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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Spontaneous Sunday Post

#sundaysundaygroove #thethingsthatmendo #churchdayforsome #sabbathday #holyday #atallatallnaembad #dontreadmyhashtgandreplymeagainbeech #fvckyou #hmmm #palmsunday

Good Morning everyone ......It is Palm Sunday!!!

OMG it snowed last night!...It is so hard to predict the Weather these days.We are not in the snowing season at all and infact,it should be slowly getting warmer but i looked outside the Window and it was snowing!!! #wondersshallneverend.

May today Sunday,be everything you ever needed and more and may your testimony be so great that when you post it here,Lady bug and the other doubting thomas' who troll,will go into a fit calling you a liar!....Happy Palm Sunday to everyone whom it concerns!

Enjoy your day and please if you have anything to advertise for your business,send it in well prepared........and with photos that are yours!

Kisses to everyone!


  1. Happy Palm Sunday everyone and a Blessed Easter celebration in advance.

    1. Happy Sunday. Have a blessed week ahead

    2. Amen to that prayer up there.

      Good morning all.

    3. Happy Sunday tam. 99 comments already wow.
      So yday I dreamt of 2 beautiful eggs and Stella used egg for spontaneous post( I woke up and saw it). Pls what does egg in dream represent

    4. Fertility, children coming


  2. That Blessing coming your way, cannot be stopped... God will move all the obstacles away🙏🙏🙏

    Your next 8 months will be better than your last 4 months.. Amen

    Happy birthday in arrears Castle Windsor, more beautiful, precious and fruitful years to celebrate... Cheers!!!

    Happy Sunday and a beautiful new week to y'all 😘😘😘

    1. Amen baby.... I woke up happy 💃💃💃💃

    2. Amen Amen Amen

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Amen oooo Sonia. I claim it oooo. Small testimonie God give me, see me broadcasting to everyone, I was asked to abort my baby. I refused cos God specially spoke to me . After happily gisting with some pple see ENVY,SEE BEEF! Meanwhile God of wonders has spoken again. That what is coming will be bigger than what has arrived! Sonia that prayer is for me hoha!!! I no go tell my testimony again o! I no wan hate around me biko!

  3. Singing: Oh Lord we've come before thy throne of grace to offer the sacrifice of praise to thee. What a joy i feel this morning being in His presence. May the rest of our day be blessed for ever more,Amen.

  4. Life sometimes leaves us with stringent decisions and choices to make. Do not JUDGE a man until you have walk in his shoes, for you won't know the options they were left with that formed their decisions.

    To some life hasn't been fair but they had to survived. Even in judgement, we should be lenient with spoken words.

    1. I haven’t been to Catholic Church since Dec 31st. Even b4 then Na 1st of Jan 2018. Like it doesn’t fascinate me anymore. I just go to church once once. Redeem or Daystay go listen to DEEP word of God and am ok. I know even know say Na psalm SUNDAY we dey . All I know is JESUS SAves not church.

    2. Good Morning Lumiere, happy Sunday to you.

  5. Good morning BVs.
    Happy Sunday everyone.
    Nkiru enjoy your stay in Abuja. Would have contacted you, but this isn't a happy time.
    Happy belated birthday Castle.

    1. Queen, please be strong 😘😘😘
      Try and unwind and be among good people
      Listen to good music.... You will be fine.
      It's not easy I know, I still cry to bed once in a while.

    2. My dear don't worry we can meet when next I come. Don't be too worried Almighty God will make everything right in his own time. Would love to meet you but hey nothing bad if we don't see. Take care and regards

    3. Thanks Queen.
      The Good Lord is your strength.

  6. Good morning everyone... Happy Palm Sunday

    #TriumphantEntryIntoJerusalem #LastWeekofLent
    #HolyWeekArrival #BirthdayLoading #HolySaturday #+1 #20/04/2019 #NewDawn

    Vote For Your Favourite Female Blogger of The Year..

    Vote for SDK. I can see the increase...Thank you all. Let's hit 70%.

    Borrow your neighbours phone and vote, whether in your work place, or in your yard.

    It's just 5 DAYS and some hours to go now. Voting ends at 12 noon, 20th April 2019.

    Just copy and paste this link below in your browser 👇 and vote for Tante Stella. It's very quick and easy to vote.

    1. Nice one 👏👏👏
      She has won, lemme go use hubby's phone

    2. I voted several times already. Voted with all my neighbour's phones last two months. Now I just voted with my friend's phones. SDK will win

  7. Good morning and Happy Sunday 😘😘😘

    Secret 1
    Everyone you marry has a weakness. Only God does not have a weakness. So if you focus on your spouse's weakness you can't get the best out of his strength.

    Secret 2
    Everyone has a dark history. No one is an angel. When you get married or you want to get married stop digging into someone's past. What matters most is the present life of your partner. Old things have passed away. Forgive and forget. Focus on the present and the future.

    Secret 3
    Every marriage has its own challenges. Marriage is not a bed of roses. Every good marriage has gone through its own test of blazing fire. True love proves in times of challenges. Fight for your marriage. Make up your mind to stay with your spouse in times of need. Remember the vow For better for worse. In sickness and in health be there.

    Secret 4
    Every marriage has different levels of success. Don't compare your marriage with any one else. We can never be equal. Some will be far, some behind. To avoid marriage stresses, be patient, work hard and with time your marriage dreams shall come true.

    Secret 5
    To get married is declaring war. When you get married you must declare war against enemies of marriage. Some enemies of marriage are:
    Third party influence
    Lack of love
    Be ready to fight to maintain your marriage zone.

    Secret 6
    There is no perfect marriage. There is no ready made marriage. Marriage is hard work. Volunteer yourself to work daily on it. Marriage is like a car that needs proper maintenance and proper service. If this is not done it will break down somewhere exposing the owner to danger or some unhealthy circumstances. Let us not be careless about our marriages.

    Secret 7
    God cannot give you a complete person you desire. He gives you the person in the form of raw materials in order for you to mould the person that you desire. This can only be achieved through prayer, love and Patience

    Secret 8
    Getting married is taking a huge risk. You can not predict what will happen in the future. Situations may change so leave room for adjustments. Husband can lose his good job or you may fail to have babies. All these require you to be prayerful otherwise you might divorce.

    Secret 9
    Marriage is not a contract. It is permanent. It needs total commitment. Love is the glue that sticks the couple together. Divorce start in the mind and the devil feeds the mind. Never ever entertain thoughts of getting a divorce. Never threaten your spouse with divorce. Choose to remain married. God hates divorce.

    Secret 10
    Every marriage has a price to pay. Marriage is like a bank account. It is the money that you deposit that you withdraw. If you don't deposit love, peace and care into your marriage, you are not a candidate for a blissful home.


    1. Thank you. It really blessed me.

    2. Marriage is NOT beans

    3. Nollywood people come and read oh... not only nollywood people sha

    4. 👌👌👌👌👌👌👍

    5. Enter your reply...Thank you for the write up... God bless you

  8. Good morning all and happy Palm Sunday to you all.

  9. Happy Palm Sunday everyone....

    thank God for life..

  10. Proverbs 9.

    Folly is an unruly woman;
    she is simple and knows nothing.
    14 She sits at the door of her house,
    on a seat at the highest point of the city,
    15 calling out to those who pass by,
    who go straight on their way,
    16 “Let all who are simple come to my house!”
    To those who have no sense she says,
    17 “Stolen water is sweet;
    food eaten in secret is delicious! ”
    18 But little do they know that the dead are there,
    that her guests are deep in the realm of the dead

    1. Folly na person name o
      One of my inlaw name na Folly o.

    2. Lol @ anon 8:52. I also know someone named Folly.

  11. A very successful young man tried his hand in marriage, it didn't work. It produced a male child. He decides to have kids with two other women, and there is bedlam! Marriage did not work for him; does that mean he shouldn't have more kids if he wants to? Why must you always force your jaundiced beliefs on others? It's been said time and time again, marriage isn't for everyone. This guy married to satisfy a judgemental society, only to discover it wasn't for him. Why must he marry another before having more kids? Is it your womb? Are they your sisters? Why employ biblical passages to condemn people? What gives you the feeling everybody conforms to these passages of yours?
    At little or no prompting, they sing " I don't know how Lilian ended up with this diminutive guy". Who the hell is Lilian? What was she before he met her? Who is she presently?
    Others are always quick to state how being born out of wedlock or coming from a broken home (whatever that shit means)is bad for a child's future. Bullshit! I discovered to my chagrin that kids raised by single parents mostly turn out well in life. Most times, they aren't inhibited from exploring their innate potentials. They try their hands on so many things in pursuit of success. There's no father telling them "you must be a doctor, engineer, bla,bla,bla". They just have this room to be themselves and get it right.
    Barrack Obama was raise by a single parent, Angelina Jolie, Kanye West, Alicia Keys, Puff Daddy, Halle Berry, Jay-Z , Eddie Murphy,.... were all raised by single parents . Ahmed Musa the Nigerian national team captain was born, and raised in a brothel by a prostitute(I hate using the word though).
    Most crimes against humanity are committed by people that were raised in " conventional " homes. This isn't an advocacy for single parenthood, not at all. It is only proper to allow people live their lives the way and manner they deem fit. Allow them do what works for them.

    1. Yaba left escapee14 April 2019 at 08:33

      Ceasar is "Money Makes You sleep with lots of women"

    2. Yaba left escapee14 April 2019 at 08:39

      No one attacks wizkid, Ubi is one snake in green grass thats why, plus he was making the media believe Lilian is being wicked for not giving him a second chance, so many ppl attacked hot hot and claimed she never loved, which is true by the way, but failed to see reasons with her, well we didnt see the slimmy side of this Ubi, so when fowl nyash open, Ubi had to face an angry mob.

    3. Your opening argument is flawed.
      It's only expected that your narrative will be plagued with hasty generalizations and fallacious conclusions.

      He didnt decide to have two children after his marriage failed...
      He was already a baby daddy before his marriage howbeit he didn't disclose his truth until his lies caught up with him.

    4. @ queen Jay, he was already expecting a child with another woman whilst he was getting married married. He didn't mention it to Lilian. Some of you just like to argue blindly even when you know the truth. As if the circumstances are the same with wiz kid. Who cares if he gets married ir not? Let him own his truth and stop deceiving him self.

    5. Yaba left escapee thanks for saying what we know since.
      Caesar is MONEY MAKES MEN YOU.
      They are in anonymous cursing women

    6. The foolishness of an individual becomes the problems of society tomorrow

      Only very very myopic and selfish people don't/refuse to see that.

      Ask yourself where is all this going, the dominoes effect is in motion and ignorantly people are hastening society's demise

      Condoning idiocy in the name of "minding your business"
      Tries to remove repercussions from actions and renders society "free for all"

      A time is coming where people will have sex on broad daylight and be shameless/feel very entitled about it , whilst another individual passes by with children

      Degenerate behaviour and foolishness needs a permissive attitude by society to thrive

      You may only know how it starts you don't know how bad and low it will go

      By then the smell of the corpse will overpower all but when society was being murdered , myopic people said "mind your business'

    7. ANONYMOUS 10:54 God bless you.. you are so intelligent... we do tins because we believe is freedom but wat effect does it have on our society?????

  12. A resounding Amen to your prayer Stella.

  13. Good morning and Happy Palm Sunday..

  14. A resounding Amen to your prayer Stella.

  15. A resounding Amen to your prayer Stella.

  16. Goodmorning everyone.happy palm Sunday.

  17. A resounding Amen to your prayer Stella.

  18. Good morning dear Stella, Good morning my people. Thank God it's another Sunday! Countdown to Easter! Happy birthday to Castle Windsor you are indeed a wonderful lady, I met you and was not disappointed! Wishing you all the best in life. Kisses to baby Windsor! Off to church to worship God! When you feel lazy and tired to get up you remember that you have to go to church. Same girl I checked but didn't see your email address ooo. Goodness& Mercy abeg where you dey live make I crash land there lol! After 3 years I ate one wicked vegetable soup filled with cow leg and periwinkle oh it was too much! Na so so vegetable soup I go dey eat till I go back ooo. Foodie for life!

    1. You know we are fighting
      You came and didn't call me
      Lemme fly to Abuja
      Welcome dearie

    2. Would have loved to meet you. Come to Ukraine 🙄🙄

    3. Welcome to Nigeria...
      Happy Belate birthday to castle dear..grow and be prosperous


    5. Thanks Nkiru, fresh momma. Kisses to sweet Malin and God bless your kind heart.

      Thanks Sharon Aminu. Amen. God bless you ma'am.

    6. Face of spontaneous?
      That would be nice
      I remember those days when Chioma the fruit lady covered Spontaneous post with her fruits. It was so nice.
      Btw, where is Chioma the fruit lady? I last read here that she got an endorsement or something like that. Hope she is balling now

    7. I dey Lagos o...will be in Abuja by summer😍😍😍

  19. Good morning all.
    Stella Nwayioma, my birthday is on 21st which is on a Sunday, I'll like my pic to be used as face of spontaneous post, you know I'm special. Lol.

    Happy palm Sunday.

  20. Good morning my lovely families. My zeal for church service is on zero. Haven't been to church in 4-5 Sundays.

    1. Everyone sometimes go thru this phase....just be quiet and let God heal you

  21. Good morning good people...
    Stella, you laidis ehn 😂😂😂Amen to your prayers.

    Belated birthday to you Castle, may God bless your new age and continue to order your steps.

    Bia Same girl, did you say you are not married? 🙄🙄🙄🙄😴You made these statements " I can call you from xyz house" and "thank God I will be a parent soon"😏😏😏ok, tell me what you meant, you can't come and be confusing somebody.

    Bv Perxian are you our Miss A?

    1. Elegant leave same girl alone
      She is not married. Is your eyes turnioniown 😂
      She made a future sentence.

      How is Perxian Ms A.
      I give up on you walahi 😂😂😂😂

    2. I agree... Same girl come and explain😀😁😂
      Good morning dear elegant

    3. Perxian cant be Mrs A but XP is def ANG. She should keep denying. ANG disappeared XP appeared. They both have smooth yansh.


    5. Hi @elegant, Happy Palm Sunday. I'm not Miss A, I'm Perxian.

      Do have a good day.

    6. Good morning Elegant madam. Thank you and God bless you.

    7. Olori lemme o😂😂😂😂😂

      Good morning Sharon, happy Palm Sunday.

      Perxian, don't I just love you, thanks for clarifying 😘😘😘😘.
      Stella, leave that Judge Judy abeg.

    8. Goodness and mercy and anon8:46 your laugh go turn cry the Day anonymous mood fails you. Hanty Xp go use you do suya

    9. See them. Hahahahaha.
      You guys endeavour to go to church on Sunday morning before gathering to chant gibberish here.

      Anony 8:46... I told you to use your ID.
      Till then...
      Singing in Teni's voice
      I go go Oshodi for your case o
      I go call MC Oluomo, I go report all of you.

      Anony 11:10 leave the Calabar open leg thing let her be jumping upandan till her neck enter my rope.

    10. 11.10 u say what? I use my id to say whatever i want to say on a blog that's as faceless as you are. You hear me so...i am no one to hide behind a mask to say what i wana say, inugo??😏

      Xhrlted P or whatever u call it. U no go respect your self now,did i call ur name in any of my comments or ever insulted you?
      Igbo open leg thing kawai!

    11. Goodness and Mercy... calmdan. We're not fighting yet. I just made a plea that you or whoever use your ID to type that XP is ANG. Shikena. Isn't hard innit?

      Save your sweat because I understand you lack respect and in a bid to desperately market yourself as an oyibo, Igbo and Calabar to some persons on here you fail to know your boundary? I'll take you straight up. Patapata dem dash you 100k giveaway and sewing machine while your mates do 4 years in the University, do NYSC and set up their lives.
      *ask your cohorts*
      *read In House News March 1 t 3rd 2016.
      You will understand and besides I don't flog 1st offenders. I am patient. You know this is not your 1st or 2nd ID right?

      XP is talking abortion and shooting off babies, cursing women and demeaning them ko?
      I wait!

      Just type it. Datsall!

  22. Happy palm Sunday to all the anons. No one ever shout you guys out but I see y'all and i appreciate y'alls inputs.

    Yeah, i'm referring to you from yesterday.. 💙

  23. Life is not that hard just try
    to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, give shelter to travellers, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead via ur capability weda big or small.

    You get inner peace doing good to the downtrodden, this is the reason most rich people without God are depressed cos life have become boring to Them everything seem normal, same routine all yr, they are looking for something new but it have happened b4.

    Think nd reflect
    Rise above hate

  24. Good morning and happy palm sunday. Thank God for a successful convocation from my pgd program yesterday in Unical. My miracle job awaits me and every other job seeker on this platform.

  25. Belated happy birthday to you castle Windsor. Many more beautiful years to you in Good health

  26. You'll be surprised to know how far you can go from the point where you thought it was the end.

  27. At point 10, Every marriage has a price to pay but watch that you are not paying the ultimate sacrifice (your life or peace of mind).

    Like they say, marriage is a life sentence so choose your prison mate wisely.

    A lady in my neighbourhood is being dragged by EFCC and SARS because she married a fraudster. I warned her when during the relationship as he was always being picked up but she thought she could change him. Now, she is hooked and has become the easy target of security operatives since they cant reach her man. I feel tempted to tell her to leave the dead-on-arrival marriage. Needless to say that she already regrets her choice.

    That been said, if you are blessed to marry a good, honest, hardworking spouse, then try your best to make it work. If twins and family members disagree, how much more a total stranger that agreed to sign the dotted lines with you. You would require a lot of patience and selflessness. Some have it easy though, due to the personalities of their spouses, while others have it tough. Study your spouse and find what works for you.

    1. Marriage na real puzzle, they dont study in advance for it

    2. Yes..oh! Marriage is a very serious matter, in terms of all sorts of legalities.
      You marry a witch / wizard, u will decline, or even meet untimely death.
      You marry a fraudster, drug dealer, gangster, u could get criminal record, end up in jail, killed or seriously hurt.

  28. Beautiful day all. Let's enjoy well

  29. The fact that you are born is an evidence you possess something that will benefit the don't lose purpose God as something specially made for you.

    Good morning lovely people.

  30. Good morning and happy triumphant entry of Jesus Christ to all of us. This is one of my best Sunday services. There is this Song we normally sing in Anglican Church today, it goes like this: gee nti inu- Abu umunta nabu 2x Tiaa Hosanna 2, Tiaa Hosanna diri Eze ayi. Happy belated birthday to my one and only Castle Windsor. Make I rush go church, I dey come

    1. We sang that song in children's church and I'm not Anglican.
      Thanks dearest.

  31. Good morning and a beautiful Palm Sunday to us all.
    To God be the glory forevermore.

  32. Happy Palm Sunday bvs. Do have a wonderful day.

  33. Happy Sunday Everyone and remain blessed

  34. Birthday next week Easter Monday, but I'm just feeling some kinda way maybe because I'm sniffing 30 anytime soon. I wish I can just wake up and do what I have always wanted... Travel to see new places and culture but alas my account balance can't take me past Naija borders. OK I will continue living in the moment till I find that breakthrough.

  35. Hurry happy birthday to me... God I thank you for your grace in my life... 💃💃💃💃💃

    1. Have a beautiful birthday, may all your dreams come true.

    2. Happy birthday dear may God bless and prosper you.

    3. Happy birthday, may God grant all your heart desires...
      Have fun😘😘

    4. Happy birthday to you. God bless your new age!

    5. Happy birthday may God grant you all your heart desires.

    6. Happy birthday to you..... Live Long and prosper

    7. Happy birthday,more of God's blessings dear.

    8. Happy birthday to you. Enjoy

    9. Happy birthday.
      God bless you abundantly.

    10. Happy birthday dear
      God bless you

  36. Happy 🌴 Sunday to you all.

  37. Good morning everyone
    And happy Palm Sunday

  38. Happy Palm Sunday... Wow we made it.

  39. Hossanah to the Son of David.

    Happy Palm Sunday to you all.

  40. Happy Palm Sunday everyone,May the Almighty Lord perfect all our imperfections🙏

  41. Happy palm Sunday guys! Thank you Jesus for everything. Belated happy birthday Castle!

  42. My gay ex just got married oh see the girl smiling and parents so happy because rich man has married their daughter .

    please women be very watchful, there always that signs before saying i do. i almost got married to him cos of greediness cos guy man was rich, but i knew it won't end well i ran

    1. Amen tante Stella, it rainy here as well. Your gay friend no do good oo @ poster

    2. Maybe shes also a lesbian and they dont care.

    3. Chai
      And the wife will be suffering and smiling in the marriage. She will be wearing expensive Jewelries and clothes, drive expensive car but deep down, deep down..... hmmmm

    4. Why did u run,instead of u to keep mute and chop the money,so what if he is gay, that kind of marriage would have been special cos u know him and u know he likes asshole to pussy then u remove having sex with him from ur mind then sit down and enjoy the money to the fullest,when you've had enough and saved enough then u dump his ass and run, if I see that kind of opportunity, I will grab it with my two hands, no time to check time on a surprise time

  43. Just here on my bed thinking about my life. My stupid fiancee did not come home last night and never mentioned he won't as we chatted till 11.30pm. It's not my business though.

    Thinking about how to get myself back on my feet after the loss of my job. I am loosing it mentally, emotionally and psychologically.

    I have endured my Fiancee mistreatment and abuse because I thought it is going to help me relocate out of Naija but it seems my fiancee has another plan. I snopped on his chat and saw the dude is planning on dumping me. He is thinking I don't know.

    Life hard ehn. Whether you are good or bad, you still end up suffering.

    It is well.

    Happy Sunday to all of us.

    1. Since you already know, why not dump his trifling ass first. Dust yourself and your CV up and go out there, talk to God if you are down and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

      And oh, it's *fiancé for a guy. Keep your head up.

    2. You will only end up suffering if you WANT TO,be determined and DONT TAKE WHAT YOU DONT LIKE👌

    3. Please if you need a place to stay and you're in lekki Lagos holla me.
      You're missing yourself.
      I'm a mummy, if you want to take up my offer holla Stella then we take it up from there.

  44. Good morning my people. Happy palm Sunday. We shall triumph over any negative situation in our lives in jesus name. Have a fruitful week ahead.

  45. Happy yo he alive today...what a great God,he is forever merciful.

    To you,ur sins are forgiven,go and sin no more.

    I pray to God to increase me spiritually,and give unto me a financial breakthrough.

    Enjoy ur u all

  46. Happy to be alive....he is forever merciful...

    As for you(i mean u) go and sin no more cuz ur sins are forgiven..rejoice in the Lord cuz u are moving higher....

    God,grant unto me and everyone readjng this a financial breakthrough

  47. this one stella stepped fullty into the arena...stella aw fr na...happy Sunday the rain is preventing me from going to chruch

  48. Yay💃,happy Palm Sunday my beloved bvs,Stella I said a Big amen to ur pray.

  49. A friend of mine is getting married on the same date we fix for my mums burial, I tried explaining to her that it won't be possible to come for her wedding but she started talking trash and kept on saying if I don't come for her wedding she will not talk to me again bla bla bla and even started shouting and getting angry like we were quarrelling, she even said I should postpone my mothers burial just so I can come for her wedding, I got angry and told her off, asked her to leave my house and she left, since then I have not spoken to her, and I am feeling guilty,I don't know if I should apologize to her, maybe I overreacted

    1. Apologize for what exactly? That lady is not your friend. You are mourning sef. Mscheew. Delete her from your life, please.

    2. So she expects you to leave your mum's funeral and attend her wedding?
      Both of you should take care of your events and thereafter forget about her. You mustn't be her friend.

    3. Apologize for what exactly??? You need to let go of such a friend,she is selfish, would she do same for you, please dump that friendship,WTH 🙄🙄🙄

    4. Your MUM died. As in your Mummy? She wants you to leave her burial to attend wedding?

      Like seriously? Today is Sunday biko. No vexing.
      RIP to your Mum

    5. What!
      Apologize for what exactly

  50. Happy Palm Sunday to’s been long I saw BV krytiq’s comment, I hope she is alright.

  51. As I celebrate today please manage this shoki..

  52. As I celebrate today please manage this shoki..

    1. May celebration not ceased in your life, Amen. I loaded d first one

    2. Is not a joke I loaded d first card, glo 200. Thanks

  53. A friend of mine is getting married on the same date we picked for my mums burial, I tried to explain it to her that it won't be possible to come for her wedding but she started talking trash and kept on saying if I don't come for her wedding she will not talk to me again bla bla bla and started shouting like we were quarrelling,she even suggested I postpone my mums burial just so I can come for her wedding,I got angry and told her off, asked her to leave my house and she left since then I have not spoken to her,I feel guilty like I overreacted, maybe I should apologize to her

    1. Why are you apologising to her, goosh I give up. she should be the one apologising for been insensitive and inconsiderate. So your so called friend feels its okay to go for her wedding than to bid your mum final farewell inukwaa. You seriously need to rethink that foeship you have with her.

    2. what a selfish friend. I won't even consider that one a friend anymore

    3. apologise fr what exactly

    4. Are you OK at all. What do you want to apologise for. If anybody is to move dates it should be her not you.
      Better focus on your life and dump that insensitive,selfish friend of yours

    5. Let her be abeg. Who even keeps friends these days ?

    6. I once chased a friend out of my house. I regretted my actions. There is nothing wrong in apologizing to her but still maintain your ground of not going to her wedding. Life is too short. Love...My friend I threw out is dead now.

  54. Psalms 15:1-5
    [1](A Psalm of David.) LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
    [2]He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.
    [3]He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.
    [4]In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.
    [5]He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved.
    Good morning

  55. Happy 🌴 palm Sunday blogfam and kisses to you too Stella.

  56. Thank you very much to all those who wished me happy birthday,may your cup of blessings never run dry...

  57. Anon 11:16,thank you very much..

  58. Good morning and happy palm sunday to everyone.

  59. Good day lovelies.
    Happy Palm Sunday Service.

    The Procession with the Children's Church was smooth till wayo rain came with breeze and scattered us.
    Rain beat us small but a wahala, all for Christ.
    Our palmfronds are home and hung up in strategic holy places.
    Had to massage LO and BEHOLD's feet. They follow trek the streets clutching tightly their palmfronds. As baby Christians that they are. Kikiki.

    It's a bubbly day. Waiting for 2 families to arrive and jumping around will start. Some Sunday visitors set your house on noise mode.

    Hosanna in the Highest!
    Gee nti unu, ndi bu umuaka.
    Gee nti unu, ndi bu umuaka.
    Sinnnnng Hosanna dili Eze ago.

    Love me the Children's Church.
    Ngwanu Bye!


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