Stella Dimoko Actor Ik Ogbonna's Wife Sonia Morales Talks About Emotional Abuse.....


Monday, May 06, 2019

Actor Ik Ogbonna's Wife Sonia Morales Talks About Emotional Abuse.....

Claim to fame -Estranged Spouse of Nollywood Actor Ik Ogbonna....

Sonia made this post and she makes a lot of sense,take the message and leave the messenger!!!



  1. She's right! My husband is like that! He will constantly drive mad in the house but playa innocent in front of my siblings. They will all side him, eeeh this man is not a troublesome man. Smh

    1. Genevieve had a shorter version of this. Hers is longer and self explanatory. Sonia looks like a good girl who can adapt to any culture wen she loves, not ur typical oyibo skoiskoi


    3. @ brown sugar, shade detector, how can that be a shade to Tonto?? SMH!!!


    4. Tonto ke, you sabi comprehension so? She is shading Churchill and Ik.

    5. More like defending Tonto. Men abuse you in different ways behind closed doors and come outside to call you crazy because the society lets them and makes women voiceless. Check out what has gone down in the past week and then answer your own question

    6. Una don start this "me too movement here?"😯😯😯😯
      When I yarn am now, una go release Bingo nkita ara okwa ya?

    7. I think she is defending Tonto

    8. I tell you. And what hurts most is that women are the ones who put women under pressure to stay in abuse. Women are the ones who do not understand when other women are going through a hard time in their marriage. Women are the ones who will tell you your eye done tear, no marriage is perfect. Women NVER support women therefore there is no end to this cycle of abuse in sight. When women start uplifting women, men will start respecting women. SO SAD

    9. I would rather listen to people like this. People that have experienced these things first hand, not social media fingers typing it's ok it's ok.

    10. Marriage is not easy at all. The emotional abuse ones are even worst. Everyone think you’re enjoying yet you’re dying inside. No one believes your rantings because you’ve been labeled a nag. While all you ask for is a little attention. Mehn it’s not easy at all. Marriage is overrated

  2. That is what African women passes through. No body ever blames the man. The few years she spent with IK, she has learnt them finish.

  3. Mr Ik is this what you've been doing to Sonia??

  4. She's very right, emotional abuse is the worst thing anyone can go through... Some men are just too manipulative

  5. Trust me when I tell you I hated Tonto when she began talking publicly about this issue but I have come to realise that some of us will do the same if found in her situation.

    I have up all good rich guys coming for my hand in marriage and married my husband, because I thought he was a very God fearing guy, that will put God first in everything he does and I also saw potentials in him. He hasn't got much going on for him now and I have been the backbone of the family, even his own family, mum and siblings. But this guy constantly drives me crazy. He will verbally abuse me constantly and keeps capitalising on every mistake I make. This is man I thought that would compliment me and all. Right now I see him as a man that will push me out when things start going on well for him financially. If that happens after everything I have been through, don't you think I will worse than Tonto in feeling very hurt and talking about it? Especially when people on the other side believe that you are the problem and label you all sorts of names. That alone will drive you more crazy.

    Many people have done worse than Tonto, the difference is that no one knows about you and your story because you are not a celebrity.

    So when you lots are on high on your moral ground, judging this woman Tonto, take a step back and re-analyse things. You don't know what she's been though.

    1. God bless you. I'm currently facing same. When I finally leave my husband ehn, he won't know what hit him.

    2. So many men are so manipulative! Mine won't speak to me all through. Leave the house without telling me, only to call me on the phone when he's with friends. "Baby is there light"? how is this and that? His friends will be jealous not knowing the truth. They tell me I married the best man any woman can have. Just imagine.

  6. You and Tonto on that freaking table

    1. Yimu, most of you talking about Tonto and how her son will feel when he grows up are just myopic, still living in stone age and not exposed despite technology and education. You have no idea how the world is working now. She could have worried before in the early 2000s but not in this technology era, things are involving. Women being naked online are celebrated, some are first ladies ask Trump. Thieves are becoming your rulers, war crime lord are becoming heroes, Yahoo boys are becoming respectful members of the society, your politicians are known thieves, you that is talking is not perfect in any ramification. Don't look at the world from your village mind, things are evolving, what was a sacrilege yesterday is no longer today. Tonto might even go in politics in 10 years and celebrated and people like you will die for thinking your righteous self is what God depends on to BLESS WHO HE HAS CHOSEN. My dear, life is complicated, NEVER WRITE ANYONE OFF BASED ON THEIR PRESENT.
      Dino Mayele beat and abused his wife, the world shouted and forgot. Today, he is one of the most liked Senator and you still voted him AGAIN, while his wife still miserable without the kids custody, in 20 years, he will still make impact and when he died, we won't remember his bad side, we will bring his funny videos and laughed and say rest in peace to a funny man. Listen, don't you see the people making it in life and moving to greater high these days? eing good is good but it does no longer pay the bills like before, you can choose to remain that way, your prerogative but don't think people living differently from you are going to hell or lose in life, nope! A lot of good people are suffering these days, living in poverty and don;t think heaven belongs to you, a killer can make heaven as long as they accept God in their death bed, you have no guaranty in this life.
      Your ways are not God ways.

    2. Yimu, that was before not in this technology era, things are involving. Women being naked online are celebrated, some are first ladies ask Trump. Thieves are becoming your rulers, war crime lord are becoming heroes, Yahoo boys are becoming respectful members of the society, your politicians are known thieves, you that is talking is not perfect in any ramification. Don't look at the world from your village mind, things are evolving, what was a sacrilege yesterday is no longer today. Tonto might even go in politics in 10 years and celebrated and people like you will die for thinking your righteous self is what God depends on to BLESS WHO HE HAS CHOSEN. My dear, life is complicated, NEVER WRITE ANYONE OFF BASED ON THEIR PRESENT.
      Dino Mayele beat and abused his wife, the world shouted and forgot. Today, he is one of the most liked Senator and you still voted him AGAIN, while his wife still miserable without the kids custody, in 20 years, he will still make impact and when he died, we won't remember his bad side, we will bring his funny videos and laughed and say rest in peace to a funny man.
      Your ways are not God ways.

    3. Jezzz!!!This is it! You nailed it..what about me that has been a good girl all my life and yet no good life and husband to show for it...hmmmm..but enh my younger sis that was up every where is happily married long time ago to a very wealthy husband. Life is what it is.

    4. what if she regrets it? in Life there has to be a balance,things change and the society that tolerates bullshiy today may revolt tomorrow and say Nay to Bullshits.

    5. Anon 14:59
      Calm down, You are not so certain of what tomorrow might bring, it could still favor Dino's Ex wife. The Scriptures have been way way ago and the words still remain the same.

  7. Heartbreak is real stay strong

  8. oya who get sub?come with a packer and small basket

  9. Trust me when I tell you I hated Tonto when she began talking publicly about this issue but I have come to realise that some of us will do the same if found in her situation.

    I have up all good rich guys coming for my hand in marriage and married my husband, because I thought he was a very God fearing guy, that will put God first in everything he does and I also saw potentials in him. He hasn't got much going on for him now and I have been the backbone of the family, even his own family, mum and siblings. But this guy constantly drives me crazy. He will verbally abuse me constantly and keeps capitalising on every mistake I make. This is man I thought that would compliment me and all. Right now I see him as a man that will push me out when things start going on well for him financially. If that happens after everything I have been through, don't you think I will worse than Tonto in feeling very hurt and talking about it? Especially when people on the other side believe you are the problem and label you all sorts of names. That alone will drive you more crazy.

    Albany people have done worse than Tonto, the difference is that no one knows about you and your story because you are not a celebrity.

    So when you lots are on high on your moral ground, hmjudging this woman Tonto, take a step back and re-analyse things. You don't know what she's been through.

    1. Tonto' s own is different abeg.... if you say Tiwa, then i will understand!!

      Tonto is out for blood without any care in this world, she is a very selfish being who does not care about what her actions will cost her loved ones, she wants to make money out of it by all means!!!

      She is a scam as much as churchill is, she is only mad that she got served!!!!


    2. Push yourself out now while you still can...why wait till he does it?

  10. Sonia I don't like you, but you are right on this one.

  11. I pray none of you ever come across a man that can damage you to the last point of your life, that you cant even explain to people understanding what you went through cos to everyone he a saint and a saint can do no wrong. I remember the day my sister begged me with tears to leave my ex that I'm beginning to behave and sound like a mad woman. Funny enough i couldn't explain well how he was, that guy is a psychopath

    1. Anon 15:02. Goosebumps reading your post. Thank God he is now an ex. Hugs

    2. I once dated a psycho guy like that. I doubt a week would pass and we wouldnt argue. He will block my no,then unblock and block again. Keep malice for weeks on end. At a point I was questioning my sanity. He will call me names. I thought there must be something wrong with me if this guy is always complaining about me.
      I left his manipulative ass and he couldn't believe I cld cut him off. He cried,begged even threaten suicide. I told him he's free.
      I have been dating someone for a year now. And I can say we hardly argue. Asides little things of me complaining he's always busy with work and not spending enuf time 2geda. No real serious argument.
      Some crazy men can turn the course of your life and derail it.

  12. The moment women stop taking what the old generation tell them as the solution to handling their issue especially in marriage, but decide to handle it as it is objective to them...we will definitely have a better society!!! I have done my survey and realise women are in most cases the problems of themselves and the society at large!!! God gat you Sonia

    1. @Tinalexy you are intelligent! !! Gbam!!!

  13. Thank you Sonia

    I am sure she typed this in support of Tonto.

    Maybe IK may have tried the normal Nigerian man madness and she simply left.

    Unlike Big brother Tobi's mother that granted a video justifying rubbish in the name of how many years anniversary.

    Rosy Muerer...How come he has not married you with all wonderful attributes? Keep shading Tonto.


    1. I can never judge Sonia, I haven't walked in her shoes, she may have married ik for what she could get but when she got here she tried to make it work, she posted so much about her love for her home and family but when you have a man that doesn't appreciate your effort you become bitter or leave.
      she left and I support her decision and that's why Ik can never say anything bad about her, not after sending his privates to Nina.

    2. Can you people stop this " how come he hasn't married you" talk? Do you know if she wants to get married or not?. People date for years without getting married cause that's what they want

    3. @ xoxo gbam!! He must have tried the shit with her, babe dropped him like bad habit in a twinkle of an eye. He forgot he wasn't dealing with an African woman who has the we die there mentality.

  14. See as people just dey reason....You don't even know if the same emotional abuse is been done by a woman on a man. As if men don't get emotionally abused

    1. @Oj then speak up and fight it. Emotional abuse is not gender specific. This fight is a fight for all being abused, both male and female .

  15. You know, this woman doesn't sound like a Columbian more like an Igbo woman. Ik, so u let this apple go? I won't be surprised if one fine rich Naija guy just carry her marry,she damn good.

    1. @Sparkle it's a case of you don't know what you have until you loose it or should I say see finish! I'm not even sure she will want to get married, at least not so soon. She never talk finish wetin her eyes see for Ik hand.

    2. Colombians are poor, and most people from poor countries reason alike. She is not white.

  16. This is my ex she just described up there. This man will start trouble and when u react, they will say u are the mad one.
    One time, we had a minor quarrel and he called my dad to come and settle the quarrel. My dad had to travel for 6 hours on a Sunday because he told him I was about burning the house down. What!?
    My dad came and met that I was sleeping. When I saw him, I was so furious because he’s too old for that kinda stress. So my eyes became red and I became angry the more.

    I insulted the hell out of him that day (I don’t know how to keep it down when I’m angry) and my dad was just looking at me. Mr man was just saying “Daddy, this is what I go through everyday ooo”. In a very cool and innocent tone.

    Chai!! My dad quietly came to meet me and told me I need to go for deliverance that this is not the child he knows. Everyone knows me as a quiet girl back home but immediately I married this man I became mad, crazy and insane. Even me I couldn’t place what was happening to me until I sat down to tell my self “this isn’t who u are” I left and I didn’t look back till today.
    Now I’m back to my sweet self.

    Wait! How can a man be calling my parents to report me up n down and expect me to be ok with it? I mean, u don’t see me reporting u to ur folks when u wrong me now.

    1. Jesus! !!! He is a psychopath. You are lucky you left!!

    2. I dated someone similar to your husband. I that use to be quiet. I had never said shut up to a man before. This guy will fraustrate me that I will start cursing and using all sorts of words. He will post girls pics on his Dp just to fraustrate me.
      I'm with someone now that is even too busy to argue with you. He doesn't even have d time.
      I have gone back to my old happy cheerful self.
      Emotional abuse is terrible.

  17. so true with the write up. There no moral justification for abuse be it psychological, emotional or physical. But nevertheless as much as they have bad and good men, so as they also have good and bad women who can single handedly abuse and drive a man insane with their excess indoors. A lot of men go through grievances things in doors just like their female counterparts ranging from consistent insults, lack of respect, nagging, emotional torture, irresponsible characters rising from up bringing, arrogance in handling issues, pride, cheating e.t.c. Base on the fact their is no moral justification for abuse of any sort the fight remains in our hands both gender to make it better. “We are all victim” but nature created men more stronger not to easily speak out the plight we conceive and pass through unlike our female counterparts...

  18. I remember when Sonia used to jokingly beg ik on IG to come back home. He will say he's out there grinding for the family. She has left nau. You neglected her. Go and grind. Bald man!

    A woman who knows her worth. She tried to make it work but in wanted her to stay at home, beautify his house, raise kids and cook ofe onugbu with old dirty pots. Nonsense Nigerian men!

  19. Seems women from failed marriages are seeking validation for abandoning their marriages. These women will never accept or agree to their contribution in destroying the marriage, rather they would blame the men in their lives. I am not ruling out these men because it takes two to tango. Let’s be frank and say the harsh truth, these women are bad wives. It would be better to remain single than to be a bad wife.

    1. Please don’t say what you don’t know. I have been in a similar situation where at times I even beg just for peace to reign even when deep down I knew I was right. Worse fact is at times he knows I’m right but wouldn’t apologize. The day I had had enough he was in shock.
      Trust me, women want peace in their homes. Most of these type of men are very insecure.

    2. Marriage na bad market for them's a burden for them, it hinders their runs, so they look for any excuse to leave and go and show dem true selfish self...if I start listing out names of dem dem now...ehn

  20. Mine is worse. He reports me to his parents, siblings, uncles and addition to my family. He is very local and when I subtly try to brush him up, he will make sure he goes the extra mile to bring disgrace to our unit.So,I reduced my advice and allow him to disgrace only himself for my sanity. He drove me through our neighborhood in the early hours of the morning while my legs were dangling from a vehicle at 6 months pregnant. We would make plans on something, then he would flip on me to do an entirely different thing. He discusses our sex life with his best friend (we're married for over 6 years now) and later his friend would call me to tell me what they discussed. He doesn't like to attend any function with me...especially if the celebrants are highly successful people. I rarely had conflicts before I married him because I minded my business but the moment I married him...peace escaped from my territory because he always told people every single thing we do and even make up lies about me. I focus squarely on my studies now and sometimes I purposely come home late so I won't have to talk to him. We would be on a 17 hour flight but he would totally ignore me while he chats up a random chic sitting next to him. I even had a bill as low as $6 that he refused to pay because he claims he doesn't have the money. Guys, I used to be beautiful, happy and financially stable before I met this guy and brought him to the States thinking he was godly. Never knew I was going into the worst nightmare of my life. On top of this, he wants to be a Pastor @ all costs in my church. Anyone who sees him outside before they know him will think he's charming but I know a couple of pastors in the church who told me they can't wish my husband on their worse enemy. The funny thing is I have 2 guys on my case at the moment who think I am so pretty and stress less. The fear of God has not allowed me do anything as I am trying to focus on my studies to make a better future for my kids and I. He lacks love, he is physically, emotionally and mentally abusive. Never bought an underwear for me since years of marriage. Only started buying an item on my birthday from 3 years ago because the Pastor told him to. I am not without fault myself but believe me, there's only little a person can endure. Singles, please be more alert when you're dating. The fact you met someone in church doesn't mean they are good. They can pretend for a long time and start displaying after marriage. Manipulation is real.

    1. desperate ladies will never hear,they would rather go in and suffer.


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