repeat every Sunday by noon.

    8. Tbabe, may you be guided wisely in making a good and better decision. But know this one thing, if you must compromise or settle for anything, always get a better and clearer picture of the advantages of your choice in the long run.

      Don't settle, I repeat again, do not settle for a temporary gain that will eventually leaves you with a permanent pains or regrets in life.

    9. Anon 09:12 thanks for your acknowledgement. I say it the way it is. A man that wants a woman should show workings. You may not be rich but don't be lazy, be hardworking legitimately and not a scam. Prove you can take care of the bills unless you want other men to take care of your bills in exchange of your wife treasure.

      I repeat again, WOMEN, do not settle with a broke, lazy and a con man without any good source of income flow.

      Marriage itself comes with a lot of responsibilities and stress than allow one broke brother lure you into one in the name of love or 'e go better' sympathetic emotional words. What if it doesn't get better in good time and problem escalate? What if it does and he change to a monster and flirt with anything on skirt?

  2. Morning lovelies. Happy sunday

    1. Up and thankful, good morning beautiful people.

  3. Happy cold Sunday.

    Voting on Sunday. Wow, abi na e-vote. May the best win.

    1. Beloved, I sent you a mail already, pls pick me for the data giveaway ibeg, I broke die.

  4. Good morning Stella and bvs
    I am 23 and i went for pelvic scan yesterday because i want to start trying for a baby, the gynaecologist asked me to come back on Wednesday for interpretation of the result but I'm kinda scared. Pls someone should just interpret it for me in a simple way so my my mind can be at ease till on Wednesday cos i couldn't sleep.
    *Normal uterus is 4.59cm in its AP diameter
    *Both Adnexa is normal
    *Endometrial plate is thickened and in secretory phase.
    *Mild fluid in POD
    *No signs of myoma, cyesis or RPOC seen.
    I don't understand anything there.

    1. Why didn't they just give u the interpretation immediately? These doctors sef.

    2. The Almighty will reset your system and you’ll carry your twins

    3. Can't you Google? There are websites where you can talk to a doctor and ask them questions through live chat, try one of them.

    4. God will do it for u girl..gynae in the house please help her

    5. Just relax,God will perfect all for you okay.

    6. From the investigation, it is saying you have PID: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
      You have no signs of fibroids or growth, uterus and ovaries look normal.

    7. Pid-pelvic inflammatory disease
      Endometrial plate is thickened and in secretory phase- shows normal, I think you went around your ovulation period reason is written secretary phase.

      Everything is fine, just the pid. They may ask you do a vaginal swap to know the type of bacterial and place you on antibiotics to clear it.

    8. Anything we tell you is going to be rubbish. we havent got your medical history.

      If your gynecologist said that,you need to change drs . i recommend the bridge clinic

    9. Omobolanle, I will help you out with a couple but I am not your doctor and he or she is in a better position to interpret the results for you. For example, PID is pelvic inflammatory disease. No PID means you are fine, no infections! The mild fluid in POD (pouch of douglas) by itself is normal and no cause for concern. Myomas are also called fibroids, so you don't have any. Cyesis means pregnancy. You don't appear to be pregnant.

    10. RPOC means retained products of conception which can happen with miscarriages, abortions etc. You have none of these. I will stop now.

    11. PID is pelvic inflammatory disease, I it's an inflammation of the pelvis and you have a little fluid collection as a result of the infection. I am not a doctor, its a curable infection, no don't be scared, just go see the doctor and he tell u the next step.

  5. Guys can lie too much. They always feel we are mumu. Imagine me hanging out with this guy n his phone rang only to say it was his mum n left my presence. He came back few minutes later,phone rang again only to say it was his sister and she was sick but he was using bedroom voice to ask how her day was and what she has eaten. I didn't even argue. Not too long,he said His sister was having her birthday so I asked if he had called her,he replied yes. Meaning the other one wasn't his. Smh.

    1. What if he has many sisters. Stop dating like it’s an investment

      Date with an open mind

    2. Lol... Wait until you hear a woman lie to you, you will be shocked to know the devil is a learner. I once dated a lady during my school days that the only truth in her was good morning. Even the good morning I often check my time to be sure it wasn't noon.

    3. How many sisters does he have? He might have 2 or 3.
      Some of u just jump into conclusion like that, he might be telling the truth or lying.... how would u know? Did u check the number he called?

    4. Have you eaten? sister? no bro has time for that shit.
      Sweetie,collect your money and waka. Thank You, Next...

    5. The guy is a player. He just wants to chop you. If you are still with him, don't put your mind there o. So that when his yansh open clearly, you won't be too heartbroken. Make sure you gain from the relationship too.

  6. Oh yeah!!!!!!!
    I'm officially a graduate!!!!
    Dropped the pen yesterday
    I'm so excited!!!!!!
    Four amazing years of God's favour and unlimited blessings in the bag, more degrees and accomplishments to come by God's grace
    Celebrate with me fam 🤗

    1. Congratulations darling! This was me 7 years ago

      Ensure you are productive! Either as an entrepreneur or an officer worker

    2. congratulations Sugar girl🍾🍾🍾

    3. Congratulations. Well come to reality.

    4. You don see your result

    5. Congrats Shuga girl. You should be a Delsuite to have written exams yesterday(or not).More wins dear

    6. Blogbrity you finished school 7yrs ago and you are claiming 25yrs?
      So you had your Bsc at 18yrs? Continue with your football age o.

    7. congratulations girl

    8. lol anonymous 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    9. Hahahahaha dearest blogbrity my darling, don’t mind the anonymous up there calculating your age.
      They don’t know that we are forever 16.

      Ada lagos

  7. Drama everywhere good morning people Kaduna was fun mehn! On my way back to kano oh yes Nancy Isime is one beautiful lady with or without makeup and very friendly. TeddyA is a cool guy too also Mike Godson

  8. Pls BVS how can i induce period? It was delayed due to a contraceptive i used, it's been delayed for over two weeks now and i am so scared. Is it possible the drug postpone my ovulation or what? Pls how can bring the period back?

    1. Why not check to see if u are pregnant first

    2. Are you sure you are not pregnant? Delayed for 2 weeks? I’m asking because contraceptives fail.. test for pregnancy first then if it’s negative, just chill till the period decides to come

    3. Wait till 2 weeks then Go for pregnancy test

    4. i have done the test its negative

    5. Maybe you're pregnant. Congrats..... Twins loading🙌

    6. Maybe you did not take the drugs correctly.. is too late na. 2weeks??? Pls do test

    7. Madam Issa Goallllllll

    8. Hope you are married, if not don't abort that baby o. The baby is probably hiding that is why the PT showed negative. Next time close your legs or use condoms.
      The man that you both enjoyed together is sleeping and snoring, you are the one having sleepless nights. Ladies will never learn.

  9. I am almost broke because all my money is outside. When will I ever learn to say no????

    Hey God! How do I ever harden my mind to be able to say no, just when I don't have???

    I'm really exhausted but no one would understand this feeling. They would probably attribute it to stinginess 😭😭😭😭😭

    1. It's good to be nice butndont do not to the extreme,to the extent it affects you. Learn to say no sometimes because if you open some people mind or try to go deep to their mind,some people are wicked,jealous and envious of you. They like you now because of what you give them. Don't do things to tour own detriment.

    2. Live your life with less emotions about others peoples thoughts!

      Donthingbwhen you are satisfied doing it

    3. Learn to say no I learnt to do that longtime ago! No time for sentiments

    4. I understand how you feel, since you find it hard to say No, you can try having a figure set in stone. Once it is exhausted, you don't have to give anymore, that way you learn to protect yourself.

    5. I hope is not that man promising u marriage u packed ur money and gave o

    6. Once I give reasons why I can't and they push and enter the sob stories, my sister, I just wouldn't be able to refuse

    7. Joy let us hear word this Sunday morning abeg. My fellow bvs, ask her how much the money she is crying for is. Its not up to 5k o.

  10. Good morning beeveeleons..💕💕💕

    Had my first PARTY PACK delivery this weekend courtesy of a BV here that saw my advert sometimes ago..

    Thanks Stellz for the platform you used in helping us to show our adverts to the world..

    May God continue to bless his words in your heart through Christ our Lord.. Amen😁😁😁😁

    We are still in the business in case anyone is interested in our services🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    1. More sales dear! My first ever wholesale supply was from a Bv. And she came back this year for another 100pcs

      I’m grateful to you ma’am. More joy in your home

  11. Thy word is a light to my feet, and a light to my path! Psalm 119:105

    Make it an habit to always drink water every morning,first thing to do before eating anything.

    Stay blessed!

  12. This morning, as you head to the various slaughter homes called churches in Nigeria, be rest assured you're nothing but a mugu to that pastorpreneur. The only thing he cares about is your pocket. You're nothing but his cash cow. You're his mining site and his crude oil.
    Nigerian "pastors" are the biggest criminals that have walked the earth. Their thievery, side by side their humongous avarice is unparalleled. Their manipulative schemes laced with cherry-picked scriptural verses are some of the most evil conjectures any human being could ever come up with. They are worse than rat poison. These evil men have wreaked more havoc than all our crooked politicians put together. The most unsavoury part of it all is that the same evil men will adduce your perceived life Gordian knots to an innocent person or entity. They thrive in fostering chaos. They administer misinformation just to control the mind. It is well known that the easiest way to own a person is to control their mind. These men have perfected this evil course. How can some crooked nigga tell me I will never succeed if I don't pay tithe to him? How else could you explain a situation where someone tells you you'll prosper by giving them 10% of your hard earned money, and you comply to that? How can you make people "sow seeds" in order to overcome life problems? Why would you tell anyone to pray away their difficulties? Prayer achieves just one purpose- it gives hope. It will never give you money. It will not build roads, neither will it give you good leaders or infrastructure. Get off your lazy ass and stop empowering this criminal gang of "pastors". Whatever you want, go and get it. Take it! It's always there to be taken. Stop being a fool. Stop being scammed.

    1. If you don't own a Bible get one

      The Bible gives 2 solid pieces of advice and a great observation

      It says "Study to show yourself approved'
      It also says 'Try every spirit'

      Then 'As many as are led by the Spirit of GOD, they are the sons of GOD"

      Meditate on these and be led

      Not by opinions of men but by the Word of GOD that is the manual for living a life pleasing to GOD

    2. I have been broken free from their shackles my dear. I give cause my heart says i should with all gladness of heart and not because one pastor said so with a scriptural quotations.

    3. @jet li, Ceasar is a lost cause. I don't know why u are bothering with a response

    4. Why is it paining you na. Is that why your life is full of murmuring and grumbling. I won't say bitter. You are just sad.

      I will put you in my prayers and tell Bishop to pray so that sweetness will flow in

    5. how most pastors behave now, in 10years time we will have more atheist than Christians.

    6. Its not just Pastors my dear Chike, people dont fear God as the past generation did... things are constantly evolving, new discoveries, new views of life...
      Imagine ladies praying and fornicating at the same time, cheating in marriage is now a normal thing..
      35yr old woman no longer believes keeping herself till she finds a man is relevant, Gods words dont count in that aspect to them, all they know is that their biological clock is ticking & they need a child, at that point they throw away the bible, and society celebrates with them, things have gone sick, she will be so proud, just imagine, so atheists will multiply quickly

  13. I’m so pissed but I shouldn’t as I’m in mass

    My internet got stolen yesterday! So I called some Hausa mallam to do some menial jobs at home. My internet was on a pavement while I workout.

    After the left, I rounded my workout only to find out my internet had disappeared

    Called their leader but the claim they are not with it.

    How do I retrieve internet 8,000 on Monday and renew 12,500
    On Friday before the data expires 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    1. So sorry about that. If they weren't the ones that took it, then who could it have been? The ones here that pushes wheelbarrow looking for metal to pick or buy steals a lot.

    2. Exact way my husband's gold wedding band got missing. We were moving houses and needed those guys to move items too, ring disappeared from where he left it.

    3. Na dem collect am ooo. That was how they stole some of our things when we were moving out. Next time watch them and don't remove your eyes from them even when you are pressed.

      They are thieves

    4. Your Internet got I reading this right?
      Hope you recover what was stolen from you.

    5. Thanks dear Tbabe

      Thanks so much bee 10

      Thanks so much Teejay. The mallam that buys a crab was at my house same time to buy the Window Ac we no longer use. But they all claim they are not with it.

      I’ll move on. But I’m pained

    6. Oya, bv Don Mayor or any other small god on the blog to the rescue

    7. Na only crab, na lobster! Your English ehn! I guess you wanted to say your mifi was stolen, not internet. Olodo

    8. So sorry darling

      ADA Lagos

    9. Thanks Yori Yori

      Thanks. Kamikaze

      Thanks Dainty T

      Anonymous una go talk talk talk una mouth go bend

  14. Goodmorning everyone happy Sunday.

  15. It's a beautiful morning.just in bed listening to the sound of house is just by the medittaranian sea

    1. Enjoy

      Calmness on fleek

    2. Enjoy my dear. Life is too short

    3. Never heard of that sea, but enjoy the sound of the waves.

    4. This is wonderful. Enjoy the calm nature of the sea

  16. Good morning everyone, let me rant a Lil bit, yester was my husband's birthday, but he left home in the morning to his dads place, his step brother has issue with their dad, he went there to put mouth in what doesn't concern him, you know the reason why I said that is that, when that is because when he had issues with his dad few months back, his step mom was just looking, she didn't even help sort out the problem, so I expected him to mind his business so they won't hold his words against him, that is why am worried, he came home late, because he followed his friends to an introduction too yesterday, when he got home I corrected him that what he did was very bad, mind you I didn't mean make reference on him going to his dad place, I only made reference to him following his friends and coming late, guess what he did, he just picked his clothe and said he is going to sleep out, I said OK, I called his mom, his mom said I should leave him to sleep out instead of her correct him ,he just entered now but I didn't say a word an just looking at him, he said he went to that same friend place to sleep, Hmmmm, an an fedcoinformation gicas
    Don't mind my typos Nny

    1. Childish entitled adults everywhere

      Pray for Wisdom and Strength

    2. Sometimes we should learn not to nag these men. Just let him be. He's gonna come around when all nerves are calm

    3. Your husband lack maturity.

    4. Hmmmmm God will give you wisdom. Just allow him be but be watchful. Don't ask him, just pretend you don't care if he sleeps outside.

      Am sure he is waiting for you to complain, keep quiet. He will be remorseful

    5. 2nd life loading, maybe he went to his dads hse with d new girl🤧🤧. His friends house has a cosy room for there gbemshing activities. Just allow him enjoy his egusi in peace keep ur ogbono intact he may give u sti

    6. Never call his mom next time.

      Act like nothing happened and make him breakfast. Two wrongs has never made a right

    7. maybe the introduction was his. #MenAreScum. #MarriedMenMarryingEveryday

    8. Being married is hard but staying married is harder!
      If you really want to stay married,learn to ignore certain things,allow him to take decisions no matter how wrong you think it is,never nag or report your husband to anyone!
      Your husband has his own issues which you have to handle with wisdom but learn to control 'over sabiness'.
      Apologise to him now and stop looking at him like a thief!

    9. When a man is acting don't be in haste to call his mom or makes it looks like he is not yet a man .you can hold on except it continues then you can look for who to talk to him someone you trust .most mothers just support their son if they don't like the man and after get to know what is troubling him

    10. Pinklady are you normal?
      Who is supposed to apologise? She or the childish irresponsible horseband that went to sleep outside? Can the wife try what he did and come back into the house without her village elders in tow?

      Madam, don't just be looking at him, start snooping and investigating before pant will wear you. Bug his phone if need be, get a private investigator to trail him and get facts if you can afford it.
      He may have a serious side chick or second wife in town. That is where he went to sleep. His mum may even know this lady that is why she said you should allow him to go and sleep anywhere he likes. She knows where he is going to sleep. No mother will say that if there is no comma.
      I repeat, don't let them take you by surprise, be a step ahead of them, start snooping and investigation now so that you will know how to plan your life. We have only one life to live o.

    11. @anonymous 11:18,you are a foolish woman who thinks she is wise.
      Do you think marriage is for kids and insecure bitches like you?
      You are now putting wrong ideas into her head.
      Cant you understand from her ranting that she is a nag, she's arrogant, a control freak that her husband had to avoid her even on his birthday?
      I am a woman and I can't stand women who nag!
      She should become an FBI agent because of what?
      Why didn't he take her to his friend's introduction?
      It means that she has a very nasty attitude that even his friends cant stand her!
      Her husband has his own faults but she is the culprit here!

  17. Good morning bvs. Happy Sunday.
    Yesterday evening, I was on my way home when I saw kids from age 1 to like 13 along the road dancing to this new songs using the latest dance steps. You know that gbe body e songs and the likes. When I saw that one year old trying to dance to the song with people around encouraging her , I just laughed. It was actually funny. I remembered when I was still a small girl, I remember then that I struggled with my mukulumuke dance then. Times indeed have changed.
    Have a beautiful week

  18. Thanksgiving mood activated.. Today I celebrate a new year to my years on Earth. I am super thankful to God for his Mercy, Love, Grace, Provision and divine Protection. Thank you Lord having my back even as I am unworthy of you. Today I choose to celebrate every single parent holding down the forth, providing for their kid(s) against all odds. Staying strong in the lone struggles. I pray for us all today, that our source of strength will never fail us. You are loved! You matter! You are strong! And You shall reap in joy, gladness and health the fruits of your labour in Jesus name! Amen. Happy birthday to me. #geminiseason

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. a very good morning to everyone...Wednesday next week is my birthday ...hmmmmmmm..I wish to send my beautiful photos to Aunty Stella ,I really want to feature in the house news..happy birthday in advance to me...I greet all of you.😜😜

    1. Please do sweetie... Maybe then I will fire my shot. I love good things you know.

  21. Stella when is single and mingle update coming up... my boo is bursting my head.. am so in love now and wedding coming up soon. Happy Sunday house.

    1. Wishing you a Beautiful union. We sell affordable souvenirs from #200

    2. Yes we sell lovely souvenirs @luchy home items, also we sell great robes for your wedding and underwear to thrill your boo at night

      Ada lagos

  22. a very good morning to everyone and happy Sunday..Wednesday is my birthday.. I am just thanking God for life...I greet you righteously oga tj..who is wishing me happy birthday?

  23. Replies
    1. pidgin writer Aka blog mama pikin26 May 2019 at 09:34

      pray for me ooo finny

    2. happy sunday dear Chike.

      oooops sorry just saw ur message now, but amma still pray for u sha.

  24. Beautiful morning all. Going to the house of God to say eshe Baba ooo. Those not going, stay and sing praises for 30 minutes. God loves praises.

    Have been enjoying beautiful sleep nowadays. It can just be God and nothing more.

    Calmness everywhere even when the country is hard.

    Let me go and say thank you Chineke.

  25. Hello everyone... wish u all a wonderful Sunday ahead

    pidgin writer Aka blog mama pikin

  26. Hopeful
    I pray this week will be better than last week.
    Everything good will come in Jesus Name. Amen.

  27. Happy birthday, God bless you.

  28. pidgin writer Aka blog mama pikin26 May 2019 at 09:33

    missed everyone

  29. In thanksgiving to God for that type of miracle that sounds like a lie. I am super grateful oh Lord because I know it is so so close #thanksgivingmodeactivate#

  30. Good morning my people, missed dis blog like crazy, Glo network has not been favouring me, that puffin browser sef is not even helping matters

    1. Start browsing with Etisalat or Airtel line. You will enjoy the browsing experience. Glo and MTN are annoying

  31. So yesterday evening, my neighbour locked my phone in his house and went to God knows where! I just plugged it there to charge cos it went off while I was trying to complete an online transaction and there was no light. After like 30 mins I went to carry my phone only to meet a locked door.
    I thought maybe be just dashed out to buy something so I waited patiently for him. Tilllllllll 12:30am. That's when he came back. So my phone was imprisoned from 6:45pm to that time.
    I nearly died when they brought the light but I was consoling myself that at least the phone was charging.
    Only for him to open the door , see my phone lying helplessly on his table! Unplugged!! Dead!!!
    So he went and unplugged the phone but to bring it to me or call me to carry it was too much or what?
    That's not even the worst.
    I calmly carried the phone to my house and immediately I plugged it in, NEPA carry light till this morning.
    I no fit cry.
    I'm still so bitter.
    God please restore peace to my soul 😭😭😭

    1. Mtsheeeeeeeeeeeeeew
      So with all your mouth and big girl on this blog, you cannot afford to buy a used small Tiger generator that can charge phone even with one litre of fuel?

      Zuzuebapuo now now

    2. Subtle msg sent “ stop bringing ur stupid self to my flat”. He/she did it intentionally to pass u a msg

    3. Hahaha this is so funny but i feel your pain, please forgive him some people can be so inconsiderate! Ndo nne nwa mummy inugo? *hugs*

      In other news am i the only one that cringes when i see children dancing to the crazy songs we have now? I don't even play mtv base or any music channel in my house my children watch tv only 2hours a day and i select what they watch.

      I went to a friend's yesterday and they had mtv base on and come and see the children singing along to all the cringe worthy lyrics and giving beyonce a run for her money with their erotic moves with their parents cheering along and beaming with pride na wa! Lets let kids be kids biko.

    4. Anon 12:20, I'm so proud if you. I also plan to select what my child watches or listens to. Like you, I won't conform.

    5. Thanks guys 😘...
      That's how I went to the birthday party of a friend's dad and the little grandchildren were seriously singing and dancing to that Kiss Daniel's I want to use my big cassava to shift your womb, permit me song. 😳😳😳
      Suffer head anon come and buy for me na, but I don't want that your type, I want that one with remote. Please na pleasee 😂😂

  32. Haahaaaaah@Shakara. Sorry ooo
    Next time respect your self and keep within what is within your reach
    That your neighbour is not a good sombori. Stay clear

  33. Just came back from church. Children's Day service on fleek.

  34. Good day lovely people,happy Sunday.Remember to seek ye first the kingdom of God and it's righteousness and other things shall be added unto you.


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