Stella Dimoko Nigerian Men Fatally Shot In South Africa....


Friday, April 12, 2019

Nigerian Men Fatally Shot In South Africa....

Emeka Nzelu from Ozubulu, Anambra State and another unidentified man were gunned down in South Africa and their death has left their friends back home in Nigeria shocked and confused

Ozubulu again????...The elders of that Village need to call their sons in South Africa to a peace meeting before it gets out of hand.......


  1. If crocodiles eat their own eggs, what would they do to the flesh of a frog? I hail thee!

  2. greedy people. when a society is materialistic this is what you get

  3. i dont understand why igbo like south africa alot. These peoole dont like you and they have come out bodly to let you know they dont like you. why wont you leave their country for them huh? Them tie una umblical cord for SA? I just cant deal mhen. Rip to them

    1. It's not South Africans killing them o. They're killing themselves

    2. This doesn't have anything to do with xenophobia...the ibo people are attacking themselves.

    3. Finny don't annoy me this afternoon .I have had enough of this nonsense from Nigerians. Come carry your brothers from here when they are drug dealers and this is a drug war between Nigerians.stop dragging South Africa into this mess please.go get your facts right.

    4. Finny, I've noticed that u have a problem with assimilation, u never understand anything thats not spelt out, I like ur personality but may be na I too know dey worry u or something else, when h read things, take a second to think about it, play with it in your head.

    5. Sharap there u ignorant finny fool! These are clearly Nigerian cults wishing SA killing their dam selves! Read more and find out of that hell hole you find yourself in

  4. Either it’s gang related or drug business gone bad

  5. The sooner the better igbo people see that there is need for the elders to seat their youths down and have a talk with them about this their get rich or die trying syndrome the better for them.
    Their atrocities especially in S.A, Malaysia,Dubai is getting out of hand. But no they will never do that. They will rather blame other people for their problems and talk about how Hausa/Yoruba/Edo. are also committing crime abroad.
    I am Edo and when the govt and Royal council saw prostitution and human trafficking where getting out of hand from that area they addressed it. The wife of the governor/govt came out rebuking it and launched programmes towards fighting human traficking/prostitution to Europe. They didn't blame others or say it's not only Bini people that are into such.
    This is a problem that needs to be addressed by their elders. If not it will still come back to bite them like the ozubulu church massacre.
    No wonder South Africans hate us.

    1. Well said! Address the issues instead of always trying to point fingers. The truth is ibos have a bad reputation home and abroad. If everyone sees and issue and you refuse to see it then the problem is you. Talk to yourselves.

  6. Stella Nwanyioma ,the elders of my village are the problem here.I don't know how to describe them, they only associate with the rich and any famous person is a saint. The poor people are not recognised, Yessss I am talking out of experience. Greedy stupid people. MEN are everywhere.

    1. Thank you for speaking the truth. imagine celebrating and giving chieftaincy title to a known drug kingpin just cos he has money. Or a 419 lord building a church extension and buying the church a bus and you will collect it and celebrate him. The elders are part of the problem. They are only driven by what they will eat.

    2. Loud it @Nnukwu Nwanyi.
      Evil greedy elders that can sell their souls for a few naria.

      I'm looking forward for your blog boo(Kris) @ Stella to come and tell us the real story.

    3. Nne, are you from Ozubulu let's identify ourselves?

    4. Yes, I am from Nza Ozubulu.

  7. Igbo's should learn to stay at home and make their states greener like other states/countries they envy.

  8. as long as innocent persons are not involved dy should settle their scores.....since they carry rascality everywhere they go

  9. Hmmm, instead of being their brothers keeper they choose to be their nightmare.

  10. This is sad.
    I hope the emeka guy isn't related to Nollywood actress Rita Nzelu? Because she also hails from Ozubulu.

  11. Stella you spoke the truth, its high time their elders call them to a meeting. If not blood will still spill into their community like the ozubulu church massacre. But the truth is ibo's don't like speaking the truth to themselves. And many of the elders too are hungry people that give this same criminals chieftaincy title and celebrate them.

    1. Etsako, I hope you won't say True when people accuse Edos of prostitution.

    2. I am Edo and trust me Edo govt know prostitution and human traficking is a problem there.
      I can remember Eki Igbenedion addressing this and setting up various programmes to tackle the issue.
      The Oba of Benin too addresses traffickers and all sorts going on. So we are tackling our problems. Even if it still goes on there are programmes for those that want to stop. And they are also educating people on the dangers and not to join such.

    3. Edo girls are selling their body the streets of Italy.

      Etsako Pearl :True

      EV: are u happy now?? Lol

    4. Congrats. Hope you are also happy now. Smh.

  12. These people love for money will still consume them one day. They go about disgracing Nigerians everywhere they go and if Abike Dabiri release the names now they will start calling her out like she caused it instead of facing their problems head on.

    1. Please stop this nonsense. In the UK, how many ibos are in the knife fights and gangs or doing crimes. They are mostly Yorubas. Go to Manchester and London and see yorubas in action.

      Please just don't go there.

    2. Keep quiet there!!

    3. Stop this tribalism. Cases where those doing credit card folks are doing their magic in the UK nko? Let's face the issue and individuals involved.

  13. Kelbertha vet ventures, 07035694213, 0803484708012 April 2019 at 13:52

    Hmmm ! Ozubulu again?

  14. All these people talking about Ozubulu elders, no be from the same market elders dey shop? Times are hard and you will get more truth from kids than the so-called elders. As long as there is enough money to go around, you are a saint in Igbo land. Build a church, road, etc you become the toast of the public. For example Bishop Ozubulu, one medical doctor in Nkerehi/Umuchukwu sponsored the killing of his villagers; 419ers like Jones, Maurice Ibekwe, Ezego. Or do we talk about drug kingpins. SDK. Sorry but it is too late for intervention. Nzelu's partners will go after the other group(s). It is a matter of time and the killings will continue. Once in, it is difficult to get out.

  15. "Igbos don't like speaking the truth",can't you comment without tribal remarks @13:47

  16. Well i am not surprised. Igbos worship money like a God. Most of the igbo guys in South Africa are into shady business but when the guys come to the village. They will be given chieftaincy titles.

  17. They r all drug dealers!!! Just like majority of igbo boys & naija men in (holland, germany, italy, spain, france.. etc) europe.
    Or they r pimp & human traffickers.
    All of them deserve to die like rats & theie lives wasted in a bloody end like that.

  18. I couldn't care less about the individuals involved, let them destroy themselves if they please. What I find annoying is people sitting on their high chairs and making derogatory comments about a whole people group as a result.


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